How to obtain an Inn on paper. How to save time and nerve cells: learning to obtain a Taxpayer Identification Number via the Internet

TIN stands for Taxpayer Identification Number. Every citizen Russian Federation must receive this document in one form or another so that general procedure pay taxes. In this article you will learn how to obtain a TIN for an individual through State Services. To ensure that you can quickly and correctly submit your application online, you need to carefully follow our instructions. Then you will succeed!

This code is a sequence of 10 or 12 Arabic numerals- depending on the type. It can be obtained in both paper and in electronic format. Its significance is very great. Without a TIN, you won’t be able to open an individual entrepreneur or become a legal entity. First, let's look at the ways in which you can get this document, and then we’ll look at each of them in more detail.

How can an individual obtain a TIN?

Let us highlight the main options with which you can submit an application and, most importantly, quickly receive the necessary document in your hands:

  • order through the Government Services website;
  • application on the website of the Tax Service of the Russian Federation;
  • filing an application at the nearest tax office.

Let's start with how to order a TIN through State Services. Consider the possibility of obtaining a certificate through this convenient service.

What documents are needed for registration?

Regardless of how you decide to issue the certificate, you need the same set of documents. More precisely, not even a set, but just your passport and its copies.

If you want to get a TIN not for yourself, but for your friend or relative, then you need a notarized power of attorney. Issue without it similar documents impossible. If you are obtaining a TIN for your child, then copies of the child's birth certificate, an application from the parent, a copy of the parent's passport and a copy of the child's registration certificate are required.

It is worth noting another advantage of submitting an online application: you do not have to make a bunch of copies and bring them all to the Federal Tax Service office. On the website, you immediately fill out all the necessary information for registration and come to receive it only with a passport or power of attorney.

Opportunities of State Services

In the previous version of this site, all registered users could not only find out their personal taxpayer identification number, but also fill out an application to receive it. Unfortunately, with the new design came a change in the functionality of the service. Now on the State Services website you can only find out your TIN.

If you already have this code and you just want to get information about it, then we’ll look in more detail at how to get a TIN for an individual through State Services.

Step-by-step instruction

To find the section with all actions by TIN, follow the instructions provided:

  • visit the main page of the site;
  • go to your personal account or register using the button marked in the Photo:
  • When registering, you must indicate your full name, passport details, email address etc. After this, a confirmation with a code will be sent to your number via SMS;
  • In order to fully use all the capabilities of State Services, you need to completely fill out information about yourself in the settings personal account:
  • on home page site after authorization, click the “Find out TIN” button:
  • on the next page the site will ask you to provide you with access to the processing of personal data. Click the "Confirm" button;
  • On the next page, click the “Get service” button:
    Since you have already logged in to the site, you will not have to enter personal data to verify your TIN;
  • Your ID number will appear at the bottom of the screen, as shown in the Photo:

Now you know how to obtain a TIN for an individual through State Services. But if you don’t have it yet and you just want to order, what should you do in this case? Read on.

Federal Tax Service website

To apply online for a TIN, you need to visit the Federal Tax Service website. It also requires you to go through the registration procedure, so let's start with a step-by-step description of it:

  • go to the website from any browser;
  • On the main page, click on the “All services” button, which is marked in the Photo:
  • In the list that opens, scroll to the required link. The full name can be read in the Photo, click on it:
  • Click on the “Registration” button:
  • then fill out all the fields marked with a red asterisk. At the end, don’t forget to enter the verification code from the picture. After that, click on “Continue”:
  • Also you can use account website for authorization on the tax service resource. However, before ordering a TIN through State Services, you must go through the complete process;
  • An account confirmation will be sent to the email you specified during registration. Click on the link in the email to activate;
  • you will be redirected to the Federal Tax Service website again. The form will now be available to you online applications to receive a TIN.

Now let's take a step-by-step look at the procedure for filling out an application on the website.

