How to calculate the cost of living for a family? What income should a low-income family have? How to calculate the average per capita income of a family.

In 2018, there will be several changes related to the cost of living, so many families are interested in the question of what exactly the income should be in order to qualify for low-income status. A detailed answer to this question, as well as a table with data for different regions, are presented in the article.

Mostly families have this status:

  • with 2 children;
  • large families (3 or more children);
  • with disabled people;
  • with adopted children;
  • guardians (grandparents raising grandchildren);
  • incomplete (one parent raising one or more children).

It is assumed that an able-bodied citizen is working or is officially listed as unemployed(is on the labor exchange). And children and pensioners receive appropriate benefits from the state. The category of poor people is assigned in cases where in terms of each family member, the income is lower than that required by the subsistence level. By this indicator we mean a statistical value that includes all basic expenses in monthly terms:

  • for food;
  • for non-food products;
  • for necessary services;
  • for mandatory payments, as well as fees (housing and communal services, taxes, etc.).

The indicator depends on three parameters at once:

  1. Conditions in a specific region (the largest expenses are in the northern regions, for example, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, etc.).
  2. The economic situation (the minimum is revised every quarter depending on the dynamics of inflation, and it can not only increase, but also decrease.).
  3. Categories of citizen (there is a minimum for a worker, a minor child and a pensioner).

On average in the Russian Federation, the minimum amount ranges from 9-11 thousand rubles, the approximate structure of such a basic budget looks like this.

Expert opinion

Salomatov Sergey

Real estate expert

Minimum = minimum wage?

The concept of a living wage in modern Russian history has never coincided with the minimum wage (minimum wage), the value of which is guaranteed by the state. However, from May 1, 2018, these figures will become equal for the first time: now an employee cannot receive less than 11,163 rubles (if the standard hours are met).

So, theoretically from May 1, 2018 not a single working citizen(full time) cannot be considered low-income, since he is guaranteed to receive at least the minimum wage, which is equal to the minimum for the first time.

However, the question of what exactly the income should be in 2018 in order to confirm the status of a low-income family remains relevant. The fact is that many families have children, disabled people and other persons who often do not have any income. As a result, if you sum up the entire family budget and recalculate it for one person, he (and therefore the whole family) can receive low-income status.

Living wage for all regions: table

Table with data for all regions:

Thus, in all cases, the local Government sets the highest minimum for an able-bodied person, followed by children (under 18 years of age) and then pensioners.

How to calculate income: step-by-step instructions and examples

The calculation procedure is very simple:

  1. All official incomes received by all family members are summed up. Only receipts for the next three months (quarter) are taken into account.
  2. The amount is divided by 3 (to find out the monthly income).
  3. Then the resulting value is divided by exactly as many people as live in the family.
  4. The final average figure is the minimum per person.
  5. Now you need to compare it with the data in the table in accordance with the region and category of the citizen - able-bodied, child or pensioner. If the amount is less, it means the person is poor (and the family too).

If you understand what income each person receives, what it should be in 2018 in order to obtain the status of a low-income family, you should take into account all types of official income:

  • salary (including vacation pay, sick leave pay, compensation, maternity pay, etc.);
  • (including one-time ones);
  • scholarships (including social ones);
  • survivor benefits;
  • or other real estate;
  • income from securities (shares);
  • income from bank deposits on interest;
  • funds received from the use of a patent and other intellectual property (for example, royalties for a book), etc.

Thus, any receipt of funds in 2018, which is reflected in official documents and is associated with income, is taken into account in general calculations when the category of a low-income family must be determined: on the basis of this, a decision is made on what assistance will be provided to such citizens.

EXAMPLE 1. A family consists of two parents and one child. Over the last three months, the father receives a salary of 18,000 rubles, the mother – 15,000 rubles. Citizens live in the city of Krasnoyarsk. We add up both figures and get a total monthly income of 33,000 rubles. Divide by 3 and we get 11,000 rubles calculated for each family member. We find data for the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the table and see that an able-bodied person should receive 11,577 rubles. And the child should have an income of 11,530 rubles, which in fact it is not: therefore, this is a low-income family (as of the current date of 2018).

