How to get a Russian passport in Israel. Obtaining an Israeli passport

Many people want to go to Israel, which is not surprising. This country has good medicine, climate, a stable economy and a large Russian-speaking population. But before obtaining Israeli citizenship, everyone should clarify the nuances of this procedure.

Israeli citizenship is a dream for many Russian citizens. There are indeed many advantages for the holder of an Israeli passport:

  • there is excellent medicine and highly qualified doctors (local residents often enjoy discounts and benefits);
  • Israeli citizens have the right to count on social support from the state;
  • high standard of living (high salaries);
  • living near four seas at once (Dead, Mediterranean, Galilee, Red);
  • the ability to use visa-free travel to more than 50 countries (but you will still need a foreign passport);
  • the opportunity to retain your citizenship.

Israeli citizenship has its downsides. And first of all, these are difficulties in obtaining a passport, since origin (Jewish roots) is important. Although non-Jews can also obtain an Israeli citizen passport.

Immigration Citizenship Rules

Individuals of Jewish nationality, as well as those who have converted to Judaism and undergone the corresponding ceremony, can obtain Israeli citizenship through a simplified procedure. In the first case, immigration is possible for the children and grandchildren of Jews.

According to Jewish law, nationality is transmitted through the female line. Therefore, if your mother or grandmother was Jewish, there is a chance to get an Israeli passport without any problems. But the relationship will have to be proven. But a father or grandfather with Jewish roots is not taken into account in this case.

Immigration of citizens without Jewish roots

An immigrant who does not have Jewish ancestors or a desire to convert to Judaism must be prepared to undergo a lengthy naturalization process. However, his nationality does not matter. This could be a Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, German or Estonian.

Conditions and stages of acquiring citizenship by Russians and other foreigners

To obtain an Israeli passport for a foreigner who does not have preferential conditions (he is not an ethnic Jew or a military man), he must:

  • legally live in Israel for 3 years;
  • be of legal age;
  • know Hebrew and observe the laws of the country (including religious ones);
  • have housing and a legal source of income.

If these conditions are met, the foreigner can try to obtain Israeli citizenship and a passport. Even if they refuse at first, it’s worth trying after a year.

Methods of immigration to Israel

Before you obtain Israeli citizenship, you need to explore possible ways to do so. This is repatriation, marriage to a Jew, naturalization.

Marriage to an Israeli citizen

According to the laws of the country, a foreigner can obtain citizenship only if the husband or wife has the appropriate nationality. The union can be registered abroad, but it is better to get married in Israel. Having an Israeli spouse does not guarantee accelerated acquisition of citizenship.

To do this you need:

  • apply for a visa giving the right to work (B1);
  • six months after entry, issue a temporary certificate;
  • renew the document annually;
  • After 3 years, apply for citizenship.

This procedure remains the same for foreigners who wish to immigrate through marriage. During the entire period, they need to legally reside in the country by obtaining a residence permit, work, etc.

Repatriation (return of Jews to their homeland)

It is easiest to emigrate under the Law of Return to Israel. The following have the right to do this:

  • children and grandchildren of Jews;
  • legal spouses of Jews, as well as widows and widowers;
  • foreigners who converted to Judaism.

The main requirement is Jewish roots on the maternal side if we are talking about the return of ethnic Jews. At the same time, it is more difficult for great-grandchildren to get this opportunity. If only a great-grandfather or great-grandmother had Jewish roots, the applicant will most likely be rejected.

Naturalization (naturalization of children)

Naturalization as a method of obtaining citizenship for adults implies long-term and legal residence in the country. With children everything is a little different:

  • The birth of a child, if one of the parents is a citizen, also automatically gives him the right to citizenship.
  • If a newborn was born from foreign parents, then they can apply to assign him the appropriate status. But they must reside permanently in the country for at least 5 years.
  • A child born abroad to parents with citizenship automatically receives it.

For naturalization, it is very important to renew the residence permit, learn the language and comply with the laws of the country. Even if you are refused the first time, you can try to get an internal passport again.

Labor and business immigration

Neither working nor opening your own business in Israel gives foreigners the right to a simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship. They can use the standard naturalization procedure.

Citizenship for treatment: how to obtain

Many foreigners try to enter the country for treatment. But such a visit is not a basis for obtaining citizenship. An official visit to the country for treatment in one of the clinics must be carried out with a special temporary visa (if the countries do not have a visa-free regime).

To apply for a visa, you need to contact the Israeli embassy at your place of residence. The package of documents is standard. The period of stay is limited to 3 months, so upon expiration of the document, the foreigner needs to leave.

Before a Russian citizen obtains Israeli citizenship, you should find out the legal norms regarding dual citizenship. Israel is ready to provide the opportunity to use second citizenship to foreigners from the former USSR. The exception is cases when citizenship is granted on the basis of naturalization. In this case, you will not be able to save your Russian passport.

The problem is that Russia does not recognize second citizenship, since there is no corresponding international treaty with the country. Therefore, obtaining an Israeli passport if you have Russian citizenship is a violation of the law. And many Russians living in the country use a residence permit, but do not apply for an Israeli passport.

Emigration while maintaining citizenship is also possible for residents of the USA, Ireland, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic. As for Europe, the list includes Spain, Latvia, Switzerland, Bulgaria, etc. But the UAE countries do not welcome dual citizenship.

Pros and cons of Israeli citizenship

Living in countries with stable economies always has many advantages. And although Israel is a fairly young state, many people dream of obtaining citizenship. The advantages of an Israeli passport include:

  • living in a good climate;
  • the opportunity to use quality medical services;
  • you can get education and work as a highly qualified specialist;
  • you can be socially protected by the state (support for the poor, pensioners, etc.);
  • you can visit ancient historical and religious monuments (for example, in Jerusalem).

But Israeli citizens often highlight the following disadvantages:

  • constant fighting on the border with neighboring states (besides, there are a lot of weapons here);
  • difficulties in obtaining a permanent passport (moving for permanent residence often means living on temporary documents);
  • taxes;
  • very hot climate, which is why Israel as a place of residence is not suitable for everyone;
  • high cost of products.

For those who move here for permanent residence, these disadvantages are insignificant.

Procedure for obtaining citizenship

If the passport applicant meets all the conditions, he needs to prepare documents and submit them to the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is followed by verification of the provided data and an interview. If a repatriate applies, he needs to have evidence of Jewish roots (but not on the paternal side). Sometimes genetic testing is required.

