How to write a salary certificate. Special requirements for a certificate to the court about wages (sample)

At the request of the employee, the personnel officer is required to fill out a salary certificate form. Read the article about what information to include in a document so as not to rewrite it several times.

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In what cases is a salary certificate needed?

Companies have the right to use any form of salary certificate, including one compiled individually. But keep in mind that in some cases it is necessary to fill out a document based on the requirements of the organization to which it is provided. Therefore, ask the employees for what purposes the certificate is needed.

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The document is issued upon a written application from the employee if it is needed for submission to the following organizations:

  • employment fund for registration;
  • bank for obtaining a loan;
  • pension fund for calculating pensions;
  • embassy for visa;
  • other companies.

If the salary certificate is not filled out on company letterhead, put a wet stamp. The head of the company must also sign on it. Without this, the document does not have legal force, so it will not be accepted by an organization that has strict requirements for papers.

Salary certificate form

The form of the average salary certificate is most often developed by the employing company or the organization to which it is provided. For convenience and speed of document preparation, use ready-made templates that already contain basic information. Fill in the blank lines by hand or in printed form.

What does a salary arrears certificate contain: sample contents

  • title of the document, date of issue;
  • full name of the company;
  • certificate number in accordance with the established document flow rules in the company;
  • legal address, contact details of the organization;
  • signature of the manager or authorized person;
  • company tax identification number;
  • seal of the organization or seal of the personnel service.

If a salary certificate is required on a form 2 personal income tax containing information about monthly accruals and tax deductions, warn the employee that it has a limited validity period. A standard monthly income certificate, which does not reflect tax deductions, has a simplified form. The period of its validity is determined by the organization to which the employee provides it.

Is the employer obliged to issue certificates of arrears of wages?

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Enter the following information on the salary certificate form:

  • name of the debtor company;
  • actual location address;
  • full details;
  • contact information about the employee to whom you are issuing the document;
  • signatures of the manager, chief accountant;
  • the position held by the employee;
  • duration of work;
  • size wages excluding tax deductions.

Include in the certificate the date of preparation, position, full name of the manager and employee, and the incoming registration number on the employee’s copy. Ask the applicant to sign, put your autograph and the seal of the organization. In line 622, which includes information about the balance sheet, the authorized employee enters current information about the debt.

What not to write on a payroll certificate

If a salary certificate, the sample of which is not established by law, is needed to be submitted to the bank, write in it the average monthly amount wages; the amount of actually accrued and paid wages for 12 months. Reflect the amount of tax and insurance withholdings; the company's debt to pay, if any.

If an employee asks you to provide deliberately false information in a document, refuse it! Responsibility for incorrect data lies with the organization whose details are indicated in the certificate, as well as with the officials who signed it.

The manager cannot refuse to fill out the salary certificate form, especially upon a written application from the employee. But so that the employer does not have problems due to the indication of false or incorrect information, reflect only current information. Keep in mind that control by government agencies is only increasing, so any violations entail liability.

One of the most popular documents requested by the accounting department is a salary certificate. The 2019 sample must meet all legal requirements. After all, it is needed for applying to various government agencies, issuing loans, other loans, etc. We will tell you how to apply for it in 2019.

What is

The employer’s responsibilities include issuing a salary certificate in 2019 upon written request within 3 days after applying for it.

In practice, accountants are often content with oral requests and can issue a certificate on the day of the request. Provided that the company is not large, and the manager and chief accountant can sign it in a timely manner.

As a general rule, a salary certificate of the 2019 sample must include the following mandatory details:

  1. information about the organization;
  2. position, full name of the employee.

In many ways, each company has its own approach to drawing up certificates, some even write them out by hand, and in most cases, except for those where the samples approved in orders or resolutions are strictly required, a handwritten document will be accepted without problems.

Free form principle

For those to whom the document in question is addressed, the main thing is that the sample salary certificate in free form provides complete information about the employee’s income. In this case, the employee himself must inform the accounting department of the required period. It should also include:

  • details of the employer (name, tax identification number, checkpoint, legal and actual address);
  • seal (if available) and signatures of responsible persons (manager, chief accountant or personnel officer).

