How to determine the character by the shape of the nails? Male character in the form of nails What does the shape of nails mean.

A person's appearance can tell a lot about a person's character - hair color, clothing style, hairstyle and even manicure. It is the nails that will tell you about how neat he is, what he prefers and loves in everyday life. A knowledgeable person just needs to look at your hands to learn a lot about you, because they are the first to make tactile contact (handshake) when they meet. Let's figure out together with you how to read the character of a person by his manicure.

The shape of the nails and their length will tell a lot about their owner. However, it is worth noting that it is necessary to read the character in the form that the girl prefers to wear most often. It is also important to consider the field of activity of a person, as due to aspects of some professions, girls are forced to go without nail polish and wear short lengths (for example, a medical worker, a cook, etc.)

Long nails

Long nails are usually preferred by capricious and slightly bitchy girls. They love to pamper themselves and always get what they want from others. They do not lack attention, they always choose the best for themselves, and this rule applies to absolutely all areas of life.

If nails pointed, then the girl has a rather complex character, she is selfish, very often argues with others, it is important for her to always be in the first place in everything. As a rule, such a manicure is perceived by the surrounding people as rather aggressive and predatory, and this is how the character of its owner can be described. In addition, the pointed shape of the nails speaks of the artistry of the girl. She knows how to find a common language with people (when she needs it) and is a great conversationalist.

Long rectangular nails girls who are self-confident prefer. They know how to make the right impression on others and always know how to get what they want. The owner of such a manicure will never waste her time on people who are not worthy of her attention.

Long rounded nails speak of a straight line. Such a girl can easily resolve any conflict or dispute, which often starts herself. She always achieves her goals and goes one step ahead of her competitors. She is sweet and controversial, as femininity and strength of mind always struggle in her.

short nails

Short nails tend to indicate a reserved nature. If the nails are not varnished or the girl uses only transparent and nude shades, then most likely she is shy and insecure. But as soon as she opens up a little, an interesting, feminine manicure will appear on her nails, and the length of the nails will become a little longer.

Owners of short nails, as a rule, are quite purposeful, they are not distracted by anything and slowly but surely go towards their goal. At first glance, girls who prefer such a manicure may seem rude and stingy with emotions, however, this is not at all the case. They are very sweet and gentle, but due to their modesty, they carefully hide this fact.

medium length nails

Nails of medium length can not tell much about the character of a girl, since it is this length that most of the fair sex prefers. That is why, in this case, you should pay attention to the design of nails and their color.

Manicure color

French manicure in classic colors indicates a self-sufficient and self-confident girl. She gets along well with others, loves communication and leads a fairly active lifestyle. A girl who prefers a French manicure has a good sense of style, she is always well dressed and looks neat.

Green and blue shades chosen by people with a great sense of humor. They look positively at the world around them and enjoy every day. As a rule, ladies with a fairly bright green manicure are not deprived of the attention of men, because. and they themselves are very bright, temperamental persons.

Red or burgundy manicure choose self-confident women, vamp women. They are not afraid to show themselves to the world and boldly declare their desires. These are passionate, bright natures who know their worth. Sometimes they are impulsive and demanding of others, but, nevertheless, they often love to play the role of an obedient and affectionate cat.

Manicure in purple shades prefer calm, responsible girls. They are guided by the mind and get along well with the people around them. As a rule, purple tones in manicure are chosen by leaders or women with a fairly firm, pragmatic character.

Light colors of varnish (soft pink, sky blue, etc.) talk about a gentle, romantic nature. She is sweet, shy and vulnerable. He gets along well with people, but often perceives all actions and words too closely. A manicure in delicate shades is the choice of a real girl who will never make a fuss on the street or in a restaurant, she will be attentive to her lover, listen and tell if necessary. Also, this manicure speaks of the duality of character. Under her mask of shyness, such a girl very often hides a swift impulse of a wide variety of feelings, which she shows only to the closest people in her environment. However, not always light shades of varnish indicate the character of a girl, very often business women resort to such a manicure and those who want the manicure to look 100% chic without any extra effort, since such tones look very neat and restrained.