Filling out an application on the website consists of the following steps:

  • As you see in the Photo:
    you need to fill in the fields with your personal information. Each of them is marked with a red asterisk, so without filling out you simply will not be allowed to the next page. Enter only reliable data so as not to waste time - all information is automatically checked by the service;
  • On the next application screen
    you need to fill out your passport details. In the top menu you can also select your birth certificate;
  • in the very bottom column, enter your email address and mark with a dot the item you correspond to - an applicant or a representative of an applicant;
  • click the “Continue” button;
  • next you must enter information about same place residence and date of registration. After filling out, click the “Next” button again.
  • on the final screen you will be asked to re-check the entered data and, if there are errors, correct them. You can also download a receipt for paying the state fee here;
  • If you are sure that you have filled out the application correctly, then you need to click the button marked in the Photo:

You may not send your application immediately - it will be saved in your personal account in the form in which you left it after the site is closed. You can log into your personal account later and continue filling out the application. Now you know how to make a TIN through State Services, since the Federal Tax Service website directly relates to this service. You've submitted your application, but what next? Let's figure it out.

Further actions

You can also apply for a taxpayer identification number through mail, a personal visit to the tax office, or through your representative. However, all these methods come down to one result.

If you chose the online method, then the status of your application will be tracked through the email address you provided when filling out the form. Once your TIN is ready, you will receive an email notification. Also in the letter you will receive all necessary information for getting. Typically, this certificate is obtained by individuals by visiting a Federal Tax Service office in person. The letter will indicate the address and number of the branch where your certificate is located. You can receive it in person, taking only your passport with you. A relative or friend can also receive it for you, but only with a power of attorney certified by a notary.

How long will it take?

The current rules of law in the field of taxation provide for the mandatory registration of each individual with the Federal Tax Service. During this procedure, each person is assigned unique number- TIN. It must be indicated when applying for a job, in declarations and tax payments. Therefore, it is very important to know how to obtain a TIN for an individual.

TIN of an individual is a number recorded in the certificate by which the tax payer is identified. Every citizen of our country should now have it.

Therefore, it is better to register it immediately from the moment the child is born, especially if the baby is a payer (for example, property tax). You can apply for a TIN by at will or at the initiative of the tax authorities themselves.

An individual’s TIN is a 12-digit code, with the first two digits indicating the region in which the TIN is issued, and the next two digits indicating the Federal Tax Service that registered the taxpayer. Numbers 5-10 indicate personal number person when registering him. The last two digits are for control check correctness of the TIN, which is carried out by the sum of the numbers.

Individuals can register at their place of registration or at their temporary registration address. The last option mentioned is often used for foreign citizens.

The TIN should be indicated on all receipts, since the Federal Tax Service uses it to calculate and accept payment for each tax. By entering it on the website in your personal account or by contacting the tax office directly, you can find out information about the existence of debt, payments made, etc.

Therefore, every person needs to know it or be able to see it in documents.

Even if the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not classify the TIN certificate as mandatory documents, when applying for a job, it must also be presented to a new employer. If a person has a TIN, but has lost it or does not know where the certificate is located, the number can be found on the Internet at a special service of the tax service using passport data.

If at the time of hiring the future employee does not yet have one, then the company’s management can issue a TIN certificate for this person. But this is not his responsibility. Easier and faster physical. The person himself will receive a TIN via the Internet.

Starting from 2016, the obligation to registration accounting in the tax authorities also applies to foreign individuals. persons Moreover, without it they will not be able to obtain a patent to work in our country.

Attention! If you have previously received a TIN, but have lost the document, then you can either contact the tax office.

What documents are needed to obtain a TIN?

For any method of registering a TIN for an individual. the person must submit following list documents:

  • Application for TIN (Form 2-2-Accounting). Ready template can be purchased at a printing house, printed from the Internet, or obtained from an inspector at the Federal Tax Service. To obtain a TIN for minor children filling out the application is carried out by their parents or official representatives. If physical the person applies to the Federal Tax Service directly, then the application is drawn up by the inspector independently.
  • A copy of the personal identification document. document faces, which can be a passport, for a child - a birth certificate, etc.
  • Copy of the applicant's passport- this document must be submitted if a TIN is issued for a minor or incompetent person.
  • A copy of the registration document at the residence address- must be presented when registering a minor, since he does not have a passport, and registration information is indicated in this document.