Submitting an application and list of documents

In order to travel to Israel to obtain citizenship, the repatriate needs to contact the consulate of the country at the place of residence. You should have a number of documents with you:

  • passport;
  • application (a sample can be obtained at the consulate or on the Internet);
  • photograph (if other family members are traveling, you will need their photos);
  • diploma, work record;
  • all available certificates (birth, marriage);
  • a certificate to prove no criminal record;
  • papers confirming Jewish roots (up to the third generation);
  • information about relatives living in Israel (if any).

All documents must be translated into Hebrew. In some cases, the candidate needs to confirm financial solvency. If the applicant wants to marry an Israeli, this fact will have to be confirmed additionally.

Response time

Review of documents does not take long. According to Israeli law, many applicants have to wait several days for a response after the interview. You need to leave for Israel to obtain citizenship no later than 6 months - that’s how long the visa is valid.

Consular check, interview

All repatriates are required not only to prove their Jewish roots, but also to undergo all possible checks. One of these is an interview with the consul. You can make an appointment online. If members of his family are leaving for Israel with the applicant, then all of them must be present during the conversation.

An applicant for citizenship must fill out a special form to confirm personal information. The question of religion is obligatory. The consul may inquire about the applicant’s future plans and employment. You cannot refuse an interview.

Obtaining an Israeli passport

Previously, repatriates had to live permanently in Israel for 1 year and not leave the country for 3 months or more. But the legislation has changed, and thanks to these changes, they are now trying to issue a passport right away. In addition, many receive documents immediately at the airport, as soon as they go through customs and passport control.

Refusal to obtain citizenship: reasons

If an applicant for citizenship can claim that he has Jewish roots, this does not mean that the Israeli Migration Service will not refuse him. Usually the refusal comes immediately after the interview with the consul. The reasons are as follows:

  • the person could not prove his origin;
  • he has a criminal record;
  • the documents submitted for consideration cannot be recognized as real;
  • a marriage concluded with an Israeli citizen is fictitious.

The refusal must be made in writing. If the reasons can be eliminated, then the applicant has the opportunity to contact the consulate again.

Conversion to another religion

Israeli authorities allow foreigners to use a simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship. The reason is the adoption of Judaism. To do this, you need to carry out a special procedure (conversion), the implementation of which is controlled by the religious community. Despite the simplicity of this ritual, it is very serious:

  1. First, the candidate, under the supervision of a rabbi, studies Jewish laws and, accordingly, lives by them.
  2. After a certain time (when the student is ready), the first introductory interview takes place. It is necessary to ascertain the true desires of the future Jew.
  3. The second meeting occurs when the disciple leads a permanent Jewish lifestyle.
  4. The last stage is an exam that must be taken in the presence of three rabbis. Based on its results, they will decide whether a person is ready to change religion.

If the exam is passed successfully, the applicant is recognized as a Jew. And according to Israeli laws, he can obtain citizenship without any problems.

Loss of citizenship: grounds, procedure

After issuing a darkon (internal passport), a person is recognized as an Israeli and must comply with the laws of the country. Otherwise, there will be corresponding consequences, and first of all – loss of citizenship. In practice, this is caused by illegal migration and obtaining a passport on the basis of fictitious information (about origin, marriage, etc.).

But if this information became known three years after the person was granted the appropriate status, then the procedure can only be carried out through the court. But a long trip abroad is not a reason for a person to be deprived of Israeli citizenship. Even if he doesn't expect to return.

Voluntary renunciation of citizenship

A person who has Israeli documents can renounce citizenship at any time. For example, he wants to leave and obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation. But to do this, you first need to follow the procedure:

  1. Personally submit documents and application to the Israeli consulate.
  2. Check for debts, clarify changes in marital status, etc.
  3. Wait for a decision.

The decision is made by the Minister of the Interior or an authorized official. The Minister has the right to refuse the applicant if he sees no reason to renounce citizenship.

Residents of the CIS can come to Israel and obtain citizenship without any problems. Of course, if they have appropriate grounds for this - nationality, family relationships or long-term legal residence in the country. In some cases, you don’t even have to renounce your citizenship, since this is not prohibited by Israeli law.

If a foreigner does not have citizenship, but wants to live in the country legally, he must obtain a residence permit. Of course, if a person came as a tourist and stayed illegally, he will not be able to subsequently obtain a passport.

A residence permit is citizenship, but the document guarantees the owner certain rights and obligations. Temporary documents are provided for only a year, after which they need to be renewed. In the case of marriage to a Jew, a few years are enough to apply for a darkon. But if the marriage is civil (unofficial), then checks can last at least 7 years.

Israel is one of the most controversial countries in the world for immigration. Obtaining citizenship here means, first of all, earning the trust of local authorities and law enforcement. The approach to immigrants in Israel is somewhat different from other countries and is explained by the highest level of economic development, science and patriotism.

Benefits of Israeli Citizenship

Each holder of Israeli citizenship has its own advantages. For some, this is a “green light” to any developed country in the world. For some, roads are opening up to register a business and buy real estate in the West. But for some it is a warm corner with a very high standard of living and social security.

Issues of acquiring citizenship in Israel are regulated by two laws: “On Citizenship” and “On Return”.

Today, no country in the world has an analogue to the Israeli Law of Return.

The Israeli legal framework provides for the acquisition of citizenship in the following ways:

  • by birth;
  • naturalization;
  • return of Jewish repatriates.

A child automatically becomes an Israeli citizen if his parents have such status.

A child automatically receives Israeli citizenship if his parents are Israeli citizens. At the same time, the parents of a child who was born outside of Israel must have citizenship not acquired, but also by birth. If one of the parents, an Israeli citizen, dies, the child still has the right to citizenship of this country.

Stateless persons who were born in Israel have the right to apply for Israeli citizenship, but only between the ages of 18 and 25. A prerequisite is to have resided in the country at the time of application for at least 5 years.

Acquiring citizenship through naturalization

Acquisition of citizenship on a general basis. Citizenship can be acquired using this method if the applicant meets the following requirements:

  • age over 18 years;
  • at the time of applying for citizenship, you must have lived in Israel for at least 3 years out of the last five years, while complying with all established registration requirements in this country;
  • During this time, you need to prepare the foundation for further permanent residence in this country. That is, having a legal source of income, housing will be an undoubted advantage.
  • basic knowledge of Hebrew, including at a conversational level.

Don't be intimidated by the tricky Hebrew letters. This language is very logical and not as complicated as it seems. Of course, you have to change your thinking a little to adapt to writing from left to right, but it’s worth it!

