How to track a money transfer by Russian Post. About postal money order

Money transfers through Russian Post branches are a simple, convenient and reliable way to send funds to recipients located in different parts of the country and even the world. There are several ways to transfer money, which we will discuss in this article. In addition, we will tell you how you can track the status of a transfer using its number.

Sending money by registered mail

Sending money through Russian Post is possible using special money transfers or separate registered letters. If you send funds by registered mail, it will be very easy to track its location. To do this, when making a transfer, you need to save the receipt, which contains the 14-digit code of the sent letter.

You can check where the transfer is by going to any post office with this check, or even easier, without leaving your home, using the official website of Russian Post or other specialized resources.

To do this, you just need to enter the code in the field and click on the “Track” button. Information about where the letter is located will be displayed on the screen. Data about the transfer is not entered into the system immediately after it is sent, so if you don’t find the information on the website, don’t worry – you may just need to wait a little.

Types of specialized money transfers through Russian Post

Today, to send and receive money transfers, you can use one of the types of specialized services provided by Russian Post. A unique code is not assigned when making such transfers, so it will not be possible to track the transfer as easily as in the previous case.

Express translation of "Fast and Furious"

The service is available exclusively to individuals for sending and receiving funds in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries. Money sent by this method reaches the recipient instantly, so tracking the transfer in this case is not relevant.

In this case, funds can be transferred either to a specific post office located closest to the recipient of the money, or to any other post office without specifying a specific address. The largest amount that can be transferred within Russia using an express transfer is 500 thousand rubles, abroad – 150 thousand rubles.

Please note: if the transfer amount exceeds 100 thousand rubles, you must request a reservation of funds at the Russian Post office.

Postal transfer

This service is available for both individuals and legal entities to send and receive funds within the country and abroad. You can transfer money not only in cash, but also non-cash, and, unlike the previous method, the transfer can only be addressed (to a specific post office or with home delivery). When making such a transfer, you can order the service of notification of its delivery to the recipient (the cost of the service is 24 rubles 50 kopecks).

The largest amount that can be transferred in this way across Russia, with an order for home delivery, is 120 thousand rubles, with a non-cash transfer - 250 thousand rubles, with a transfer to a branch - 500 thousand rubles. The maximum permissible amount for transferring funds abroad depends on the recipient's country.

The commission for transferring money with home delivery is 1.77% of the amount, but it cannot be less than 29 rubles 50 kopecks per transfer. A non-cash transfer will cost from 1.8% (the minimum possible commission amount is 65 rubles). The cost of an international transfer ranges from 70 to 280 rubles plus 1.5-5% of the transfer amount. Tariffs for making transfers within Russia are the same, but may differ in different regions.

Western Union

The service is available only to individuals and does not imply its use for commercial purposes (a special Western Union QuickPay service is available for legal entities). From post offices, money can only be sent abroad, where recipients can collect the money from one of thousands of collection points located around the world.

The total amount of money that can be transferred using this service should not exceed 375 thousand rubles. The commission for making a transfer starts from 150 rubles.

The status of the transfer can be monitored using free messages (notifications).

In addition to the above methods, you can make a money transfer to a post office (or with home delivery) using the Quwi e-wallet, on the website or through a terminal. This method is convenient because the transfer can be carried out at any time and on any day. The commission for a transfer in the terminal will be 2% and 60 rubles; on the website it will cost a little more - 2.5% and 60 rubles.

On the official website of Russian Post, using a calculator located on the portal, you can calculate which type of money transfer will be the most profitable in each specific case. To do this, you must indicate the sender’s city and the recipient’s locality, as well as the amount that you plan to transfer.

For all types of transfers, the recipient must present a passport and provide the control number of the funds transfer. It will not be possible to track the delivery of transfers (except for registered letters) on the official web portal of Russian Post, but you can request information about the deadline for receiving funds directly at post offices.