Where to get a TIN for an individual

By general rules You can issue a TIN directly to the Federal Tax Service upon application. In addition, every person should know how to make a TIN via the Internet, as this speeds up the process and currently this method is available to many.

You can also send an application for TIN to the Federal Tax Service via post offices. However, in order to submit documents for registration of a TIN by mail, you must first have them notarized.

It is important to remember when physical If a person does not have permanent registration, he has the opportunity to obtain a TIN at the place of temporary registration or the address of the location of his real estate.

How to obtain a TIN for an individual

Is it possible to get a TIN at the MFC?

Some time ago, it was possible to obtain a TIN form by contacting the nearest “My Documents” multifunctional center. On this moment This service is not provided at the MFC.

Is it possible to get a TIN through State Services?

Currently, obtaining a TIN through a resource such as State Services is not possible. They no longer provide this service. However, you can find out the TIN number on the State Services website if the citizen previously received such a number.

Obtaining a TIN from the Federal Tax Service in person

You can receive a TIN form when you appear at the tax office either at your registration address or at your location. However, in the second case, the procedure does not differ from the standard one; no additional documents need to be provided.

In order to obtain a TIN form through the Federal Tax Service, you need to have with you:

  • Compiled application form No. 2-2-Accounting;
  • Passport or other document that can confirm identity.

To apply, you can use a printed form that is filled out by hand with a pen, or type and print it on a computer, or use programs and special services (for example, the official website of the Federal Tax Service).

If the form is filled out by hand, there should be no errors in it; one character is entered in one cell. For decoration you need to use pens in black, blue or purple flowers.

When submitting paper application You will inevitably have to stand in line. The tax service website has a convenient service that allows you to receive an appointment ticket electronically for the desired time.

If the application is submitted personally by a citizen, then there is no need to certify copies of documents separately - the tax officer checks them with the originals and returns them back.

If the form is submitted confidant, then this must be done together with a power of attorney executed by a notary. It must include the right to respect the interests of the principal in the tax service.

The completed form is handed over or sent by registered mail by mail.

Attention! Documents can also be sent by mail in a valuable letter with a list of the contents. You can find out the address of your tax office using this service on the Tax Ru website.

How to get a TIN via the Internet on the Tax ru website

The main advantage of this option for obtaining a TIN is the opportunity to avoid standing in numerous queues directly at the Federal Tax Service.
Currently, there is only one option available by which you can submit an application to the tax office - through the tax service portal on the Tax Ru website. It does not require a preliminary visit to the Federal Tax Service, but there are some peculiarities.

Attention! IN previous years It was also possible to submit an application for the formation of a TIN certificate through the State Services portal, but now it is impossible to do this.

Currently, the only option to submit an application for issuance online is the service posted on the Federal Tax Service website. To do this, you need to go to the section " Individuals» select “TIN”. The application can be prepared through the service of the Federal Tax Service itself or using specialized program, then sign with a qualified electronic digital digital signature and send it to the tax office.

If a citizen does not have an electronic signature, the service will provide the opportunity to generate an application form, after which it must be printed and contacted personally directly to the tax office. The certificate will be issued in person. At using digital signature The document can be received electronically or by registered mail.

Besides initial receipt TIN form, through the Federal Tax Service website you can also prepare an application for re-issue in case of loss, as well as generate a receipt for payment of the state duty, and, if desired, pay it online. However, you will still need to submit documents in person at the tax office.

Attention! You can obtain a TIN via the Internet only if you have an electronic digital signature. If you do not have it, then you must contact the tax office directly.

TIN production time and state duty amount

After submitting the necessary documents to the Federal Tax Service, the authority must process them within the time limits established by law. Currently this period is 5 days. After its expiration, the tax officer must hand over the completed form to the citizen, or send it to mailing address by registered mail (depending on how the documents were submitted).

Valid period The registration of the TIN certificate most often depends on the tax authority itself - in some cities the document is handed over to your hands after 20-30 minutes.

Attention! If the form is issued for the first time, then no state fee is charged from the applicant. However, in case of loss original document, when applying for a duplicate, you will need to pay 300 rubles. Sometimes the Federal Tax Service provides an expedited issuance service in case of loss. In this case, the state duty will be doubled.

