How to determine the level of protection of personal data table. Briefly about choosing certified SZI from NSD

FILE format file opens special programs. To open this format, download one of the proposed programs.

How to open a file in FILE format

The FILE extension is generic and can be assigned to any Windows OS file that does not have a specific data format. Because the file has a generic extension, it is of type “unknown” and cannot communicate with any software application that can automatically play it.

You can try to open a format with a FILE extension only intuitively by dragging it into a program that, in your opinion, is adapted for working with a file of this type.

A file may lose its unique extension due to data corruption or partial loss. This may be caused by incorrect data transfer, infection or damage to the file by the user. For these reasons, the software application to which the source file was originally “linked” no longer recognizes it. In this case, the operating system, in order to avoid data loss, is forced to forcibly assign the FILE extension to such a file.

Most often, attempts to reproduce the FILE extension lead to success when using one of the many text editors, for example, NotePad.

Programs for opening FILE files

The FILE extension stands out from the general range of formats. It represents an unrecognized operating system data file. The structure of such a file can include a wide variety of information: raster and vector graphics, audio and video content, text and presentation information, cryptographic algorithms and encodings.

There are no universal software components for opening and formatting the FILE format.

To reproduce the FILE extension, the user must have a certain intuition and patience when trying to apply different kinds software utilities.

As practice shows, the most common option for playing the FILE format is one of the many text editors.

Converting FILE to other formats

FILE is a unique format that can include a wide variety of information, ranging from graphical representation data, ending with audio and video content. It is of the “unknown” type and is not adapted to work with a specific software product.

For this reason, its conversion to other formats is by definition impossible.

Any attempts to translate or edit the FILE format may cause it to become corrupted.

Why FILE and what are its advantages?

The FILE format does not have any specific advantages or disadvantages. This is a data format unrecognized by the operating system and is automatically assigned the FILE extension.

FILE is something like a buffer zone for presenting information. Without of this format all data belonging to the “unknown” type would be irretrievably lost.

Extension general, which may appear in a Windows file that does not have any extension. If the file has a generic extension, it is recognized as unknown type file and has no connection with any program that could automatically open it.

You can try to open an object with a ".file" extension by dragging it into applications that you think can open it. If the file is in text format, you can view its contents by opening it in a text editor.

A format in computer science is a certain standardized structure of an information object.

  • File format— description of the data structure in a computer file.
    • — format for storing text data.
    • - formats for storing graphic information - photographs and drawings.
    • — formats for storing sound files.
    • — formats for storing video information (also Screen aspect ratio: 4:3, 14:9, 16:9) (also see List of file formats — list of some file formats)
    • An open format is a publicly accessible (its description is not closed) specification for storing digital data.

(Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia)

Now more or less familiar words are starting to appear, if you’ve read them, of course.

What is file format and file types?

So let's continue.

We created with you text format file , in which they recorded information by copying it from the Internet. Now we can open this file at any time, see what is written there, can correct or add (edit) something, and then save.

Christmas tree sticks, you say. Well, how long can you harp on the same thing? In principle, you can stop chewing it any further. In principle, yes, but since I very often hear a question like, how to open file format file, then I’ll still explain this topic in more detail so that you don’t have any questions.

After all, if you figure it out, what’s incomprehensible here? The text is the same in Africa.

For us, yes, but not for the computer. The computer doesn’t care whether it’s a picture of the president or a pancake recipe, our favorite song or the latest cinematic masterpiece.

The fact is that the computer “knows” and “performs operations” with only two digits - “0” and “1” (zero and one). All. He, like a piece of iron, knows nothing more. Yes, he doesn’t need it. This is quite enough for him. (By the way, this is digital format .)

For him, for a computer, it may be enough, but not for us. Agree that for us, seeing zeros and ones is not at all interesting. Give us a meaningful text or beautiful picture, we will not agree to anything less. Well, that's right.

Yes, there are only two numbers - “0” and “1”. But there can be billions of their combinations.

