How to correctly draw up a collective complaint - a sample application and procedure for registration. Collective letter in defense of the employee

Writing appeals to officials is a whole science. Half the success depends on whether the appeal is written correctly. Moreover, in writing appeals, both form and content are extremely important.

This instruction is written based on the most modern data from the science of war, communication with officials. This science is rapidly developing. Therefore, if you have comments and suggestions for improving the instructions, they are most welcome.

The instructions contain a lot of books, but they are important and useful. To avoid excruciating pain later, it is recommended to read to the end.

But for some reason the form of collective letters (which are in demand in most cases) is little known. For example, I still get asked questions about whether it is possible to submit copies of signatures (!).

Collective letter form

The collective letter consists of two parts:

  1. the letter itself

  2. copies of subscription sheets

Why do you need to collect signatures on separate sheets:

  1. Almost always, to solve a problem you have to write letters to different authorities. In the case of collecting signatures on separate signature sheets, you collect signatures once - and calmly attach copies to any number of requests to the authority, rather than collecting signatures anew each time.

  2. The original signatures, handed over to the tenacious clutches of officials, may “disappear.” If the originals are kept with you, they will not disappear anywhere.

Subscription form looks like this: a short text that states only the requirement, without motivation, and a table for signatures: full name, address, phone number, signature. The text of the subscription sheet should be:
- as short as possible to fit more signatures,
- at the same time, it must be clear, not allowing for double interpretation,
- at the same time, if possible, as general as possible, allowing the widest possible use of signatures if necessary.

Why clarity is needed:
There is a known case when hundreds of people in Bibirevo signed “against the construction of a shopping center.” Signatures were collected as part of public hearings on the urban development plan of the land plot (in short, the main document giving the green light for construction). The conclusion based on the results of the public hearings read: residents are against construction, but not against the issuance of GPZU; issue GPZU. And construction automatically follows from the issuance of GPZU.

The Lefortovo administration collected signatures under the seemingly harmless text “we ask you to improve the Lefortovo area and increase the number of parking spaces.” As it turned out later, the text was compiled with the goal of creating parking... on the site of the lawn under the windows of a residential building.

Why do you need the most general text possible?.
Let's say at the address st. Ryabinovaya, 5 they want to build a shopping center. If you collect signatures under a text like “we are against the construction of a shopping center at st. Ryabinovaya, 5", then these signatures will not be suitable if in the future a construction project wants to build a residential building or office at the same address, or if construction intends to occur at the address st. Ryabinovaya, 7. And you will have to run around and collect signatures again against each division of the construction tumor. But if the text sounds like “ We, residents of District X, categorically object to any capital construction in the territory limited by: Ryabinovaya Street, Lesnoy Lane, Osennyaya Street and the railway, and also categorically object to the issuance and approval of any documents allowing any capital construction on this territory,” your signatures will immediately become permanent and reusable.

More examples of good texts for subscription lists:

“We, residents of the Lefortovo district, categorically object to exceeding the existing density and height of development and to any capital construction on the undeveloped territory bounded by Hospital Val, Soldatskaya Street, Aviamotornaya Street, Yuryevsky Lane and Borovaya Street, and also categorically object to the issuance and approval of any documents allowing for excess of the existing density and height of development and any capital construction on undeveloped territory within the specified boundaries.”

« We, residents of the Lefortovo district, categorically object to the construction of a hotel at Zolotorozhsky Val, vl. 16, against the execution of any documents for the construction of a hotel at this address, including against the execution of an urban planning plan for a land plot for the construction of a hotel at this address. We demand the cancellation of all documents allowing the construction of a hotel at this address. We demand that a plot of land at 16 Zolotorozhsky Val be allocated for housing FLAT sports facilities, improvement and landscaping facilities (including flat parking lots), without placing any capital construction projects on this land plot.»

How to fill out subscription sheets:

  1. The text you sign must be on EVERY signature sheet. UNDER NO EVENT IS IT IMPOSSIBLE to sign on a sheet that only has a table for signatures, without text. Copies of such signatures can then be attached by government or prefectural employees to any malicious text.

  1. You cannot sign on the back of the signature sheet. Copies of the back side of the signature sheet are signatures without text; they can also be attached to anything.

