How to correctly write an application to the housing inspection. How to complain to the state housing inspection

Very often, citizens wonder how to write a complaint to the housing inspectorate. A sample of this document will be presented below. In fact, there are many nuances and features that the public should pay attention to. If you take into account all the rules, you can easily make a complaint. So what information is useful for residents? How to properly draw up and send complaints to housing inspectors?

When is an appeal required?

The first step is to understand when exactly it is necessary to compose the document being studied. Only after this can you think about how to write a complaint to the housing inspectorate. The process is not as difficult as it might seem.

Complaints are usually written in several situations. Namely:

  1. If the management company works poorly. For example, there is no running water or heating in the house.
  2. When the building suffers due to the fault of the management company. The basement is flooded or the roof is leaking.
  3. In case of errors when calculating housing and communal services. In particular, for rent. This is a fairly common scenario.
  4. If the management company or housing office refuses to compensate for any damage.
  5. If there is a need for major home repairs. Usually, if the management company is inactive, you have to complain.
  6. For other reasons. For example, if the Criminal Code does not act on complaints against neighbors.

Accordingly, you can contact the housing inspectorate with almost any complaint. But, as practice shows, it is initially worth trying to resolve all issues in the Criminal Code.

Application procedure

It is not so difficult to write a complaint to the state housing inspectorate. It is more important to understand the principle of contacting the appropriate organization. Violation of the established rules will invalidate the submitted paper.

So, if residents are planning to write a complaint to the housing inspectorate, they need to:

  1. Collect evidence of certain facts. It is advisable to also recruit a “team” of several residents and file a collective complaint.
  2. Contact one or another management company with a complaint. As already mentioned, it is initially recommended to resolve problems directly through the specified service.
  3. Wait for a response from the management company. If the appeal does not bring results, you can go to the housing inspection. It is imperative to have confirmation that the tenants have already contacted the management company.
  4. File a complaint with the housing inspectorate with all supporting documents. After which you can wait for the results.

If all of the above steps do not help you achieve justice, you can safely go to court. The case must be resolved within 15 days from the date of filing the claim. Fortunately, such measures are extremely rare.

Submission form

How to write a complaint about housing and communal services to the housing inspectorate? Or for any other reason? It's very simple - just follow some tips. The principle of action is already clear. But how to compose the document being studied is not.

There is only one form for filing a complaint. We are talking about a written appeal. There is no oral form. Today, you can submit claims and complaints electronically. This innovation is being used more and more often.

Number of applicants

How to write a complaint to the housing inspectorate (a sample will be presented below)? It's actually not that difficult. To begin with, the applicant must decide for himself what type of appeal will be used. You can file a personal complaint, or a collective one.

The second option is used most often by residents. It is the most effective. Therefore, it is recommended to assemble a team in advance that will sign the appeal to the housing inspectorate.

But independent complaints are also considered. True, in practice such cases usually do not make sense very often. As already mentioned, it is better to give preference to collective appeals.

Registration requirements

The conditions for this feature are different for all housing inspections. It is advisable to find out about them in advance. But, as a rule, you can use a special universal template. He will help you compose your appeal in the most appropriate form.

Main nuances

How to write a complaint to the housing inspectorate? A sample (whether you need to complain about your neighbors or for any other reason) will help you do this quickly and efficiently. There are a number of rules that will have to be followed.

You should start with the design. Among the requests of almost all housing inspections, the following components are distinguished:

  1. In the upper right corner write information about the recipient and senders of the complaint.
  2. The word "Complaint" is written in the middle of the sheet. No punctuation is needed.
  3. After the previously mentioned words, it is necessary, dividing into semantic paragraphs, to present the entire situation.
  4. The documents attached to the complaint are entered in the form of a numbered list after the main text.
  5. At the end of the application, you must put the date of writing and leave space for the signatures of the applicants.

You need to find out about all other design nuances directly from this or that company. There is nothing difficult or special. How to correctly write a complaint to the housing inspectorate? Doing this is no more difficult than drawing up any other appeal to one or another authority.

Main components

What exactly information should be contained in the document being studied? This is an important point that many do not pay attention to. And therefore, during the consideration of the case, certain problems may arise.

