How to view the queue for housing. How to check your number in the queue for housing. Waiting list for housing.

According to Article 33 of the Housing Code, Russian citizens have the right to enter the waiting list for housing and receive it from the state if they meet certain criteria and need to receive an apartment.

Providing housing to those in need is carried out on a strict first-come, first-served basis.

A citizen acquires the right to receive an apartment from the state from the moment an application is submitted. If the order of the queue is violated, you can file a statement of claim in court.

It is noteworthy that the citizen himself cannot go to court. By law, this can be done by authorities and legal institutions.

Who gets housing first?

The priority right to receive living space is determined by Article 36 of the Housing Code.

This right belongs to:

  • disabled people of the Great Patriotic War;
  • participants in combat operations, law enforcement officers;
  • Heroes of Russia, awarded the Order of Glory, “For service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces”, Heroes of Labor;
  • families of those missing during the war or in other military operations on the territory of the Russian Federation or another state;
  • persons with severe chronic diseases (inscribed in the RF LC). For example, psoriasis, severe mental illness, tuberculosis, severe forms of bronchial asthma;
  • police and customs workers;
  • family members of military personnel, if they died in the line of duty;
  • disabled people of groups 1 and 2 who became disabled as a result of military and civil operations or due to a congenital disease;
  • veterans of the housing and communal services industries who have worked in one place for a long time;
  • doctors, teachers, and other specialists invited by local institutions;
  • mothers are heroines, single mothers, large families, twins, triplets at birth.

This list of priorities is far from complete. The law prescribes the possibility of transferring from the general queue to this list.

Who has the right to housing without waiting lists?

In Russia there is a single list of those in need of housing or improved living conditions.

It consists of three lists, completely unrelated to each other:

  • people with priority rights to housing;
  • out-of-turn;
  • waiting lists on a general basis.

This procedure for providing apartments is never violated. Even if someone has special achievements before the state or is in dire need of a roof over their head.

The following may apply for an extraordinary right:

  • in case of loss of any type of housing as a result of natural disasters;
  • graduates of orphanages and boarding schools who have reached adulthood;
  • orphans who were in care when they reach 18 years of age;
  • specialists working in a field far from their place of residence;
  • judges, prosecutors, and local inspectors are provided with comfortable housing no later than after 6 months;

Disabled people, pensioners discharged from medical institutions and those without shelter also have the right to receive an apartment without a queue. Or you can return their previous housing to them if it meets the standards.

What is a general queue

The general queue includes a list of those persons who do not have priority among other queues.

But it still does not cover everyone who wants to join the queue for a municipal apartment.

Criteria for placing in the general queue:

  • residency requirement - 5 years;
  • lack of action to worsen one’s living and material conditions: sale, exchange, parasitism.
  • need is confirmed by documents from the social protection department;
  • families in need of social support, low-income families, large families;
  • disabled people who do not have their own living space.

The last items on the list are citizens whose living space does not meet the standards (6 m2 per person).

Who can get housing

Russian citizens have the right to receive preferential housing and improve living conditions.

A foreigner cannot apply for a state apartment, regardless of whether he is a single person or a family.

Persons without citizenship are also not entitled to housing from the state. If the family is mixed, then the application is considered in accordance with the standards adopted in the region of residence.

The following have the right to join the queue for housing:

  • persons recognized as low-income by local social protection authorities;
  • families with insufficient square meters per person;
  • having a residence qualification (the residence qualification is permanent registration on the territory of a given municipal body) for at least 5 years, in Moscow - 10 years.

Housing is provided by the state through socially vulnerable categories of the population. This includes the poor and needy.

Those who apply and meet the housing criteria can receive an apartment. You must confirm your compliance by providing documents. Each region has its own criteria, which are based on those unified for the entire country.

Promotion in turn takes place under strict supervision of the financial situation of the family. Members of the commission must monitor changes in the family. In Moscow, the criteria are very compressed, and the authorities of St. Petersburg expanded and added new categories.

How the waiting list is formed

Each municipal authority has a housing policy department under the executive committee. This is where you need to go with your documents.

The employee must check the availability of all necessary documents, verify their correctness and compliance with standards. If necessary, consultation is provided.

An application is written and, together with the documents, submitted to a member of the administrative commission authorized to check the possibility or impossibility of inclusion in the lists. The issue is being considered within a month. The applicant receives a decision from the commission with consent or refusal.

