How to attach to a clinic at your place of actual residence. How to attach to a clinic at your place of actual residence. Is it possible to attach to a departmental clinic?

Almost every citizen of Russia at least once had to go to municipal health care institutions, and free help was provided there only if the patient had a compulsory medical insurance policy linked to a specific institution. Is it necessary to be attached to a clinic at all and why? What is the complete algorithm for the attachment procedure and what is needed for this? How to attach to a clinic at your place of residence and what is the list of required documents? We will answer these questions in this article.

Why do you need to be attached to a clinic?

Not all citizens faced with the need to receive medical care have the opportunity to go to a private institution. Most often, at the first signs of illness, the patient goes to a state clinic under the compulsory medical insurance program - usually it is located in the microdistrict where the patient is registered and permanently resides. Attachment may be required not only to receive medical services, but also because only municipal medical institutions issue sick leave, documents confirming disability, certificates of absence of illnesses and other documents that may be required for work, receiving benefits or other purposes.

Procedure for joining the clinic

In order to attach to a specific medical institution, the policyholder must select it in advance and indicate this point when applying for a policy. By default, patients are required to be assigned to a clinic at their place of residence (permanent registration), but if necessary, they can change the institution. Most often, this is necessary when moving or being dissatisfied with the level of service in the clinic to which the patient was originally assigned. It should be noted that if a citizen plans to receive treatment in a clinic other than at his place of residence, he will need to obtain official consent from the institution: if the doctors are overloaded, a refusal may follow. Thus, the procedure for attaching to a clinic consists of several stages:

  1. Choosing a clinic. The most convenient option is when the patient is assigned to an institution at his place of residence; If, according to certain criteria (staff of doctors, number of departments, presence of a laboratory, proximity to work, etc.) he is more satisfied with another institution, the citizen has the right to choose it at the time of registration of the policy.
  2. Form of attachment. This process requires a personal visit to the clinic with the provision of all necessary documents. The patient must bring a passport (for adults) or a birth certificate (if the age does not exceed 14 years), and a compulsory medical insurance policy. If the patient is a person with foreign citizenship or is not a citizen of any state at all, documents confirming the legality of stay on the territory of Russia are added to the list. After approval, the clinic notifies the insurance organization and the institution where the patient was registered before about the fact of the transfer.

    Information on whether it is possible to carry out the attachment procedure via the Internet can be read in the article on.

  3. Selecting a local specialist. The patient is given the opportunity to determine which general practitioners, surgeons, pediatricians and general practitioners he will see. It should be noted that the appointment of a doctor on duty is carried out with the consent of a specialist: if the doctor is overloaded or does not have the appropriate conditions for competent and complete provision of care, he has the right to refuse to appoint him as a local doctor for a new patient.

Please note that according to Art. 21 of the Law “On the Fundamentals of Health Protection in the Russian Federation”, a citizen has the right to independently choose a medical organization and doctors within the framework of the procedure established by law when it comes to services in the field of compulsory health insurance. The choice of a healthcare organization is carried out no more than once a year (with the exception of cases of change of registration and actual place of residence). The selection of specialists in the institution is carried out with the same frequency.

How to attach to a clinic at your place of residence?

If a citizen intends to receive medical care in clinics in one city, but has official registration in another, he can also be assigned to an institution at his place of actual residence. The features of the procedure are practically no different from attachment for non-resident persons, however, unlike the latter, persons registered in another locality are required to repeat the procedure annually. If the registry requires additional documents in addition to the passport and insurance policy (certificate of income, legality of renting housing, etc.), this action is considered illegal. Exactly the same illegal actions would be refusal to provide medical care or.

As for persons originally residing in this city, the attachment procedure is easier and faster. Initially, everyone is assigned to an institution at their place of residence, and if the address changes within the city, the citizen has the right to choose another clinic. This rule also applies to.

Required documents

Before joining an institution, you will need to write an application, which is drawn up according to the sample and sent to the head physician or handed over to him personally. You must also provide a compulsory medical insurance policy (original and photocopy) and an identity document (passport or birth certificate) to the medical institution. To attach to the clinic, just come to the reception desk, select a working day and hour, and provide a complete package of documents. If the patient still has a medical card from a previous institution, it is used in the new clinic, otherwise a new document is created. After the application is approved by the head physician, you can begin to use the services of specialists.

Why attach to a specialized clinic?

In some cases, the patient is not obliged to change the clinic serving him, but is forced to go to another institution, where, upon attachment, he will also be able to receive qualified assistance. The reasons for this decision may be the lack of the necessary department in a municipal institution, the lack of doctors of the required profile on staff, as well as dissatisfaction with the quality of service. In any case, attachment to the clinic takes on average from 1 to 5 days. At the end of the procedure, the patient has access to all types of assistance, from emergency to calling a doctor at home.


In order to receive high-quality and timely medical care, a citizen must be assigned to a specific medical institution. This procedure can be carried out in the health care facility at the place of registration or place of residence; there is no significant difference in the registration process.

