How to build a mini animal farm. Your own dairy farm: key points of the business plan

Cowshed for 50 heads – optimal solution for a small family farm. For successful business It is necessary to comply with the rules for keeping cattle. Construction of a barn taking into account all requirements and high-quality equipment will help to avoid problems with the health of animals and increase their productivity. A novice farmer faces questions: build a barn with his own hands or resort to the help of professional teams, what materials to use and how much will the project cost?

Requirements for keeping cows

The microclimate in a barn consists of many factors, such as temperature, lighting, humidity, and the concentration of harmful gases. The cow is especially demanding of conditions, and peaks of sensitivity occur at 3 and 7-8 months of pregnancy.

The temperature of the housing affects the heat exchange processes in the body of cows. There is a concept of “thermal neutral zone”. This temperature regime, in which the metabolism in the animal’s body is not disrupted. For various cattle breeds, this zone is located in the range of +4 – +20 °C.

Overheating and hypothermia of animals can also occur due to high humidity in the room. Humidity above 85% at high temperature makes heat transfer difficult and the animal overheats. At low temperatures high humidity leads to colds.

At the same time, the air should not be allowed to dry out. When humidity is less than 40%, mucous membranes, respiratory tracts, skin, horns, and hooves are affected.

Harmful gases such as ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon monoxide are waste products of cows. Their concentration in the air is regulated by regulations. In case of insufficient natural ventilation, livestock complexes for 50 heads are equipped with forced-type hoods.

When installing the floor yourself, you need to make sure that it is sealed and that slurry does not penetrate into the cracks.

Natural lighting has a beneficial effect on the condition of animals. It prevents the development of rickets and softening of bones, stimulates the metabolic process in the body. For penetration sunlight The barn is equipped with windows.

The barn design should include artificial lighting incandescent lamps for raising young animals. For calves, the norm is 50 lux, during the fattening period – 20-30 lux.

A livestock farm for 50 heads of cattle is associated with the installation mechanical equipment, whose operation does not occur silently. With some adaptation to production noise cows still experience deterioration in performance under the influence of this irritant. According to standards, the noise level in a barn should not exceed 70 decibels.

The installation plan for air conditioners, heaters and other equipment must be thought through at the design stage. The barn must be kept clean. Manure is removed with scrapers, and sawdust flooring is regularly replaced with your own hands.

The dry period in cows is characterized by a high risk of mastitis. During this time, increased attention should be paid to hygiene.

To ensure conditions for keeping cattle, an area of ​​at least 6 m2 is allocated per cow, taking into account the feeder and passage, and at least 10 m2 for a cow with a calf. Based on this, the total area to accommodate 50 heads, taking into account the birth of calves, should be about 500 m2.

The layout of the barn on the site must fit into general concept farm complex.

Materials for construction are selected depending on the climate and their availability in the region. You can build a barn with your own hands from wood, brick, cinder block or foam block.

When constructing large complexes for housing cows, the frame method and sandwich panels are often used. The simplest and cheapest is frameless technology. Arched hangars are built on a lightweight foundation by building up an arched profile.

Estimated cost of construction and construction time:

  • brick – 12,500 RUR/m2 (6-12 months);
  • sandwich panels – 7550 RUR/m2 (3-6 months);
  • laminated veneer lumber – 8100 RUR/m2 (6-12 months);
  • frame building – 3400 RUR/m2 (1-3 months);
  • frameless hangar – 1800 RUR/m2 (2-10 days).

When constructing a barn, the following dimensions are observed: wall height - from 2.5 m (with permanent flooring - from 3 m), roof height to ridge - from 3.5 m. Windows are placed at a height inaccessible to cows.

The floor rises above ground level. It is performed with a slope of 2 cm/m for liquid drainage. It is not recommended to make a greater slope, so as not to provoke limb diseases in cows. The best option– plank floor on clay. Boards without clay are impractical: they quickly become unusable, and manure liquid flowing through the cracks will accumulate under them, releasing toxic substances.

The ceiling is made of thick boards. The cracks between them are covered with clay. The ceiling is insulated with sawdust or sand, spread in a layer of 10-15 cm. In cold regions, it is recommended to build a ceiling with double flooring.