When forming the budget, funds are allocated, as well as a certain number of funds in each area, taking into account the needs of each group of citizens. It is prohibited to mix funds in favor of one of the queues at the expense of another.

A citizen cannot get an apartment from another list if he is already in another queue.

Good to know: It is unacceptable to resolve the housing issues of those outside the queue at the expense of the general queue. If such violations are discovered, the order becomes invalid, the social tenancy agreement is declared void and cancelled.

In what cases are changes made?

Changes to the waiting lists are only possible for very compelling reasons. For example, if the applicant grossly violates his work duties.

For this, you can shift the queue by several points, but no one has the right to cross out a person.

Even if he is caught committing hooliganism, being drunk, violating labor discipline, or theft. The exception is if he is brought to criminal liability

There may be progression through the list in the opposite direction. For example, a person on the waiting list transfers his housing to the municipality in order to get a new one. This procedure is carried out when this citizen submits an application.

The queue can be disrupted if there are very compelling reasons: for example, if natural or man-made disasters occur that lead to the destruction of houses.

Obtaining an apartment from the state is considered a troublesome and irrational matter. Many people believe that this is impossible and do not seek help, even if they formally meet the criteria. You shouldn't do this.

On the one hand, the right to housing is spelled out in the Basic Law of Russia. Every citizen has the right to implement it. On the other hand, the fact of being on the waiting list may be useful for receiving subsidies when purchasing housing in the future.

Watch the video explaining how to get on the housing queue:

In Russia, improving living conditions for citizens has been one of the main tasks for several years now. For this purpose, many social programs have been developed that are used in practice and remain very relevant. The right to obtain their own living space is guaranteed by current legislation for everyone without exception.

Social assistance in purchasing or providing housing to individuals is aimed at low-income categories of citizens. In general, two main conditions must be met:

Having met these two criteria, you need to get on the queue and receive an individual serial number, which will change as you move up the list and which can be found in several ways. Each region or locality has its own queue and you can get into it by submitting the appropriate application and documents to the local administration or other self-government body.

Movement through the list

Once an applicant has joined the housing improvement queue and received an initial number, they will need to be monitored regularly. For each region of the country, the rate at which citizens move up the list is different, depending on the size of the population. In general, there is no general principle of promotion one by one, and in addition to the number of applications, the economic condition of the locality and the awareness of the municipal authorities also play a role.

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At the same time, preferential categories have the right to speed up the receipt of real estate, thereby moving others lower on the list. Therefore, a number, information about which is constantly updated, can not only remain in place for a long time, but also increase.

Getting housing out of turn:

  • Recognition of housing as completely unfit for habitation without the possibility of restoring it;
  • A family living with a chronically ill person who threatens the health of other residents.

Receiving the information

There are several ways to find out your current housing improvement number:

You can choose the most optimal option for each individual case. If you need information of a purely informational nature, an electronic database is also suitable, but when you need an official response, it is better to apply in person or send a postal request.

Many citizens of the Russian Federation need housing, but cannot purchase it on their own. In such cases, the state helps or provides social housing. But you can only get them by “standing” in a long line. Read about why you need to know your place in a given queue and how to clarify it in this article.

Why do you need to know the queue number?

After registering to receive free housing, the applicant receives a specific account number. This is his case number, based on which you can track movement in the queue. The number itself is not serial and does not change over time, but it is needed in order to find out where the applicant is in the queue. This is needed for the following reasons:

  • Timely response when. According to the rules, the applicant must be notified that he has been excluded from the queue. But in practice this does not always happen or, what happens much more often, the notification arrives too late. A person has only 3 months to challenge the decision and be reinstated in the queue. In many cases, exclusion is done specifically in order to “promote” some other person forward. Of course, the initiators of this procedure are not interested in notifying the excluded person about this fact in a timely manner. To avoid problems, it is recommended to check your position in the queue at least once every 3 months or more often. If it turns out that the applicant is no longer in the queue, the problem must be resolved immediately (most often through the court). Otherwise, everything will have to start again.
  • To avoid missing your turn for housing. The fact that the applicant’s turn has come and he can complete the documents (receive housing or a certificate) must also be reported. But this is not always done or not in a timely manner. It is also necessary to know the position in the queue in order not to miss the moment when it will be possible to apply for the assistance the person is entitled to from the state. As you approach the first position, it is recommended to check the order more and more often.
  • Tracking the queue for an approximate understanding of when the apartment will be allocated/certificate issued. This procedure also helps to at least approximately determine when it is the applicant’s turn.