We have already said that Israel’s migration policy stands out from other countries. This is manifested in the fact that the main condition for making a decision on citizenship is confirmation of the immigrant's true intention to live and contribute to the development of this country. Of course, correctly executed documents are also part of the matter. But if the Minister of Internal Affairs, and it is he who makes the decision on admission to citizenship, suspects the applicant of commercialism or considers him unworthy to become a citizen of Israel, then no arguments will help here. Therefore, the first step is to take care of how to gain the trust of the authorities. And, conversely, if the state is interested in a particular person, then he may be granted citizenship.

An undeniable advantage of Israeli citizenship is an international passport (darkon). Its holders can visit 92 countries of the world without a visa. Darkon is issued only after permanent residence for one year in Israel.

To clarify the subtleties and pitfalls when preparing documents for filing, it is recommended to consult with a lawyer. For example, when filling out your personal information, it is better to indicate that you are an adherent of Judaism, even if this is not the case. Otherwise, you risk being rejected.

Simplified naturalization - through marriage

Simplified naturalization. A little faster, after 2 years, you can obtain citizenship through marriage. However, there are some “buts” here too. At the time of submitting documents, spouses must be officially married for at least 2 years and reside in Israel. According to Israeli law, only Jewish men are allowed to register official marriages. That is, if a woman wants to obtain citizenship in this way, then she needs to be prepared to tolerate Jewish rituals and traditions.

Naturalization has also been simplified for military personnel who served more than 1 year in the Israeli IDF army, and for the parents of those killed while serving in the Israeli army.

Return to the historical homeland

One option is repatriation

The fastest way for an adult immigrant to obtain citizenship is through repatriation.

Israel is very interested in the return of ethnic Jews to their lands. For this purpose, a law was even specially issued, giving many privileges to all those who returned.

Who is considered a Jew in Israel? Jewish blood is passed on through the mother. Therefore, those who have a Jewish mother, or grandmother, or great-grandmother are considered true Jews, that is, through the female line until the third generation. The law also allows children and spouses of Jews to return to Israel. In all these cases, you will need to provide very clear evidence of Jewish affiliation.

You can become a Jew by converting to Judaism. To do this, you will need to take a specialized course and undergo the rite of conversion. The decision to accept the Jewish faith is made by a council of rabbis.

You can apply to move to Israel under the Law of Return at the Israeli consulate in your country. The applicant will undergo a detailed interview and a thorough check of the information provided for fictitiousness. The period for reviewing documents is 45 days, sometimes it can take up to 2-3 months if additional checks are required. If the decision is positive, the applicant will need to apply for a foreign passport to travel for permanent residence or obtain a visa to travel for permanent residence in a valid foreign passport (depending on the laws of your country).

You can receive an Israeli passport within a week after submitting your documents.

For further processing of documents in Israel, you will also need a certificate of good conduct. Make sure you receive it before flying to Israel.

But now the immigrant-settler awaits care and attention. The Jewish agency Sokhnut will select a flight to Israel for the applicant, pay for air tickets, luggage (up to 150 kg) and a taxi to the airport. At the airport, the Jewish immigrant will be met by an employee of the Ministry of Absorption and will be given a repatriation certificate. At first, the repatriate will be coordinated on the spot, given a SIM card and personal documents. In addition, for 6 months the family of repatriates will be paid a monthly allowance and free medical care will be available.

Repatriates receive citizenship and passports within a week.

Issues of second citizenship

Whether it is worth giving up your previous citizenship to obtain Israeli citizenship depends on the country of the applicant. For some countries, this is not required by international agreements. For example, there are no legal restrictions on dual citizenship for Russian citizens, but on the condition that the migration service must be notified about this. It is more difficult for citizens of other countries. The laws of Belarus provide for the deprivation of Belarusian citizenship upon entry into another. The same is true in Kazakhstan. And the termination of Ukrainian citizenship occurs after the decree of the president of this country is issued, which takes time. However, they promise to ban dual citizenship here in the near future.

In Israel itself, repatriates receive benefits in this regard - they do not need to renounce their second citizenship. Everyone else needs to take care of leaving their previous citizenship.

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Obtaining Israeli citizenship is a complex procedure with many nuances. Before applying, you should study the conditions for obtaining citizenship and the list of required documents.

Israel has a developed economy, medicine and legal system. The pros and cons of Israeli citizenship are presented in the table.

Pros Cons
New citizens are given a tax deferment for 10 years. High tax rate. Income tax ranges from 10 to 31%. The more a citizen receives, the higher the tax.
By paying a small monthly amount of medical insurance, you can receive expensive treatment absolutely free and in any situation. Low salary. The minimum cost of living is only $900, and given income taxes, it is impossible to become rich without working in business.
Regardless of job or status, everyone is treated equally even in government institutions. New citizens are forgiven many mistakes. Some stereotypes still remain. Non-religious people are treated poorly, as are representatives of other religions.
Holders of an Israeli passport can travel halfway around the world, as a visa is not required. Lack of prospects for growth and advanced training.

Despite the fact that the country has capitalism, most of the population lives poorly. It is impossible to move from one social stratum to another within one generation.

If a citizen applying for citizenship does not have enough money, he is faced with an ordinary job without the prospect of saving money for future generations and career growth.

Greed is also a serious minus. It appears everywhere and is considered the norm. In restaurants and cafes it is not customary to leave a large tip, and returning a few shekels through the courts is normal.

It is impossible to win a lawsuit against a native citizen of the country, since ethnic solidarity stands above the law. There are exceptions, but they prove the rule.

Another disadvantage is compulsory military service for men and women. Those who evade or hide are not liked. There are administrative and criminal penalties.

Illness, religious beliefs that do not contradict the principles of the country, two supported minor children, and disability will help you avoid service.

Who can claim citizenship under Israeli law and who cannot?

According to current legislation, a citizen applying for citizenship:

  1. Obliged to honor and comply with the laws of the country, treat its citizens and guests with respect, not violate the law and not interfere with the work of government and law enforcement agencies.
  2. Must not have anti-Semitic, nationalist, ideological, or religious prejudices that contradict the ideology of the state. If a citizen has tattoos depicting Nazi symbols or symbols of the Third Reich, he will definitely be refused.
  3. Must not participate in groups (political, religious, etc.) whose activities are directed against the citizens and culture of Israel.
  4. Must not have a business or source of income that could harm the economy and well-being of Israel.
  5. Must not have been convicted or found to have committed serious criminal or ideological crimes.
  6. Must not have any debts or outstanding loans. If a citizen entering the country has debts, then he is prone to borrowing, which is not welcome in the country.