Internal structure and equipment

Plan internal structure The barn includes the placement of stalls, feeders, and passages. The stall must have following sizes: 1.7x1.1 m. Sawdust or chopped straw is poured onto the floor in the stalls, providing the animal with a dry place to lie down, or permanent wooden flooring is installed.

A chute is equipped at the rear to drain slurry. Its dimensions are: width – 20x10 cm. The gutter should be built with an inclination towards the liquid collector. To remove the chute from the barn, an opening is made in the wall, which is closed with a valve.

A feeder and drinking bowl are placed in front of the stall. The simplest feeder is a box-trough along the length of the stall, having the following dimensions: width at the top - 70 cm, at the bottom - 40 cm, height of the side facing the cow - 25-30 cm, outer - 70 cm. Such feeders are easy to make it yourself from dry, carefully planed boards.

Modifications of feeders include:

  • with folding sides for easy cleaning;
  • lifting with height adjustment (used when using high, permanent flooring).

The calf cage is placed on the side of the stall.

The construction of a barn involves many nuances. Without their understanding, it is difficult to build a quality farm with your own hands. For the beginning farmer in this case It’s better to contact construction teams and choose a project that takes into account general recommendations by cattle content, climatic features region, necessary equipment and order turnkey construction.

There is always a demand for milk. Pastures for cows are also not a problem unless you live in the tundra or desert. If you have a desire to work and earn money, live on the land of your ancestors and bring good to people, building a mini-farm for cows is your choice!

There is no need to wait for investment, the main thing is that you have ingenuity and minimum set knowledge. And what you don’t know can be easily found out on the Internet or by visiting your neighbor for a cup of tea.

Decide what your ambitions are. How many heads of cattle are you willing to take on your conscience? If you need 5–20 heads for your hobby with your wife, one hangar (or feed barn) will be enough. However, an ordinary abandoned (or unfinished) house, of which there are plenty in the village, would be quite suitable. It is not difficult to remove the stove and install ventilation shafts instead of pipes, with minimal construction skills. Insulate the barn, check the power supply, and you already have room for 5 animals.

Farm arrangement

The total area of ​​your barn should be at least 1000 m2, and the height varies from 2 to 6 m. The natural shape of your building is an elongated rectangle, with a length to width ratio of approximately 5:1. However, the construction of any proportions can be adapted for the barn, but the animals will still have to be placed according to the principle of an elongated rectangular battery.

Solve the issue of regular water and electricity supply. The next step the necessary equipment will be connected to control the microclimate in the room and the condition of the animals.

Finally, decide what type of livestock farming you plan to implement - meat or dairy. The development of the concept of your mini-farm for cows depends on this. A dairy farm requires the presence of a dairy terminal: collection, bottling and control of the quality and quantity of milk. The meat department provides for the construction of a meat cutting shop and a laboratory.

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Primary requirements

The number of cows will determine how the animals are kept. Small livestock can be housed in stalls and fed buffet style. The comfort standard for one adult cattle is 20 m2.

For a herd of 50 cows, it is necessary to make separate boxes and
organize a leash. The size of the stall for one cow is 1 m by 2 m. There is a channel for drainage liquid waste, under the boxes, it is necessary to provide some slope. The box design includes a door for removing manure at the end opposite the feeder. The approach to the boxes must be direct.

The dairy farm must be equipped with an automatic milking and milk dispensing system, as well as an automatic water supply system. Under no circumstances should you skimp on this point.

The feeder system can be individual or group, and the feed supply system can be manual or mechanized.

Cow housing should be bright, clean and dry, and warm in winter, so brush up on your knowledge of the climate in your area. Log walls would not be a bad solution for building a barn, but a frame building made of sandwich panels is ideal for creating a favorable microclimate. A cement foundation, raised above ground level, with a slight slope to allow liquid to drain, will reliably protect your cows from dampness. The surface of the foundation should be covered with clay concrete and boards. Bedding made of straw or sawdust should be updated regularly.