The following information must be written in the application:

  • name of the authority to which the document is sent;
  • information about the head of the department (preferably) who will study the complaint;
  • Full name of all applicants;
  • address of the “problem” house;
  • contacts for communication with applicants;
  • the essence of the appeal (expanded, but only to the point);
  • applicants' requirements;
  • submission of certificates, extracts and other evidence (with a complete list);
  • links to laws and legal acts;
  • date of writing the complaint;
  • the city in which the problem occurred;
  • signatures of all applicants.

Accordingly, it is now clear how to write a complaint to the housing inspectorate. A sample document will be provided later. There are a few more controversial issues to consider first.

Simultaneous access

Some people are interested in whether it is possible to simultaneously appeal to several authorities with certain claims. There are no legal restrictions regarding this issue. But in practice everything is somewhat different.

The thing is that sometimes you have to prove your attempts to peacefully resolve issues with the Criminal Code. It follows that there is no need to submit an appeal to both authorities at the same time. But it’s easy to go to court and the prosecutor’s office. But only after the stages of eliminating complaints with the management company, as well as with the housing inspection, have been completed.

Time frame for consideration of the case

How long will a complaint be considered in a particular case? It's actually difficult to predict. But there are certain standards that all authorities must adhere to.

Today, the Criminal Code takes approximately 10 days to consider a complaint. But the answer may come sooner. How does the Omsk housing inspection work? You can write a complaint here, as well as to any other similar organization, at any time. And the answer will also come in approximately 10-14 days. In some cases, this period increases to 30 days.

If we are talking about going to court or to the prosecutor, then, according to established laws, it is necessary to demand an answer within 5 days after the authority receives the document. That means you won't have to wait long.


How to write a complaint to the housing inspectorate? A sample (for heating in our case) will be presented below. This template can be used almost always. The main thing is to change the information to current information.

Approximately the complaint may look like this:

To the housing inspection

Leningradsky district of Moscow

from Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.

phone: 8 999 999 99 99.

I ask you to consider my complaint against the actions of the management company of SSS Management Company. On October 10, 2007, the heating season began in the city. In our house, located at the address: Moscow, st. Petritskogo, house 45, at the specified time the heating was not supplied. In response to numerous requests to check the operation of the batteries in the house, the management company assured that all equipment was in working order.

Despite the lack of heat, the management company issued a heating bill at the end of the month. The organization continues to assure that the heating season began on October 10, 2007 in our house. Refuses to check the equipment.

The residents of our house organized an independent examination, which showed that the heating equipment in the entrance was damaged. The results of the inspection are attached to this complaint.

I ask you to force SSS Management Company to correct the situation and cancel the issued invoices. The response to this complaint should be sent to the following address: Moscow, st. Petritskogo, house 45, apt. 9.

12/15/2007 Signature /Ivanov I.I./

This is what a rough complaint template will look like. As has already been said, the document must be accompanied by all the papers that can confirm this or that position. It is advisable to list them directly in the text of the appeal.


From now on it is clear how to write a complaint to the housing inspectorate. A sample of the relevant document was also provided. It's actually not as difficult as it seems.

As practice shows, housing inspectors are contacted only in extreme cases. Usually, after several complaints, management companies take decisive action. If this does not happen, you will have to have patience, strength and time - the process of proving your position in court or in the housing inspection requires considerable costs. This should be remembered.

By the way, applicants should pay special attention to the main part of the complaint. Description of what is happening is extremely important. After all, even the smallest detail can change the course of the whole matter. This process must be approached wisely.

Housing inspectors rarely complain about neighbors. As practice shows, such disputes are usually resolved without outside help. Maximum - in the presence of a local police officer. Therefore, you should not hope that the problem with unscrupulous neighbors will be resolved immediately. But when it comes to direct violations in the work of management companies, complaints will be useful. The main thing is not to be afraid to defend your rights. If handled correctly, any complaint will attract the attention of housing inspectors.

When citizens and organizations exercise their rights in the field of housing legal relations, situations may arise when there is a need to complain about officials of the State Housing Inspectorate.

This need arises in two cases:

  • in case of inaction of inspectorate employees when contacting them for protection of their housing rights
  • if rights are violated by inspection employees during an inspection against you (for example, if you are a representative of the management company of an apartment building, a homeowner’s association, etc.)