The commission carefully considers all candidates, as they monitor the purity and “quality” of applicants.

Conditions of receipt

There are several conditions to obtain Israeli citizenship.

By birth or descent

Citizens born in Israel automatically receive citizenship. The easiest way to use this law to your advantage is to arrive a few days before the birth to be received there.

If a citizen born on the territory of another country was born from the union of two people, one of whom has Israeli citizenship, he can also apply for it.

REFERENCE! There are a lot of religious people in Israel. If a “Brit Milah” (circumcision) ceremony is performed at birth, this gives a 100% guarantee that the newborn will receive citizenship without any problems.

If a newborn citizen has distant Jewish roots, it is difficult to obtain approval, but it is possible.

Repatriation (aliyah)

This process means the return of captives or political prisoners to their homeland, and no matter how long ago they were imprisoned, if the fact of abduction or capture can be proven, citizenship will be issued automatically.

Marriage to an Israeli citizen

One of the simplest ways. Some points and requirements for applicants are either not set at all, or the degree of their severity is reduced.

If a citizen has any “contraindications” to obtaining citizenship, but has filled out an application where he accepted the country’s legislation and promised to comply with it, citizenship may well be issued. It does not matter in which country the marriage took place, citizenship is issued to everyone.

Based on the fact of kinship. What evidence is needed?

If an applicant suddenly discovers that there are native Jews in his family or those who have received citizenship and lived there for a long time, he can submit an application. To do this, he needs to provide a birth certificate, copies of all documents that will lead him to the citizens of the country.

They will also require written confirmation that the applicant is their relative. The more such documents, the better. If you season your application with a story about hard life in the country and homesickness, you have a better chance of getting it.

Obtaining citizenship for people without Jewish roots

There are also options for those who cannot obtain an Israeli passport under the basic conditions, but want to become a citizen.


Drawing up an application for citizenship, on the basis of which the commission will conduct an interview, clarify the reasons, prerequisites, motivation, and possible benefits. The application is drawn up in free form in the native language, and a copy translated into Hebrew is attached to the original documentation package.

Naturalization for children

The child must complete the application and the parents must provide written approval. The downside is that the chance of getting into the ranks of the Israeli army increases to 100%. This is logical, because in any country its population is valued higher than immigrants.

Labor and business immigration

We are talking about large business organizations, and obtaining citizenship is negotiated with each person personally. By investing in the Israeli economy for a certain amount, a citizen can become its “business partner.”

To learn more about the amounts and conditions, you need to contact the country’s embassy directly and ask about the investment amounts. Israel itself does not name prices, but does not deny financial injections.

If you convince the commission that there is a ready-made profitable business and it is planned to develop it in the country, they will definitely approve citizenship.

Is it possible to buy

Yes, you can. The purchase will involve a direct or indirect investment, opening an account, or a charitable organization. The document itself cannot be bought legally, but you can win favor with the embassy.

Obtaining citizenship without living in Israel

All people are distant relatives. If you delve into the family tree, you can find a Jew and start from obtaining citizenship by kinship or origin. Bonuses such as religion adoption and investment will only help.

Is it possible to obtain Israeli citizenship in Moscow without leaving?

To do this, you need to contact intermediary organizations that have connections and established algorithms that will help you quickly and easily obtain a passport from any country. The price fluctuates, but based on customer reviews, it's worth the time saved.

Registration procedure

To obtain citizenship, you must follow the instructions.

Required documents

General package of documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another country where you have citizenship.
  2. Birth certificate. Sometimes a document is required from all relatives if citizenship is obtained due to kinship.
  3. Income declaration and credit history.
  4. Certificate of family composition.
  5. Application for citizenship and applications from relatives (if any).
If a citizen stayed and lived for a long time in the territory of Chernobyl, Pripyat or a similar area where there were emissions of toxic substances, he must undergo an additional check and provide a certificate.

If he has refugee status, he must also provide a certificate and an additional application for citizenship under a special status.

Where to go with documents

If a citizen prepares everything himself, contact the Israeli Embassy in his country. Before your visit, it is recommended to check the full set of documents. It is better to conduct a preliminary conversation over the phone so as not to go twice.

If you don’t have time to complete the application yourself, you need to go to the office of the intermediary organization and hand over the documents.

How to interview with a consul

Once your application has been pre-approved, you will be asked to speak with a consul. He will ask questions that were in the questionnaire and clarify the purity of intentions. It is recommended to memorize the application if you did not draw it up yourself, otherwise problems may arise, or there will be a corresponding note in the cover letter.

Cost and terms

The decision-making period is 1 week if the entire package of documents is available. The processing time can vary from a couple of days to a month. It depends on the queue, the number of documents, and positive accompanying factors. Price from 130 to 240 shekels (depending on the season).

Possible reasons for refusal to obtain citizenship

They can refuse without giving a reason or notifying you of the refusal. However, there are several popular reasons for refusal.

Incorrect information

Lack of or inaccurate information can once and for all close the path to Israel. If a citizen undertakes in his application not to violate the laws of the country and not to mislead it, but lies at the acceptance stage, he will be rejected without the right to re-apply.

Entering into a fictitious marriage

If it turns out that the marriage was formalized for the purpose of obtaining citizenship, the request will be rejected, and if it already exists, it may be deprived of it, followed by deportation to your homeland.

Criminal background

It is difficult to hide the fact of a criminal offense, but if it works, citizenship will still be taken away. It doesn’t matter how serious the crime was, or why the person was in prison, there is no place for immigrant criminals in Israel.

Conversion to another religion

If a religion contradicts the beliefs of Israel or violates its tenets, the citizen who accepts it is a violator of the law and is subject to deportation. Sometimes an exception can be made, but this is very rare.

Additional information

There are several other important points that may be useful to the applicant.

Renunciation of citizenship

You can refuse in the same form as you accept, but without specifying any special reasons. A check is carried out against the citizen, during which it is determined whether he has any debts, whether he is liable for military service, and so on. If a person owes something to the country, citizenship will not be revoked until the debt is repaid.

Dual citizenship

This situation is unacceptable in Israel. Citizens who have 2 passports will be tried to the fullest extent of the law. This is a serious offense for which one is sent to prison.