The ceiling is made of thick boards carefully fitted to each other. Seams and cracks must be caulked.
Sand it well inner surface feeders so that the cow does not injure her face or tongue while eating. In the center of the wall closest to the animal, make a cutout for the neck.


It is advisable to locate the mini-farm near residential and outbuildings. Livestock farming involves hiring and providing the necessary comfort to a team of cow specialists: milkmaids, a veterinarian, a livestock specialist, a plumber, an electrician, a cattle cleaning specialist, as well as a sales manager and an accountant. It’s good if you find a multidisciplinary specialist and save on housing for people, but we strictly do not recommend saving on housing for cows.

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Video - Home farm for a cow

Breeding dairy and beef cattle is a branch of livestock farming in our time, unfortunately, not particularly profitable. However, when the right approach It is still possible to get a relatively good profit from such an enterprise.

In order to get things going well, the farmer needs to take care of choosing the most suitable breed of cows, build a comfortable barn for the animals and provide them with high-quality feed. Also, a novice entrepreneur will need to draw up detailed business plan for cattle breeding.

Where to start: registration of an enterprise

Before starting to build a farm, an entrepreneur needs to take care of its legalization. Most often, such enterprises are registered either asKFC ( peasant farm) orPrivate household plot (personal subsidiary)or simply as an individual entrepreneur. A cattle breeding farm must be registered according to special code(livestock). In this case, taxes in the future will not have to be paid too much.The most advantageous view farmers currently consider CPK registration. The owner of such an enterprise can also choose the most suitable taxation system for himself.

RBreeding cattle for dairy and meat in our time -supported including by the state. The owners of such an enterprise can count on even a small financial support(about 60 thousand rubles). Funds are provided for organizing a barn mainly individual entrepreneurs. You can get money at local service employment.

Area of ​​activity

Most often, cows in our country are bred to produce milk. However, sometimes these animals are also kept for meat. Before starting to build a farm, an entrepreneur, of course, needs to decide on the direction of the business. If there are large enterprises in the vicinity for the production of sausages, stews and other similar products, it may make sense to organize a “meat” farm. IN otherwise It’s better to focus on such a popular product as milk. There are enterprises for its processing in almost every city in Russia.

Choosing a site for a farm

Composingbusiness plan for cattle breeding,this issue should also be given maximum attention.Place underbarn neededchoose correctly. Sheds dmust be located, of course,at some distance from residential buildings and territories settlements. Before you buy a plot or enter into a lease agreement, you should make sure that there is water for a well in this place.

Also, when choosing land, the farmer should take into account the expected livestock. It is believed that per cow there should be:

    perennialgrass meadows - 0.5-0.7 ha;

    annual and silage - 0.15-0.25 ha.

Also, agricultural enterprises engaged in the cultivation of root crops and grains should be located near the farm.


Breeding cows as a business is a complex matter. And it will most likely be impossible to cope with it alone. In addition to building a barn and determining where to purchase feed, an entrepreneur who decides to start raising cattle will also need to think about hiring workers for the farm. It is believed that an enterprise of such specialization cannot do without:



In some cases, the owner of the farm can take on some of the responsibilities (record keeping, sales).

Profitability calculation

The costs of organizing a cattle farm are usually significant. So, building a cowshedsmallsizes(for 7 cows and 3 bulls) will costapproximately at200 thousand roubles. Breeding adult animals cost about 200-300 rubles. per kilogram of mass. The weight of such cows is on average 700 kg. That is, for 10 animals you will have to pay about 200 thousand rubles. Decor entrepreneurial activity will cost about 20 thousand rubles. Thus, the actual organization of the farm will cost no less than 420 thousand rubles.

Cattle breeding dairy direction productivity, just like meat production, also involves costs for animal feed and wages employees.

Farmers usually purchase about 40-45 thousand rubles worth of feed per cow per year. Thus, for 10 heads you will have to spend 400-450 thousand rubles. Employees will need to be paid:

    one milkmaid - at least 15 thousand rubles. per month;

    one handyman 13 thousand;

Total per month is approximately28 thousand roubles.,and per year -336 thousand roubles. That is, the cost of maintaining the farm per year will be 450,000 +336 000 = 786 thousand rubles. The farmer will also have to pay taxes (depending on the chosen scheme) and spend money on equipment repairs.