In essence, the appeal procedure in both of these cases is the same.

So, you can file a complaint against the actions (or inaction) of GZHI employees:

- to a senior official of the inspectorate;

— executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

- to the prosecutor's office;

In the first case a complaint is filed against the actions and inactions of inspectors of this body. It is submitted to the chief inspector of the Civil Housing Inspectorate for the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the manner typical for sending complaints (applications) to any government body.

The complaint must indicate the addressee (chief inspector of the Civil Housing Inspectorate for the subject, full name), name of the body. Next, you need to write from whom the application is being submitted (full name, address, contact details). In the middle of the sheet is written the name of the document - “Application” “Complaint”. Under the name, from a new line, information about the violator is presented in as much detail as possible (the name and position of the inspector whose actions and inactions are being appealed), the essence of the violation committed on his part is stated (preferably with references to legal norms). The following is a request for action. The date of drawing up the application (complaint) (day, month, year) is indicated and signed.

Since the Civil Housing Inspectorate for a subject of the Russian Federation is subordinated to the executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation (regional administration, government of the republic, etc.), then if you need to appeal acts signed directly by the Chief Inspector for a subject of the Russian Federation (for example, a decision to conduct an inspection), actions and inactions of the Civil Housing Property of the subject RF, and also if a complaint resolved at the level of the Chief Inspector remains unsatisfied, you can contact executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

However, it should be noted that such an appeal rarely leads to the desired result, since it is unlikely that administration officials will look into your problem more carefully and in detail after the body they specially created for these issues.

It would be more appropriate to contact prosecutor's office

It should be borne in mind that the State Housing Institutions were created at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and supervision of their activities by the prosecutor's office is also carried out at the level of the prosecutor's offices of the constituent entities. Therefore, complaints about the actions (inaction) of the Civil Housing Inspectorate must be sent to the prosecutor's offices of the regions (territories, republics).

IN judicial procedure You can appeal against both actions and inactions of employees of the Civil Housing Inspectorate at any level. But from the point of view of efficiency, it is better to go to court to appeal the acts of the State Housing Property Inspectorate against you, for example, when an order is unreasonably sent to you or a fine is imposed.

Practice shows that in case of inaction of officials of the State Housing Property Inspectorate, it is better to contact a higher official or the prosecutor’s office, and to appeal acts of officials of the State Housing Property Inspectorate - to the court.

Every owner of an apartment building can contact the state housing inspectorate if the management company violates his rights. Often, complaints to the prosecutor's office and other supervisory government bodies are sent specifically to the housing inspectorate. Therefore, it is recommended to first send claims to the State Housing Property Inspectorate and only then, if the problem is not resolved, go to court or the prosecutor’s office.

Before going to the housing inspectorate, you should file a complaint directly with the management company. Perhaps the problem can be solved on the spot. Since the relationship between the owner of the apartment and the management company lies on the plane, then in parallel with the complaint to the housing inspection, it makes sense to write an application to Rospotrebnadzor.

Let's consider how to write a complaint about the activities of the management company and achieve restoration of violated rights.

What problems are addressed to the inspectorate?

The competencies of the Housing Housing Inspectorate and other state and public supervisory bodies in the field of maintaining common property and using the housing stock are set out in Article 20 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The same article also describes the rules for conducting inspections of the activities of management companies.

Main responsibilities of state housing supervision:

  • supervision of timely and high-quality execution of work in the public utilities sector;
  • monitoring compliance with deadlines for heating supply to apartments;
  • control of the correct maintenance of documentation by the management company and timely provision of reports on current activities;
  • supervision of strict compliance with all clauses of the contract for the provision of utility services;
  • control over compliance with the law during general meetings of owners of apartment buildings.

Apartment owners have the right to file a complaint with the Housing Housing Inspectorate on a wide range of issues:

  • The management company unreasonably inflates tariffs for the use of utilities and resources;
  • utility resources are supplied poorly or intermittently;
  • The management company does not monitor the technical condition of the equipment and communications of the apartment building (does not comply with inspection deadlines);
  • There is no house repair, no cleaning of the local area and entrances;
  • Housing and communal services does not hold general meetings of owners or hides its activities, does not provide or publish reports on the website.

