How to correctly fill out an accident notification form. Notification of an accident

The notification of a traffic accident is filled out by its participants independently, provided that there is no participation of State Traffic Inspectorate employees. The significance of this document and the correctness of execution are equal to subsequent insurance payments.

Often, when filling out this document, many drivers are faced with certain controversial issues, despite the attached instructions. As a result, when assigning insurance payments, this may not be in favor of the injured car owners. We will tell you in this article how to fill out a document without errors.

Notification of an accident

A notification of an accident (), as a rule, contains information about the circumstances of the accident and its participants.

Filled in one copy with a blue or black ballpoint pen on both sides.

Each driver is given a separate column to fill out. Initially, general information about the accident is filled in.

In the main “header” from the first to the eighth paragraph the following is indicated:

  • place and date of the traffic accident;
  • the number of damaged vehicles and the number of persons who were injured;
  • information about the examination for intoxication;
  • information about material damage that could affect other car owners, if available;
  • information about possible witnesses to the accident;
  • information about the participation of traffic police officers.

The middle column contains information about the circumstances of the accident and at the same time is considered the most important column, requiring special care when filling it out.

Usually the insurer pays attention to the correctness of filling it out first of all.
Here the data is indicated by both drivers - A and B, respectively, in the table. The information is presented in a ready-made form, i.e. possible answer options have already been formulated, there is no need to describe anything in your own words, you just need to check the correct boxes next to each item.

The side columns, which are indicated in blue in the table, are intended for information about the vehicle. Based on the registration documents, each driver fills out his column separately.

The following data is entered:

  • make, model of the vehicle;
  • state registration plate;
  • series/number of registration certificate;
  • information about the owner of the car;
  • contact information: residential address, phone number;
  • driver's license series/number, category;
  • general power of attorney – if available;
  • information about the insurance company, number and validity period of the insurance policy.

In table paragraph No. 13, you should clearly indicate in the figure, using an arrow, the location of the initial impact. The fourteenth paragraph of the table reveals the nature and list of damage to the vehicle. Point No. 17 is reserved for the road accident diagram. The figurative display should indicate the directions of movement of the vehicles, their location at the time of the accident, and the final location. If available, traffic lights, road signs, signs, and road markings are indicated. The eighteenth paragraph is for driver signatures.

The reverse side of the notice is similar in content to the front side, duplicating it at various points. The main difference is the ability to describe what happened in your own words.

It is filled out and signed by the car owner who, due to the current circumstances, has the right to receive insurance payments. It is recommended to fill out the second side of the document yourself at home or with the help of a lawyer.

When filling out a notice claiming to receive guaranteed payments, you must adhere to certain rules.

The rules are as follows:

  • It must be filled out legibly, in block letters, without making mistakes, crossing out or corrections.
  • Points of the document that remain unfilled should be crossed out in the form of the English letter Z to prevent the entry of additional inconsistent information.
  • Additions to the document are drawn up on a standard A4 sheet marked “Appendix” and secured with signatures.
  • If many errors were made when filling out or there are discrepancies in content, another copy should be filled out as a final copy, which is kept by the second driver.
  • A completed accident report must be submitted to the insurance company within five days.

Notification of an accident has a uniform standard for all regions of Russia. But many drivers still have questions about how to correctly fill out the document and use it. Let's consider these points in detail and answer the main questions.

When is it necessary to fill out an accident report?

In order to compensate for damage under the insurance policy, among other documents, it is necessary to present a notice. It must be filled out in the following cases.

  1. When there is damage to vehicles due to an accident.
  2. If property damage is caused to third parties (passengers or pedestrians).
  3. If harm is caused to the health or life of any of the participants in the incident or third parties.

Where to get the notice

It is impossible to predict accidents, otherwise everyone would avoid them. But you can prepare to deal with the situation quickly if minor vehicle collisions occur. A document that helps resolve the problem as soon as possible is a notification of an accident. Therefore, it is better to always keep several copies of it in the glove compartment of the car.

Typically, forms are provided by insurance companies along with the MTPL policy.