Loss and restoration of citizenship

If you lose your document, you need to contact the police and file a statement. They will look for your passport within 2 weeks, and if they don’t find it, they will issue a new one. If we touch on the issue of obtaining citizenship after refusal, the chance is negligible.

If citizenship was alienated for reasons beyond the control of the citizen, the chance is higher. The repeat procedure is not much different from the primary one.

Israel's attractiveness for immigrants continues to grow steadily. An advanced economy, low unemployment, a comfortable climate and a historical connection with Russia make this small Middle Eastern state a desirable place to live for Russians. Therefore, it is not surprising that many of them are interested in the opportunity to obtain Israeli citizenship and go to this country for permanent residence.

Israeli immigration legislation provides several legalization options for foreigners. An Israeli passport can be obtained by convincing the authorities of your loyalty and attachment to this country or by proving your national connection with the Jewish people. There are three reasons to become an Israeli citizen absolutely legally:

  • Marriage to a Jew or a citizen of the country;
  • Naturalization.

Until 2017, upon becoming a citizen, a new resident of Israel first received a temporary Teudat Ma'avar passport. This document was issued for 2 years and allowed the owner to enter most European countries without a tourist visa, and also provided the opportunity to conduct business as an Israeli. Only after a year it was possible to receive a darkon - a full-fledged passport of a citizen of the country, which is issued for 5 years and allows you to visit 150 countries around the world without restrictions.

After the latest amendments to the legislation, newly minted citizens no longer have to wait a year to receive a darkon. It is issued immediately after the move, equalizing the rights of native residents and their new compatriots. But teudat maarav has not been abolished. It is issued to persons who have issued an official residence permit.

Repatriation to Israel

Repatriation involves the return of ethnic Jews to the Promised Land. The country's authorities actively support the immigration of new citizens, helping them not only with funds for relocation, but also by providing serious tax benefits. However, to obtain Jewish citizenship, it is not enough for an applicant to simply call himself a Jew. He will have to prove the presence of the corresponding roots in the family.

The repatriation procedure is regulated by the Israeli Citizenship Law. It has been in force in the country since July 5, 1950. Since then, many amendments have been made to it, but the essence has not changed. The law states that only Jews who are Jewish can apply for an Israeli passport:

  • by nationality;
  • by religion;
  • By birth.

At the same time, Jewish nationality is inherited from the mother, so it will not be possible to obtain Jewish status through the father. But both parents can award the right to citizenship to a child. However, only three successive generations can count on the loyalty of the state, citing their Jewish roots.

For example, having a Jewish grandfather or Jewish grandmother in his family, a foreigner has the right to apply for citizenship. But his children, representing the fourth generation, will be able to do this only as part of family reunification, if at that time they have not reached the age of majority. To do this, they must enter the country with their parents and obtain a residence permit, which will give them the right to subsequently take advantage of the naturalization program.

Persons without roots can also become repatriates if they are relatives of citizens of the country. These include:

  • Children, both natural and adopted, and their spouses;
  • Grandchildren and their spouses;
  • Husband or wife and their children;
  • Widowers of both sexes who did not remarry after the death of their Jewish spouses.

Foreigners have the right to obtain Israeli citizenship through marriage. However, certain difficulties await them along this path. The country's authorities are very seriously struggling with the problem of fictitious unions. Therefore, for legalization on this basis, the following are of great importance:

  • Place of marriage;
  • Duration of marriage.

Those who plan to connect their lives with a Jew should know that in Israel only a religious marriage between a Jewish woman and a Jew is possible. If we are talking about a secular union, it can only be formalized outside the country, and then submit the relevant documents to the Israeli Embassy for repatriation.

If both spouses are planning to emigrate from Russia to their historical homeland, and several days or months have passed since the wedding, the consul will most likely invite the newlyweds to apply when the marriage is one year old. This is the first level of protection against fictitious marriages provided by immigration law.

If one of the spouses is Israeli, the second can come to him for six months, which does not give him the opportunity to work. After receiving a residence permit, spouses must undergo a marriage verification procedure for fictitiousness, which lasts 5 years. Only after this period will the husband or wife become full citizens of Israel.


Persons who are not Jews according to current legislation can also apply for Israeli status. According to approved legal acts, a Jew is considered to be someone who:

  • Was born to a Jewish mother;
  • He did not abandon Judaism.

To be naturalized, the applicant must meet the following conditions:

  1. Reach the age of 18;
  2. Have a residence permit valid at the time of application.
  3. Have lived in the country for at least 3 years out of the 5 years preceding the submission of the application;
  4. Agree to renounce the citizenship of your country. This item is mandatory only for the nationalization program.

Of course, the country's authorities do not give permission to become citizens to everyone who applies. Each application received under the naturalization program is considered individually. A positive verdict is influenced by:

  • The applicant's knowledge of Hebrew;
  • Financial independence;
  • Availability of real estate in Israel.

All these factors may influence the opinion of the consul or representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but do not guarantee citizenship.

Israeli citizenship by DNA test

The future repatriate does not always have a complete set of documents that can convince the consul of his right to citizenship on the basis of consanguinity with Jews. In such a case, a DNA test comes to the rescue. If the applicant has relatives in Israel, the analysis will help confirm eligibility for repatriation.

The procedure for obtaining civil status using DNA has a number of certain advantages:

  1. Does not require tedious collection of documents.
  2. Achieves a positive result in a short period of time, equal to a maximum of three months.
  3. Almost completely eliminates the risk of refusal from the authorities.
  4. Can be used as a second chance if there has already been one previous failed repatriation attempt.

However, this procedure also contains certain nuances that you should be aware of. The country's authorities do not take into account the results of tests done in foreign countries. This means that you need to take the test material exclusively in Israel and this can only be done by a court decision.

Each method of obtaining citizenship has its own registration procedure. Those who plan to become a repatriate must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Collect documents, including:
    • Photo of the applicant and family members;
    • Birth and marriage certificates;
    • Documents about blood ties with Jewish relatives;
    • Certificate of good conduct;
    • Work book;
    • School leaving certificate, vocational education diplomas;
    • Internal passports of all family members;
    • International passports;
    • Personal and contact information of loved ones and relatives living in Israel.
  1. Submit an application with a set of documents attached to it to the consular section of the Israeli Embassy.
  2. Pass an interview. At the same time, at the meeting with the consul, the personal presence of all family members traveling for permanent residence is required.
  3. Wait for the decision and get a six-month repatriation visa.
  4. Purchase tickets yourself or at the expense of the state organization “Sokhnut”.
  5. Arrive at the Israeli airport and receive from Sokhnut representatives:
    • Internal passport Teudat zehut;
    • Lifting in the amount of 1000 shekels;
    • Referral to medical care;
    • SIM card;
    • Payment for a taxi to your residence address.