For example, if we take simple text, then for a computer each character is strictly defined in binary , i.e. any sign or letter has a certain combination of zeros and ones.

For example, the English (Latin) letter “A” in binary looks like “01000001” (occupies 1 byte or 8 bits), and the Russian (Cyrillic) letter « A « in binary it looks like “11010000 10010000” (occupies 2 bytes or 16 bits).
Do you remember how many bytes our pancake recipe from the first part of the article “weighs”? In my case it was 507 bytes (yours may differ from mine, but that doesn’t matter now).

Let's see how the computer “sees” our pancake recipe.

I didn’t post it all, there are 5 or 6 more times there. And it's not necessary. What is important is how the computer “sees” our information and how it is recorded.

But the Notepad program (application) “stupidly” reads this information from where we wrote it down and “stupidly” displays this information to us, converting it into a form convenient for us, on the monitor screen. Since the file contains simple information in the form of letters and numbers (text format), we have no problems with the perception of this information. And the speed of displaying such “small things” on the monitor is, one might say, “mad.”

I wrote the word “stupidly” for a reason, and we’ll talk about this later. But, frankly speaking, nothing more is required from the simple text editor Notepad.

I hope you understand everything, and questions how to open file type file, you won't have any more problems.

All. Let's move on to more complex ones formats .

What are the file types and how can I change the file format to another?

You probably remember that we had problems saving the image. For this, there are more “powerful” programs (applications) that can save text, pictures (images), and tables - and they can do a lot more.

To further explain the concept of "format", I will use the Microsoft text editor Office Word"(link to lessons with Word) from the Microsoft Office software package. This is a rather powerful and friendly “monster” that can easily store anything (well, almost everything) within itself.

Let's go again to the site page where we copied the pancake recipe and copy this fragment again to the clipboard, as we did in the 1st part of the article.

That's it, text with an image on the clipboard and let it “sit” there for now.

Let's create a file Microsoft Word(Microsoft Word). In principle, you can create it in the same way as we created a text file. But let's create it a little differently (in the future you will be able to decide for yourself which way it will be more convenient for you to do this).

Click sequentially with the left mouse button: Start - All Programs - Microsoft Office - Microsoft Office Word 2003, as shown in the figure.

A Microsoft Word text editor window will open (often text editor“Microsoft Word” is called a “word processor” to emphasize its great capabilities, i.e. this text editor allows you to work not only with text, but also with graphics, tables, etc. This has nothing to do with the processor of the computer itself ).

Now we paste into the file we created the content that is “languishing” on the clipboard. To do this, right-click on the white field, then in the menu that appears, move the mouse pointer to the “Insert” menu item and press the left mouse button, as shown in the figure.

All. We copied the recipe we needed from the Internet, and even with a picture. And the whole thing looks pretty nice.

Let’s save all this to the desktop (I use saving files to the desktop solely for clarity. In general, I don’t recommend doing this in the future. It’s best to create a couple of thematic folders on the desktop, for example “My recipes”, “My photos." Moreover, inside the folders you can create more folders (subfolders) by topic. For example, in the “My Photos” folder, create the folders “At Vasya’s barbecue”, “How I vacationed in the Canary Islands” and save everything at once. created folders. Believe me, you will save a lot of time and nerves).

To save, perform the following steps. Let's sum it up pointer mouse and sequentially left-click menu items, pop-up menu items and pop-up window buttons as shown in the figure: “File” - “Save as...” - “Desktop” - “Save”.

In the “File name:” field you can write any name you like (I wrote “Recipe for thin pancakes.” You don’t have to write the .doc extension here, the program will substitute it itself if “File type:” is specified in the “File type:” field Word document(*.doc)")

Here I specifically opened the list formats and corresponding extensions (in the figure the arrow points to this button) in which the Microsoft Word program can save the file. By default, the document is saved in Microsoft Word format ("doc" document). You can scroll through this list using the slider.

