How to cross the road correctly according to traffic rules. How to properly cross the road for a pedestrian according to traffic rules - are there fines for violations?

For dismissal

Every person is, to one degree or another, a pedestrian, regardless of whether he has a car or not.

Even those who are used to constantly driving cars leave their vehicles from time to time and automatically become standard pedestrians.

In this case, they are faced with the question of what rules exist for crossing a pedestrian crossing for a pedestrian in 2020, and what fines can be imposed if they are violated.

This article will examine in as much detail as possible the questions of who pedestrians are from the point of view of traffic rules and how they should cross the road correctly.

Before moving on to the question of what traffic rules are established for pedestrians, it is worth studying the question of who a pedestrian is.

This is a person who is a participant in traffic, but is outside the vehicle.

It is immediately worth noting that this category includes people who move not only in the usual way, but also in wheelchairs, riding bicycles or mopeds, as well as those who use scooters or other means of transportation.

Workers performing certain work on the highway are not pedestrians; their rules do not apply to them. As soon as an employee stops his work, but remains on the road, he is automatically assigned the status of a pedestrian.

Every person should know how to properly cross the road at a pedestrian crossing and what rules should be followed.

Competent movement along a pedestrian crossing is a guarantee of the safety of every modern person who is a pedestrian.

When studying the issue related to the rules and responsibilities for pedestrians, first of all, it is worth turning to the standard traffic rules, to their 4th chapter.

Due to the fact that a standard pedestrian, like a driver, is a participant in the movement, his behavior on the roadway is strictly regulated.

Based on everything said above, we can conclude that there are quite a lot of rules and responsibilities for pedestrians. However, the average person is little familiar with them.

It is for this reason that each of them is worth considering in more detail. This is also important for the reason that knowledge of the rules is guaranteed to help avoid mistakes that could lead to fines and, more scary, various injuries.

Pedestrians must cross the road strictly at pedestrian crossings. Such areas are not difficult to find; they are marked with special road markings and marked with characteristic signs.

Transitions can be overhead, underground, or special sections located at intersections.

In most cases, all types of crossings, except underground ones, are regulated by traffic lights. Everything is clear here, the transition can be made by switching to a special traffic controller’s permit sign or the green light of an installed traffic light.

It is reliable, safe and fast enough, which cannot be said about crossing the roadway without a pedestrian. Not only is this more time-consuming, since you have to wait a long time for the right opportunity, but it is also extremely dangerous.

You should always use the established crossings and not risk your health and life in general.

On professionally regulated pedestrians, a person must be guided by the signals of the traffic controller standing at the intersection or the installed traffic light. If this is not the case, you will need to rely on a standard traffic light.

Signalized intersections and their pedestrian crossings are carefully regulated. If there is a professional traffic controller on the territory, the rules for crossing the road by pedestrians stipulate that when crossing the road they must rely on his signals.

Here are the most basic of them:

  1. The right hand raised above the head is prohibited for pedestrians.
  2. Right arm extended forward - pedestrian movement is permissible from the back of a professional.
  3. Both arms are extended to the sides, giving the person the appearance of the letter T. Movement for pedestrians is allowed from the chest by specialists and from the back.

Due to the fact that few pedestrians know the traffic rules of this kind, traffic controllers use simpler and more understandable gestures. For example, permission to move may look like a simple wave of the hand in the desired direction.

As for the use of a traffic light at an intersection, it can only be adjustable if all three colors are used.

There are also special pedestrian traffic lights, which consist of two colors - green and red. If a pedestrian crosses on red when passing is prohibited. For violating this rule, the pedestrian may be subject to an administrative fine.

At intersections and crossings that are not regulated, pedestrians have the right to enter the roadway only after assessing the total distance to nearby passing cars, their speed limit and being fully convinced of their safety.

If a person crosses the road outside of a pedestrian, he must not interfere with the movement of vehicles.

It is strictly forbidden to step out from behind a car or other obstacle that limits visibility without first making sure that there are no approaching cars.

The rules for crossing an unregulated pedestrian crossing are quite strict, but very fair. Each pedestrian must independently take care of the safety of their movement.

There are certain rules that apply to crossing the road outside the crossing. Here are the most basic of them:

  • It is strictly forbidden to start crossing the road from behind parked cars;
  • you must not create problems or interfere with the movement of cars;
  • Outside the crossing, you can only cross the road at a significant distance from passing vehicles.

