How Rospotrebnadzor checks are carried out in a beauty salon. Inspection of beauty salons: how, when and by whom it is possible

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Today Dmitry Petukhov will tell us about how to work with Rospotrebnadzor, how to work with the Labor Inspectorate, how to work with the Tax Inspectorate, how to protect the beauty industry from external intrusions by inspection authorities.

— I have a long experience in Rospotrebnadzor. I started while still a student, then later I realized that the only thing I lacked was a direction from Rospotrebnadzor. My first education is a doctor, I went to get a second higher education. According to the second education, he is a lawyer. And from that moment I began to actively engage in practice. I have vast practical experience.

— Did you check it first?

- Well, yes, I checked it first.

— Were the masters punished first?

“Then I realized that it was unfair, and I came to their defense.

— Dmitry Petukhov’s conscience jumped!

— Now we will look at the issue of Rospotrebnadzor specifically, compliance with SES standards for Beauty Salons, hairdressers, manicurists, makeup artists, cosmetologists. Where does any check begin, what are the grounds for checking and whether it can be avoided.

- Fine. Good, relevant question. Let's just look at it in certain areas. We have staff who work in a beauty salon and how, let’s say, they can mess up, and in general what this can lead to. The most banal, the simplest thing that most people neglect. Well, for example, an employee of a hairdressing shop, they neglect, for example, the processing of tools. What does this mean? In fact, the rules for disinfecting tools are banal, but everyone neglects them, not considering that this can really be dangerous. Everything is very simple there, it is processed using the immersion method, there is a signed container, the haircut is finished, the scissors are immersed.

- Let's talk about punishment first. Here comes the inspection body, who can come?

— There is only one main inspection body - Rospotrebnadzor. Everyone else who comes, for example, there are such public organizations, they are all scammers, they have no authority. They immediately begin to show how significant they are, that they will write to the court, to the police department, and anywhere else. I had an incident just this morning while I was on my way to see you. I live in the north in the Moscow region, I was passing by the Savelovsky station, a client called me and said: “We have received an inspection, what should we do?” I quickly go to them and say to the “inspectors”: “Guys, what have you done here?” They say: “Here we have a piece of paper.” I say: “I can print 10 of these pieces of paper, they don’t have any meaning.” Well, basically, the main threat, it is financial, comes from Rospotrebnadzor.

— That is, If everyone comes except Rospotrebnadzor, can you safely send them?

- Yes.

— What if Rospotrebnadzor comes?

It will no longer be possible to send here.

- What if I have a lawyer? Would it be better for a lawyer to talk to them?

— But as for lawyers, this is an open question. If we are talking to you, for example, about our wonderful city of Moscow, then Moscow legal inspectors can’t stand it, because they think that you invited a lawyer when you should do it yourself. Here one of the options is constitutionally, yes, we can turn to a competent specialist who knows this whole matter for help. But inspectors from Rospotrebnadzor love it. They say: “Why are you shifting your responsibilities to others?” The one who works with the tool should know this, why should a lawyer know this, the hairdresser himself should know this directly.

A lawyer, so that he can tell you the legality?

- In fact, those who are official inspectors from Rospotrebnadzor, they never go beyond their limits. Everything is clear with them. Because they understand perfectly well what responsibility there can be. They themselves can suffer greatly by going beyond their powers.

— Do they also have responsibility?

- Certainly. Undoubtedly.

— Are there any points that we could demonstrate knowledge of to the inspectors of Rospotrebnadzor, so that they would soften to some extent or something?

- Only knowledge of all algorithms in this regard.

— Algorithm one, we will follow this path: representatives of Rospotrebnadzor come and what they should see and what they check.

— When they come, they usually introduce themselves, show their ID, and give directions. All documents must be stamped and must be signed by the prosecutor, i.e. It's not just anyone.

— Remember, documents with the seal of Rospotrebnadzor

- No, there is the seal of the head of Rospotrebnadzor, and the signature of the head, and the prosecutor who approved it, there will be a lot of seals, i.e. It is clear that this document is official.

— And they came specifically to check?

- Yes, with a check and specifically to you.

- They can always come with a check, is the address and name of the individual entrepreneur written there?

