How to cook rice porridge with milk step by step. Rice porridge with milk (2 recipes)

Milk rice porridge can be either a light sweet dessert or a rich first course. It all depends on the amount of liquid (water or milk) and the presence of additional ingredients. And if you cook it without sugar, it will be an excellent side dish for meat, fish or vegetables.

The benefits of rice porridge with milk

This dish, which has become traditional, certainly has a number of useful properties. It is not surprising that experts recommend introducing it first into complementary foods for young children.

Rice is one of the few cereal products that is completely devoid of gluten, a component that can cause a persistent allergic reaction in a child’s body.

Milk rice porridge is an ideal option not only for children, but also for those who need to build muscle mass and gain energy. In addition to healthy amino acids, the dish contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, iron, selenium, vitamins E, B and PP. Regular consumption of rice cooked in milk promotes:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • improvement of metabolic processes.

Those who eat it often can boast of excellent condition of the skin, hair and nails, quick reaction, sharp mind and excellent memory. However, you shouldn’t overuse such a tasty and healthy dish; it’s enough to include it in the menu a couple of times a week.

Simple classic recipe


  • 1 tbsp. round rice;
  • 2 tbsp. water and milk;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • about 1/2 tsp. salt;
  • a piece of butter.


  1. Rinse the rice in several waters.
  2. Pour a couple of glasses of water into a saucepan and put on fire.
  3. After boiling, add the rice, stir and cook over low heat, without covering with a lid, until the cereal absorbs the liquid almost completely. Be careful not to burn.
  4. Add salt and sugar, and then add milk half a glass at a time after the next boil. Cook for about 20 minutes.
  5. Leave the finished porridge covered for about five minutes. When serving, add a piece of butter to the dish.

Recipe for a slow cooker - step by step with photos

Rice porridge with milk will give the whole family a boost of energy from the very morning. Moreover, a multicooker will help you prepare it with virtually no personal involvement. It is enough to load all the ingredients early in the morning and set the desired mode.

  • 1 multi-cup rice;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 0.5 l milk;
  • 100 g butter;
  • salt.


  1. Grease the multicooker bowl generously with butter, which will prevent the milk from “running off.”

2. Rinse the multi-cup of rice well, discard any unsightly grains of rice and debris. Load into bowl.

3. Pour 2 glasses of milk and one glass of water. As a result, the ratio of dry product to liquid should be 1:3. To obtain a thinner dish, simply increase the amount of water or milk as desired.

4. Salt and add sugar to taste. Set the “Porridge” mode.

5. After the beep indicates the end of cooking, add a knob of butter. Stir and leave for another five minutes.

Milk rice porridge like in kindergarten

This dish is usually served for breakfast or dinner in kindergarten, camp or school.


  • 200 g round rice;
  • 400 ml water;
  • 2–3 tbsp. milk (depending on the desired thickness);
  • sugar and salt to taste.


  1. After rinsing, pour an arbitrary amount of water over the rice and leave to swell for about 30–60 minutes. This step makes the grain especially tender and soft, and also allows you to remove some of the starch. If you don’t have much time or desire, you can skip this step, but then you will have to cook the porridge itself a little longer. After the specified period of time, drain the water.
  2. Boil 2 tbsp in a saucepan. drinking water and add rice to it.
  3. After the liquid boils again, reduce the heat and continue cooking for another 10 minutes, covering loosely with the lid.
  4. Boil the milk separately. As soon as almost all the water has boiled away, pour in the hot milk.
  5. Cook until tender, stirring occasionally over low heat. After 10–15 minutes, taste the grains; if they are soft, the dish is ready.
  6. Salt it and sugar it to your taste.

Liquid rice porridge

The process of cooking thick or thin milk rice porridge is practically the same. In the second case, you just need to add more liquid. But the easiest way is to follow the detailed recipe.

  • 1 tbsp. rice;
  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • 4 tbsp. milk;
  • salt, sugar and butter to taste.


  1. Before cooking, be sure to rinse the rice in 4-5 waters until the liquid becomes completely clear.
  2. Place the washed cereal in a saucepan, fill it with cold water and cook after boiling until almost done.
  3. Separately, boil the milk with a pinch of salt and pour it in when the rice becomes soft.
  4. Cook the milk porridge over medium heat until it reaches the desired consistency - about 25 minutes.
  5. Add sugar to taste and, when serving, butter.