But you can also save the document in another format, for example in text, by selecting “Plain text (*.txt)” in the “File type:” field. For what? Well, for example, so that this file can be opened and read by the Notepad program (application). True, Word may throw out warnings that, they say, you will lose all sorts of formatting elements, pictures and something else. But if you don’t pay attention to all these “screams”, then it will save plain text in a text format file.

What would you understand? how to change file type, let's save it in two more formats for clarity. In text format and a format in which you can place it on a website page on the Internet.

In the first case, in the “File type:” field, select “Plain text (*.txt)” by clicking on this line with the left mouse button and then, again with the left mouse button, click the “Save” button. Word will save our recipe with the name “Recipe for thin pancakes”, adding the extension .txt to it. i.e. it will be saved in text format.

In the second case, in the “File type” field: « select “Web page in one file (*.mht; *.mhtml)” by clicking on this line with the left mouse button and then, again with the left mouse button, click the “Save” button. Word will save our creation with the name “Recipe for thin pancakes”, adding the extension .mht, i.e. e. will save it in web page format.

3 new files appeared on the desktop with the same name “Recipe for thin pancakes”, but with different extensions and, accordingly different icons(icons, pictograms).

In other words, we created three files different formats with the same (for us) information. And these three “recipes” are opened by different programs (applications). That is, by clicking twice quickly on each of shortcuts(or by opening them using the “old-fashioned method” as I described in the previous part of the article), we get the following:

“Recipe for thin pancakes.txt” - by default it is opened, edited and saved by the Notepad program (application)

“Recipe for thin pancakes.doc” - by default it is opened, edited and saved by the Microsoft Word program (application)

“Recipe for thin pancakes.mht” - by default only opens (not edited) by the program (browser) " Internet Explorer", since this is a program only viewing , not editing.

Now, if anything, you know how to change file format.

Comparison of sizes of different file types?

Let's compare two files that are opened, edited and saved by different text editors by default - “Recipe for thin pancakes.txt” and “Recipe for thin pancakes.doc”.

To do this, we will look at the properties of these files (To do this, as you remember, you need to hover the mouse pointer over the shortcut, press the right mouse button, move the mouse pointer to the “Properties” menu item and left-click on it).

So, what happens (the sizes of your files may differ slightly from mine, but this is a topic for another conversation and this is not important in our case). A “text” document has a size of 511 bytes, and a “Word” document has a size of 46,080 bytes (the picture of pancakes in the file takes up 23,226 bytes).

I call up the calculator (“Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “Calculator”) and start counting.

The size of a Word document is approximately 90 times larger than a text document. Thus, on our 10 GB “G:” hard drive, which we took as an example, (roughly) 200 thousand “Word” documents will fit, as opposed to 20 million “text” ones.

The comparison may be a little rough, but it illustrates very well how much disk space the same information takes up, depending on the format in which it is recorded.

You can smile and sarcastically tell me: So what. Yes, I’ll never “rivet” so many documents in my life. Yes and HDD There are 500 GB on my computer, I don’t even want to count how much will fit there. And regarding the documents, you will be absolutely right.

But the space that documents take up on our hard drive is actually a thousandth or maybe even a millionth of what is stored on our computer.

For example, one high quality (HD) movie can take up 20 GB or even more on your hard drive.

And one more interesting point. Let's try to open a Microsoft format file Word program(application) “Notepad”, which does not understand this format.

To do this, call the Notepad program. Moving the mouse pointer sequentially with the left mouse button, click “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “Notepad”.

In the program window that appears, do the following: with the left mouse button, select “File” - “Open” - “Desktop”. In the “File type:” field, left-click the mouse, click on the “drop-down list” button and select “All files”.

We opened the file. But what do we see?

Nothing interesting. The Notepad program “stupidly” opened for us what it had read from the disk.

"Encoded" information Microsoft program Word can only be read by a program that “understands” the .doc format (there are such programs other than Word itself), and our application, as you probably remember, only understands the text format.

