How to correctly make an inventory of transferred documents. Nuances of preparing a delivery list for archival storage

An inventory is a list of property/documents required for accounting purposes. Its registration is the final stage of documentation processing. It is compiled under various circumstances: seizure of valuables, their destruction, sending by mail, and so on. Companies actively use such a form as an inventory of documents. Let's take a closer look at it.

Legislative justification

The documentation inventory is carried out on the basis of these instructions:

  • Recommendations for office work, approved by Rosarkhiv on December 23, 2009.
  • Instructions for office work, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Culture.
  • Central Bank instructions.

Documents reflected in the inventory must be properly systematized. First, papers of priority importance (orders, instructions) are recorded, followed by plans, correspondence and other documents.

Features of using the inventory

Accounting and personnel documents– papers that need to be recorded in the inventory in mandatory. You also need to describe papers that have not been used for 12 months. After including them in the inventory, you need to send the documents to the archive. Shelf life depends on the shape of the paper. The inventory is a procedure mandatory for both public and private institutions.

Office work

As part of office work, papers that require temporary or permanent storage are described. The procedure allows you to take into account documents and quickly find them if necessary.


If papers sent to the archive are described, the inventory is created using the form government approved. The document is drawn up in 2 copies. One remains in the unit, the other is sent to the archive. The paper includes these elements:

  • Title page.
  • Inventory name.
  • Table of contents.
  • Preface.
  • Inventory.
  • List of abbreviations, if they are present in the document.
  • Pointers.
  • Tables (required when changing old numbers to new ones).
  • Bibliography.
  • List of terms used.
  • Certification sheet.

After completing the document, you must sign on the certification sheet.

Drawing up various types of inventory

Inventory – universal document, which is needed under a variety of circumstances. Assumes external or indoor use. It can either be sent to government agencies or used exclusively within the company. Let's look at the features different types papers

For sending to government agencies: tax office, court

If the document is sent to court, an inventory is not required. If additional documents are attached to the application, a list of them is given in the application itself. However, sometimes an inventory is still compiled. It is relevant when additional documents so many.

If documents are sent to the tax office, an inventory of them is required. The paper must contain these required information:

  • Company name, its address.
  • Outgoing number.
  • Title.
  • List of documents, indicating the number of each of them.
  • Total number of documents.

The paper must be certified with the seal and signature of the head of the company.

An inventory related to a personal file compiled for internal purposes

Such an inventory is compiled by the employee responsible for maintaining personal files. It is stored with personal matters. Issued when the company receives a new case. Includes this information:

  • Personal file number.
  • Name.
  • Number of sheets.

If personal files are transferred to an asset, a final entry must be made. It contains information about total number business

For mail

To fill out an inventory accompanying a postal letter/parcel, Form 107 is used. The document records this information:

  • Recipient's full name or company name.
  • Price.
  • Number of values ​​sent.

The post office representative puts his signature and calendar stamp on the inventory. The document is drawn up in 2 copies. One remains at the post office, the other is sent to the recipient.

To send papers to the archive

Documents related to the company's activities can be sent to the archive. But this is preceded by an inventory of these papers. Accompanying document drawn up in 2 copies. One of them is sent to the archive. All papers that are supposed to be sent to the archive are recorded in delivery inventory. The latter contains this information: document number, number of sheets.

The inventory is compiled by the employee responsible for working with the archive. In the future, it should be considered by an expert commission. The last step is approval of the paper by the head of the institution. The finished inventory must be stitched. It comes in a hard cover.

For destruction of documentation

The company destroys documents in the presence of these circumstances:

  • The shelf life has expired.
  • No more paper needed.

If the inventory includes information about a department, the name of that department should be indicated at the top of the document. After the inventory has been generated, it is signed by the employee responsible for the examination. The document is then submitted for review expert commission. It is necessary to conclude minutes of the commission meeting. Only after the above procedures can you begin to destroy documents.