With pumpkin

Rice milk porridge with pumpkin is a delicacy for real gourmets. The sunny color of the dish lifts the mood and gives warmth, which is why it is most often prepared in the cold season. In addition, the pumpkin itself certainly adds nutrition to the food, and its quantity can be varied as desired.

  • 250 g round rice;
  • 250 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 500 ml milk;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara.


  1. Rinse the rice and place in a saucepan. Pour in about a glass of boiling water.
  2. After boiling, cover the container with a lid, reduce the gas and cook for 5–10 minutes.
  3. At this time, grate the pumpkin on a large-mesh grater.
  4. When almost all the water has been absorbed, add salt, sugar and grated pumpkin. Stir and pour cold milk.
  5. When it boils, reduce the gas and cook with occasional stirring for 10–15 minutes.
  6. Turn off the heat and let the porridge brew for the same amount of time. To be sure, wrap the pan with a towel.

Traditionally, round white rice is suitable for this dish. It cooks faster and better. But if you wish, you can experiment with a brown, unrefined product. In this case, the dish will turn out more useful. In addition, it is worth using a few more secrets:

  1. Before cooking, be sure to rinse the rice several times until the water is no longer cloudy or whitish. This means that starch and gluten have been removed from the grain.
  2. You can prepare milk porridge either with pure milk or with the addition of water. But in the first case, the cereal will take longer to cook, and there is also a risk that the cereal will burn, since the milk boils away faster. When you add water, the rice softens more and cooks faster. Depending on the desired result, you should adhere to the proportions and take 1 part rice: for thick porridge - 2 parts water and the same amount of milk; for medium thickness – 3 parts each of water and milk; for liquid – 4 parts water and the same amount of milk.
  3. To obtain a more delicate and uniform consistency, the finished porridge can be additionally crushed with a blender, rubbed through a strainer or punched with a mixer. This is especially true if the dish is intended for small children.

The porridge must be flavored with a very small piece of good butter. Then the taste will become even more tender and softer.

By the way, to get an interesting taste, you can add vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg powder to the dish, and sugar can be replaced with honey or condensed milk. The porridge turns out to be especially original when you add raisins, dried apricots, fresh or canned fruits and even vegetables.

As you know, rice is rich in B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, as well as skin, hair and nails. You can prepare a large number of delicious dishes from this cereal; one of the most popular, without a doubt, is rice porridge with milk. To prepare it, it is best to use round rice, as it contains more starch and cooks better. Also, for variety, raisins are added to rice porridge, but you can do without them. It is best to cook it in a stainless pan; I strongly advise against using enamel cookware.

Rinse 1 cup round rice in cool water.

Pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan and put on fire. When the water boils, add rice to it. Cook without a lid until the water is absorbed.

Reduce heat. Add 0.5 teaspoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Then pour in half a glass of milk every 5 minutes, stirring the porridge periodically with a spoon. In total it turns out to be 20 minutes. Bring the porridge to an acceptable consistency.

Place the porridge on a plate and season with a piece of butter of any size, because you can’t spoil the porridge with butter!

Bon appetit!

How is milk rice porridge prepared? How is it served?

Boiled rice can be served with sugar and cinnamon or, for example, with nutmeg and vanilla. Previously, in some southern Russian and Ukrainian villages, one could hear about porridge that it was “greasy.” In the sense that this milky rice porridge, moderately liquid, is spread on the plate.

It’s tastier to cook rice porridge with whole milk, but healthier with low-fat milk.

What you need to make milk rice porridge

First, decide what kind of porridge you are preparing: boiled or crumbly? The technology is the same, but there are small differences. First of all, they concern the type of rice.

Rice variety. For boiled porridge, round-grain rice with a high starch content is used (Krasnodar, for example), but long-grain rice such as basmati or jasmine is also possible. To prepare crumbly milk rice porridge, it is better to use steamed rice.

Proportions. For boiled porridge with a delicate consistency: for 1 part rice you will need 3 parts water and 3 parts milk. For crumbly porridge with milk: for 1 part rice - 5 parts water (more is possible) and 2 parts milk.

Other Ingredients: sugar, salt, seasonings to taste. Seasonings are added optionally: ground cinnamon (or stick), vanilla (ground or stick), ground nutmeg, allspice peas.

Cooking delicious rice porridge with milk: step-by-step instructions

Step 1. Prepare the ingredients

Rice. The question often arises: is it necessary to rinse rice? There are varieties that do not require washing, but there are also vice versa. Basmati, for example, is recommended to be washed, but jasmine is not. The question also depends on what you are cooking. If the dessert or boiled porridge is like ours, then there is absolutely no need to rinse it from “extra” starch. In addition, whether to rinse or not is decided not only by the type and nature of the dish, but also by the quality of the rice - if it is not of very high quality, it is better to rinse it.