- Yes. It won’t just say a beauty salon, for example, “Marina,” but it will clearly say IP Ivanova.

— Should they warn in advance?

- Yes, in most cases, they must warn in advance.

-Who can give them permission not to warn?

- When they have a document in their hands confirming the infliction of any harm.

- Then they can be without warning?

- Yes, they can without warning.

— What if you don’t have this document on hand?

“Then they will definitely call and get in touch.”

- And if they didn’t do this, then they violated the procedure?

- They won't even go.

— But even if your locals in Nalchik are very arrogant and came, then according to all legal rules, the first thing is procedure. Even if you screw up a thousand times, but the procedure is violated, the Court is always on your side. You must know this clearly. You can play the fool, agree with everything, sign everything, if you clearly know that the procedure was violated on their part. And then send them in 3 letters and say: “I don’t know anything,” go to the Court, in the Court say: “The procedure was violated” and the Court immediately closes. If you are literate enough.

- These 3 letters are exactly the “Court” where they can be sent.

- 3 letters in “Court”, got it!

- How did you draw the right conclusion? An important emphasis is due to the fact that in the Russian Federation the concept is always recognized that form always takes precedence over content. Those. as he explained, it doesn’t matter what you did there, if they didn’t follow this procedure, then their inspection will be illegal. Indeed, the Court, if it is of course on friendly terms with them, then it will consider this test. I had precedents in Moscow, I carried out an inspection when it was connected with the fact that the methodology itself was chosen incorrectly. In principle, some violations were identified and the inspector himself fined the wrong person; he did not fine for what he should have. And we proved everything. Yes, it took a long time, I sued them for 8 months, but I proved that they were wrong.

- At the first main stage, study the procedural issue.

- About how this is all done correctly. Accordingly, those who came introduced themselves, showed all the documents, often they will not abuse it, because it is not in their interests, they work, they have a good salary, a good social position in this regard. Therefore, they are not interested in violating this. Once again they are afraid for their workplace, so that they don’t get kicked out and they don’t have the feeling that, like, I didn’t get hired here, they treat this normally and responsibly. And when starting the inspection procedure, they definitely go and look at what is happening in the premises, because without this the inspection will not take place, because it is in the premises themselves that there may be major violations.

— That is, the first place an inspection traditionally begins is with an inspection of the premises?

- Yes.

— And read more about this in the next article.

Beauty salons are subject to inspection by Rospotrebnadzor employees. For a director, inspections by regulatory authorities are always unpleasant and full of surprises. To ensure that there are as few such unpleasant moments as possible, you need to prepare for the visit in advance.

What are they checking?

As practice shows, representatives of Rospotrebnadzor pay attention to everything that relates to the implementation of the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”:

  • Availability of a “consumer corner” and information posted in it (certificates, licenses, etc.).
  • Availability and execution of the Book of Complaints.
  • Correctness of the price list for services.
  • Compliance of the premises with the requirements for beauty salons.
  • Compliance with sanitary standards, etc.

How to prepare properly

The first thing you need to do upon receiving a notification is to prepare documents in accordance with the check list provided by Rospotrebnadzor. It is worth warning employees about the upcoming inspection, instructing the administrator, and explaining to him what he should do if the inspection is carried out in the absence of the manager. By law, the director is not required to be present during the work of representatives of regulatory authorities, but a representative of the company being inspected must be on site. For a beauty salon, this is the administrator, and he must clearly understand the algorithm of actions, know what documents need to be requested from inspectors, how the results of their actions are recorded, etc.

What standards must the salon meet?

  • If the salon provides services in different directions, each master must have an isolated room. You can combine offices with related services if the procedures are performed by one specialist (for example, manicure-pedicure).
  • Customer safety must come first. Availability of hot and cold water supply and sewerage is required. Pedicure rooms must have at least two baths. In small rooms you can install one bathtub; this will not be a violation if disposable liners are used when serving each client.
  • Utility, household and technical premises must be provided. You can combine staff rooms if there are a small number of specialists working in the salon.
  • It is necessary to have a ventilation system that ensures normal air exchange; in solariums, mechanical ventilation is required. An exception is the use of solarium models with their own ventilation.

