How to open an additional okved. How to add OKVED code for LLC

Changing the OKVED ID of a legal entity - step-by-step instructions 2017will be useful to any modern company. The procedure is carried out in several stages. In addition, it differs in a number of nuances. Let's study them in our article.

What to do if you need to adjust the code

In order to change the OKVED codes originally registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the company must perform the following steps:

  1. Fill out form P14001, approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/25.
  2. Have the document certified by a notary.
  3. Prepare the minutes of the meeting of founders (or the decision of the sole founder) on making changes to the organization’s OKVED codes.
  4. Submit the certified form P14001 to the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration of the enterprise.

It is also advisable to put a tax mark on the copy of form P14001 indicating receipt of the document.


A legal entity or individual entrepreneur may need to change the OKVED codes originally contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs in the event of a change in types of activities, at the request of counterparties or the Federal Tax Service. To do this, you need to fill out form P14001, notarize it and submit it to the tax service.

An individual entrepreneur with a number of retail outlets decided to open a bar or cafe. Another, engaged in car repairs, came to the conclusion that it would be profitable for him to engage in the incidental sale of spare parts. The situations are normal and quite ordinary. But these are completely different types of economic activity. How to remove unnecessary ones and how to add OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs to avoid problems with regulatory authorities?


It is necessary to make changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs by submitting an application form No. P24001. The procedure itself is not much different from registration, and an entrepreneur can easily cope with this on his own. In general, the task is performed in three stages:

  • selection of codes for new types of activities;
  • filling out an application in the required form;
  • filing an application with the tax office.

Stage 1. Search and selection of new codes

Currently there are three classifiers. In 2015, individual entrepreneurs must use OKVED OK 029-2001 (NACE Rev. 1). There is no need to flip through more than 70 pages of a document. It’s easier and faster to use the ConsultantPlus hint. When you enter the query “OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs” into the Legal Navigator, a list appears on the right, sorted by type of activity. All that remains is to choose the one you need.

Next, you need to be careful and open the OK 029-2001 classifier (NACE Rev. 1). The list will contain codes for the selected area. For example, for wholesale trade they start with number 51, and for retail trade with number 52.

Important: You only need to select codes that contain at least 4 digits!

Once the required activities have been found, a standard application form is filled out.

Stage 2. Filling out form No. P24001

The purpose of this stage is to obtain a correctly completed form No. Р24001, which is an application to make changes about an individual entrepreneur in the register. The principle of filling it out is the same as for all other tax documents. It is best to take a sample on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. The form can be printed directly from the website, or downloaded in PDF format. There is also a link to a program for filling out tax documents. What is more convenient is a matter of taste. It may be quickest to print out the form and fill it out by hand.

The form contains 9 sheets. If you need to add OKVED codes for an individual entrepreneur, you need to fill in only three of them: 001, E and Zh. The first and last contain the personal information and contact information of the applicant. Sheet E consists of two pages. On page 1 - you need to indicate the codes to be added, on page 2 - those to be deleted. If there are many activities, you can use several pages.

As for the program, it is voluminous, requires skills to install, and it will take a lot of time to understand it. Those who already use the service should not forget that the version must be up to date.

Stage 3. Application procedure

You can submit the completed application to the tax office in any convenient way. There are four of them offered: bring in person, send by a valuable letter by mail, transfer through a proxy, or send using an electronic service through the State Services Portal or the official website of the Federal Tax Service. The power of attorney must be notarized, which means you will have to pay for the service. To send by email, documents must be scanned and signed with an electronic signature.

Adding OKVED codes to the register is not subject to state duty. If errors are found in the document, a written refusal will follow. If everything is filled out correctly, the procedure ends with the receipt of a new USRIP entry sheet 5 days after submitting the application.

Deadlines for making changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and penalties

According to the law, changes to the individual entrepreneur must be made within 3 days. You can, of course, wait for the first inspection by the Federal Tax Service or Pension Fund, but is it worth doing? Failure to timely make changes to the state register threatens the violator with an administrative fine in the amount of up to 5 thousand rubles. In case of failure to provide or provision of false information, the fine ranges from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

In March of this year, an article was introduced into the Code of Administrative Offences, providing for additional and rather severe measures in the event of a repeated violation. Now this threatens with unalternative disqualification of the individual entrepreneur for a period of 1 to 3 years. You can read more about this in the Federal Tax Service Letter.

Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in Part 4 of this article, as well as submission to the body carrying out state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of documents containing knowingly false information, if such an action does not contain a criminal offense, shall entail disqualification for officials for period from one year to three years. (Part 5 introduced by Federal Law dated March 30, 2015 N 67-FZ)

Starting next year, the Federal Tax Service will have the right to officially verify the data submitted for registration before entering the information into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. Hence the conclusion: violation of the deadlines for registering as an individual entrepreneur and making changes to the state register can be expensive.

Based on Federal Law 129-FZ of 08.08.2001. When registering a newly created enterprise, records containing information about the enterprise are entered into the unified state register of legal entities. The entire necessary list of information and documents to be entered into the register is provided for in the first paragraph of Article 5 of this law.

Along with other information, this includes types of economic activity. Depending on the types of business activities carried out by a legal entity, they are assigned codes based on the all-Russian classifier by type of economic activity. The Unified State Register of Legal Entities, as a rule, reflects several OKVED codes for the main activity and several additional OKVED codes for related activities. So how to change the main OKVED of an LLC?

When does it become necessary to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities according to OKVED?

In the future, in the course of the enterprise’s activities during its development, expansion of its field of activity or reorientation to another market segment, OKVED codes may change significantly - additional ones may be added to them, or new codes may simply appear
to replace those originally announced.

The fifth paragraph of Article 5 of Law 129-FZ regulates the deadlines for submitting information regarding these changes. Within three days (working days) the organization must inform the tax authority about the changes that have occurred. Failure to comply with the requirements of the fifth article of Law 129-FZ is subject to administrative liability and faces a fine of 5,000 rubles.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that only those types of economic activities that meet the criteria of entrepreneurial activity as defined in Article 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Based on this, it follows that the one-time provision of services does not entail the obligation to make changes to the information on OKVED. For example, an enterprise that sells catering services discovered some leftover dishes in a warehouse and decided to get rid of them by selling them.

The procedure for making changes to information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities when changing the constituent documents

The procedure for entering information into the register depends on the need to change the constituent documents of the enterprise. That is, if OKVED has changed due to changes reflected in the constituent documents, then this procedure is regulated by chapter six, article 17, paragraph 1 of Federal Law 129-FZ.

The applicant submits to the registration authority an application signed by him and certified by a notary. For this type of document, the approved form P13001 is intended. A list of OKVED codes is attached to it. The applicant is the head of the company (director or general director, etc.), who has the right to act on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney. The Unified State Register of Legal Entities already contains information about this person.

Along with the application, the following are submitted: a decision to amend the constituent documents (decision of the meeting of founders or the sole founder), constituent documents (Charter of the company) taking into account current changes in two copies and a receipt for payment of the state fee.

Changing the constituent documents is necessary if they contain a closed list of types of business activity of the enterprise, and the new type of activity is not included in this list and, accordingly, in this case, conducting this type of activity will be a violation of the Charter of the company.

The procedure for amending information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities without changing the Charter

Experienced lawyers take into account the fact that the legislation currently in force does not oblige the types of activities to be specified in the charter and advise adding to it the phrase that the company can conduct any activity not prohibited by law, and also use an open list. In this case, the procedure for submitting information about a change in the type of activity is provided for by the second paragraph of Article 17 of Federal Law 129-FZ.

The applicant only needs to fill out an application in form P14001, have it certified by a notary and submit it to the registration authority along with a decision or protocol on changing the information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Payment of state duty is no longer required.

It should be noted that in both cases the application must be personally filled out in the approved form; the application is signed by the applicant only in the presence of a notary and his signature is certified by the notary. To certify the authenticity of a signature from a notary, a standard package of documents is required; this can be clarified in advance. Typically this is:

  • the applicant’s passport and a photocopy of the passport;
  • TIN certificate;
  • certificate of assignment of the OGRN, both during initial registration, and all subsequent changes made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • statistics codes;
  • charter of the company;
  • decision to create a company;
  • decision or order on the appointment of the head of the company;
  • a decision is the basis for making ongoing changes.