So, you have collected signatures. There is one ironclad rule regarding subscription lists: NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, GIVE ORIGINAL SIGNATURES TO ANYONE. The original signatures are kept by a reliable member of the initiative group. Only copies are transmitted to all authorities.

You can give copies of these signatures to any number of authorities and for any number of reasons (to which the signatures are suitable, of course).

More detailed information about the acceptable and unacceptable form and content of subscription lists can be found here: (the only difference is that it is recommended to add telephone numbers to the subscription list table).

collective letter form (sample)

Mayor of Moscow
S.S. Sobyanin

From residents of the Lefortovo district of Moscow
____ signatures on _____ sheets

Dear Sergei Semenovich!

Please send the answer to such and such an address (please send a copy of the answer to such and such an email address).

copies of signatures of residents (___ signatures on ___ sheets)

Full name signature

BE SURE to indicate the number of signatures and sheets on the first page.

how to give a letter

You print out the letter in two copies, and attach COPIES of signatures to one of them. Sign both copies with a live signature. In the vast majority of cases, anyone can deliver a letter to the authority - not necessarily the one who signed it. Of the Moscow authorities, only the Prosecutor General's Office and the President's Reception require the personal presence of the applicant when submitting the application.

You give the copy with copies to the appropriate authority; on the copy without a copy you are given an acceptance stamp, date and signature. The stamp is placed on the first page of your letter. That is why you MUST indicate the number of sheets and signatures on the first page - that is, on the page on which the stamp will be placed. If this is not done, then the signatures may be “lost”, and instead of 1185 signatures, for example, 26 will remain. And if there is a stamp on the page on which the number of signatures is indicated, then it will be difficult to “lose” the signatures.

In some cases, officials really want to see the original signatures. You can demonstrate them - but under no circumstances give them away. Be sure to go to the procedure for displaying signatures in a group of several people, if possible, film it on video and do not hand over the signature sheets to officials. There are known cases when officials snatched documents from activists, lay on top of the documents on the table, and ran away with the documents (one official grabbed the documents and locked herself in the toilet with them).

A complaint is a written appeal to government agencies or any other organizations with demands to eliminate a violation of legal rights. You can report non-compliance with them individually or by teaming up with like-minded people on your issue. At the same time, a collective complaint is more significant, and the chances that it will be heard increase many times over. No wonder the popular proverb says that what one cannot do, two can do. Let's look at how to write a group message.

Types of collegial appeals

The legitimacy of writing a group complaint is regulated by Article of the Federal Law No. 59 of May 2, 2006. It is in its second paragraph that this type of statement is mentioned. In addition, based on this legislative act, it can be judged that there are no specific requirements for the form of collective complaints. Most often, citizens unite in groups to complain:

  • To the management of the enterprise for the line manager.
  • To the Rostrudinspectorate, court or prosecutor's office against an employer or managerial employee, for low-quality goods or services. For example, very often residents of a building cooperate to complain to the housing office, store management, etc.
  • For a teacher in the Department of Education or a medical worker in the Department of Health.

In any situation, it’s worth starting with the management of the organization against whom there are complaints. The next stage will be a collective document to the government agency that controls the work of the offending enterprise. And finally, you can go to court.

Search for like-minded people

When the regulatory authority has been identified, and individual complaints remain unanswered, look for the same victims and cooperate with them to write a general statement. If the document is of a collective nature, then such a complaint acquires the main advantage - mass appeal. Accordingly, it will be resolved faster. You can find dissatisfied accomplices in the corridors of organizations against which you have complaints, among colleagues, neighbors or just acquaintances.

So, when starting to write a group appeal, you need to know some nuances:

  1. Draw up a single document that all persons who have become victims of injustice will sign. The signature is placed next to the full name, each complainant is issued a serial number.
  2. In the text of the statement, describe the situations that happened to each of the victims.
  3. Write your complaint using the first person plural – “we” or “us”.
  4. The stated requirements must suit each complainant.

Otherwise, the sample collective complaint is no different from the generally accepted one:

  • In the header, indicate the addressee of the complaint and his position.
  • Just below, write down the details of the entire team (last name and initials of each participant). A prerequisite is to check the address of one of the complainants. Otherwise, the application will be considered anonymous.
  • In the middle of the sheet write the title - Collective Complaint. From a new line, present the circumstances and facts concisely and accurately. Use the style of business correspondence.
  • Whenever possible, refer to specific legal provisions.
  • Finally, ask that appropriate action be taken and confirm agreement with the specified claims with the signature of each participant.