Filing a complaint to the housing inspectorate

If it was not possible to solve the problem in the field of utilities directly with the management company, then you will have to file a complaint about housing and communal services with the local department of the housing inspection. How to write it correctly? You can download a sample application to the housing inspectorate using the link at the end of the article.

You can make a complaint yourself; it must contain the following points:

  • The header of the statement. In the upper right corner is written the full name of the organization to which the application is sent, as well as the position and full name of the authorized person. Below is the applicant's full name, home address and other contact information;
  • Title of the statement. For example, “Complaint about an unreasonable increase in utility tariffs by the management company”;
  • Main text of the complaint. A detailed description of the problem that arose and the circumstances that led to it. A list of previous actions to resolve the situation (writing a complaint to the Criminal Code, its response to the complaint, or indicating the period during which the complaint is ignored);
  • The pleading part. After the word “Please”, the measures that the applicant requests to be taken against the management company are indicated. Such measures may include the imposition of an administrative fine or other administrative liability, as well as the imposition of obligations on the Criminal Code to resolve the problem that has arisen. Next, indicate the address to which the applicant requests to send the response;
  • Applications. After the word “Attachments,” all documents (or copies thereof) that are attached to the complaint and serve as evidence of unlawful actions on the part of the Criminal Code are indicated;
  • Date of compilation and signature. Indicated at the very end of the document after the appendices. If the complaint is of a collective nature, then it is necessary to affix the signatures of all residents of the apartment building.

What documents should be attached to the complaint?

In order for the housing inspection to immediately proceed with the complaint, it is highly desirable to attach to it a number of evidence of violations on the part of the Criminal Code. These documents are listed in the "Appendices" section.

What documents could these be?

  • A copy of the claim (personal or collective) sent to the Criminal Code;
  • A written response from the management organization to the claim;
  • Applications sent to other government bodies (prosecutor's office, court, Rospotrebnadzor);
  • Documentary evidence of violations identified in the activities of the management company (certificate on the condition of the housing stock from an independent expert, various acts and contracts for the provision of utility services, an act on the flooding of an apartment, etc.);
  • An extract from the house register and a copy of the document confirming ownership of the apartment (if required for the consideration of the case).

Methods for submitting a complaint

There are three ways to submit a complaint to the State Property Committee, each of which requires compliance with certain rules:

  1. Personal appeal. A complaint should be sent to the State Housing Inspectorate only after contacting the management company. If this is not done, then GZHI employees will be required to independently submit the application to the Criminal Code within a week after receiving it. The complaint is submitted in two copies, one of which is transferred to the inspection office, and the other remains with the applicant. On the applicant’s copy, the GZHI employee will affix a stamp of incoming correspondence, a personal signature and the date of acceptance of the application;
  2. Sending a complaint by mail. In this case, you should send a registered letter with a list of the contents and a return receipt. Otherwise, it will not be possible to prove the very fact of sending the letter and the date of its receipt by the housing inspection. The date of acceptance of the document will be the date of transmission of the letter to the inspection staff. In this case, it is enough to submit only one copy of the complaint to the State Housing Property Department, and proof of its transmission will be a postal receipt of receipt;
  3. Filing a complaint via the Internet. To submit an application electronically, you should use the website of the regional office of the State Property Committee, which must have a feedback function. However, after sending an electronic complaint to the State Housing Property Inspectorate, it may be necessary to personally visit the housing inspectorate to provide a number of additional evidence of the violation. The applicant will be notified of this in the manner specified in the text of the complaint.

In addition to these methods, you can also use the regional housing inspection hotline. You can find the phone number on the territorial GZHI website. This method is very convenient if you need specialist advice on the subject of violation of legal rights and interests guaranteed by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and other federal or regional laws.

Deadlines for consideration of citizens' appeals

The maximum period for registering a complaint is 3 working days. Exactly 30 days are allotted for the consideration of the complaint and the adoption of the necessary measures to resolve the problem of civil housing. The period of 30 days is counted from the moment the complaint is accepted (if you contact the inspectorate in person, the acceptance period is indicated on the copy of the complaint that remains with the applicant).