But the presence of the applicant when submitting these documents to the tax office (registration authority) is no longer necessary. Documents can be sent either by mail with a list of attachments, or through an authorized person empowered with the help of a regular standard power of attorney.

Within 7 days, tax authority employees are required to make all declared changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, issue a OGRN Certificate of amendments and provide a new extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities,

Having changed the OKVED codes of the LLC and received an extract, you need to issue a new letter about the codes of your enterprise to the statistical department.

Having compared both procedures for making changes to the state unified register given in this article, we see that the second option is less expensive both in terms of time and finances. Perhaps, organizations that have a closed list of activity codes in the company’s charter should make changes to it once regarding the list in order to subsequently use the simplified procedure for submitting information to the register of legal entities.

The change in the type of activity of the company is described in the video below.

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During state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, it is required to indicate what and in what area they intend to engage. To make the right decision, a classifier with codes of types of economic activity (OKVED) has been published. With its help, the necessary codes are determined, which are entered into the application. At the same time, the classifier itself has practical value. It helps registration initiators get a clear understanding of the conditions of a particular business with the ensuing consequences for insurance payments, the taxation system and other issues.

What is the OKVED code

Entrepreneurial activity is carried out in many areas of the economy. The logical design of this diversity was the systematization of types of economic activities, grouped into classes and sections by industry. Each type is assigned a code that allows you to quickly and easily operate in tax, business and other document flow. As a result, the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities with Codes (OKVED) was formed and published, corresponding to international standards.

This directory is one of the domestic classifiers containing social information and is intended for statistical analysis, accounting and planning of the economic life of the state. At the same time, it has practical significance for people starting their own business. The classifier presents the wording of all permitted entrepreneurial initiatives with an indication of their codes. They outline the limits of economic jurisdiction of each type of activity, which allows you to correctly fill out an application for state registration.

Naturally, a business entity has no right to carry out activities without registered codes. Violation of this principle entails the application of sanctions. Without reference to OKVED codes, economic activity cannot be carried out.

What are the codes?

Since a newly registered individual or collective entrepreneur is assigned several statistical codes, it is advisable to understand their differences.

Statistical codes contain various information about a business entity

If previously the classifiers OKVED, OKDP (products by type of economic activity), OKUN (services to the population), OKOPF (organizational and legal forms of activity) were in effect, then from January 1, 2017, changes occurred in and with them. For example, OKUN was included in OKPD-2, and now the combined directory contains not only types of products, but also services and works.

Accordingly, in 2018, organizations and entrepreneurs need to apply the following reference books in practice:

  • OKVED-2: All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities;
  • OKPD-2: All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity;
  • OKOF: All-Russian classifier of fixed assets.

To put it simply, OKVED defines the types of business, and OKPD contains a list of goods, works and services produced. These codes are required in business when necessary, and therefore their presence is mandatory. For example, when filling out a tax return, you need to indicate the OKVED-2 code. The importance of classifiers also lies in the fact that they can be used to vary the choice of taxation system.

How to find out online the OKVED code of a specific legal entity or individual entrepreneur

Since we live in dynamic times, constant changes are reflected in the business sphere. At any moment, an organization or individual entrepreneur may have a need for new areas of activity. Then the obligation arises to make changes to the registration documents. Accordingly, it is useful for each business entity to know about the changes taking place among its partners in order to have up-to-date information.

You can obtain information about the business status of a specific counterparty on the tax office website online. The service's hints will allow you to spend little time searching. The following algorithm for finding the required information is possible:

  1. We go to the page “Information on state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs” located on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.
  2. Then we have the opportunity to continue the search using different criteria. First option: indicate OGRN/OGRNIP or INN. Second option: enter the name (full name for individual entrepreneurs) and region of the place of activity.