A non-Jew starting a family with an Israeli must proceed as follows:

  1. Collect a set of documents required by law, including:
    • Passport;
    • Apostilled marriage certificate;
    • Photographs, copies of correspondence and other papers confirming the authenticity of the marriage;
    • An invitation from your spouse.
  1. Submit an application to the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  2. Obtain a tourist visa for 6 months;
  3. Buy tickets and travel to Israel;
  4. Submit documents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for obtaining a residence permit.
  5. Receive teudat maavar.
  6. Within 5 years, confirm the presence of a family.
  7. Submit an application for citizenship.
  8. Get Darkon.

If an immigrant decides to take advantage of the naturalization program, he will have to go through the following stages of the procedure:

  1. Collect documents confirming compliance with the terms of the program.
  2. Submit an application to the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  3. Wait for the minister's decision.
  4. If the outcome is positive, apply for citizenship.
  5. Get Darkon.

Is it possible to obtain citizenship without living in Israel?

The decision on the possibility of granting citizenship to foreigners is made by the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs. Therefore, the application must be submitted within the country. In Russia, you can submit an application to the consul and, after initial approval, receive an entry visa, which will be replaced with a passport:

  • one month after the repatriate’s arrival in Israel;
  • 5 years from the date of marriage;
  • After 3 years in case of naturalization, if the applicant has lived in Israel all this time.

It turns out that under the conditions for granting civil rights to foreigners, immigrants are required to reside in Israel if they apply for a passport from this country. However, there are those who want to become citizens of the Promised Land without planning to live on its territory. Such persons, most often, are not interested in the traditions and culture of the country. They only need her passport to move freely around the world.

For this purpose, some Russians are trying to buy citizenship. But it is important to understand that such a practice leads to a direct violation of Israeli laws and can result in a ban on entry into the country or criminal prosecution for an enterprising buyer.

When deciding to obtain citizenship by any available means, you should also take into account that according to Israeli laws, newly minted citizens are prohibited from obtaining a passport and continuing to live in their country. Since the darkon is subject to regular renewal, Israeli immigration authorities can seize it if they discover that the passport holder is not actually living in their adopted homeland. In this case, the violator will face a long ban on entry into the country.

Dual citizenship Russia-Israel: pros and cons

Israel is quite loyal to citizens having a second citizenship. Strict requirements are imposed only on persons undergoing the naturalization procedure. They will have to formalize a renunciation of their existing status as a Russian citizen. This serious step requires a balanced decision. If life in Israel does not work out, it will be very difficult for those who have refused it to obtain Russian citizenship again.

Russia recognizes that its citizens have two passports. The exception is immigrants who have declared their desire to become Russians. The legalization procedure for them involves renouncing their current citizenship.

Russia has signed official agreements with some countries. However, since 2016, the country has a law according to which all Russians who have received a residence permit or citizenship in foreign countries are required to inform the Russian immigration service about this within two months. Violators may be fined up to 200 thousand rubles.

Having dual citizenship carries certain advantages and disadvantages for its owner.

  1. It is convenient for those who do not want to part with Russian citizenship, but at the same time want to enjoy the benefits that they can receive as an Israeli. For example, traveling around the world without visa restrictions.
  2. Allows you to conduct business in both countries as a local resident.
  3. Gives the right to pay taxes in one of the countries at more favorable rates if a person lives in both homelands for the same amount of time, and it is impossible to accurately determine which country is the center of his vital interests.

However, dual citizenship means for its owner not only rights, but also responsibilities, which many Russians regard as disadvantages:

  1. An Israeli citizen is obliged to serve in the army and it is not possible to evade military service.
  2. A dual citizen will have to pay double utilities, and in Israel this part of the costs can reach very significant sizes.
  3. Regardless of the circumstances, the holder of an Israeli passport must reside in Israel for certain periods of the year. Otherwise, he risks losing this passport.
  4. Israelis are not allowed to visit such Eastern countries as Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen.

In addition, many Russians are confused by the unstable political situation that has developed near the borders of the Israeli state.

What does Israeli citizenship provide?

And yet, despite the presence of disadvantages, Israeli citizenship remains very attractive for Russians. Having issued the coveted passport, its owner has the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of this developed Middle Eastern state, including:

  1. Live in conditions of economic stability.
  2. Receive a high salary, the size of which corresponds to the European level.
  3. Visit more than 150 countries around the world without visa restrictions.
  4. Use it.

The advantages of Israeli citizenship include the opportunity to live and work in the state:

  • With a high threshold of old age;
  • With low infant mortality;
  • With a mentality aimed at quitting alcohol, tobacco and drugs;
  • With a warm climate.

How to obtain Israeli citizenship in Moscow?

Russians have the opportunity to obtain citizenship even before moving to Israel. You can go through the appropriate procedure in Moscow, but only if there are grounds to obtain repatriate status.

Israeli citizenship is a political and legal connection between the Israeli state and its citizens, expressed in the mutual rights and obligations of the parties. It is generally accepted that only Jews can apply for an Israeli passport. For persons of Jewish nationality, a simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship is provided, but this does not mean that representatives of other nationalities and faiths will not be able to apply for Israeli indigenat (citizenship).

Who is eligible for Israeli citizenship

Everyone who can become an Israeli citizen is strictly defined by the Nationality Law of 1952 (חוק האזרחות). In accordance with Art. 1 of the law, the right to a passport (darcon) arises:

  • due to repatriation, including those who returned to Israel in accordance with the Law of Return No. 5710-1950 of 07/06/1950 (חוק השבות);
  • by virtue of residence, that is, among those who, at the time of the formation of the state, lived on its territory. Israeli citizenship law recognizes as such all those who were registered, actually resided or entered the country before the entry into force of this law, even if this happened after the declaration of independence;
  • by birth, if at least one of his parents is an Israeli citizen, regardless of place of birth. It turns out that at the birth of a child, Israeli citizenship is automatically transferred to him, even if his father is Israeli (Jewish nationality is transmitted only through the maternal line);
  • in the order of naturalization - for persons who have lived in the country for a long time, intend to settle and connect their fate with it, and at the same time have lost their political and legal connection with any other state. Simplified naturalization is provided for spouses of Israelis, as well as some other categories of persons.
  • by virtue of adoption. Israeli citizenship through adoption accrues to all minors adopted by Israelis;
  • by virtue of the grant of a passport by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a privilege.

