How to check a taxi license. Permits

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These are taxi licenses from Moscow and Moscow Region. They can be fake.

Taxi license check and her authenticity in Moscow and the Moscow region is carried out using two websites. The process does not cause any difficulties, since it does not require personal contact with any authorities.

Check Moscow license

To check taxi license online, you need to visit the government services website. This method is applicable only for Moscow. There, using the data of the document that represents the license, you should enter the license number in the appropriate search field, which is indicated below (MSK Series No.).

Check the license of the Moscow region

To break through license number for the Moscow region, you need to find Department of Transport website, where you will need to download the latest data from the “Register of Issued Permits”.

Other verification methods

The authenticity of the issued paper can be checked visually if you have an idea of ​​what to look for. The legal document differs as follows:

  • the permit for Moscow has a certain appearance - on the front side there are colorographic yellow stripes without any hologram;
  • for the Moscow region, the resolution looks different - there are colorographic green stripes and a hologram in the lower left corner;
  • All papers are laminated without fail to preserve the appearance and safety of printed data;
  • on the reverse side of the paper there is a seal of the authority that issued the license;
  • any official documents have their own series, against which they can be checked in the relevant registers.

If one of the mentioned points is missing, there is a possibility that the document is fake. You can finally verify this by turning to a single database for Moscow and Moscow Region. In the search fields, you enter either the car number or the registration series of the document, by which it can be found in the corresponding register.

2. How to check a taxi permit?

To find and check a specific resolution, specify one or more parameters:

  • state registration number of the car. To enter, use the Russian layout;
  • carrier name. Be sure to put quotation marks and, without abbreviation, indicate the legal form of the legal entity, for example, a limited liability company or an open joint-stock company. If you are looking for permits issued to an individual entrepreneur, please indicate his full name. To enter, use the Russian layout;
  • region where the permit was issued: Moscow or Moscow region;
  • registration number of the permit.

You can filter your search results by permit status and the region in which it was issued. To do this, use the arrow icons in the headers of the corresponding columns.

To view and, if necessary, print detailed information on a specific resolution, click on its number in the first column.

If you want to view the entire register of permits issued for taxi operations in Moscow and the Moscow region, do not specify any of the search parameters and use the page navigator below the table.

3. Checking Permissions

4. What information can you find out using the service?

  • status and validity period of the permit;
  • date and region of issue of the permit;
  • registration number of the permit;
  • state registration number of the car;
  • make, model and year of manufacture of the car;
  • name, INN, OGRN or OGRNIP of the carrier (LE or IP);
  • series and number of the permission form;
  • date of last amendments to the permit;
  • information about the suspension and renewal of the permit, termination of the permit, revocation (cancellation) of the permit.

5. What is the fine for transporting passengers and luggage by taxi without permission?

Carrying out business activities without state registration as an individual entrepreneur or without state registration as a legal entity entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 to 2,000 rubles (Part 1 of Article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Carrying out business activities without a special permit (license), if such a permit (such license) is mandatory (mandatory), entails the imposition of an administrative fine:

  • for citizens - in the amount of 2,000 to 2,500 rubles with or without confiscation of manufactured products, production tools and raw materials;
  • for officials - from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles with or without confiscation of manufactured products, production tools and raw materials;
  • for legal entities - from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles with or without confiscation of manufactured products, production tools and raw materials (Part 2 of Article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Transportation of passengers and luggage by a passenger vehicle used for the provision of services for the transportation of passengers and luggage by a driver who does not have a permit to carry out activities for the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxi shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of 5,000 rubles (Part. 2.1 Article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Unfortunately, cars are high-risk items. Based on this, their use in action requires certain preparedness.

If you want to transport people and earn money for it, then you need to obtain the appropriate license that allows you to be a taxi driver.

In this article we will talk about what a license should be, how to check its authenticity and what methods to do this.

In our state, any activity that is related to a car, and especially the transportation of people and other luggage, must have a certain license or permit. In addition, such a document can only be issued if a person has the status of a so-called entrepreneur.

If you work in this way without having the appropriate document, then such activity does not comply with the law and is punishable. It is worth noting that there are taxi drivers who manage without a license, but this does not last long.

Obtaining information online using the Ministry of Transport websites

In this option, the check is most often carried out using the vehicle’s license plate number, since this is the easiest parameter to search for. This procedure is completely free. This method is discussed in detail in the next section.

By VIN code

Most often, this method determines information about whether the car has ever been used to transport passengers. Of course, in this case you need to know the VIN number.

“Mystery Passenger” (TP) technique

The process has its own step-by-step features:

  1. First, a call is made to a taxi service and an application for a car is made.
  2. The consumer receives various information about the car, its color, make, numbers. The so-called secret passenger sends this information to the relevant authorities to verify the availability of a license.
  3. Upon arrival of the car, the person sits down and drives, but does not use a seat belt. For this reason, a traffic police representative must stop the car.
  4. A government agency representative checks the vehicle for all necessary documents.

In the absence of a special permit, the traffic police inspector fills out a protocol on the violation and also removes state-type license plates from it.

