How is the name Denis translated from Greek? Origin and character of the name Denis

The melodious name Denis carries positive energy, which is reflected in the character, fate and relationships of its owner with other people.

History and distribution

The name Denis originates from the ancient Greek Διονύσιος (Dionysios, or Dionysus). This ancient god was the patron of farmers, winemakers, fertility and inspiration. Thus, the meaning of the name is associated with belonging to the productive forces of nature, rebirth and fun. Until the beginning of the last century, the name Denis was considered colloquial; its full form was the church name Dionysius.

Both Orthodox and Catholics have this name, so it is common in many countries. Dionysius the Areopagite is the patron saint of Paris, as well as the French knighthood. In this country, not only the male name Denis, but also its female form Denise (Denise) is very common. In our country, this name became very popular in the sixties of the last century, after the publication of Dragunsky’s book “Deniska’s Stories”, and is still one of the most common.

Among the famous Denis of all times and peoples we can note:

  • ancient Russian icon painter Dionysius;
  • French philosopher Denis Diderot;
  • comedy author Denis Fonvizin;
  • poet, hero of the War of 1812 Denis Davydov;
  • Hungarian physicist, Nobel Prize winner Denes Gabor;
  • Greek violinist Dionysos Lavrangas;
  • Brazilian footballer Dionisio de Oliveira Alves;
  • writer Denis Sobolev;
  • hockey player Denis Grebeshkov;
  • actors Denis Paramonov, Denis Nikiforov, Denis Shvedov, Denis Matrosov and others.

Forms and writing

Shortened versions of the name Denis will be Den, Denya, Dinya, Desha. With diminutive address boy can be called Deniska, Denisik, Denchik, Denechka, Denisochka, Denyusya, etc. From this name the patronymics Denisovich and Denisovna are formed; Denisych can be used as a familiar and friendly address. If the rarely encountered variant Dionisy is recorded in the father’s documents, then the corresponding patronymics will be Dionisievich and Dionisievna.

This name is known in many countries; its spelling variations are given in the table

A country Writing Pronunciation
Russia Denis Denis
Ukraine Denis Denys
Belarus Dzyanis Dzyanis
England, USA Den, obsolete Denis, Dennis Dan, Denis
France Denis Denis
Italy Dionigi Dioniji
Germany, Sweden, Norway Dennis Dennis
Poland Dionizy Denise
Hungary Denes Denesh
Czech Republic, Slovakia Denis Denis
Greece Δένις Διόνυσος Denis, Dionysos

The spelling DENIS is used in the international passport.

Angel Day for Denis

Due to the fact that this name was common in ancient times, the Orthodox calendar contains 26 days when saints named Dionysius are commemorated. Thus, Denis’s name day can be brought as close as possible to his birthday. However, both the church and folk traditions especially highlight October 16, the day of Dionysius the Areopagite.

This saint lived in Athens and was a philosopher. He was baptized by the Apostle Paul, was his disciple, and became the first bishop of Athens. In 95, Dionysius, together with two of his companions, preached in Gaul, in particular in Lutetia (modern France and Paris). Governor Sisinius subjected the missionaries to long torture, and then condemned them to death by beheading. According to legend, Dionysius got up after the execution, washed his severed head in a stream and went with it to the Christian church, where he was buried. Later, the Abbey of Saint-Denis was built there, which became the tomb of the French kings.

People called October 16 Denis half-winter, since from that time it began to snow. On such a day it was supposed to be protected from the evil eye.

The character of little Denis

This name is best suited for boys born under the zodiac signs of Aquarius and Taurus. From an early age they are distinguished by high energy, positive character, activity and mobility. Deniska greatly values ​​the company of her peers and immediately starts noisy games. The baby is distinguished by curiosity and good memory. However, these characteristics are not very helpful during school years, because due to excessive activity, he quickly loses interest in the work he has started and is in a hurry to switch to something new. Parents will have to make a lot of effort for their son to learn to work systematically. A child may show early creative inclinations not only in art, but also in any field of activity. He will come up with an original solution to many problems and find something useful for himself in their content - but only if they interest him.

Teenage Den requires special attention. At this time, he should not be left without constant supervision, but at the same time, parents should show maximum tact so that their son’s talents develop in the right direction, and his activity does not lead to undesirable actions. As for Denis’s health, he often caught colds as a child, but this goes away over the years. Its activity and susceptibility create great stress on the nervous system, which, in turn, can reduce immunity and performance. The best remedy for such troubles is the correct daily routine and proper rest. Parents also need to instill in their son that they should not experiment even with weak alcoholic drinks and soft drugs, since the bearers of this name can develop addiction very quickly.

Adult years

The cheerfulness and activity inherent in Denchik in childhood do not leave him as he grows up. However, along with them, emotional instability can also develop, which means an inability to cope with one’s mood, unreasonable touchiness, and uncontrollable outbursts of anger. To be fair, such changes pass quickly, and Denis will never harbor a grudge, much less take revenge.

He still lacks patience and focus. Starting a new business with enthusiasm, Denis is capable of burning out very quickly and quitting it at any moment. A love of risk can also cause him considerable harm. It is believed that the bearers of this name are usually lucky in life, and especially in gambling, but from time to time they find themselves in very unpleasant situations. True, with age comes wisdom and caution, but young people can become too carried away by a carefree and cheerful lifestyle without learning anything useful.