Milk. Boil the milk and let it cool slightly. You can also pour boiling water over the rice, but it has been noticed that this “looses” the grains too much; on the other hand, if the milk comes straight from the refrigerator, it will curdle.

Stirring. Looking ahead: do you need to stir the rice? When preparing milky rice porridge, of course, especially if you want to get a tender, boiled sweet porridge for your child. However, if you plan to achieve a crumbly consistency, stir less at all stages of cooking.

Step 2. Cook rice in water

To get boiled rice porridge, you need to pour the cereal with water, three times the amount of rice, and cook, stirring from time to time, over low heat for about half an hour (or until tender, depending on the type of rice).

A crumbly porridge is obtained by pouring a large amount of water into the rice (150-200 g per liter), putting it on low heat and bringing it to readiness. The rice should then be drained into a colander.

Step 3. Add milk

Add the prepared milk and cook for another 20-30 minutes over very low heat.

Regarding the amount of milk added. If you like drier porridge, add less milk (1:2), if thinner - 1:3.

Step 4. Sweeten, salt, season

At this step, 10 minutes before the end, add porridge of different flavors. I throw in half a stick of vanilla, cinnamon, a pinch of ground nutmeg and a couple of allspice. Not counting sugar (from 2 tablespoons to half a glass of granulated sugar per 250 g of rice, depending on taste) and salt.

Turn off the fire.

Step 5. Add butter

All that remains is to add a cold piece of butter to the already prepared milk rice porridge. Now let it stand with the lid closed for 5 minutes, after which you can serve it.

Articles about the benefits of rice:

It would seem that what can be said about such an elementary, unpretentious dish? But, just like that, the opinion of simplicity and nondescriptness is very deceptive. If you look at the countries where rice is not a guest, you can note that in addition to the Eastern regions, it enjoys great success in Asia and even in the south of Russia.
If we are talking about states professing Islam, then there, too, this useful cereal has found reverence, honor and respect. Rice porridges are called differently in the east: zhou, okayu, kheer, chok. But, of course, it is not the names that glorify these dishes, but the technology and some secrets of preparing the food. In particular, rice porridge with milk is a huge success in many countries. Every person is probably familiar with this dish. After all, we were all little once and went to kindergarten, where this dish was often served for breakfast. Today you are invited to refresh pleasant memories by preparing this simple but very tasty dish. And although most of you will smile skeptically, saying that it’s so difficult to cook cereal, the dish prepared according to this recipe will certainly surprise many. After all, rice porridge with milk turns out tender, airy, with a light creamy consistency. This is the kind of dish that both children and adults enjoy eating. It can be served for dessert by adding various berries and fruits.

How to cook rice porridge with milk according to all the rules, how to choose high-quality cereals, how much to cook the aromatic dish, what the proportions should be - all this, and much other useful information, you will learn from the detailed step-by-step recipe.

TIME: 30 min.


Servings: 2


  • Short grain rice – 150 g;
  • Water – 300 ml;
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • Sugar - to taste;
  • Milk – 150 ml;
  • Butter – 30 g.


To cook delicious porridge on the stove, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing cookware. A non-stick pan or a container with a thick bottom is ideal for these purposes. If you take thin-walled dishes, then, with a high probability, the porridge will burn.

Pour water into the selected container. The proportions of liquid can be increased, depending on what consistency you want the food to be. The amount indicated in the recipe is for thick porridge.

If you want to get a different consistency of the dish, then use the following proportions:

  • To get a liquid porridge, use 500 ml of water and 400 ml of milk for the specified amount of cereal.
  • If you want to cook a sticky dish, then for 150 g of rice you will need 400 ml of water and 200 ml of milk.

Place a saucepan of water on the stove with moderate heat under it.

Now you need to properly prepare the cereal. First you need to figure out what kind of rice to use for making porridge. A tasty, airy and very tender dish can only be obtained from round-grained starch grains. Leave the long rice to create pilaf.

The cereal should be soaked in cold water for 30-60 minutes and then rinsed thoroughly. Thanks to this procedure, rice will be enriched with vitamins, and will also be better digested and absorbed by the body. It’s not even worth talking about the fact that the taste of the porridge will become more delicate and it will cook much faster.

