How to make an anonymous report to the police. Anonymous complaint: how to write and where to send How to report an offense anonymously

Russians have every right to submit anonymous complaints, but not all departments and bodies consider unsigned appeals.

Let's figure out what kind of complaint is considered anonymous, in what ways it can be filed - and under what circumstances it will be considered or rejected. And also in this article we will talk about what the result of filing a complaint anonymously will be.

Why and to whom is it necessary to file a complaint anonymously - what kind of complaint is considered anonymous?

Anonymous complaints are submitted to regulatory, supervisory authorities and bodies that can conduct inspections, stop the commission of crimes or illegal acts, and bring them to justice.

An anonymous complaint can be submitted without specifying personal and contact information for the following purposes:

  1. To report an impending, committed or ongoing crime. It may involve one person or several.
  2. To indicate an attacker who is attempting or has already committed an illegal act. This also applies to officials.
  3. To report corruption and bribery.
  4. To notify of a crime committed by an official or municipal or civil servant who took advantage of his official position.
  5. To notify about an impending or completed terrorist act or terrorist threat.
  6. To suppress illegal actions, for example, on the part of the employer, and bring him to justice.
  7. To report an unfavorable situation that has developed in a locality, in order to encourage the authorities to solve existing problems.
  8. To notify authorities and authorities about any important information.

The anonymity of the document will be due to the non-provision of personal information.

Data that anonymous authors do not contribute:

  1. Passport details.
  2. Phone number.
  3. Postal address, including zip code.
  4. Email address.

The absence of this information will indicate that the author of the complaint is anonymous.

Is it worth filing a complaint anonymously – will there be any results?

By submitting an anonymous complaint to supervisory and control authorities, the citizen who applies wants to achieve justice and restore the rights violated by someone.

Anonymity does not guarantee that the complaint will be considered. On the contrary, anonymity allows specialists not to respond to a complaint, not to understand existing problems, and simply to skip this appeal.

Complaints submitted by anonymous users may not be considered. And officials have this right by law. Therefore, answering the question of whether there will be a result from filing an anonymous complaint is not so simple. Some structures consider anonymous requests, while others reject them.

Please note that consideration also depends on the type of complaint.

For example, if an anonymous complaint reports a terrorist threat, then, of course, it will be checked. And when a complaint from an anonymous person is filed in order to insult and humiliate an official, without any grounds, it is unlikely to be considered.

Types of anonymous complaints - to whom, where and in what situations can you complain anonymously?

There are several types of anonymous complaints. There are several classifications.

We will tell you what types are distinguished, depending on the availability of information in the document:

  1. Indicating the social status of the person applying. For example, a parent with many children, an orphan, etc.
  2. Indicating the social role and emotional state of the citizen. For example, a deceived shareholder, a dissatisfied parent, etc.
  3. Collective. It can be issued from several persons, for example, from residents of one house, etc.
  4. Named. The signature indicates only the name of the citizen who applied.
  5. With a personal signature. A citizen can put his signature on an anonymous complaint, but he will not indicate his initials or other personal information.

Complaints can also be divided into other types - depending on the purpose of the appeal.

For example , about an offense committed, about corruption, etc.

We wrote more about why anonymous complaints are filed above.

Another classification of anonymous complaints is depending on which organ it is supplied to.

In fact, you can submit an anonymous complaint to any body or department, but whether it will be considered depends on the internal rules in force in the authority.

We give in the table examples of situations when you can or cannot complain anonymously, and what to do if personal data is still needed.

Name of body /instance

Is it possible to complain anonymously?

In what situations will an anonymous complaint be accepted?

What can I do to ensure that my complaint is accepted anonymously?

Prosecutor's office, Police

Law enforcement agencies can accept a complaint anonymously only if the complainant reports an impending offense.

You can submit a complaint anonymously:

Online, through the Internet service form of the authority’s official website.

By letter by mail.

Through a trusted person.

Anonymous complaints are not accepted. The applicant or his legal representative must be indicated.

During a trial, a citizen may demand anonymity. You can contact a representative who will protect your rights and interests in court.


Written anonymous requests will not be considered. Telephone requests will be accepted.

You can use the helpline by calling and telling about the current situation. Then the specialist will tell you how to proceed further.

Labour Inspectorate

The applicant must be indicated.

You can ask in your complaint not to disclose the applicant’s personal information. The complaint will be anonymous for the employer, but not for the Labor Inspectorate employees.

To consider the complaint, you will still have to enter your full name, tax identification number and telephone number. Otherwise, the complaint will not be considered.

You can make an anonymous call to the IRS, but it is unlikely to count as an anonymous complaint. A specialist can listen and tell you what to do.

Federal Migration Service

The complaint must include personal information, otherwise it will not be considered.

You can complain about illegal neighbors not to the FMS department, but to the police department of your city or district.