To track your parcel you need to take a few simple steps.
1. Go to the main page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Track postal item"
3. Click on the "Track parcel" button located to the right of the field.
4. After a few seconds, the tracking result will be displayed.
5. Study the result, and especially carefully the latest status.
6. Forecasted delivery period is displayed in the track code information.

Try it, it's not difficult ;)

If you do not understand the movements between postal companies, click on the link with the text “Group by company”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

If you have any difficulties with the statuses in English, click on the link with the text “Translate into Russian”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

Carefully read the "Track Code Information" block, there you will find estimated delivery times and other useful information.

If, when tracking, a block is displayed in a red frame with the heading “Pay Attention!”, carefully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks you will find 90% of the answers to all your questions.

If in the block "Pay Attention!" it is written that the track code is not tracked in the destination country, in this case, tracking the parcel becomes impossible after the parcel is sent to the destination country / after arriving at the Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Arrived in Pulkovo / Left Luxembourg / Left Helsinki / Sending to the Russian Federation or after a long pause of 1 - 2 weeks, it is impossible to track the location of the parcel. No, and nowhere. Not at all =)
In this case, you need to wait for a notification from your post office.

To calculate delivery times in Russia (for example, after export, from Moscow to your city), use the "Delivery Time Calculator"

If the seller promised that the parcel would arrive in two weeks, but the parcel takes more than two weeks, this is normal, the sellers are interested in sales, and that’s why they are misleading.

If less than 7 - 14 days have passed since the receipt of the track code, and the parcel is not tracked, or the seller claims that he sent the parcel, and the status of the parcel “the item pre-advised” / “Email notification received” does not change for several days, this is normal, You can read more by following the link: .

If the status of the mail item does not change for 7 - 20 days, do not worry, this is normal for international mail items.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and the new parcel takes more than a month, this is normal, because... Parcels go on different routes, in different ways, they can wait for 1 day to be sent by plane, or maybe even a week.

If the parcel has left the sorting center, customs, intermediate point and there are no new statuses within 7 - 20 days, do not worry, the parcel is not a courier who is delivering the parcel from one city to your home. In order for a new status to appear, the parcel must arrive, unload, scan, etc. at the next sorting point or post office, and this takes much more time than just getting from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Reception / Export / Import / Arrived at the place of delivery, etc., you can look at the breakdown of the main statuses of international mail:

If the parcel is not delivered to your post office 5 days before the end of the protection period, you have the right to open a dispute.

If, based on the above, you do not understand anything, read these instructions again, and again, until you are completely clear;)

Money transfer systems are designed to make the process of transferring money from sender to recipient as easy as possible. To send funds, you do not need to know any details other than the recipient’s last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth.

How to send a transfer if the recipient does not have a bank account

Sometimes it is necessary to send money to a person with whom you cannot meet and who does not have a bank account. In this case, money transfer systems that have actively proven themselves to be reliable, simple and fast come to the rescue.

Such systems usually operate at a bank. That is, they officially license their “point” in one or another branch of any bank, after which they add it to their list (available for review by everyone). The agent bank is provided with a set of computer programs through which employees can make transfers within the system network.

How is the transfer completed?

From the client's point of view, the entire process of transferring funds is very transparent. A person contacts the agent bank of the money transfer system and expresses a desire to transfer money. Moreover, the client-sender is not even required to provide a passport; the manager enters information about the last name, first name and patronymic from the words of the applicant. Then the branch (agent bank, location address) where funds are expected to be received is specified. Also, according to the client, information about the recipient is entered (usually last name, first name, patronymic, and date of birth). After that, cash is accepted, and the transfer is recorded in the system (it is assigned a serial number) and sent. The number is provided to the sender.

The person must provide the transfer number, amount and address of the agent bank (where the transfer is sent) to the payee. Within a day (or more often within a couple of hours) it is already possible to receive money. To do this, you need to go to the specified address, give the transfer number, amount and provide a passport to confirm your identity. If the transfer number and its amount, as well as the identity of the recipient, are visually verified by the manager issuing the transfer, then the client receives his funds without delay.