Frequent violations

There is a whole list of typical violations that are often detected by Rosportebnadzor employees:

  • Inconsistency of premises with requirements - insufficient space for each workplace, lack of isolated premises for different types of services, violation of ventilation, lighting standards, etc.
  • Unsatisfactory processing of instruments (violation of the sterility of manicure instruments, disinfection of hairdressing salons).
  • Lack of documentation for the cosmetics used.
  • Lack of documentation for disinfectants; dilution dates and concentrations are not indicated on the containers; irregular log keeping of their records.
  • Lack of tools and cleaning equipment.
  • Lack of specialized premises for storing hair, fluorescent lamps, etc.
  • Lack of data on regular medical examinations and medical books.
  • Lack of production control protocols and reports.

Identified violations are recorded in a log and instructions are issued. If administrative law is violated, a protocol is drawn up, on the basis of which a fine is imposed on the culprit.

For a beauty salon, any inspection is a premonition of unexpected and, most often, unpleasant moments. And the authority represented by Rospotrebnadzor is no exception. What Rospotrebnadzor checks in a beauty salon, what documents are needed, what rights does the director of the salon have, how the SES check is carried out in a beauty salon - Evgenia Paleeva, a lawyer at May Group of Companies (St. Petersburg), answered 15 of the most pressing questions.

1. How often can a beauty salon owner encounter inspections by Rospotrebnadzor? If you have just registered a legal entity, Rospotrebnadzor authorities have the right to conduct the first scheduled inspection no earlier than 3 years from the date of registration. Further scheduled inspections are carried out no more than once every 3 years. As for unscheduled inspections, the basis for which are statements from citizens, Rospotrebnadzor can conduct such inspections at least daily.

2. Is the salon owner warned about the upcoming inspection? Be sure to warn! According to the provisions of the Federal Law “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control”, the inspection body is obliged to notify about a scheduled inspection no later than 3 working days before the start of the inspection, and about an unscheduled inspection - on the day of signing the head of the order to conduct the inspection. Notification is usually sent by mail or telegram.

3. What documents does Rospotrebnadzor check? The authorities provide a specific list of documents that Rospotrebnadzor checks depending on the subject of the inspection. From those documents that are always looked at, we will highlight the constituent documents (if they are checking a legal entity) or registration documents (if they are checking an individual entrepreneur). Work books and cash registers are the competence of the Labor Inspectorate and the Tax Inspectorate, respectively. But representatives of Rospotrebnadzor can check medical records.

4. What does Rospotrebnadzor check in a beauty salon? When conducting a scheduled inspection, Rospotrebnadzor checks absolutely everything that is related to interaction with consumers. At the same time, they pay attention to the design of the so-called “consumer corner”, in which they will look at the presence of copies of the certificate of registration of a legal entity, a medical license (if the salon has one), the presence of the necessary regulations (Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Sales Rules certain types of goods, etc.). They check the presence and correct execution of the Book of Complaints and Suggestions, the presence and correct execution of price tags for products and price lists for services. If the inspection is unscheduled, they look only at what is directly stated in the text of the order to conduct the inspection. For example, if Rospotrebnadzor received a complaint that a store sells expired products, in this case they will check the expiration dates of all products displayed in the sales area. Rospotrebnadzor verifies compliance by a legal entity/individual entrepreneur with the mandatory requirements established by legislation on the protection of consumer rights.

5. Are any measurements taken? The standards for inspection of beauty salons by a sanitation station do not require taking measurements directly during the inspection, but the inspector may request protocols for measuring air and light parameters, which you must have. When conducting inspections, Rospotrebnadzor is guided by the federal regulatory framework; there are no special features during regional inspections.

6. What documents does the salon owner have the right to demand from the inspection authorities? If the inspection is carried out directly at the place where you carry out your commercial activities, then the inspecting inspector is required to present his official ID and the original signed by the head of the Order to conduct the inspection. The order specifies the type of inspection (scheduled/unscheduled), the purpose of the inspection, the name of the inspection body, and the persons authorized to conduct the inspection.

  • What to do if your first scheduled checkup at a beauty salon is coming?