Men with this name often show kindness and compassion towards others, but at the same time they are characterized by vanity and selfishness. They live not so much by reason as by feelings, they react very violently to criticism and are often not averse to lying, mistaking their fantasies for reality. Denis’s carefully hidden secret is the selfish motives of many of his actions. Moreover, he is interested not so much in the material aspect as in the desire to impress others.

Despite many not very attractive character traits, the fate of such men is usually successful, since they will always be her favorites.

Romance and marriage

Denis has been attracting the attention of his peers since his school years and willingly responds to their feelings. He likes pleasant appearance, cheerfulness, and originality of character. A man with this name knows how to look after beautifully, but he will not waste time on a shy prude or on a coquette who initially rejects him.

Denis's novels sooner or later lead to marriage, but family unions do not always turn out to be durable.

The husband has a hard time giving up his bachelor habits, and besides, he considers himself the unconditional head of the family. At the same time, he is not going to solve economic problems and does not always show patience and tact. In addition, despite his tendency to have affairs on the side, Denis himself is very jealous. Such an alliance will only become strong with mutual respect and trust. This will be facilitated by the self-possessed and reasonable character of his chosen one, as well as the compatibility of the names of husband and wife.

Choosing a profession and career

Denis's active and inventive character contributes to his success in creative professions (actor, director, showman, journalist, etc.). He is successful in matters involving risk, but does not like to be responsible for others. A man with this name is more suitable for individual activities or a place as a specialized specialist in a team. But as a leader or negotiator, he may fail because he does not always show restraint and is not inclined to compromise.

Short form of the name Denis. Den, Dena, Dani, Deniska, Denya, Denusya, Dusya, Desha, Diu, Didi, Nicho, Dion.
Synonyms for the name Denis. Dionysos, Denis, Denis, Dionisio, Daniz, Denesh, Dionysos, Dionysius, Dainis, Danis, Daniz.
Origin of the name Denis. The name Denis is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Denis was originally a popular form of the obsolete church name Dionysius, which in turn comes from the ancient Greek name Dionysios, meaning “belonging to Dionysus.” In the mythology of Ancient Greece, Dionysus is the god of viticulture, winemaking, fertility, inspiration, and the productive forces of nature. Therefore, sometimes the name Denis is interpreted as “merry fellow”, “reveler”. From the male name Denis the female names Deniz, Dionisia, Denis, Denise are formed.

In some European countries, for example, in France, Italy, Spain, Monaco, there is a variant of the name Denis (Dionysius) - Danis. May be written and pronounced as Daniz. Accordingly, paired female names have also changed slightly - Danisa, Daniza.

The name Denis is mentioned in both Orthodox and Catholic calendars. Among Catholics, Saint Dionysius of Paris, who is the patron saint of France and Paris, is especially revered.

Little Denis is unusually active. From a very early age he cannot sit still and is very curious. Denis readily joins any game, even sometimes trying to join the company of older children. Perhaps during his school years Denis is not very diligent or diligent, but he thinks quickly and easily remembers information. This boy can only become diligent if he finds something to do that he likes. Most likely, Denis will take away little knowledge from school, but you won’t deny him erudition.

Perhaps the boy’s innate curiosity will help him become a scientist versed in many areas of knowledge. Denis is full of energy and she pushes him to take rash actions. When embarking on adventures, the boy does not forget to carry his friends along with him and shows organizational skills in many ways. True, Denis does not last long; he often abandons a task without completing it and letting down those whom he attracted to him.

Possessing a quick and agile mind, Denis is able to lie very smoothly if necessary. If a young man realizes the ease with which he can invent fables, then gradually the truth for him will become indistinguishable from fiction. As a result, Denis will begin to make a lot of mistakes and have difficulty paying for them. Basically, we are talking about the family relationships of this person and his manner of communicating with women. Unfortunately, frequent family troubles can provoke in Denis a serious craving for alcohol, thereby completely destroying the already shaken family peace.

To succeed in life, it is very important for Denis to develop caution, patience and commitment. Only these qualities will help a man in any profession. Moreover, Denis very easily signs up for all sorts of ventures. To attract him with you, a fascinating story and a request for advice are enough. Any interesting idea becomes a bait for Denis. However, it is always worth remembering that Denis is an organizer, and there is a high probability that it is not you who will encourage him to implement your idea, but he, by supporting you, will make you a performer, and not an initiator.

Denis is not afraid of hard work, and with age he becomes very careful and diligent. It happens that he takes part in various adventures. But this is only because if he is ignited by any idea, he will do everything to realize it. Denis would need a little caution and patience, and then any business he starts will be successful. This man is principled and often imposes his ideas on others. It is easy for him to carry other people along with him, but being their leader until the very end is inconvenient for him.

In family life, Denis prefers to live separately from his parents. When choosing a life partner, Denis will be guided by the principle “to make it interesting.” He likes women who are active, easy-going, not ossified in thoughts and liberated in actions. He prefers to raise his children on the ideas of freedom and the right to choose.