Sometimes, after receiving signatures, they forget about the seal, which can also be practically the main requisite. After all, it duplicates the details of the organization. And if one of them was not printed in the certificate, it will be read from the seal impression.

Usually the secretary or personnel officer keeps the seal for such certificates.

To receive benefits and upon dismissal

In case of illness, maternity leave and other similar cases of receiving required payments, a salary certificate is requested to calculate benefits. Its form was approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 30, 2013 No. 182n.

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If the employee is officially employed in one or more other places, then he should obtain certificates from these employers. Otherwise, benefits may be denied. This certificate will indicate:

  • all periods for 2 years in which wages were accrued;
  • partially excluded periods (for example, sick leave of the employee himself, his leave to care for a child).

The same form of certificate is used for:

  1. dismissal of an employee;
  2. an appeal from a long-retired employee.

The obligation to issue such a certificate is prescribed by the Labor Code. So the accountant has no right to dismiss such a request. The main thing is to register a corresponding written request.

In the event that a certificate is needed many years after leaving the enterprise, and the organization itself no longer exists (for example, it went bankrupt), request it from the legal successor. If it is not there, then the data can be found in local archives.

As a last resort, a salary certificate upon dismissal can be drawn up in any form. The period covered in it is usually from 3 months to 2 years.

You can also take a salary certificate form, sample 2019, from the employment center, if after dismissal a person registers there, and bring it to the former office to fill out.

Please note: each employment center can enter its own form of such a certificate, since there is no universal form. However, in any case, you can use the form that was adopted for these purposes by the Ministry of Labor in letter No. 16-5/B-421 dated August 15, 2016. It is shown below.

For a subsidy for utilities

In our difficult times, many receive salaries on the verge of the subsistence level, so they spend most of their money on food and utilities. For such categories, various subsidies are provided, in particular utility subsidies.

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Article 159), the subsidy is provided to citizens whose housing costs exceed 22% of income. And for family ones, the total income of all employed members is taken into account.

The following may apply for a subsidy:

  • home owners;
  • tenants;
  • family members of owners and tenants who live with them on a permanent basis.

If you fall into the above categories and utility costs are more than 22%, then you will need the following documents:

  1. the most important thing is a salary certificate for 6 months;
  2. certificate of family composition;
  3. photocopies of family members’ passports;
  4. certificates confirming the degree of relationship (marriage certificate, birth certificate of a child, etc.);
  5. documents indicating the living space and the right to it (extract from the Unified State Register, lease agreement, etc.);
  6. certificate of no debt to utility services.

At the same time, the composition of the package of documents provided will be different for pensioners, students and the unemployed. Each officially employed family member must provide a sample salary certificate. Otherwise, the subsidy will be denied.

Naturally, the salary certificate form for a subsidy must contain elements typical for such documents:

  • name of the legal entity/individual entrepreneur;
  • his details;
  • date and number of the outgoing document;
  • FULL NAME. employee, his position;
  • salary data for the 6 months preceding the month in which he applied to the accounting department.

Below is a sample salary certificate for 2019, which can be issued on the employer’s letterhead.

As a rule, employees need to provide the document in question in the following cases:

  • registration with the Employment Center;
  • processing loans and other loans;
  • obtaining a visa to travel abroad;
  • registration of benefits and pensions;
  • registration of subsidies;
  • litigation.

Please note that this is not a complete list of cases in which a certificate of earnings may be required.

Any employee can receive this document. To do this, it is enough to contact the employer with a corresponding application. According to Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it must be issued within three days from the date of application.

Certificate from the Central Labor Office on average earnings

The employee will need a certificate of average earnings for the last three months when registering with the employment center. In the future, it is necessary to calculate the amount of unemployment benefits. This is stated in paragraph 2 of Article 3. The form of a certificate of average earnings suitable for this case is given in Letter of the Ministry of Labor dated August 15, 2016 No. 16-5/B-421. However, the same letter states that if the document contains all the necessary information to determine the amount of the benefit, but is drawn up in any form, then it will also be valid. As for the procedure for calculating the amount of benefits, it is determined by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated August 12, 2003 No. 62.

