How to pay for classes with maternity capital. Maternity capital for education

My personal experience, I hope, will help many people avoid unnecessary running around in offices. A child's education can be paid for when the second child turns 3 years old. But an educational institution must have not only a license, but also state accreditation with the course of education prescribed in it (that is, if it is English, then accreditation for teaching English, if dancing, then accreditation for conducting dance classes). In reality, such organizations practically do not exist. You can pay for the education of one child or two or three children from the same family at once.

At the moment I can only pay for kindergarten for my youngest. (But the contract must say - for the maintenance of the child, if there is a phrase education - then the payment will be refused.) I pay for a year, or for the entire period at once. Documents must be submitted two months before the start of training (the problem is that in the summer there is no one, so they go to a meeting with me and wait a month or two for payment, but for the whole year at once - I will submit documents at the end of August, beginning of September - usually the rates become known then).

Advice: if you decide to pay for your child’s education, pay for several years at once, so as not to go a hundred times; besides, the rules may change next year, and you will no longer be able to pay!

Maternity capital can be used to pay for educational services only for those educational institutions that have “State accreditation, (The application must state that the institution is accredited to conduct additional education - if these are courses, for example, English.) The problem is that most foreign language courses, clubs, and sections do not have such accreditation, because according to the law it is not needed. But our state doesn’t care about this, there should be a piece of paper and that’s it. Because:

  1. The first question to any institution you choose is: “Do you have state accreditation?”
  2. (without it, the documents at the Pension Fund will be returned to you with a refusal). As a rule, only courses at universities have accreditation, but there are courses created on the basis of a university that exist separately, but they have accreditation. Accreditation to conduct additional classes may be at a public school. It should be kept in mind that these documents are not required for the kindergarten, and for the state. institutions too, it is enough that it is stated in the contract that this is a state institution.
  3. Does the annex to state accreditation specify the specific courses and classes that you are going to pay for?
  4. Be sure to check all the details: TIN, BIC, bank account, settlement account, checkpoint, recipient's name, bank name, etc.

Since 2013, you can go to the Pension Fund for consultation only with stamped documents. If there are no stamps, you will be denied consultation.

  1. List of documents required to pay for a child’s education with maternity capital:
  2. The contract and additional agreement, if there is one (as a rule, they ask to add it in order to enter the phrase that the educational institution undertakes to return unspent funds back to the Pension Fund). Each sheet must have the signature of an employee or the head of an educational institution (for example, the head of a department) and the inscription “Copy is correct,” and there must also be a stamp on each page (this is not required since 2013).
  3. If the contract does not contain information about the state. accreditation (number, when issued and until what date, year is valid), then you must provide certified copies. If accreditation is specified in the contract, then copies are not needed.
  4. It must be specified in the contract (or in an additional agreement, which can be made separately and also certified) - a) payment terms (it must be taken into account that the decision is made within 2 months, so if training begins in September, then documents must be submitted in end of June) b) text from the pension fund stating that in the event of termination of the contract, the institution undertakes to return the funds to the Pension Fund (this text is provided by an employee of the Pension Fund).
  5. You can pay either monthly or per academic year (or several years). But then the payment terms must be specified either for each month or for each year (1. Payment for September no later than September 10. 2 Payment for October, etc.).
  6. You must take your passport, pension insurance certificate, and maternity capital certificate with you to the Pension Fund.
  7. Be prepared to draw up an application and an agreement with your own labor, since no one in institutions (kindergarten, for example) will want to do it for you, and in a pension fund you may be the first to contact them and in my case they have not yet had any examples! And at school, when I asked to pay for a dance club with maternity capital, they refused me, citing the fact that they didn’t want to bother with paperwork and pay in cash.
  8. If suddenly the director (of a kindergarten or other institution) is replaced by someone (on vacation), then the signature on each sheet and in the contract must be the same.

You should take into account the fact that every day new acts and orders are written that may change the rules for submitting documents.