Do I need to change my TIN when changing my last name or registration?

The TIN code is issued to a citizen once in a lifetime, and the number itself cannot be changed. However, if you change your personal data, you need to make changes to the certificate form itself.

In order to make a change, you need to contact the Federal Tax Service with a completed application and provide a form confirming the change in personal data. IN fixed time you will need to go to the inspector and get new form. Payment of state duty for replacement is not required.

Also, due to life circumstances, a citizen may change his place of registration. In this case, no changes are required at all. When registering at a new place of residence Migration Service will transmit this information to the Federal Tax Service.

The tax office will automatically deregister the person at the old address and register at the new one. There is no need to take any action for this, much less appear in person at the tax office for re-registration.

Attention! Changing the TIN when changing the surname is not the responsibility of the taxpayer. Civil registry offices usually transmit information to government agencies themselves. However, problems may arise during employment when the passport and TIN data in the document do not match.

According to current legislation individuals must pay obligatory payments in the form of taxes, report on certain forms etc. At the tax office, each person is assigned a unique identification number by which he is registered as a taxpayer. How to obtain a TIN for an individual? For the first time, you can obtain a TIN via the Internet, or by direct contact to the Federal Tax Service or MFC.

TIN is the identification number of tax payers, which is assigned to them by the relevant authority and is reflected in the certificate issued to them.

Currently, it is assigned to every citizen, and this is carried out even in early childhood, if children become payers of such mandatory payments.

The initiator of appropriation can be either the citizens themselves or their representatives, or the tax authorities.

This identification number for an individual consists of twelve digits:

  • The first two reflect the number of the region in which the certificate is issued, the next two reflect the number of the tax authority that issued it.
  • Numbers 5-10 reflect the immediate taxpayer number.
  • The remaining two last digits reflect the checksum by which the TIN is verified.

Attention! Since 2017, registration is carried out at any tax office.

The TIN is affixed to all payment documents used to pay taxes by an individual. By to this number The tax office keeps records, accrues and accepts mandatory payments.

Individuals can obtain information about property taxes, personal income tax, only if they know their TIN.

Despite the fact that the TIN certificate is not available in mandatory list, a copy of it is often asked for personnel workers companies.

Important! Not only citizens of our country, but also foreigners must have a TIN. This duty charged to them since 2016. Now they will not be able to obtain a patent for their work unless they first register.

What documents are needed for TIN

Regardless of how to make a TIN - via the Internet, by mail or in person, you must submit a certain package of documents.

  • The application (on form 2-2-Accounting) can be printed from the Federal Tax Service website or taken directly from the tax office. If a certificate is issued for a person under 14 years of age, then the application is drawn up from one of his parents.

Important! When applying to the Federal Tax Service to issue a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), the inspector fills out such an application independently (in most cases), based on the documents submitted.

  • A copy of the taxpayer’s passport or other similar document, identifying a person. For a minor who is under 14 years of age, a copy of the birth certificate is provided.
  • A copy of the applicant's passport - must be presented to the parents of minors when they submit an application for a TIN.
  • A copy of the certificate of registration at the address of residence - required for minors who do not have a passport and there is no such mark on the birth certificate.

Where to get a TIN for an individual

It is possible to obtain a TIN in the general manner from the Federal Tax Service at your location permanent residence. To do this, you can order a TIN via the Internet, submit an application by mail, or bring a package of documents to the tax office or MFC in person.

When sending documents by mail, copies of documents must first be certified by a notary.

If at the time of receipt this certificate the person doesn't have permanent residence, then the certificate is issued at the address of his temporary location or at the location of his property.

Is it possible to get a TIN at a location other than your place of registration?

Attention! Since 2017, you can get a TIN at any tax office, but you will be registered at your place of registration. The basis is the federal law No. 243-FZ dated July 03, 2017. Amendments have been made to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 83, paragraph 7. Read about it if you have already received it here.

How to obtain a TIN for an individual

An individual can obtain a TIN in various ways.

How to get a TIN via the Internet

This method makes it possible not to stand in line and send an application for issue at any time of the day or night. Currently, there are two ways to register a TIN using the Internet - on or through the Gosuslugi portal.

