How to plant watermelons in Minecraft. How to grow watermelons

Model of watermelon seeds

Where to find watermelon seeds

Still, the main question when building a watermelon farm will be: how to get watermelon seeds. Watermelon is difficult to obtain, as its seeds can only be found in chests in abandoned mines. Naturally, as soon as you have at least a small amount of seeds, you can plant watermelons and extract new seeds from them (bone meal can speed up their growth). Unlike pumpkins, watermelons cannot be found on the surface unless an experienced farmer lends you some seeds, but in a single player game (or when all the farmers turned out to be rednecks), you still have to look for mines underground and chests in them.

Watermelon Seed Recipe

How to plant watermelon seeds

Seeds of watermelon are planted in exactly the same way as: the land must be plowed and moistened (right-click on the ground with a hoe in hand to plow, and for the beds to be moistened, the water should be no further than 4 blocks from the plot of land, and at the same height level ). Watermelons require light, if not natural light, then torches (however, the farm needs to be lit in any case to prevent spawning).

A watermelon grows in two stages: first a sprout appears, which, when ripe, turns yellow, then a watermelon grows on one of the neighboring blocks of land. Thus, watermelon farms need to be grown in such a way that neighboring watermelons do not interfere with each other’s growth (since each one occupies not a block, but at least two). If you have accumulated enough bones from skeletons or bone meal, you can use it on a watermelon sprout and it will grow instantly.

Watermelon in Minecraft is a type of solid block. His first appearance in the game occurred after the Beta 1.8 update. This block is directly related to the simple and sparkling watermelon slices as well as its seeds.

Where to find watermelon in Minecraft?

The main watermelon plantation, as conceived by the creators of Minecraft, is located in the jungle. However, thanks to another bug and due attention of the player, they can be found both under the jungle biome - by visiting caves, and literally under your feet - in the foliage. Although the latter still happens rarely.

How to plant a watermelon in Minecraft?

To plant this block, you need to find or obtain its seeds. This can be done in three ways:

  • find them in chests from treasuries;
  • pass a slice of watermelon through crafting items.
  • destroy the watermelon stem.

When the seeds are received, you need to plant them in a garden bed and water them abundantly. In terms of other care, this unit is very picky. Soon a stem will appear at the planting site, and a little later the watermelons themselves will appear.

How to make a watermelon in Minecraft

Simple watermelon slices in Minecraft

Regular watermelon slices only remove one hunger unit. In item crafting, nine slices can be used to assemble an entire block, but this is not profitable since a destroyed block, in turn, will yield from three to seven slices. So their main value is either creating a watermelon farm or making sparkling slices in craft.

Glittering watermelon slices

The first appearance in the game was in the Beta 1.9pre4 update. Purpose is a required component for brewing two potions: healing and unremarkable. For crafting, in addition to a simple slice, you will need eight gold nuggets, which, coupled with a healing potion, makes sparkling watermelon slices an expensive and valuable item in every sense. However, you cannot eat them.

Minecraft Beta 1.8 introduced watermelons. Some also translate them as melons, but these are definitely watermelons - green and striped on the outside, and red on the inside with black seeds. If someone thinks these are melons, then they had a sad childhood. Yes, and the word "melon" is translated from English as both melon and watermelon. Although, many adhere to what would be more correctly called “watermelon” in English. But I’m not an expert in foreign languages, so I’ll leave this discussion to others.

Where to find watermelon seeds?

This question is asked by most who have heard that there are watermelons in the game. Watermelon seeds can be found in chests filled with abandoned mines. At least I have only found it in abandoned mines so far. It is likely that watermelon seeds can appear in regular treasures, but I have not seen them yet.

My little watermelon farm is very small. So far I have only managed to find 4 seeds, 2 of which I planted. One seed can germinate and bear fruit in a cell away from itself. That is, if you plant seeds, as in the picture above, then from each seed you can get 2 watermelons - one on the left and one on the right. Just in case, it is recommended to plow the land where future watermelons are supposed to grow. Although, purely theoretically, watermelons should appear on any land, because they grow from seedlings, and not directly from the ground.

Several game days passed and the watermelons grew. I didn’t really pay attention to how quickly they appeared - I was just minding business and decided to visit my watermelon farm.

Break the watermelon with your hand and get watermelon slices. We leave the seedling to grow - let it continue to bear fruit. If you already have a watermelon harvest, but do not have seeds or germinated seedlings, then you can get additional seeds from each piece of watermelon. Personally, my first 2 grown watermelons yielded 12 pieces. In total, you can plant 12 more seedlings. In general, if you start farming, you can end up with a lot of watermelons.

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Why do you think a whole watermelon in Minecraft is square, but its slices are round? Perhaps this question is worthy of consideration in a program like “Secrets of the Century,” so there is no point in looking for an answer to it here. But if you are concerned about less philosophical questions, but related to this berry, this is the place for you.

To enjoy melons, you need to know where to get them in Minecraft. There are two options: grow it or find it in the wild. Under natural conditions, watermelons grow in the jungle. When searching there you need to be careful - one bug led to the fact that they are generated in caves under the jungle or even in the foliage. But you are unlikely to want to be content with nature's handouts. Surely you want to grow this plant yourself.

Like any normal plant, watermelon “knows how” to emerge from seeds. They can be shaken out in Minecraft by crafting from a watermelon slice, or they can be found in abandoned mines in chests.

First, after planting, a stem will appear that will grow in several stages. In this, melons are similar to wheat. Growth accelerates in moist soil. The use of bone meal also adds speed. The adult stem turns yellow. Then, at a certain stage, fruits will appear near the stem. Their number from one stem in Minecraft is not limited. However, the stem is not able to produce berries if there is at least one watermelon nearby. And even bone meal cannot affect this. If you destroy the stem, up to three seeds will fall out.

Slices are the goal of crafters

If you destroy the fruit, three to seven watermelon slices will fall out. They are the ultimate goal of Minecraft farmers. They are the ones who satisfy hunger, otherwise there is no point in engaging in this agricultural process. Each piece of fruit satisfies one unit of hunger. This is enough for reinforcement in peacetime, but too little for saturation during battles.

You can craft a whole fruit from nine slices in Minecraft. This “growing” option is suitable for emergency watermelon needs, but is pointless in other cases. There is little logic here: crafting requires nine pieces, and a whole block, when destroyed, gives away a maximum of seven, or even three. Therefore, “insemination” is billions of times more productive. Alternatively, sliced ​​watermelon can be purchased from farmers in the village. But even here you won’t find much sense - you’ll have to pay for five or six emeralds.

Here is a complete table of using slices in Minecraft.

In the center you see a sparkling slice of watermelon. A miracle that cannot be refused is used in potions. The only thing that can make you refuse to eat it is the fact that, alas, you can’t eat it.

Farm growing

You need to try to organize everything and strive to do it most efficiently. Farms help you grow watermelons in the most productive way in Minecraft. You can plant in different ways. There are, for example, these:

  • Simple
  • Productive
  • Express
  • Combined
  • Semi-automatic
  • Auto

A simple method involves planting watermelons in Minecraft in even rows with a block of water on a 9x9 square.

In a productive plant, the stems are planted so that there are four free cells for each fruit.

When growing at speed, melons in Minecraft are planted in a checkerboard pattern. The fruits grow very quickly, but you need to have time to harvest. And if you make a large farm, it will be difficult to find time to take care of the garden.

Well, the combined method is something between the previous ones. How average is up to the crafters to decide.

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