If a pedestrian gets into an accident while crossing the road outside the crossing, in most cases only he himself will be to blame.

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that he may suffer not only physically, but also financially, since the repair of the damaged car is paid exclusively by the culprit.

When entering the roadway, a pedestrian should not stop or delay, except in a situation related to ensuring effective traffic safety.

If pedestrians for some reason did not have time to complete the transition, they must remain on the line that separates the main traffic flows in opposite directions.

It is possible to continue crossing only after a person is completely convinced of the complete safety of subsequent movement based on the current traffic light signal at the time of crossing.

As the traffic rules show, a pedestrian is allowed to stop on the line separating the flow of cars moving in opposite directions.

This maneuver is not advisable to carry out on roads characterized by heavy traffic. It is necessary to calculate your potential in advance and calculate the situation to the maximum, choose the most convenient moment and cross the road in one transition.

You cannot go out on the road if there are vehicles of special services moving along it, performing certain work or going to eliminate problems.

A pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing, if there is an appropriate permit sign, has a direct advantage, but they must give way to cars with their signal on.

In this case, it matters what kind of signal the car has on - if it’s just a flashing light without a siren, you don’t have to give way. However, it still doesn’t hurt to be careful.

In any case, a pedestrian on the road, even on a pedestrian, to a certain extent risks his life and his health, so it is better to play it safe and let the car pass so as not to end up in the hospital.

When crossing the road on a marked pedestrian, extreme caution is required. There is no need to throw yourself under the wheels of cars, both specialized and all others.

Every pedestrian should remember that the chances of surviving a collision with a car traveling at 50 km/h are slim.

Video: Traffic rules for pedestrians

There are certain fines for pedestrians for violating traffic rules..

Here are the most common situations and the size of the fine for them:

  1. A simple violation of traffic rules by a pedestrian, for example, jaywalking, automatically entails a special warning or a fine of 500 rubles.
  2. Violation of traffic rules, which resulted in interference with traffic or caused minor or moderate harm to health, the fine can be one thousand rubles.

If you want to cross the road in the wrong place and otherwise break the rules, you should remember not only about possible fines, but also about the danger to health and life.

A pedestrian crossing is initially a place of risk; even if you follow the rules, there is a chance of ending up under the wheels of a car, let alone crossing the road without following the established rules.


Crossing the roadway is a very important matter and quite dangerous for any person.. It is for this reason that it is so important to know all the subtleties and rules of this process.

    • You only need to cross on a green light! If there is a Zebra, then follow the zebra... And if there is no Zebra, then go to the green. But make sure that cars don’t turn right, since they have the right of way... And in general, look and turn your head ...Good luck!!

  • Question Answer
    Yes, they are, and therefore they must obey all road rules.
    persons who are outside the car;

    persons in a wheelchair, which is controlled manually;

    people who drive a bicycle or moped near them, carry a wheelchair or baby stroller, cart, sled, etc.;

    persons riding scooters, rollerblades, skateboards, etc.

    When it is related to road safety.
    In specially equipped places, in regulated and unregulated pedestrian crossings.
    At a controlled intersection, the traffic lights change to red, yellow and green. At an uncontrolled intersection, the traffic light flashes yellow.
    This means that movement is prohibited
    You can cross the road at a convenient place where there is an open view on both sides.
    Restriction of freedom up to three years;

    Two years of forced labor;

    Four-month arrest;

    Imprisonment up to two years.

    Pedestrians are road users and must obey general rules.

    Especially when they enter the “territory” of motorists - the roadway.

    Crossing the road correctly is the key to safety for both them and drivers.

    General information about pedestrians in traffic regulations

    The responsibilities of pedestrians are specified in Chapter. 4 Traffic rules. According to the law, these include:

    • persons outside the vehicle;
    • disabled people in manual wheelchairs;
    • people driving a bicycle or moped next to them, carrying a baby or wheelchair, sled, cart, etc.;
    • faces on rollerblades, scooters, skateboards, etc.

    Road workers are not pedestrians.

    Responsibilities of pedestrians

    Pedestrians are required to move on specially equipped sidewalks. If there are none, it is allowed to walk along the side of the road, towards the traffic flow. Persons using wheelchairs or driving a bicycle or moped must walk in the same direction as cars.