General information about the notice

A correctly completed document guarantees that there will be no problems with receiving payment from the insurance company. Therefore, this action should be approached very carefully. This is especially true in cases where the traffic police inspector does not come to the scene of the incident. The permit, recently introduced into the rules, significantly simplifies the procedure for registering an accident, and also reduces time, because participants can rush about their urgent matters. By filling out the notice and signing it, you can agree when to drive up to the traffic police department and leave. It is not necessary to call a traffic police officer in the following cases:

  • if only two cars are involved in the accident;
  • no harm was caused to the health and life of the participants in the accident and other persons;
  • damage to the vehicle is insignificant;
  • the participants in the accident came to a consensus regarding what happened.

If the traffic accident meets all the above conditions, then you can draw up the documents yourself and then register them with the traffic police department.

Information on how to fill out a notification about an accident is available both in the document itself and in any traffic police department, as well as on many sites on the Internet. It consists of two pages. The front part must be filled out directly at the accident site. It must be signed by both participants in the traffic accident, which will indicate their agreement about what happened. The reverse side can be completed later, when the participant in the incident has time, but before the deadline for transferring all documents to subsequent authorities expires.

To avoid mistakes when writing a notification about an accident, follow the recommendations:

  • fill out all items and positions correctly, without blots or corrections;
  • coordinate the front part in advance with the other participant in the incident;
  • if a traffic police inspector is called, the document must bear the signature of the senior officer with a decoding of his initials and an indication of his rank and position;
  • all witnesses who testified must leave their information;
  • when filling out the item about the location of the impact, it is necessary to indicate the part of the vehicle, and not list the damage;
  • All visible damage must be clearly described.

A separate point is No. 17, where a diagram of a traffic accident is drawn up. Here they indicate the names of the streets, the direction of the road, signs, markings, traffic lights, nearby objects and, of course, the position of the vehicles involved in the accident. It should be borne in mind that if clauses 16 and 17 conflict with each other, then clause 17 takes precedence.

Notice on individual items

Let's look at how to fill out a notification about an accident in some parts.

In the fourteenth paragraph, it is necessary to list and describe the damage to cars that occurred during an accident. They need to be characterized as accurately as possible, and at the same time briefly. Other participants should not make other additions that do not relate to the accident. This point needs to be verified with all parties. Depending on the severity of the damage, one of the proposed options is selected: a scratch, a dent or a rupture (that is, a crack).

Paragraph 16 states the circumstances under which the accident occurred. The number of sub-items is filled in the cells below. It is also necessary to reflect vehicle maneuvers, taking into account the fact that:

  • parking is not a stop (therefore, when stopping at a traffic light, you cannot mark “in the parking lot”; you must emphasize “stopped at a prohibitory traffic light”);
  • When one vehicle overtakes another or changes lanes, the position “changed lane” or “overtook” is noted.

When filling out paragraph 15, you can add what is not indicated in paragraph 16.

At point 18, the participants in the accident put their signatures. After this, when the forms are separated, no changes or additions should be made to the document. If one of the drivers does not want to sign, you will have to call a traffic police officer, since such an action means a failure to reach agreement regarding the harm caused and other circumstances of the accident.

Look at a sample notification of an accident under MTPL (front side). As you can see, filling it out is not difficult.

Further actions

Participants in road accidents fill out the reverse side on separate sheets. It contains columns that indicate information about both the traffic accident and the cars damaged in the accident.

If there is not enough space to present complete information, continue to write on a blank sheet of paper and attach it to the notice, making the appropriate mark on the latter.

If the car is equipped with a video recorder, it is recommended that you also indicate this information and, if possible, then provide the video recording to the insurance company.

Filling out the accident report must be legible, clear and accurate. If any entry is made in illegible handwriting, the insurer will collect the data independently, which may affect the amount of payment. Therefore, all fields must be filled out as carefully as possible, cells must be marked with a tick or a cross. And if information on some of the points is missing, then, as in all documents, you should make a dash or write a capital letter Z or the word “no”.

With a torn, damaged and difficult to read document, you may have problems with payments. Therefore, you need to stock up on a blank form.

Multi-vehicle accident

There are not always two vehicles involved in an accident. It happens that there are three or more of them. If you find yourself in such a situation, a notification of an accident, an example of which you can see in the article, must also be filled out. At the same time, one of them is made up with the vehicle that was in front, and the other with the car behind.