EXAMPLE 2. Over the past three months, the same family received three money transfers from a relative in the amount of 30,000 rubles (10,000 rubles per month). It turns out that together with the salary, the total income for 3 months amounted to 129,000 rubles. Divide by 3, we get 43,000 rubles (for 1 month). However, of this, only 33,000 rubles are officially confirmed income, and the remaining 10,000 rubles are the receipt of funds from a relative (an unstable and unaccounted amount). Consequently, the family is still considered low-income - the transfer is not income.

Procedure for obtaining status: benefits for the poor

You need to obtain status as quickly as possible, since the following benefits are available to poor families.

In our article today we will analyze what PM is and learn how to calculate the cost of living for a family. This information will help determine whether your family is considered “low-income.”

Living wage - what is it, what does it include?

The subsistence minimum is the income of a citizen of the Russian Federation that a person requires to ensure a minimum standard of living. It usually includes the cost of products and goods that a person needs to maintain his health. In this case, the value is calculated for several categories of citizens at once, which makes it possible to conveniently and more accurately establish other amounts of social payments and benefits.

The following tablet will tell you what concepts you will encounter when studying the cost of living in Russia.

The calculation of PM is based on the following:

  1. The population of the Russian Federation is taken into account to determine the well-being of citizens.
  2. Calculations are based on socio-demographic categories to ensure proper distribution of payments.
  3. The size of the consumer basket and the total amount of payments made by citizens every month (for example, “utilities”) are taken into account. In this case, the calculation is as follows: the PC must include at least 50% of products, 25% each for services and non-food products.
  4. The increase in prices for goods and services is taken into account.
  5. Minimum standards for the consumption of products that are classified as essential are determined.

At the same time, the living wage is calculated both for one person and for the family as a whole. The total monthly income of the family is divided by all its members (people living at the same address).

But communal apartments, where non-relatives may be registered, are not taken into account in the calculations. Family, in the understanding of officials, is all close relatives: spouses, parents, children.

Why do you need to know and be able to calculate PM?

According to Article 2 of the Federal Law, the subsistence minimum has two goals:

  • Assessing the standard of living of citizens, developing social policy and introducing special programs at all levels - from federal to local.
  • Establishing the minimum wage, scholarships, payments, pensions, etc.
  • Determining the size of the Federal budget for the next year.

If we take into account each region of the Russian Federation separately, then knowledge of the cost of living is necessary in order to:

  • To get ahead of the standard of living of Russians in each subject of the Russian Federation, in order to implement social programs in this particular region.
  • For proper budget formation.
  • To identify low-income families, provide material and other assistance to low-income people.

It is important to note that regional authorities can change the size of the subsistence minimum based on the results of the analysis, therefore, most often, the size of the subsistence minimum is different for each region.

PM sizes for different categories in 2019

When calculating this value, the government divides the population into three categories:

  • Pensioners.
  • Children.
  • able-bodied citizens.

Let's look at this issue in more detail, taking two cities as examples - Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Category Who goes there? PM value in the capital PM value in St. Petersburg
Working population This includes persons who are able to take part in work activities, including:
  • Men from 16 to 64 years old.
  • Women from 16 to 59 years old.

It is worth noting that ages may vary.

This group also does not include disabled people of groups 1 and 2

18,580 rubles 12,079 rubles
Pensioners People who have reached retirement age 12,115 rubles 8,954 rubles
Children (under age) Persons who cannot work due to their minor age 13,938 rubles 10,754 rubles
Size per capita The average value that applies to all citizens 16,260 rubles 11,021 rubles

These PM sizes are established by regulations of the Government of Moscow and St. Petersburg. In other regions, the cost of living is also set by the Government or local governments.

In general, in Russia the size of the PM is as follows:

  • Per capita - 16,260 rubles
  • Able-bodied — RUB 18,580
  • Pensioners — RUB 11,505
  • Children — 13,938 rub.

How to calculate the cost of living for a family - instructions

To calculate the size of the PM for each individual citizen, experts do the following:

  1. They calculate the products consumed by a citizen for the year, including those in the productive basket, and divide the resulting value by the number of months in the year.
  2. The resulting value should be multiplied by the average cost of these products or services.
  3. We tell the obtained values.

