How to correctly write a statement in Word. Sample application in Word

Hello everyone, my dears! Just yesterday I realized this thing: many of my readers are very poorly versed in computers. That is, I’m talking here about how to make money using the Internet, about some cool services for saving money while traveling, but it’s all like a wallop, because computers are a dark forest for some of my guests.

So today I decided to correct this omission and start with a very detailed story about how to type text on a computer. So...

In this article:

1. Program for working with text

To create a text electronic document exist special programs. They allow you to print text, that is, create a document layout in in electronic format, which can then be printed on a computer or transferred to a flash drive.

Such programs exist great amount, but there are only a few of the most popular ones.

1 Microsoft Office Word
2 —WordPad
3 - Writer (rarely used, needs to be installed separately).

2. How to find the desired program on your computer

I know from my family that the most difficult thing for a beginner at the first stage is to find and open these programs.

To cope with this task, you must have an idea of ​​what program icons look like. Most often this is a document icon with the letter W, or as in the latter case- with a letter A(this is how the WordPad program is designated):

Look closely at the desktop and the toolbar below, programs can be placed in a prominent place, like on my desktop (by the way, here it is, don’t be alarmed):

If you don't find anything like that, then try the second method:

1 - launch the panel Start or just click on the round icon in the lower left corner, a menu will open.

In it you need to find a field to search for files, I call it Find programs and files:

It is in this field that you enter the name of the program you are looking for. For example, I enter the word Word and get Microsoft programs Office Word:

If I enter the word WordPad, it will find this program for me:

After that, you simply click on the found program, and a working window opens in front of you in which you can create a document: print text, edit it and save it.

3. Working with a document and editing text

So, in front of you is a working area, the so-called blank sheet. This is where you can print text and edit it as you please.

Usually, beginners, when they see this sheet and a huge number of buttons, get lost and don’t know what to do. What causes a brain explosion most of all is the keyboard: it is not clear where and what to press.

So, you don’t need to be afraid of this, you will definitely be able to figure it out. To do this, just watch this informative video; everything in it is very simple and explains in detail the main features of the program.

Be sure to watch this informative video from beginning to end, remembering to repeat all the steps after the presenter. This will take a giant step in learning text editors.

Then all you have to do is train, and then you will be able to navigate literally any text programs, since they are all structured approximately the same.

4. How to save text

Once you have created your document, you can save it. To do this, find the button in the upper left corner that calls up the menu, and from this menu select Save as and any suitable format, for example Word document:

A window will appear in which you can select:

  1. where to save the file (I usually choose Desktop,
  2. what to name the file (enter any suitable name),
  3. and the file format (I don’t change it, I leave it as default).

Ready! This file will now appear on your computer's desktop.

You can do whatever you want with this document. For example, put it on a flash drive, send it via e-mail, open for further editing or delete.

By the way, if you are working on a large document, I recommend that you make intermediate saves. And the more often, the better.

5. How to transfer a text file to a flash drive

Everything is very simple.

1. Insert the flash drive into the computer.

2. On your desktop, find and open My computer(or simply Computer).

3. In the window that opens you should see Removable drive , click on it 2 times:

An empty window will open, which we will leave for now:

4. Now find our text file, we saved it in previous paragraph on the desktop. Click on it with the RIGHT mouse button, and in the menu that appears, select Copy:

5. Now go back to the removable drive that we just opened in step 3, click on the free field with the RIGHT mouse button and select Insert:

The document will be copied and appear in this field:

That's it, now the flash drive can be removed from the computer.

6. How to print a document on a printer

Let's say you have a printer, it is already connected to your computer and configured properly. I won’t talk about connecting the printer and settings now, as this is a topic for a separate article.

But if you already have everything set up, you can print the document in literally 2 clicks. But first, make sure the printer is turned on and has required amount paper.

1. Open the document you want to print:

2 . Find and open the menu in the upper left corner and select from it Seal, and then again Seal:

A window with a bunch of settings will open, but don’t be afraid of them, they are all quite simple.

Here you can select a printer, if you have several of them, the number of copies of the document, sheet format, print color, etc.

But if you don’t need any specific settings, you can leave everything as default and just click OK.

The printer will start printing and you will receive the document. By the way, in this way you can print not only a text document, but also other files, the scheme will be the same.

7. Become “YOU” with your computer and improve your life

Don't have common language with a computer today is a big problem. If 5 years ago it was excusable not to be able to work with technology, today this results in a huge obstacle for every beginner. This is because almost every profession today comes into contact with a computer in one way or another.

When I worked at a large military enterprise, they installed new version design program. It didn't cause any problems for me, just a new shell.

This can be compared to the updated packaging of my favorite candies: I didn’t stop buying them less, but was simply able to quickly adapt to the new wrapper.