For seizure of documentation

An inventory is also compiled when documents are seized. It is drawn up according to form No. MM-3-06/338, approved by resolution Government dated March 31, 2007. At the top of the form is the company name and TIN. After this, you need to record a list of seized documents.

The employee who was involved in the seizure puts his signature on the inventory. The document must bear the signatures of the persons who were present at the procedure. The paper is drawn up in 2 copies. One remains with the company, the other remains with the representative of the government agency who carried out the seizure.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! Photos and videos created during the seizure may be attached to the inventory.

The execution of the document acceptance and transfer certificate is not strictly mandatory procedure. However, in some cases, the transfer of documents between counterparties is accompanied by its signing. The act of acceptance and transfer of documents has legal meaning, therefore, if any controversial situations and disagreements between the signatories it has evidentiary value and can be used in court.

An act of acceptance and transfer of documents is also created within enterprises - for example, when transferring personnel, accounting, etc. documentation when changing employees. In this case, the documents must pass preliminary check on their content and completeness, so that the employee receiving the documents does not subsequently encounter unexpected troubles.


Basic rules for drawing up an act of acceptance and transfer of documents

Unified standard sample by filling out of this document no, therefore enterprises and organizations have the right to independently develop its template or draw up the document in free form. You can fill it out as simple as in writing, and print on a computer. An act of acceptance and transfer of documents is drawn up on a regular A4 sheet in two copies - one for each of the interested parties. Moreover, each copy must have the signatures of the heads of organizations or authorized persons.

If necessary, the document can be certified with a seal, but this is not necessary, because since 2016 legal entities have the right not to use seals and stamps in their activities.

Also, the act must contain a specific list mandatory information. In particular, it should be indicated here information about the parties, between which the fact of transfer of documents is recorded, as well as full list transferred documents with their clear name and quantity. If original documents are transferred, this must be indicated in the act (if they are lost, claims will be made to the party in whose hands they were at the time of demand), if copies, then they must be certified by the transferring party.

It should also be noted that in the case of transferring original documents, the transferring party must obtain copies of them.

In cases of special value of the transferred documents, it is advisable to include more full details about enterprises (full details with OGRN, TIN, KPP, etc.), as well as passport data of employees involved in the transfer process. If they are transmitted standard documents, you can limit yourself to a simpler form of the act.

Instructions for filling out the document acceptance and transfer certificate

From a business standpoint, this act has quite standard form and should not cause any particular difficulties when filling out. In the example under consideration, documents are transferred from one enterprise to another.

  • First, write the name of the document with a short description of its essence.
  • The line below indicates the city in which the organization issuing the act operates, as well as the date of its execution.
  • Next, information about the company that transfers the documents is entered: its name is entered, indicating the organizational and legal form (IP, LLC, OJSC, CJSC), as well as the position of the responsible person (usually they write here Director, CEO or indicate another employee authorized to sign such documents) his last name, first name, patronymic (in full).
  • Then the same is entered about the second side: name of the organization, position, surname, first name, patronymic of the responsible person.

After entering information about enterprises, you need to write full list transmitted documents.

As a rule, such acts are drawn up in cases where the list of documents being transferred is either particularly valuable or quite impressive, so it is best to arrange their list in the form of a table.

In the first column you need to enter the serial number of the document being transferred in this table, in the second - the full name, in the third - the date of its preparation, in the fourth - the document number by internal document flow. In the fifth column you must indicate the original or a copy (certified) is transferred to a second organization, and the sixth column is the number of sheets contained in the document.

If necessary, the table can be expanded by adding any additional information.

Under the table you should write how many copies of the act were drawn up and how many the interested parties received, and also sign the heads of both enterprises.

After signing the act of acceptance and transfer of documents, the party that accepted it automatically assumes full responsibility for the completeness, content, and safety of the transferred documentation.

Inventory of documents - sampleit may be required for the most different situations. It can serve as both accompanying (when sent to one or another authority) and systematizing (when submitted to the archive) material. The sample list of documents given in our article will help you cope with the preparation of this paper without any problems.