Manicure in black shades may indicate a girl's bad mood or depression. However, many choose this shade for their manicure for a completely different reason. Black tones, despite their dimness, look very stylish and impressive. That is why, if a girl wears a black manicure, this does not mean at all that something has happened to her. This color is most often chosen by imperious girls who love order and clarity in everything. They can be despotic and even cruel, but they always achieve their goal.

Yellow, orange colors in manicure prefer active girls who often lack the patience to complete the work they have begun. They are positive and see the good in everything. Such girls are easy to deceive or mislead, they are bright, active and are always the soul of the company.

bright pink color choose those women who dream to stand out from the crowd. They are extravagant and cannot live without the attention of others. Lovers of bright pink manicure are capricious and selfish, but if necessary, they turn into gentle, caring and slightly naive girls.

Gold- the choice of true professionals in the field of fashion. Such women are well versed in trends and often give advice to others. Appearance for them is the most important characteristic of a person, based on which they often draw erroneous conclusions.

Neutral shades close to natural(beige, light brown, milky, etc.), are chosen by practical persons for whom everyday worries are much more important than choosing a varnish or considering a design for a manicure. Their motto is the simpler the better. They have their own rules of life, which are often not clear to everyone.

The color of the manicure does not always reflect the character of the girl by 100%. If she prefers to change the color of her nails every week or even more often, then it is quite difficult to talk about her strengths or weaknesses in manicure. However, if the color of the nails is stable and she usually gives her preference to one color, but in different shades, then feel free to study our “forecast”. Also pay special attention to how the girl combines the color of the selected varnish with clothes and accessories. If there is no unity and harmony in the image, then most likely it is scattered and still “has not found itself”, it is fickle and most likely does not know what to strive for. The same rule applies to design - an overabundance of decorative elements indicates a girl's lack of taste and sense of proportion.

Well-groomed nails and hands

The condition of her nails directly depends on how often a girl does a manicure. If you met a girl with flawless nails, know that she is confident in herself and knows for sure what she wants from life. She has a plan for everything, she is active and cheerful, and most importantly, self-confident, because the more often a girl does a manicure, the more feminine she feels.

If a girl has unkempt nails (lack of manicure, uneven edge, burrs, etc.), but she herself looks very neat and attractive, then in this case, most likely, she simply does not have enough time for a manicure. For her, nail care is not a matter of first necessity, which is why she can go months without nail polish or not care for them at all. But despite this, she is confident and knows that she looks flawless, even if her nails are not varnished. Such a girl loves what she does, she strives to be everywhere and do much more than planned, but as soon as she relaxes and allows herself a little rest, a bright, beautiful manicure appears on her nails.

The complete absence of manicure - peeling varnish, regrown nails or uneven edge of the nail indicates that you have met a lady who does not really care about her appearance. Most likely, she does not care how she looks, especially if slovenliness is reflected in her entire appearance. Multiple complexes simply do not allow her to open up as a woman, she is not self-confident and most likely very indecisive.

Does nail design reflect character?

Monochromatic manicure says that the girl is quite restrained, she clearly goes to her goals and has an excellent sense of style. Such girls do not like change, stability for them is the best that can be.

flower images on the nails they open the girl from the side of a romantic and gentle person. She loves to dream and avoids negativity.

Coating each nail with a different color. You are a holiday person who is used to seeing only the best in everything. Such girls are rather fickle, they are excellent friends, they love noisy companies and fun. However, very often, they are unreliable and can forget about something very important.

Geometric figures. Girls who prefer geometric shapes in nail design are straightforward, clarity and specificity are important for them in absolutely everything - in relationships, at work, in plans for the evening, etc. They are responsible and value order in everything.

Manicure with the image of animals or unusual fictional characters. Lovers of cute designs like this one are good-natured, dedicated people. They are great friends who are always ready to help. Also, girls who prefer images of animals in nail design are very vulnerable and tender. They are easy to offend and just as easy to earn forgiveness.

How to choose a manicure so that it reflects not only the character, but also the mood?

All girls know that a manicure not only tells about the character traits of its owner, but is also an excellent way to cheer up. That is why you need to allow yourself to be different. When going to a meeting with friends, cover your nails with bright varnish or your favorite color that evokes only pleasant emotions in you. For a business trip or work, choose a simple design with a minimum of additional elements, so you will not be distracted from business. And for a romantic date, cover your nails in red - let your lover understand that you are a real woman who will not miss her. When creating an image, do not forget about the details. Manicure is exactly the detail that will tell others all your secrets and give out your strengths or weaknesses. That is why, always pay special attention to your nails in order to make a good impression on others and be in harmony with yourself.