7. What reasons might prompt Rospotrebnadzor to initiate an inspection? If 3 years have passed since the registration of the legal entity or from the date of the last SES inspection in the beauty salon, with a very high degree of probability your salon will be included in the plan of annual scheduled inspections. If the deadline for eliminating the comments identified during the last inspection has expired, Rospotrebnadzor will schedule an unscheduled inspection.

8. How to prepare for the test? Calmly and focusedly prepare documents according to the list provided by Rospotrebnadzor.

9. Is the salon owner present during the inspection? The presence of the owner directly (more precisely, the head of a legal entity or the individual entrepreneur himself) is not necessary. It is a mandatory requirement that the inspection must be carried out in the presence of a representative of the person being inspected. A representative can be either a director or an administrator.

10. How long does it take for verification? No more than twenty working days.

11. Can a salon owner somehow track that his salon is on the list for a scheduled inspection? At the beginning of each calendar year, a list of persons for whom a scheduled inspection is scheduled is published on the website of the Prosecutor General’s Office, as well as on the website of the City Prosecutor’s Office of the city where the salon is located.

12. What should the salon director do if the inspection is unscheduled? According to the standards for inspection of beauty salons by the sanitary station, the actions are similar to the behavior during a routine inspection.

13. What rights does the salon owner have when checking and further challenging its results (if there is such a need)?

If the Act drawn up based on the results of the inspection is signed without any written comments on your part, this means that you fully agree with everything that is recorded in this act, and appealing this document will subsequently be quite problematic. You have every right to record all violations that you identify during the inspection in the Act and subsequently appeal it. 14. Penalties.

For violating the rules for the sale of certain types of goods, a legal entity may be subject to a fine in the amount of 10,000 to 30,000 rubles. For violation of other consumer rights (for example, to obtain the necessary information about a product and the operating hours of the seller/manufacturer), a legal entity may be fined in the amount of 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. 15. What is beyond the competence of Rospotrebnadzor?

Outside the scope of activity of this inspection body are labor relations and cash discipline.

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Start showing from the page:

1 Memo for a beauty salon on the basic requirements of Rospotrebnadzor

2 The location of a salon is permitted: What premises are suitable for opening a beauty salon in it? *if there is an isolated entrance from the residential part and an autonomous ventilation system - on the first floors of residential buildings *subject to compliance with the requirements for air exchange of premises and microclimate parameters - in the basement and ground floors of buildings *subject to compliance with requirements for air exchange of premises and microclimate parameters - in retail centers and complexes without windows - In public buildings (shopping centers, holiday homes, sanatoriums, medical organizations). What materials can be used when renovating premises? - Finishing materials must have documents confirming in the prescribed manner *a sample document is presented on page 7 the safety of the products used - The surfaces of finishing materials must be smooth, easily accessible for wet cleaning and resistant to treatment with disinfectants. What about water, sewerage, ventilation? - The selected premises must have a centralized water supply system, centralized or autonomous sewage system, and stationary sanitary fixtures. - The ventilation system for all premises can be common (except for sanitary premises, forced exhaust ventilation must be installed in them) - The nail extension specialist’s workplace is equipped with local forced exhaust ventilation - If there are no more than 3 workplaces (with the exception of the nail extension specialist’s office nails and beauty salon), then you can get by with ventilating the premises. - Combined lighting (general and local) must be provided at all workplaces in manicure and pedicure rooms and cosmetics rooms. - At workplaces in hairdressing salons, only general lighting can be installed. How to properly plan the placement of cabinets in a beauty salon? - The minimum areas of various rooms are given on page 4 (Appendix 1) - Beauty, pedicure, massage, solarium, piercing, tattoo rooms must be located in separate rooms. - Can be combined in one isolated office with an area of ​​at least 9 m2 when combining manicure and pedicure services is allowed, subject to the organization of one workplace for a manicure-pedicure master. - In a beauty salon, you can organize up to three workplaces, provided they are isolated by partitions 1.8-2.0 m high. - What almost everyone forgets is that it is necessary to organize utility, auxiliary and household premises (dressing rooms, rooms rest and meals, bathrooms, pantries), a room or place for storing equipment, garbage and cut hair, for storing clean linen and perfumes and cosmetics, as well as a room or a special place for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of instruments, equipped with a sink with hot and cold water supply. - It is possible to combine a meal room with a dressing room for staff when the number of workers per shift is less than 10 people, and a lobby with a dressing room for visitors and a waiting room. 1