What form should I use for the inventory of transferred documents for the archive?

Every organization and every entrepreneur accumulates many documents substantiating certain business transactions, personnel movements, as well as other actions that are taken during work activity. Storage periods established for storage similar documents, vary greatly.

Define required deadlines This article will help you .

Meanwhile, compliance with such deadlines is mandatory, and because of this, documents cannot be disposed of earlier than the stipulated storage time. That's why a large number of papers are periodically sent to the archive. At the same time, some companies resort to the services of specialized archival organizations. When transferring documents to the archive, an inventory must be drawn up.

In practice, situations arise when it is necessary to bring up this or that documentation of past periods, again turning to the archive. Find quickly required document A list of documents will help.

The inventory of documents for the archive does not have a special format. Among its main details are:

  • name of the organization (if the archive is a third-party organization);
  • inventory number;
  • date of inventory;
  • name of documents deposited;
  • the period to which the documents relate;
  • document storage period;
  • number of sheets;
  • location of documents (number of folder, case or box);
  • Full name and signature responsible persons(the originator and the person who accepted the documents).

A sample list of documents for transfer to the archive can be downloaded from our website.

What does a list of documents for sending by mail look like?

By corresponding with tax authorities, off-budget funds and other authorities, many resort to the services of Russian Post. To confirm that the kit has been sent certain documents it is necessary to draw up an inventory in 2 copies, on one of which the postal employee puts special stamp, date of sending and your signature.

The inventory form used for postal items is regulated by law. This is form 107, which is available at any post office (approved by the order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Post” “On approval of the procedure for receiving and delivering internal registered mail” dated May 17, 2012 No. 114-p). However, this does not prevent anyone from developing own form inventory. The main thing is that it contains all the main details of Form 107.

A sample of how to create an inventory of documents for mail is available here .

Termination employment contract by sending an application for dismissal by mail, it must also be accompanied by an inventory. Read about it in the article .


A sample inventory of documents has its own form depending on the purpose for which the inventory is generated. The inventory compiled for the archive makes it possible to later find the desired document among those deposited without much effort.

An inventory accompanying documents sent by mail will help avoid disputes with the party receiving the documents. For example, in case of their loss. When sending documents by mail, you must ensure that the inventory contains the date and signature of the person checking compliance actual documents their list according to the inventory.

Any document in an organization goes through a long journey from creation to archiving. One of the functions of the archive is accounting - systematization of cases, creation of scientific help desk and archival records. It is at the stage of recording archival documents that case inventories are created. We will tell you what types of inventories can be compiled in an organization and how to prepare them correctly.


■ Clauses 3.6, 3.10, 4.11, 4.31, 4.32, 4.34, 5.5 of the Rules for organizing the storage, acquisition, recording and use of documents are devoted to case inventories Archive fund Russian Federation and other archival documents in the authorities state power, organs local government and organizations (approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated March 31, 2015 No. 526; hereinafter referred to as the Rules 2015).

The 2015 rules contain 7 inventory forms:

Inventory of cases permanent storage(Appendix 14);

Inventory of cases personnel(Appendix 15);

Inventory of files with temporary (over 10 years) storage periods (Appendix 16);

Inventory of electronic files, documents of permanent storage (Appendix 17);

Inventory of electronic files, documents with temporary (over 10 years) storage periods (Appendix 18);

Inventory of affairs of a structural unit (Appendix 23);

Inventory of electronic files, documents of a structural unit (Appendix 24).

■ Dedicated to the compilation and execution of case inventories section 3.7 of the Basic Rules for the Operation of Organizational Archives(approved by the decision of the Board of Rosarkhiv dated 02/06/2002; hereinafter referred to as the Basic Rules). It describes in detail how to fill out the inventory columns, how to register a case, etc.