These options differ in design and procedure, but in practice they provide two opportunities to submit an application and receive a form:

  • If a citizen does not have a strengthened ID, you must register on the site using your email address (or SNILS) and password. For the Gosulugi portal, you will still need to undergo identity verification in the manner established by it. After this, in your personal account you will need to indicate personal data, information about your passport and registration, and contacts. The completed application for issuance can be sent to the Federal Tax Service in this way, but it will be possible to receive it only in personal presence with the provision of original documents.
  • If a citizen has an enhanced electronic signature, then it is necessary to prepare an encrypted request using a special program and send it to the Federal Tax Service. Ready form can be received by registered mail or by email PDF file, certified by a qualified electronic signature of the tax service.

Obtaining a TIN at the MFC

Recently, it has become available to issue a TIN through multifunctional centers(MFC) “My documents.” In this case, you can contact the institution either personally or through your authorized representative. The process of obtaining the form enters the “One Window” mode - this means that everything necessary procedures can be performed on site with one operator.

However, not all multifunctional centers perform this operation upon receipt of a taxpayer identification number for an individual. Check this information in your MFC.

The following documents must be submitted to the MFC:

  • Passport;
  • Registration document (if temporary registration has been issued);
  • Form for issuing a document form No. 2-2-Accounting (you can fill it out at the MFC or bring a ready-made one with you).

In cases where it is not possible to come to the MFC on your own, a trusted representative can contact you there. However, he must have with him a notarized power of attorney, which will indicate the right to draw up and receive documents.

Attention! On the positive side registration of a TIN through the MFC is that an employee of the center can independently draw up an application for issuing a number, or check the submitted form for errors. Currently MFC time is the most convenient option for obtaining a taxpayer identification number.

The MFC will inform you that the TIN is ready in an SMS message sent to your phone. You will need to receive the document here.

Obtaining a TIN from the Federal Tax Service (personal application)

To register and receive a TIN form through the tax office, you must have two documents:

  • Completed application in form No. 2-2-Accounting;
  • Passport or other identity document.

The application form can be obtained from the tax office, downloaded from the Internet and filled out by hand, or use one of special programs to prepare the document. At manual filling All data must be entered without errors, one character in one cell, and you must use a blue, purple or black pen.

When appearing in person, the Federal Tax Service does not need to certify copies of documents. Upon receipt, the Federal Tax Service employee will check them with the originals and return them.

Attention! In the case when documents are submitted authorized person, he must do this with notarized power of attorney, which must indicate representation of interests in the tax service. Copies of documents must also be notarized.

The TIN form, after registration, can be received in person or by a representative at the Federal Tax Service, or by registered mail.

TIN production time and state duty amount

After everything Required documents transferred to the tax office, the government agency must comply established by law deadlines for issuing the document. Typically, the period for issuing a TIN is 5 days. After this period, the tax officer must hand over the certificate or send it by registered mail. Real time depends on the tax office - some Federal Tax Service Inspectors issue the requested document within 20-30 minutes.

Attention! There is no need to pay a state fee for the initial registration and issuance of the TIN form. If it is produced reissue document to replace the lost one, then the payment will be 300 rubles. Some inspections provide a service for urgent restoration of the form, and the state duty is charged at double the rate.

Every working or business citizen must have an individual taxpayer number (TIN). It is issued in the form of a certificate. It can be issued upon reaching 14 years of age, and even earlier for the child in whose name the property is registered. Below is detailed algorithm, how to obtain a TIN for an individual, with a sample application, screenshots and explanations.

Where to go

The information that you need to contact the tax office at your place of registration for these purposes is already outdated. From January 1, 2017, an application for a TIN can be submitted to any tax office, regardless of the link to registration.

What documents do an adult taxpayer need?

You will just need to provide:

  1. Passport. This means that you need to come with the original and its photocopy. After they are verified, your passport will be returned to you, and a copy will remain with the tax office.
  2. Statement. There is a form strictly established form 2-2 accounting, which consists of 3 sheets. It will be issued by an inspector. If you submit documents online, the application form to fill out will be provided to you on the website of the Federal Tax Service ( or State Services only after registration.