Denis's birthday

Denis celebrates his name day on January 17, February 6, March 5, March 23, March 28, March 29, May 4, May 19, July 8, July 9, August 17, August 31, September 10, September 19, October 16, October 18 , October 25, October 28, November 3, November 14, November 23, December 2, December 12, December 30.

Famous people named Denis

  • Dionysius ((c.1440 - 1502) Moscow icon painter)
  • Dionysius of Heraclea ((c.330 - 250 BC) ancient Greek philosopher)
  • Dionysius of Cyrene ((c. 150 BC) ancient Greek mathematician, Stoic philosopher)
  • Denis Pankratov (swimmer, world and European champion, sports journalist)
  • Denis Matsuev (Russian pianist, laureate of international competitions)
  • Denis Fonvizin (famous Russian writer, author of comedies)
  • Denis Davydov (partisan of the Patriotic War of 1812, poet, military writer)
  • Denis Nowell Pritt (English lawyer and social activist (1887–1972))
  • Denis Diderot (French writer and philosopher (1713–1784))
  • Dionisio Bellante ((1610 - 1685) Italian violinist and composer)
  • Dionigi Bussola ((1615 - 1687) Italian painter and sculptor)
  • Denis Kolodin (Russian footballer, central defender of Dynamo Moscow and the Russian national team)
  • Denis Grebeshkov (Russian hockey player, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)
  • Denis Paramonov (Russian theater and film actor)
  • Denis de Rougemont (Swiss writer, philosopher, public figure)
  • Denis Nikiforov ((born 1977) Russian theater and film actor)
  • Denis Sobolev (writer, cultural scientist, Ph.D.)
  • Dennis Ritchie (computer specialist, known for his participation in the creation of the B, BCPL, C programming languages, the ALTRAN extension for the FORTRAN programming language, participation in the development of the Multics and UNIX operating systems)
  • Denis King ((b.1939) English composer and singer)
  • Dennis Hopper ((1936 - 2010) American film actor and director)
  • Denis Tyurin (Russian hockey player, forward)
  • Dionysius of Halicarnassus ((1st century BC) ancient Greek historian, critic and rhetorician)
  • Dionysius the Elder ((c. 432–367 BC) Tyrant of Syracuse)
  • Dennis Gansel (German film director)
  • Dionisio Aguado ((1784 - 1849) Spanish guitarist and composer)
  • Dionisio de Oliveira Alves (Brazilian footballer)
  • Dionysius Poniatowski ((c.1750 - 1811) Polish military leader, participant in the Kościuszko uprising)
  • Denes Gabor ((1900 - 1979) Hungarian physicist, Nobel Prize laureate)
  • Dionysios Lavrangas ((1860 - 1941) Greek violinist, composer and conductor)

When giving a name, at the birth of a child, you should understand that its meaning is closely connected with the fate of a person.

One of the most common is the name Denis.

You can understand the popularity of this name by reading its full interpretation.

The history of the name Denis goes back to the period of Ancient Greece. Translated from ancient Greek, the name means “dedicated to Dionysus”, “belonging to the God of fun”.

The history of this name is quite interesting. Denis comes from the name of the Ancient Greek deity Dionysus, who is the God of fertility and winemaking.
According to ancient legend, Dionysus was the illegitimate son of Zeus himself, who was constantly hidden and his relationship with his father was not advertised. When the information became known, Zeus's wife, Hera, instilled great madness in Dionysus.

The myths of Ancient Rus' connect the origin of the name Denis with the Monk Dionysius of Radonezh, who was born approximately in the 70s of the 16th century. Since he was orphaned early, the monastery took care of his upbringing, where he took monastic vows.
Due to his strong character and great religiosity, he was elected rector of the Staritsky Assumption Monastery. In addition, from 1610 he took the post of archimandrite of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Constant prayers offered to the Creator were answered and thus the gift of miracles was sent to him from above. Therefore, the name Denis endows the owner with a wide range of positive qualities.

This name has many patron saints who determine the date of the name day.

List of the most common patrons:

  • Venerable Dionysius – May 25
  • Hieromartyr Areopagite – October 16
  • Reader Dionysius of Alexandria – October 18

The positive characteristics of this name, which have been improved and strengthened over many centuries, reward modern men with strength, prudence and firmness, which is why many parents have been using the name Denis for centuries to name their sons.

Age characteristics of the name

At different stages of human development, characteristic positive and

Choosing a name is an important decision for parents.

negative traits of the name Denis.

A child with this name shows incredible curiosity, is very restless and has increased activity. In friendly relations and for playing games, he gives preference to peers or older children.

Thanks to his friendliness, kindness, sincerity and responsiveness, as well as his enormous charm, he attracts others. Little Deniska is a rather playful child. But at the same time, honesty, integrity and determination are in the first place for him.

If Denis has set a goal for himself, then no difficulties can prevent him from achieving it.

Despite his restlessness and increased activity, the child often chooses games that require great concentration and calmness. Starting from childhood, a boy develops such strong traits as narcissism and inflexibility. At the same time, he subtly senses the limits of the acceptable norm of such behavior.

Denises are prone to adventures and rash actions, so in a large company, a boy with that name is the center of attention. In teaching, he demonstrates a great ability to quickly assimilate educational material, although Denis does not like to study.