When doing a manicure, we think about what the color and design of the nails will be, and most importantly, what shape and length to choose. Not everyone thinks why they choose one or another form of the nail, although today more and more people began to pay attention to the fact that to some extent the shape of the nails reflects the nature of nature and conveys the emotional state of a person.

  • oval nail shape
  • pointed nail shape
  • square nail shape
  • rectangular shape of the nail.

Oval nail shape and character.

Owners of nails of a round or oval shape are very emotional personalities and prone to sentimentality.

They live by their own invented rules, relentlessly believe in their ideals, strive for justice and do not tolerate even the slightest manifestation of cruelty. The innate destiny of such people, according to the prevailing opinion, is peacekeeping.

Square nail shape and character.

Owners of nails of a square shape are usually characterized by such qualities as curiosity, wit, attentiveness, high intellectual qualities and insight. In life, they value orderliness, they approach everything in life from a philosophical point of view.

It is believed that people with square nails in their personal lives and work rely on the mind, and not on feelings and emotions. Often they become leaders, demonstrating such traits as assertiveness, determination, perseverance, determination, independence and courage. But in the soul of such personalities there is a whole sea of ​​​​contradictions and a constant internal struggle.

Rectangular nail shape and character.

Owners of rectangular nails, as a rule, are workaholics and jacks of all trades.

Personalities with this form of nails are distinguished by such traits as maximalism, naivety, gullibility, optimism, kindness, emotional openness and a tendency to idealize everyone and everything.

At the same time, people with a rectangular shape of nails go through life, relying only on their own strengths - they do not need outside support, and almost always they achieve what they strive for.

Pointed nail shape and character.

The pointed shape of the nails most often speaks of the creative personality of the owner. They note the tendency of musicians, artists, sculptors, fashion designers and other people of art to give their nails a pointed shape.

Such people most often have such features as non-standard thinking, daydreaming, creativity, love of freedom, passion, impatience, the ability to quickly and seriously get carried away, as well as impressionability and, as a result, vulnerability. Earthly wealth for people with pointed nails is nothing compared to spiritual values.

The shape of the nails is not the only thing that can tell about the personal qualities of the owner. Researchers of the relationship between a person’s character and his nails also note that the length and growth characteristics of nails also reveal the secrets of their owners.

As for the length of the nails, then long nails talk about such traits as unpredictability, extravagance, love of excess, luxury and comfort. People with long nails are often characterized by increased suspiciousness, superstition, authority, secrecy, excessive vanity and a tendency to envy.

People with short nails- natures are fighting, energetic, versatile, but often overly picky, and sometimes turn out to be arguing mockers. But usually these are just people who strive to take a leadership position in life, disciplined, demanding of themselves and others.

Researchers have observed that short, hard, and thick nails indicate anger and that people with such nails live long lives. Very short nails speak of the independence and independence of their owners. Such people, one way or another, strive for loneliness, whether they realize it or not.

Nail color and other features.

Pink nails are evidence of hardness and permanence. Uneven, curved, twisted nails are a sign of a masterful and predatory disposition.

Pointed and bent nails, especially on thin fingers, indicate a strict, and even vicious disposition.

People with pale nails, especially round ones, are considered dangerous in every way.

White dots, sometimes dotted with nails, according to legend, portend happiness, dark dots - misfortune.

A sign of hypersensitivity are small nails ingrown into the body, which, as it were, is advancing on them from all sides, as if trying to cover them.

(Based on the materials of M. Pokrovskaya "Supermanicure").

There are many ways to understand what a person is by character, recognizing only his external signs. The science of "physiognomy" helps to understand this. It is believed that you can learn a lot about yourself by contacting palmists with this.
“What can nails tell us?” - many may ask. Doctors, on the other hand, believe that the hostess is carefully looking after herself if her hands are clean and well-groomed. You can also find out from them about the state of your health, letting them look only at your nails.