Documents for issuing a TIN for a child

  1. Statement. The same application form is filled out as for adults: it will have a separate column for information about legal representative child. It is he (this may be one of the parents, guardian, trustee) who fills out the application, but on behalf of the child! The signature at the end is not signed by the child, but by the person who filled it out.
  2. Representative's passport. Take the original and a copy with you (the original will be given back after presentation).
  3. Birth certificate. Again according to the same principle: original + copy.
  4. A document containing an indication of the place of registration(if it is not indicated on the child’s certificate).

The personal presence of a minor is not required when submitting.

Application form

If you find it difficult to understand the screenshots, you can, for clarity, look at a text sample of an application for obtaining an individual’s tax identification number ().

How to fill out an application so that it is accepted the first time

  1. Write words in print in capital letters one letter in each cell, and dates in numbers. If you fill out the form on a computer, select the Courier New font (point size 16).
  2. Fill in the fields from the first cell, without leaving space before the text.
  3. Cross-outs, corrections with the help of proofreaders, “overwriting” at the site of errors and other deformation of sheets are not allowed.

How to get a TIN via the Internet

Let's start with the fact that only those who have an EDS (electronic digital signature). If you don't have it, then get it finished document it will not be possible to take it into your hands without visiting the tax office. In this case, it is only possible to submit an application and photocopies of documents online. But in order to pick up the finished certificate, you still have to go to the inspection office with your passport.

There are two ways to obtain a TIN online:

  • through the State Services portal;
  • through the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

In both cases, you need to register on the sites.

After registering on the State Services website, you will still have to authorize by filling out the data in the form, and then wait to receive confirmation by Russian Post by sending a password to enter your personal account. There is no such thing on the Federal Tax Service website, which means the process of submitting documents is faster.

Federal Tax Service website

Afterwards, the following form will appear on the screen. You can fill it out to a minimum - only fields with an asterisk.

When you're done, click "continue" and this is what will appear.

Next, expect to receive an email. After receiving it, follow the link in the letter. You will be taken back to the main page of the site, but the data will be saved in the e-mail and password fields. All you have to do is click “Login”, after which you will see this.

Only by filling out these details will you have access to the application form. The procedure for filling it out is described in detail above, so let’s look at how to submit an already completed form to the tax office.

  • Method 1. Just click the "send" button on last stage this procedure. Suitable for those cases if you can then obtain an individual’s tax identification number certificate in person from the tax office.
  • Method 2. If you have an electronic digital signature and do not want to go to the inspectorate, then install the “Legal Taxpayer” program and fill out the application using it. Perform the steps sequentially, then no difficulties should arise. If you want to receive a certificate not only in paper, but also in electronic form, fill out an additional request (the program will prompt you to do this automatically). Then prepare shipping container with the application on which the digital signature is applied, again using the program, after which you can send it for processing and find out its results. When the certificate is ready, then pdf format (electronic variant) it will be sent by e-mail, and a “paper” copy will be sent by registered mail by Russian post.

Public services

The service for obtaining a TIN will appear on the website for the user only after registration, and subsequently filling out passport data, telephone number, and email.

In addition, to obtain an Inn through the government service website, you will have to go through authorization. You will be asked to fill out your TIN and SNILS. Later you will receive a password via Russian Post at the place of residence you indicate. With this password, as well as a login (this is either an email address, or INN, or SNILS - your choice), you can get into your personal account on the website, finally fill out the 2-2 accounting form and send it to the desired inspection.

And on this portal you can also use an electronic signature so as not to visit the tax office in the future, but to receive a ready-made certificate by Russian Post or by e-mail.

How to apply by mail

If it is not possible to visit the tax office, you can send the documents by registered mail, but you will have to observe a number of nuances:

  1. the application must be filled out correctly (without errors or omissions), otherwise it will not be accepted;
  2. copies of the passport and document confirming the place of registration (if it is not a passport) must be notarized.

As you understand, notary services are not free, so if you are a busy person, it would be more rational and economical to immediately issue a power of attorney from a notary to someone who can not only submit for you, but also pick up the TIN certificate! After all, if you pay a notary only for certifying copies, then in the future you will still have to go personally to the tax office to get a TIN, and using the recommended scheme above, you will be completely freed from walking through government corridors.