When the water in the pan boils, add the washed rice and stir immediately. Now cover the cooking pot with a lid, leaving a small opening. If this is not done, then during the boiling process the porridge will “run away”, flooding both the pan and the stove.

In order for the cereal to be cooked correctly, retaining all its beneficial properties, it must be cooked over moderate heat. Do not forget that the contents of the saucepan should be stirred regularly with a tablespoon. After all, if you don’t do this, the rice will simply burn. Add salt to the porridge.

Immediately add granulated sugar, adjust the amount at your discretion:

  • To make the porridge sweet, you will need about 4-5 tbsp. sand.
  • If you don’t like dessert dishes, then literally 1 tbsp is enough for you. Sahara.
  • The golden mean is 2-3 tbsp. sand. In this case, the porridge will have a pleasant sweetish taste.
  • If you wish, you can add a little vanilla sugar to the saucepan. With it, the food will acquire a very tasty aroma.

It's time to find out how long to cook rice in water and when to add milk.

Cereals are considered ready when they have completely boiled and become soft. Typically, this takes no more than 10 minutes from the moment the liquid boils again. However, the time may increase slightly. This depends on whether the rice was soaked before cooking, as well as on the variety and quality of the grain. When the contents of the saucepan have become soft and boiled, pour milk into it. Before adding the product to the porridge, it should be heated to a temperature of 40-50 degrees (warm).

Cook the milk rice porridge over moderate heat for another 5-7 minutes, and then remove the pan from the stove. Don't forget about the need to stir the dish frequently. In total, cooking the porridge takes about 15-20 minutes. All dairy dishes require constant monitoring during cooking. Therefore, try not to go too far from the stove.

Add butter to the pan with porridge. It will make the dish even more tasty, tender and aromatic.

Mix the porridge with milk and water with butter.

Tender, creamy, fluffy rice porridge with milk is ready. As you can see, the simple recipe does not require any complicated steps, so even an inexperienced housewife can handle creating this healthy and very tasty dish. When the porridge cools, it will thicken well. There is no need to be alarmed; if you warm it up, it will return to its original state. Bon appetit!

How to diversify rice porridge, what can you add?

  • The taste of such porridge can be brightened with the help of fruits and berries. All you need to do is cut apples, bananas, peaches, apricots, etc. into small pieces and add to a serving plate with rice milk porridge.

  • There is no need to chop berries (raspberries, currants, cherries, cherries), just remove the seeds from them (if necessary).
  • Dried fruits also go well with this porridge.
  • In winter, when fresh fruits and berries are not available to the common man, it is quite possible to use frozen fruits. They should be removed from the freezer in advance to thaw, then drain the resulting liquid and add to the hot rice porridge.
  • You can enrich the taste of rice porridge with vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg or cardamom.
  • You can serve the dish with jam, honey or condensed milk.

Cooking porridge in the oven in a pot

You can make the dish even more healthy using the oven. This porridge is cooked in pots, which makes it even more tasty and aromatic.

  1. Fill the pottery with cold water for 15 minutes.
  2. Rice should be prepared in the standard way: soak and rinse. Place the cereal in the pots, filling them one-third full.
  3. Pour in milk (or a mixture of water and milk), distributing the liquid evenly throughout all containers.
  4. Add a pinch of salt and sugar to taste to each pot. Stir.
  5. Place a piece of butter on top.
  6. Cover the pots with lids and place in a cold oven.
  7. Set the temperature to 180 degrees. Cook for about 40-50 minutes until the cereal is soft.
  8. To prevent the milk from boiling away during cooking, place a baking tray filled with cold water on the bottom of the oven. The finished porridge must be mixed and served immediately.

Can rice in bags be used to make milk porridge?

You can create a delicious meal using rice in bags, which is becoming increasingly popular among modern housewives.

  1. To do this, boil the bags of cereal in lightly salted water (literally a pinch of salt) until half cooked. That is, if the cooking time indicated on the package is 20 minutes, then you will need to cut it in half.
  2. Then you need to pour 50 ml of water and 150 ml of milk (for one sachet) into the pan, and then add the contents of the bag there.
  3. All that remains is to place the container on the stove, add sugar (to taste) and cook, stirring occasionally, until the rice has absorbed all the liquid. Hot porridge needs to be seasoned with butter and stirred. This dish is quick and easy to prepare, but still has an amazing taste.