When drawing up a business plan for cattle breeding, you should also calculate your expected income. They will depend on the cost of products supplied to the market. The retail price for a kilogram of milk on the market is approximately 50 rubles. One breeding cow can produce 4000-6000 kg per lactation. Consequently, when selling milk at retail from 7 animals per year, you can get about 1,750,000 rubles.

Based on these figures, it will not be difficult to roughly calculate the profitability of a dairy farm. The cost of keeping beef cows will be about the same. Income is determined taking into account the cost of a kilogram of meat. The average price for this product on the market is400 rub. Weightbulls of slaughter age are 500-800 kg (live). The meat yield in this case can be equal to 50-65%, that is, about 300 kg. Thus, the income from one animal will be 120,000 rubles. From 10 bulls you can get 1,200,000 rubles.

Business plan for cattle breeding: which breed to choose

So, net profit from a cattle breeding farm of 10 animals per year can be approximately 500 thousand rubles. However, not every cow can produce 6000 kg of milk, and not every beef bull can gain 800 kg of weight. Therefore, a farmer who wants to make a profit from his enterprise must approach the choice of breed responsibly.

The most productive dairy cow today is, of course, the Holstein. With good care, such cows can produce up to 9 thousand kg of product per year. Also popular among Russian farmers are the following breeds:

    red steppe;


    Kholmogory, etc.

All these cows, depending on the conditions of detention, produce 4-6 thousand kg of milk during the lactation period. Of course, it is most profitable to keep Holstein cows on the farm. However, cattle are, unfortunately, quite demanding in terms of care. Therefore, a novice farmer should most likely choose a “simpler” breed. In the future, you can think about buying Holsteins.

Breeding beef cattle will be the most profitable business when choosing bulls of the following breeds:



    white Aquitanian.

Construction of cattle breeding farms

The productivity of cows will also depend on how good conditions the owner will provide them with maintenance. Therefore, the construction of sheds should be approached with all responsibility. The size of the farm is determined based on the fact that there should be approximately 20 m 3 per animal free space. The barn plan should include:

    stalls with manure, feed and cross passages;

    feed preparation room;

    rooms for storing equipment, vaccinations, personnel.

A cattle farm for meat production must also be equipped with a mini-slaughterhouse and a refrigeration compartment.

Of course, in winter time years, barns must be heated. Therefore, the barn will need to be equipped with a boiler room. Also, the farm design must include a ventilation scheme for the premises.

It will, of course, be problematic for an entrepreneur to build even a small barn for 10 heads on his own. In any case, you will have to hire a construction team. To build a large farm, you may also need specialists who are ready to draw up a barn project for a fee.

It is believed that inexpensive foam blocks are the best material for building a farm. Also today on the market there are ready-made barns made of metal structures. Their advantages are speed of assembly and relatively low cost.


To get a lot of milk or meat, the farm owner will have to develop a suitable diet for the animals. Cows are fed:



    root vegetables.

Cereals or special compound feeds are usually used as concentrates. Roughage is primarily hay. Juicy - beets, carrots, potatoes. This diet is provided for cattle in winter. In the summer, cows are usually driven out to pasture. The cows are in the meadow all day. The owner of a small farm can negotiate grazing with a shepherd from a nearby village. To the owner large enterprise Most likely, you will have to hire such an employee separately. In summer, cows are given concentrated feed and root vegetables in the morning and evening.

In addition to grain, hay, grass, beets and silage, cows should also receive vitamins, as well as microelements necessary for their body. Therefore, the farm owner will need to purchase for them and various kinds premixes-additives.

Often, barn owners include in the diet of their pets commercially prepared feed according to special recipes. When using them, raising cattle and maintaining them is more expensive. But the productivity of cows also increases. When using mixed feed in the diet, it is not necessary to include additional premixes. They are included in industrial compositions initially.


In addition to stalls and utility rooms, the barn design should also include a room for young animals. Dairy calves are taken from their mother almost immediately. They are fed artificially. After all, milk in this case is the main product of the farm. On meat factories For cattle breeding, young animals are left with the cow to suckle. This contributes to faster weight gain in calves and reduced mortality.