In adolescence, he is highly restless and impulsive. Excessive activity often leads Denis to various troubles, but despite this, the teenager always has an optimistic attitude.

The outward manifestation of his character is that he is a cheerful playmaker. Despite the superficiality of his character, Denis is characterized by subtle cunning, clear calculation and pragmatism in actions and behavior. Fully opens up exclusively to very close people.

A big negative feature of this name in adolescence is the presence of a tendency to deceive. During this period, parents should be attentive and at the first manifestations of excessive lies, they should prevent such behavior.

Adult men, despite their excessive excitability and impulsiveness, have the ability to perfectly restrain the manifestation of their feelings. In most cases, Denis is a sympathetic, kind and sensitive person. But he demonstrates these character traits only to close people.

In general, Denis, at different ages, lives in a self-invented illusionary world that does not require the introduction of the framework of reality. Therefore, to achieve success in life, starting from childhood, constant development of such feelings as caution, patience and commitment is required.

Characteristics of a name by season

A person’s fate, as well as the development of personality and character, is influenced not only by the name given at birth, but also by the time of year when he was born.

If the name Denis is given to a person born in winter, he has the following qualities:

  • Hot temper
  • Imbalance
  • Straightforwardness
  • Heightened sense of justice
  • Responsibility
  • Honesty

Thanks to their natural charm, Denises are very popular among representatives of the opposite sex at any age. But, despite such popularity, he will be devoted to a good-natured, honest and sincere chosen one, who will create a warm and

cozy family hearth.

Denis, born in the spring, is a very egocentric person, characterized by a touchy, emotional, hot-tempered character. Despite the superficial irresponsibility, this is an insecure person who needs constant support. As a life partner, he chooses a strong woman who takes care of all household chores.

If you name a boy born in the summer Denis, you will end up being romantic and impractical. Such individuals are easily influenced by others, and depression can be triggered by even a small nuisance. An extraordinary, cheerful optimist is capable of diversifying and embellishing his everyday life.

In autumn, Denis is born, with a strong character. It is common for a man to:

  • Self-confidence
  • Determination
  • Discretion

This is a calm personality who has strong tenacity in achieving his goals. He sticks to his life clearly.

For a family union, Denis chooses a successful, purposeful woman with great ambitions, whom others admire.

Almost always, subject to proper upbringing and systematic work on themselves, Denises constantly improve the strengths of their character. Therefore, the owners of this name in most cases achieve success in all areas of life.

About the meaning of the name Denis, watch the video:


The name Denis is of ancient Greek origin. But initially it came from the obsolete church name Dionysius, which became a popular variation of the pronunciation. In turn, Dionysius comes from the name Dionysios, which translates as “belonging to Dionysus.”

The male name Denis can endow a boy with special features. This name has excellent meaning, decoding, and symbolism, and also goes well with most signs of the Zodiac. Plus, it has very good compatibility with female Russian names...

Conversational options: Den, Deniska, Denya

Modern English analogues: Dionysos, Denis, Denis

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Denis promises many good qualities. These are, for the most part, restless, intelligent, multi-faceted people with eloquence, sociability, and spontaneity. Denises, without exception, are kind and generous, but slightly selfish and selfish, which is why they often find themselves too lonely sooner or later. Although five is just one of the theories...

Denis is principled, does not know how to lie or flatter, and speaks the truth to his face. He is a devoted friend, incapable of betrayal or lies. He has many friends - everyone will respect and appreciate him. He easily grasps new information, but is restless - he lacks diligence. And in general, Denis, he is always a unique person by nature...

Advantages and positive features: the most important advantage of all Denisov, without exception, is their mobility, activity and effectiveness. The bearers of this name never sit still, do not idle, they always chase some goal, and the most interesting thing is that in most cases they achieve it...

Denis has a bad attitude towards people capable of selfish and not very beautiful actions, although he himself may be prone to such. And the bearer of this name will never tolerate a person next to him who cannot trust him.

The name Denis belongs to the category of those rare names that are listed simultaneously in both the Catholic and Orthodox Saints.

Character of the name Denis

The character of the name Denis is such that it imparts a very complex and at the same time unpredictable nature. His character is simple, on the one hand, but complex in terms of predictability, constancy and stability. Endless jokes, prankishness, playfulness, lack of any kind of planning - all this can bring a lot of problems. True, but in contrast there are a bunch of advantages, including eloquence, goodwill, efficiency, kindness, cheerfulness, optimism and sociability. The character is such that it promises a lot of good, despite a lot of shortcomings. However, the character can be arranged differently in the end - additional factors can influence...

The main factors influencing character are such as the zodiac sign that patronizes the given name Denis, the animal according to the Chinese calendar, and even the time of year of birth.

Early childhood

The early childhood of the boy, whose parents decided to choose the name Denis, is full of movement and activity; this boy is simply overwhelmed with positive energy, and it spills out in the most diverse forms. In other words, the meaning of the name Denis bestows such characteristics as activity, energy, efficiency, mobility, restlessness, disobedience, playfulness, ideologicalness and emotionality. Denis does not sit still, he is always on the move, constantly coming up with more and more new activities and things to do, he is like an endless engine, restless and restless. At the same time, the meaning also bestows such important properties as friendliness and eloquence - Denis easily makes contact, communicates with children with different characters, easily makes contact and rarely quarrels with anyone.