3 Compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime in the beauty salon The best place to start is by assigning a worker to organize the anti-epidemic regime and daily control of the disinfection regime, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of instruments, and train him in a specialized training center. He will also be responsible for implementing the production control program in the beauty salon. What are the main points to remember? - Wet cleaning of premises is carried out at least twice a day using detergents and disinfectants. - General cleaning is carried out once a week. - Cleaning equipment is marked indicating the premises and types of cleaning work. - Separate cleaning equipment must be allocated for bathrooms. - The cut hair is collected in a closed scoop and placed in disposable plastic garbage bags which, when filled, are tied and stored in the utility room until they are removed. - If a client has lice, the manipulation must be stopped. Disinfest tools and linen with pediculicides in the form of permethrin emulsion concentrate (Avicin, Mediphos, Akromed). - You can store clean linen on open shelves or at work places only in individual packaging. - Combs, brushes, and hair cutting scissors are washed under running water after each client and disinfected in disinfectant solutions according to the regimen used for fungal diseases (the dilution percentage is indicated in the instructions for use of the disinfectant). - You should have at least three sets of tools per workplace. - Instruments for manicure, pedicure, and cosmetic services are placed in a disinfectant solution after each client without prior rinsing with water. After disinfection is completed, the instruments are subjected to pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization. - It is necessary to do an azopyram test (hidden blood test) of 1% of the instruments being sterilized. Before taking the sample, prepare the azopyram reagent by mixing equal volumes of the initial azopyram solution and a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. The azopyram reagent can be stored for no more than 2 hours. With a positive azopyram test in the presence of traces of blood, immediately or no later than 1 minute later, a violet color appears first, then quickly turns into a pink-lilac or brownish color of the reagent within a few seconds. If the test is positive, the instruments are washed again. - Containers with working solutions of products must be equipped with lids and have inscriptions indicating the name of the product, its concentration, purpose, and the date of preparation of the working solution. - Conduct thermochemical (online, daily) and bacteriological control of sterilizers (2 times a year, with the assistance of a laboratory). - It is necessary to have an anti-HIV first aid kit. Its composition: - 70 alcohol; - 5% alcohol solution of iodine; - adhesive plaster, dressing material; - latex gloves; - container for diluting water; - 50 mg weighed portions of potassium permanganate. - Forms of work logs kept in the beauty salon: Logbook for monitoring the operation of air and steam sterilizers (filled out daily) 2

4 Logbook for recording the quality of pre-sterilization treatment (filled out daily) Logbook for recording general cleaning (filled out weekly) Logbook for monitoring the concentration of working solutions of disinfectants (filled out weekly) Logbook for registering and monitoring the ultraviolet bactericidal installation (filled out daily) Logbook for recording the receipt and consumption of disinfectants for carrying out disinfection measures at facilities (filled out weekly). What documentation do you need to have for equipment, disinfectants and cosmetics in a beauty salon? List of required documents: *sample document is given on page 6 Declaration of conformity from the manufacturer *sample document is given on page 7 certificate of state registration For disinfectants additionally: - instructions for use. For technical equipment (devices, climate control systems, UV irradiators): - technical passport. How often do employees need to undergo medical examinations? What is required from the employer? The employer's responsibilities include the preparation of the following documents: - Drawing up a contingent of persons subject to preliminary and periodic medical examinations in connection with harmful and (or) hazardous production factors based on the results of certification of workplaces, which indicates the name of the profession (position) of the employee according to the staffing table and the name of the harmful production factor - Drawing up a list of names of persons subject to preliminary and periodic medical examinations in accordance with certain contingents - Referral for a preliminary (periodic) medical examination (examination). - Submission of the final medical examination report based on the results of medical examinations of these employees to Rospotrebnadzor. What is required from the employee? The employee’s responsibilities include reporting to a medical facility with a referral from the employer and undergoing a medical examination. What is included in the scope of preliminary and periodic medical examination of a beauty salon employee? - Chest X-ray - Blood test for syphilis upon entry to work - Smears for gonorrhea upon entry to work - Tests for carriage of intestinal pathogens and serological examination for typhoid fever upon entry to work and subsequently according to epidemiological indications. What documents should be in the end? Based on the results of the examination, the medical organization issues: a medical card (remains in the medical organization); employee health passport (remains with the medical organization); conclusion based on the results of a preliminary (periodic) medical examination (issued to the employee for transmission to the employer after the employee has undergone a medical examination); final report based on the results of a periodic medical examination (issued to the employer after employees undergo a medical examination); marks in personal medical records of employees. 3