Vaccinations and sanitation rules

The benefits from maintaining a farm can be obtained, although not too great, but quite acceptable. However, often beginning farmers are faced with such a serious problem as the death of livestock, and, accordingly, the loss of funds invested in the business.

Some cattle diseases are fatal, others can lead to significant reductions in productivity. Moreover, infections usually spread very quickly in barns. That's why sanitary condition Cattle premises should be given maximum attention. The cattle farm must be cleaned daily. In addition, animals need to be vaccinated.

Hiring a veterinarian on a small farm is, of course, unnecessary. In most cases, the owners of such farms, if vaccination is necessary, simply invite specialists from the nearest veterinary clinic for a fee. On a large farm, a doctor of this specialization, of course, must be hired on staff.

The most common diseases in cattle are:




    mad cow disease;


It is worth finding out exactly what diseases cows should be vaccinated against in a particular region and with what frequency in the regional veterinary clinic in the epidemic prevention department.

Creation of a farm: sales of products

Thus, organizing a cattle breeding enterprise is quite difficult. This is also a relatively expensive matter. But it’s even more difficult nowadays to find sales markets. The cost of milk and meat given in the article above is retail. If the farm is designed for only 10 animals, perhaps its owner will be able to find direct markets. When expanding an enterprise with retail sales, certain difficulties may arise. The owner of a large farm will most likely have to sell products in bulk to enterprises of the appropriate specialization. In this case, the price per liter of milk or kilogram of meat will be much lower. When calculating possible profits, this must be taken into account.

Sale of calves

Owners of a farm with cattle can make a profit not only from the sale of milk or meat. Many owners of such enterprises are also engaged in such business as cattle breeding. Pedigree calves are quite expensive today. There are always quite a lot of hunters to buy such animals. The price of one purebred calf on the market today is about 12 thousand rubles.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, building cattle farms is a rather complex and responsible matter. Of course, you can make a profit from such an enterprise. However, you will have to spend a lot of money on organizing a business of such specialization. In any case, of course, you need to have certain skills in keeping this type of farm animal. Such a business is most likely suitable only for a person who is familiar with the basics of keeping cattle first-hand.

Mini farms for cows are small complexes for keeping and breeding a small number of animals. As a rule, today they can contain from 20 to 100 heads of adults. In other words, these are private farms that bring profit to their owner.

For example, you live in a small village near the city. Large enterprises there is none in your area, which means there is no decent work either. It is precisely in such situations that many active people begin to think: why not make your own mini-farm for cows? The idea is good - it’s also profitable, because dairy products are always in price in the city, and besides, the terrain allows for good pasture and walking area. This is how small dairy and meat farms are springing up all over our country.

You can see more details about what mini-farms look like in the video. We will just add a little that modern Construction Materials and special devices make it possible to engage in livestock farming in any region and in any area. To do this, you just need to have free space depending on maximum quantity cows, as well as the opportunity to create all conditions on the farm. That is, supply electricity, water, etc. As practice shows, this is also easy to do, because a small farm houses the entire complex of premises in just one hangar.

But why such farms are needed is an individual question: for some it is a business, for others the meaning of life, for others a hobby, for others the desire to consume and sell high-quality environmentally friendly products.

How to create a mini farm?

In order to build and create your own mini-farm, first you must decide how many cows you want to keep: 10, 20, 50 or maybe 100?

  • the opportunity to engage in livestock farming in any region of the country;
  • be able to connect to household energy sources and water supply;
  • equipped with the necessary equipment to monitor the condition of animals and the indoor microclimate;
  • the required area should not be less than 1000 square meters. meters;
  • the height of the building must be at least 6 meters;
  • approximate size of a hangar for 50 heads: width 15 meters, length – 70 meters.

Also, depending on the type of activity (meat or dairy farming), the construction plan will depend. For example, a mini dairy farm must have separate room for collecting, dispensing and monitoring milk. A meat farm must have a special meat cutting station, a workshop and a laboratory.

