How to open a mobile technical inspection station. How to open your own car inspection center

What is needed to organize a business?

To get item status technical inspection, first you need to collect a lot permitting documents. First of all, you need to obtain an accreditation certificate from the RAS.

In order for accreditation to be completed, you must submit an application to the appropriate service and attach a package of required documents to it. After 10 days, the RAS must inform you of their decisions - either you will be denied, or you will be added to the register of items that have been certified.

It is worth noting that the application must indicate the category of vehicle for which you plan to inspect. Obtaining an accreditation certificate is not free procedure, and if the decision is positive, then you will have to pay 20,000 rubles. For each category of car you will have to pay 10,000 rubles. The certificate must be confirmed every year, its cost reaches 15,000 rubles, and for re-entering each category you will have to pay an additional 10,000 for each.


The business plan for a technical inspection point assumes that if you open a point with a working workshop, then rent additional area you won't need it. If you are organizing a technical inspection point from the very beginning, then the main thing is that there is enough territory to carry out all the necessary work.


In order to check cars, you will need the following equipment:

  • Equipment for diagnosing brake systems and steering;
  • Devices for checking lighting devices;
  • Devices for checking the operation of the engine and other equipment.

According to experts, for the purchase full list equipment, the owner will need an amount from 250,000 to 1,000,000 rubles.

Recruitment of professional personnel

In order to check vehicles, you need to hire technical expert, who can professionally carry out diagnostics and decide whether or not to issue a technical certificate. Quite stringent requirements are imposed on such employees, since after they sign, they take full responsibility for the quality of the diagnostics performed.

What other features does a business plan for a technical inspection station have?

Previously, before the adoption of the new law, motorists had to pay a state duty of 300 rubles, as well as pay the cost of technical inspection. Commercial points set prices independently, but not higher than the restrictions established by law.

After accreditation has been completed, the technical inspection point is obliged to transfer to the traffic police all data on technical inspections performed during the day. If this condition is not fulfilled, the certificate will be suspended.

Profitability of a business plan for a technical inspection point

The initial investment in a technical inspection point will be approximately 500,000 rubles, but if you approach the organization of the business competently, the costs will pay for themselves within 1 year.

In the summer of 2011, the function of conducting technical inspections was transferred from the traffic police to private companies. Now anyone can open their own technical inspection and make money from it. The documents required to open a private vehicle inspection are as follows.

Constituent documents (copies);
- copy of the passport individual entrepreneur;
- extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
- copies of documents that confirm the ownership of structures (or lease), as well as funds technical diagnostics with approved relevant technical characteristics;
- copies of documents that confirm the possibility of transferring information to the UAIS TO;
- copies of documents confirming that the organization has at least one technical expert on staff who meets the necessary approved requirements;
- a copy of the document that confirms that the person who signed the application has the right to act on behalf of legal entity;
- list of attached documents;
- a copy of the bank payment order, which confirms payment for accreditation.

The owner of a commercial inspection station has the opportunity to choose either one or several areas for accreditation, that is, in which categories of vehicles he has the right to conduct inspections. The vehicle categories are as follows:
- motorcycles (L);
- vehicles that are used to transport passengers and have no more than eight seats, except for the driver (M1);
- vehicles for the transport of passengers with more than eight seats, except for the driver, and a mass of no more than 5 tons (M2);
- vehicles for the transport of passengers with more than eight seats, except for the driver, and a weight of over 5 tons (M3);
- cargo vehicles weighing no more than 3.5 tons (N1);
- cargo vehicles weighing over 3.5, but not more than 12 tons (N2);
- cargo vehicles weighing more than 12 tons (N3).

After the RAS receives your application, within 10 working days a decision is made on issuing a certificate or refusing it, which may happen if the applicant submitted inaccurate data or documents were drawn up with deviations from the requirements. If accepted positive decision, all information about the new operator is entered into the official register.

According to special resolution Government of the Russian Federation on the amount of the fee for accreditation, you will have to pay 20 thousand rubles and, in addition, 10 thousand rubles for each of the technical inspection points that are indicated in the application. Accreditation must be confirmed annually, which will cost 15 thousand rubles, plus another 10 thousand rubles for each inspection point.