The basic rules contain 4 forms of inventories:

Form annual section summary inventory of permanent storage cases (Appendix 1);

Form of the annual section of the summary inventory of temporary (over 10 years) storage cases (Appendix 2);

Form of the annual section of the summary list of personnel affairs (Appendix 3);

Form of inventory of files of permanent, temporary (over 10 years) storage and personnel of a structural unit of the organization (Appendix 12).

The classification of case inventories based on the 2015 Rules and the Basic Rules is presented in the diagram.


Such an inventory is compiled only for cases that, according to the lists, have a “permanent” shelf life. These include, for example, agreements on the creation of a company, amendments and additions to them (Article 51 of the List of standard management archival documents generated in the process of activity government agencies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods).

In the table for the inventory of permanent storage files, there is no column “Storage period”, since all files have the same storage period.

The form for the inventory of permanent storage cases is given in Appendix 14 to the 2015 Rules (Example 1, Example 2).

2 The stamp is affixed if the organization is the source of acquisition of the state or municipal archive.

3 The stamp is affixed if the organization is the source of acquisition of the state or municipal archive.


If there are quite a lot of such documents in the organization, then an inventory of cases is compiled for them annually (of course, if the case is closed and transferred to the archive). If there are few such cases (4-5 per year), then an inventory can be compiled over several years.

The form for the inventory of temporary (over 10 years) storage cases is given in Appendix 16 to the 2015 Rules (Example 3).


Documents on personnel are allocated in special group, are systematized separately and included in a separate inventory (clause of the Basic Rules, clause 5.5 of the 2015 Rules).

It is best to keep an inventory of personnel files by year - archivists do not like it when they collect files for several years in one inventory. This makes it difficult to find documents and creates confusion if the structure of the organization has changed; in addition, the gross numbering in the inventory may be violated. Within each year, personnel affairs are traditionally systematized according to structural divisions, who generated documents on personnel.

The headings of cases in the annual section of the summary inventory of personnel cases are systematized on a nominal basis, taking into account the following sequence (clause 3.7.23 of the Basic Rules):

Orders (instructions) regarding personnel (reception, dismissal, transfer);

Lists of personnel (for example, lists of workers; lists of workers engaged in work with harmful conditions labor; lists of war veterans, etc.);

Personal cards of dismissed workers ( unified form No. T-2; a separate inventory is drawn up if there is no inventory of personal files). The files are compiled according to the year of dismissal and alphabetically by the last names of the employees;

Personal files of dismissed employees. The files are compiled according to the year of dismissal and alphabetically by the last names of the employees;

Personal accounts;

Unclaimed work books(in the absence of a separate inventory);

Accident Acts;

Personnel document logs.

If an organization generates a large volume of some of these types of documents, independent annual sections of the inventory can be created for them (clause 3.7.23 of the Basic Rules).

The form of the annual section of the summary list of personnel affairs is given in Appendix 15 to the 2015 Rules (Example 4).

Personal accounts. Personal accounts of workers and employees according to wages are grouped into separate cases and arranged in them alphabetically by last name. When transferred from the accounting department to the organization's archives, an inventory of these matters can be compiled separately. To list personal accounts, you can use the form given in Appendix 15 to the 2015 Rules (Example 5).

However, with a small number of cases, personal accounts can be included in the summary list of personnel cases together with other types of personnel documents (orders, personal files of dismissed employees, etc.) (see Example 4).

Orders (instructions) for personnel. Orders (instructions) regarding personnel are formed into separate cases according to the nomenclature of cases, in accordance with established deadlines storage With large volumes of such documents, it is advisable to issue orders for personnel concerning various sides activities of the organization (hiring, dismissal and relocation of employees, business trips, etc.), grouped into separate cases (clause 3.5.5 of the Basic Rules).

The procedure for entering cases into the inventory is not established by the Basic Rules. They can be arranged in the inventory, for example, according to the degree of legal significance: first orders, then instructions.

An example of preparing a list of cases with orders for personnel is given in Example 6.

Personal files of dismissed employees. A separate inventory of personal files is compiled when there is a large rotation of employees: if you have about 30-50 people who quit in 2016, then it is better to create a separate inventory in alphabetical order (Example 7).