But nevertheless, palmists are able to tell us about a person much more accessible than someone else. They have long understood that there are 4 types of nails in the world that help us in determining the characteristics of people. With this work done, we can distinguish people by their personal qualities. But do not forget about such a necessary factor as the length of the nail. He is also able to tell a lot about the personality.

The nature of people by their nails

Medium-length oval-shaped nails most often belong to people with a romantic temperament, in whom the world differs markedly from the present in its beautiful soul and conflict-free nature. Loving honesty and truth in everything. They constantly dream and have acting talent. Owners of very short oval shaped nails speak of his constant nervousness and craving for chalk.ancholia. They are humane and respect animals. They do not see the point in the cruelty of this world and are always ready to support the weak. Most often, creative people have such an oval shape of nails.

The next type of nails is its square shape. The owners of this type are indifferent to everything and calm. Many people think that they are cold-blooded and do not care about everything that happens just because of their restraint. But such a judgment can be considered incorrect, since furious passions rage inside. Square nails of medium length indicate that their owner is prudent and responsible with money. They love freedom very much and have been leaders since childhood. Thanks to their phlegm, they are able to comprehend situations without panic. Such people can be found in responsible positions.

There is also a rectangular shape of the nails. This species belongs to born innovators. They love to travel, finding something secret and unknown in this world. Hard work and responsiveness are the main character traits. They like to bring everything to the very end. They idealize those around them and trust them 100 percent, thus they do not achieve something huge in life, although their capacity for action is at their best. Such people are often deceived and betrayed, and their naivety and gullibility are also used.

Concluding this list is the trapezoidal shape of the nail. It is believed that people with this type are very arrogant and swaggering. Contrary to this, they know the price of everything that happens around them and take a sensible look at all life situations. They are smart and have a long-term memory. This form can be seen in analysts and professors. As for the cultural sphere, people with trapezoidal nails are rarely found there, although they are considered creative individuals. They always have a lot of ideas and most often they can be found in some creative places. They are also dreamy, like the owners of oval nails, but they have such a trait as severity.

Nail color matters

To all of the above, I would like to add that the color of the nails can also tell a little about a person. For the most part, this speaks of human health.

You can find out about the disease of the bronchi or lungs by looking at the base of the nails. If they are bluish, then you should consult a doctor in order to cure the disease.
Many people think that yellow nails only indicate that a person has addictions, like smoking and drinking alcohol, but this is not so. They can help to reveal a false personality in a person. There are suggestions that also speaks of the gambling and courage of this person.

Our character and fate depend on many factors, today we will learn how to find out the character of a person and his fate in the form of nails. It turns out that the shape of the nail directly affects our character and our future destiny. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Nail shape and character

There are 16 different forms of human nails. This number is conditionally divided into 4 categories:

  1. oval nails;
  2. square nails;
  3. pointed nails;
  4. rectangular nails.

These four nail shape groups have been known for over a century. And for a long time people began to pay attention to the fact that the shape of the nails to one degree or another reflects the nature of nature or conveys the emotional state of a person.


Owners of square-shaped nails usually have such personal qualities as wit, curiosity, high intellectual qualities, attentiveness and insight.

L People with square nails appreciate orderliness in life. They approach all problems or successes from a philosophical point of view.

According to observers, the square shape of the nails also indicates that the mind of such a person dominates the feelings. People with square nails in their work and personal lives rely on the mind, not the heart.

Because of this, they often become leaders and throughout their lives demonstrate such traits as purposefulness, assertiveness, perseverance, determination, courage and independence.

But in the inner world of individuals with a square shape of nails, there is a constant struggle - in their souls they have a whole sea of ​​​​contradictions. Therefore, these people are able to help with the right advice to everyone around, but not to themselves.


Persons with rectangular nails tend to be workaholics and, as they say, jacks of all trades. Personalities with rectangular nails are distinguished by such traits as maximalism, naivety, gullibility, optimism, kindness, emotional openness and a tendency to idealize everyone and everything.

Although such people are used to relying on fate, they almost always achieve what they want. At the same time, people with a rectangular shape of nails go through life, relying only on their own strengths - they do not need outside support. True, due to excessive naivety and gullibility, owners of rectangular nails are often deceived.


Owners of pointed nails are most often creative natures. Observers note the tendency of musicians, artists, sculptors, fashion designers and other artists to give their nails a pointed shape. Of course, this trend is observed mainly among the fair sex.