Rice and other grains

If you combine rice groats with millet, you get the delicious “Druzhba” porridge, known since the times of the Soviet Union. It has excellent nutritional value, an incomprehensible aroma and an original taste.

  • For a liter of milk you will need 1 tbsp. cereals (0.5 tbsp. rice and 0.5 tbsp. millet).

You can prepare such a dish without water or by replacing any part of the milk with it.

  1. Pour the liquid into the pan and bring to a boil.
  2. Add pre-washed cereal to boiling milk. Sweeten the porridge to taste, and don’t forget the obligatory pinch of salt.
  3. Cook, stirring frequently, for about 15-20 minutes.
  4. Cover the pan with the finished porridge and leave for 10 minutes, then add butter to taste.

How to choose the right rice for delicious porridge

To make the food tasty and appetizing, you need to choose high-quality cereals. As already mentioned, short-grain rice is most suitable for creating porridge. From the existing species, you can choose the “Krasnodar” or “Arborio” variety.

High-quality cereals have a transparent structure, in contrast to white, unripe grains. Yellow color of rice indicates that the product has not been stored correctly - such an ingredient may contain fungus. The grains must be intact, because the fragments quickly boil and are considered substandard.

Milk rice porridge with raisins for children

The structure of a child's stomach is very interesting: it absolutely cannot accommodate healthy foods, but at the same time a huge amount of sweets and delicacies can fit into it. Most mothers simply clutch their heads, not knowing how to get their baby to eat at least something necessary for the body. If your child absolutely does not want to eat normally, then try treating him to milk rice porridge with raisins. No kid will refuse this sweet breakfast. This porridge contains many vitamins and microelements necessary for a child’s body, and is also very filling and nutritious. Your little capricious child will be delighted!


  • Drinking water – 300 ml;
  • Milk – 300 ml;
  • Short grain rice – 1 tbsp.;
  • Sugar – 2-4 tbsp;
  • Raisins – 30-50 g;
  • Salt - on the tip of the knife;
  • Butter – 25 g.


  1. To cook delicious baby porridge, first prepare the cereal and dried fruits. Rinse the rice and soak for half an hour in cold water. Wash the raisins thoroughly, then pour boiling water over them and leave for 20 minutes. After the specified time, drain the water from the rice and dried fruits.
  2. Pour water into the pan and then place the container on the fire. When the liquid boils, add rice to it. Add a pinch of salt and sugar. Adjust the amount of sand at your discretion.
  3. Cook the porridge over moderate heat, stirring the contents of the pan frequently.
  4. When the cereal becomes soft and the water is almost absorbed, pour in warm milk. Add the raisins immediately.
  5. Continue cooking the sweet rice porridge until tender (about 5 minutes). Do not wait until all the milk is absorbed into the cereal, otherwise the rice will turn out dry. As soon as the grains have become soft, the saucepan can be removed from the heat.
  6. Season the porridge with butter and mix well.
  7. Place delicious and tender porridge for your child on a plate and invite your baby to have breakfast.

Rice porridge with milk and pumpkin

Rice porridge with milk with raisins and pumpkin is another great dish that can be served for breakfast for children and adults. Due to the fact that the queen of autumn has a bright sunny color and a wonderful smell, the food turns out to be appetizing, aromatic and very tasty. Try it, you will certainly enjoy such a hearty and unusual breakfast!


  • Butter – 25-30 g;
  • Milk – 1 tbsp.;
  • Round rice - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Water – 1 tbsp.;
  • Pumpkin pulp – 200-250 g;
  • Granulated sugar - to taste;
  • Raisins – 20-30 g.


Pour boiling water over the washed raisins and leave for 15-20 minutes, then drain the liquid. Lightly squeeze the dried fruits with your hands.

Place properly prepared rice (pre-washed and soaked) into boiling water. Cook, stirring frequently, for 10 minutes. During this time, prepare the pumpkin pulp. It can be chopped on a coarse grater or cut into small cubes.

After 10 minutes, the water should be almost completely absorbed into the cereal. So it's time to add raisins and pumpkin to the pan.

Immediately pour in a glass of milk. The product must be warm.

Add a pinch of salt and sugar to taste. Stir the contents of the pan. You may find some pumpkin that is quite sweet, so taste it ahead of time so you don't overdo it with sugar.

Bring the porridge to a boil, then cook it over moderate heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. If you think there is not enough liquid, you can add a little more warm milk at any time.

Season hot porridge with rice, pumpkin and raisins with butter. Mix well.

Distribute the food among plates and serve hot.

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