    In the dark, you must have reflective elements with you - stripes, keychains, badges, bracelets, etc.

    Pedestrian crossing rules prohibit stopping on the roadway except in situations where it is related to road safety.

    The rules allow you to stop on the dividing line if a person does not have time to cross to the opposite side. But on roads with heavy traffic, such a stop is unsafe both for the pedestrian and for drivers. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the time before setting foot on the roadway.

    When the transition is carried out by an organized group of people, two accompanying persons mark the beginning and end of the column. For these purposes, they are given red flags.

    Where can you cross the road?

    You need to cross the road in specially equipped places. The safest pedestrian crossings are those located above or below the roadway. Also, regulated and unregulated pedestrian crossings will be installed to cross the road. If they are not there, the road is crossed in the area of ​​the nearest intersection or in an open place with a good view on both sides of the traffic.

    Signalized intersection

    At intersections, traffic is regulated by traffic lights or, less commonly, by traffic controllers. In this case, an intersection is considered controlled if the traffic lights change (red-yellow-green). When the traffic light is flashing yellow, the intersection is considered uncontrolled. In this case, road users need to follow the relevant rules.

    You cannot start driving at a red or yellow light, even if there are no cars in sight. You can cross the road only when the signal is green, after making sure that all cars have stopped. You can cross the intersection diagonally only if there are appropriate markings.

    When crossing, people must first follow the pedestrian traffic lights. If the intersection is equipped only with a traffic light for cars, you need to navigate towards it.

    If traffic flow is controlled by a traffic controller, you need to follow his gestures:

    • when both arms are raised up, movement is prohibited;
    • the right arm is extended forward - a pedestrian can cross the road to which the traffic controller has his back;
    • both arms are extended to the sides - the transition is allowed from the back and from the face of the traffic controller.

    In practice, traffic police inspectors sometimes use a wave of the hand in the desired direction as a gesture allowing pedestrians to cross the roadway.

    Unregulated intersection

    There is no traffic light at an unregulated intersection. Places where a pedestrian can cross the road are marked with special markings - “zebra crossings”. In addition, appropriate permit signs are installed on both sides of the road.

    When crossing such an intersection, a pedestrian must make sure that the cars within sight have begun to slow down or have stopped completely. You can't go out on the road suddenly. You also need to make sure that drivers have a clear view. A parked car, a tree or bush, or another large object located near the side of the road can block a pedestrian.

    The boundaries of a pedestrian crossing are indicated by markings and signs. You need to cross the road within the limits indicated by them.

    Crossing the roadway even two meters from the crossing is considered a violation.

    When the roadway is not equipped with traffic lights or a zebra crossing, it is allowed to cross to the other side of the road at the intersection. The trajectory of movement must continue the line of the sidewalk (curb). It is prohibited to cross an unregulated intersection diagonally.

    The procedure for crossing the road outside the intersection

    If there is no intersection or equipped pedestrian crossing within sight, you are allowed to cross the road in a convenient place with an open view in both directions. The intersection line of the roadway must be perpendicular to the sidewalk (sideline).

    First you need to make sure that there are no cars within sight. If there are vehicles, you need to adequately assess the time available and make a decision based on this.

    When not to go out on the road

    Except for cases of crossing the roadway at a prohibiting traffic light, it is prohibited to go out onto the road:

    • in places where a dividing fence is installed in the middle of the road or a dividing strip is applied;
    • when the view is blocked;
    • when the roadway is separated from the sidewalk by a fence.

    According to the rules, you cannot cross the road when there is a controlled crossing or intersection within your line of sight. You need to get to it and only then cross the roadway.

    You cannot cross the road even when the light is green if a car is approaching with its sound signals and flashing lights on (ambulance, fire, police).

    Fines and other types of punishment for violating traffic rules by pedestrians

    Failure to comply with traffic rules is an administrative offense. Responsibility for them begins at the age of 16. According to Art. 12.29 of the Administrative Code, the violator is fined in the amount of 500 rubles. If the person was drunk, the amount increases (1000-1500 rubles).

    A more serious penalty is provided in the case where crossing in the wrong place caused an obstruction to traffic. In this case, the violator will be fined 1000 rubles. When the incident results in an accident, as a result of which slight or moderate harm was caused to the victim’s health, the maximum amount of the fine increases to 1,500 rubles.

