How do the class ranks of the federal state civil service compare with the class ranks of the state civil service of the subject of the Federation? System of class ranks of the state civil service Class ranks are assigned based on results.

The state civil service of the Russian Federation is a type of government activity that acts as the professional work of citizens of the Russian Federation to create conditions for the implementation of the powers of governing bodies at the level of the entire Russian Federation or its constituent entities, as well as persons who hold government positions in the Russian Federation and constituent entities of Russia.

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This concept is presented in Article 3 of Federal Law No. 79 of 2004. The state civil service exists along with law enforcement and military.

A civil servant is recognized as a citizen of the Russian Federation who has assumed the responsibilities of being in the civil service (Article 13 of Federal Law No. 79).

Special service activities are implemented after the appointment documents are completed and the service contract is signed. Class ranks are one of the basic principles on which the entire civil service is built.

They are assigned to an employee taking into account the position to which he is assigned, within the boundaries of job groups. Class ranks were introduced after the abolition of ranks.

Basic information

During the period of civil service, the employee is assigned class ranks. For employees with whom service contracts have been drawn up for a certain period, class ranks are assigned based on the results of successfully passing a qualification test.

And for those employees with whom they are registered for an indefinite period, class ranks are assigned on the basis of a request from his supervisor regarding the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of this employee and the admissibility of assigning him a class rank.

Class ranks give an understanding of future prospects and allow a person to feel more confident in a certain position. Such clarity in career growth has a positive effect on motivation.

What it is

Class rank is a degree, class, qualification of an employee’s suitability for a certain activity based on his knowledge, skills and abilities.

This concept is used not only in modern legislation. The system of class ranks was set out in the Table of Ranks. In Soviet times, it was used in relation to prosecutorial and investigative workers.

Today, the career of a civil servant is associated with providing a specific person with such opportunities that would fully reflect his implementation in accordance with the abilities, aspirations and interests of the state.

This process is negatively affected by two factors - advance and delay in career growth.

If a person “grows” at a fast pace that does not correspond to his development in terms of work, then this leads to low productivity and causes the formation of inadequate self-esteem.

When an employee is not rewarded with a promotion today, his work motivation decreases.

Receipt procedure

Class ranks are assigned to employees individually, taking into account the principle of consistency. This process is accompanied by an assessment of the employee’s professional degree and the duration of his activity.

The appointment of a class rank can be regular or primary (clause 4 of Presidential Decree No. 113). For the first time, it is assigned to an employee who has not previously held a civil service rank.

In this case, the military or special rank, class rank of justice or prosecutorial officer that was assigned to this employee at the previous place of activity must be taken into account.

The next class rank is assigned to the employee after the period approved for the performance of official duties in the current class rank.

And also when an employee occupies a position for which a class rank is permissible, which is equal to or higher than the one assigned to him.

The legislative framework

The rules on class ranks are contained in. This regulatory legal act contains articles that clarify this concept.

It also reflects the general process of appointing ranks. These issues are discussed in more detail in the Regulations on the procedure for assigning and maintaining class ranks, which was adopted by Presidential Decree No. 113.

This act presents a table of class ranks, taking into account their hierarchy, which is in effect at the present time. Clause 4 defines the principles of their purpose. In paragraph 5 the answer is given to the question of how the rank is assigned for the first time, in paragraph 8 - the next time.

This decree approved a provision that most fully regulates all issues related to the rules for the appointment of class ranks and their retention.

Correspondence table for class ranks of the state civil service

We have already mentioned that when changing a place of work to a service of a different type, the previous title, rank or rank will be taken into account.

This is required for the initial appointment, for example, of a class rank. Please note that the legislator does not undertake to automatically transfer the employee's former merits. He only talks about the need to take them into account.

A special table was developed to correlate ranks, ranks and titles. With its help, you can draw a correspondence between these concepts.

This norm stipulates that monetary allowance includes the following elements:

  • monthly salary determined by position;
  • monthly salary determined by class rank;
  • additional payments (for length of service, for specific working conditions, for work with state secrets, etc.)