If you have chosen some areas of work when starting the company, and then you are going to expand their number, if you have changed the name of the company or the personal data of the owner, then you will have to re-issue the accreditation certificate, for which you will need to pay an additional 15 thousand rubles, plus 10 thousand for each item THAT.

Increasing the number of inspection points will also require re-issuance of the certificate, for which you will have to pay 10 thousand rubles and 10 thousand for each point that you indicated in the application.

Any room for a service point can be used, as long as the area is suitable. But special equipment necessary. By Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia dated December 6, 2011 No. 1677 “On approval of the main technical characteristics funds technical diagnostics and their list" is established next lineup equipment:
- diagnostic equipment For braking systems(roller universal stands for checking car braking systems different weights), an on-site universal test bench for checking braking systems, means for checking tightness and pressure in brake actuators, a device for monitoring the effectiveness of braking systems in road conditions, trailer hitch loader);
- equipment for diagnosing steering (a device that measures the total play in the steering, testers for checking play in various parts of the suspension and steering);
- diagnostic equipment for external lighting devices, to check headlight adjustment and light intensity;
- tire diagnostic tools (ruler and caliper);
- diagnostic equipment for the engine and its systems (smoke meter, gas analyzer, device for monitoring speed and oil temperature, universal device for determining the content of pollutants in exhaust gases, leak detector for checking the tightness of the power system, sound level meter);
- means of diagnosing other elements (a device that checks the light transmission of glass, a ruler);
- compressor, tips, pressure gauge.

According to the owners of this type of business themselves, all equipment for carrying out vehicle inspections can cost from 250 thousand to one million rubles. If you purchased any equipment for technical inspections, but did not keep the relevant documents about it, the fact of its possession can be confirmed by a certificate of its inspection, which is issued by Federal agency on metrology and technical regulation. There are committees of this agency in the regions.

Everything is more or less clear with the premises and equipment, but there are many questions regarding the requirement to have a qualified expert at each inspection point.

The technical expert must meet certain qualification requirements. It is he who diagnoses the cars, decides whether or not to issue a technical inspection certificate, and certifies it with his signature. The expert must have necessary education, work experience and skills. According to the Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, requirements have been approved, according to which a technical expert can be a specialist who has:
- professional higher education in the field of motor transport activities, confirmed by a diploma state standard, or non-core higher education plus a document of advanced training, or secondary specialized with a diploma of advanced training. That is, the expert’s higher education may not be in the automotive field, but must be obtained at a technical university. And he will need to take courses in the Expert training program technical control and vehicle diagnostics" with obtaining a certificate or diploma. This year, it is still allowed that instead of a document confirming advanced training according to the program “Expert of technical control and diagnostics of motor vehicles”, the expert has a document confirming his advanced training according to the program designed for inspectors;
- driver license and driving experience of at least three years, and for those categories of vehicles that he is to inspect;
- experience practical activities. An expert must not only have necessary knowledge, but also have skills practical work V production conditions or in conditions of inspection or repair of automobiles. There are also restrictions on the minimum experience - those who have a higher education must have work experience in their specialty for at least two years, and those with secondary education must have at least three years.

Before it came into effect new law, when passing the technical inspection, you had to pay a state fee (300 rubles) and the cost of the technical inspection. Starting this year, commercial points Inspectors only charge for the inspection itself, without a fee. The cost of services is limited, and separately for each subject of the Federation. The most expensive technical inspection is in Moscow and the Primorsky Territory. In other areas, the cost has remained almost unchanged and, depending on the region and category vehicle, can range from 100 to 2300 rubles.

Companies that conduct technical inspections have the right to independently set prices for their services, with only one condition: they cannot be higher than the maximum tariff.

Maintenance operators have the right to enter into agreements with RSA and with manufacturers of inspection coupon forms, so that they provide themselves with new forms.

Companies that are accredited for this work must report every day to a single automatic system(UAIS TO) data on the technical inspections they carried out and the coupons they issued. First of all, this data is necessary for insurance companies, since an MTPL policy can now be issued only with a technical inspection certificate, which is issued for a period of six months. Special software There is no need for data transfer: it is done through the traffic police website.

The validity of the certificate may be suspended if, for example, when transferring information to the UAIS TO you made a mistake, violated accepted procedure passing the technical inspection or failed to pass annual procedure certifying that your item complies established requirements. If there are two such violations within a year, the certificate is subject to cancellation.