The written response to the complaint must indicate the measures taken by the housing inspectorate in relation to the Criminal Code. Otherwise, a refusal to take any measures should be granted due to the fact that there is insufficient or no evidence of a violation on the part of the Criminal Code. If the response of the Housing Property Inspectorate does not satisfy the owner of the apartment, then he has the right to file an application with the prosecutor’s office or with a claim in the district court.

Grounds for refusal to consider a complaint

In some cases, the housing inspection has every right to refuse to consider an application. The most common mistakes when writing a complaint or when submitting it to the State Property Committee:

  • the personal data of the applicant (anonymous complaint) or his return address are not indicated;
  • the complaint requests the disclosure of personal data of other people;
  • the text is handwritten in illegible handwriting;
  • the text of the complaint contains swear words and other profanity, as well as threats and insults;
  • a complaint had already been filed on the merits of the issue, to which a final response was given.

Drawing up collective complaints

Collective complaints against the activities of management companies are often a more effective way to protect violated rights. State authorities consider such complaints more willingly and thoroughly. The text of a collective claim differs little from a regular complaint, but it must describe the violation of the rights of all interested parties at once, which can significantly increase the volume of the document.

At the end of the collective complaint, personal information is indicated and the signatures of all persons whose rights were violated are affixed. Only persons officially registered in the house have the right to sign a collective complaint. To increase the likelihood of a successful resolution of the problem, it is best to consult with an experienced lawyer before filing a collective or personal complaint. Almost every person can file a complaint competently and take into account all the legal subtleties and nuances.

from 31/12/2018

A complaint to the housing inspectorate against the management company is sometimes necessary when the rights of the owners of an apartment building are violated. and other supervisory authorities, the management company on a number of issues may be redirected for consideration specifically to the housing inspection. Therefore, we recommend that you initially file claims in this way.

What issues can a housing inspection help resolve? First of all, this is an increase in tariffs, errors in charging for utilities, the current maintenance of an apartment building, and the provision of utilities. Remember that utilities are part of the relationship between the consumer and the contractor, so in the latter case you can submit a copy.

Example of a complaint to the housing inspectorate against a management company

Head of State

housing inspection

Voronezh region

394052, Voronezh,

Engels Ave., 35

from Ulyana Vladimirovna Plekhanova,

address: 394002, Voronezh, st. Sibirskaya, 12-8

tel. 849524352546

Complaint against the management company

I, Ulyana Vladimirovna Plekhanova, am the owner and live in apartment No. 8 of an apartment building at the address: Voronezh, st. Sibirskaya, 12. The house is maintained by the Management Company "Service Plus", address: 394025, Voronezh, st. Sibirskaya, 1. The head of the management company is Sergey Sergeevich Rodin.

The management company regularly fails to fulfill the obligations assigned to it by law. According to Art. 161 of the RF Housing Code, the management of an apartment building must ensure favorable and safe living conditions for citizens and proper maintenance of common property in the apartment building. And the management company is obliged, for a fee, to provide services for the management of an apartment building, proper maintenance and repair of common property in such a building. I pay fees for the maintenance of common property on time and in full.

Based on clause 10 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491), common property must be maintained in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation (including on the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, technical regulation, protection of rights consumers).

At my place of residence, Voronezh, st. Sibirskaya, 12, accumulation of garbage in staircases and adjacent areas is allowed on an ongoing basis. Numerous complaints against the Management Company did not bring results.

Based on the above, guided by the Law of 02.05.2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation”, the Regulations on state housing supervision, I ask you to check the stated facts and bring the guilty officials to administrative responsibility, as well as oblige the Criminal Code fulfill your duties. Inform the applicant about the measures taken.

09.11.2016 Plekhanova U.V.

When a complaint is made to the housing inspectorate against the management company

First of all, you will need to study the agreement with the management company to ensure that it reflects the company’s responsibilities. Do not forget that the relationship between the management company and the consumer of services is also regulated by the Civil and Housing Codes, the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011, regional laws and acts of municipal authorities.

Requirements for the quality of services provided can be found in Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2013 No. 170 (Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of Housing Stock), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 No. 491 (Rules for the maintenance of common property), SanPiN.

It is the management company that is obliged to ensure the safety of the house, carry out routine repairs, prepare the house for winter, ensure compliance with sanitary standards in the house, improve the local area, collect payments for utilities, etc.