    If an accident was caused by a pedestrian and someone was seriously injured, the offender faces criminal liability. Art. 268 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for the following types of punishment:

    • restriction of freedom up to 3 years;
    • forced labor for up to 2 years;
    • arrest up to 4 months;
    • imprisonment for up to 2 years.

    If an accident results in the death of a person, such an act is classified as causing death by negligence. The culprit may be sentenced to restriction or imprisonment for up to 4 years, or to forced labor for the same period. When there are two or more dead, the maximum period of forced labor increases to 5 years. The perpetrator can be imprisoned for 7 years.

    Sooner or later, any driver becomes a pedestrian, so... One of the most difficult questions for pedestrians is: “Where and how to cross the road correctly?” All places where a pedestrian is allowed to cross the road are recorded in the Traffic Rules.

    How to cross a pedestrian crossing

    The easiest and most convenient way to cross the road along the pedestrian crossing. Pedestrian crossings can be regulated or unregulated. Regulated ones have a pedestrian traffic light; accordingly, you can cross the road only when the traffic light is green.

    In addition, traffic at a pedestrian crossing can be regulated by a traffic police officer. In this case, you need to wait for the traffic controller's permission signal.

    At unregulated pedestrian crossings, according to traffic regulations, a pedestrian can enter the roadway after first assessing the distance to the approaching vehicle and making sure that their movements are safe. Of course, in theory, the driver is obliged to give way to a pedestrian crossing the road at an unregulated crossing, however. Therefore, before crossing the street at a zebra crossing, you must first make sure that cars.

    There are also overground and underground pedestrian crossings, but you are unlikely to encounter a car there, so there is no need to talk about the rules for crossing them!

    What to do if there is no pedestrian crossing

    If there are no crossings, the pedestrian can also cross the road at an intersection– along the line of sidewalks or curbs. If the intersection is unregulated, you should cross the road very carefully so as not to get run over.

    If there are no crossings or intersections on the road, you, according to the Traffic Rules, can cross the road at a right angle in a clearly visible area. At the same time, you must not cross dividing strips and fences.

    Pedestrian fine

    Please note that there is also a fine for pedestrians: you will have to pay for crossing the road in the wrong place or running a red light 500 rubles. If at the same time interference was created with vehicles, then the fine for jaywalking will increase to 1,000 rubles. However, traffic police inspectors usually do not monitor this violation, preferring to fine drivers.

    You might be surprised to see the headline and think, “Is it really that hard to cross the road?” Some pedestrians believe that you just need to run across the road very quickly and everything will be fine.

    Others, on the contrary, wait patiently until there is not a single car on the road. But this happens so rarely that you can stand for several hours waiting for the moment when you can cross the road.

    What to do? How to cross the road correctly?

    You already know that you can cross the road using an overground or underground pedestrian crossing, as well as a green traffic light. But before you start crossing the road, determine whether the traffic on it is one-way or two-way. After all, the rules for crossing different roads differ from each other.

    But first of all, you must know very well general rules:

    1. Before crossing any road, stop at the edge of the sidewalk.

    2. Look carefully to the left and to the right and find out whether it is a one-way or two-way road.

    3. Before you start crossing the road, make sure that all vehicles are at a safe distance from you for crossing.

    4. Cross the roadway at a brisk pace, but do not run.

    5. Cross the road at right angles to the sidewalk, not diagonally.

    And the most important thing:

    Be very careful the entire time you are crossing the road!

    How to properly cross a two-way road

    You already know that when crossing any road you must be very careful and follow the general rules. But, in addition to the general ones, there are also rules when crossing two-way roads.

    How should you behave when crossing a two-way road?

    1. Before you start crossing, you need to stop at the edge of the sidewalk and make sure that in front of you is a two-way street.

    2. Then you need to look to the left and make sure that there is no traffic near the pedestrian crossing.

    3. Now you need to look to the right to see if there are any cars nearby that are moving on the opposite side of the road. If they are, then you will have to stop when you reach the middle of the roadway and let these cars pass. But standing in the middle of the roadway is dangerous. In such cases, it is better not to start crossing the road.

    4. Make sure there are no cars on your side of the road driving on the right. After all, there may be cars that move in reverse, or cars that remove snow or debris.