Owners of pointed nails are characterized by such features as non-standard thinking, dreaminess, creativity, enthusiastic attitude to the world, love of freedom, passion, impatience, the ability to quickly and seriously get carried away, as well as impressionability and, as a result, vulnerability.

Earthly wealth for people with pointed nails is nothing compared to spiritual values.


Owners of nails of a round or oval shape are very emotional natures, prone to sentimentality.

They live by their own rules, stubbornly believe in their ideals, strive for justice and cannot stand even the slightest manifestation of cruelty.The innate destiny of such people, according to observers, is peacekeeping.

There is a lot of information on how to determine the character of a person by his external data: for example, by eyes, by wrinkles, or even by nails. Certain psychological characteristics of a person can be reflected in his appearance. It is really possible to determine the character by the shape of the nails. How to do this, we will consider in this article.

It is the shape of the nail platinum that speaks about the character of a person. It is worth taking a closer look: for everyone it has a different structure (for someone in the form of an oval, for someone in the form of a petal, for someone in the form of a triangle). Observations show that certain character traits can be reflected in his appearance, in particular, on the shape of the nail plate. How to determine the character of the nails? Take a look at their shape.

Oval nails, which are combined with long fingers, may indicate the aristocratic nature of a person. Dreamers and romantics have such nails. They are constantly fighting for justice. People with oval nails are quite demanding of others, but at the same time they do not perceive criticism in relation to themselves.

round nails

Round nails are usually found in very energetic people. Such individuals always have a good positive mood. They are easy-going, love change, take the initiative. Leadership qualities are not alien to them. They are not afraid of adventure. And thanks to the ability to take risks, they achieve any life goals.

square nails

People with such nails, like the square, are a little angular. They are characterized by determination and stamina, as well as purposefulness and a rational approach to any business. They plan and calculate a lot. There are many such nails in men. People with square nails do not like to show their feelings, so they often seem cold-blooded to others. But in fact, a kind and sensitive heart can be hidden behind the outer wall of rigor and balance.

Rectangular nail plate

The characteristic is as follows: the owners of such nails have an irreplaceable charge of optimism. Among this category of people there are many bright famous personalities. And for good reason: after all, they are characterized by diligence and purposefulness. Stubbornness helps them achieve their goals in any way. They are also characterized by maximalism, which sometimes becomes a disadvantage. Creativity and a non-standard approach are another distinguishing feature of people with rectangular nails.

Trapezoidal nails are extremely rare. Sharp corners make these short nails not very attractive. There is no unequivocal opinion about the nature of such people. But most observations indicate that they are proud and self-confident. They don't care much about the judgment of others. There are many conflicted people and loners among them. Often they achieve success in technical sciences and affairs.

Pointed nails in the form of almonds

People with such nail plates are very neat. They are never late, do not like change, are demanding of others. They plan a lot in advance, trying to predict everything and keep a certain life situation under control. Among the owners of such nails there are also mercantile personalities who put material values ​​​​above all.

There are also such natural bends of nails. As a rule, people with such a structure of nails are smart, kind and open. They easily make contact, respect the opinions of others. Sensitivity and emotionality are also inherent in them.

If the shape of the nails can tell about the character of a person, then the color of his nails is judged on the state of his health.

  • In a healthy body, nails have a pink tint.
  • In people with depressive tendencies, the nails turn pale. They lack joy in life and vitality.
  • The blue color of the nails and fingers in general may indicate heart failure.
  • Yellow nails are a sign of problems in the body (for example, liver disease). According to such features, you can also calculate the smoker.
  • It is also impossible to find out about her character by the shape of the nails of women with artificial manicure, as well as by the color of the varnish of the girl in the photo. But if such a lady bites her nails, perhaps this is a sign of neurosis.

You can find out the character of a woman by the shape of her manicure from the following video:

Each person is individual: from hair color and fingerprints to the structure of nails. Currently, psychologists have learned to "read" not only facial expressions and gestures, but also nails. The shape of the nails and the character of a person are indeed interconnected. But, unfortunately, such statistics are not always true. Nothing will allow you to 100% know the character of a person so reliably as long and close communication with him.

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