How to cancel the cancellation of an application for public services. Procedure for deactivating an application

The State Services Portal makes it easier to solve problems in many life situations, so the number of its users is constantly growing. Among the various opportunities that the site provides, interaction with the traffic police has become very popular. After all, by signing up via the Internet, you can plan a visit to the department at a certain time, forgetting about hours of queues.

The procedure for creating a virtual application for a visit to the traffic police

Recording a visit to the traffic police provides for the sequential performance of several actions using the prompts of the system.

Important! The ability to record in the traffic police via the Internet is available only to users who are already registered and have a personal account on the portal.

  • Registration on the portal

When visiting the State Services website for the first time, the user enters information about yourself(last name, first name) and information for further contact (cell phone number and e-mail address). Registration is completed after entering the received password.

  • Replenishment of personal information

The next step is to replenish the bank and verify personal information. Having indicated his passport data, SNILS number, the user chooses a convenient way to confirm them: by registered mail, by visiting the office or using the existing EDS (electronic digital signature).

  • Having gained access to the catalog of services, you need to specify the necessary: ​​“Obtaining and replacing a driver’s license”, “Vehicle registration”.
  • Having chosen the necessary service, the user specifies the necessary information (for example, when obtaining a driver's license - about where the exams were taken), and also enters a convenient time and place for visiting.

Why you may need to cancel the entry on public services in the traffic police

Contacting the traffic police through the State Services portal has obvious advantages: working on the site at a convenient time, no queue, choosing a convenient time to visit, etc.

But even online registration sometimes requires adjustments: life makes changes to our plans. Illness, urgent and sudden business trip, excessive employment at work and other reasons make it impossible to visit at the specified time, make you sign up in a new way.

Important! By timely canceling the appointment, the portal users render a service to each other, as the free time that has appeared can be convenient for other portal users.

How to cancel an entry in the traffic police through the State Services

Step-by-step instruction of the procedure

Cancellation of an entry in the traffic police is not difficult and does not take much time.


  • Entrance portal and into your office.
  • In your personal account, the "Notification Feed" tab is selected. To cancel, you can use the subsections that present all notifications, or the page that lists submitted applications.
  • In the list of applications, you need to select the one submitted to the traffic police and click on it.
  • A tab dedicated to a specific application will open before the user. On the right side of the page, under the entry that the service is provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, all available actions that relate to the submitted application are listed. It can be printed, converted to draft status, canceled. And besides, the system, upon request, will provide information about this service, as well as file a complaint if the user believes that the service is of poor quality.
  • To cancel the entry, click on the corresponding line and wait for the system's response. After a while, an inscription appears that the application has been canceled.
  • Additional confirmation is sent by e-mail or SMS.

Possible difficulties when canceling an application

The work on the portal is debugged in such a way that users do not have problems with canceling an application to the traffic police.

The only problem may be the difficulty in logging into your personal account if the password is forgotten. However, this problem is also easily solved. You need to use the help of the site, indicating that the password is forgotten. After receiving the code for a one-time entry to the portal, you can set a new password.

Important! To receive the code, you must have access to the selected contact method (phone or e-mail).

Consequences of canceling an application

Inability to visit the traffic police at the time specified in the application time only postpones going there for a while. It is not possible to submit 2 applications for the provision of the same service with different visit times. This becomes available only after the cancellation of the application.

Opportunities that appear after the cancellation of the application:

  • making changes to the application;
  • submitting a new application.

Special features of the state portal to facilitate the submission and cancellation of applications for services

Facilitate the work on the portal of the State Service special opportunities that open up to users.

  • An application for obtaining certain services at the traffic police can be saved and printed in finished form, or you can also convert the document into drafts. The system will save it, and when you re-apply, you will not have to enter personal information and information about the vehicle a second time.
  • The submitted application can be amended if necessary.
  • Documents not previously submitted may be attached to the application.

Contacting the traffic police through the State Services portal is a modern form that is convenient for each of the parties.

On the State Services portal, users can submit an electronic application for various types of documents. This simplifies the procedure for their registration. However, in some cases, after sending, the citizen notices errors in his application or there is no need to receive such a document at all. In this case, simply delete the application. You can delete an application on the State Services portal in the first hours after sending it. Once an application has been accepted, it cannot be deleted. Most often, the maximum period for accepting an electronic application is about a day, but in some cases it can be extended up to 3 days. You can delete an application created by mistake through the news feed, where it will be displayed immediately after submission. Therefore, the user's procedure will be as follows:

  • Enter the personal account menu.