Experience of paying with maternity capital for clubs and sections

Result: In practice, the choice of educational institutions whose services can be paid for with maternity capital is not large. Maternity capital can be used to pay for state kindergarten, foreign language courses at universities, schools, universities, technical schools, as well as those few institutions that have state accreditation. However, a copy of the license is not needed if the number is included in the contract. But rules and regulations in pension funds are constantly changing! Therefore, in any case, it is better to consult a specific pension fund at your place of residence. So, six months ago they required copies of the license and accreditation in any case, but two months later they only asked for a license (because if it is a school or kindergarten, then logically they are already accredited). It remains to be seen what they will come up with in a few more months..

Payment for kindergarten with maternity capital

The kindergarten can be paid for with maternity capital, but the contract must state that educational services are paid for. In this case, you lose compensation for the kindergarten, or you will have to pay half yourself and this half will be returned to you.

Payments for the second child are provided by the state in order to support the family and stimulate the birth rate. The maternal capital program for children’s education allows us to ensure a high-quality process of acquiring knowledge, since budget places in universities are limited, and not every family can pay with their own funds.

Important! Spend funds from maternity capital parents have the right to education (it can be preschool, secondary, higher or additional) of any of the children in the family, even if he was adopted.

Types and types of education

You can use the benefit called maternity capital for studies from the moment the second-born child in the family (or subsequent children, if the second was born or was adopted before the introduction of the program) reaches the age of 3 years. According to the established rules (which remain relevant in 2018), the main document confirming the right to use funds is a maternity capital certificate. If we consider education as a way to invest money, then children can count on education (until they reach the age of 25, for example, to study at colleges, universities or driving schools). Parents can only transfer funds to pension savings, but not pay for their own studies with benefits.

Maternity capital funds can be used for educational and development purposes to pay for:

  • Children's educational institutions (kindergartens, development centers).
  • Clubs and sections (preschoolers and schoolchildren).

Financial assistance from the state extends to paying for various artistic and general development activities. This can be a variety of lessons in clubs (including foreign languages), classes in art and music schools (every lesson or a full academic year).

Payment for additional education with a subsidy

Additional lessons are also subject to payment, for example: dance classes (ballroom, sports dancing), as well as sports sections and events. Programs that are subject to payment are secondary and higher education.

The main direction to which funds from the certificate are allocated is obtaining basic secondary and higher education, including payment for tutors. Other types of expenses related to the education of children can also be fully or partially covered by maternity capital funds. These include:

  • Payment for extended days (for schoolchildren or children attending educational centers).
  • Accommodation in dormitories (for college and university students).
  • Purchase of training aids, uniforms (in 80% of cases – large families).

The Pension Fund does not issue cash.

Maternity capital can be used to pay for a child's (not parents') education in a driving school. It is important here that the following conditions are met:

  • The organization (driving school) must be licensed (state or private) and have the right to provide special educational services.
  • Training programs must be accredited at the state level (compiled in Russian and compiled taking into account all the requirements in this area) and introduced into the process of acquiring knowledge (experimental ones are not one of them).
  • All payments are made upon the conclusion of an agreement between the parties, giving the right to provide paid educational services.

Parents, in particular mothers, will not be able to use the funds in their own interests - only children (16-25 years old) undergo training and then receive a license.

Interesting! Money allocated to pay for any type of education chosen for a child is transferred not to the personal account of the parents, but directly to the bank account of the educational organization. The main document that will need to be submitted to receive funds is the agreement concluded between the parties on the provision of educational services.

Package of documents for payment

In order to use subsidy funds, you need to know what documents to pay for your studies with maternity capital will need to be submitted to the organization managing the finances (PF of the Russian Federation). Main papers:

  • Directly certificate for maternal capital.
  • Passport (of the parent who is recorded in the document).
  • His SNILS.

Additionally, paying for studies with maternity capital assumes that the following documents will be provided:

  • A copy of the contract (in 90% of cases this is the contract).
  • Calculation of the amount to be paid (attached to the agreement).

To pay for accommodation in a hostel you will need a slightly different package of papers:

  • The contract (it must contain all the necessary details, the date of preparation and signatures of all interested parties) for the rental of residential premises (dorm room or one bed).
  • Certificate about the terms and cost of services (sometimes it is replaced by an appendix in the contract itself).
  • A certificate issued by the university/college stating that the student actually lives in the specified dormitory.