Parents shouldn’t worry, and they won’t have to - despite all his mischief and hyperactivity, he doesn’t do bad things, and therefore parents simply have no reason to worry as such. The only major problem with the name Denis is the lack of concentration - this is the meaning of this name. He has difficulty concentrating on any one task, cannot sit still, and often abandons the tasks he has begun halfway through - in the future this trait may manifest itself with even greater intensity.


Denis, who has reached adolescence. This is still the same agile, active, efficient, energetic and restless boy. This boy has so much energy that one could only envy it, but at the same time there is no less emotion in him. The meaning of the name Denis, however, can impart not only mobility, emotionality and efficiency, but also a huge number of additional characteristics, among which are eloquence, talkativeness, integrity, uncompromisingness, pride, and self-sufficiency.

By the way, as for integrity, it sometimes leads a boy named Denis in adolescence to conflicts with classmates and peers, but it does not manifest itself in everything, but only in cases where he sees injustice or dishonesty in people’s relationships. This boy has the nature of a fair, honest, principled and at the same time charming person, which goes well with all the above-mentioned traits. As for studies, this is the very factor in which problems may arise - he is smart, talented, easily understands subjects, can easily study both the exact sciences and the humanities, but the significance does not promise him concentration, which is why studying all subjects without exception can be extremely complicated.

Grown man

Denis, who has reached maturity, is usually a completely different person. No, he still has energy, activity, and all of the above, but a bunch of other qualities also appear. In general, he is a fickle, optional, humorous, optimistic, cheerful, sociable, good-natured, friendly, cheerful and idealistic man. But if these traits only make the baby beautiful, then they can spoil the man. So, it is these very traits that are the main reason for the failures of a guy named Denis in his professional activities - he often gives up on things he has started, is too frivolous about many things in his life, and moreover, he often makes rash decisions, which can lead to problems .

The life of this man is based on chance, on luck, he cannot live by the rules and in everything he relies only on chance. But Denis is creatively developed, has a great imagination and easily makes contact. True, there is one drawback here - meaning does not endow it with such an important property as the ability to understand people. Denis does not understand people, he makes a lot of mistakes, suffers from this, but does not learn from his own mistakes...

The interaction of Denis’s character with the seasons

Summer - the hot summer months, with their meaning, bring into the world the nature of the bearer of the name Denis, dreamy, positive, but unstable. He does not know how to resist other people's influence, is easily led, and is unable to resist manipulation. Indecisive and irresponsible - not ready to take responsibility, dependent on other people's opinions. There is no independence in him. Depressive. He needs a fun-loving woman.

Autumn - capricious weather gives rise to a calm and reasonable boy, self-sufficient, self-confident and honest, demanding. He follows a plan in life and does not go astray. He is impetuous and purposeful, diligent - ambitions drive him, but he is guided in his actions exclusively by reason. The wife must be temperamental and persistent, successful, but not competing with his strong character.

Winter - harsh winter days will give Deniska a hot-tempered, unbalanced, straightforward, honest and fair nature. This is a good person, but he does not know how to be tactful and diplomatic. He often offends people with his directness - because of this, he is deprived of friends and cannot boast of intensive communication. His woman should become his friend and helper.

Spring - this period will give light to the origin of the soul of an emotional, touchy, vulnerable, hot-tempered and at the same time flighty boy. He is secretive and withdrawn, has a complex character, he has catastrophically few friends - he needs communication and support. Loneliness destroys his personality - the only way out is in a sensual, self-confident, assertive lady. He will become a faithful husband and an excellent father.

The fate of the name Denis

The fate of the name Denis in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, in love and in marriage, is a rather complex and practically unpredictable factor; more precisely, it is theoretical, and that is why it cannot be predicted. However, there are many researchers who are confident of the opposite...

Thus, the majority of these researchers are confident that the fate of the variation Denis suggests the presence of such an important trait as excessive amorousness. That is, fate can lead to Denis falling in love with girls very often, considering each of them his destiny. Moreover, in most cases, the novels will end extremely badly - he cannot avoid quarrels due to his restlessness and energy, and unpredictability in actions.

On the other hand, fate presupposes that Denis will ultimately become a good, one might even say, an exemplary family man. True, he will only accept an interesting, inquisitive and equally effective girl for the role of his second half.

Love and marriage

Denis is a charming and rather amorous man. He is in great demand among women and is in no hurry to lead someone to the altar. He enjoys his freedom to the fullest and has numerous affairs, without encouraging the ladies with empty dreams. He is affectionate and gentle with his passions, among whom most are slender, beautiful and sexy girls. Denis is very dependent on his intimate life, so only a true priestess of love, who constantly comes up with more and more new bed games, can stay with him for a long time.

Having matured and having walked around, Denis begins to think about starting a family. As his wife, he will choose a fairly strong-willed and at the same time modest woman with an attractive appearance, a cheerful disposition, and who also knows how to run a household. Dan will very beautifully and gallantly look after the lady of his heart, putting love and soul into gifts and compliments. The wife must maintain this interest even after the wedding, so that Denis does not regret or doubt his choice.