How to register a car through public services Registering a car with the traffic police through the website of the State Services Before submitting an application via the Internet, it is necessary to create a verified account on the portal, without which further actions are impossible. Step-by-step instructions Step 1. Enter your personal account on the website, on the main page of the site, select step by step:

  1. Service catalog
  2. Transport and driving
  3. Registration of a vehicle in the state traffic inspectorate

There are options for registering a new car, and re-registration (changing data) in your name, from the previous owner. Step 2.

How to cancel an application for public services

TS, as well as receive receipts for payment for services. However, without visiting the traffic police, it is impossible to register a car. Comments on “registration of a vehicle through public services” Attention Advantages and disadvantages According to users of the State Services portal, the positive aspects of online registration include:

  • a significant reduction in the time for the procedure;
  • the ability to fill out an application at home in silence, when no one is distracting;
  • online application leads to a reduction in the time for waiting for the registration documents to be ready;
  • in case of registration refusal, there is time for a quick solution to the problem, since the refusal document is received by e-mail within 24 hours from the date of application.

The negative aspects of online registration are mainly related to the operation of the portal.

How to cancel an entry in the traffic police through public services

On the same page, the user selects the means of notifying the user about the actions taken and the final submission of the application to the registration department of the traffic police. The generated application is reflected in the personal account in the section of submitted applications. From here you can print a duplicate of the application and receipt for paying the state fee.
Next, you need to pay the generated receipts for the state duty. You can also do this via the Internet (through special online payment sites) or in person at any bank branch. By the time chosen when submitting the application, the owner is obliged to drive up to a certain registration department of the traffic police.


The duration of this offer is limited to January 1, 2019. Procedure After reviewing the general information, you need to click on "Get a service". After that, the procedure for filing an electronic application for registration begins, which will take no more than 15 minutes.

The step-by-step instructions for registering a vehicle through the State Services are as follows:

  1. Filling in the fields in the application on the State Services website. For this, documents are needed that would confirm the applicant's right to vehicles, an OSAGO policy, a vehicle passport or a car owner's passport. A power of attorney certified by a notary will be required if the vehicle is registered by an authorized person.
  2. Registration in the State traffic inspectorate for an appointment through the website of the State Services.

Registration of a vehicle through public services: step by step instructions

The next step is to replenish the bank and verify personal information. Having indicated his passport data, SNILS number, the user chooses a convenient way to confirm them: by registered mail, by visiting the office or using the existing EDS (electronic digital signature).

  • Having gained access to the catalog of services, you need to specify the necessary: ​​“Obtaining and replacing a driver’s license”, “Vehicle registration”.
  • Having chosen the necessary service, the user specifies the necessary information (for example, when obtaining a driver's license - about where the exams were taken), and also enters a convenient time and place for visiting.

Why you may need to cancel the entry on the State Services in the traffic police Contacting the traffic police through the State Services portal has obvious advantages: working on the site at a convenient time, no queue, choosing a convenient time to visit, etc.

403 - access denied

But even online registration sometimes requires adjustments: life makes changes to our plans. Illness, urgent and sudden business trip, excessive employment at work and other reasons make it impossible to visit at the specified time, make you sign up in a new way. Important! By timely canceling the appointment, the portal users render a service to each other, as the free time that has appeared can be convenient for other portal users.
How to cancel an entry in the traffic police through the State Services Step-by-step instructions for the procedure Cancellation of an entry in the traffic police will not be difficult and will not take much time. Sequencing:

  • Entrance portal and into your office.
  • In your personal account, the "Notification Feed" tab is selected.

How to re-register in the traffic police through public services

The State Services Portal makes it easier to solve problems in many life situations, so the number of its users is constantly growing. Among the various opportunities that the site provides, interaction with the traffic police has become very popular. After all, by signing up via the Internet, you can plan a visit to the department at a certain time, forgetting about hours of queues.

The procedure for creating a virtual application for a visit to the traffic police Enrollment for a visit to the traffic police provides for the sequential performance of several actions using the prompts of the system. Important! The ability to record in the traffic police via the Internet is available only to users who are already registered and have a personal account on the portal.


