How to bury a person: procedure, step-by-step description and practical recommendations. What should be done after the death of a relative?

For every person, the loss of loved ones and relatives due to their death is inevitable. However, citizens often do not know where to turn in such a tragic situation and what papers to fill out, i.e., what to do in the event of the death of a relative. There are several ways to prepare for a funeral, depending on the place and circumstances of the citizen’s death. Let's consider what the procedure is for the death of a person in his apartment and outside it.

If a citizen died at home

When a relative passes away, the first thing they do is notify doctors and police. This is necessary for official confirmation the fact of death and the subsequent dispatch of the corpse to a medical institution. The body, depending on the place and circumstances of death, is sent to the morgue before the funeral, or for identification or autopsy.

The procedure to follow in the event of the death of a relative at home involves:

  • calling doctors to confirm the fact of death (during the day they call the clinic, and at night - to ambulance);
  • contacting the police to record the examination of the body based on the doctor’s conclusion and, as a rule, to issue a referral to the morgue;
  • when sending a corpse to the morgue, call the representative of the corpse transportation service by a therapist (at night, relatives or police call transport to move the body to the morgue);
  • obtaining a posthumous certificate from the morgue.

To issue a certificate, the medical institution must present the passports of the deceased and the person applying, as well as a medical card with a note on the patient’s dying state of health. If the medical history card is not at home, then it should be picked up at the clinic. In addition to both passports, they additionally provide a document confirming death with a body examination report and a medical insurance policy.

When the medical certificate of death is ready, they go to the registry office for paper in form No. 33 and an official certificate of death of an individual. Once the paperwork is over, you can start organizing the funeral. To do this, contact a specialized office, where preparations for burial are carried out by a ritual agent.

When a person dies in hospital

If an individual dies in a medical institution, the body is sent to a forensic examination or an autopsy to determine the cause of death. The attending physician or nurse will notify the next of kin of his death. They provide a phone number that will allow you to find out where the corpse is and how to obtain a death certificate from the morgue.

For this paper please contact the morgue registry with personal passport, identification document of the deceased and compulsory medical insurance policy. After its issuance, a posthumous document is drawn up at the registry office and there a certificate on form No. 33 to receive a funeral benefit. Then they visit in person or call a funeral agent to order the organization of the funeral.

The human body is kept in the morgue of a medical facility until it is transported to the city morgue or burial site. The date and place of transportation are established based on the will of the relatives of the deceased.

Out of city

If a person died not in the locality where he lives, but in a country house, in nature, etc., you need to call a regional ambulance team or a doctor from a clinic located in the area. Employees of the organization will record the fact of death.

In addition to calling medical professionals, it is important to follow these steps.

Subsequent actions, including paperwork in the registry office, are similar to those carried out when a death occurs in an apartment. Then you can prepare to organize the funeral. When a relative dies in another city, it is necessary to obtain a certificate confirming the fact of his death from the medical institution of that settlement, where the citizen died. In addition to conducting funeral rites in the hometown, transportation of the body of the deceased to the burial site is required.

You can bury a relative in another region of the country, but after that it will not be easy to monitor the condition of the grave. Therefore, funeral companies order the service of transporting the body of the deceased from the place of death to the burial place. This requires:

  • provision of a document indicating the cause of death of an individual;
  • drawing up a power of attorney with the transport company on the formation of conditions for transporting the body;
  • sealing the zinc coffin with the body at the time of transportation;
  • immediate holding of the burial ceremony immediately upon arrival in your hometown.

Since it is necessary to solder the zinc coffin and unsolder it upon arrival, as well as quickly prepare the body for the funeral and carry out all religious rites, if necessary, it is advisable to seek help from a funeral home.

It is important that the “cargo-200” is accompanied by a relative or confidant from the relatives of the deceased.

Public places

If a tragedy occurs at work, on the street, etc., the corpse is sent to the forensic morgue. The address of the institution can be obtained from the police or the accident bureau. Once the deceased is found, relatives will have to:

  • come to identify the body at the morgue;
  • obtain a conclusion about the causes leading to death and a certificate from a medical institution;
  • fill out the papers required for burial in the registry office;
  • organize a funeral.

Upon the death of a citizen in public place It is advisable to contact the services of a funeral home agent. This is done at any stage of document preparation and allows you to reduce the cost of time and nerves.

Extraordinary circumstances

If a person is killed or the victim of an accident, the body is taken to the local forensic morgue. Police or prosecutors conduct an investigation into a violent death, then initiate a criminal case or rule that there is no reason to pursue it. Until permission is received from law enforcement agencies, it is prohibited to bury a citizen who has not died from this world by his own death.