Many specialists who work with documents have a very vague understanding of the inventory of electronic files. If you had to deal with this, then first of all you need to refer to the 2015 Rules.

4 Form of inventory of electronic files, documents of permanent storage.

5 Form of inventory of electronic files, documents with temporary (over 10 years) storage periods.

Particular attention should be paid to whether all documents can be stored in in electronic format. It may be worth bringing this issue up for discussion by an expert commission and inviting the head of the organization to participate in it.

The form of inventory of electronic files and documents is given in Example 8.

6 The stamp is affixed if the organization is the source of acquisition of the state or municipal archive.

If you do not write electronic files to disk, but store them on local computer, then you should make an inventory of the directory and indicate in the inventory in the “Volume” column the size of the folder, and in the “Note” column - the contents of the folder and the path to it.


Cases consisting of documents specific only to a given organization (judicial, investigative cases, scientific reports by topic, project documentation, documents on the implementation of a government order/assignment, etc.) are included in a separate inventory (clause 3.7.1 of the Basic Rules).

To compile an inventory, you can use the inventory form from Appendices 14 and 16 to the 2015 Rules (Example 9).


In the structural divisions of the organization, inventories of the files of structural divisions are compiled: permanent, temporary (over 10 years) storage, by personnel (Appendices 23, 24 to the Rules of 2015), on the basis of which annual sections of the corresponding consolidated inventories of cases, documents are compiled in the archive of the organization (Appendices 14-18 to the Rules 2015). Inventories of the files of structural units, together with files of permanent storage and personnel, are transferred to the specialist responsible for the archive.

Often in departments there is absolutely no time to do this, so the employee responsible for the archive has to get involved in compiling inventories of the affairs of structural divisions and directly indicate which documents and files need to be included in the inventory. But even this is not enough: he has to directly participate in the search for documents related to the case and its completion.

According to clause 3.7.6 of the Basic Rules, the annual section of the summary inventory of permanent storage cases includes the headings of permanent storage files that were postponed during the year in the activities of structural units, and the headings of cases formed from documents separated from files with temporary periods storage that had the “EPK” mark, and only after checking them with consolidated nomenclature for the same year and checking the correctness of the formation and execution of cases. IN necessary cases case headings are clarified, cases are expanded and reformatted when it is discovered that the case has been formed incorrectly.


“P/n No.” The numbering order of cases in the inventory is gross. This means that the completed inventory of cases should include no more than 9999 storage units (clause 3.10 of the 2015 Rules).

“Case index (Case number).” Each case is entered into the inventory under an independent serial number. If the case consists of several volumes (parts), then each volume (part) is entered into the inventory under an independent number. This also applies to those formed in separate volumes applications to cases.

For example: 02-03 - Orders, instructions on admission, transfer, relocation, dismissal, Where 02 - index of the structural unit, 03 - serial number of the case.

“Title of the case (volume, part).” Headings of cases are entered into the inventory in accordance with the accepted systematization scheme based on the nomenclature of cases.

The “Case Title” column of the inventory is filled out in strict accordance with the information included on the cover of the case.

If you need to include several cases in a row with the same headings in the inventory, the title of the first case is written in full, and all other similar cases are designated with the words “The same”, while other information about the cases is entered into the inventory in full. On each new sheet of the inventory, the title is reproduced in full.

Multi-volume files are entered into the inventory in the order of volume numbers. In this case, the inventory indicates the title of only the first volume, and the titles of all other volumes, if they are placed on the same page, are indicated by the words “The same.” If the title of a multi-volume case moves to the next sheet, then the title of the case must be repeated in full. When adding the last volume to the inventory, the word “Last” is added after the volume number (Example 10).

"Deadline dates." The last dates of cases containing organizational, administrative, creative and other documentation (protocols, transcripts, letters, reports, etc.), for which the exact dating is important, as well as cases consisting of several volumes (parts), are the extreme dates of the case documents, that is, the dates of registration (compilation) of the earliest and latest documents included in the case (clause 3.6.18 of the Basic Rules). Deadline dates are not indicated for annual quarterly reports and other documents whose title contains the phrase “for ... year.”