How to fill out an electronic application The process of filling out an application for registering a vehicle through the State Services website consists of the following steps:

  1. First you need to choose the type of vehicle from the options offered. Most often, customers apply for registration of cars or buses, for which it is worth choosing the first position.
  2. Next, you need to specify who exactly will be involved in registering the car - the owner or an authorized representative. If this is a legal representative, then you need to opt for the "Trusted Representative of an Individual".
  3. The following paragraphs concern the applicant's personal data.

Since an account has already been created on the State Services website, all the necessary personal data will be automatically entered in the appropriate columns.

How to refuse a service on public services registration nc

For additional control, the application is deleted only after confirmation of the citizen's actions. Please note that the application will continue to be displayed in the Feed, however, its status will change to "Deleted", and the icon will be red with a cross inside. The deleted application is not sent to government agencies and is visible only to the user of the personal account.
You cannot recover a deleted application. However, you can refill it. If the user decides that he does not need the service, it is necessary to delete the application, otherwise it will be considered and a decision can be made on it.

How to refuse a service on public services registration of a vehicle

403 - access denied

  • After filling in all the data, it remains only to select a convenient traffic police department in which the user will receive the PTS and STS, as well as confirm the fact of familiarization with the application procedure, and click on the "Submit application" button;
  • That's all! The application will be considered within a few minutes, after which, if there are no errors in the application, the user will receive a notification about the registration of the application in the Personal Account on the portal and will be able to pay the state fee for the provision of the service.
  • We remind you that when submitting an application electronically through the State Services, the user can pay the state fee with a 30% discount when paying by bank transfer, that is, from a bank card, from an electronic wallet, or from a mobile phone.

403 - access denied After filling out the application, you can come to the traffic police for numbers the very next day.

Contacting the traffic police almost always involves waiting in long lines and bureaucratic red tape. A single website of public services allows you to simplify this process to the maximum. Anyone can pass an exam, register / deregister a car, replace a driver's license, etc. All this is wonderful and really simplifies life, but what if you signed up for the traffic police, but you can’t show up at the appointed time? How to cancel an entry in the traffic police through public services and is it necessary to do this? Of course you do, and we'll show you how.

  • Important
  • Cancellation of an entry in the traffic police through public services does not involve any financial losses and takes a minimum of time.

Instructions for canceling an entry in the traffic police through public services

There are many services available on the Gosuslugi portal that can be useful for both existing motorists and future ones. You can sign up for an exam, change your driving license, etc. In all cases, an electronic application is filled out, after consideration of which the user must appear at the specified division of the State traffic inspectorate at the appointed time. What happens if this doesn't happen? In principle, it's okay, but if this happens three times, you will not be able to apply through public services for a whole month. In order for your conscience to be clear, you should inform the State traffic inspectorate about your plans. It won't take much time.

To cancel an entry in the traffic police through public services, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the site and log in;
  2. Enter your personal account (tab with the last name in the upper corner);
  3. Go to the "Notification Feed" tab;
  4. Select the "Application" item, find the required application in the list and click on it;
  5. Select the action "Cancel application" (additional menu to the right of the application);
  6. Confirm the cancellation of the application.

  7. That's all. After spending just a couple of minutes, you can and the other person will have the opportunity to sign up for your time. Cancellation of the application is not fraught with anything for you. It is enough that you set yourself the task of figuring out how to cancel an entry in the traffic police through public services and did everything according to the instructions above. You are also not obliged to report why you cannot come to the traffic police at the appointed time. If you again need to enroll in the traffic police, then nothing prevents you from submitting a new application.

    Alternative ways to cancel an entry in the traffic police

    If you signed up for the traffic police through the public services portal, it does not mean at all that you can cancel the appointment exclusively in the same way. Of course, it is most convenient to cancel an entry in the traffic police through public services, but situations should not be ruled out when this option is not appropriate. For example, technical work may be carried out on the portal. Of course, you can wait for them to end, or inform the state traffic inspectorate about your plans in another way. The traffic police department in which you made an appointment has a phone number specifically for receiving calls from the public. You can find the number you need on the Internet, call the traffic police and inform that you want to cancel the appointment.

In the personal account of the State Services, you can cancel the submitted application. However, you can cancel if the application has not yet been accepted for processing. After the cancellation is made, this statement can be used as a draft.

  1. Go to the portal and log in with your credentials. Next, go to your personal account by clicking on the last name in the upper right corner.
  2. Go to tab "Notifications".
  3. Go to item "Statements", and then click on the desired line with the active statement.
  4. Check if there is an option in the block of available actions on the right "Cancel application". If there is such an inscription, then click on it.
  5. The portal will check with you whether you really want to cancel the submitted application. Confirm the system request by clicking on the button "Cancel".
  6. In case of successful processing of the request, you will see a corresponding inscription on the screen.
  7. In the notifications of your personal account, you will see the changed status of the application.