Example: If a person is 100th in the queue, and in 3 months (since the previous check) he has moved up by only 3 people, then we can assume that in a year the movement will be made by only 12 positions. In this example, the applicant will be able to obtain housing in approximately 8-10 years.

The queue is not displayed in open form. The applicant cannot know who is in line behind him or in front of him. Serial number only. This causes indignation among many, since it can be assumed that a number of people “pass” in line much faster, simply bypassing many positions. But nothing can be done about this, since open information will be a violation of the rules of confidentiality of citizens of the Russian Federation.

How to find out your account number

As mentioned above, in order to find out your place in the queue, you need to have information about your account number. It is indicated in the notification that the applicant is registered. If for some reason this document is not available (for example, lost), then you can obtain the necessary information from the organization where the documents were submitted. For example, the local administration, the department of social protection of the population, and so on.

When visiting, you need to take your passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation with you. Also, most likely, you will need to write an application in free form with a request to indicate an account number, but most often it is done without it - the organization’s employees find the applicant in the database using passport data and provide the account number. It is recommended to write it down so you don’t have to deal with this issue all the time.

If the applicant is not found, it is possible that since the last application he has already been removed from the queue for one reason or another. It is recommended to immediately try to understand the situation and, if necessary, go to court.

How to find out the queue number?

There are several ways to check your place in line. Depending on the type of application, the following information may be required:

  • Registration number. Almost always needed. Often, apart from it, no other information is needed at all.
  • Passport details. Usually required for personal applications.
  • Region of residence. Rarely required, but may be relevant if a data match is identified.
  • Year of registration. It makes it easier to find the applicant, so you also need to know this information.

MFC (My documents)

One of the most popular ways to view your queue is to contact the MFC (My Documents). To do this you need:

  1. Take your passport.
  2. Contact any branch of the MFC.
  3. Sign up for the service. If you apply in the middle of a weekday, there is a high chance of getting an appointment within a few minutes. In other cases, you may need to wait from half an hour to 2-3 hours.
  4. Explain the problem to a specialist.
  5. Write an application (form and sample will be provided on site).
  6. Submit the application to a specialist and receive a document confirming the fact of filing the application.
  7. Wait for processing (this may take up to 30 days).
  8. Get the result.

As you can see, the procedure can be relatively lengthy. As a result, it is recommended to take care of this issue in advance.

Local administration website

In some localities (especially in large cities) there are websites of the local administration, city property department, social protection department, and so on. Often you can find the necessary information on them by entering your data (for example, account number). For example, this way to find out your place in line is relevant for Moscow:

  1. Go to the website of the mayor of Moscow (also the website of the city property department).
  2. Go to the "Services" section.
  3. Go to the “Social Support” menu.
  4. Go to “Housing conditions” and go to the information section about the priority.
  5. Click on the “Get service” button.
  6. Fill out the form provided.
  7. Submit your application and wait for the information to be processed.
  8. Get the required data.

The number of requests is not regulated in any way. You can send applications at least every 10 minutes (this is approximately how long the information is processed).

Public services

The next way to get the information you need is through State Services. This is a government website where you can get various information, including finding out your place in the queue for housing. To do this, you need:

  1. Go to the State Services website.
  2. Log in (if you don’t have your own account, you need to register first).
  3. Enter all information about the user (passport details, etc.). If this has been done previously, you can skip this point.
  4. Go to search bar.
  5. Write something like “Check your place in the housing queue.” The service will automatically offer all suitable options. The more precise the request, the less unnecessary information there will be.
  6. Select the desired organization from the open list (where the application for registration was submitted).
  7. Draw up an application asking to notify the user about his place in the queue for housing/certificate.
  8. A special form will open that you need to fill out. It should be taken into account that most of the data is “pulled” from the applicant’s profile (passport data, etc.).
  9. Specify the method of notification of the results of consideration of the application. There are three main options:
    1. By email. Subjectively, this is the most convenient option, provided that the applicant regularly checks his mail.
    2. By regular letter. Suitable in cases where time does not play a special role (you can wait until the letter arrives). It may also be relevant if this document is required to be presented in court.
    3. A message on the State Services website. This is relevant if the applicant regularly uses this service and therefore sees the required message in a timely manner.
  10. Submit your application.
  11. Receive a notification with the necessary information.

Not all regions of the Russian Federation are represented on the State Services website. If the necessary organization does not exist, it does not have a website, there is no MFC where one could contact, then there is only one option left - to personally go to the local administration/social protection department and write a statement on the spot.