If your car was pushed by a car, because of which you hit the vehicle in front, reflect this fact in both one and the other notice in paragraph 15.

At the same time, on the back side, the data of all participants in the accident is filled out, indicating the make, model, license plates of the car, as well as the driver’s data: his full name, address with telephone number, the insurance company whose policy he has, and its number.

If you expect to receive an insurance payment, you must send information to the insurer within 15 days.

OSAGO and comprehensive insurance

In the article, we looked at how a detailed filling out of a notification of an accident under compulsory motor liability insurance takes place. Please note that we are talking specifically about MTPL insurance, not comprehensive insurance. If one of the participants in the accident has a voluntary insurance policy, then it must take into account the contract. It may provide for cases of payment of compensation according to the European protocol (that is, without calling a traffic police inspector to the scene of the incident). If he does not know the clauses of the contract, then it is better to call an employee, as there is a risk of being left without insurance payment. The notice, however, will be drawn up in both cases.


Thus, the notification of an accident, a sample of which is given in the article, helps to significantly reduce the time when preparing primary documents at the scene of the accident, if the traffic police inspector is not called, and more fully reflect information about the incident. In addition, the document serves as the basis for receiving insurance payments. Therefore, drivers must clearly know how to fill it out in the event of a traffic accident.

The legislation and traffic regulations establish that every vehicle must have motor third-party liability insurance. The MTPL policy guarantees compensation for damage in the event of an accident, but in order to receive compensation, the victim needs to fill out a notification about the accident.

This refers to an act confirming or denying guilt in a traffic accident. As usual, it comes together with compulsory motor liability insurance. 2 pieces included.

The form must be issued free of charge by the insurer, as this clause is provided for by law.

You can download the road accident form for 2018 both on the Internet on special sites and on our website:

  • Notice form.

The notification of an accident for compulsory motor liability insurance must be filled out and brought to the insurance company by the second participant in the incident five days from the date of the accident. If the victim expresses a desire to receive direct compensation, then the form must be brought to his insurance company.

There are some nuances in which direct compensation is possible:

  • the culprit and the victim had compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance with them.

Sample filling

It is important to fill out the document correctly in order to receive your refund without any difficulties.

A simplified version of processing insurance payments has been developed, but it is possible if you adhere to the following points:

  • Only vehicles were damaged in the accident;
  • no more than two cars were involved in the accident;
  • the culprit and the victim had compulsory motor insurance;
  • both parties are in solidarity with each other regarding the consequences of the accident and the damage received.

Special norms for this notice have also been developed:

  1. The front side must be agreed upon by both parties to the incident in order to agree on everything, because two signatures will be placed on this back side.
  2. If traffic police inspectors were involved, then in the notification the senior officer must put his signature and indicate his initials, rank and position that he occupies.
  3. Witnesses to an accident must also fill out some fields that provide information about their place of residence and full name. If there are no witnesses, then you just need to tick the seventh paragraph of the document.
  4. In the thirteenth paragraph, it is necessary to indicate not all injuries, but the specific zone where they occurred.
  5. Next, you can list all the external defects.

Important: Payments will be made based on the listed damage to the vehicle. Therefore, you should carefully consider this field of the document.

A sample of a completed accident notification can be found on the Internet so you can carefully read this type of document.

How to fill out a notice?

The front turnover must be completed by both drivers. In this case, the process must take place on an independent basis, because both will describe their car. Clause o is filled out by one side.

So, below is a step-by-step description of the rules on how to fill out this notification of an accident, as well as a sample.

general information

In order for the front page to be filled out correctly, you need clear information about what happened:

  • place;
  • date of;
  • list of damaged cars;
  • a list of people who received any injuries;
  • eyewitness testimony about the driver’s condition (alcohol, drugs);
  • damage information;
  • presence of eyewitnesses;
  • entering the badge number of a traffic police inspector if he was present at the scene of the incident.

Information about cars and owners

Drivers fill out this item personally, since we will be talking about their own transport:

  • information written off from the vehicle passport;
  • owner's initials and place of residence.

Personal information about the driver

It must be recorded from your passport and driver’s license.

Information about the insurance company

Here you need to indicate the name of the insurance company where the car is insured, as well as the policy number.