If the child was adopted, you will additionally need to provide a document confirming this fact. It is best to spend maternity capital on children’s education, observing the conditions that require payment, since a “freeze” has been in effect since 2016. That is why, in order not to lose all your funds, you should invest them in the chosen educational program. Since 2018, amendments have come into force that “freeze” any indexation for the next 3 years (until 2020).

Canceling a completed payment

It is possible to cancel payment for training (courses, sections). To do this, you must submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund. It must be written by the person holding the certificate; in addition, the application must describe in detail the reason why the payment should be canceled.

You can use the available maternity capital funds to pay for your child’s stay in kindergarten - in this case, the costs associated not only with his education in the organization, but also with full maintenance and care are covered. The basis is Government Resolution No. 931. Features that must be observed by the organization so that its services can be paid for with funds from maternity capital:

  • Availability of an officially issued and valid license at the time of application for services.
  • The organizational and legal form, having which the organization will not have problems receiving funds from the Pension Fund to pay for the training/education process, is a legal entity.

Also, the status of the organization can be municipal, private or departmental; maternity capital for education is transferred by the Pension Fund to the bank account of the preschool institution.

Paying for after-school studies with maternity capital

It is important to know how to pay for education with maternity capital or for a child to be in after-school/kindergarten. To do this, you will need to visit the PF and provide employees with an agreement. It must be taken into account that the active parties to this agreement must be the educational institution and the parent in whose name the certificate is issued.

Interesting! The text of the contract must specify all the responsibilities of the educational institution and the paid services that are provided to it.

In order for the Russian Pension Fund to transfer funds, the exact amount must be indicated. The period must also be stated in the text of the contract immediately. Payment is made:

  • For a month (or 22 working days).
  • For 3 full months.
  • Per semester.
  • For a certain number of visits to educational/developmental classes.

The details of the bank into whose account maternity capital funds are received must be indicated. It is possible to pay immediately for the entire period (90% from September to May).

Payment for studies with maternity capital is carried out for the first time within 8 weeks from the moment the parent submits an application to transfer funds to the account of an organization that provides a certain set of educational services for the child. Subsequent payments will be made taking into account the terms that were specified in the document (agreement for education or child care). All payments remain non-cash.

The main thing about paying for your child’s education with maternity capital

Parents should know whether it is possible to pay for their child’s education with maternity capital, since there is not always a full financial opportunity to complete the program at the selected organization providing educational services. On how to pay for your studies at a university with maternity capital: you need to provide standard documents and certificates confirming the fact of your studies. It is important to control the cash flow process. A person also has the opportunity to cancel a previously made payment without loss (no interest is charged for the transaction).

From January 1, 2018, a number of changes were made to the Maternity (Family) Capital Program. So, now maternity capital funds can be used to pay for services to support a child in a kindergarten or nursery, without waiting until he turns three years old. At the same time, maternity capital is allowed to be used for an older child if he attends a preschool institution.

To pay for children’s education in other organizations that have the right to provide educational services (schools, colleges and universities), as before, you must wait until the child reaches three years of age. Maternity capital can pay for both education and the child’s accommodation in a dormitory while he or she is studying at a college or university. To do this, the certificate holder enters into a rental agreement for residential premises with the educational institution that provides the dormitory.

The requirements for the status of an organization providing educational services to which funds will be allocated have also been simplified. As before, it must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation and have a license to provide educational services, while educational programs no longer require state accreditation, and the institution itself may not have educational status. This significantly expands the range of organizations where children can receive additional education - various sports clubs, art schools, and other educational clubs for children.

In addition, the Maternity (Family) Capital Program itself has been extended until December 31, 2021. There is no time limit for receiving a certificate and disposing of its funds.

You can submit an application for disposal of M(S)K funds at the PFR client service, as well as electronically through your Personal Account on the PFR website or the Government Services Portal.

The size of M(S)K in 2018 is 453,026 rubles.

Maternity capital funds have already been sent to 9,300 Primorye families for the education of children, including 2,300 last year.