We have reviewed the most common situations involving the filing of anonymous complaints.

Anonymous complaint online, via the Internet - where to file?

Using the Internet, you can submit an anonymous complaint online.

To do this you need:

Please note that not all sites allow you to apply anonymously. For example, there is an Internet service on the website of the President of the Russian Federation or on the websites of the heads of cities of some regions of the Russian Federation there are also Internet reception areas.

Advice : If the authority does not accept the complaint anonymously, then indicate in the document a request to hide personal data from persons who will be involved in resolving this issue.

Remember that anonymous complaints sent online will be considered only if they are completed correctly, in compliance with all requirements, and if they are written in an official style and do not contain offensive expressions or swear words.

Are anonymous complaints considered, and in what situations - which complaints from anonymous people will not be considered?

The law is on the side of specialists from bodies and departments that receive anonymous appeals.

In accordance with federal law number 59, approved on May 2, 2006, anonymous complaints are not considered. Officials have the right not to respond to such requests.

If an anonymous complaint is accepted from a citizen, then there is a chance that it will be considered. But at the same time, the specialist will check whether it complies with all the requirements that are put forward to it.

For example, a complaint submitted anonymously will not be considered if it:

  1. It is not written in Russian.
  2. Does not contain the main essence of the question. You should state the meaning of your appeal briefly and consistently.
  3. Written unfoundedly. It is worth pointing out specific facts that support your words in the complaint.
  4. Has unreadable text. Handwritten complaints must be in clear handwriting.
  5. Has abbreviations that are impossible to decipher. It is better to write the words completely.
  6. Does not have the name of the authority to which the anonymous person applies.
  7. Has expressive expressions that convey negative feelings and emotions. Try to write briefly and clearly, without colloquial words, jargon, obscenities and other words.
  • It is best to submit a written statement to the nearest police station.
  • If it is not possible to visit the police station, or a person is afraid to do so for some reason, a “helpline” operates specifically for him around the clock. Before calling this number, it is important to remember that it is different for each region, and therefore differs from the police call number that everyone has been accustomed to since childhood.
  • In the age of development of information and communication technologies, any Internet user will be able to leave a statement about any precedent through the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

By the way, for those who, even despite the prohibition of complete anonymity when contacting the police, want to remain as unrecognizable as possible, we will provide the very minimum of facts about ourselves, the so-called “helpline” is most suitable.

Is it possible to call the police anonymously?

Write anonymously to the police via the Internet Quote: MMA lover from 01/11/2016 17:26:09 On approval of the Instructions for the consideration, resolution of appeals from individuals and legal entities, reception of citizens in the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan Quote: 16. Anonymous appeals in the internal affairs bodies for consideration are not subject to, except for cases where such an appeal contains information about impending or committed crimes, or a threat to state or public security and which is subject to immediate redirection to other state bodies in accordance with their competence. How to write an anonymous letter to the police Attention Starting from November 25, calling the Russian police, counting on anonymity, is useless.
Important Since from this day changes in federal legislation come into force.

Anonymous denunciation to the police online


This is an order according to which the instructions for recording citizens' appeals are changed. We are talking about any statements, as well as reports of a crime, be it an administrative or criminal offense or simply an incident of a criminal nature. It is worth emphasizing that it is important for citizens to know about this innovation, since from now on there is no need to contact the police with an anonymous message or statement, even if it talks about the preparation of a crime or the anonymous person wants to report that a crime is happening in in his eyes.

Information about a potential offender will not be accepted if it is submitted anonymously. It also does not matter how a person contacts the police.

Anonymous message to the police


By the way, a special point in the instructions notes the importance and value of messages received via the “helpline”. They have not only operational value, but also, so to speak, psychological value: for some, calling this number is like the last hope for justice. Of course, it is more convenient to submit applications at the duty station - this procedure is fully worked out here.


The main thing is that the applicant receives a special notification coupon with the number of his application. He already clearly knows to whom and when he should ask questions, from whom to expect answers and results. But the minister strictly forbids simply brushing aside random information - often it is cases like these that save people’s lives and help find especially dangerous criminals.

The police received an anonymous call about me alleging that I was selling weapons and drugs. How to report a crime to the police incognito? These Rules use the following concepts: 3) information about a criminal offense - information on which it is necessary to make a decision on the possibility of starting a pre-trial investigation, including messages from an unidentified person, as well as the reasons for starting a pre-trial investigation listed in part one of Article 180 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, statement and the message specified in part 5 of article 181 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 5) acceptance of an application, message and information about a criminal offense - mandatory acceptance of the reasons listed in part one of Article 180 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, as well as other information about criminal offenses by officials of criminal prosecution authorities; 5. Officials of the criminal prosecution authorities receive information about any criminal offense.

How are police reports accepted incognito?