"Shelf life". The storage periods for cases are transferred to the inventory from the nomenclature of cases. They are installed according to standard and departmental lists. If the storage period for documents included in the nomenclature of files is not regulated by these lists, it is established by the EPC of the relevant archival institution upon submission of the archive and the Central Executive Committee (EC) of the organization (clause 3.4.9 of the Basic Rules).

"Number of sheets". The number of sheets in the case corresponds to the number indicated in the certifying sheet of the case.

"Note". In this column, notes are made about the receipt of cases, the characteristics of their physical condition, the transfer of cases to other structural units with reference to the relevant act, the availability of copies, etc., for example: “In connection with production necessity“Annual accounting report and explanatory note to him” for 2006-2007 remain in the department for accounting and control, since these documents are necessary for carrying out comparative analysis. In addition, no audit of financial and economic activities was carried out for the specified period.”


Title page. The title page of the completed inventory of permanent storage records indicates:

Fund name;

Fund number;

Inventory number;

The name of the inventory, which includes an indication of the category of documents (permanent, temporary storage, personnel, etc.) contained in the files, the titles of which are included in the inventory;

Deadline dates for cases included in the inventory.

Before the name of the fund on the title page there is space left for writing full name the state archive in which the organization’s affairs will be permanently stored (clause 3.7.18 of the Basic Rules).

Form title page a list of permanent storage files is given in Appendix 14 to the Basic Rules (Example 11).

Preface (addition to the preface). A preface is drawn up for the first annual section of the summary inventory of permanent storage cases (clause 3.7.10 of the Basic Rules). In subsequent inventories, an addition to the preface is compiled. If a preface was not drawn up when opening the inventory, then it must be drawn up when the inventory is closed.

The preface usually consists of two parts: historical and historiographical.

To the historical part enter information:

According to the history of the organization: date of formation, information about changes in the name of the organization;

About the main activities and structure of the organization for the period covered by the inventory.

In the historiographical part:

Given a brief description of the content and completeness of the fund documents included in the section;

The presence of cases that go beyond the chronological boundaries of the fund is indicated;

The most typical groups of cases are noted both in terms of types of documents and content;

A brief description of the information contained in the inventory about subordinate or superior organizations is given;

The features of the formation, description and systematization of case headings, the availability of reference apparatus for the section, the basic principles of its compilation and the procedure for using it are covered.

It is necessary to compose a preface and an addition to it.

The more detailed you describe everything that was found out during scientific and technical processing, the easier it will be to work with archival documents. Record everything: which units transferred cases, which ones did not and why; how the structure of the organization changed over the chronological period that you describe, and what were the movements of documents in connection with this; what cases were not opened and why.

You should also describe physical state affairs, possible mistakes during binding and options for correcting them; reasons for exceeding the volume of one volume (more than 250 pages or thickness more than 4 cm).

The preface is signed by the compiler, indicating the position and date of compilation, as well as the head of the organization’s archive (the person responsible for the archive).

If the person responsible for the archive changes, he will have complete information about the organization’s documentary fund (Example 12).


List of abbreviations (compiled if necessary);

The names of all subsections and smaller groups of cases included in the section;

Signs (if any) (clause 3.7.12 of the Basic Rules).

Let's give an example of a table of contents.

Pointer. The index of words is compiled for the completed inventory of cases (clause 3.7.19 of the Basic Rules). The index to the inventory of permanent storage cases may look like this:

List of abbreviated words. It is also compiled for the completed inventory (clause 3.7.19 of the Basic Rules).

Final entry. A final record is compiled for the inventory, which records the number of cases included in the inventory, contains the signatures of the inventory compilers, and also

stamps of the approving structures (municipal or state archive and EC of the organization) (Example 13).