The emergence of solid maternity capital from the state significantly boosted the birth rate, making the birth of a second child a pass to repaying the mortgage or purchasing housing as such. Moreover, there were simply women who wanted to give birth to a second baby, regardless of the presence of a financial incentive. At the same time, many mothers decided to give birth again solely because of government assistance, because many young families do not think about two children due to lack of housing. At the same time, “fresh news” is often just rumors about the cancellation of such a payment. So what will happen next, is it worth waiting for maternity capital in 2020 or the essence of the payment will change, depriving young families of any benefit from receiving it.

Main conditions of the federal program “Maternity Capital”

If at the beginning of the program they often talked about 2 and subsequent children, now more and more often they talk only about the second baby. This is due to the fact that the program has been in effect for a very long time, and many pioneer women received payments not for 2 children, but for the very next one, if they already had two. However, back then maternity capital was smaller than it is now, and it was issued without particularly strict restrictions.

In particular, some unreliable parents managed to withdraw money, spending it on shopping for themselves, repairs, or even just on alcohol. As a result, there was already a child, but funds quickly ran out, and often the children ended up in an orphanage. Therefore, the conditions and control have become stricter.

Attention! Transactions involving cashing out maternal family capital (MSC) are illegal, and both parties to the fraudulent transaction bear responsibility. Also, participation in such dubious activities may lead to loss of the right to receive capital. Therefore, it is better not to even try to find out how to cash this certificate.

If we talk about the main criteria for participation in the program, then there are two obvious conditions for Russian women: not to receive maternity capital before and to give birth to a second/subsequent child. Those. Maternity capital is not awarded for the birth of the first child, even if the woman has not received it before.

Total amount of capital and amount of lump sum benefit

After the launch of the program to pay capital to mothers from the state, a lot has changed. First of all, the size of payments has increased significantly. Maternity capital was indexed annually for several years in a row, but due to the crisis the situation has changed. A financial freeze was applied, canceling the annual increase in capital.

At the same time, several times the authorities approved receiving part of the funds immediately in the form of a one-time benefit. The last time this happened was in 2016, and the amount of payments reached 25 thousand. After this, many tried to find out how to receive such a benefit, but at the moment there are no one-time bonuses.

Maternity capital is going to be indexed in 2020, which means that its value will approximately reach 470,241 rubles. The expected indexation for 4 years will be 3.8%, this is the percentage they plan to increase the size of the MSC. At the same time, the authorities are still cautious, but are already saying that the next increase will take place in 2021.

List of old and new spending opportunities

Most citizens know how to use the received certificate. The most common way to use maternity capital is to pay off or take out a mortgage loan, improve living conditions, or build your own home. Few people are attracted to future tuition fees or plans to save for their mother's retirement.

Knowing what you can spend your maternity capital on, you can plan your family budget in advance. The main changes in the list of expenses occurred in previous years, in 2018-2019. The question of expanding the ways of using money was raised a long time ago, but then only a lump sum payment was introduced that could be spent on a baby.

For many years, 3 ways to use funds remained the most relevant:

  1. For the child's education.
  2. For my mother's future pension.
  3. For mortgage/purchase of housing.

On the one hand, the approach to spending is optimal - the money will not go to waste, but will bring real benefits to a specific family. If we look at the situation differently, it becomes clear that the approach is relevant only for families with a distinctly low income. They cannot pay for their housing, educate their child, and the mother’s pension will obviously be small due to the gray salary.

At the same time, in Russia, over the past 1.5 decades, the number of conscious parents who seek to prepare in advance for the arrival of a new family member has begun to increase. In such families, by the time the first child is born, they already have housing, even if it is a mortgage. The issues of providing for the baby have also been thought through, and some also have cash reserves. When such a family decides to have another child, the issue of housing is usually completely resolved, the necessary equipment, furniture, etc. have already been purchased. As a result, they have to leave maternity capital for retirement or education of a child, although they could spend the money on purchases necessary for the family. It’s just that often such purchases are already a little beyond the lower rungs of the social ladder.