    In the search criteria that appears, you can choose to search for information by OGRN/OGRNIP/TIN or by the known address of registration of the enterprise or residence of the entrepreneur

  3. After entering the data and check numbers posted on the page, click the “find” button and receive on the screen data about the desired individual entrepreneur.

    In addition to the desired legal entity or individual entrepreneur, the service will give you information about its namesakes, even if they are no longer active

  4. To see the OKVED codes used by an organization or entrepreneur, download the extract and study it carefully.

    Data on the OKVED code for a specific organization or individual entrepreneur is usually located on the second page of the electronic statement

  5. To receive a version of the extract signed with the electronic signature of the tax authorities, you can go to the service that provides the service in question in the form of an electronic document, log in (register) and repeat steps 2–4 of these instructions. The request is processed in 5–7 minutes.

    The interface for ordering an extract with an electronic signature differs from a simple one only visually - the content is identical

  6. The result will be an extract with a special mark - an electronic signature.

    An extract with an electronic signature can be used for presentation in government agencies, for example, in court

Video: how to find out the OKVED code of an organization by TIN

How to choose OKVED in 2018

Determining the code that exactly corresponds to the type of activity should be approached with all responsibility. To do this, you need to carefully read the wording of the classifier by business area by referring to OKVED-2, which has been in effect since 2017. It has a harmonious logical structure and correlates with the international classification. It contains information about all permitted activities in the country. To correctly determine the OKVED code, the following are selected step by step:

  • chapter;
  • class (first two digits);
  • subclass (third digit);
  • group (fourth digit);
  • species subgroup (fifth digit);
  • specific type of initiative (sixth digit).

It is acceptable to choose many types of activities, but it is reasonable to state those that the organization or individual entrepreneur plans to actually engage in in the near future. There are no problems with future changes or addition of new activities to the current list.

In the application for state registrationmainindicatedonly one type. As a rule, it includes one for which income accounts for more than half of all income of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. If it happens that non-core activities exceed the main ones in terms of income, then the OKVED code must be changed.

Video: how to select OKVED codes

What influences the choice of OKVED

The core code influences subsequent activity requirements. This may affect the taxation system, licensing of activities or tax exemption for a certain period. Also, adjustments can be made by the factor of foreign economic activity.

In addition, occupational risk in each area has a different degree. The amount of contributions to the Social Insurance Fund depends on the main type of activity. The higher the risk, the higher the deductions.

A license is required mainly for those activities that are related to state and public security. These include, for example:

  • drug production,
  • manipulations with chemically hazardous substances,
  • issues related to aviation technology, fire safety and many other areas.

The legislator has provided for the possibility of tax holidays until January 1, 2021 for newly registered individual entrepreneurs. The benefit is provided for two years. The conditions are: the use of a simplified or patent taxation system, as well as areas of activity - social, industrial, scientific.

Video: tax holidays for individual entrepreneurs

How to change OKVED codes

In case of changes in its activities, a business entity is obliged to submit a corresponding application to the registration authority in order to record the changes. Three days are given for this. Violation of the deadline entails an administrative penalty.

When making changes, you should use the current OKVED-2 classifier.

For legal entities, the procedure may involve making changes to the company’s charter, which entails taking the necessary actions.

After submitting a properly completed application, the tax office issues documents on the change made (extract from the Unified State Register).

When changing activity codes, an application is submitted to the registrar

Amendments to OKVED codes

You can change one or more of your codes at any time when the need arises. This applies to both the main code and additional ones. The legislator did not establish any restrictions on the period of validity and the number of changes. But it is necessary to comply with the requirement of the law that with the start of a new activity, changes must be formalized within three days.

An application for amendments is submitted to the tax office at the place of registration. Different forms are used for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Their samples can be downloaded from the Federal Tax Service website.

For legal entities, when making changes not related to constituent documents, form No. P14001 is used. In it you need to fill out page 001 - the title page. When adding codes, fill out sheet L, clause 1. When deleting codes, you must fill out sheet L, clause 2, sheet M. On the application, you must certify the authenticity of the director’s signature. This is done by a notary, the cost of such a service is approximately 1200 rubles. For this you will need:

  1. Certificate of registration in the register (OGRN) - original.
  2. Certificate of registration with the tax authority (TIN) - original.
  3. The Unified State Register of Legal Entities sheet instead of 1 and 2 is the original.
  4. The charter (or other constituent document) together with all amendments to it is the original.
  5. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (1 month) - original.
  6. The decision to appoint a manager is original.