Rights and responsibilities of Israeli citizens

During the existence of the Israeli state, the authorities failed to adopt the Constitution in the form of a formal single document, and therefore the rights and obligations of citizens are determined by a set of other regulations called the “Basic Laws of Israel” (חוקי היסוד של ישראל).

First, let’s look at what Israeli citizenship gives to those who decide to join it and apply for an Israeli passport. According to the Basic Law on Human Dignity and Freedom (חוק-יסוד: כבוד האדם וחירותו), the rights of an Israeli citizen are based on the recognition of his worth, the sanctity of his life and his freedom. The main purpose of the law is to protect human dignity and demonstrate that Israel is a democratic state.

Thus, if a citizen of the Russian Federation obtains Israeli citizenship, he will have the right:

  • to protect life, property and personal liberty;
  • on privacy and its inviolability;
  • freedom of movement, the ability to freely cross Israeli borders and reside in the country at any time;
  • to freedom of expression, that is, the right to choose and be elected to government bodies;
  • for diplomatic protection while on the territory of another state
  • obtain Israeli citizenship for a Russian spouse and children;
  • to freedom of choice of field of activity, work and profession, as well as to unhindered employment (Basic Law on Freedom of Occupation, חוק-יסוד: חופש העיסוק)
  • to legal protection and freedom to participate in political organizations;
  • to preserve language and cultural traditions;
  • for housing, education, medical care, pensions, and protection from persecution.

It is important to remember that many civil rights are not enshrined in law in Israel, which leads to frequent violations. At the same time, everyone who has the right to Israeli citizenship must remember the complex of obligations imposed on citizens. They apply equally to all residents of the country. The main responsibilities of citizens include:

  • conscientious living and compliance with the law;
  • observance of loyalty to the state, which, in particular, is expressed in the obligation of every citizen (from 18 to 29 years old) to serve in the army and in the obligation to refuse assistance to any state recognized as an enemy of Israel;
  • the obligation to carry an identity card with you and present it to the authorities upon request;
  • the obligation to pay taxes and social fees, and so on. This does not apply to those who acquired Israeli citizenship without moving and are not residents of the country.

Please note that in Israel, any person is obliged to be a good citizen. He works to improve the life of society, participates in the life of the country through personal donations.

This is implemented in a variety of ways. For example, schoolchildren participate in a personal commitment project, helping the elderly and the needy in various ways, adults take voluntary participation in humanitarian organizations.

All this must be taken into account before becoming an Israeli citizen: the scope of rights and obligations does not depend on the method of obtaining an Israeli passport. It's time to take a closer look at the main methods of acquiring it available to foreigners.

Let us note right away: in each case, the procedure for obtaining an Israeli passport is radically different. There are several common ways for a Russian citizen to obtain Israeli citizenship, including:

  • marriage with a citizen of the country;
  • repatriation, including through conversion;
  • naturalization.

Each method differs both in the procedure and in the requirements for applicants. For example, persons married to a citizen of the state, as well as those who plan to naturalize as a result of long-term residence, can obtain Israeli citizenship at the local immigration office at the Ministry of Internal Affairs (שירות ההגירה של ישראל).

Repatriates who apply for a passport in a simplified manner can receive it either by decision of the Israeli diplomatic mission in the Russian Federation (for a Belarusian in Belarus, for a Ukrainian in Ukraine), or directly through the Ministry of Internal Affairs already on Israeli territory. In addition to the conditions and procedure, the required package of documents will also differ; We will look at what documents are needed to obtain Israeli citizenship using each method below.

In any case, the final result is determined by the responsible competent authority - the embassy or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Consideration of the application is individual in each case and takes a considerable period of time, up to 6 months.

If the person meets the requirements and there are no obstacles to the issuance of a passport, he will receive notification of Israeli citizenship. From now on you can obtain Israeli documents.

If obstacles are identified, the competent authority sends the applicant a denial of citizenship, which he has the right to appeal in court. We will discuss the reasons for refusal below. Now we propose to consider the features of each method in more detail.

Marriage to an Israeli

In accordance with Art. 7 of the Citizenship Law, marriage in Israel or outside the country, concluded by a foreigner with an Israeli, is the basis for granting the foreign spouse an Israeli identity. However, a passport is not issued automatically. The spouses will have to go through a lengthy bureaucratic procedure, which, according to the most conservative estimates, will take several years.

Here's what a citizen's spouse needs to obtain Israeli citizenship:

  1. Obtain a B1 visa with the right to work.
  2. After 6 months - undergo an interview and issue a temporary resident identity card.
  3. Renew your ID card annually as it is only valid for 12 months.
  4. After the 4th year of residence as a temporary resident, apply for citizenship.
  • application for citizenship;
  • temporary residence permit;
  • the applicant's foreign passport and the second spouse's Israeli passport;
  • marriage certificate (if it is issued in the Russian Federation - translation and apostille);
  • other documents confirming that the marriage is not fictitious (general photos, witness statements).

Conversion to Judaism

Conversion is the process of accepting Judaism through religious structures, including outside Israel. It is impossible to accept Judaism without contacting a rabbi, who will teach the future Jew and instruct him in every possible way. He, like his friends who honor the Torah and its commandments, will have to give recommendations to the Chief Rabbinate in the Russian Federation about a person wishing to undergo conversion.

The process involves several stages:

  1. Opening a personal business. The candidate is given a first interview and (if necessary) an examination on knowledge of the Torah and observance of its commandments.
  2. Interim observation - a second meeting, which is carried out on the recommendation of a supporting rabbi, if the applicant has a sufficient level of knowledge and leads an appropriate lifestyle.
  3. A meeting of the rabbinical court, where 3 rabbis examine and interview the applicant. A year after conversion, if there are sufficient recommendations, the person receives a certificate of conversion, confirming his entry into Judaism.

Such a person is recognized as a Jew, which allows a Russian citizen to obtain Israeli citizenship as a repatriate in accordance with the Law of Return. Along with converted Jews, other Jews also have the right to repatriation.


According to Israeli law, the following have the right to repatriation:

  • halakhic Jews, that is, those who were born of a Jewish mother;
  • those who converted and abandoned another religious denomination or did not belong to any one;
  • persons born abroad, regardless of religion, if at least one of their parents is an Israeli citizen born on its territory.