    5. Start crossing the road only when you are sure that you are at a safe distance from cars moving along it.

    6. Remember that you need to cross the road quickly, but calmly. No need to run! After all, while running it is very difficult to notice how the environment changes.

    7. When you reach the middle of the road, be sure to look to the right. Go further only if you see that there is no transport nearby.

    8. If you reach the middle of the roadway and see that cars are driving on the right, not far from you, stop! Don't try to cross the road, let all the cars pass.

    9. If you stop in the middle of the roadway, don’t step back a single step! While you were walking to the middle of the road, a car could drive up to the pedestrian crossing from the left and end up close to you. Therefore, when you are in the middle of the roadway, do not run forward and do not retreat sharply back! Look left and right carefully to avoid unpleasant surprises.

    10. Cross the road at right angles, not diagonally. Then you will have a clear view of the road both left and right.

    It may seem to you that there are too many rules and it is difficult or even impossible to remember them. But it is much better to spend time learning the rules of crossing the road than to risk your health and life!

    Before crossing a two-way road, first look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the roadway, look to the right.

    How to properly cross a one-way road

    When crossing a one-way road, you need to behave a little differently than when crossing a two-way road. When approaching a one-way road, first of all, determine where the traffic is going along it - to the right or to the left.

    Before you start crossing a one-way road, remember that you can only cross it immediately. It is impossible to stop in the middle of the road here! After all, on such a road cars travel across the entire width of the roadway. Therefore, let us remind you once again: when crossing a one-way road, you will not be able to stop in the middle.

    Now you understand that you can cross such roads only when you are absolutely sure that all vehicles are at a distance sufficient from you for safe crossing. Therefore, first of all, make sure that the transport is far from you, and remember the braking distance!

    Don't forget to make sure that there are no cars driving in reverse near the pedestrian crossing. Start crossing the road only when you are sure it is completely safe.

    Cross the road quickly, but don't run. Walk at right angles to the sidewalk, not at an angle. Why - you already know.

    How to cross the road correctly Every person has to cross the roadway to find himself on the opposite side of the street from time to time. But, despite the frequency of action, not everyone knows how to maintain safety. A mistake can be fatal for a pedestrian. Read the article about how to cross the road correctly.

    There are specially designated places for crossing the roadway. Where to cross the road correctly:

    • under signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 delineating the boundaries of the pedestrian crossing;
    • according to markings 1.4.1, 1.4.2, also marking this section;
    • at intersections along the sidewalk or curb.

    There is also the following rule in paragraph 4.3 of the traffic rules:

    If there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone, it is allowed to cross the road at right angles to the edge of the roadway in areas without a dividing strip and fences where it is clearly visible in both directions.

    Group of children

    There are no special requirements for children on how to cross the road correctly. What adults must do is also mandatory for young pedestrians. But it is important to explain to them that:

    • if there is a traffic light, you are only allowed to go on green;
    • if you have to move beyond a zebra crossing, you need to choose the safest areas where the path is clearly visible in both directions and there is no prohibiting sign;
    • before starting the route, you need to look to the left and make sure that the moving vehicle is far away;
    • having reached the middle of the path, you should look to the right and continue the path only if there are no cars on that side;
    • in the middle of a two-way road there is a line where, if necessary, you can wait out the flow of traffic and continue walking (but it is better not to use it, but to cross the area in the complete absence of cars nearby);
    • on a one-way road there is no such line;
    • you need to walk quickly, but not run;
    • the direction of movement should be at right angles to the curb or sidewalk.

    Other requirements exist if it is necessary to accompany a group of children. Here's what there is about this in paragraph 4.2 of the traffic rules:

    Groups of children are allowed to drive only on sidewalks and pedestrian paths, and in their absence, along the roadsides, but only during daylight hours and only when accompanied by adults.

    • use a pedestrian crossing, preferably regulated, aboveground or underground;
    • you can cross the road at an intersection with a traffic light;
    • Place adults with red flags at the head and end of the column.

    If it is necessary to travel with a group outside a zebra crossing or intersection, the accompanying persons first block the roadway in both directions of traffic. After this, they give the command to the children to go.