But to calculate the PM for a family, you should act differently. We will tell you how to do this without the help of specialists, which will allow you to determine whether you fall under the concept of a “low-income family” whose subsistence minimum is less than that established in your city.

The formula for calculation is as follows:

PM = ((PM tn * N tn) + (PM p * N p) + (PM d * N d))/(N tn + N p + N d), where:

To calculate, be sure to use the following instructions:

  1. First, determine what social demographic groups the family consists of. For example, these may be only representatives of the working population and children, or only pensioners, etc.
  2. Count how many people in the family belong to each group.
  3. Determine what PM size is established in your region for each group.
  4. If any of the categories are not represented (for example, children), they do not need to be taken into account in the calculations.
  5. Put all the values ​​into the formula and carry out the calculations.

Simple example for calculation

Let's calculate the cost of living for a family of five people living in Moscow:

  • Father, 45 years old (refers to TN).
  • Mom, 40 years old (TN).
  • Daughter, 15 years old (children).
  • Son, 13 years old (children).
  • Grandfather, 70 years old (retired).

Now let’s substitute the values ​​into the formula:

PM = (18580 * 2) + (13938 * 2) + (12115 * 1)/(2 + 2 + 1).

PM = 37160 + 27876 + 12115 / 5

Answer: 15,430 rubles.

All you have to do is compare it with the indicator for your city - if the average per capita income per family is less than the established subsistence minimum, you will fall into the “Low-income” category.

PM for determining benefits

As we have already said, the amount of social benefits, earnings, and cash assistance for the poor is necessarily determined taking into account the size of the subsistence minimum. Therefore, when calculating this value, experts rely on:

  • Expenses spent by the working-age population every month.
  • Costs of taxes and deductions established by local authorities in each region.
  • Income from submitted declarations in form 3-NDFL and 2-NDFL. Such documents can be obtained from the tax office at the place of registration.

If we talk about a family, then its wealth, of course, is influenced by the number of family members who cannot generate income (we are talking about children and pensioners, disabled people), and the professional activities of able-bodied citizens.

It is worth noting that some of the calculations are carried out taking into account the expenses that a person requires to maintain normal life activities. Expenses on education and food for children are also taken into account, which is why most often the cost of living for children is traditionally higher than for pensioners.

In some cases, the Law establishes a PM threshold (standard) that residents of the Russian Federation should not violate. For example, pension payments cannot be lower than the monthly minimum, as well as the amount of earnings, scholarships, and other benefits.

In contact with

The legislative norms of the Russian Federation at the federal and regional levels determine the procedure for providing benefits and benefits to low-income families in 2019.

To receive such support, you must submit the appropriate documents to the local Department of Labor and Social Services. protection of the population with the subsequent acquisition of low-income status for the family.

In what case is a family recognized as low-income in 2019?

A family in which the average income per person does not exceed the minimum subsistence level established by the region can be recognized as low-income.

The resulting number must be divided by the number of people in the family. As a result, the average monthly income (average per capita) per person will be determined.

If the resulting value is less than the subsistence level established for the current period, the family will be able to receive the appropriate status.

To calculate total income, the following are taken into account:

  1. payments according to the wage system;
  2. income from property;
  3. social payments;
  4. income from farming;
  5. dividends;
  6. alimony;
  7. severance pay;
  8. royalties.

According to the law, only a family in which there are no able-bodied parasites over 18 years of age can be recognized as low-income. This rule does not apply to women on maternity leave.

Composition of a low-income family

According to Russian legislation, any family of any composition has the right, under certain circumstances, to take advantage of benefits for the poor.

  1. large families (with the number of children from three or more);
  2. full (both parents with children or childless parents);
  3. incomplete (one parent and one or more children);
  4. which includes people with disabilities;
  5. with adopted children or taken into guardianship;
  6. families without parents, where children are raised by grandparents.

All family members must reside and be registered at the same address.

But if one of them, being of age and able to work, is a parasite, he will not be recognized by law as a low-income person. Such a person has no right to receive any social benefits.