The application form can be found on the Federal Tax Service website

If the application consists of several sheets, they are all numbered and stitched. On the back of the latter, their total number is indicated and the signature of the applicant or notary is placed.

There is no state fee for making changes. The extract is issued after five working days along with a recording sheet indicating the changes have been made.

Due to the introduction of OKVED-2, previously registered business entities may not have the same activity codes. For organizations and individual entrepreneurs, this does not entail additional hassle. Tax authorities independently update codes without initiative from entrepreneurs.

Video: adding types of individual entrepreneur activities

Confirmation of the type of your economic activity in the Social Insurance Fund

It should be noted right away that annual confirmation by the Social Insurance Fund of the main OKVED code for individual entrepreneurs, both with and without hired employees, is not required. It is also logical that a newly created organization is not required to confirm activities for the previous year. Other policyholders follow the prescribed norms.

The degree of professional risk in a particular field of activity correlates with OKVED codes and is the basis for calculating insurance premium rates in the Social Insurance Fund. The general rule is annual confirmation of the activities carried out in order to determine the injury class.

The new OKVED-2 classifier did not affect the categories of degrees of professional risk. There was only a movement of their contents behind the corresponding codes.

Confirmation mechanism

Every year, before April 15, the policyholder submits an exhaustive list of documents to the Social Insurance Fund at the place of registration. Information and samples can be found on the Foundation's website. Forms are also available for download there.

Policyholder's application for confirmation of the main type of economic activity

Along with the application, a certificate confirming the main type of activity is submitted.

An individual entrepreneur, in the case of drawing up an employment contract with an employee, is required to register within 10 days. If an entrepreneur has more than one employee, then the period begins to be calculated from the moment of the employment agreement with the first of them.

In addition, a copy of the explanatory note to the balance sheet for the previous reporting year is attached to the application and confirmation certificate.

An example of filling out a certificate confirming the main type of economic activity

This is the general mechanism. Documents can be submitted directly to the FSS or sent by regular mail or e-mail.

Confirmation deadlines

The policyholder must be notified of the professional risk category assigned to him within two weeks from the date of submission of documents. The more dangerous the type of activity, the higher the premiums for insurance against accidents and occupational diseases, simply called “injury” premiums.

Responsibility for failure to notify the FSS

There are no sanctions for the employer for late submission of an application for establishing an insurance premium, but the Social Insurance Fund is vested with such powers in relation to the policyholder that a separate fine is not required. In the absence of initiative on the part of the policyholder, the Fund has the right to independently establish the highest tariff possible for the organization.

The right to challenge the actions of the FSS exists and is used in practice. Traditionally, you can contact the higher organization of the department. Within a month, a decision must be made to satisfy the complaint or refuse.

The Social Insurance Fund accumulates funds to provide social insurance to citizens

The universal way is to go to court. It should be recognized that it will be difficult to change the FSS decision. Only after a thorough analysis of all the circumstances can you try to appeal it and, as one of the options, appeal to the policyholder’s right to a reduced tariff.

Responsibility for conducting activities that do not comply with the selected OKVED codes

It should be noted that in the practice of business entities, the issue of compliance between real activities and the OKVED code was rarely encountered before. For the most part, codes are intended for statistical calculations, and entrepreneurs do not always evaluate them in the most serious manner. But as a result, even the confiscation of income received from illegitimate activities may occur. Of course, such a verdict from the tax inspectorate will most likely be challenged, but the incident may result in undesirable consequences.

Currently, the culture of entrepreneurship is inevitably growing due to the capabilities of the Internet. An increasing number of businessmen are trying to adhere to the rules of the game. In this sense, it becomes economically unprofitable to cooperate with illegitimate counterparties, because you can lose the right to a VAT refund. There are other aspects that adversely affect illegal activities.