Certification sheet. The last sheet of the inventory is the document certifying the case. The certifying sheet records the number of sheets in the inventory; it is not numbered.

The form of the case certification sheet is given in Appendix 8 to the 2015 Rules (Example 14).


Inventories of cases are subject to accounting and are entered into the register of inventories. The inventory register is mandatory document archival records (clause 6.4.6 of the Basic Rules, clause 3.6 of the 2015 Rules).

The register of inventories is maintained in the archives of the organization if there are two or more inventories. All types of inventories compiled in the organization, including an inventory of electronic documents, are entered into the register.

Inventories are entered into the register of inventories in chronological sequence their receipts, under the appropriate serial numbers. If the organization has not previously kept a register of inventories, then it needs to be compiled and inventories must be entered there for all years of the organization’s operation, starting with the earliest inventory.

The register of inventories records the main data on the composition of each inventory received in the archive of the organization: fund number, inventory number, number of cases described in it, number of sheets in the inventory and its copies.

The inventory register form is given in Appendix 19 to the 2015 Rules (Example 15).


The expert commission (EC) is an advisory body under the head of the organization. It is created by order of the manager.

EC meetings are documented in minutes. The protocol is signed by the chairman and secretary of the commission. Decisions of the EC come into force after approval by the head of the organization (clause 2.2.6 of the Basic Rules) (Example 16).

Based on the results of the EC meeting, if the list of cases is agreed upon, at the end of its annual section a stamp of approval is placed indicating the number of the EC protocol and the date of the meeting at which it was considered (clause 3.7.14 of the Basic Rules).

If the organization is the source of acquisition of the state archive, then the annual sections of the inventory of the organization’s affairs agreed upon at the meeting of the expert commission are sent for consideration by the archival institution. After approval of the annual section at a meeting of the EPC of the archival institution, the section is approved by the head of the organization, then the first copy of the annual section of the consolidated inventory is transferred to the control office state archive, the rest remain in the organization (clause 3.7.14 of the Basic Rules).

The corresponding approval and approval stamps are drawn up at the bottom of the inventory (see Examples 1, 2, 4-9).

Technological progress is modernizing the office work system, but in government agencies The “paper code” still carries significant weight. Among the many clerical tricks, an inventory is an important component. The list of certificates and receipts not only confirms the fact of provision, but also eliminates their duplication in the future upon request competent authorities. Read on to learn how to correctly compile a list of documents for the tax office, a sample of how to fill it out, and details of submission.

Next to each document you should indicate:

  • number of sheets and copies;
  • copy or original;
  • presence of a seal.

It is advisable to ask for a receipt certified by the signature of the employee who received the documents.

Sending documents by mail

Regulatory authorities allow the transfer of tax documentation by mail.

Accountants often resort to postal services when submitting declarations and other papers. In order to protect documents, it was developed official form inventory "f-107", used for valuable letters. To send, you will need 2 copies filled out without errors or corrections.

The following information must be entered in the empty fields:

  • type of item: letter of value;
  • name and address of the recipient: full name of the head of the Federal Tax Service indicating its administrative affiliation;
  • a complete list of documents, quantity and estimated value;
  • signatures of the taxpayer and the employee who accepted the papers indicating the full name and position;
  • seal post office.

Table 1. Procedure for sending documents by mail

Step 1The envelope is accepted open.
Step 2The postal worker inspects the contents for compliance with the register specified in the inventory.
Step 3The courier will check that the address column is filled out correctly, signs and stamps the form.
Step 4Due to the fact that the attachment inventory is provided exclusively for valuable letters, mandatory item is an indication of the cost of the contents. Each document should be assessed individually. An insurance premium of 3 to 4% will be deducted from the final amount. The taxpayer is given the opportunity to put a dash in the “Cost” column and not pay for insurance, but if the letter is lost due to the fault of the post office, the sender will not be able to receive compensation.

The average cost of sending valuable letters is 20 rubles per 10 g of documentation.

Video - Correct postal inventory

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