Attention! We are not talking about all families without exception, just the percentage of young people who have housing before the birth of a baby and grow up. This is not necessarily related to their income; some simply think about having one child only after 30-35 years of age, initially planning to resolve the issue of an apartment.

It is these families that have long asked for the opportunity to spend maternity capital on buying a car and purchasing a summer house. The question was also raised about the possibility of using this money for a re-mortgage so that the family could buy a home for the child in advance.

More recently, some of these requests have been granted. MSC funds were allowed to be spent on construction on garden plots, i.e. in those dachas where, after the reform, the construction of houses remained permissible. Plots for gardening do not allow the construction of buildings on them, so family capital cannot be used in this way, no matter how much money would be required for construction. Those. a country house can be built using such funds, but only on land with permitted use of SZU (garden land plot), and the building being constructed must be officially recognized as residential. At the same time, capital construction at the expense of MSC on the lands of private household plots and individual housing construction intended for permanent residence has been permissible for a long time.

As for the car, the authorities are still indecisive - the same expenditure on a child’s education in the future will be more relevant than the current comfort of parents. Moreover, some citizens simply forget that a car is not only a convenience, but also an additional expense. Therefore, it is logical that MSKs do not want to give away “cars”, because if the family cannot buy it with their earnings, then it will be difficult to financially maintain the vehicle in the future.

Don’t forget about the relatively new and rare uses of MSCs:

  1. Social adaptation of disabled children.
  2. Reconstruction of an existing residential building.
  3. Payment of funds for paid educational services for schoolchildren.

There are many nuances to such types; the very fact of compensation according to the list is especially confusing. The difficulty lies in the fact that there is no single list as such, and parents must themselves look for orders and regulations that indicate what money can be spent on. Moreover, you first need to spend your own, and then, with supporting documents and other papers, apply for compensation.

Regarding the first and last points, it is worth focusing on a simple principle - if a service or procedure is on the list of supposedly provided free services, then it is not recommended to take risks; there is a possibility that the money spent will not be compensated from the MSK certificate. It is clear that you can spend your own money, but you should not expect it to be reimbursed. Moreover, for disabled children, a lot depends on their rehabilitation program (IPRA). If the paid service is not one of those provided by the state, but is not indicated in the individual PPA, then it will not be subject to compensation.

Regarding reconstruction, everything is also not so simple - all kinds of updates to wallpaper, plaster, floor coverings and even replacement of roof elements are not global changes to the building. This is a banal repair, even if it is of a major nature. The reconstruction includes extensions, additional floors, conversion of the attic into an attic and, to some extent, the construction of internal partitions in existing rooms.

The nuances of obtaining a family capital certificate

From the very beginning of the program, citizens expected negative changes. In fact, the presence of fairly strict restrictions is aimed at creating a conscious approach to birth, because a wave of “cuckoo mothers” in a few years could lead to significant overcrowding of orphanages. Therefore, the conditions for disposing of MSC funds are dictated by the state, making their receipt difficult and confusing. At the same time, the issuance of the certificate itself, which gives the right to maternal capital, is quite simple and consistent.

The issuance algorithm does not even require a list - you just need to submit an application and a set of required documents to the Pension Fund. If the list of papers is complete and the woman has the right to family capital, then after 30 days she received a certificate. Now the deadline has been reduced by law; now the Pension Fund must meet the deadline within 15 days from the date of filing the application.

Worth knowing! Some regions, in addition to the federal MSK, also provide regional capital, but in much smaller amounts. The program is not available everywhere and local conditions vary greatly. Moreover, the larger the amount, the closer the conditions are to the federal program, although in some regions local maternity capital can be spent on car loan payments, buying a car or land.

The same Omsk or Tula will have different requirements for the issuance of regional funds, and in Voronezh or somewhere in another city the auxiliary program may not exist at all. The law does not oblige municipalities to create their own programs of this kind.

Features of the amount of maternity capital in different cities

There are many regions in Russia that differ in living conditions and a certain “cost” of this process. This can be seen in a variety of government benefits and compensations - payments for the same purpose differ in size in different regions of the country. Based on this, many people think that maternity capital in the center of the country and in the regions on the outskirts is a different amount. This is wrong.