Denis puts himself as the unconditional head of the family, although many of the responsibilities, even men's ones, related to the household, are performed by his wife. He is often lazy to help her and tries to return home later so that his wife does not ask him for help. But in return, he takes care of his wife as best he can, tries to bring a good income to the family, and generally make everyone happy.

Denis as Father

It is difficult to imagine how a person will fulfill his parental duty when children appear in his life. Such a contradictory characterization of the name Denis makes it impossible to determine what kind of father he will become. However, one can only hope that he will have enough love, tenderness and a sense of responsibility to avoid becoming a damn bad father. He makes sure that his kids do not need anything and that his wife can buy everything she needs. He likes to occasionally pamper children with his attention, but this happens extremely rarely. Most often, it is enough for him to know that everything is fine with the children.

As the children grow older, Den realizes that they need more time than before. He begins to understand his mistakes, but although children love their father, they are more drawn to their mother. In relations with children, Denis tries to take the place of their best friend. He wants them to trust him, share their experiences and secrets, and seek support and advice. However, this usually takes quite a long time. First, he will have to earn their trust, because the lack of paternal attention in early childhood affects their future relationship with their dad.

He gets involved in the educational process late, so he often has to convey his educational measures and ideas through his wife. Gradually, he manages to win the favor of the children, then he begins to actively influence their lives, trying to catch up with lost time and finally becomes a good father.

Compatibility with female names

The name Denis has the most ideal compatibility in terms of feelings and reciprocal love with such female names as Ada, Tamila, Emma, ​​Marianna, Iya, Dora, Larisa and Mirra. Relationships with them will be ideal in all directions, but you won’t have to count on marriage here.

But with the likes of Edita, Diana, Zoya, Lada, Lilia, Alexandra, Isolde and Sofia, it will be possible to create marriage bonds, because here the two halves will complement each other.

Well, it’s better not to build relationships with Agnia, Inna, and Stanislava, because such an alliance will only bring negativity.

For more than 30 years, it has become very fashionable to call boys Denis. This is not surprising, because the affectionate forms of this name are simply charming. The young man is called Deniska, Denisochka, Den, Denny. Most often, this merry fellow has an enviable charge of energy and love of life. Parents who decide to name the boy this way would do well to find out what the name Denis means, the secret of the name, patrons, and characteristics based on the signs of the zodiac. We invite you to find out all the secrets of this name.

Origin and meaning of the name Denis (Den)

The personal name Denis is common not only in Russia. What the name Denis means, origin, meaning interests many future parents. Back at the beginning of the 20th century, it was only a folk form of Dionysius, and that’s what they called it at baptism. What does the name Denis mean in Greek? It is from this that its modern interpretation originated. The ancient Greek Dionysios meant "belonging to, dedicated to Dionysus." In ancient Greek mythology, Dionysus was the god of fertility, winemaking, and viticulture. This is what determined the character of the bearer of the name. After all, the god of wine was a carefree merry fellow and a reveler. Translated, Dionysus means “god from Mount Nysa.” This is a very ancient European name.

If we look at the history of what the name Denis means for a boy, there is a lot of evidence of the cheerful disposition, sociability and love of life of its owners. Denis has good abilities, is inquisitive, quick-witted, and highly erudite. He is resourceful, quickly gets out of difficult situations, and with age becomes a more diligent, careful and principled young man.

Some Slavic peoples have female versions of the name - Dionisia, Denisia. The French call girls Denise. This name is also present in Turkish. What the name Denis means from Muslim is also important. Muslims often call girls this name. What is interesting is what the name Denis means in Turkish. Translated it means "sea". As a result of centuries-old changes, Denis turned into Denise here. In some countries you can find the names: Dion, Dennis, Dinits, Dionysus, Dzyanis, Dioniji.

Popularity of the name in different countries

Many are interested not only in the fate, origin and meaning of the name Denis, but also in how widespread it is in certain countries. It should be noted that boys were called this way back in the Russian Empire of the 18th century. The "boyar lists" of those times numbered 11 Denis. During Soviet times, the name gained popularity in the late 60s. This is what every 10th boy in the USSR countries was called back then. In Siberia it took 6th place, in Almaty - 10th, then moved to Rostov. Readers are interested not only in what the name Denis means for a man, but how popular it is in our time. Today it has become more rare. And back in 2010, it was included in the list of 16 most popular names.

The name Denis was very popular in France in the 60s and 70s of the last century. Every 20th boy was called that way back then. In the 30-70s of the 20th century, Americans also loved the male name Dennis. Nowadays, boys are often called this way in Ireland and Canada. According to statistics, 8,264 people in Moldova bear this name, 4,979 in Latvia, 45,025 in France. Denis ranks 53rd in popularity in the world.

Quite often other proper names are associated with this name. There are many villages and hamlets named Denisovka, Denisovo. There is even a Denisova Pechera in Altai, Dennis is a city in the USA, Saint-Denis is in France.

Seasonal features of the name

Denis, born in winter, is distinguished by his temper, instability, and straightforwardness. He does not approach his problems diplomatically and tactfully; he goes ahead, always being one hundred percent sure that he is right. He is characterized by honesty and justice, he hates and does not forgive lies and betrayal. As his chosen one, winter Denis prefers a sincere and good-natured woman who surrounds him with warmth and comfort.