But for many employees this was literally a disaster, they were so dependent on the program interface, and their brains were so desperately resistant to anything new. As a result, they were even trained to work in the new interface.

Today is not the best better times For Russian companies, and I don’t even need to guess who will be laid off first...

And a completely opposite example is also from real life.

The engineer has more than 40 years of experience, is constantly developing and mastering not only the computer, but also all modern engineering programs. They don’t want to let such a specialist go; he is needed, in demand and speaks the same language with his young subordinates.

This is just one example. Now think about how many opportunities the ability to use a computer opens up to make money remotely via the Internet. Even after learning how to use a text editor, you can write .

Being familiar with a computer is a necessity today. No matter where you study, today there is a huge amount on the Internet useful materials, courses, schools.

I will end here. I hope that the article was useful to you and helped you understand the main points. Move forward, improve, be better. That's all for today, thank you for your attention and bye!

To get a job or quit a job, get a passport and a certificate from the tax office, file a divorce and take out a loan, you need official document. Such a document most often becomes a statement - a simple way to confirm your intention in writing.

The form of some applications is unified. But most can be written arbitrarily. True, here too there are certain requirements for design - this is how the tradition has developed. It is precisely these requirements that will be discussed.

What form should I use to submit my application?

The application can be written by hand or printed on A4 sheet. In some cases, the application must be written to special form. For example, when submitting documents for a foreign passport or .

Even if you type the application on a computer, after printing, be sure to put handwritten signature. Without it, the document is considered invalid.

General design rules

General requirements for written requests set out in Federal law No. 59 “On the procedure for considering citizens’ appeals Russian Federation" Based on it, as well as on the generally accepted business practices, the application consists of five details:

  1. Information about the addressee and applicant.
  2. Formulation of a request or proposal.
  3. Signature.

Information about the addressee and applicant

In the upper right corner you must indicate to whom this statement is intended and, in fact, from whom it is.

Addressee information

Since the application is an official document, we are writing it not just to a person on the street, but official. Therefore, we make sure to indicate:

  1. Addressee's position.
  2. Name of the organization.
  3. His first name, patronymic and last name.

The name and position of the addressee must be written in the dative case (we ask ourselves the question “to whom?”). For example, director Petrov or rector Ivanova.

Applicant information

In the information about the applicant, most often it is enough to simply indicate your last name and first name. When necessary, you can supplement with an indication of your position or status. We indicate this data in the genitive case (we ask ourselves the question “from whom?”).

Disputes often arise about whether it is necessary to put the preposition “from” in the line about the applicant. That is, which is correct: “Ivanova Maria” or “from Ivanova Maria”? Both options are valid.

The traditional form is to write without a preposition. But try to read the entire sentence - a series of first and last names sounds quite confusing. With a pretext this problem does not arise: it is immediately clear to whom and from whom.

It would seem that there is nothing difficult about simply writing a “statement.” However, there are some nuances here too. Most frequently asked question: Should I write this word in capital or small letter? There are three here valid options writing.

1. With a lowercase letter at the beginning of the line and with a period after the word

Traditional way of design. In this case, information about the addressee and applicant and the title of the document are considered one sentence.

2. With a capital letter without a dot at the end

When you write the word “statement” in the center of the paper, it becomes the title of the entire document. And the same rule applies to it as to other headings: the first letter is capital, and there is no period at the end.

3. In capital letters without a dot at the end

The same rule applies here as in the previous paragraph. In the center is the title of the document, which means there is no need for a period at the end. This type of spelling is usually found if the text is typed on a computer rather than written by hand.

Formulation of a request, complaint or suggestion

This part starts with a red line. You are writing the application with specific purpose and you must explain here exactly what you want from the addressee. Describe the reason for your request, your request, your arguments.

The wording is not limited by any rules, but vernacular language will look inappropriate here.

Try to stick formal business style. Express your thoughts simply and concisely.

To justify the fairness of your request, you can attach additional documents to the application and refer to them in this part.

Date of application

Typically, the filing date is indicated immediately after the statement of the essence of the application and is aligned to the left.

You can also indicate the date immediately after the name of the document.


The signature on the application is always put manually, even if you filled out everything else on the computer. It is aligned to the right.

Sample applications

Let’s move on from theory to practice and consider the features of filing the most common applications.

By law, it is not necessary to write an application when applying for a job. But sometimes you may be asked to write it for reporting or data collection in order to draw up an employment order based on this document.

The addressee may be the head of the organization or the head of the human resources department. In the text of the application, indicate the proposed position and date of hire.

Additionally, you can list the documents that you submit along with the application: TIN, work book, certificate of obligatory pension insurance, diploma, military registration documents.

This is a request for annual paid leave. The application must be written if your organization does not have a vacation schedule or if your vacation schedule is scheduled for an inappropriate time.