Certificate to the employment center (certificate form)

Certificate of average earnings for determining unemployment benefits, drawn up on the form from the Letter of the Ministry of Labor dated August 15, 2016 No. 16-5/B-4210

Certificate of average earnings upon dismissal and registration of pension

Upon dismissal, in addition to the work record book, the employee must also obtain a certificate from the employer regarding the amount of salary. This is necessary for presentation at the place of your next employment, for registration of unemployment benefits and in other authorities that use this document in their work. To calculate benefits provided by the Social Insurance Fund, the employee needs a document according to. His form has been approved. It contains information about salaries for the last and two previous years.

Certificate for unemployment benefits (form)

Sample certificate of income for social security (completed)

In addition, the employee can request a certificate in form 2-NDFL, approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated October 2, 2018 No. ММВ-7-11/ It contains information on income for the last year before the date of dismissal.

Sample certificate of average earnings to determine the amount of unemployment benefits (2019) or other payments (form 2-NDFL)

Completed version

The Pension Fund may need a sample certificate of average monthly salary when calculating the amount of payments. The employee must provide it for the entire period of employment. After this, the Fund’s employees make a selection from this data, namely: they use any 5 years of continuous service for calculations.

Applying for loans, subsidies and visas

Credit institutions usually require a certificate of average salary for the last six months. Existing legislation does not establish a unified form for such a document and does not specify what is included in the certificate of average earnings. However, banks require that it contain:

  • name of company;
  • Contact details;
  • employee's length of service;
  • job title;
  • monthly data on wages.

A similar document may be needed to apply for subsidies.

Certificate of average earnings for subsidies (sample)

Completed sample

When applying to visa centers and foreign embassies to obtain a visa, you also need this document. It must be printed on company letterhead. Its form is not defined by law, but in practice it is recommended to indicate:

  • name of the enterprise;
  • Contact details;
  • employee position;
  • monthly salary for the last six months.

There must also be wording that during the trip abroad the employee retains his job and salary. Note that the embassies of some countries, when considering a visa package of documents, give preference to 2-NDFL forms. Because they are real evidence that the visa applicant is legally employed.

When going to court

If an employee goes to court on issues related to violations, he may need the document in question. Usually the request for its provision is sent by the prosecutor. For example, this paper is used to calculate the amount of compensation for.

Certificate of salary for the court (form)

Completed sample certificate of average daily earnings for the court

Responsibility for non-issuance of a document

The employer's obligation to provide the employee with a certificate of average earnings, if such information was requested in writing, is provided for by labor legislation (see Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Refusal or incorrect registration may result in a fine under Part 1. If an official or an individual entrepreneur is found to be a violator, the fine will not exceed 5,000 rubles. If an organization is found guilty of violating labor laws, it will have to pay a fine of 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Judicial practice also shows that in case of untimely issuance of a certificate, the employer may be required to compensate for losses and recover moral damages in favor of the employee. One of the latest court decisions in favor of workers is the Appeal ruling of the Sverdlovsk Regional Court dated May 22, 2018 in case No. 33-8682/2018. From the case materials it follows that the employee asked the employer for a certificate of average earnings for the last three months. The paper was required to obtain unemployed status and apply for the corresponding benefits. The form was provided, but it was incorrectly formatted: in particular, the signatures of the head and chief accountant of the organization were missing. On this basis, the employment center refused to accept the document and refused to pay benefits.

The dissatisfied employee went to court, where they recognized a violation of his rights and ordered the former employer to compensate for losses in the form of uncollected unemployment benefits. In addition, on the basis of Art. 237 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, moral damages in the amount of 10,000 rubles were recovered from the defendant.