I also wanted to talk in this part of the article about graphic, music and video files . But the article again turned out to be a little long, and I really wanted to convey fundamental things to you.

As for graphic, music and video files, there are a lot of interesting things there, and I would like to talk a little more about them. And so as not to bore you any more, I will tell you about it in this article.

That's all. Good luck and creative success to everyone. 🙂

A file format, also called a file type, is file information for a computer. Thanks to this information, the computer knows approximately what is inside the file and “understands” which program to open it in.

So that the computer understands what type of file it is and what program to open it in, the extension is indicated after the name.

An extension is a few letters or numbers after the dot in the name.

The picture shows a file with the mp3 extension. The computer “knows” what it is music file, and you need to open it in the player program. The picture of the file matches the picture of the program that opens it. An experienced computer user already understands from this icon alone which program this file will open in and what type it belongs to.

There are, for example, text files. This means that the content of such files is text, and they are opened in a program for working with text. There are music and video files, that is, their contents are music and video, and they open in players. Also often found are graphic files - photographs and pictures. There are many more types. Each of them has its own icon, or rather, the icon of the program installed on the computer in which it opens.

Let me remind you that the computer determines the file type by its extension. So, many computers are configured in such a way that the file extension is not shown. It's very convenient!

To make this happen for you, open any folder and click on the “Service” inscription (at the top of the window). From the list, select "Folder Options..." or "Folder Options...".

If there is no “Service” item at the top of the window, then click on the “Start” button and open “Control Panel”. Among the icons, find and open “Folder Options” (Appearance and Personalization - Folder Options).

A window will open. Click on the "View" tab (top).

Check the box "Hide extensions for known file types" and click the "OK" button at the bottom of the window.

By the way, in the same way you can configure your computer so that, on the contrary, it does not hide, but shows file extensions.

Table of the most common extensions:

Extension Example
exe programs ACDSee9.exe
doc documents (Microsoft Word) Letter.doc
xls tables (Microsoft Excel) Catalog.xls
txt text documents text.txt
ppt presentations (Microsoft PowerPoint) Presentation.ppt
htm Internet pages Book.htm
html Book.html
hlp reference Windows.hlp
bmp drawing, photography Figure.bmp
jpg Photo.jpg
tif Nature.tif
gif Figure.gif
mp3 Music Song.mp3
mpeg video Film.mpeg
avi Clip.avi
zip ZIP archive
rar WinRAR archive Abstract.rar

Important! If your computer is configured so that extensions are shown, then when you change the file name, leave the extension as is. That is, change the file name to the dot. If you change the extension, the file may no longer open. Remember this!

Senior Technology Writer

Someone sent you a e-mail FILE file and you don't know how to open it? Maybe you found a FILE file on your computer and wondered what it was? Windows may tell you that you can't open it, or, in worst case, you may encounter a related error message related to the FILE.

Before you can open a FILE file, you need to find out what kind of file the FILE file extension is.

Tip: Incorrect FILE file association errors can be a symptom of other underlying issues within your Windows operating system. These invalid entries can also produce associated symptoms such as slow Windows startups, computer freezes, and other PC performance issues. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you scan your Windows registry for invalid file associations and other issues related to a fragmented registry.


FILE files have Miscellaneous files, which is primarily associated with Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom).

FILE files are also associated with File With No Extension, AS/400 Physical File (IBM), and FileViewPro.

Additional types of files may also use the FILE file extension. If you are aware of any other file formats that use the FILE file extension, please contact us so we can update our information accordingly.

How to open your FILE:

The fastest and easy way To open your FILE file is to double-click on it with the mouse. IN in this case Windows system she will choose the necessary program to open your FILE.

In case your FILE file does not open, it is very likely that the necessary software is not installed on your PC. application program to view or edit files with FILE extensions.

If your PC opens the FILE file, but it's in the wrong program, you'll need to change your file association settings. Windows registry. In other words, Windows associates FILE file extensions with the wrong program.