Spring Denis is distinguished by his emotionality, touchiness, and quick temper. He is flighty and often hides vulnerability and uncertainty. Sometimes he needs outside support. New acquaintances are difficult for a man, so his circle of friends is small. Often a strong and self-confident woman becomes a reliable support and support for the spring owner of the name. She cares not only about her husband, but also about her children and family.

The dreamy and fantastic summer Denis is completely poorly adapted to the realities of modern life. He does not take on any obligations because he is not confident in his abilities. The summer owner of the name easily succumbs to the influence of others, which greatly burdens him. Mental anguish often leads to depression. Only a cheerful and easy-to-communicate companion who is optimistic about the future can bring bright colors into his life.

Autumn Denis is distinguished by calmness, prudence, determination and self-confidence. He sets clear goals for himself and quickly moves towards them, without fear of any obstacles. His life is laid out on the shelves, every step is planned. An ambitious, purposeful chosen one suits him. Autumn Denis loves a woman to be successful.

Stones patronizing Denis and other talismans

The stones that patronize Denis are sapphire, chrysolite and malachite. Purity, justice, honesty, conscience, love of truth are symbolized by sapphire. This stone promises friendship, selflessness and mutual assistance. It removes anger, slander, envy, and anger from its owner. It guides success in love and work, helps clarify the mind, get rid of laziness, and realize the unknown and incomprehensible. Sapphire attracts the attention of lovers and helps strengthen marriage. If you want to cool passions, this stone is worn around the neck as part of a gold jewelry. Sapphire fills Denis with courage, determination, and masculinity. Strong-willed, honest, selfless people can use all the magical power of sapphire.

Malachite fulfills Denis's wishes and fills him with harmony. It is considered a symbol of life and self-improvement. Ancestors used this stone to ward off evil spirits and protect sleep. Children wore malachite to protect against dangers and diseases. It is important to remind you of the deceptiveness of this stone. Sometimes he can attract ill-wishers. Malachite is able to attract the attention of men, so women wear it with silver, which neutralizes male aggression. Malachite imparts charm, eloquence, and harmony with the outside world.

Peridot is a powerful talisman that drives away evil spirits and warns against unnecessary actions, protects from danger and warns against enemies. Good luck, peace, happiness, morality, purity, spirituality are associated with it. Chrysolite helps in trade matters and protects against bankruptcy. This amazing stone changes its shade, allows you to look into the future and develop clairvoyant gifts. In India, it is associated with love and family comfort. Indian women use it to arouse feelings in men.

Denis's lucky shades are green, gray and brown. The talisman number is one. Of the planets, he is patronized by Venus and Mercury. Of the elements, water is favorable. Aquarius and Taurus are considered luckier. The calf is designated as a totem animal for Denis. It is a symbol of prosperity, sacrifice, purity. Sometimes the calf symbolizes greed, power, the desire for enrichment and profit. In eastern countries it is identified with fertility and hard work. Denis, who is patronized by the calf, is a connoisseur of beauty, he is sensual, restrained, persistent, decisive, generous and devoted.

Denis's patron plants are chestnut and lily of the valley. Chestnut is associated with chastity and resists temptation. Christians used the fruits of this tree to scare away evil forces and protect themselves from damage and the evil eye. There is a belief that placing a chestnut fruit in a pocket brings health. Chestnut eliminates despair, teaches you to draw conclusions and not repeat mistakes. This fruit gives Denis courage, insight, observation, and sometimes daydreaming.

Lily of the valley is associated with purity, love, beauty, tenderness, affection, and fidelity. If collected on a new moon, it will awaken sensuality and encourage betrayal. Collecting lily of the valley during the full moon will strengthen relationships, give them romance and fidelity. The lily of the valley makes Denis a little more confident, and his chosen one - passionate and sensual.

Gold suits Denis's choice of metals. It is associated with wealth, power, luxury. Christian traditions associate it with the nobility of the soul, divine light and purity of faith.

Friday is called a favorable day for Denis. The happiest and most successful time of the year is autumn. Analogues or abbreviated forms of the name are Denya, Den, Denka, Denisushka, Denny.

Denis's birthday

If you are invited to Denis's birthday, take into account the hot-tempered and emotional nature of the birthday boy. These people can sometimes be overwhelmed with not entirely good feelings. Denis is very picky, so it is difficult for him to choose a gift. The main patron of the name according to the church calendar is the holy martyr (the first bishop of the Athenian state). Those with the name Denis have the opportunity to celebrate name days 24 times a year. But you need to choose one option that is closer to your birthday.

On January 17, Christians remember Dionysius the Areopagite. The day of the patron saint, righteous Dionysius, is celebrated on March 23, 29, May 19, 31, June 16, August 31, September 18, December 2. The warrior Dionysius of Perga is venerated on May 4. The Monk Dionysius of Radonezh is remembered on May 25, Abbot Dionysius of Glushitsky on June 14, and the Monk Dionysius of Athos on July 8. The day of St. Dionysius, Archbishop of Suzdal, is recorded on July 9. The martyr Dionysius, the youth of Ephesus, is venerated on August 17. Memorial Day of St. Dionysius of Ostrovsky is September 12. Other holy martyrs with this name are remembered on October 16, 18, November 4, December 12, 30.