Most technical inspection points are opened at existing auto repair shops. The law does not restrict the combination of these types of activities. The owner of a technical inspection point does not have the right to conduct a technical inspection of his vehicle, since the basis for conducting a technical inspection is an agreement, and it is impossible to conclude an agreement with oneself. IN in paper form this agreement does not exist, since payment for inspection services is confirmation of the conclusion of the agreement.

Least start-up capital, with which you can open your own inspection point, is 500 thousand rubles. If there are no other sources of profit (for example, a car repair shop), these investments will pay off in one year.

The automobile business has always been a very profitable niche for entrepreneurs. And since the summer of 2011, when the right to conduct technical inspections of cars was transferred from the traffic police to “private hands”, the profits of the owners of such maintenance points began to grow in direct proportion to the number of new car owners. Experienced car enthusiasts probably remember the huge queues that they had to wait to get their car inspected, signing up for maintenance a month or even more in advance. So, almost everyone benefited from the innovation: the traffic police’s workload decreased, drivers began to quickly inspect their cars, and technical inspection points began to make quite a good profit.

The idea of ​​opening a car technical inspection station is relevant both for small towns with a population of 50 thousand or more, and for megacities - such a business will be in demand almost everywhere. If before 2011, when carrying out technical inspections at the traffic police, vehicles were subject to extremely stringent requirements for complete serviceability, now there is always, as they say, the opportunity to “agree.” However, such “inspections” are carried out at your own peril and risk, and if fraud is detected, the owner of the maintenance point risks losing not only his business, but also paying a considerable fine.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business: 500 000-2 000 000
Relevant for cities with the population: from 150,000 people
Industry situation:the supply market is saturated
Difficulty of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: 2-4 years

So, you wondered how to open a car technical inspection center, you have already read the article on how to draw up a business plan, wrote step by step guide for business (or ordered it on the website), but don’t know what to do next? First of all, get ready for a long and tedious gathering of all necessary documents This is the most difficult stage of organizing a business.

What documents are needed to open a service point?

To organize a maintenance point, an individual entrepreneur is best suited (you can find out the difference between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC in this source), so we will consider all further procedures specifically for individual entrepreneurs. The first step is to purchase a certificate from the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. This is an organization that controls all maintenance points that are in “private hands”. To obtain such a certificate authorizing the operation of a maintenance facility, you need to submit an application of the appropriate sample with the following package of documents attached:

  • Certificate of availability state registration as an individual entrepreneur.
  • TIN registration.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  • Documents evidencing ownership of the premises in which the maintenance station will be organized.
  • Passports for everything technical means diagnostics that will be involved in vehicle inspection.
  • Certificate that you have the right to provide information to the UAIS TO - a single automated information system technical inspection, where all data on issued diagnostic cards is entered.
  • Receipt of payment for accreditation, confirmed by a bank note.
  • A copy of the document on the specialized education of at least one employee of your technical department.

Important point: Vehicles are divided into categories - from motorcycles to trucks over 12 tons, so it is better to apply for accreditation in several areas in your application to RAS.

The period for consideration of the application by the RAS is 10 days, after which either a positive decision must be made, as a result of which the data about the new maintenance point will be entered into the register, or a negative one, the basis for which may be inaccurate information submitted, or the attached documents are not completed correctly.

An annual payment is established for accreditation, plus you will also have to pay every year for each declared category of the right to conduct maintenance.

Maintenance room

With this point, organizing a business is easiest, since there are no special requirements is not applied to the premises or building. It could be a rented old one production workshop, a large garage, or even a simple shed on a plot of land. The main thing is that your service station has appropriate technology and equipment.

Of course, if you organize in parallel Additional services, for example, auto body repair, seasonal tire storage, car service, or engage in car resale, you will need additional resources, which you will learn about by following the links.

Maintenance equipment

An approximate list of tools and equipment that should be located at any maintenance point looks like this:

  • Diagnostic stands for checking car brake systems and tools for checking pressure and tightness in brake actuators.
  • Device for checking steering and measuring total play.
  • Devices for checking external lighting, measuring headlight intensity and adjusting them.
  • Tools for tire diagnostics. However, here you can get by with a simple caliper and a regular ruler.
  • Other measuring instruments– various pressure gauges, a compressor, a device that allows you to measure the degree of pollution of exhaust gases to determine compliance with the environmental class, a noise meter produced by a car.