Install optional products - FileViewPro (Solvusoft) | | | |

FILE File Analysis Tool™

Not sure what type FILE is? Do you want to get precise information about a file, its creator and how it can be opened?

Now you can instantly get all necessary information about the file FILE!

The revolutionary FILE File Analysis Tool™ scans, analyzes and reports detailed information about the file FILE. Our patent-pending algorithm quickly analyzes the file and provides detailed information within seconds in a clear, easy-to-read format.†

In just a few seconds, you'll know exactly what your FILE file type is, the application associated with the file, the name of the user who created the file, the file's security status, and other useful information.

To begin your free file analysis, simply drag and drop your FILE file inside the dotted line below, or click "Browse My Computer" and select your file. The FILE file analysis report will be shown below, right in the browser window.

Drag and drop FILE here to start analysis

View my computer »

Please also check my file for viruses

Your file is being analyzed... please wait.

In this post I would like to highlight such a document as The act of determining the level of PD security during their processing in ISPD. This is, so to speak, a rebirth ISPD Classification Act. The main stumbling block that I encountered is the not entirely clear picture of what is a legislative instrument in writing of this act. The fact is that previously this act of ISPD classification was written on the basis of an order FSTEC of Russia, FSB of Russia, Ministry of Information and Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2008 No. 55/86/20 “On approval of the procedure for classifying personal data information systems,” which approves the classification procedure. But this order was issued in accordance with paragraph 6 of Government Decree No. 781 of November 17, 2007, which became invalid due to the issuance of Government Decree No. 1119 of November 1, 2012. Thus, the order is valid, but the higher document is not. In turn, in PP 1119 there is no link to the ISPD category, however, there is a link to the level of security of personal data that must be ensured during their processing in the ISPD.

So you need to start with the title of the document: “The act of determining the level of security of personal data during their processing in information system personal data “**********” I found it from Andrey Prozorov and it suited me completely. It should be noted that Andrey also helped with the act with some comments, for which a special “Thank you!” (“Thank you” is never too much, Andrey smiles;)).

We determine the composition of the commission. In my document this is implemented with a table, but it can also be done with text. As they say, all markers have different tastes and colors.

Then we write on the basis of which document we determine what level of security we need to ensure. Naturally, this is PP 1119. However, there is an opinion that because order No. 55/86/20 has not yet lost force, it is advisable to indicate it too. The regulator's habit can play a cruel joke. I have the following text:

“The Commission, having considered the initial data of the personal data information system (ISPD) “********” in accordance with the Government Resolution Russian Federation No. 1119 dated November 1, 2012 “On approval of requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems” and taking into account the order of the FSTEC of Russia, the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Information and Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2008 No. 55/86/20 “On approval of the procedure carrying out the classification of personal data information systems”, determined: “
  1. Categories of personal data processed in the information system. Here, according to PP 1119, we have 4 options: other, public, biometric, special. I also recommend describing in the text what is meant by each category of personal data.
  2. Scope of personal data processed. Everything is simple here, either less than 100,000 or more than 100,000.
  3. Threats relevant to the information system. Again, the types of threats are described in PP 1119. And we also describe in the text which threats belong to which type. It is advisable to describe why this particular type of threat, or refer to the threat model.
  4. Type of personal data subjects processed in the information system. It's also simple. These are either only the operator's employees or not. It is also better to clarify what “operator employees” means. It's not difficult for you, and there are fewer reasons for the regulator to get caught.
  5. IPDN refers to special or standard. Here it is also better to describe by what criteria the classification occurs. Only this is no longer taken from PP 1119, but from the “three-headed” order No. 55/86/20.
  6. ISPD structure(autonomous, local, distributed)
  7. Are there ISPD connections to public networks?
  8. Mode PD processing in ISPDn(single-user or multi-user)
  9. Is there access control?
  10. Geographical location of ISPDn(Entirely within the Russian Federation or not)
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