Worth knowing! There is a nationwide value for the size of maternity capital. Subject to the refusal of a lump sum payment and auxiliary benefits, the amount cannot be less than that specified in the program. Also, the size of the MSC does not increase when living in the Moscow region or somewhere in the North.

Just don’t forget that according to the new rules, part of the funds can be withdrawn from the total maternity capital before the baby reaches the age of 3 years. Consequently, the amount of the remaining amount will be reduced, which must be taken into account by parents when using the remaining amount. In this same area, financial differences are possible.

It is important to understand that the amount of maternity capital can be reduced by different amounts, because new payments for low-income families are tied in size to regional subsistence levels. This means that the monthly benefit for the second child from the MSK may vary greatly in size.

If the place of residence is St. Petersburg, then the cost of living last year was equal to 10,742 rubles; for children living in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, more than 2 times more funds are allocated - 22,730 rubles. In 2020, the minimum will rise, which will lead to increased payments for low-income families. Consequently, by the end of the period of receiving benefits, people from different regions will have different amounts of funds in their MSC accounts.

Receiving cash benefits from MSC requires the following conditions to be met:

  1. Design of the MSC itself.
  2. Availability of a certificate of funds in his account.
  3. Documented fact of low income.

There is an analogue of such a payment - the “Putin” allowance for the first child. The principle is the same, only the first child receives funds for benefits from the budget, and money for the second child is taken from the total amount of maternity capital. This rule applies only to children born after January 1, 2018. Moreover, if the mother did not receive payments from the state for her first child, because he was born before the introduction of the benefit, then for the second child she will still spend funds from the MSC, and not from the budget.

No matter what skeptics say, the program works, giving a surge in the birth rate. The law made it possible for some families to consciously accept the birth of another child. Many families simply did not give birth to a second child due to cramped living conditions; some couples with children live in rented apartments. A substantial payment allows such families to obtain a mortgage, then paying not rent, but a loan for their own home.

So far they are not going to cancel maternity capital in 2020, because according to the law, the MSK program has been extended until 2021. Payments are going to be indexed for the next year, but how much interest there will be can only be seen in forecasts. Tentatively, more will be added than in 2020, but this will not happen soon.

Video: who has the right to maternity capital

From 2007 to the present, money from the federal budget has been sent to all regions of the country to finance costs associated with the use of residential premises. Later, these funds received an additional designated purpose. They began to be used for living in dormitories and receiving education.

Funds allocated to finance education allow:

  1. Obtain high-quality knowledge in educational institutions that have received state accreditation;
  2. Ensure that children stay in kindergarten or school;
  3. Make payments for student accommodation in a dormitory.

Below is more detailed coverage of this topic.

Payment for a child's stay in kindergarten

At an early stage of developmental education, children can receive financial support to pay for kindergarten. What are the requirements for kindergarten?

Being a legal entity, a preschool institution can have one of several organizational and legal forms:

  • departmental;
  • municipal;
  • commercial or private.

The rules for providing capital are such that in order to receive it, an Agreement concluded between the child’s parents and the management of the preschool institution must be submitted to the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The party receiving the services must sign the document. The second party to the agreement is the head of the kindergarten. The agreement must include a list of obligations assumed by the employees of the institution for the care and supervision of the child.

The document must also contain the cost of services is clearly indicated services provided by the establishment during a certain time period (in particular, a month). At the end of the text of the agreement they indicate: the full name of the legal entity with all details, as well as the surname and initials of the owner of the maternal certificate with passport data.

The owner of the certificate decides how often to make payments independently, in agreement with the management of the institution: monthly, once a quarter or once for the whole year. All transfers are carried out according to the approved schedule, with the exception of the very first payment. It is made within 2 months from the date of submission of the application by the owner of the maternal certificate to the account of the local branch of the Pension Fund.

It's important to understand here difference between payment categories carried out from federal and municipal budget funds. In many localities, the cost of children's stay in kindergartens is partially compensated to parents from local budget funds. But when costs are paid from maternity capital, municipalities do not provide any compensation.