Comfort for cows comes first

Any farm, even the smallest one, should be equipped so that all the animals in it feel comfortable and healthy. To do this, the owner must provide all necessary equipment and devices. First, you should consider how the animals will be kept: on a leash, in stalls or without a leash. If you have a few cows (up to 20 heads), then they can be placed in stalls or free range. If there are a lot of animals, it is advisable to install special boxes with leashes.


The farm must be equipped with automatic water supply, electricity, ventilation and heating, which is possible in cold regions. You can choose both group and individual feeders. If funds allow, mechanized feed distribution can be done. The dairy farm must have milking machines and a milk bottling system.

Despite its size, your farm must have a sufficient number of specialist employees who will not only look after the cows, but also perform other necessary work: electrician, plumber, cleaner, livestock specialist, veterinarian, milkmaids, accountant, product sales manager, etc. The cost of the investment will depend on the materials and equipment used.

Healthy! Today there is whole line companies involved in the construction and reconstruction of such premises and mini-farms. Their work project already includes a whole set of necessary infrastructure, including the installation of a milking system and milk processing. As a rule, such companies work with prefabricated structures, which are cheaper and faster to build - on average up to 3 months.

For more information about what a mini-farm for cows can look like and what it is, watch the video.

Video “Family dairy mini-farm in Shargait”

In this video you will see an example of a mini farm that one family created. Today they are successfully engaged in the production of dairy products. The owners themselves will tell you about all the intricacies of their business.

Until recently, the Russian dairy industry was characterized by a depressed state, namely, a sharp reduction in production volumes and a deterioration in the quality of manufactured products.

But in Lately the situation began to improve, and now everything more people see themselves as farm business owners.

Analysis of the market and existing competition

The main competitors of domestic dairy farms are importing companies, most of which are consolidating and actively participating in the activities of bank capital, which allows them to almost completely control large segments of the consumer market.

There is a wide range of dairy products on the market, but this should not scare a novice businessman, because even if there is a milk processing plant in the city, you can find your niche. Combination of high quality affordable price and attractive packaging is a win-win.

It is actually very difficult for a regional manufacturer engaged in the sale of such perishable products as milk, sour cream, cottage cheese and kefir to compete with giants that produce premium-segment products or place the goods in modern packaging that can significantly increase shelf life.

The problem is not only the monopoly of network operators, but also the fact that strict requirements are imposed on the quality and labeling of finished products.

This, in turn, leads to the fact that the local manufacturer is forced to purchase modern packaging equipment and materials, as well as implement a program for applying a barcode to packaging, and all these are considerable and not always feasible costs for a small enterprise.

No less difficult is the sale of products in large retail networks, for example, placing goods on the shelves of stores such as Pyaterochka or Dixy is impossible without meeting the following requirements:

  • paying a large entrance fee;
  • deferred payment for at least 21 days;
  • Products not sold on time must be returned.

But, despite all the negative aspects, the dairy farming business is very attractive at the present time, because the state is seriously engaged in its restoration, import substitution and is trying to provide farmers with comprehensive assistance and support.

Interesting information about this business and you can see an example of its organization in the following video:

Production plan

Setting up production is impossible without forming a clear idea of ​​the main stages:

  1. Determination of the required number of livestock and breed of livestock.
  2. Finding a suitable premises.
  3. Purchase of equipment.
  4. Purchase of feed.
  5. Hiring the necessary employees.
  6. Search for possible distribution channels.

The found premises should consist of several departments, namely:

  • maternity;
  • milking;
  • for calves;
  • for dairy cows;
  • for dry wood.

The purchase of high-tech modern equipment allows you to significantly save on production issues and also guarantees production quality product, meeting all the requirements of modern standards.

Of course, only a qualified employee can handle modern equipment. There is no point in saving here, because, as you know, the stingy pays twice.

Financial plan

When planning current expenses and income is needed Special attention devote to the period when cows cannot be milked, but feed and payment must be purchased communal payments still necessary. But you shouldn’t be afraid, because almost all costs are compensated by the resulting offspring.

Any business that is based on Agriculture, involves taking into account those periods when expenses remain the same and income is completely absent. Most the best option- This pre-formed reserve capital, because illnesses and other unforeseen circumstances have not been canceled either.