If it is not possible to personally obtain a TIN certificate

Then a representative can do this for you. They can be any person over 18 years of age. You can issue a power of attorney from any notary. The estimated cost of his services is from 1500 to 2000 within Moscow.

How long does it take to obtain a TIN?

The law sets aside a period of five days from the date of acceptance of the application. On the sixth day, you can already go and get a ready-made TIN (don’t forget your passport!).

But if you submitted the form by mail or on the Internet, then the five-day period begins to be calculated from the moment you receive a registered letter or process electronic data received through the website of the State Service or the Federal Tax Service. This date will appear on the mail notification you receive or on the email.

How much will it cost to obtain a TIN?

This public service is provided free of charge. But if you receive it again, the state duty will be 300 rubles.

In addition, if you transfer documents by mail, please note that on average the cost of notarizing one sheet of paper is 60 rubles. And there are only three sheets, which means you will have to pay approximately 180 rubles. Plus, don’t forget that you also have to pay for postal services. If you use the services of a representative, also calculate the cost of issuing a power of attorney (1,500-2,000 rubles).

How to get a duplicate TIN of an individual

The fact is that it is impossible to obtain a copy of the personal identification number of an individual. If the TIN has been lost, then a new certificate is issued with the same taxpayer number as it was previously (it remains unchanged throughout the life of the individual). However, this is still not a copy, but a completely new document.

An application for a duplicate Inn certificate has the same form 2-2 registration, since in essence you are asking to issue a new certificate. In this form at the top of each page there is a column for filling out the TIN. You should enter your taxpayer number here. If you don’t know him, it’s easy to fix: you just need to go to the website, fill out the form and send a request. The TIN number will appear in the result line.

You can also submit documents to restore a lost certificate using all available methods:

  • personally;
  • by mail;
  • through a representative;
  • via the Internet.

But you only need to pick it up in person at the tax office (even the option with an electronic signature is not allowed).

Please note that the re-issuance service is paid:

  • the standard state duty is 300 rubles;
  • for expedited issuance of a new certificate - 400 rubles.

Do I need to get a new TIN when changing my name?

There is no such obligation, but the individual himself is interested in this.

Example. Krinichnaya G.V. took her husband’s surname “Dolzhenko”. She changed her passport, but she did not need to change the TIN certificate. But then her aunt suddenly arrived from Germany (for 3 days according to plan) and decided to give her niece (now G.V. Dolzhenko) an apartment in Moscow. They refused to register the transaction due to outdated data in the TIN and recommended replacing it with a new one. Krinichnaya G.V. She submitted the necessary documents to the tax office and was informed that she would have to wait 5 days until a new certificate was issued. Her aunt had to change not only her plans, but also her tickets for the return flight, since it was not possible to complete the transaction in 3 days.

No fines or other sanctions are applied to a person who has not changed his certificate.

At its core, this is not a re-issuance (as in the case of loss), but a replacement good reason. Therefore, there is no state fee for this procedure! Also, if you have an electronic signature, you can receive a ready-made document by e-mail(for comparison: if you lose your TIN, this is impossible).

The new certificate will indicate the previous TIN number.

Change of registration - grounds for changing TIN

As has been repeated many times, the taxpayer number itself always remains the same! Another thing is the document that contains the TIN, that is, the certificate... After all, it was drawn up indicating only information about registration, but what if it has changed?

You do not need to obtain a new certificate. If you have officially registered at a different address, the migration service will transmit information about this to the local tax office, and it, in turn, will inform your “old” inspectorate, where you will be deregistered.


An identification number taxpayer (abbreviated as TIN) is assigned to Russians when registering tax accounting. This is a code that includes twelve digits, which serves to streamline the accounting of all citizens paying taxes and fees to the budget. Obtaining a TIN in Russia is voluntary, and yet, some employers official employment employees are required to have this number. The document confirming the assignment of a TIN to a person is a certificate of registration with the tax authority, which can be ordered today different ways, including making a request via the Internet.