Bank commissions and money transfer systems

Of course, neither the agent bank nor the transfer system will work for free. The sender will pay a transfer service fee for services provided in excess of the amount sent. This commission is assigned individually in each money transfer system (usually it varies from 0.5% to 10% of the sending amount. And it is limited by the minimum commission amount for one transfer). The bank and the system share the commission among themselves in a certain percentage.

Money transfer systems are an incredibly convenient and fast way to send funds over long distances.

The situation when we are waiting for funds to arrive, but do not know whether they have arrived on our card, is familiar to many. But you can use some tools and no longer think about how to find out whether the transfer was made to a Sberbank card.

Money comes to our plastic cards not only in the form of wages. This could be transfers from other people, payment for services performed, or withdrawal of funds earned on the Internet. But the everyday use of these payment instruments also leads to questions about how to transfer money to a Sberbank Maestro card and how to find out whether the money has arrived in the account.

Methods of transferring funds to Sberbank cards

Today, you can transfer money to a Sberbank plastic card through payment terminals, using the Sberbank Online system, by using Mobile Banking, through a bank or post office operator, or through electronic payment systems.

Using a terminal to transfer funds requires the sender to have the recipient's card number, so you should first write down these details.

The convenience of such a payment is that you can transfer money either from your own card or deposit it into a payment terminal in cash. However, a transfer to a Sberbank Maestro card through a self-service device can only be made when using a debit card or cash banknotes.

The Sberbank Online system allows you to perform any operations with your account directly from your office or home. To do this you will need to register on the site. Then everything is simple:

  • transition to the payments and transfers section;
  • entering the details of the recipient and the transfer amount, indicating the plastic card from which the funds will be debited;
  • confirmation of the transaction.

The bank will charge a commission for the service, however, compared to other transfer options, this amount is the most profitable. A receipt for the transaction is sent to the sender's email.

When using a mobile bank, the process of transferring funds occurs by sending an SMS message to number 900. The text of the outgoing message should look like this - TRANSFER 1111 2222 333, where:

  • 1111 – last numbers of the sender’s card number;
  • 2222 – last digits of the recipient’s card number;
  • 333 – transferred amount.

Sberbank transfers money to the card through a bank branch operator. To send money through an operator, the sender must have a passport, all the recipient’s details, as well as bank branch details. There is no need to fill out any applications regarding the upcoming operation; all you need to do is give the cashier at the window all the available documents and indicate how much you need to transfer. Then put your signature on the receipt and be sure to pick up the check.

The disadvantage of such a payment is the amount of commission charged. In a bank branch, this operation is more expensive than when paying through a terminal or website.

You can also transfer money through Russian postal services. To do this, you will need all the data of both the sender and the recipient of the funds, the size of the commission for the operation will be an order of magnitude higher than in Sberbank branches. Funds are credited to the cardholder's account slowly, which creates some discomfort for both parties. However, this may be the only way to carry out such an operation.

How to find out about funds being credited to a Sberbank card

You can track the completion of a transfer to a Sberbank card in two ways - through the Sberbank online service or Mobile Bank.

Using the Sberbank online service, in your personal account you can view all transactions made with the user’s account. And by activating the Mobile Bank service and paying 60 rubles monthly for its use, the cardholder will receive notifications in the form of SMS messages about all transactions with the account.

Features of withdrawing bitcoins to a Sberbank card

Despite the fact that it has become increasingly difficult to earn bitcoins over the years, a large number of Russians earn money this way. However, for many, the question remains unresolved: how to transfer bitcoins to a Sberbank card and turn virtual money into real money.

Earned bitcoins are sent to the electronic wallet accounts of their owners. Electronic payment systems Webmoney, Kiwi or Yandex.Money are used for storage and use. There are no direct ways to make payments and transfers from these EPS to Sberbank accounts. However, such a transfer can be performed through exchange sites.