    At the crossroads

    How to properly cross the road at an intersection is described in paragraphs 4.4 and 4.3. Traffic rules The first dictates the need to obey traffic lights. You can only walk on the green light on the pedestrian device. In paragraph 4.3 there is a rule:

    Pedestrians must cross the road at pedestrian crossings, including underground and overground ones, and in their absence, at intersections along sidewalks or curbs.

    At a controlled intersection, it is allowed to cross the roadway between opposite corners of the intersection (diagonally) only if there are markings 1.14.1 or 1.14.2 indicating such a pedestrian crossing.

    By traffic light

    How to properly cross the road at a traffic light is the simplest thing that can happen if you have a device for pedestrians. You can follow when it turns green.

    If there is only a traffic light in the zone, the situation is different. We'll have to follow his signals. You can walk when the red light is on for cars crossing in the direction the pedestrian wants. And be careful when doing so.

    With a bike

    There is one important nuance in how to properly cross the road with a bicycle. It is noted in paragraph 24.8 of the traffic rules:

    Cyclists... are prohibited from:... crossing the road at pedestrian crossings.

    To cross the roadway, the cyclist turns into a pedestrian. He must drive his vehicle nearby. You cannot drive it across the road like a car or tractor. Otherwise, the rules are the same as for other pedestrians.

    With stroller

    If you need to cross the roadway with a baby in a stroller, the adult has double responsibility. There are no special requirements in the traffic rules for this category of pedestrians. But it is still important to protect yourself and your child from collisions as much as possible. There are two options for how to properly cross the road with a stroller:

    • Take the child in your arms and drag the infant “vehicle” behind you. This is inconvenient, but in case of danger it is easier to throw the empty stroller and save both of them.
    • An adult should step onto the roadway first, after it becomes clear that the path is clear. And the stroller with the child should be carried behind you.

    These methods are useful when you need to follow an unregulated crossing or where there is none. But if you have to walk with a stroller and a baby, it’s better not to be lazy and get to the zebra crossing.

    How to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing

    Specially designed zones make the passage of people through the roadway as safe as possible. However, it is important to know how to properly cross the road at a pedestrian crossing:

    • If the zone is regulated, there may be a policeman with a baton or a traffic light. In the first case, walking in the direction along the inspector's back is allowed if his right hand points forward. The path is open to pedestrians when the policeman's arms are spread apart. But only along his back or chest. The traffic light allows you to follow when it is green for pedestrians and red for cars.
    • At an unregulated crossing, the issue of safety, although dictated by the rules, is mainly decided by traffic participants. Traffic regulations on how to cross the road correctly are regulated by clause 4.5. The pedestrian must make sure that the cars are still far away and he will have time to reach the opposite side. If it doesn't work out, it's better to wait. You can do this in the middle of the road, on the line dividing lanes of traffic in different directions.
    • If the pedestrian crossing is overground or underground, you should use it. You cannot cross the street directly on the roadway. If you are lucky enough to dodge the car, the pedestrian will be fined for doing so.

    Expert opinion

    Nadezhda Smirnova

    Automotive Law Expert

    Since not all drivers follow the rules, even on a zebra crossing, people walking along it should be careful. You should not suddenly jump onto the road because of parked cars or other obstacles, run along the crosswalk, or take a stroll.

    After getting off the bus and before the tram

    After leaving public transport, the passenger becomes a pedestrian, and sometimes he needs to immediately get to the opposite side of the street. It happens that the zebra crossing is located close to the stop. In connection with all this, a person may need to solve one of the problems:

    • How to cross the road correctly when getting off the bus. To understand this, you should carefully read clause 4.8 of the traffic rules. The second paragraph says that people rushing to or from a public transport stop when crossing the roadway should be guided by sections 4.4-4.7 of the traffic rules. This is only possible if you wait until the bus leaves this place and stops blocking the road from pedestrians and themselves from motorists. You should not go around it either in front or behind.
    • How to properly cross the road in front of a tram. Paragraph 4.8 of the traffic rules also applies to cases where this type of vehicle has become an obstacle for a pedestrian. If it is possible to cross the street near a stop, you should first let the tram leave.

    How to cross the road correctly should be decided based not only on traffic rules, but also on the specific situation. It is better to let the speeding car of the violator pass, remaining not only a law-abiding participant in the traffic, but safe and sound. We must also remember that even pedestrians must give way to special service vehicles with flashing lights and sirens.

    Useful video

    Watch this video on how to cross the road correctly:

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