Repatriation to Israel is a simplified way to obtain citizenship, allowing you to move to the Promised Land relatively quickly (within six months from the date of submitting documents to the embassy), receive a passport, housing and many benefits depending on the chosen program. To participate, applicants must obtain approval from the embassy.

To become a citizen of Israel, a Russian must submit a list of documents:

  • documents confirming Jewish roots (or a certificate of conversion) and documents confirming kinship with Jewish relatives;
  • visa application form;
  • documents on current marital status;
  • educational documents (school certificate, university diploma);
  • documents on qualifications and work experience (work book);
  • certificate of good conduct;
  • ID cards of close relatives who are Israeli citizens;
  • photo 3 x 4 cm and other documents.


A comprehensive answer to the question of whether a non-Jew can obtain Israeli citizenship is given in Art. 5 of the citizenship law: possible, in the order of naturalization. Naturalization (התאזרחות) refers to the process of long-term residence in a country legally for a period established by law and obtaining sanction of citizenship from the competent government authorities.

The law provides for the following requirements and conditions for obtaining Israeli citizenship by naturalization:

  • being in Israel at the time of filing the application;
  • stay in Israel for the last three years out of five preceding the submission of the application;
  • availability of a permanent residence permit, issued no earlier than 4.5 years from the date of entry into the country;
  • knowledge of Hebrew at a sufficient level (level of training in ulpan);
  • intention to reside permanently in the country;
  • refusal of an existing passport.

Naturalization is the only way (other than marriage) to obtain Israeli citizenship without repatriation. Obtaining a passport according to the above steps requires patience, a complex and lengthy bureaucratic process. And there are no guarantees that, having fulfilled all the conditions, the person will receive approval from the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Art. 5 of the law allows you to deviate from them and refuse to provide an indigenous person. Even after legally living for 3 out of the last 5 years with a residence permit (the minimum period of time required to live in Israel to obtain citizenship), many applicants are refused.

Article 6 of the law provides for a number of categories exempt from fulfilling the listed conditions, including: persons who served in the Israeli army, children of army personnel who died in service, and some others. In addition, on the recommendation of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, some persons may be fully or partially exempted from fulfilling these conditions. All that is needed to obtain Israeli citizenship in this case is a letter from the Minister of the Interior.

Applicants who receive a passport through naturalization have the full range of civil and political rights of Israelis. However, they do not acquire the right to benefits, financial assistance and benefits from the state for repatriates.

Is it possible to obtain Israeli citizenship without residence?

With all that said, the only way to obtain Israeli citizenship without residency is through repatriation. All native Jews, with proof of Jewish origin, receive approval from the embassy and a visa to enter the country and immediately after entry can receive an Israeli passport. Previously, a mandatory period of residence of 1 year was established for them, but today it has been lifted.

All other methods of obtaining citizenship require mandatory residence.

How to confirm Jewish roots

To approve repatriation, a mandatory condition is documentary evidence of Jewish nationality through the female line (mother, grandmother). How to find Jewish roots is a controversial question; it is necessary to use all possible sources:

  • This can be proven by providing a birth certificate of mother/grandmother/great-grandmother, marriage/death/divorce certificate, which will indicate the nationality - Jewish.
  • You can submit extracts from the house register or documents from the registry office archives, which reflect Jewish nationality. Photos from the family archive or other documents with Jewish symbols can indirectly prove Jewishness.
  • If such searches are unsuccessful, you can contact specialized organizations to conduct research, for example, the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences in Belarus. The cost of such research can be impressive, but it is a justified price for the right to unity with the homeland.
  • You can also provide proof of roots at the burial place of relatives (Jewish cemeteries).

Interview at the embassy

If Jewish roots are discovered, you must schedule an interview with the consul. To become a citizen of Israel, a Russian must contact the repatriation department at the local Israeli embassy, ​​the address of which can be found.

During a personal interview, the consul will accept the applicant’s documents, find out what the reasons are for the desire to move, and conduct a preliminary check of Jewish roots and documents.

Based on the results of the interview and further verification of documents within 6 months, the applicant will receive notification of the decision: if it is positive, he will be issued an Israeli visa for 6 months.

What to do next

The actions of the repatriate after approval of repatriation by the consul include:

  1. Communication with the Jewish Agency (“Sokhnut”) and choosing a suitable repatriation program, receiving other assistance from the organization.
  2. Selecting a moving date, booking a free air ticket using Sokhnut.
  3. Flight to Israel, where the repatriate is met by representatives of the Ministry of Aliyah and Absorption and given an Israeli passport or identity card, first financial assistance, and other important documents.
  4. The first steps upon arrival: finding housing, opening a bank account, taking out insurance, signing up for Hebrew courses, connecting to a mobile operator, and so on. Each repatriate is assigned a local curator who will help him with the initial adaptation.
  5. Registration of a passport. Since identification in the country requires a special biometric photo, an Israeli passport cannot always be issued at the airport. If this does not happen immediately, contact your local Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Israel's attitude towards bipatrism

In accordance with Art. 14 of the Citizenship Law, the only case when a person is obliged to renounce his existing second citizenship is naturalization. In all other cases, foreigners have the right to keep their previous passport when receiving an Israeli one.

However, in relations with the state, a binational person will be considered exclusively as an Israeli. The acquisition of foreign citizenship by him will also not entail the deprivation of Israeli citizenship, if this does not contradict the laws of the country.

Denial of citizenship

The Israeli embassy and the Ministry of Internal Affairs do not always approve applications from passport applicants. The reasons for refusal are usually:

  • unproven Jewish origin;
  • insufficient degree of relationship with a Jewish relative;
  • presence of an outstanding criminal record;
  • submission of falsified documents;
  • suspicion of entering into a fictitious marriage, and so on.

The reason for the refusal in any case must be stated in writing and communicated to the applicant. If the refusal is based on an error or is not justified, the applicant has the right to appeal it directly to the embassy, ​​the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Israeli High Court of Justice, depending on the situation.


In conclusion, let's look at the pros and cons of Israeli citizenship. Let's start with the advantages:

  • the opportunity to obtain a passport under the repatriation program without prior residence and renunciation of Russian citizenship;
  • the right to benefits and financial assistance;
  • the right to visa-free entry into 145 countries;
  • high standard of living, social support, effective medicine and so on.

But there are some disadvantages, in particular:

  • ban on working in the civil service in the Russian Federation;
  • ban on entry into some countries, for example, Iraq, Iran, UAE;
  • military service for citizens under 22 years of age.

5 Ways to become an Israeli citizen: Video

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