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Income proof is required in many different cases. It is used to apply for a mortgage, tax deductions, calculate pensions, and adopt a child. Most often - for improvement with the help of a new loan.

This document is submitted to social security so that the family is recognized as low-income. In such cases, the state assigns financial assistance due to low or no income of family members.

Instructions for filling out the certificate

The certificate is drawn up in free form, since the legislation does not provide clear instructions on how to fill it out. Therefore, there are three ways to create a document: use a template offered by the organization you work for, write it yourself, or download a template on the Internet. Be sure to check the certificate for the following information:

  • name of the enterprise;
  • information about you (full name, contact phone number, address);
  • monthly salary;
  • the amount of salary actually received in hand for 3 months.

Important: If you have a debt to the organization, be sure to indicate its amount in the certificate.

The structure of the document itself is standard. At the top left you should write the full name of the company and its details. Below is the city in which you work, as well as the date the document was created. As a rule, all this information is already present on letterheads.

Below in the center, write the name in large font: HELP. Then, from a new line, information about you as an employee follows: full name, passport details and certification that you actually work in the specified place. Be sure to write down the position, as well as the date when you entered into an employment contract with the employer, and its validity period (if indefinite, this fact must also be indicated).

In the second paragraph, describe your income. The form is also free - a list or table. For 3 months you need to indicate exact amounts up to the ruble, but pennies can be omitted. If you need to indicate contributions to extra-budgetary funds, create a new column in the table or start from a new line.

Important: supervisory authorities check all documents received by them, so make sure that the information entered is completely correct. Also, do not allow corrections to be made on the social security certificate. If you accidentally make a blot, it’s better to rewrite everything again.

For the form, it is allowed to use not only corporate sheets of the enterprise, but also regular A4. You can type on a computer or write by hand. Just in case, create two copies of the certificate - for social security and for yourself. Both must be signed by the senior manager and the chief accountant.

Certificate of income for 3 months - form

What a standard income certificate form for social security looks like, see the link above.

Certificate of income for 3 months - sample

A sample of the completed document can be found at the link above.

Maximum document validity period

The validity period of the certificate itself is unlimited. For example, when filing a tax deduction, the document may be several years old. But if you are going to submit a package of documents to social security, you will need to adapt to their individual requirements. Thus, government bodies oblige citizens draw up such papers a maximum of 30 days before their immediate submission. That is, you will have to complete all other legal transactions within a month from the date of issuing the income certificate.

If at the same time you are going to make transactions with the bank (for example, apply for a credit card), the deadlines are shifted up to 10 days of relevance. Therefore, if there is an urgent need, it is easier to apply.

Where can I get a certificate of income for 3 months?

If you work, submit a request for paper generation to your immediate superiors. In cases where the organization does not provide for direct management, the authority to issue income certificates passes to the chief accountant. Although in both cases the document somehow passes through the hands of the latter.

If you are officially unemployed, contact your local Employment Center for a social security certificate. They will certify that you have no income for the last 3 months. In the case of individual entrepreneurs, the law does not provide for income at all. An individual entrepreneur is required to confirm his income regularly to avoid any trouble with the law. For these purposes, certification of any documents directly confirming profit for 3 months or any other period is suitable. Subsequently, a certificate for social security can be created on the basis of previous income papers certified by the tax authorities.

Let's sum it up

An income certificate for social security, as for a bank, when applying to specific institutions, has established validity periods. They should be strictly followed so that you do not have to redo the document again.

A clear structure is not provided, but there is a certain set of information that must be specified. It doesn’t hurt to certify the paper with a seal or stamp. This is not required by law, but may be requested by the social security authority. Make sure that there are no blots or corrections in the certificate, and that all data provided is truthful.

The salary certificate was introduced in order to find out about the real income of citizens. The document is drawn up on special forms where information about earnings is entered.

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A certificate is issued by an organization (state-owned enterprise, institution, individual entrepreneur, etc.) to confirm the person’s place of work, position, length of service and salary.