In this case, relatives must obtain such permission, then a medical certificate and a certificate in form No. 33 with an official death certificate from the registry office. Only after all these papers have been completed can you organize the funeral on your own or with the help funeral home. Because violent death- this is a shock for the relatives of the deceased, it is advisable to entrust the preparation for the burial ceremony to the agency’s specialists funeral services.

Death in execution

Upon the death of military personnel, the amount of funds for funeral is withdrawn from financial assets Ministry of Defense. Funeral of those who died during the passage military service organized by the superiors of military command and control bodies, military units. A specially appointed commission is responsible for organizing the funeral business, and transport with the necessary equipment is also allocated. personnel. Money to pay for funeral services is transferred to a relative or other person who has undertaken burial obligations.

The procedure for conducting funerals of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who left this world while performing their duties involves burial at their place last service. Responsibility for organizing funerals lies with the direct management of the deceased citizens. On the day the death of an employee is established, they are obliged to notify the relatives of the deceased and form a commission to prepare for the funeral. Such a commission performs a variety of functions: from determining the order of burial in agreement with the relatives of the deceased to purchasing ritual objects.

The farewell ceremony takes place in accordance with the procedure established by the Charter of the RF Armed Forces.

Rules for the burial of newborns

When a baby dies in a maternity hospital, the first thing employees of the institution are obliged to do is notify relatives so that they can take the body for burial. This is done within 2 days from the moment of opening or presentation of clear grounds for delay. According to the law, the body is stored in the morgue from the moment of notification of the relatives of the deceased child for 1 week free of charge.

The funeral can be organized either from own funds relatives with subsequent registration of funeral benefits, or free of charge. In the second case, the burial obligations are assumed by the corresponding city ​​service. You need to get a death certificate from the maternity hospital to issue an official death certificate for your newborn baby to organize a funeral.

The man died. What to do?

The man died. Many questions arise that we have not encountered before. How to obtain a death certificate, how to resolve issues with the hospital and morgue, how to reimburse expenses for funeral services.

Often, in this inevitable bustle, we forget about what is no less important for the deceased than organizational matters

Steps to take when a person has died. Algorithm of actions. This instruction effective if death occurs in major cities and adjacent territories.

Hegumen Fedor (Yablokov).

Of course, first a person who has lost a loved one has organizational problems: obtaining a death certificate, organizing a funeral, resolving issues related to the grave, holding a memorial meal. However, for some reason, much more time and effort is devoted to all these concerns compared to what really should be given increased attention. After the death of a loved one, we forget about his soul.

Lopatina Yulia, teacher.

Very often, a lack of understanding of the meaning of Orthodox rituals and traditions leads to the fact that people, instead of helping the soul of a deceased loved one, begin to believe in all sorts of superstitions and observe customs that have nothing to do with Christianity. In this article we will tell you how to bury a person in accordance with Orthodox traditions.

From the book "The Morning After Loss" by Bob Dates.

There is no point in planning what you will do in the first hours and days after the news of your loss. You cannot predict how you will behave when someone dear to you has died. Even if you've already had other losses, you react differently in each case. The best thing I can tell you about behavior after receiving bad news is that whatever reaction you have is correct and normal. Some lose their temper, others are cold as ice. Some burst into tears, others show organizational activity. It is impossible to say which reaction is better and which is worse.

Archimandrite Augustine (Pidanov).

What should be done during the funeral service? Why do those present in the temple hold candles in their hands? How much does a funeral service cost? Is it possible to perform funeral services for drunkards, drug addicts and bandits? Why do priests refuse funeral services for suicides and atheists? Can a soul go to heaven without a funeral service? Answers to the most FAQ about “following in death.”

Priest Konstantin Parkhomenko.

Misfortune happened - the man died. Christianity really doesn’t like the word “death.” He exudes grave cold and hopelessness. We use other expressions, for example - dormition. Dormition - sleep, falling asleep. The body has fallen asleep in the sleep of death, but the soul is alive, the soul is awake. Or another word – repose. We pray for the newly deceased servant of God. He was with us - he was transferred to another world. For Christians, death is only a transition to another level of existence, a departure to God. And a funeral for Christians is not a terrible farewell to a person who was and is now gone, but a farewell to another world for a loved one whose soul is immortal.

De Graaf Frederika-Maria, Moscow hospice volunteer.

I think it is important not to suppress the pain of separation, not to avoid it. Often, those who are experiencing the grief of death and the loss of a loved one are immediately given soothing drops. But this is the first moment when he can very acutely and deeply accept and experience pain, and he needs this.

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh.