Diagram of the accident and listing the resulting damage to property

First, you need to make a record of the location of the car where the initial collision occurred. Next, data is recorded about the damaged parts of the car and their nature (for example, a scratch). To receive payment for hidden damages from an insurance company, you must wait for an expert to conduct an examination to identify them. When the diagram is outlined, you need to enter all the road signs, traffic lights, and street names that surround the accident site. It is also recommended to depict imprints of braking.

If obvious discrepancies with eyewitnesses are found in the completed documents, the information from paragraph sixteen will be taken into account.


Description of the circumstances of the accident.


Enter information that was not indicated in the previous column. Drivers also put signatures in this paragraph and in paragraph number eighteen.


The reverse side makes it possible to certify additional information about the incident.

The driver must arrange this side himself:

  • provide information about the car and all the details of the accident;
  • indicate who was driving;
  • information about other cars that were involved in an accident;
  • presence of damaged items;
  • the ability to drive the car independently;
  • if available, then recording from the DVR.

Important: After disconnecting the forms and after signing them, the data cannot be changed.

The completed forms must be submitted to the insurance organization.

What should you pay attention to?

So, filling out an accident report is a mandatory procedure. To be able to issue this document, you must have compulsory motor liability insurance with you. The main thing is to fill out all the fields correctly so that the insurance agency accepts the notice and makes payments.

In order for the document to be filled out to be completed without any hesitation, it is better to have an example of a notification of a traffic accident with you for reinsurance.

If the participant of the second party left and, then the document can be filled out by one participant indicating the data that was listed above.

Video example of filling out the Notice

Due to frequent changes in administrative laws of the Russian Federation and traffic rules, we do not always have time to update the information on the website, and therefore Free legal experts work for you around the clock!

Filling out a notification about a traffic accident is necessary for any incident on the road, by all participating drivers of vehicles. The document is the legal basis for contacting the insurer in order to obtain compensation for damage to a vehicle, property, as well as harm to the health or life of participants in an accident.

Particular attention should be paid to the correctness of filling out the notice when settling an insurance event using a simplified procedure, without the participation of police officers. The completed form must be submitted to the insurance company within fifteen working days.

Form structure

The document has a self-copying front and back sides. On the front part there are columns and lines where information is entered:

  • about the place, date, time of the incident;
  • information about the participants in the accident;
  • information about the insurer;
  • about damage received by vehicles;
  • other details and circumstances of the incident.

On the reverse side there are fields and columns for entering additional information that, in the opinion of the participants in the event, is important for further proceedings.

Both sides of the document are required to be completed. It should be borne in mind that a completed and signed notification of an accident is not proof of anyone’s guilt. Such a decision can only be made by a judicial authority. In order to avoid disputes between participants in the incident regarding the circumstances of the damage or harm caused, filling out the front side of the notice should be completed by all participants-drivers of vehicles at the scene of the incident.

If you intend to contact the insurer to receive payment for an insured event, a fully completed notification of an accident must be attached to the application. Even if there is no basis for paying compensation for damage, the document must still be sent to the insurance company.

Rules for filling out a notice of a traffic accident

Correctly and correctly filling out a notification of an accident, indicating all witnesses, participants and circumstances of the incident, will greatly facilitate the work of the insurer's representatives in the future and speed up the receipt of insurance compensation. In case of an accident involving two vehicles, it is recommended to use only one set of forms. Who exactly will present it does not matter.

Front part sample

All lines and columns should be filled in with a ballpoint pen, with some effort, since all information should be clearly visible on the self-copying side. Gel or ink notes can smear due to moisture, and what is written in pencil can be easily erased or counterfeited.

Filling out the front part of the document must be done in the presence and together with the second participant in the incident. If this driver refuses to sign the notice, then you should describe in detail all the characteristics of his car (make, color, damage), witnesses (names, surnames, addresses, contact phone numbers, etc.), and indicate as much information as possible about the circumstances of the incident. In the absence of witnesses, this fact should be reflected in paragraph 7.

Paragraph 13 of the document must contain information about the location of the initial impact, and paragraph 14 indicates the nature of the damage (rupture, dent, deformation, scratch) of all parts, elements, assemblies, and mechanisms.
A detailed description of the damage is of paramount importance, since the insurer will scrutinize the nature of the defects described in the notice. As a result of the investigation, it may be concluded that these damages did not occur as a result of a road accident, as a result of which the applicant may be denied insurance compensation for repair or restoration of the part. The presence of hidden damage is revealed during inspection of the vehicle by an expert commission.