The owner of bitcoins will need to select the most suitable payment terms and conditions and request a withdrawal indicating the amount and details of his card. After that, an invoice issued for payment will be sent to your e-wallet, after paying which you can expect funds to be credited to your plastic card. Some exchangers additionally notify about the receipt of funds on the card by sending an SMS message to the recipient’s phone number.

Cards of the Savings Bank of Russia provide its users with enormous opportunities for making non-cash payments. Thanks to the development of technical means, the plastic holder can fully control and easily carry out any transactions with his account without going to a bank branch.

Every day, people around the world use postal orders from different companies. Russian Post in this regard is a fairly well-functioning system, however, there are malfunctions here too. When one person sends money and the second does not receive it, a natural question arises: “What is the problem?” In this case, it is necessary to track the postal transfer. Content

  • Types of postal transfers
    • "Fast and Furious"
    • Postal transfer
    • Western Union
  • Tracking money transfers from Russian Post

Types of postal orders The official website of the Russian Post lists several types of postal orders. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to know them in order to use them correctly in a given situation. Money transfers on the official website of the Russian Post “Forsazh” This is an instant transfer.

How to track a Russian Post money transfer by number

The timing depends on the amount of the amount and the location of the post office. Amount up to 100,000 rubles will be transferred within one hour.

It takes no more than 2 days to send a large amount of money to small post offices. International - held in a few hours. Simple postal The delivery time of a postal order depends on the amount and country, usually takes from 2 to 6 days.


When sending, the sender and recipient must have a document confirming their identity. This type of service is available to residents of the most remote settlements.

WesternUnion The WesternUnion system is mainly used to transfer funds to foreign countries. The sender and recipient have a control track number.
You can receive money in just a few minutes.


On the company's website, data is entered on a special tracking page, then the site provides information about the parcel: stop locations, travel time and approximate time of arrival. How to send money? Instructions To make a transfer of funds, you need to have your passport, the amount to transfer and money to pay for delivery services.

  1. Take the form from the operator or fill it out directly on the Russian Post website and then print it out.
  2. Hand over your passport, form and money to the cashier operator. Pay for services.
  3. At the end of the transaction, the cashier issues a receipt.

How to track a money transfer through Russian Post

How to track a money transfer through Russian Post Therefore, today we will talk about tracking a postal money transfer through Russian Post. Let's understand all the nuances and reveal the secrets of how not to lose your money.
Track a money transfer using the Russian Post transfer number. Tracking instructions. You can check the status of financial transfers sent by mail using three methods:

  • SMS notification;
  • call the hotline;
  • visiting the department.

The second and third options involve tracking using the transfer number and a document that can confirm the client’s identity. SMS is the easiest way to track money sent by Russian Post.


Such notifications are ordered immediately at the time of sending finances. The service is paid, but the fee is not particularly high - one message costs a ruble.

The procedure for tracking a postal money transfer by receipt number

The procedure for tracking a postal money transfer by receipt number If the “Forsazh” transfer is used, then it makes no sense to track it at all. Read also Transferring money from Israel to Russia: popular methods How to find out if the transfer has arrived If the money has not arrived and the status of the payment is unknown, then you need to start searching for it. You can check what’s wrong with the payment by visiting a post office in person.

Here are instructions on how to search for a shipment:

  1. Prepare your passport and receipt confirming payment. You will need the original receipt or a clear copy.
  2. Contact the department’s specialists with a supporting document and passport.
  3. Fill out an application to search for a transfer.

If the delivery period has expired and the funds have not been delivered, you can return the commission. To do this, a claim is written to the post office (OPS).

How to track a money transfer by Russian Post

The sender comes to the post office with the required amount, a passport, names the payment amount and receives a secret code. Using this code, the recipient is given the required amount. To make a regular postal item, you need to contact the Post Office specialists with your passport.

There, fill out the form 112 eff. You need to provide the following information:

  • name, surname and patronymic of the recipient;
  • the exact address;
  • index.

The sender must deposit a sum of money, taking into account the commission. To receive money, the recipient needs to go to the post office with a passport.