5 Composition and area of ​​premises Appendix 1 hairdressing salons, beauty salons, manicure, pedicure and massage rooms, solariums Name of premises Area per 1 workplace, m 2 Note 1. Premises for visitors: waiting room wardrobe for visitors 2. Hairdressing salons: universal hairdresser workplace 3.0 up to 10 workplaces; 1.5 for each subsequent; 0.3 4.5-8.0 Hairdresser's workplace 4.5 m² if there is a separate room for washing and coloring hair, 8 m² if sinks are installed in the hairdressing salon. Hairdressing salon for 1 workplace at least 15.0 m2, including the waiting room, wardrobe for visitors and the hairdresser's workplace Area of ​​the waiting room and wardrobe at least 6.0 m2 3. Premises for washing and hair coloring, hair perm 8, 0 Provide in hairdressing salons from 10 workplaces 4. Beauty salon from 12.0 area per 1 workplace - 12 m², for each subsequent one - 2 m² 5. Manicure salon 4.5 6. Pedicure salon 4.5 7. Extension salon nails 6.0 8. Massage room The area for 1 massage table is at least 8.0 m2, with an office area of ​​at least 12 m2 9. Room for post-grooming work 4.5 4.0 m2 for each additional workplace 10 Laundry From 9.0 m2 (taking into account the type of washing machine) Do not provide for centralized laundry 4

6 p/n Name of premises Area per 1 workplace, m 2 Note 11. Room for rest and eating 12. Utility rooms, storerooms (storerooms for linen, for cleaning equipment, storage of cut hair, etc.) 13. Storage rooms disinfectants, detergents 1.5 m2 per person, but not less than 6 m2 in hairdressing salons for up to 5 workplaces. Over for each employee at least 1.5 m2 At least 1.5 m2 up to 10 workplaces; 1.0 m2 for each subsequent At least 1.5 m2 up to 10 workplaces; 1.0 m2 for each subsequent At least 6 m Room or place for organizing disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of instruments at least 6 m² 15. Dressing rooms 0.3 m2 per 1 workplace 16. Solarium: dressing room operator's station 17. Toilets for visitors and staff 18. Decorative cosmetics cabinet 19. Administrator's office Not less than 3 m² Not less than 6 m² Not less than 2.75 m m m 2 It is possible to install separate bathrooms for staff and visitors Note: combination in one room is allowed*: - room for visitors: waiting room, cloakroom for visitors, administrator's office; - hairdressing salons, hair washing and hair perm rooms; - manicure room, pedicure room, nail extension room; - utility storerooms, rooms for storing disinfectants, detergents, a room for organizing disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of instruments; -cosmetic cabinet with decorative cosmetics cabinet. * when combining premises, the total area must be at least 9 m 2 5

1 Appendix 1 Composition and area of ​​premises of hairdressing salons, beauty salons, manicure, pedicure and massage rooms, solariums Name of premises 1. Premises for: waiting room Area for 1 worker

APPROVED Resolution of the Deputy Minister of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Republic of Belarus dated October 15, 2013 40 MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS (name of body or

Appendix APPROVED by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2010 59 Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for placement, design, equipment,

06 changes in the requirements of sanitary legislation for beauty salons Slide 2 * Requirements of sanitary legislation for the implementation of activities at public utility facilities

Resolution 65 of June 10, 2010 On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, equipment, maintenance and operating mode of laundries” Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia

SES requirements for the design, equipment and maintenance of hairdressing and beauty salons. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for design, equipment and contents. SanPiN

New sanitary standards and rules for hairdressing and beauty salons On approval of SanPiN 2.1.2. -10 In accordance with the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 52-FZ “On sanitary and epidemiological welfare

SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the location, structure, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of public utility organizations providing hairdressing salons

New sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the placement, design, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of public baths and saunas were approved by Rospotrebnadzor. They come into force on June 2. From now on

Appendix Approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2010 N59 WITH ANIT ARNO-EPIDEMIOLOGICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCOMMODATION, DEVICE, EQUIPMENT,

DECISION OF THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS February 13, 2009 17 On approval of Sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards “Hygienic requirements for devices, equipment

HYGIENIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE TERRITORY AND PREMISES OF HAIRDRESSING SALONS The territory adjacent to hairdressing salons must comply with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts (hereinafter -

DECISION OF THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS May 29, 2009 58 On approval of Sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards “Hygienic requirements for the device, equipment and

State sanitary and epidemiological regulation of the Russian Federation State sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards 2.1.2. DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF RESIDENTIAL

Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 31, 2014. 34547 Approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2014 N 51 SANITARY AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RULES

Department of Education of the Tula City Administration Municipal budgetary educational institution "Education Center 8" 300034, Tula, St. Frunze, 18 Phones: 31-56-41 ACCEPTED at the pedagogical

1 and (or) hazardous production factors, as well as work during which it is necessary to conduct preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of employees in order to protect

1. List of officially published sanitary rules, methods and techniques for monitoring environmental factors in accordance with the activities carried out. 1.1. Federal Law “On Sanitary and Epidemiological

“Agreed” “Approved” Head of the Territorial Administration Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare at Address 2008. 2008. Program

Specialists of the territorial department of the Rospotrebnadzor Office for Moscow in the Western Administrative District carried out a scheduled inspection of the beauty and dentistry salon of Gran + LLC at the address: Mozhaiskoye

SES requirements for the design, equipment and maintenance of hairdressing and beauty salons. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for design, equipment and contents. SanPiN

I approve the head of the MBDOU TsRR kindergarten 9th grade. Staroshcherbinovskaya / S.A. Predit/ 20 Production control program for 2017 of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution center

Prevention of infectious diseases during endoscopic manipulations Approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation

TESTS IN THE DISCIPLINE “MANICURE TECHNOLOGY” Select the correct answers 1. What types of services are provided in pedicure and manicure salons (according to the All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population): Hygienic

APPROVED Resolution of the Deputy Minister-Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Republic of Belarus dated October 15, 2013 42 MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS name of the body or institution,

2 Appendix to order OD-98 dated March 10, 2015. I APPROVED acting. Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education KO "Pedagogical Institute" I.Yu. Atroshchenko 2015 REGULATIONS on conducting mandatory preliminary tests (upon admission to

Program for production control of catering MBOU "Berezniki Secondary School" Characteristics of the conditions for placing a food facility MBOU "Bereznikovskaya Secondary School"

MEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT. * JSC National Center for Neurosurgery Chief Specialist of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Control Sector Zatsepilova G.S. In medical organizations, waste appears every day.

Adopted by the Decision of the General Meeting of workers of the GBDOU kindergarten 33 of the Kirov district of St. Petersburg Minutes of 2015 Agreed by the Chairman of the primary trade union organization of the GBDOU kindergarten


APPENDIX 3 APPROVED by the order of the Department of Social Protection and Family Policy of the region Act of Acceptance of Children's Recreation and Health Organizations 2016 Actual location address: Legal status

EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program was developed on the basis of the author's program of a related program for vocational training of students in general education institutions in the profession of “Hairdresser”.