We always think of death as separation, because we think about ourselves and about the deceased; we think that we will never again hear our beloved voice, we will never again touch our beloved body, we will never immerse our gaze in our dear eyes, which reveal the entire depth of the human soul, we will never again live together with a person of that simple human life, which is so dear to us, which is so precious. But we forget that death is, at the same time, a meeting of the living soul with the Living God. Yes, leaving the earth, leaving us, at least relative; but leaving in order to come face to face with the Living God, with the God of life, and to enter into such a fullness of life that is not available to anyone on earth.

Khasminsky Mikhail Igorevich, crisis psychologist.

The death of a loved one is an extraordinary event that affects many aspects of the grieving person's life. Only in in the rarest cases a person is prepared in advance for a tragic turn of events; it is much more common to encounter grief unexpectedly. When faced with grief, a person does not know what to do, how to react, how to support his psychological condition, what to pay attention to.

Baranchikov Alexander Vladimirovich, psychotherapist.

Extreme grief is a psychological term that defines the state of grief in which the griever remains for the first time after learning that a person has died. Usually this period lasts until the third to ninth day. But it can sometimes drag on until the forties. It is during this period that concerns arise about obtaining a death certificate and organizing a funeral. In psychiatry there are also various terms, reflecting the features of the experience of “extreme grief”. For example, “acute affective shock reaction” and others...

Rozumny Petr Arkadyevich, forensic expert.

Contact between a funeral company agent and a relative of the deceased occurs in an environment of severe psychological stress. This, unfortunately, allows unscrupulous agents to unscrupulously profit from people’s grief. Only knowledge of your rights and freedoms, guaranteed by the state services and compensation, as well as knowledge of the basic methods fraudulent activities unscrupulous agents, can protect you from unlawful interference an unscrupulous agent into your private life.

Shefov Sergey Alexandrovich, psychologist.

Participation in a funeral is one of the important prerequisites for the work of grief; it helps the child to recognize the reality of the loss, to realize that the deceased will not return. At the same time, the “last farewell” will fulfill its positive function only if the child is internally ready for such a ceremony...

From Paul Coleman's book "How to Tell Your Child About...".

Immediately after the death of a person, we deal with issues of a death certificate, organizing a funeral, but do we always realize how our child will perceive what happened. Some children aged five to seven do not fully understand the finality of death. It happens that they have to be told repeatedly that a person dear to them has died and will not return. Children learn how to cope with grief from those who care for them. Be frank but sensitive. Let your body language convey what your baby's reaction means to you. great importance

Unknown author.

Every person who falls under social category citizens have the right to receive compensation for funeral expenses. This is the preparation of documents necessary for burial; provision and delivery of a coffin and other ritual items necessary for burial; transportation of the body (remains) of the deceased to the cemetery (crematorium); burial of the body (burial with a coffin and cremation, followed by the issuance of an urn with ashes and its burial)…

Daria Sivashenkova, journalist.

Sooner or later, everyone faces the death of family and friends. And only then does it become clear that it is completely unclear what to do. Where to call? Where to buy a coffin, order a funeral service, where to bury, what to take to the morgue and cemetery? Confusion, pain, stupor in front of a terrible question - there is no time for thinking and no time for choice. Numerous scammers in the field of funeral services take advantage of this. This business is still very developed in Moscow.

Any person at least once in his life is faced with the need to organize a funeral for someone. Each of us must be ready to take on such a difficult mission as burying a person. Procedure and general scheme registration of all necessary documents especially for you in our article.

What to do if a person dies?

In the event of a person's death, the first thing to do is call a doctor. Order necessary actions when a person dies due to natural causes, the following: first try to personally assess the condition of the supposed deceased, and then you should call a doctor from the clinic to establish the fact fatal outcome. Powers of death and issue relevant certificates any ambulance team also has. Attention: if you have even the slightest hope that the person is still alive, when calling doctors, give the reason “the patient is unconscious.” In this case, the ambulance will arrive faster; most likely, experienced specialists who can carry out

Having stated medical death, doctors hand over the relevant document to the relatives. Doctors are also required to arrange for the body to be delivered to the morgue and call the police. Accordingly, the answer to the question: “What to do immediately after the death of a person?” - like this: first of all, call a doctor.

Obtaining a death certificate

Depending on the circumstances under which the person died, the doctor who established the fact of death sends the body to the morgue for storage until the funeral or forensic medical examination. A pathological examination is mandatory if the cause of death is murder or personal injury. In case of natural death, an autopsy is usually not ordered or this issue is discussed with the next of kin of the deceased. A death certificate is issued the next day after the fact of death is established. To obtain it, you must contact the registry office at the place of registration of the deceased with his passport and medical certificate.