Living wage in Russia

The subsistence minimum is approved by the Governments of the regions of the Russian Federation, taking into account their individual characteristics.

This indicator is calculated quarterly for each category of citizens: per capita, for working citizens, pensioners and children.

In 2019, the cost of living in Russia is projected to increase by approximately 6%.

How to obtain low-income family status

To obtain this status, one of the family members must provide the required package of documents to the social protection department or to the MFI.

All documents must contain reliable information, secured with appropriate signatures and state seals.

If acts of fraud are detected or sources of income are concealed, the status of the poor will not be assigned. If the fraud is discovered later, the family may be required to return all payments obtained illegally.

If one of the family members is serving in the army or serving a sentence in prison, is on the wanted list or is considered missing, a certificate about this from the relevant authority is required.

After submitting the documents to the social worker, the case is reviewed by a commission, which can take from 10 to 30 days. If the decision is positive, the family will be given low-income status.

Typical set of documents

In 2019, the applicant must provide the following documents and their copies:

  1. application for status assignment;
  2. ID cards for the entire family;
  3. evidence confirming family ties;
  4. a certificate describing the composition of the family;
  5. house book with an extract about the persons registered in the residential area;
  6. income certificates for the entire family;
  7. for temporarily unemployed persons - a work book and a certificate from the Employment Center;
  8. list of property and ownership documents.

If there is a disabled person in the family who needs special care, appropriate certificates and certificates are provided.

Types of support for low-income families in 2019

At the federal level:

  • exemption from taxes on all types of payments made under the state program.
  • provision of free legal services;
  • health care benefits;
  • non-competitive admission to a state university for a person under 20 years of age who has successfully passed the Unified State Exam and is dependent on a group I disabled parent.

Benefits for low-income families:

  • one-time payments to those in need;
  • payments to large families;
  • monthly child benefit;

Video: Benefits for the poor and families with many children will increase:

Child support:

  1. free travel on public transport for children under 7 years of age;
  2. benefits for purchasing train tickets;
  3. provision of priority places in kindergartens and nurseries;
  4. discounted meals for schoolchildren;
  5. provision of free medicines to children under 6 years of age;
  6. benefits for travel to another country for the purpose of treatment;
  7. compensation for the purchase of compulsory school uniforms and stationery;
  8. obtaining a voucher to a sanatorium.

Support for adult family members:

  • provision of preferential working conditions;
  • lowering the retirement age;
  • possibility of non-payment of business registration fee.

Help in solving housing problems:

  1. obtaining free housing on social rental terms for low-income families who do not have their own living space or live in cramped conditions;
  2. the right to receive a social mortgage with state support (the state subsidizes a certain part of the interest rate);
  3. providing a discount on real estate tax;
  4. providing subsidies to pay for utilities.

The basis for ending support for the poor is an improvement in their financial situation, in which the average monthly income becomes higher than the subsistence level.

Within two weeks from the date of the changes, the citizen is obliged to submit to the department of labor and social services. population protection documents containing reliable income information.

Video: Benefits for large families and low-income people:

Each family has its own income level. In order to determine whether certain citizens need additional government assistance and support, the average per capita income for a designated time period is calculated.

Average per capita income is the income a family received over a certain period of time, excluding taxes per person. This term is used to recognize a family as low-income and in need of social assistance.

Average per capita income can be calculated both for an individual family and for the entire population as a whole. To calculate the latter indicator, the income of citizens for a specified period is divided by the number of people.

This indicator is used when indexing the cost of goods and services, as well as when calculating the minimum wage.

The amount of income per family member is calculated in accordance with Law No. 44-FZ “On the Procedure for Accounting for Income and Expenses...” and Government Decree No. 512 “On the List of Types of Income...”.

The average per capita income of the population is calculated annually. Based on the obtained indicators, changes are made to the regulations relating to the subsistence minimum and to Law No. 80-FZ, which establishes the minimum wage.

How is the calculation made?

The income for each family member is determined by specialists from the social protection departments at the applicants’ place of residence.

The calculation is based on the following data:

  • number of family members;
  • profit that is received by all family members;
  • information on property rights.