This document will be needed for registration:

  • maternity leave;
  • pensions;
  • visas for traveling abroad;
  • subsidies;
  • bank loan;
  • unemployed status (Employment Center);
  • documents to court and other institutions.

Each organization has a prescribed document form, but a free one is also allowed.

What does the law say?

According to the new legislation, an employee does not have to wait or ask to receive a document.

Upon the first written request, within three days (Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the organization’s management must submit the document to the applicant.

This information is confidential and protected by the Personal Data Law, so the certificate is handed over to the employee personally. When picking it up, you need to write a receipt for receipt, and the responsible employee writes it down in a special journal.

The originating number on the certificate and the date of issue must correspond to the number and date recorded in the journal.

The management of the enterprise is obliged to issue a document to an employee who resigns. A former employee also has the right to apply for such a certificate by submitting an application.

To apply for a pension, you must present other documents:

  • passport;
  • certificate of average earnings;
  • original work book;
  • if you have a disability, then a certificate.

Where can I get salary information if the company is liquidated?

The document can be issued by a higher organization or one that has become a legal successor after reorganization or renaming, indicating orders to change the details.

Are there no legal successors? All documentation must be stored in an archive. Its employees will issue a certificate by making an extract from the accounting documents.

If it is not possible to issue a document in the approved form, they have the right to draw it up themselves, based on the information that the archive has.

For the embassy

Have you decided to go abroad on vacation or on business? The embassy of the country where you are going will also require a certificate confirming your income, in Russian and English.

In addition to the certificate, you need to provide other evidence of your solvency:

  • bank account statement;
  • document for an expensive car;
  • document for a cottage, a prestigious apartment.

Advice: when preparing a document to submit to the consulate, ask there about its form, because there may be nuances in the requirements for registration.

There is no way to contact the consulate - a travel agency will help. After all, incorrectly executed paperwork can jeopardize the trip abroad itself.

For maternity leave

According to Russian legislation, every woman expecting the birth of a baby is guaranteed 140 days of state-paid care.

After giving birth, she has the right to extend it until the child is one and a half or three years old. Will also receive government assistance. To process it, you also need a salary document.

To receive financial assistance before the child is one and a half years old, you must submit:

  • statement;
  • baby's birth certificate;
  • salary certificate.

The benefit is calculated as follows:

  • The average salary for the last two years is divided by calendar days for the same period (minus maternity leave, time of release with retention of salary,).
  • The average daily earnings are equal to the maximum amount divided by 730. Multiplied by 30.4 and 40 percent. This results in a monthly allowance.

Features of filling out a salary certificate

Until 2013, there was no clearly established form of salary certificate that was submitted to obtain childcare assistance for children under three years of age. It was compiled in free form.

Now when filling out you need to use the established form. Since the formats were not approved in a timely manner, please pay attention to their validity periods.

The document is filled out by hand with a ballpoint pen. Ink – blue or black. It cannot be cleaned up or corrected. You can change the font and add lines.


A woman, while on maternity leave, worked part-time - this period is considered maternity leave. When calculating monthly benefits, parental leave is excluded. The amounts earned during this time are included in the average earnings.

Help snippet:

For the Employment Center (labor exchange)

Unemployment benefits for dismissed citizens during vocational training or retraining, if they were sent there by the employment service, depend on the salary at the last place of work. And you can’t do without a salary certificate.

For example, a dismissed employee needed a salary certificate to present to the Employment Center.

Calculation scheme:

  • 01.03.2015-31.10.2015 – period worked;
  • working days – 63 (19+21+23);
  • during this period, salaries were increased; salary: 35,200 rub. (RUB 10,000+RUB 12,600+RUB 12,600).
  • coefficient=12600/10000=1.26
  • salary in the billing period = 10000*1.26+12600+12600=37800 rub.
  • average daily earnings = 37800/63 = 600 rubles.
  • average monthly number of working days in the billing period = 63 days/3 months = 21 days
  • average earnings = 600 rubles * 21 days = 12,600 rubles.

For social security subsidies

Subsidies for housing and communal services and other social payments are relevant for many.

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