Let us remind you that the main diagnostic equipment, to which in the process of organizing maintenance you will have to add several more types of tools.

Service point staff

As we have already said: the staff must have at least one technical expert with a higher specialized education, i.e. in the motor transport industry, driver's license with more than 3 years of experience. A big plus In addition, not so much for following the letter of the law, but for your business, the employee will have extensive experience in car repair or diagnostics. Such a specialist will not be cheap. However, as an option one can conclude employment contract, saving on wages, with a recent university graduate, allowing him to gain experience in your service station.

The optimal number of maintenance station employees is from 3 to 5 people. It depends on the daily workload. Separately, it is necessary to say a few words about diagnostic inspection cards, which service station owners must provide themselves with by concluding an agreement with the manufacturers of such forms.

It is important! You must submit information about newly issued diagnostic cards to the UAIS TO every day. If an error is made in the information provided, the validity of the RAS certificate may be suspended.

Advertising and customer service

For advertising, use all “traditional” channels: radio, advertisements in the media, on TV. By the way, an almost ideal location for a service point would be close proximity to the traffic police MREO. To retain customers, assign a discount for repeat maintenance. You can also reduce prices for those who use your additional services.

In 2011, a law was passed according to which technical inspection of cars will now be carried out not by the traffic police, but by private commercial organizations.

Many motorists were only happy about this, because now there will be no queues, rudeness from traffic police representatives, and it will be possible to sign up for maintenance in advance.

The inspection point is new and quite profitable business, which can be opened by anyone who has collected all the necessary documents and permits.

To open own item THEN, it is necessary to obtain such a status. To do this, you need to have a RAS (Russian Union of Auto Insurers) certificate. This organization is engaged in monitoring the activities of private service points. To obtain such a certificate, you must send a letter with a list of required documents attached. The list can be viewed on the official website of the organization.

When opening a service station, you can select one or several categories of vehicles for which it will service.

The decision to issue certification will be made within 10 working days. For the certificate you will need to pay 20,000 rubles and 10,000 rubles for each item. Every year it will be necessary to confirm compliance with the accreditation requirements and pay 15,000 + 10,000 rubles for each item.

Any change associated with the expansion of activities, an increase in the number of maintenance points must be documented + incurs additional costs.

Almost any room is suitable for the point. There are no special requirements for him. But as for the equipment and technical equipment, all this must comply with the standards that are described in the order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

According to the owners of private service stations, such equipment on average costs from 250,000 – 300,000 to 1,000,000 rubles.

Attention should also be paid to the level of qualifications of personnel. According to the law, technical inspection can be carried out by specialists who have a higher education in a field related to motor vehicles, a driver’s license and extensive experience in this field.

In addition, staff are required to undergo advanced training courses. The cost of undergoing a technical inspection for motorists is now determined by the management of the points.

However, there are certain “ceilings” above which the price cannot be increased. They are different for each region.

As practice shows, private service stations do not seek to increase costs in a highly competitive environment. Having the right to choose, the motorist will prefer the place where it is cheaper and faster. It is necessary to create attractive conditions in order to acquire regular customers.

There are certain differences in the cost of service station service depending on the type of company. Usually, at government stations you will need to pay a fee, which is missing in the second option.

What does the cost of being tested at a private station include? Since no duty is paid, the cost will only include the services of the maintenance operator, which may vary depending on the type of transport, make and model of the vehicle and other technical parameters.

How is vehicle maintenance and repair regulated?

Vehicle inspection for its owners is a service that is performed in accordance with legal norms and is regulated by law. You must pay for it; this is a mandatory requirement for owners of all vehicles; it is carried out in order to prevent or identify a malfunction, which in the future can protect against road accidents.

In accordance with legislative acts the cost of a vehicle technical inspection should not exceed the maximum limit set at 958.5 rubles.

What does a technical inspection at a service station include? The operator who carries out the inspection performs two main types of work - internal and external inspection. In addition, the vehicle’s equipment is checked to ensure compliance with all established standards and rules.