But what to do if death occurred under unusual or criminal circumstances, how to bury a person? The procedure in such a situation may change slightly. Relatives will be able to receive a body for burial and a death certificate only with permission from the prosecutor's office. This document is issued after the cause of death has been established and all necessary research has been carried out.

Ritual agents and services

Very often, almost simultaneously with the doctors called to recognize the fact of death, funeral service employees arrive. Such ritual agents are often called “black” and openly criticized for high prices and excessive intrusiveness. It's difficult to stay calm immediately after the death of a loved one, but try to be as calm as possible. You are not obligated to agree to an agency employee's proposals just because he has already knocked on your door. Moreover, you can simply not start negotiations with a specialist whom you did not call.

Do you need the help of specialized agencies in organizing a funeral? This individual question. Firms working in this area can really take on all the troubles. Only you will have to pay for their services separately. If you want to avoid unnecessary expenses and you have enough strength to do everything yourself, you can do without cooperation with funeral companies. We hope that the instructions for the first steps when a person has died, and the tips for organizing a funeral collected in our article, will help you with this.

Funeral arrangements

Find the strength within yourself to notify all those closest to you about the person’s death as soon as possible. You should also promptly contact relatives from other cities or on business trips. Arranging a funeral begins with choosing a burial method and purchasing a plot in a cemetery/space in a columbarium. This should be done as soon as the day and time the body is released is known. The issue of conducting various funeral rites should be delicately discussed with the immediate family of the deceased. If you are planning to organize a funeral Christian traditions, you can contact the church directly or a specific priest with the question: “How to bury a person?”

It is better to write down the procedure on the day of farewell for yourself on paper. It is necessary to prepare clothes for the deceased in advance and take them to the morgue. There, if desired, you can order mummification and make-up services. A coffin and the necessary ritual accessories are purchased separately; you should also take care of organizing the transportation of the deceased and ordering transport for the funeral. According to old traditions, the deceased must spend the night in his home or church. Today, many people refuse to perform such rituals and, after taking the deceased from the morgue, they take him to the funeral service in the temple or directly to the cemetery/crematorium.

Is it necessary to organize a funeral?

Planning a farewell to the deceased should be based on the specifics of the current situation and the traditions familiar to your family. Try on initial stages funeral arrangements decide how many people will accompany the deceased to last way. IN similar situation It is not customary to persistently invite someone or prohibit them from coming. The relatives of the deceased and friends are informed about the date and time of the funeral. It is appropriate to inform your work colleagues as well. In our country it is customary to organize a funeral. This is a lunch organized at the deceased's home or cafe/restaurant, which is held immediately after the burial. During the meal, the deceased is remembered in every possible way and a number of rituals are performed. It is not customary to give up completely. In the company of several close relatives, it would be more appropriate to arrange a symbolic wake. For example, just have lunch together, without organizing a magnificent multi-hour feast and performing only the most important rituals.

How to bury a person: procedure in Moscow to receive social benefits

Immediately after death close relative few people think about financial side question. And yet, within six months after these events, the person involved in organizing the funeral must submit documents to receive This payment carried out by the employing organization for employed persons, the Pension Fund for pensioners or bodies social protection for the unemployed and minors. If a serviceman or employee dies security forces, relatives will not have to think about how to bury the person. The procedure in this case changes, and funeral arrangements should begin by contacting the department where the deceased served/was employed. To receive funeral compensation upon death civilians you should contact the appropriate organization with assembled package documents. You can apply for benefits if you have a death certificate in hand, work book and the applicant's passport.

Immediately after the occurrence, it is necessary to contact the department of the clinic at the place of residence where the deceased was registered, and call a doctor at the reception desk, who will record the fact of death and a medical report.

Now you can go to the morgue. Mortuary workers will come to collect the body, and after some time (usually a few hours) the morgue will need to obtain a death certificate with the results of the autopsy and the pathologist's report. Not so long ago, relatives could decide for themselves whether to place the deceased in the morgue or conduct the funeral. According to recent changes in legislation, these actions are carried out in mandatory, regardless of the wishes of relatives. The stay of the deceased in the morgue is paid.

In addition, it is customary to remember the deceased, so during the same two days that the body of the deceased will be in the morgue, you should think about organizing a wake and, if necessary, book a room in a cafe or restaurant. In addition, the deceased is received directly during the funeral itself, and everything necessary for this should also be prepared.

After the funeral you can contact Pension Fund Russian Federation, providing there a death certificate. PF will accrue state compensation for burial.

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