Family members include:

  • spouses and their children under 18 years of age;
  • persons who are not officially married, but live together and have children together;
  • persons acting as guardians or trustees on the basis of decisions of the guardianship authorities and living together with their wards.

When calculating the required indicator, not all amounts of money received by family members are taken into account.

So, the calculations do not take into account:

  • funds received by children who have reached the age of 18 and live separately from their parents;
  • money received by parents who were deprived of parental rights, but who live with their children;
  • funds received by children who are supported by the state;
  • money received by a spouse who is in a correctional facility;
  • payments received by a spouse undergoing military service or training in military educational institutions.

What types of profit are taken into account?

Social protection authorities take into account certain types of profit that each family member receives.


  • wages and other payments related to wages;
  • preserved average salary (according to the grounds prescribed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • compensation payments that were accrued for the performance of government duties;
  • severance pay;
  • sick leave payments;

  • social benefits (pensions, unemployment benefits, disability, maternity, child and other benefits);
  • profit received from the use or sale of property that is the property of family members;
  • alimony;
  • income received as a result of doing business;
  • remuneration for copyright literary works and works of art;
  • income from bank deposits;
  • funds received by inheritance or as a gift.

Funds received in foreign currencies are recalculated taking into account the exchange rate established by the Central Bank of Russia. In addition to the listed cash payments, the profit received by family members in kind is taken into account.

The calculation is performed for the last three calendar months.

Example calculation

In order to determine whether a particular family is entitled to receive state financial assistance, it is necessary to know the maximum income level allowed for one family. This indicator is determined by multiplying the current subsistence level by 1.5.

Let's look at the calculation of average per capita income using a specific example.

To calculate we will use the formula:

D: KM: H = SD,

  • where SD is the required number,
  • D – income of all family members,
  • KM – calculation period (3 months),
  • H – number of people.

Let's say a family consists of two working people and one child. The income of one family member is 24 thousand rubles, the income of the second family member is 36 thousand rubles. SD = 60000: 3: 3 = 6666 rubles. The cost of living is 9976 rubles. This means that the maximum average income per person in a given family is 9976x1.5 = 14964 rubles. Thus, the amount of calculated income is below the limit.

Let's look at a few more examples. A pensioner living alone received pension payments in the amount of 18,500 rubles for three months. The average per capita income in this case will be equal to: 18500: 3: 1 = 6166 rubles, which is also less than the maximum amount.

As a third example, assume that a family consists of two working parents, one working adult child and a pensioner, whose three-month income is equal to the following amounts: 70,000 rubles, 95,000 rubles, 48,000 rubles and 18,000 rubles, respectively. SD = 231000: 3: 4 = 19250. With the maximum average income of 9976x1.5 = 14964, the average family income exceeds the established minimum.

Eligibility for assistance

If the calculated level of income per family member does not reach the established amount, this family can apply for financial assistance.

Help can be expressed in the form of:

  • payment of child benefits;
  • provision of products, things, medicines;
  • providing tax benefits;
  • subsidies for utility bills;
  • payment of benefits to prepare children for the school year;
  • payment of social scholarships;
  • providing preferential conditions when applying for loans, etc.

In order to apply for assistance, it is necessary to confirm that the family’s income does not meet the established standards. This can be done by obtaining a certificate from the local department of social protection of the population. To obtain a certificate, you will need to write an application.

You also need to provide the following documents:

  • civil passports of all family members who live together;
  • certificates in form No. 9 received at the passport office;
  • birth documents of children under 14 years of age;
  • documents confirming family income for the last three months.

In some cases, other documents may be needed, which will be discussed directly with the social security authorities.

In Russia it is becoming more and more every year. Such people are entitled to certain benefits and allowances. Not too big, but it's better than nothing at all. The so-called average per capita income plays a huge role in obtaining the status of those in need. It is calculated taking into account the profits of all family members. Accordingly, the end result is a figure indicating exactly how much money, on average, a family has per person. If the indicator is less than the minimum established in the region, the status of a low-income family is obtained. But how to make the calculations correctly? What you should pay attention to? More on all this further! Maybe you have a chance to recognize yourself as a needy unit of society.