Download from our website:

It is important to know

When filing a complaint, please note the following:

  • On the second copy of the complaint, make sure that the appropriate mark has been placed on its receipt. This way, you will have direct evidence of its filing.
  • If the complaint is sent by post, use mailing with acknowledgment of delivery to the addressee.
  • To respond to claims falling within the competence of the law

Disputes related to labor relations can be resolved by submitting letters to the competent authorities. Such appeals are usually submitted by a person whose rights have been violated. At the same time, in practice, situations are not uncommon when the employer’s actions violate the labor rights of entire teams.

In such cases, submitting an individual letter is inappropriate. The best option seems to be a collective application against the manager. Such a collective letter from employees to the manager is an expression of general disagreement on a particular labor issue. Due to the collective nature of the letter from employees to the manager, this document has a number of features.

How is a collective complaint under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation written and where is it submitted?

A collective letter from employees to an employer is drawn up according to a specific template. To write such an appeal, you must comply with a number of unified standards. If we talk about the specifics of collective appeals, then they must contain information about all submitters. That is, the document must include information about all persons who signed it.

In order to identify these persons, it is necessary to reflect passport data, as well as the place of actual residence. The specified information should be included at the beginning of the appeal, or reflected after the main text.

A collective appeal from an employee against an employer can be submitted to control authorities. In relation to organizations, these are:

  • Inspectorate for the Protection of Labor Rights. It is very important to correctly draft appeals in accordance with the articles of labor legislation. The fact is that any violation of labor rights is a non-compliance with one or another norm of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where you can address requests for payments of “black” or “gray” wages.
  • Prosecutor's authorities. An employee of an organization can complain against a manager to the prosecutor's office in connection with a violation by an enterprise or organization of any provisions of the law.
  • Court. This is an important body in the system of protection of labor rights. You can address claims to the court against Sberbank, the Central Bank, and Housing and Communal Services.

Thus, any employee, and especially the work collective, has the right to submit general letters to several different government bodies.

Collective complaint against the manager

Such appeals are submitted from two or more persons. At the same time, the manager’s actions must violate their rights. The content of the appeal is to inform the competent authorities about the fact of violation of labor rights. Therefore, it is necessary to draw up a document based on violations common to submitters. If everyone writes about their own, then the essence of the general appeal will be lost.

Sample download

A sample letter is available in each of the above organizations. There is simply no specific form. The main thing is to accurately and specifically express your claim.

How to write a collective complaint against an employee of an organization

A sample collective complaint against an employee of an organization should consist of several parts:

  • introductory note, which contains an indication of the submitters and the enterprise whose actions violated their rights. The submitters and persons whose actions are being challenged should be identified. This is important because a collective demand will be a reason for scrutiny of the organization. Moreover, as a general requirement, notification of the results of the inspection will be sent. It will be addressed to the first submitter or to whomever it is indicated. If there are no exact addresses, then the document is considered anonymous. Accordingly, no verification will be carried out on it and the request will remain without consideration;
  • the main part, which includes a list of circumstances that will confirm the arguments of the appeal;
  • the final part of the letter includes the specific demand of the team. This could be a requirement to pay wages, charge money for overtime, and so on.

How to write a complaint against a teacher to the school principal - sample

The specified requirement must include one general content or a number of wishes that will follow from its content. A collective document must express a common idea shared by all submitters.

Complaint to the head of the bank about unlawful actions of bank employees

A complaint against Sberbank to the Central Bank is a tool for resolving your problem. A complaint against a Sberbank employee will be a way to get the desired result. If the fact of unlawful actions of such an employee is proven, he will be forced to pay a serious fine.

The Investigation Department for Krasnogorsk of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region opened a criminal case against citizen A.A. Ivanova. (registration Moscow Region, Krasnogorsk, ____________) on the fact of the murder of gr. Petrova A.A.

We, residents of the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region, would like to express our opinion on the above issue and on the issue of the appointment of A.A. Ivanova. punishments.

We know Ivanova A.A.