The amount of money for a class rank is established by a document approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

If the employee holds a government position in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, then this amount is determined by regulations adopted at the level of a separate region of the Russian Federation.

It follows from this that for a class rank there is not an additional payment, but a certain salary is approved.

The employee will receive additional payments for length of service, work under special conditions, monetary incentives, bonuses for the implementation of particularly important missions (Clause 5 of Article 50 of Federal Law No. 79).

Salary size

So, the salary amount will be approved. It provides detailed information on the salary of civil servants.

Appendix No. 2 to this Decree provides information on the amount of payment for the class rank. Please note that changes are regularly made to this document, which are necessary during inflationary processes in the Russian Federation.

Thus, salaries were increased in 2008, 2012 and 2013. For the rank, a salary is established in the amount of 450 to 1850 rubles per month.

With promotion, salaries also increase. So, this is another answer to the question of what a class rank gives.

Assignment deadlines

We have already mentioned that the next class rank is appointed after a certain period. The passage of time in itself is not an unconditional basis for promoting an employee.

The Presidential Decree specifies that such an employee assumes a civil service position that requires a class rank equal to or higher than that assigned to him.

The periods for serving are provided for in paragraph 9 of Presidential Decree No. 113:

These time frames are missing for some class ranks:

  • 1st class secretary;
  • 1st class referent;
  • Civil Service Advisor 1st Class;
  • State Councilor 1st class.

The periods specified in Presidential Decree No. 113 begin to count from the moment the class rank is appointed (clause 12).

If a civil servant is promoted, he is entitled to the following rank under the given circumstances:

Classification of ranks

According to civil servants, class ranks, diplomatic ranks, and titles are assigned. This norm states that exclusively class ranks are used for civil servants.

Paragraph 3 of this norm states that when an employee is transferred from one civil service to another (provided that they are of different types), the assignment of a rank or class rank is carried out taking into account the previous rank or rank that was received at the previous place of service.

The legislator approved tables that show the ratio of class ranks of the state civil service and ranks, as well as the relationship between them.

With its help, you can understand exactly what rank will be assigned to a person. This table was adopted by Presidential Decree No. 113 (Appendix No. 1).

Leading Specialist

A register of civil service positions was agreed upon. Based on this document, “lead specialist” is a leading group of positions that corresponds to “supporting employees”.

Thus, according to their main functions - creating conditions for the full-fledged activities of government bodies.

The period of service of such employees is unlimited. Please note that positions and ranks are interconnected. So, the first ones are classified into 5 groups - higher, main, leading, senior and junior.

In accordance with them, ranks are identified under clause 2 of Presidential Decree No. 113. For example, a leading specialist belongs to the leading group.

Thus, his positions will be correlated with the class rank - Advisor to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation of one of the classes.

Advisor of the third class is a class rank appointed by those entering service for the first time in the position of a leading group (clause 6 of Presidential Decree No. 113).

The period allocated for serving in this rank is at least 2 years. This class rank is appointed by a representative of the employer, whose role is the head of the government agency or his authorized person.

Remuneration for federal civil servants is made in accordance with Article 50 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 25, 2006 No. 763 "On the monetary maintenance of federal state civil servants."

Amounts of monthly official salaries, monthly bonuses to the official salary for special conditions of the civil service and monthly monetary incentives for federal public civil servants in accordance with the positions they fill in the federal public civil service


Job title

Official salary
(rubles per month)

cash incentive
(official salaries)

Monthly bonus to official salary for special conditions of civil service
(as a percentage of official salary)