Reverse side sample

It is necessary to clearly describe all maneuvers of the vehicle before the accident, using the correct terminology. For example, it should be remembered that the concepts of “parking” and “stop” are completely different definitions. If the car is stopped at a prohibitory traffic light, then you cannot mark position 1 “car in the parking lot” in the notice. You should put a mark in line 20 “stopping at a prohibiting traffic light”.

Similarly, the concepts of “overtaking” and “advancing” should not be confused. If the driver of the car changed lanes from one lane to another while overtaking a passing vehicle, then the notice must indicate in paragraph 10 “change of lanes” and in line 11 “overtook”.

At position 17 of the document, you need to depict a diagram of the road accident: indicate the names of streets, house numbers, terrain and landscape features, the location of road signs, traffic lights, the number of traffic lanes and markings, the direction in which each of the participants in the accident was moving, as well as the final position of the vehicles after a collision, signs of braking, skidding, etc.

When filling out the notice, you must pay attention that the information specified in paragraph 16 should not diverge from the diagram of the traffic accident. In case of discrepancy, priority is given to the data reflected in position 16. To indicate additional information regarding the accident, line 15 “remarks” is provided in the notice.

Upon completion of filling out the document, the sheets must be separated and signed by both drivers involved in the accident. Each driver fills out the back part of the notice independently, providing additional information about the incident. If a detailed description of the accident does not fit on the back page of the notice, it is permissible to attach a sheet of plain paper on which to continue the explanation. The main document must be marked “with attachment”.

The presence of a DVR in the car is an important detail that must be indicated in the notification of an accident in paragraph 7 (on the reverse side). In the future, it is recommended to present the video recording as additional evidence to the insurance agency.

It is necessary to clearly and carefully include all information in the notice and indicate a detailed description of the circumstances. This will significantly shorten the consideration of an insurance claim. If the information is reflected incorrectly, the insurer will have to spend additional time clarifying the circumstances and collecting the missing data. You should avoid corrections, blots, crossing out, and put clear marks in the required cells (mark with a tick or cross). In empty columns, it is better to put dashes in the form of a Z symbol.

Features of using the notice

There are situations when several drivers become involved in a traffic accident. In this regard, the notice must indicate:

  • in what sequence the car collisions occurred and for what reason (point 15);
  • information about all participants in the incident whose vehicles were damaged.

Position 4 of the notice should reflect information about brands, models of vehicles, their registration numbers, persons driving the vehicles, details (name, full name) of property owners with contact details, information about insurance companies and policy details.
After drawing up and signing a notice of an accident, changes and additions are not allowed.

Download road accident notification form

Hi all! Are you going to receive compensation from the insurance company for compulsory motor liability insurance in the event of a traffic accident? Then you need to know how to correctly fill out an Accident Notice. After all, if there is the slightest mistake in it, the insurance company will have a reason to refuse to pay you, but it is necessary for every insured event, even when the accident was registered by traffic inspectors.

This is Ilya Kulik, and today I will tell you about all the nuances of preparing this important document. Go!

A traffic accident notice is a document about a traffic accident that drivers fill out independently. It is necessary to receive insurance compensation within the framework of. Moreover, it is needed both when traffic accidents are registered by traffic police officers, and when an accident is registered independently. Moreover, all independent registration of an accident according to the European Protocol means filling out a Notice, that is, in this case it is the only document about the road accident. Sometimes the Notice itself is called the “Euro Protocol”.

The form of the Notice was approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 155. A standard set of forms includes two forms (the front side is self-copying, filled out simultaneously on two forms, the back side is regular), and instructions for filling them out. As a rule, the sheets are blue, which, however, is not at all necessary.

This is what the standard Notice form looks like. Both sides are shown.

For a two-person accident, you will usually only need one kit. It doesn’t matter which driver will provide it. If neither you nor the other participant has the forms, you can ask passing drivers for them, for example.

When is Notice required?

The obligation to fill out a Notice in case of any accident is specified in clause 3.5 of the Rules of Compulsory Insurance.