In defense of the leader

WE, MEMBERS of the collective farm team (SPK) named after. Kirov and the residents of the villages of Teryaevo and Kudreshki are deeply outraged by the actions of a group of people who organized a real persecution of our leader - Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, a real hard worker, Pavel Alexandrovich Kondratyev. We cannot be outside observers and want to protect the honor and dignity of this person, who has given all his life and energy, starting from the age of 14, to his native land.

Many people in the area and even in the region know Pavel Alexandrovich.

How to write a complaint against an employee (collective complaint, sample)

It must be remembered that the second copy must contain a mark indicating the acceptance of this document (input number, date of receipt and full name of the person who accepted the document).

If the letter is sent via postal service. A notification of delivery must be issued, which is then sent to the sender with the signature of an authorized person confirming receipt of the document.

The complaint must have an addressee (a body or a specific official, if we are talking about the employee’s immediate supervisor).

How to write a collective letter to your manager

1 Take an A4 sheet of paper, in the upper right corner write the addressee - to whom you are sending your collective request (complaint, proposal), indicate his full name and position, for example: “Head of the district government No., I. I. Ivanov.” Then, two indents below, write a message in the center: “Dear Ivan Ivanovich!” One more indent below, from the red line you should begin your narrative, always with the pronoun “we”.

How to write a request?

There are various situations in life when you can only sort them out with the help of power. You can address your problems to the administration of the district, city, or some higher authorities: the administration of the governor or the president. Citizens come to us with a variety of problems. This could be a request for social assistance, dissatisfaction with public services, questions about city improvement, and much more.

How to write a request letter

A letter of request is a separate type of business letter. The purpose of its compilation is the desire to encourage the recipient to take any specific action. The recipient, that is, the person to whom this request is sent, can be either a legal entity or an individual. If the letter is addressed to an organization or enterprise, it is customary to write it in the name of the head of this enterprise.

In addition, care should be taken to ensure that the recipient of the letter, if necessary, has the opportunity to directly contact its originator.

How to write a complaint correctly? Examples, samples, recommendations

Know how to write a complaint correctly. every person should, as this is one of the ways to protect their rights and freedoms. We will talk about how to correctly write a complaint to any government body or organization in this article.

The legislator does not establish a special form for writing complaints, including when submitting them to state and municipal authorities.

How to properly prepare a collective letter of request? (so as not to fire the employee)

1 answer. Moscow Viewed 601 times. Asked 2012-02-17 10:07:18 +0400 in the subject “Criminal Law” How to write a collective letter to a higher authority. about the fact that we are not satisfied with the manager. Not - How to write a collective letter to a higher authority. about the fact that we are not satisfied with the manager. Not Further

1 answer. Moscow Viewed 970 times. Asked 2012-04-09 11:58:05 +0400 in the topic “Administrative Law” Please tell me, give an example of how to write a petition correctly?! You need to write a petition to the mayor of the city.

How to write appeals to officials correctly: content, design, collection of signatures

Writing appeals to officials is a whole science. Half the success depends on whether the appeal is written correctly. Moreover, in writing appeals, both form and content are extremely important.

This instruction is written based on the most modern data from the science of war, communication with officials. This science is rapidly developing. Therefore, if you have comments and suggestions for improving the instructions, they are most welcome.

Often people are not satisfied with the work of housing and communal services, doctors, and teachers. They are disturbed by noisy neighbors.

They are not alone in their claims. Joining forces, citizens can register their grievances in a collective complaint.

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

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When is it required?

A complaint implies an appeal to official authorities demanding elimination of violations.

A collective complaint requires the involvement of like-minded people.

The document is of a widespread nature, and reviewed faster. It can be compiled for a management company, for a teacher or school as a whole, for a doctor, for a salesperson, for service in a store, and much more.

Before drawing up a collective document, it is necessary to discuss a common problem, draw up a list of claims and basic demands, collect contact information from all “dissatisfied” to indicate in the document so that it is not anonymous.

Basic writing rules

When drawing up any document, you must adhere to the basic rules.

Despite the fact that the complaint is collective one person can write it.

After compilation, you need to familiarize all other participants with the written version. They must either agree or adjust the document.

In the text of the document only facts should be presented, without lengthy reasoning, emotions should be avoided. Try to avoid grammatical errors in the text.