1. Positions in the "managers" category

Highest group of positions

Deputy Federal Minister




Department Director



Deputy Director of the Department



2. Positions in the category "assistants (advisers)"

Highest group of positions

Assistant to the Federal Minister



Advisor to the Federal Minister



3. Positions in the category "specialists"

Main group of positions

Department head

in the department






Lead group of positions

Deputy head of department in the department



Lead Advisor






Lead Consultant






Senior group of positions

Chief expert



Leading specialist expert



Expert specialist



4. Positions in the category "support specialists"

Lead group of positions

Leading Specialist
2 digits



Senior group of positions

Senior Specialist
1st category



Senior Specialist
2 digits



Senior Specialist
3 digits



Junior group of positions

1st category


up to 60

Monthly salaries for the class rank of federal civil servants

Name of class rank

Salary for class rank
(rubles per month)

Federation 1st class


Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation
Federation 2nd class


Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation
Federation 3rd class


State Councilor of the Russian Federation 1st class


State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class


State Councilor of the Russian Federation 3rd class



State Civil Service Advisor


State Civil Service Advisor


Russian Federation 1st class


State civil service assistant
Russian Federation 2nd class


State civil service assistant
Russian Federation 3rd class


Russian Federation 1st class

Secretary of State Civil Service
Russian Federation 2nd class

Secretary of State Civil Service
Russian Federation 3rd class

Amount of monthly bonus to official salary for length of service in the state civil service

Amount of monthly bonus to the official salary of state civil servants for working with information constituting state secrets

Level of secrecy

Supplement amount
(in percentages
to official salary)

"Of special importance"

50 - 75

"Top secret"

30 - 50

"Secret" (when obtaining access with
verification activities)

10 - 15

"Secret" (when obtaining admission without conducting
verification activities)

5 - 10

Amount of monthly bonus to the official salary of state civil servants of structural units for the protection of state secrets for length of service in structural units for the protection of state secrets

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The assignment of a class rank to a civil servant cannot be carried out just like that, under someone else’s patronage, without complying with legal requirements. Any attempts to circumvent the laws and regulations governing this issue will sooner or later be discovered. And then all the culprits are brought to severe responsibility, even criminal liability. All appointments and transfers must comply with Presidential Decree No. 113 of 02/01/2005. The assignment of ranks to civil servants is carried out by decision of the relevant commission after a thorough and detailed study of the candidate’s biography and merits, characteristics from the place of work.

General provisions

The state civil service is understood as a certain type of service. The employees of this department are charged with ensuring the powers of government agencies and people holding high government positions. Any citizen of the state who has the necessary set of business, moral and ethical qualities can become a civil service employee. This person, of course, must be an adult (eighteen years or more) and have an excellent command of the Russian language.

Relations between employees and the state are regulated by a number of sectoral legislative acts. The relevant regulatory documents establish the rights of both the employee and the state, as well as obligations, prohibitions, determine the responsibility of each participant, and so on.

The assignment of a class rank to state civil servants is an incentive for all categories of officials to improve the level of their skills and the quality of work. And here the matter lies not only in financial gain (certain salary bonuses are provided for class). Among officials, having class opens up opportunities for career growth.

The very concept of “class rank” did not just arise out of nowhere. Ever since the time of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, Rus' has had a kind of register of people who held high positions. Over time, new rulers introduced their own innovations. Already Peter the Great established fourteen classes of positions.

After the revolution, everything that reminded us of the tsarist regime in Russia was burned out with a hot iron. Therefore, after 1917, the class structure of civil servants was abolished. But in 2004, the practice of class ranks was reintroduced into the public administration system.

In the public administration system, there is a principle of maintaining class ranks when transferring an official from government bodies to local government bodies. In such situations, the employee is assigned a rank corresponding to the previous place of work, without reassessing knowledge and skills.

First class rank

Who has the right to sign an order to assign a class rank to a civil servant? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. Some appointments can only be made by the president, and only at the proposal of the relevant competent authorities. This honor is given to representatives of the highest group of positions.

The government, headed by the Prime Minister, has the authority to appoint State Counselors. These positions belong to the main group of official duties.

The assignment of class rank to state civil servants of lower groups (leading, junior, senior) has the right to be carried out by the employer himself (for example, the head of the district government). These positions are also divided into grades. The youngest class is the third.