If there are only two actors in the accident and they have the same view of the circumstances of the incident, then one set of forms is filled out simultaneously by two drivers. I’ll tell you in more detail below how to do this.

Drivers can fill out each copy of the form separately if:

  • More than two people collided in the accident vehicles (trailers do not count);
  • drivers disagree about the circumstances, causes, culpability in the incident, etc.;
  • impossibility of filling by one of the drivers(injury, death, as well as other causes);
  • refusal of joint filling one of the parties.

If the car owner is forced to fill out the form separately, for one of the above reasons, then it must be indicated in the Notice. But whenever possible, you should try to fill out the form as completely as possible.

How to fill out a Notice alone

If there are three participants, fully fill out two separate Notices with each participant. Naturally, in each of them it is necessary to mention the presence of other participants in the accident, to state what “role” you and other participants played in the accident (for example, that driver A crashed into you, driver B, as a result you hit driver C).

If the second driver refuses to fill out, write down as much information as possible about him in the Notice (car make and model, license plate number, color, etc.).

Note. In the event of the death of a driver, data about him and his vehicle cannot be filled in by third parties.

If you don't have enough space on the form, it doesn't matter. You can supplement it on any blank sheet of plain paper, not forgetting to write on the Notice that it is “with an attachment,” and on an additional sheet indicate that this is an attachment, what it is attached to, and who filled it out. Any correction on the front side must be confirmed by the signatures of both parties.

Attention. Once the forms have been signed and separated, no amendments are permitted. If changes need to be made, rewrite the Notice on a new copy of the forms.

How to write

The most suitable tool for writing the Notice is a ballpoint pen. Using it has the following advantages:

  • guaranteed to produce a high-quality copy on a self-copying sheet, since when writing with a ballpoint pen you need to press it;
  • eliminates the possibility of unnoticed falsification of information, as in the case of a pencil;
  • avoids ink blurring if accidentally wet, this is what gel rods suffer from.

The required cells must be marked with a tick or cross, the main thing is that it is clearly marked. All fields on both sides must be completed! If there is free space left, you must put a dash in the form of a line, the letter “Z” or write “no ... (comments, witnesses, etc.).”

Remember, the speed of receiving insurance compensation depends on how correctly and clearly you fill out all the points, because the insurance company will need time to clarify the missing, contradictory information.

Filling procedure

First, information is written on the front side simultaneously by two drivers. Which driver will be considered “A” or “B” does not matter. At the same time, this is said, of course, conditionally, because it is difficult for two people to write on an A4 sheet of paper. This means that both drivers are present when filling out and jointly resolve issues that arise, and you need to fill out, of course, one by one.

After the front side is completely filled out and signed, the form is divided. Thanks to the self-copier, you will get two sheets with identical information. Who gets the top layer and who gets the bottom doesn’t matter. Next, each driver fills out the back side independently. That is, this can be done after leaving the scene of the accident. But it’s better not to delay with this matter, and write everything down at once, while your memory is fresh and you can clarify the circumstances on the spot, including from other participants and witnesses.

Filling out the front side

Items 1-12 require standard information and usually do not raise questions. This is information about the participants, their cars, and insurance contracts.

Note. Even if the driver is not included in the insurance, or the accident did not occur during the period specified in the policy (2 columns), information about the policy and insurance policy is still filled out, and the victim has the right to receive compensation.

Notes, perhaps, point 7 – witnesses. In any accident, the presence of witness testimony is very desirable and becomes simply necessary when the second participant has a different point of view on what happened from yours, does not fill out the Europrotocol, etc. In this column, you must write down the full name and contact details of the witnesses, if If any of the eyewitnesses was also a passenger, then it is better to highlight this somehow, for example, by emphasizing the surnames.

And if that doesn’t work, remembering that you can’t leave empty lines, we write “no witnesses,” etc.

Description of the harm received

You should approach filling out clause 14 with special care. It is necessary to describe all external damage as fully as possible, use words such as:

  • scratch;
  • dent(deformation);
  • gap(crack).

It is necessary to write down which part is damaged and how exactly. Remember that any unreported but visible damage will be considered by the insurer to have not been caused by the accident described and will not pay for its restoration. Hidden damage should be properly identified during examination by an expert, but to exclude unpleasant situations, if there is any suspicion of their occurrence, write down “hidden damage may be present.”