Personal appeal

The most inconvenient option, since it is necessary to deal with the issue personally or through a representative (the latter will require a properly executed power of attorney). You need a passport and registration number. Additional information is rarely requested. In order to obtain the necessary information, you must:

  1. Take your passport.
  2. Check the address of the local administration.
  3. Contact the administration.
  4. To write an application.
  5. Submit the application to an administration employee.
  6. Wait for the request to be processed (from a few minutes to up to 1 month, highly dependent on the region and the peculiarities of processing citizens’ requests).
  7. Get the data you need.

It is imperative to know your place in the queue for housing. And it is recommended to update this information regularly. At a free consultation, experienced lawyers will talk about the main features associated with applying for this data. They can also act as client representatives and independently request a place in the queue, working under a power of attorney.

Moscow is proposing to create an online waiting list for the right to receive social housing. This was reported by Moscow Commissioner for Human Rights Tatyana Potyaeva. According to her, the city property department will be recommended to publish a waiting list on the department’s website.

“On the website of the city property department, the information should be transparent, so that any person on the waiting list can go to the site and see how his queue is progressing,” Potyaeva explained.

According to her, the main appeals from residents to her relate specifically to the housing issue. “The main topics that concern Muscovites: long waits in line to receive social housing, illegal deregistration of housing, failure to provide subsidies for the purchase of an apartment, as well as complaints about the resettlement of communal apartments, eviction from unsafe or deemed unsuitable housing,” the interlocutor noted website.

Potyaeva added that all problems in the housing sector will be discussed at a meeting with the chairman of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation. “We will also recommend that the Moscow City Property Department inform people about all changes in legislation in the field of housing policy,” concluded the capital’s ombudsman.

The city property department explained to the website that at the moment there is a service on the official website of the department with which you can find out your number in the queue for social housing. “You can enter your data and find out your number in the queue. In accordance with federal legislation, we do not have the right to publish personal data,” the site’s interlocutor emphasized. “According to the Federal Law “On Personal Data,” information about citizens who are registered with housing refers to information with limited access and cannot be transferred to third parties without the consent of its owner."

You can find out the serial number in the queue for social housing for free from the city property department, as well as through the state debt portal. To make a request, you must indicate the case number, year of registration, county and area of ​​residence. According to data from July of this year, there are more than .

Moreover, the first part of the waiting list (62.7 thousand) are people who joined the queue before 2005, when they were accepted for registration regardless of income, and the rest of the people (11.7 thousand) are checked, in addition to their availability of square meters, also family income. This year, the authorities have allocated housing subsidies for the purchase and construction of housing to those on the waiting list.

The chairman of the public organization "Moscow Waiting Lines" Luiza Martyanova believes that an online list would make life easier for those on the waiting list. “The problem is that you need to not only find out the number in the queue, but also see an open waiting list. People need to know who is behind whom, and who has already received housing,” she emphasized.

According to her, they used to post full waiting lists. “People were somehow able to control the lists and calculate how long they would receive housing,” explained Martyanova.

The site’s interlocutor added that there is no need to write personal data of Muscovites on the lists. “The list must include the surname and initials. They are not personal data and can be posted publicly,” she concluded.

The head of the Internet and Law company, Anton Sergo, explained that it is quite possible to create a waiting list without violating the personal data of citizens. "The person who gets in line can be given a paper to sign that he allows the use of his personal data. In this case, this data can be reduced as much as possible. For example, indicate the first letters of the last name, first name and patronymic of the person in line. This information is enough for a person to see his place in queue and make sure that ten new queues do not appear in front of him,” the expert emphasized. “At the same time, this information is not enough to identify the identities of other queues, so this information does not belong to the category of personal data.”

According to him, full publication of personal data can attract the attention of scammers. “Fraudsters can play on people’s trust or expectations, and also involve them in dubious schemes,” he noted. “If all data is properly encrypted and does not violate legal requirements, then those on the waiting list will have nothing to fear.”

Last year, needy Muscovites took advantage of housing subsidies. The city received only 20-25 percent positive responses from citizens, despite allocating full funds to provide subsidies to those on the waiting list. To join the queue, you must be registered in the capital for at least 10 years and have a living space of less than 10 square meters per person. In 2015, Moscow authorities offered those on the waiting list to improve their living conditions.

Fedotov Anatoly, Anastasia Maltseva, Svetlana Kazantseva

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