The first class rank can be assigned if and only if the civil servant has successfully completed the probationary period. In some cases determined by law, the test may not be established. Then the assignment of the first class rank to a state civil servant becomes possible only after three months from the date of appointment to the position.

The law defines a simplified procedure for assigning ranks for certain categories of employees of other departments. We are talking about employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, military officers, FSB officers and other law enforcement agencies. Such people are assigned a class rank in accordance with their position.

Assignment of the next class rank to a civil servant

The reason and necessary requirement for assigning the next rank is the required work experience in the previous position. Another important condition: the official must take up a position that requires an equivalent or higher level than the one assigned to him. As practice shows, local management quite often ignores this requirement, promoting friends and relatives. However, more and more often such frauds are exposed, and all persons involved in this illegal scheme lose their positions (at best).

If an internal audit is being carried out against the applicant, or he is a defendant (suspect) in an open criminal case, then increasing the rank of a civil servant is unacceptable.

If an employee conscientiously fulfills his duties, has proven himself well, and enjoys well-deserved authority among colleagues and the civilian population, then the law provides for the possibility of assigning such a person the next class rank before the expiration of the previous one. But at the same time, one very important condition must be met: the employee must work for at least six months, and the assigned rank cannot be higher than that corresponding to the position held.

Deadlines for assigning class rank to state civil servants

According to current laws, an increase in class rank is possible only if you have a certain length of service in lower positions. Thus, the next assignment of class ranks to civil servants is possible only if the following conditions are met:

The applicant has worked for at least 1 year in the rank of secretary or civil service assistant of the third and second class;

The applicant for the rank has worked for at least two years as a third and second class adviser to the civil service of the Russian Federation;

The official has worked for at least one year as an active state councilor.

The first grade of a civil servant is the pinnacle of his career. Therefore, the terms of tenure in these positions are not limited by law.

The term of service begins to count from the date of appointment of a class rank to a state civil servant. It turns out that a third-class official can be promoted (assigned a second class) only after at least one year from the date of assignment to the class.

The procedure for demotion and deprivation of class ranks

The procedure for demotion in the rank of inspector, or even deprivation (for particularly serious offenses), can be initiated by the head of the personnel service. The decision is made by the immediate management of the offender.

The procedure for depriving or demoting a representative of the highest level of power (state adviser) can be initiated exclusively by the President of the Russian Federation.

The final decision on deprivation of rank or reduction in rank of a state civil service adviser is made by a specially created commission.

The most common reason for depriving a civil servant of his rank is the initiation of a criminal case against him. A civil servant is automatically deprived of his rank if he accepts the citizenship of another country.

However, in this case, the employee does not lose his rank even if he leaves his position (with the exception of dismissal for negative reasons). In such cases, the name of the rank is added: “Retired.”

Conducting an examination for suitability for the position held

The procedure for assigning class ranks to state civil servants states that officials must pass a qualification exam. After this test, a specially created commission makes a collegial decision on this issue. This procedure is mandatory for those officials who apply for the positions of leading and main groups (manager, specialist). In this case, the fact that an applicant for a vacant managerial position has successfully passed the test will not be enough. In this case, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the head of the government agency in which you intend to work.

Requirements for organizing a qualifying exam

In accordance with current legislation, the initiator of testing civil servants for professional suitability can be either the official himself or an organization of federal significance (Rostrud). If you wish to take the exam, the employee submits an application in the prescribed manner to his immediate supervisor. At least three calendar months must pass from the date of submission of the relevant application to the examination.

This test is carried out to check whether the subject has the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out official duties, to identify positive qualities and useful knowledge for the purpose of possible promotion of the employee up the career ladder.

The knowledge testing procedure is mandatory for all officials without exception. Only those employees who have been working in the system for less than one year, as well as pregnant women, are exempt from taking the exam.