At the same time, make sure that your opponent does not include “extra” damage in the list, that is, damage that did not occur in this accident. And, of course, don't do it yourself. Since such fraud is revealed when a suspicious insurer will probably carry out.


Filling out the Notice in itself is not an admission of guilt. Therefore, when registering independently in paragraph 15, one of the drivers must write the phrase “I plead guilty to the accident.” The second driver should indicate his innocence. With the participation of traffic police officers in registering an accident, this will also be useful.

You can also add additional information about the accident that is not reflected in paragraph 16 to this paragraph.

Circumstances of the accident

In paragraph 16, you must tick or cross the circumstances of the accident. A combination of items is possible. Please note that there are no contradictions between the data provided by different drivers. Don’t rush to mark, look through the entire list, perhaps there will be something more suitable for your situation. For example, I was standing at a traffic light - point 22, and many, in a hurry, mark point 1 - I was in the parking lot.

Do not forget to put the total number of points in the lower large squares, otherwise the noted circumstances will not be valid.

Accident diagram + typical samples

Point 17 is one of the most difficult to fill out. You need to draw a diagram of the accident. It is important to indicate:

  • road outlines with street names, building numbers and direction of movement;
  • final position of the vehicle after a collision;
  • road signs, traffic lights, markings;
  • other items related to the accident (for example, location of bumper debris, braking marks, etc.);

Don't forget to sign cars "A" and "B". And so that you don’t have any questions with drawing up the diagram, I advise you to study the ones provided by RSA. From them you will learn not only how to correctly depict an accident, but also who is to blame in various situations.

Note. The scheme must coincide with the circumstances noted in paragraph 16. If there are discrepancies, clause 16 has priority. But in case of significant discrepancies, insurance compensation may be denied.


In column 18, a signature is placed confirming the disagreement between the drivers regarding the circumstances of the accident. Don’t forget to also sign just to the side, on the “Driver’s signature” line. Thus, There must be 2 signatures of each driver on the front side.

Filling out the sheet on the back

Next, the form is separated, and each driver fills out his own sheet on the reverse side. Don't forget to indicate which vehicle you are driving. In the circumstances, describe as fully as possible in the first person what happened, remember that you are drawing up a document, therefore, emotional overtones are unacceptable.

Filling out paragraph 3, whether the driver is the owner, is obvious. Point 4 is required if more than 2 vehicles are involved in an accident. Clause 5 contains information about damage to someone else’s property, except for the vehicle. This could be a road fence, a road sign, or even a dog.

Point 6 is important so that the insurer can carry out. If the car cannot move under its own power, then you must indicate the address for its inspection. In the notes (clause 7) you can indicate other information that you consider important. For example, about the presence of video recording from the recorder.

Finally, sign your name on the back. How many signatures did you put on the Notice? If you answered " three", then everything was done correctly, otherwise look which one you missed.

What to do next with the Notice

The notice, along with other documents, is attached to the application for compensation and must be sent to the insurance company by the victims within 5 days.

Important. If you filed an accident without the participation of traffic police officers, the culprit is also obliged to send his part of the Notice to his insurer within 5 days. Otherwise, he faces recourse from the insurance company: a requirement to pay for repairs to the victim.

If the traffic accident was registered by representatives of the traffic police, the culprit does not have to transfer his part of the Notice to the insurance company, but it is better to do so.

  • download and print(or store in the memory of your gadget), sample filling and typical road accident diagrams so that they are always in the car with you;
  • look at the instructions, attached to the forms, if questions arise about filling out at the scene of the accident;
  • don't rush when filling it out, check all the information provided (including about your opponent);
  • rewrite the Notice again together with the second participant(this can be done some time after the accident), if you made serious omissions in writing, due to which the insurer;
  • practice filling it out on the sample form, available for download on this page.


Filling out the Road Accident Notification is necessary for everyone who intends to receive compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident. The matter, in general, is not complicated, but it has its own nuances. I hope that now you will not have any difficulties filling it out if necessary.

If something is still unclear, ask in the comments, I will try to answer all questions.

Video bonus: 5 easy ways to become popular. If you want to become famous, then you should watch this video!

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