It is thanks to the fact that the registration of anonymous statements has been stopped that it has become easier to avoid such unpleasant situations. In addition, if an individual who attempted to anonymously leave a statement with the police that used false facts, that person may be subject to criminal charges for false reporting or slander. Depends, of course, on the context of the statement. Allowed ways to contact law enforcement There are several ways available to every person to contact the police without any negative consequences.

These methods will allow you to draw up a statement detailing the situation that occurred.

How to anonymously report to the police

Is it possible to contact the police with a desire to convey an anonymous message? According to the instructions that each police station adheres to, in the process of receiving statements of various types from citizens, any anonymous reports that someone is committing any illegal actions are not registered. This instruction was approved and came into force in November 2014. The only exception to the rule can be an anonymous message stating that a terrorist attack is planned in the near future in a specific location. Each such statement is carefully recorded at the police station to which it was received. The reason why the instructions described above were adopted was the huge number of false calls, which were organized, for the most part, by teenagers, trying to have fun.

How to call the police anonymously

Defense of the accused Moscow from 50,000 rubles. How to anonymously report to the police Contents:

  • How to report a crime to the police incognito?
  • Anonymous complaints to the prosecutor's office
  • Police will no longer register anonymous calls
  • Residents of Chelyabinsk will be anonymously tested for HIV
  • It seems to you that your neighbors are torturing your children. what to do?
  • How to anonymously report to the police

How to report a crime to the police incognito? The question arises: where and to whom?

  • The most logical answer is to the Department or Department of Economic Security (UEB/OEB). This organization is one of many in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system. Previously, the units were called OBEP.
  • Other possibilities are to send a complaint to the police, prosecutor's office, or tax office.

Also try to involve public organizations or independent communities. Further - in more detail.

Refusals are not accepted

Quote: alpha_portal from 01/11/2016 19:25:35 even the articles you cite are those that relate to criminal liability... it seems that in the main example we are talking about the administrator. responsibility or am I wrong... Partly right. The police will no longer register anonymous calls Telephone consultation 8 800 505-91-11 Free call My common-law husband received an anonymous call to the police that he was hiding heroin in a car that belongs to me for later answers (1) I received an anonymous call to the police, allegedly I was taking drugs, a person called who was doing nasty things to me. They came from the police, took answers (1) I received an anonymous call to the police, allegedly I was taking drugs, a person called who was doing nasty things to me.

An anonymous call to the police

The Russian Minister of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, by his order approved the instructions, which in the smallest detail - down to sample forms and police reports - explains the algorithm for receiving statements from citizens about crimes and other offenses.

The minister briefly explained the meaning of this instruction, which is published today in Rossiyskaya Gazeta, in the preamble of the order - to strengthen accounting and registration discipline and legality in the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. That is, any report from a resident about some kind of crime should not just be “taken into account,” but registered in a special way. This means that the information received will be assigned a serial account number, entered into the registration logs and taken under control. Moreover, several officials must know about the message - for example, the employee who received this information, the operational duty officer, to whom this employee is obliged to immediately report new information, the officer who is tasked with checking the information and making a decision. And this is not counting the registrars, clerks and investigators who will go to the scene of a crime or incident.

In general, the scheme itself is designed to make it as difficult as possible for an unscrupulous, corrupt or simply lazy police officer to ignore a person’s appeal to him.

What is important, the instructions completely reject the possible and well-known tricks of other employees: they say, we only accept written requests, which must indicate all the details of the applicant. The Minister unequivocally stated: any appeal in any form and to any employee will do - in writing, electronically, by telephone, orally and anonymously, especially if we are talking about a possible terrorist attack.

And any employee is obliged to accept such a statement - from a private to a general, even in the premises of a department of the internal affairs body, even on the street from a random passerby. And only then he is obliged to notify his operational duty officer as quickly as possible.

By the way, a special point in the instructions notes the importance and value of messages received via the “helpline”. They have not only operational value, but also, so to speak, psychological value: for some, calling this number is like the last hope for justice.

Of course, it is more convenient to submit applications at the duty station - this procedure is fully worked out here. The main thing is that the applicant receives a special notification coupon with the number of his application. He already clearly knows to whom and when he should ask questions, from whom to expect answers and results. But the minister strictly forbids simply brushing aside random information - it is often cases like these that save people’s lives and help find especially dangerous criminals.

It is no secret that other police chiefs, in order to improve their performance, simply did not register and hid, as they say, “under the carpet”, statements and appeals from residents of their area.

It is clear that trust in the police fell sharply, and crime increased. Vladimir Kolokoltsev has repeatedly said that it is necessary to know the real state of affairs in order to effectively fight crime. And no formal indicators will save the boss if they diverge from this very reality.

The head of the territorial body is obliged to monitor the correctness of registration of appeals on a daily basis. And in each department there is a special control commission.

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