Application for leave must be submitted two weeks before the date of expected departure.

This statement is written by women before leaving for. The text must indicate the duration of the vacation, according to the terms from sick leave antenatal clinic. The latter, by the way, must be attached to the application.

In this case, the employee asks to be granted several days of leave without saving wages. The application may be accompanied by additional documents confirming that administrative leave really necessary.

When you are going to take several days off, e.g. family circumstances, you also need to write an application for leave without pay. The second option is to write an application for a day off on account of paid leave.

Employee asks for termination employment contract between him and the employer. In the reasons, you can indicate that this is a dismissal for at will, by agreement of the parties or at their own request without working out. Lifehacker has a separate section on the nuances of competently drafting a resignation letter.

Academic leave provide in exceptional cases: for health reasons, difficult family circumstances or other reasons. Therefore, in your application you need to not only ask for leave, but also explain why you need it.

Please indicate availability additional documents. For example, certificates from the hospital.

When a student transfers from one faculty to another, academic debt usually arises due to discrepancies in educational programs. Therefore, in addition to requesting a transfer, your application must contain a promise to pass all missing tests and exams.

Statement to the police

If you become a witness or victim of a crime, you should immediately report it to the police. And it’s better not to put the matter off for a long time: over time, it becomes more difficult to find the culprit and prove his guilt.

A police report can be submitted either orally or in writing.

This means that you do not have to write the application yourself. You just need to go to the nearest police station and tell the officer on duty about the incident. He will draw up a protocol that you only have to sign.

But if for some reason you cannot go to the department, make an appeal yourself. In this case, you need to consider the following points.

  1. As the addressee of the application, indicate the name, patronymic and surname of the head of the police department (if possible, write his position and rank).
  2. Anonymous applications will not be accepted for consideration. This means that you must not only indicate your name, but also your residential address and contact phone number.
  3. In the main part, you need to accurately and in as much detail describe the details of what happened: time, place, circumstances of the crime (number of criminals, sequence of their actions). If you suddenly become a victim of a robbery, describe what was stolen from you and indicate the value of the stolen property.
  4. At the end of the statement, indicate the essence of your requirements. For example, to find criminals and bring them to justice.

A decision on the application is made within three days. But in exceptional cases, the deadline may be postponed by 10 or 30 days. After this time, the police either open a case or issue a refusal order. In the latter case, the refusal can be appealed to the prosecutor's office.

Using Microsoft Office Word you can work with text documents without sadness. However, nowadays, no one uses simple text documents anymore. Nowadays, each word processor has its own document format and formatting. In this article we will talk about how to create the so-called “header” of a document.

To begin with, it is important to understand what the “header” of a document is, its purpose and correct use in the document itself. The name "hat" is used in ordinary speech. In fact, this is not the “header” of the document, but the so-called “letter header”. It can have about 30 positions. It usually includes:
- emblem
- phone number
- E-mail address
- addressee
- index of outgoing letter
- etc.

IN in this case, the header of the letter is the very top part of the document. After it comes the so-called “heading for the text” (it indicates the content of the letter itself).

The header might look like this:

Or like this:

In general, it’s not difficult to create a “header” even in a regular text editor. However, today we will talk about creating a “header” using Word.

First of all, you need to create a new or open an existing document:

As you probably guessed, in all documents, the “header” is located in the upper right corner. Therefore, let's immediately make a few indents using the "Enter" key in order to leave room for the header and begin filling out the document itself:

1 line - name of the addressee’s position (the person to whom the letter or document is addressed)
2nd line - company name
3rd line - full name of the addressee
Line 4 - job title of the addressee (the person who creates the document)
5 line - full name of the addressee

After creating the header, you can immediately see that it has moved our main text down a few lines:

You can remove these blank lines by placing the cursor in place of the blank line and pressing the "Backspace" or "Delete" key. While "Backspace" deletes the line on which the cursor was located and moves to the line above. If you delete using the "Delete" key, then the line or character located after the cursor will be deleted. How to delete is up to you.

After you move the main text to the center of the sheet, you still need to work on the header:

Now your task will be to position the header text on the right edge. Using a regular text editor, doing this would be almost impossible. Fortunately it’s in Word special functions, which allow us to manipulate the layout of the text and choose between:
- align left
- in the center
- on the right edge
- or in width

In our task, we have to align the “header” to the right. To do this, you will need to find the "Paragraph" section, which is located on the tool ribbon in the "Home" tab:

In this panel, you will need to find the "Align Right" button, it is number 4 in order and click on it:

After this, our “hat” will take the correct position. You can also add new details to the header by placing the cursor at the end of the last line and pressing the "Enter" button. New line should automatically apply right alignment.

That's all, now you can create a "header" in Office documents Word, and also change the number of details in the header.

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