Based on the results of the inspection, the operator must issue the owner of the car with a corresponding document, which either confirms the complete serviceability of all components, or indicates the comments that do not allow the car to be operated until these problems are eliminated.

Interestingly, if the test result is unsatisfactory, then the owner has not passed the vehicle inspection and care must be taken to ensure that all comments are corrected. Only after this will it be possible to visit the maintenance center again and go through the check again, but it will no longer be complete, but only in part of the comments.

If for a motorist, maintenance is payable service, but for the operator himself, vehicle inspection is a job, and it is worth noting that the employee is responsible for undetected problems.

That is, if the car had a malfunction that led to an accident or traffic accident, then responsibility to some extent falls on the shoulders of the operator himself, who performed a poor inspection of the car.

In such a situation, he will have to compensate for the harm caused to the health or life of the victim.

Inspection as a business

It's no secret that private firms are always one level higher in terms of service, ate to compare with government forms property. After all, the owner of the service station is himself interested in the client visiting his station next time, and for this it is necessary to create a good impression.

To improve the quality and speed of service, customers are offered pre-entry, and the service will take no more than half an hour.

These advantages, along with the cost of services, attract customers.

If you think that you understand the car inspection part and know how you can make money from it, then vehicle inspection as a business could be a good investment for you. The most important thing is to provide quality services and approach work with full responsibility. In general, a business is always created with the goal of making a profit, but to do this you need to try to create it from scratch. How to do this and where to start?

In order to act within the law, you need to carefully study everything regulations and requirements, the fulfillment of which will allow you to work and make a profit.

How to get a license?

In order for a maintenance station to operate and generate income, it is necessary to obtain a license to operate of this kind activities. You can obtain accreditation through Russian Union auto insurers. It is here that the Department for Organization of Maintenance and Accreditation was created. What is needed for this?

In order to obtain a license from the RSA, you must send an application with the specified list documents. After their consideration, a decision will be made.

Process automation: special program

In order to transmit data on the results in a timely manner technical checks vehicles and the issuance of diagnostic cards requires the installation of a special program. It is free and can be installed on your computer.

What opportunities does she have? Based on the results of the vehicle inspection, the check data will be entered into the database, and a diagnostic card will be immediately generated and then sent for printing. The program will contain information on the results of all checks and issued diagnostic cards.

Through this program, all data will be sent to Unified database technical inspection of cars.

The automated system has a lot of additional capabilities that allow you to perform most operations in automatic mode, in addition, all data is available in the Unified Database and can be viewed.

How to open a technical inspection point - specific instructions

In order to open their own inspection point, many people open them on the basis of already operating car repair shops. No one forbids combining such areas of activity. On the contrary, this way you can save on organizational issues. Let's look at some rough instructions that will allow you to open your own service station.

  1. We select the category of cars with which we plan to work in the field of technical inspection.
  2. We submit a package of documents to the RAS. The application is reviewed within 10 working days.
  3. If accreditation is received, the data is entered into the Unified Register.
  4. Workplaces are organized and work equipment and software are installed.
  5. You can start working.

Regarding investments in starting a business, to organize the work of a service station at initial stage it will take about 500 thousand rubles.

If all requirements are met promptly and accurately, the business will pay off within the first year of operation.

Franchise cost

If you want to start making money by selling diagnostic cards, then the deductible will be 0 rubles. Today, this business is no longer as attractive as it used to be.

This is due to the fact that now almost everything Insurance companies work in this direction, they offer to receive immediately with one visit to the insurance company or representatives diagnostic card technical inspection and motor insurance policy OSAGO.


Technical inspection is profitable direction to open a business. The most difficult thing is to open a maintenance station, and then work will begin and there will definitely be clients, since technical inspection is mandatory requirement for all cars. Only in terms of frequency, there are specific requirements depending on the date of release of the car from the assembly line.

The main thing is to strictly follow the requirements, carry out quality inspections, promptly serve clients, and timely transfer data to the appropriate databases. If we're talking about about existing auto repair shops, then additional features– these are more organizational issues.

When you receive a license and identify a malfunction, you can immediately fix everything on the spot and issue a diagnostic card to the owner of the vehicle. For him, the advantage is that everything is done quickly and in one place, and for the service station it means profit and regular customers.

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