Administrative liability is established for violation of the procedure in question. If an organization or individual entrepreneur carries out undeclared activities or intended to declare them, but did not meet the three-day deadline, then the tax inspectorate has the right to fine the violator 5 thousand rubles.

The Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED) is a good help in regulating economic legal relations. It brings logic and clarity to the actions of business entities and serves as a starting point for subsequent steps in the areas of taxes and social insurance. To legally conduct business, an economic entity is required to officially indicate the types of activities with their codes. If necessary, he can always make the desired changes to them.

In some cases, it is necessary to add or change OKVED codes. For example, a company decided to engage in activities that were not envisaged when it was founded. In this case, you need to carry out the procedure for adding codes for the LLC. It's not complicated.

How to choose the right OKVED codes

First of all, select the codes that you need. This can only be done according to OKVED2, also known as OKVED OK 029-2014. Despite the fact that there are currently three editions of OKVED in Russia, changes can only be made according to this one. Use a website that selects types of economic activities for free. This will simplify the task to the maximum. Or download the document and select the necessary codes from it yourself. Also on some sites you can get free advice from professional classifiers.

If you choose OKVED 1 or OKVED 1.1, the tax office simply will not accept your documents. In this case, the procedure for holding a meeting and certifying an application will have to be checked again. To save time and money, be careful and choose the right classifier from the very beginning.

Change of charter and application form

In some cases, when changing or adding a type of economic activity, it is necessary to change. Then you need to fill out form P13001. In this situation, making changes to the OKVED codes of LLC will be paid. True, the duty is low - only 800 rubles. If the charter does not change, form P14001 is used, and there is no need to pay state duty.

In what cases is it necessary to change the charter? If it does not stipulate the opportunity to engage in other permitted activities in addition to those mentioned in it. Both applications can be found on the Internet. You need to type “form P13001” or “form P14001” into the search engine, respectively, and it will give you what you need.


Before submitting an application, a decision must be made at a meeting of company members and formalized accordingly. Of course, a meeting is not required if there is only one owner. In this case, he can unilaterally make a decision and sign the paper. Important: the document must contain exactly the code numbers, and not a description of the type of activity in words. The following points should also be mentioned there:

    List of all added codes;

    Listing of all excluded codes;

    Mention of the change in the main activity code, if such a replacement occurs;

    Description of the changes that are being made to the charter in connection with this procedure;

    Approval of the authority of the person who will deal with the formalization of the change (submitting an application, etc.).

The decision must be formalized accordingly. With him, the LLC representative will go first to the notary, and then to the Federal Tax Service.

Certification of the application by a notary

The next step is to have the application certified by a notary. You already know how to determine which application form is needed in a particular case. You need to go to the notary with an already completed application. This procedure cannot be avoided, even if the documents are submitted to the tax office by the sole founder of the company. After this, the authorized representative, who was indicated in the decision, takes the documents to the Federal Tax Service or sends them by mail.

If this is not done, the company will receive a fine of 5,000 rubles. Therefore, a more optimal solution is to send a representative of the organization to the tax service.

Submission of documents

The next step is submitting documents. It can be done at the tax office or through a multifunctional center - MFC. Both methods are acceptable. But there is a difference in the execution of the payment document. You need to download it from the website of the organization that will accept the documents.

As a rule, you need to contact the same inspectorate that registered the company. However, in Moscow the situation is slightly different. There is a special department there for these purposes, namely the 46th.

The package of documents will be as follows:

    Decision of the sole founder or minutes of the general meeting;

    An application in the form you have chosen, certified by a notary;

    New charter (only if changes have been made to it);

    A receipt received for payment of the state duty (only if changes were made to the charter).

Please note that a decision is not required by law when submitting documents, but you will still need to bring it with you. Why? Representatives of the Federal Tax Service require it to make sure that no more than three days have passed, given by law for notification of a decision to change the codes. If they see that more than three working days have passed, they impose a fine on the LLC.

Documents receiving

After five working days, you can pick up the finished documents from the tax office. Among them will be a new sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and a charter with confirmation from the Federal Tax Service, if it has changed. From this moment on, you can carry out a new type of activity on a completely legal basis.

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