On conducting an unscheduled thematic operational inspection of compliance with the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological legislation when organizing the storage and sale of items “SECOND HAND” by the Sanitary Service

State sanitary and epidemiological regulation of the Russian Federation State sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards 2.1.2. DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF RESIDENTIAL

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 111 combined type" of the city of Magnitogorsk Approved by the Head of the MDOU "Kindergarten 111k.v." M.A. Ermukhametova 20, Medical passport

1. Natural mechanisms of transmission of nosocomial infections: 2. Artificial mechanisms of transmission of nosocomial infections: 3. Meetings of the commission on the prevention of nosocomial infections are held: 4. Health workers performing manipulations are examined for hepatitis B:

Work is being carried out (on the results of monitoring of hairdressing salons and beauty salons for March 2016) by specialists of the sanitary and epidemiological service in pursuance of clauses 1.3.32-1.3.35 of the decision of the Sanitary and Epidemiological

DECISION OF THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS December 16, 2013 127 On approval of the Sanitary Norms and Rules “Requirements for the design and operation of physical education and sports facilities”,

Appendix 7 to the order of the Rospotrebnadzor Office for the Rostov Region dated September 5, 2007 221 “I approve” Position name and full name. manager, or full name individual entrepreneur signature

1.4 The gym and its utility room 1.5 Sanitary maintenance of the premises Availability of protective devices to prevent injuries Availability of sportswear for children during classes Arrangement

APPENDIX 2 APPROVED by the Order of the Department of Social Development of the Region dated “20” 05 2015 _38 _ FORM of the act of acceptance of children's recreation organizations and their health improvement ACT of acceptance (name of the recreation organization

Organization of work in the treatment room. Availability of work schedule: Time of current and general cleaning; Operating time of bactericidal lamps; Vacation time for procedures in the office; The schedule is posted on the front door of the office.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 5" ACCEPTED: at a meeting of the labor collective, protocol dated 04/14/2016 3 APPROVED: by order of MBOU Secondary School 5 dated 04/14/2016

CHU DPO “CENTER FOR VOCATIONAL TRAINING” “APPROVED” Director of CHU DPO “Center for Vocational Training” Torkunova E.M. 2015 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM of additional professional education qualifications:

State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Sverdlovsk Region Children's Clinical Hospital for Rehabilitation Scientific Practical Center Economic costs and laboratory efficiency

“I approve” School Director M.I. Germanova.. Program (plan) of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures in the camps

What does Rospotrebnadzor check and how? What is Rospotrebnadzor and what are its functions? Since June 2004, as part of the ongoing administrative reform, the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sector of

MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS PASTANOVA RESOLUTION “December 16,” 2013 127 On approval of Sanitary norms and rules “Requirements for the device


Production control program for the organization of students of the MBOU "Krivosheevskaya Secondary School" for the 2016-2017 academic year Appendix 2 to the order of August 25, 2016 298 Characteristics of the conditions for locating the MBOU facility

II. Requirements for the building I. Requirements for the territory Direction Activities Dates Responsible persons 1. Improvement of the territory (repair of asphalt pavement) of the school yard. 2. Events

Artamonova T.P., Sokolova E.I. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State University of Tourism and Service" (FGBOUVPO

SANITARY AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ORGANIZATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF DISINFECTING ACTIVITIES Sanitary and epidemiological rules SP 3.5.1378-03 I. Scope 1.1. Real sanitary and epidemiological

Health Laboratory professional disinfection “Health Laboratory” is a new unique project aimed at ensuring the safety of employees and consumers of services in the field of enterprise activities

Action plan for the prevention of intestinal infectious and non-infectious diseases in catering establishments of educational institutions, primary and secondary vocational education institutions in

APPROVED BY: Director of the Stavropol College of Communications named after Hero of the Soviet Union V.A. Petrova" P.G. Kuvaldin 2017 MINISTRY OF ENERGY, INDUSTRY AND COMMUNICATIONS OF THE STAVROPOL REGION STATE

Moscow, Staropetrovsky pr-d, 7a, building 6, of. 302. Sales department 8 800 500 57 42 [email protected]+7 977 789 29 01 +7 977 789 29 02 INSTRUCTIONS for disinfection, pre-sterilization

Administration of the Rostov Region Ministry of Economy, Trade, International and Foreign Economic Relations Directorate of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare


The role and area of ​​responsibility of the chief nurse during inspections by bodies authorized to exercise supervision in the field of sanitary and epidemiological well-being of people and in the field of protection

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "TYUMEN STATE OIL AND GAS UNIVERSITY"

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