Famous Name Holders

The name Denis was borne by such famous writers and poets as Davydov, Fonvizin, Diderot. Singers and composers had this name: Maidanov, Klyaver, Matsuev. It is also worth noting some actors: Rozhkov, Nikiforov, Shvedov, Kuprin, Paramonov. This name was given to the Russian runner Boytsov, runner Alekseev, cyclist Menshov, swimmer Pankratov, hockey player Tyurin, football player Kolodin.

It is necessary to write about two famous Denis in more detail - about Dionysius of Radonezh and Denis Davydov. Radonezhsky is a native of Rzhev who lived in the 16th century. He was orphaned early, was given to monks to be raised, and then took monastic vows. Strength of spirit and piety made Radonezh the abbot of the Staritsky Assumption Monastery. Later he served as archimandrite of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. On his instructions, hospitals and shelters for the homeless were opened. Dionysius endured many mental and physical trials. On his way he encountered hunger, betrayal, and war. But the saint never felt despair; he unshakably believed in the Lord, prayed and worked miracles. Radonezhsky checked and corrected the liturgical books for some time and discovered discrepancies in them. For such actions he was called a heretic and excommunicated from the Church, becoming a prisoner of the Novospassky Monastery. In order for the monk to die, they starved him there. Thanks to the intervention of some patriarchs of Radonezh, they were acquitted and released.

Another famous owner of the name - He was not just a writer, but also an excellent hussar, a hero of the Patriotic War. He considered himself specially born for 1812. Davydov began his military career as an adjutant to Bagration himself. Then he made a great contribution to the fighting of the battles with the French army. Being a romantic, a favorite of women, a poet, Denis demonstrated fearlessness and daring in battle. It was he who was the founder of the partisan movement against the invaders, which greatly reduced the number of the enemy. It was the dashing hussar Denis Davydov who then raised the club of popular anger and contributed to a speedy victory. Even Kutuzov admired the trick of guerrilla warfare. After the battles, Davydov returned to poetry and literature. Many people know his last name thanks to the famous romance “Do not promise a young girl eternal love on earth.”

What does the name Denis mean for a boy?

The little owner of this name is characterized by restlessness, activity, and incredible curiosity. He plays and makes friends with older children, but is bored with his peers. The natural charm of the playful Deniska wins people over. He has honesty, integrity, determination, and always strives for the intended goal.

Although Deniska is restless, he prefers games that require concentration. Little Dan can be adamant and narcissistic. He loves and values ​​a good attitude towards himself. He is loved in the yard for his cheerful and sociable character. He makes many friends and shares various adventurous ventures with them. To prevent their son from doing any rash acts, Deniska’s parents must be on alert.

The boy's lack of diligence and excessive activity are compensated by good abilities and quick grasp of new information. But this erudite boy doesn’t like studying, especially subjects that don’t interest him. Innate curiosity allows him to master certain scientific fields. The boy always has something to do to his liking.

Features of Denis the teenager

Denis the young man is characterized by restlessness, impulsiveness, and activity. This leads him into various troubles. A guy’s faith in a bright tomorrow is very difficult to break. This incorrigible optimist always smiles widely.

Only Denis is not an unprincipled merry fellow, ready to waste his time without hesitation. The young man has a difficult character, is cunning, calculating, and pragmatic. Only those closest to him can see his true face.

Luck often accompanies Denis, who does not lose heart and confidently goes his own way. The guy often shows generosity and does not leave others in trouble. But sometimes people are scared off by his excessive principled positions and desire to impose his point of view.

Comprehensive characteristics of adult Denis

The meaning of the name Denis, fate and character deserve the attention of readers. The mature Denis controls his emotions, but still sometimes cannot contain his excitement and impulsiveness. Sometimes he gives free rein to narcissism, selfishness and vanity. Respect for him from others forces a man to reconsider his guidelines and priorities.

This creative person has sensitivity, responsiveness, kindness, and generosity. Denis is often careful not to be disappointed in people. A man does not limit himself to the framework of reality and draws for himself an illusory world. A man achieves success in life thanks to caution, patience, and commitment.

Characteristics according to the horoscope

Denis-Aries is quite irritable and has a changeable mood. He can show tenderness and affection towards women, and sometimes he can be rude. Taurus with this name acts in a thorough, balanced and prudent manner. The Gemini sign is charming, ambitious and ironic. Cancers show sensitivity, gentleness and vulnerability. Leos are domineering, uncompromising and selfish.

Denis is a real diplomat under the sign of Virgo. Libras have a sense of humor and can easily cope with difficulties. Impetuosity, activity, and impulsiveness fill Denis-Scorpio. Sagittarius is considered decisive, independent, and ambitious. Capricorn is calm and balanced. Aquarius is imaginative, romantic and passionate. Denis, under the sign of Pisces, is charming and amorous.

Compatibility of female names with Denis

A man with this name develops good relationships, trust and democracy with Olga, Anna, Elena, Yulia, Tatyana, Ekaterina. An optimistic forecast for Denis’s union with Natalya, Marina, Maria, Victoria, Lyubov, Daria. Denis has different views on life with Margarita, Polina, Evgenia, Diana, Christina, Svetlana.

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