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive free medical care in any government institution in the capital if they have a passport, registration and insurance policy. But not all medical cases are included in the free compulsory medical insurance program. To have access to all services, you must be attached to a clinic in Moscow.

Why attach to any hospital?

To receive the full range of services under the compulsory health insurance policy, Russians need to either be in Moscow.

According to the law “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” dated November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ, Attachment to a clinic can be carried out no more than once a year. Russians have the right to be assigned to a medical institution both if they have registration and not at their place of registration. Service to a patient without registration, for example, if registered in the Moscow region, is carried out under the same conditions.

The exception is when a doctor is called to your home: without registration in the region, in which the organization is located, upon arrival only emergency medical care is provided. It is better for non-residents and residents of the Moscow region to register with a medical institution.

What documents are needed to register with the clinic?

To be served under the compulsory medical insurance program in the capital, you must submit the following documents:

  1. Passport- for a citizen over 14 years old, and a birth certificate - for a child.
  2. Compulsory medical insurance policy. If it is being re-registered, you must present a temporary form.
  3. SNILS.
  4. If you change your place of residence, confirm your new address. Non-residents from the Moscow region are allowed to submit temporary registration.
  5. When registering for a newborn and child, you must present document confirming rights.
  6. or ).

If it is necessary to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy, citizens should contact the insurance company at their place of registration, or submit an application via the Internet in Moscow. Receipt time - up to 14 working days.

How to attach to an adult clinic?

Moscow residents are assigned to the clinic in 2 ways:

  1. On a personal visit.
  2. Through “Government Services” on

When choosing the first option, you must contact the registry of your clinic to write an application for the provision of permanent medical services under the compulsory medical insurance program in this institution. Without registration in Moscow, patients will also be able to receive any assistance, except for specialists visiting their home.

You cannot submit an application online in such cases.:

  • your residential address New Moscow (TiNAO);
  • you have in your hands a temporary, not a permanent compulsory medical insurance policy.

Online registration is carried out on the Moscow State Services website. Electronic registration is only possible ( SNILS required). It is allowed to select only those medical organizations that are departmental structures of the Department of Health of the region.

The online service does not work if you are affiliated with a dental clinic, antenatal clinic or children's hospital.

How to attach a child to a children's hospital?

Registration of medical care for children is also possible during a personal visit and online. When visiting the department, you must take with you the documents of the representative and the child. It is correct when the application is made by a legal representative, acting in the interests of a minor resident.

In the online version, it is impossible to select an organization if the birth certificate was not issued in the capital and the representative has not passed the rights check on the Department of Health website. The service for choosing children's dentistry in the online version of the capital's State Services is temporarily unavailable, but parents can familiarize themselves with the list of dental clinics on the website.

Deadlines for joining a medical institution

When sending an application, online attachment is carried out within three days. If residents personally contacted the reception desk of a medical institution, then the period can be extended to 6 working days(4 - for data verification, and 2 - for registration of service at the selected address).

How to choose a hospital, dentistry or antenatal clinic to attach to?

As part of the compulsory medical insurance program, Russians can choose any institution. If the policy is issued in the city, service will be provided within the framework of the territorial program. When receiving a document outside the city, the patient will be offered only basic compulsory medical insurance services.

To attach to another clinic or branch, you need to contact the registry at the new address.

You can choose a suitable medical facility at:

How to unsubscribe from the hospital or antenatal clinic?

To detach from the clinic, the client must submit an application to a new medical institution. The change of organization occurs automatically. The citizen is not required to re-submit documents to the previous company. Submitting an application online is a good opportunity to reduce the time when applying for services.

Instructions added to favorites

Select the profile of the clinic you want to join

To receive medical care, you must be assigned to a clinic.
To receive help in the “dentistry” profile, go to a dental clinic.

According to the Federal Law of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ “On Compulsory Health Insurance”, all insured citizens can choose the medical organization in which they will be treated.

The city needs to know the exact number of patients assigned to a particular clinic in order to clearly calculate funding, the necessary equipment and the number of specialists.

Once a year you can be assigned to another clinic. If you change your place of residence, you must provide a document confirming the change of residence.

If you were already assigned to a clinic in Moscow, and then decided to change it to another, detachment from the old one will occur automatically, without your participation, after the procedure of attachment to the new one is completed.

The new clinic you choose will independently request your medical records.

Attachment to a medical organization is valid for an indefinite period. That is, it is enough to be assigned to a clinic once to receive medical care from a medical organization year after year.

To receive free medical care under compulsory medical insurance in Moscow, nonresident citizens are required, first of all, to apply with a compulsory medical insurance policy to an insurance medical organization - their own or another, if there is no branch of their company in the given region - to re-register the compulsory medical insurance policy at their place of stay . Moreover, if a citizen has an old-style policy, he will first need to issue a new compulsory medical insurance policy of a uniform type.

After re-registering your compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to be assigned to a clinic.

According to the Federal Law of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ “On Compulsory Health Insurance”, all insured citizens can choose the medical organization in which they will be treated.

The city needs to know the exact number of patients assigned to a particular clinic in order to clearly calculate funding, the necessary equipment and the number of specialists.

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