You cannot use swear words, insults, or profanity in an official document.


In the upper right corner there is a document header, which indicates name of company where the complaint is sent. It is better if the name and position of the head of this organization is indicated.

Next it is written from whom the complaint is being sent. It is not worth listing all the “complainers” if the list is large. You can specify on what basis are they united: residents of house No. 5, parents of 7th grade students. It is enough to provide contact information for one person.

To indicate the purpose of the document, it is given the title “Complaint”. It is necessary to indicate what kind of relationship connects the injured party with the offender.

After this, the text of the document sets out the essence of the issue. listing facts, violations. You can refer to links to legislation. At the end of the text, demands or requests are made to resolve the situation under consideration.

Must be indicated date drawing up a document.

It is from this point that the time for the trial will be counted.

The application must be accompanied by a sheet with signatures of the entire team, also copies of documents with appeals to other authorities.

They must be submitted as an appendix to the collective application: indicate a list of all attached documents. The purpose of this is to prevent documents from getting lost.

Difference from single

There are no fundamental differences in the registration of a regular complaint sent from one person and a collective one. The only difference is in the obligatory indication of all data of applicants and their addresses.

In the text of the document, the plural form must be observed: we, us, us.

There is no official template for filing complaints. There are general recommendations. They may differ depending on who they are sent to.

For the prosecutor's office

According to Federal Law No. 2202, any citizen can file a complaint with the prosecutor’s office about unlawful actions or infringement of rights.

A document is drawn up in an official business style with accurately stated facts, supported by references to regulatory documents.

Reasons for sending a complaint to the prosecutor's office can be:

  • salary delay;
  • wrongful dismissal;
  • failure to provide information by a government agency.

The review period is 30 days.

We offer a free sample of a collective statement to the prosecutor's office.

For housing and communal services

A collective complaint against housing and communal services can only be filed by citizens officially registered in houses or apartments serviced by this management company.

The document must be sent according to the principle from the lowest authority to the highest: housing inspection, prosecutor's office.

Moreover, the higher the authority, the more documents with previous complaints will be attached to it. Necessary start directly with the district housing and communal services.

What you can complain about:

So, if heating is poor or absent, you need to take temperature readings in different apartments of the house, involving an official representative from the DEZ. If the readings are below 18⁰, it is necessary to draw up a report, certified by a representative, and attach it to the collective complaint.

Collective complaint about poor heating in the management company.

For a teacher or educator

How to properly file a collective complaint against a kindergarten teacher or school teacher? Complaint must be submitted to the director first.

The text of the document indicates the name of the teacher for whom the application is being written. The names of students whose interests are defended by their parents are also listed. Briefly outlines the conflict situation without emotions and insults.

If the school director has not taken any action, you should contact the regional department of education or the prosecutor's office. The response must be received within 30 days.

In what cases is it served? complaint:

  • non-compliance with the norms and rules prescribed for teachers;
  • exceeding one's powers, bias.

If children suffered material or moral damage, it is necessary to add to the complaint statement of claim.

Download a sample of a collective complaint or from parents.

On the neighbor

In a large house there may be a neighbor who will ruin the lives of all the other residents.

Complaints about neighbors should be divided into:

  1. If your neighbor is noisy or rowdy, this document must be sent to the authorized district police officer. According to the Law “On Administrative Responsibility”, noise should not exceed 30 dB. Noise is prohibited from 23.00 to 07.00.
  2. When flooding occurs, all lower floors suffer. If this happened by accident, you can resolve this issue without involving official authorities. If flooding occurs regularly, you should contact to the housing and communal services department or judicial authorities.
  3. There are neighbors who like to pick up stray animals that are a source of dirt and unpleasant odors. In such cases it is necessary to involve veterinary services.
  4. If a hangout of unknown personalities is organized at the entrance to one of the apartments, a complaint must be sent to the authorized district police officer.

Collective complaint against neighbors.

Submission methods

There are several ways to file a collective complaint:

The electronic document will be treated similarly to the paper version.

If you are facing a problem and are about to file a complaint, look around to see if anyone is also struggling with the same problem alone. Combine your efforts, mass participation will help solve the problem faster.

Video about residents filing a collective complaint with the prosecutor’s office:

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