The use of certificates involves spending funds not from the local, but from the federal budget.

Practice has shown that maternity capital is more often used to pay for the maintenance of children in private kindergartens, since the cost exceeds the amount of parental fees in municipal preschool institutions.

What to remember when applying to kindergarten

For the first two months, parents pay for the maintenance and care of the child from own funds. This is the time required for local PF employees to approve documents and redistribute funds from the federal budget. It should be understood that a child may miss attending kindergarten for various reasons. Consequently, the amount payable for the establishment’s services should be reviewed and adjusted upon actual basis.

Since the Pension Fund will transfer money according to the calculations submitted by the parents, an overpayment may result. The excess amounts should be returned to PF, followed by transfer to the certificate account.

The funds are transferred not to the account of the certificate owner, but directly to the bank account of the legal entity where the child will be kept or educated.

When you can’t use a mother’s certificate to pay for preschool services

Before submitting a package of documents to the Pension Fund branch, it is necessary to clarify whether this legal entity has state accreditation. If the institution is not accredited, then maternity capital cannot be used to pay for the services of this institution.

Such establishments usually include:

  • Private sports sections;
  • Courses in dancing, music, singing;
  • Courses with in-depth study of foreign languages;
  • Tutoring lessons not accredited by the state.

Payment for schoolchildren and students

The choice of college or university should be decided in advance. It is recommended that the draft agreement on obtaining education be previously approved by the local Pension Fund branch.

Is it always possible to pay for tuition with a mother’s certificate?

The law makes several requirements:

  1. The educational institution must be registered in the Russian Federation;
  2. Training programs must be accredited by the state;
  3. The maximum age of an applicant is 25 years.

Education of schoolchildren in the Russian Federation is provided free of charge. However, many children receive paid educational services. They can be paid for with a certificate. Among them:

  1. Basic educational programs (above limited budget places);
  2. Training in special courses;
  3. Receiving services from a tutor;
  4. Additional training programs;
  5. A program with in-depth knowledge in individual subjects;
  6. Higher and secondary education.

The difference between the amount transferred and the funds actually spent must be returned to the Pension Fund.

When payments stop

  • In case of academic leave of a student;
  • When a student is expelled due to poor academic performance;
  • In case of death.

In all of the above cases, you must write a corresponding application to the Pension Fund to stop transferring funds and justify the refusal. When resuming studies, an application is again written to send funds to pay for the student’s tuition or accommodation in a dormitory, with the attachment of the Order on the student’s reinstatement at the university.

List of documents for payment of tuition

  1. Certificate confirming the presence of maternity capital;
  2. SNILS issued in the name of the certificate recipient;
  3. Passport;
  4. Statement indicating the intended use of capital;
  5. An agreement with the rector of the university confirming the child’s enrollment;
  6. A certified copy of the certificate of state accreditation of the university;
  7. An agreement confirming the fact of renting a dormitory room by a student of an educational institution.

The listed documents must be submitted to the PF department in the current academic year before May 1.

Using a certificate to finance accommodation in a hostel

In addition to tuition fees, capital allocated from the federal budget can be used to pay for the hostel, if the student successfully completes full-time studies at an institute, college or other educational institution accredited by the state. Since there is often a shortage of places in dormitories, many parents are forced to rent living quarters for full-time students at a separate cost. Maternity capital resources can be spent for these purposes.

In this case, the certificate holder must enter into an agreement with the hostel management to allocate the student a place to live for the entire period of study. According to the approved schedule, non-cash funds are transferred to the account of the institution indicated in the agreement according to the agreed schedule. The first payment will be credited to the university’s bank account within 2 months based on the results of consideration of the application.

The state continues to stimulate the birth rate in the country through maternity capital until the end of 2021.

Is it possible for a mother to undergo training using maternal capital resources?

Despite the established practice, many controversial issues arise regarding the targeted use of maternity capital. In particular, can these resources be used for maternal educational purposes?

The law clearly states that at present such use of federal budget funds in terms of maternity capital is not provided.

Despite the fact that the mother receives a certificate for the birth of a child, maternity capital funds can only be used to improve the quality of life of the child itself.

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