How to obtain a TIN of an individual

Organ executive power, which carries out tax registration of citizens - the Federal Tax Service (FTS). The age at which you can obtain a taxpayer number is Russian legislation not installed. That is, you can issue a TIN for both an adult and a child. There are several ways to do this:

  • personal visit to the Federal Tax Service office;
  • sending an application for registration by mail;
  • submitting a request via the Internet.

In the first case, the applicant applies to the local department of the Federal Tax Service, which is responsible for servicing individuals. persons, provides a completed and signed application of the established form No. 2-2-Accounting and identification documents confirming his registration.

Within five days, Federal Tax Service employees enter information about the number assigned to the new taxpayer in the Unified State Register(USRN) and issue the applicant with a certificate of registration. The advantage of this method is the speed of obtaining the number and document (no more than five days); the disadvantages include unnecessary fuss and wasting time waiting in lines.

If the applicant does not have the opportunity to visit the tax office in person, he can send an application and copies of papers to the Federal Tax Service office by registered mail. However, in this case you will have to wait much longer: the delivery time for the letter will be added to the deadline for completing the procedure.

Since it became possible to make an individual’s TIN via the Internet, citizens’ interaction with tax service it became much easier. Now everyone who has access to global network, it is possible to generate a request for registration using special service and submit it to the inspectorate electronically. However, before ordering a TIN from the tax office, it is worth checking whether it was assigned to the taxpayer earlier, and this can also be done via the Internet.

It's useful to know how to check. Obtaining data from State Services and the tax service website.

On a note: Pension Fund provides users of State Services completely free of charge in real time.

How to find your ID number

Considering that the TIN is needed not only and not so much by the citizen himself, but by the tax service for internal use and keeping records in relation to the taxpayer, this number is often assigned on an undeclared basis without the knowledge of the person himself. Therefore, before ordering a TIN from the tax office, it is recommended to find out online whether it has been assigned before. This can be done both on the website of the Federal Tax Service and on the State Services.

To obtain information through the tax service portal, proceed as follows:

  • go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service;
  • go to the “Individuals” section;
  • select the “TIN” category;
  • under the heading " Life situations» select the offer “I want to know the TIN”;
  • fill out the form that opens (it is necessary to indicate the full name, date of birth, type and details of the applicant’s identity document), enter the captcha and send the request.

After a few seconds, information with a number or a message indicating that it was not assigned will appear at the top of the page (on a blue background).

To find out the TIN on State Services, you need to:

  • pass the standard procedure register on the portal and confirm your profile data;
  • go to the website and log in to the system;
  • in the main menu of the site, select the “Service Catalog” item, sub-item “Taxes and Finance”;
  • find in the list a service called “Find out your TIN”;
  • Click on the “Get service” button.

After this, a form with the information of interest will open.

Important: it is impossible to carry out the reverse procedure, that is, searching for a taxpayer by TIN on State Services. Searching for an individual by TIN on the tax service website is possible only if it has the status individual entrepreneur(IP). To find information about individual entrepreneurs by TIN, on the main page of the Federal Tax Service website, select the service category “Business risks: check yourself and your counterparty.”

How to order a TIN online

If, based on the results of a data check, it turns out that a TIN has not yet been assigned to an individual, you can begin to generate a corresponding request. Since it became impossible to order a TIN through State Services, Internet users have only one option left electronic filing applications – through the Federal Tax Service portal.

While on the main page of the site, you need to go to the menu of the “Individuals” section and click on “TIN”. Next, you should select a service with the heading “I want to register with tax authority" A page will open with detailed description services. Below there will be a proposal to submit an application using a special service. You need to click on “Go”.

The system will switch to the required resource. Here you will need to go through authorization using your login and password, your taxpayer’s personal account, or your profile data on State Services.

After authorization, the user will have access to an on-screen registration application form. It will take a few minutes to fill it out; you will need to enter personal and contact information, as well as information about your identity document. After this, you should send a request. You can pick up the finished certificate by visiting local branch Federal Tax Service on time.

Obtaining a TIN and issuing a certificate is not an obligation, but a right of every citizen. You don’t have to spend a lot of time to implement it. You can create a TIN online. Moreover, this service is provided by the tax service free of charge, as is the provision of information about an already assigned number.

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