Who can apply

First, it’s worth finding out who can be included in the concept of “family.” It is very important. After all, income will be calculated taking into account the number of members of a particular social unit.

No innovations were found in this regard in 2016. A family is considered to be spouses with children, grandparents, stepchildren, grandchildren and granddaughters, stepdaughters, guardians, wards, stepmothers and stepfathers. Typically, low-income families are those who have children. In any case, their presence has a really serious effect on the status.

Benefits are also provided to low-income couples, even if they are childless. But in the event of separation of spouses who have officially registered their marriage, they cannot count on support. Such rules are in force in Russia at the moment.


Please note another important factor: not everyone has the right to receive support from the state as a needy family. After all, you will have to follow certain rules. Of course, except for income per person.

The basic rule is that no one should be a parasite. That is, families where able-bodied parents are deliberately parasitizing cannot be recognized as needy. Such a status is issued when the need has arisen due to circumstances beyond our control. For example, both work, but receive little income. After all, salaries in Russia are not always high. This means that if you work but have low earnings, you can count on help.

Components of profit

What else is worth paying attention to? Who and under what conditions has the right to receive benefits and benefits as needy units of society? The fundamental link is family income. What it is? What sources of profit are included in this paragraph?

Family income is all the money received by able-bodied citizens. This includes wages, various benefits, and pension payments. True, we are talking only about officially issued funds. If you work under a “gray” scheme, only the salary specified in the employment contract will be counted towards your income. Sometimes such work really helps to obtain the status of someone in need.

Family income is also profit in kind, products from personal plots. An extremely rare occurrence, but it does occur.

Please note that profit also includes money received for the sale of property. For example, from renting out real estate. In general, almost any declared official income will be taken into account. Anything received unofficially is a no.


How is the average per capita income in a family calculated? First you need to calculate the total amount of profit received over a certain period. In Russia, a specific period is established that is taken into account in the calculations. Which one?

Three months. It is during this period that all income is summed up. No more, no less. This includes all sources of profit. This includes salaries, money from the sale of property, pensions, and already accrued benefits. As soon as you receive a certain amount, you will have to remember one more small rule. It will help you accurately calculate the average per capita income of a social unit.

Receiving the amount

So, we calculated the amount of money received by all family members over 3 months. What's next? So far the number is really high. And it cannot reflect the needs of one or another unit of society!

Now it's a matter of small things. A little school-level math and you'll understand whether you can be considered a low-income family. It is necessary to divide the resulting amount by 3. After all, the period for which profit is taken into account is equal to exactly this indicator. But the calculations don't end there.

Next, count the number of family members in your home. Ready? To get the average per capita income, you need to divide the amount obtained after dividing by 3 again. But this time it’s based on the number of family members. The amount received is the average earnings per person. It determines the level of need of citizens. It must be below the subsistence level. In this case, it will be possible to recognize the family as low-income. And she will receive financial assistance from the state.

Design rules

Now that you have independently decided whether you can qualify for the status of a needy family, you need to correctly formalize this provision. This will require some documents. Which ones exactly?

To begin with, you need the average per capita income. To show it, you need to bring documents confirming your profit (salaries in Russia are not the only source of money) for the last 3 months with full calculations per person. Don't forget to include your application for low-income status.

Next, you will need birth certificates of children, passports, documents confirming marriage. Extracts from the house register are also necessary. Along with them, attach documents on ownership of this or that property. This is all. With this list you need to go to the social support service. There you are recognized as poor if all the rules are followed.

Types of assistance

Please note that the state in Russia provides various types of assistance to those in need. Not just as benefits. The poor are beneficiaries. They are given certain rights.

If the average per capita monetary income of the population is low, the state will support in every possible way those who have the status of those in need. Firstly, there is the payment of benefits and compensation for housing and communal services. Secondly, the poor are provided with free legal assistance. Thirdly, in-kind assistance also takes place in the country. Families in need can receive clothing, shoes, medicine and other essential items. Not a very common occurrence, but it also occurs.

After all, the poor have the right to additional social support for minor children. Already paid benefits to the poor are assigned with bonuses. Such families can also get on the waiting list to receive housing from the state.

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