For the cancellation of most applications, the above procedure will apply.

Once canceled, it will be impossible to restore the application. The only option is to use it as a draft in order to go through the design process again.


Is it possible to cancel a confirmed (accepted by a state institution) application?

No. The user can cancel his application exactly until the employee of the department accepts it for further consideration. As a rule, it takes from 2 hours to a day. If the application has already been accepted by the institution, then the best option would be to contact the department to discuss possible options for resolving the problem.

Can a canceled application be reinstated?

No. Once you have confirmed the cancellation of an application, you can use it as a draft for another application. There is no such function as restoring a canceled application on the portal.

When might an application be removed?

  • Loss of need for a particular service.
  • Unable to visit the government office at the appointed time. The right decision would be to cancel the application on the portal. In this case, another person will be able to sign up for your place.
  • Detection of an error in the specified data. In this case, you can cancel the application and continue to use it, providing the correct data, as a draft, so as not to fill out all the information again.

Although the Gosuslugi portal has been launched relatively recently, it is becoming more and more popular among the population. You can access it anywhere and anytime. Using it, you can save a lot of time, because you do not have to stand in lines. However, after submitting an electronic application for a visit to the traffic police, in some situations, people need to cancel it. This happens due to health conditions, unexpected business trips and other unforeseen circumstances. In this article, you will learn how to cancel an entry in the traffic police through the State Services.

How to apply through the State Services

To sign up for a visit to the traffic police with the help of the State Service, you will need to adhere to a certain algorithm, namely:

  1. To enroll in the State traffic inspectorate, you will need to go through the registration procedure. To do this, you need to enter your passport data, contacts (cell number and email). To complete the procedure, you need to enter the password that will come to your phone.
  2. Next will be the process of verifying information about a citizen. You can choose the verification method yourself. There are several of them: through an electronic signature, sending a registered letter or through a personal visit to the office.
  3. After that, the full range of services provided by the portal will become available.
  4. After choosing the necessary service, you should fill in all the proposed fields and choose the optimal time for visiting.

How to cancel an entry in the traffic police through the State Services

How to make an appointment with the State traffic inspectorate is discussed above, but, in addition, citizens are interested in how to withdraw a previously submitted application. The procedure for canceling a previously submitted application is quite simple and does not take much time. To do this, follow a certain algorithm:

  1. Complete the procedure for entering the Personal Account on the State Services portal. To do this, you will need the password that you received during the registration process.
  2. After entering the Personal Account, select the tab "Notification Feed". This paragraph contains information about all your previously submitted applications.
  3. In the list of applications, find the one you want to cancel and click on it.
  4. After clicking on the application, a window with detailed information about the submitted application will open. On the right side of the tab, all possible actions regarding the application will be listed: filing a complaint against the institution for the inappropriate quality of the service provided by it, sending the application to the draft and, most importantly, of interest to us, canceling the previously submitted application.
  5. To cancel the application for an appeal to the traffic police, click on this line and wait a few seconds. During the waiting time, the system will process your action and return the result: the application has been cancelled.
  6. You will also additionally need to confirm the action via SMS message on a cell phone or via email.

Difficulties in canceling an application for a traffic police visit

Work in the online system of the State Services is thought out in such a way that it is not difficult for citizens to cancel the application. The only thing that can prevent this is a forgotten password to enter the system. But such an unpleasant situation is not an obstacle. You just need to select the “Forgot password” item on the site and use the confirmation code that will be sent by SMS or e-mail to restore access to your electronic account.

Other ways to cancel an application to visit the State Traffic Inspectorate

Sometimes, after making an appointment with the State traffic inspectorate through the State Services portal, situations occur in the lives of citizens in which it becomes necessary to cancel the visit to the institution. But filing an electronic application does not mean that you can refuse it only in the same way, although this is the most convenient. For example, you needed to postpone or reschedule your visit, but at that very moment, technical work is being carried out on the site. In such situations, you can wait until the site starts working as usual again, but sometimes time is running out and you have to report in a different way. In such a situation, using the Internet, you should find the official website of the traffic police unit. On it, find a contact phone number designed to receive calls from citizens, and inform employees that you will not be able to visit the institution at the appointed time.

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