If the question is a requirement for the management company to ensure the fulfillment of its duties, it is best to draw up (for example,). When it is necessary to conduct an inspection against the company and take action - a complaint to the housing inspectorate. If it is necessary to cancel the decision of the general meeting of residents, compensation for damage or recovery of funds from the company -.

Contents and submission of a complaint to the housing inspectorate against the management company

There are no special requirements for the content of a complaint to the housing inspectorate. The template for a complaint against the management company is standard and similar, etc.

It is the housing inspection that supervises the activities of management companies. A complaint against the management company is submitted either in the form of an online appeal on the website of the regional housing inspectorate (at the applicant’s place of residence) or in writing (we leave a second copy of the complaint).

The law does not prohibit simultaneous appeal to several authorities, therefore a complaint against the management company can be filed not only with the housing inspectorate, but also with the prosecutor's office, Rospotrebnadzor, etc. Based on the results of consideration of the complaint to the housing inspectorate against the management company, officials may be brought to administrative liability according to Art. 7.22 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences.

Clarifying questions on the topic

    Valentina Petrovna

    • Lawyer


    • Legal Advisor


    • Legal Advisor

    Management companies are called upon to ensure the maintenance of the local area and apartment building, facilitate the process of paying for housing and communal services and solve the problems of residents. But there are often situations when, instead, gross violations of the rights of premises owners are revealed. In this situation, it is important to draw up a competent complaint to the housing inspectorate.

    The main reasons for complaints against the management company

    The work of all management companies is regulated by the following legislative acts:

    • Code of Administrative Offences.
    • Government Decrees No. 354 and No. 491.

    Competent management of residential buildings is a responsible and labor-intensive process, which includes not only solving current problems, but also emergency issues.

    You can complain to the Criminal Code in the following cases:

    • Unreasonable increase in tariffs for housing and communal services.
    • Failure to provide or partial provision of services.
    • Roof leak.
    • Presence of snowdrifts and ice at the entrance.
    • Late delivery of receipts for payment.
    • Violation of the cleaning and garbage removal schedule, disruption of repairs.
    • Illegal conclusion of a lease agreement for the rental of premises recognized as common property.

    Note! For turning off water, heating and electricity, claims can be made to the director of the management company. But sometimes the fault lies with resource supply organizations. Before filing a complaint, it is important to identify the culprit.

    Principle of operation

    The inspection is designed to monitor the actions of employees of management organizations. The main activity is aimed at supervision in the field of maintenance and management of multi-storey buildings. The main goal of the activity is to respect the legitimate interests and rights of residents. For this reason, if violations are detected, you can contact the housing inspector directly.

    It is required to first send a request to the management organization to resolve the current problem. If the violations are not eliminated, it will be possible to submit an appeal to the housing inspectorate notifying about the fact of the violation.

    The complaint is not filed by only one person. A collective complaint from several residents or all residents is possible. From a practical point of view, collective appeals are more effective than personal ones. But it must necessarily contain the signatures of all listed persons.

    The appeal to the housing inspectorate must include the following:

    Sample complaint

    To write a statement correctly, you must indicate in detail and concisely the violations committed and attach evidence of guilt. You can write a complaint by hand or using a personal computer. It is important to provide your full name, current address for receiving correspondence, and a valid telephone number. The responsible housing inspection specialist can call to clarify some details and solve the problem in a short time.

    Use the following sample complaint to the housing inspection:

    A housing inspection can solve the following problems:

    1. The management company poorly monitors the entrusted territory, its operation and preservation in its original form.
    2. Standards and norms for the operation of residential premises are violated.
    3. Poor preparation and disruption to the start of the heating season.
    4. Standards for utility payments are not met and receipts are not provided on time.
    5. Representatives of the organization violate the requirements of the law.
    6. The management company was not chosen unanimously, but the house is maintained under a contract.
    7. The area is poorly cleaned; there is always ice and snow in front of the entrance.

    If a positive decision is made, the management company quickly corrects the violations and mistakes. The decision is positive, the management company quickly corrects the violations. If this is not done, serious penalties are imposed. The organization is given a month to eliminate errors.

    Use this example of a complaint against the management company:

    Attention! The text indicates all the shortcomings and violations that were identified. The period during which violations by the management organization are carried out is also indicated.

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