If the employee’s application for an examination for the purpose of assigning a higher rank is satisfied, the authorized body represented by the manager issues an order. This document indicates the time and date of the event, provides a list of officials who will conduct the test, as well as a list of documents that employees are required to provide.

The person designated to manage the event must ensure that each participant is notified at least thirty days in advance of the event.

Work of the examination committee

The responsibility to organize and conduct the test at the proper level, without any violations on anyone’s part, rests with a specially created commission. Members of the commission carefully read the characteristics and reviews of all applicants. This information must be provided no later than thirty days before the scheduled test date. The person who is about to take the test has every right to read the review about himself. If he has any comments about the objectivity of the information provided about him, he can submit an appropriate statement and protest the review.

This exam is conducted as follows. The secretary calls the examinee to the commission meeting room. In his presence, the documents provided by him are reviewed and questions of interest to the commission members are asked.

The main task of all commission members is to assess the level of skills, knowledge and abilities of the subject. In this case, the requirements for civil servants and the complexity of the work ahead are taken into account.

After all participants have been heard, the commission leaves to make decisions on each one. Based on the results, the commission may recognize that the employee has successfully passed the exam and is worthy of promotion, or, on the contrary, the official has not passed the test.

The results are entered in the prescribed form. All documents (references from the place of work, the conclusion of the commission) are filed in the official’s personal file.

If an official fails to pass the qualification exam for one reason or another, then after six months he can re-apply to the competent authority to retake it.

Do I need to take a qualifying exam when concluding a fixed-term contract?

In accordance with current legislation and labor law, in a number of cases, taking into account the category of position, indefinite employment relationships cannot be established with civil servants. In such situations, employment contracts are concluded.

And despite the fact that the law initially provides for the conclusion of open-ended contracts with officials, the procedure for assigning class ranks to state civil servants remains the same. In other words, regardless of how the labor relationship is formalized, officials are required to pass a qualification exam in order to be awarded a rank.

In what cases does an official undergo testing?

In accordance with the regulations on the assignment of class ranks to civil servants, a test to test knowledge and skills is carried out when deciding on the appointment of an official to a new position and the appointment of the next rank. This issue is submitted for consideration by the competent commission after the established period of work of the employee in the previous position.

In addition, the test is carried out in the case when the assignment of a class rank to a state civil servant is carried out for the first time. Thus, all candidates without experience in the civil service must pass this test.

The procedure for assigning class ranks to civil servants requires a qualification test for the category of persons who are promoted, while in order to carry out their professional duties at the proper level they need to have a higher category (in accordance with accepted industry standards and norms).

Please clarify the issue of the relationship between the class ranks of the federal state civil service and the class ranks of the state civil service of the subject of the Federation. Is the class rank - Referent of the State Civil Service of the Perm Territory, 3rd class, assigned to a civil servant by the State Housing Supervision Inspectorate of the Perm Territory, taken into account when appointed to a position in the federal state civil service? Is there a need to establish an additional payment to a civil servant for the existing class rank?


Answer to the question:

Please clarify the issue of the relationship between the class ranks of the federal state civil service and the class ranks of the state civil service of the subject of the Federation.

In accordance with Part 12 of Art. 11 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” the procedure for assigning and maintaining class ranks of the federal civil service, the ratio of class ranks of the federal civil service and military and special ranks, class ranks of justice, class ranks of prosecutors are determined by decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2005 No. 113 established only the ratio of class ranks of the federal state civil service, military and special ranks, class ranks of justice, class ranks of prosecutors.

The ratio of class ranks of the federal state civil service and class ranks of the state civil service of a constituent entity of the Federation has not been established .

Is the class rank - Referent of the State Civil Service of the Perm Territory, 3rd class, assigned to a civil servant by the State Housing Supervision Inspectorate of the Perm Territory, taken into account when appointed to a position in the federal state civil service? Is there a need to establish an additional payment to a civil servant for the existing class rank?