If the driver has a license, but there are any minor violations, then an oral conversation is held. In this case, the inspector must write down certain details of the driver-entrepreneur and enter them into the database. Then the taxi driver is released.

There is an option when the driver works under a license that was issued as. In this case, the inspector is obliged to inspect the car and carry out the entire check more thoroughly. If there are certain violations, the inspector creates a protocol where all the shortcomings are recorded. Information about violations is sent to the organization where the driver works.

If the car is unmarked, then to prove that the car is a taxi, a dialogue takes place between the “secret passenger” and the inspector.

Often in this case, the inspector asks the passenger why he did not wear a seat belt, and he replies that he thought it was okay not to wear a seat belt in a taxi. When asked by a government representative that this is a taxi, TP answers in the affirmative and says that he called him by phone (gives his phone number). Based on this information, a protocol is drawn up.


Recently, you can quite often see raid checks to identify violators.

Checking the raid type occurs in an interesting way: first of all, you need to call a TP car, clarify that it is a taxi, make an advance (pre-marked bills) and follow the route where there will be a traffic police post.

As in the case described above, you need to transfer information about the car to government officials. TP colleagues must stop the vehicle for a thorough check. During the check, if there is no license, it will be easy to prove that the driver is engaged in illegal activities.

In another version of the raid check, employees go out and take photographs of taxi drivers’ cars in their parking areas (to record signs that people are engaged in this activity), and then drive up and conduct a document check.

How can you check the authenticity online using a car’s license plate number?

We will describe how to check a taxi license for Moscow and the Moscow region:

  • Go to the official website of the Moscow Mayor link.

  • Scrolling to In the third item “Checking permissions” we enter:
  1. In the “State registration plate” field - the state number of the car, which we want to check.
  2. In the “Permission issuance region” field, select “All”.

  • Click on the “Check” button and get the search result(the status of the permit is immediately visible: valid, etc.).

When you press to the permit number, we receive full information about the permit (validity period, data on individual entrepreneur or legal entity, data on the car, etc.)

Reference! In order to check a taxi permit in any region of the Russian Federation, you need to go to the website of the Ministry of Transport of your region and find the registry there.

For example, for the Sverdlovsk region in any search engine (Yandex, Google) enter a query like: “ Ministry of Transport of the Sverdlovsk Region". As a rule, the site of interest will be the very first.

On the website of the Ministry of Transport we find a section dedicated to taxis, and there is already a register (you can immediately enter the query “ taxi register"). Often the registry is in the form of a file that can be downloaded to your computer. In this case, a search by car license plate number can be carried out using a regular document search ( key combination “Ctrl” + “F”).

Useful video

This video shows how to check a taxi license in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region:

Now you know how a taxi license is checked and, if necessary, you can easily cope with this task.

Southern Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural federal district

Siberian Federal District

Central Federal District

Northwestern Federal District

Southern Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural federal district

Siberian Federal District

Far Eastern Federal District

North Caucasus Federal District

Central Federal District

Northwestern Federal District

Southern Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural federal district

Siberian Federal District

Far Eastern Federal District

North Caucasus Federal District

Central Federal District

Northwestern Federal District

Southern Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural federal district

Siberian Federal District

Far Eastern Federal District

North Caucasus Federal District


List of registers of licenses/permits issued by Rostransnadzor

Motor transport and road facilities

Water transport

Railway transport

Air Transport

Search for permits

Modern federal legislation regulates private passenger transportation at a special level.

This type of activity is quite responsible, therefore special attention is paid to the availability of a special permit.

Activities are being carried out to resolve the issue of how to check a taxi license.

Changes are constantly being made to the list of laws, and at the moment quite serious requirements are imposed on cars, as well as drivers, and are constantly checked for compliance.

A permit license for passenger transportation is an official document that gives the right to conduct private transportation using personal passenger vehicles.

The document must be received by entrepreneurs, legal entities, and drivers working in a modern taxi. Such activities and employment must be formalized by a specially correctly drawn up contract.

To obtain such permission, you will need to provide certain documents to the relevant organization:

  1. Application form established by law.
  2. Copies of registration papers.
  3. A copy of the personal passport of the person submitting the application.
  4. If a person is engaged in entrepreneurial activity, he must provide a copy of the individual entrepreneur registration.

As for the appearance of the document, at the moment there is no strictly established form of such permission. In each region, this document is regulated at the individual regional level.

Despite this, there is a list of mandatory details that must be present in the license.

Here are the most basic of them:

  • a special regional coat of arms and the official name of the structural body that issued the permit;
  • official permit number. It must correspond to the number of the designated registry entry of previously issued permits;
  • full or abbreviated official designation of the legal entity, its main legal and organizational form, as well as its official location;
  • personal data of the entrepreneur, place of residence, passport number and series;
  • information about transport used to transport passengers. Indicate the model and registration number of the vehicle;
  • time period of license validity;
  • date of issue of the transportation permit.

Using these points, you can solve the question of how to check the authenticity of a taxi license.