Money is delivered to your home if such a service has been ordered. For home delivery, an additional commission of 1.77% is charged to the sender.

The service is considered provided when the money reaches the recipient or is issued in cash. The conditions for transferring funds and the amount of commissions differ among different operators.

Russian Post track money transfer by number

Instructions for tracking money transfers by Russian post In addition, the recipient, knowing the order of the numbers in this number, will be able to prove that the finances are intended for him. And as you may have guessed, in this situation they will not require any passport from you. Finally there is a regular option. It is known to be the most popular among the population of the Russian Federation due to its availability, relative cheapness and intelligibility. True, your money will not reach the addressee immediately on the same day.

This usually takes from two days to an indefinite period. And that is why people who have used this service most often wonder how to track the funds they sent to friends or relatives.

The maximum transfer is 375 thousand rubles. Transfers to the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine are temporarily not carried out. Read also Transfer money from Russia to Uzbekistan: available methods

  1. The recipient must know the shipment number and delivery time. You need to come with your passport to the post office and pick up the amount of money.

    A commission is charged for transferring funds: 1.8% of the payment amount + 65 rubles for a ruble transfer, 2.8% is the commission for transfers in foreign currency. The amount of commission when using Cyber ​​Money depends on the country in which the recipient is located.

How the systems work Money transfer systems operate in accordance with the Law “On the National Payment System”.

The systems differ from each other in the speed of payments, the amount of commission for services, and the territory to which funds are transferred.

How to track a money transfer by Russian Post

How to track a money transfer by Russian Post? If money is transferred using a regular postal transfer, then it is impossible to track it on the website, since such transfers are not assigned a unique track code. The only way to track the movement of the transfer is to order an SMS notification when filling out the form about the arrival of funds at the branch and about the delivery of money. When sending money by simple transfer, the sender receives information about the delivery time. This procedure takes no more than 6 days. In cases where the money has not arrived on the appointed date, the sender must contact the post office branch or call 8 800 2005 888. The sender will be provided with information only about the time of arrival of the money. Forsazh carries out instant transfers and does not have to be tracked. But such a service is not available in every branch.

How to track a Russian Post transfer

It can be either addressed or unaddressed. In the first case, the money is delivered to a specific post office, from where the recipient can pick it up. In the second case, you can receive the parcel at any branch.

To receive money, you must provide identification and provide an identification number. The cost in this case will be slightly higher, but you will save significant time.

The maximum and minimum parcel amount differs depending on the country where the recipient is located. Postal transfer is more common than others. Can be used for both non-cash and cash transfers within Russia and to foreign countries.

Delivery time is from 2 days. The upper and lower limits of the amount vary greatly depending on the country where the money is sent. To send and receive, it is enough to present an identity card.

In addition, their branches throughout the country are much larger than those of Sberbank, and therefore it will be absolutely easy to find the office closest to you in whatever city you are in. However, many have heard about the not-so-best reputation of this institution, and therefore most clients prefer to monitor the process more closely so that they do not inadvertently get lost while covering the vast distances of our boundless homeland.

Therefore, today we will talk about tracking a postal money transfer through Russian Post. Let's understand all the nuances and reveal the secrets of how not to lose your money.

Types of services In fact, there are as many as three of them and each of them has both pros and cons, so I think it’s worth taking a closer look at each one so that you know in advance which one will be useful to you more than the others. The first of them is called “Fast and Furious”.

Track a money transfer by transfer number Russian Post

And finally, you can simply go to the nearest Russian Post office and ask the cashier directly about the fate of the money sent. Again, to do this you need to present your passport, check and personally issued control number.

In addition, the employee will help you understand other issues, in addition to telling you at what stage your transfer is and how long the recipient will have to wait. But no online service has yet been invented for this. Although, it would seem, this is much more convenient, especially since almost everything can be tracked on the Internet: parcels, urgent letters, ordinary parcels, but this is not our case.

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