According to Part 3 of Art. 13 of Federal Law No. 58-FZ of May 27, 2003 On the civil service system of the Russian Federation when transferring a civil servant from one type of civil service to a civil service another type previously assigned class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank, as well as the period of stay in the corresponding class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank are taken into account when assigning class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank for a new type of public service in accordance with federal laws on types of public service and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Art. 2 of Federal Law No. 58-FZ of May 27, 2003 establishes that the public service system includes:

military service;

That is, the federal state civil service and the state civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in our opinion, are not independent types of public service, i.e. the specified norm of Article 13 of the Federal Law of May 27, 2003 No. 58-FZ on recording class rank does not apply in this case.

Also, according to clause 5 of the Regulations, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 01.02.2005 No. 113, when assigning the first class rank, a military or special rank, a class rank of justice, a class rank of a prosecutor, assigned to a federal civil servant in his previous place are taken into account civil service of the Russian Federation.

Due to the uncertainty of legal regulation and the lack of a normatively established ratio of class ranks of the federal state civil service and the state civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, we recommend that you seek official clarification on this issue from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

Legal basis: Federal Law of May 27, 2003 No. 58-FZ
About the civil service system of the Russian Federation

Article 2. Civil service system

1. The civil service system includes:
state civil service;
military service;
other types of public service.

2. The state civil service is divided into the federal state civil service and the state civil service of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

3. Military service and other types of public service, which are established by federal laws, are types of federal public service.

4. Legal regulation and organization of the federal state civil service are under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. The legal regulation of the state civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and its organization is under the jurisdiction of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Article 13. Class ranks, diplomatic ranks, military and special ranks

1. In accordance with federal laws on types of public service, citizens performing federal public service are assigned class ranks, diplomatic ranks, military and special ranks.
In accordance with the federal law on the type of public service, class ranks are established for citizens serving in the state civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2. The general conditions for the assignment and retention of class ranks, diplomatic ranks, military and special ranks are:
sequential assignment of a class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank after a specified period of time in a certain class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank after their assignment for the first time;
assignment of a class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank to a civil servant in accordance with the position being filled in the federal civil service;
early assignment as an incentive measure of a class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank or assignment of a class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank one step higher than the class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank provided for the position being filled in the federal public service in accordance with the federal law on the type of public service;
preservation of the assigned class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank upon release from the position being filled in the federal civil service or dismissal from the federal civil service.
Deprivation of an assigned class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank is possible by court decision.

3. When transferring a civil servant from a civil service of one type to a civil service of another type, the previously assigned class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank, as well as the period of stay in the corresponding class rank, diplomatic rank, military and special rank, are taken into account when assigning the class rank , diplomatic rank, military and special rank for a new type of public service in accordance with federal laws on types of public service and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

4. The ratio of class ranks, diplomatic ranks, military and special ranks is established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

5. Class ranks of the state civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are assigned taking into account the provisions of this article in the manner established by the regulatory legal acts of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

With respect and wishes for comfortable work, Natalya Nikonova,

HR System expert

The concept has roots in the distant past. Back in tsarist times, under Ivan the Terrible, a “rank book” first appeared, where entries were made about the appointments of officials to senior positions. Then Peter I abolished the ranks and introduced the Table of Ranks, which established the ranks of 14 classes. Since then, this word in Russian has denoted a category, the degree of distinction of an official. The Soviet government abolished class ranks, but they were reintroduced in 2004.

Today in our country this is the name for the degree of suitability of an official established on the basis of federal law to perform a particular activity. To determine suitability, the necessary skills, knowledge and abilities of employees are tested.

The civil service is divided into:

  • civil;
  • military;
  • other types of service (previously, the third type of service was clearly defined - law enforcement, but in 2015 the legislator expanded the list).

Let's take a closer look at the civil service.

According to, there are 5 groups of positions (in ascending order):

  • secretary (junior group);
  • referent (senior group);
  • advisor (lead group);
  • State Advisor (main group);
  • actual state councilor (highest group).