Additional savings include self-procurement of feed or retail sales milk (this is much more profitable than selling it as raw materials).

Now in more detail about financial side question, it suggests several options for the development of events:

  • Industrial farm of huge scale (for 50, 100, 200 animals or more). Such an enterprise allows you to count on receiving significant income, but the initial investment will be in the millions. Similar business requires a large plot of land, modern, highly automated equipment and a large number of livestock.
    A milking and milk block and a calf barn will cost an advanced farmer approximately 7 million rubles. The cost of one cow averages from 25 to 40 thousand rubles. The price is affected by the breed and the presence/absence of necessary vaccinations. Consequently, for a herd of 100 heads you will need to pay from 2 to 4 million rubles. By the way, purchasing expensive equipment has its advantages: the cost of paying employees is significantly reduced.
  • Mini farm- this option is suitable for many, especially for those who have small savings necessary to start, or live in rural areas(or nearby, because the process requires constant monitoring). So, for organization you will need: a not very progressive village, a small plot of land with a barn or some kind of outbuilding,10-20 heads of cattle, minimal amount equipment and feed.

Dairy business cannot help but demand money and effort. First stage always difficult, but when the work process is fully established, we can confidently talk about stable income and increased production.

Organizational plan and launch schedule

Opening any type of activity requires registration. A small dairy farm can be registered as peasant farm. The choice of such an organizational and legal form presupposes the opening family business. One person should be registered as the head of the household, and all the others as its members.

All stages preceding the grand opening can be visualized using the following table:

No.Stage nameImplementation period
1 Business plan developmentJanuary 2016
2 Official registrationFebruary 2016
3 Finding suitable premisesFebruary 2016
4 Purchase of livestock and necessary feedMarch 2016
5 Equipment purchaseMarch 2016
6 Search for possible sales channels and conclusion of contractsApril 2016
7 Start of activityApril 2016

Marketing plan and possible markets

Development and implementation of a project is impossible without a clear understanding of possible sales markets and the range of goods produced.

Implement finished products possible through:

  • Conclusion of agreements with closest retail chains . To do this, it is necessary to negotiate with the network manager or connect a local administrative resource if we're talking about about federal retail.
  • Cooperation with wholesale companies, supplying products to a number of large grocery supermarkets.
  • Studying the issue of supplies of unpackaged and unpasteurized products to hospitals. Such a purchase usually cannot be completed without tenders, so you need to carefully read the quotation or auction documentation.

If the farm is at the input stage (unconstant milk volume), then it is better to sell the product on the local market with the help of temporarily hired employees.

Before the enterprise reaches its planned capacity, care must be taken to coordinate and approve certificates for packaged goods.

Analysis of possible risks

The Russian market is experiencing a huge need for milk, so many can find their niche, and displacement imported goods no one prohibited either (the local manufacturer will be good competition for the importer).

It should be remembered that a dairy producer faces many risks every day, and his financial situation directly depends on how he can overcome them.

  • Price risks accompany both the production and sale of milk. In addition, there are costs associated with purchasing feed and paying labor. The dairy business has always been very risky - all it takes is one severe drought, and the farmer is unlikely to be able to get back on his feet.
  • Also, the manufacturer often faces with risks of financial, political and labor nature . Financial risk can also be called solvency. Do you have liquid funds to pay bills? Does the farmer have enough own funds? If yes, then he can safely call himself solvent.

The analysis of possible risks is often accompanied by uncertainty, unpredictability and instability in many aspects.

It is impossible to completely avoid them, but if you try, many of them will bypass your farm. For example, the risk of mastitis can be significantly reduced by changing milking procedures, improving livestock conditions, or allocating funds for additional veterinary care. And you can insure yourself against financial risks.

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The city of military glory is how most people perceive Sevastopol. 30 battery is one of the components of its appearance. It is important that even now...
Naturally, both sides were preparing for the summer campaign of 1944. The German command, led by Hitler, considered that their opponents...
“Liberals,” as people of “Western” thinking, that is, with a priority of benefit rather than justice, will say: “If you don’t like it, don’t...