Re-issuance of a permit is carried out in the process of changing the state number of the car, the name of the legal entity and its place of residence, reorganization, personal data of the founder, place of residence, details of the document that is an identity card.

To carry out passenger transportation, an official license is required.. It is issued only if the car and driver fully comply with the requirements established by law. The driver will be fined for not having a license.

Checking your taxi driving license

At the moment, there are several options for resolving issues of how to check a taxi license in the Moscow region by number and basic information specified in it.

Data on such portals is updated within five days from the moment major changes were made to the register.

So, answering the question of where you can check a license for passenger transportation by taxi, you can note the following portals and sites:

  1. On the State Services portal.
  2. The official website of the regional transport ministry, where a taxi license is checked by license number.
  3. You can contact the Department of Transport of the Moscow Region.

To check the permit document, you will need to know at least one of the basic details if it is impossible to check the car using the license plate number.

This may be the number of the issued license, information about the registration of the car, the name of the carrier organization. It will be equally useful to know the OGRN and OGRNIP.

All these are verification methods based on the use of special web resources. At the same time, several more verification options are provided.

This option for checking a license can be done as follows:

If, as a result of the inspection, it turns out that there is no license, the inspector will draw up a protocol prohibiting the use of the car and removing the established license plates from it.

If the taxi driver is an entrepreneur, if there are minor violations during the paperwork process, oral comments will be given regarding their elimination.

The traffic police officer writes down the driver’s details and then checks them using a special information database.

If the driver is engaged in transportation under a license that was previously issued under a rental contract, a traffic police officer will conduct a more thorough check.

He will check documents such as waybills, color schemes, and other basic information. Based on the identified errors and violations, the inspector will create a protocol.

Based on it, the driver or the organization in which he works is sent an order to correct all violations.

Employees of the inspection organization, through the dispatcher, call a random taxi from a pre-selected company and travel along a pre-established route.

Already when boarding, they clarify whether the arriving car is a taxi, and also clarify the cost of the planned trip.

Before the trip, an advance payment is made with the obligatory recording of bills. So that later it would be easier to check the taxi permit and there would be evidence.

As soon as the car starts moving, the inspection staff informs their colleagues regarding the make, color and license plate number of the vehicle by sending them a special SMS message.

There will definitely be traffic control on the chosen route.. An employee stops the car, takes documents for inspection and asks the driver to leave the car.

During the check, he will ask the driver who he is transporting in the cabin and asks a similar question to passengers.

After this, the traffic police officers invite everyone to testify in a nearby patrol car, where they are questioned in more detail, where documents are checked and if violations are identified, a protocol is drawn up.

It is worth knowing that taxi activity, that is, transporting passengers without a special license, is punishable.

Among the main penalty rates in 2019 are:

  • when transporting passengers in cars without a license, the driver will be fined in the amount of 30 thousand rubles;
  • If this legal condition is violated again, the sanctions are automatically tightened. The fine remains the same in amount, but in addition the driver may be deprived of his license for some time;
  • absence of a receipt confirming payment for the trip – 1000 rubles;
  • for inappropriate color of the car and the absence of a “checker” on the roof or other identification marks – 3,000 rubles;
  • unlicensed painting of a car in taxi colors and illegal installation of checkers - 5,000 rubles.

All rules and conditions established by federal legislation are punished more seriously for repeated violations.

This rather serious approach to licensing transportation activities is based on ensuring the safety of passengers. Achieved only if certain requirements for a taxi are met.

In order to transport passengers professionally, the driver and his vehicle must meet certain requirements. In their absence, a license to carry out transportation will not be issued.

Here are the main requirements and conditions for the driver:

  1. Mandatory general driving experience of at least three years. It must be documented.
  2. Presence of a normal reaction.
  3. Good vision.
  4. Medical examination before each shift.
  5. Psychological balance and correctness towards passengers.

As for the established requirements for vehicles that will be used to transport passengers, several requirements can be noted here.

It is mandatory to have a “checker” on the body of the car, and to have a special light on the roof of the car that will glow in the dark. It is required to install a taximeter if the organization charges for the duration of the trip or for the distance.

Regular inspection is mandatory. The frequency should be at least once every six months. In addition, the vehicle must be inspected by a professional mechanic before each departure.

If an individual entrepreneur or other legal entity is engaged in the transportation of passengers, he has other responsibilities. The head of the company must ensure that the machine is repaired and maintained.

Before leaving for a flight, each vehicle must undergo a professional technical inspection. It is also the responsibility to check each driver for their sobriety and general health.

If the above requirements are not met, the previously issued permit to transport passengers may be revoked.

In case of complete or partial non-compliance with legally established requirements, the following sanction measures are taken:

A taxi driving and transportation permit may not only be suspended, but also declared invalid by the court. Similar sanctions are provided in several cases.

Among them, we can note the lack of correction of errors within the deadline indicated in the completed protocol. The license can be withdrawn if the taxi driver gets into an accident in which passengers are injured, killed or seriously harmed.


The question of how to check a taxi license by car number or license number is important and relevant at the present time, since this type of activity is directly related to serving people and ensuring a high level of security for them.

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