Officials holding a position belonging to one of these groups are also assigned classes: 1st, 2nd or 3rd. The third is the lowest; accordingly, the 1st class is considered the most honorable.

Assignment procedure

Let's consider how civil servants are assigned class ranks. The general terms and conditions for their assignment, as well as the assignment of diplomatic ranks and titles, are listed in Article 13 of the Federal Law of May 27, 2003 No. 58-FZ (as amended on May 23, 2016) “On the civil service system of the Russian Federation.”

These conditions are:

  • sequence (a higher status is assigned after a specified period of time spent in a lower status after it was assigned for the first time);
  • suitability of the position held by the state civil servant;
  • the possibility of early assignment or assignment of a rank one step higher than required as an incentive;
  • maintaining the assigned rank upon release from office or dismissal from service.

A civil servant receives a class rank personally after passing a mandatory qualification exam, which tests his level of training and suitability for the position held (Part 2 of Article 11). It is assigned either for the first time or again.

The way in which civil servants are assigned class ranks for the first time and subsequently is set out in detail in the Regulations on the procedure for assigning and maintaining class ranks, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 1, 2005 No. 113 (as amended on September 30, 2013).

It is important to remember that the procedure outlined in this decree applies only to civil servants at the federal level. At the level of the subjects of the Federation, their own procedure for assigning distinctive titles to employees may be established.


For the first time, a class rank is assigned to a federal civil servant holding the corresponding position after a test. The test condition is not mandatory, and if the test has not been established, then it can be assigned for the first time no earlier than 3 months from the date of appointment to the position.

For each of the 5 job groups (from junior to senior), the first grade assigned will be 3rd. For example, an official of the junior group, awarded the distinction for the first time, will be a 3rd class secretary of the state civil service of the Russian Federation.


Subsequently, the status is assigned after a certain period of time, which the employee must work in a lower status. In this case, the official must occupy a position for which promotion is provided.

We present the mandatory periods for subsequent promotion in the civil service in the corresponding ranks in the form of a table.

The calculation of the service life begins from the date of assignment of the status. So, 3rd grade secretary. will be able to become a 2nd grade secretary. no earlier than a year from the date he was awarded the 3rd class secretary.

An employee may be promoted to a position in a higher group. For example, the position of an official previously belonged to the junior group, and after promotion it becomes a senior one (a former 2nd grade secretary immediately becomes a referent without going through the 1st grade secretary stage). In this case, he receives a rank without following the sequence and without taking into account the length of service in the previous status. But assignment occurs as if for the first time: only after a successful test or no earlier than three months after assignment.

In the order of priority, even if the deadline is met, a new status will not be assigned to employees against whom an internal audit is being conducted, a criminal case has been opened, or if a disciplinary sanction has been applied to them.

Salary for class rank

The salary of a federal official, in addition to the official salary and various incentives, includes a salary for class rank. The salary for the class rank of a state civil servant at the federal level is established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 25, 2006 No. 763 on the salary of federal civil servants.

We present the salary amounts for the class rank of federal employees in the form of a table.

Name Salary amount (rubles per month) from 01/01/2018 (in connection with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 12/12/2017 N 594)
Secretary 3rd grade. 468
Secretary 2nd class. 572
Secretary 1st class. 624
Referent 3rd grade. 728
Referent 2nd class. 780
Referent 1 class. 936
Advisor 3rd class. 988
Advisor 2nd class. 1092
Advisor 1st class. 1196
State Advisor 3rd grade. 1820
State Advisor 2nd grade. 1456
State Advisor 1st class. 1560
Acting State Advisor 3rd class. 1716
Acting State Advisor 2nd class. 1820
Acting State Advisor 1st class. 1924

What happens to a class rank after dismissal?

After dismissal or upon release from a position (including retirement), it is retained. If a retired official re-enters the civil service, his status will be the same as before his dismissal.

Only a court can deprive an official of his status upon conviction of a grave or especially grave crime.

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