How to enlarge breasts with folk remedies. What foods contribute to breast enlargement How to enlarge breasts with yeast

When busty beauties look at you from glossy magazines, it is very difficult to maintain confidence that your breasts are perfect. Of course, everyone understands that all this “beauty” is the result of the skillful work of plastic surgeons, but for some reason this does not make it easier, especially if by nature your breasts are more than modest in size.

Plastic surgery for breast augmentation - the most radical way to increase the bust by a couple of sizes - can only be afforded by wealthy young ladies who have a lot of money in their pockets, and also no less courage, because, as you know, breast plastic surgery is a dangerous procedure. There can always be unforeseen complications, as well as problems with silicone breasts in the following months.

So what to do if you really want to get a big bust? You can try home remedies for yourself, especially since, if used correctly, you can achieve a slight increase in the breast without harm to health. Just before listing these methods, let's name those methods of breast enlargement at home, which can hardly be called useful and effective.

Harmful methods of breast augmentation

drinking beer

If you have ever paid attention to the look of men who love beer and drink it regularly, you have noticed that their breast size is slightly larger than normal. It turns out that beer can really increase the breasts, because it contains a lot of phytoestrogens. However, the whole curiosity of the situation is that frequent drinking of beer gradually turns men into women, into women, on the contrary, into men. This is due to the fact that the constant intake of female hormones with beer leads to the fact that in women the production of their own hormones is reduced. So in the end, you certainly won’t get a beautiful chest, but it can easily become hairy from beer.

iodine mesh

Another stupid method of breast augmentation, which in fact does not give any effect, except for burns from the application of aggressive iodine to the delicate skin of the breast. It should be noted that traces of iodine burns last for a very long time, so once again think about whether the dubious result is worth such sacrifices?

hemlock juice

Cicuta (poisonous milestone) is a poisonous plant, so you should not rub its juice into your chest, no matter what they write on the Internet about its great “benefit” for breast enlargement.

Raw dough and mustard plasters

Eating raw dough for breast enlargement is not worth it, if only because as a result, not only your breasts will increase, but also the rest of the body. It is clear that the breast always increases with an increase in body weight and always decreases with weight loss. Take this into account and think: maybe it’s better to put on a push-up and be slim than to hide the sides and belly that have grown on the test, but stick out a slightly enlarged chest?

It’s not even worth talking about mustard plasters on the chest: this is complete nonsense, and nonsense is useless and dangerous. Mustard plasters can burn the delicate skin of the chest, and can also cause heart failure.

How to enlarge breasts at home

And now we list the ways, the regular use of which will help to slightly increase the size of the breast. Of course, you won’t achieve an increase of 2 sizes with these methods, but you won’t harm your health either.

Breast Enlargement Products

Firstly, regular consumption of certain foods contributes to breast growth. Here they are:

  • 1 glass of lemon juice diluted with water;
  • fermented milk products (without restrictions);
  • boiled chicken (other cooking options do not count);
  • fried, boiled, baked fish;
  • walnuts in a small amount;
  • hot black tea with milk and sugar in any quantity;
  • turmeric dissolved in milk (1 tsp per glass of milk).

These products will not harm your health and will slightly increase your breasts. You just need to remember that these foods should not be eaten daily for a long time. Alternate and change them, for example, drink tea with milk one week, and try walnuts the next week. If you have a gastrointestinal disease, check with your doctor, as some of the foods listed here (nuts, milk) can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Medicinal herbs

You can slightly increase the breast with the help of medicinal herbs.

Linden blossom

It is lime color, not linden. The color should be brewed and drunk as tea several times a day. Linden color increases the level of female hormones, so the breasts can increase even in size. In addition, this tea has a lot of other useful properties. For example, it strengthens the immune system well.


Oregano helps to enlarge the breasts and regulate the menstrual cycle. 2 tbsp brew herbs in 200 ml of boiling water, insist for half an hour, and then drink half a glass several times a day.

Hop cones

1 tbsp dry hop cones should be brewed in a 1-liter thermos and drink 100 ml several times a day, before meals. Hop cones will help to increase the breast and will have a beneficial effect on the body.


Another effective method of breast augmentation is special gymnastics. In fact, chest gymnastics does not increase the breast, but it helps to strengthen and tighten it, which makes the chest look more elastic and voluminous. Breast augmentation exercises can be found online. They are more than simple. For example, they include the well-known push-ups from the floor.

One of the main claims to their appearance among the beautiful half of humanity at all times was the size of the bust. Many owners of modest forms secretly envy busty ladies, dreaming of becoming the owners of a chic bust.

Today it is possible to increase breasts with the help of plastic surgery - but this is expensive and not always possible. Therefore, myths about miraculous products that make breasts bigger without surgery and exercise are still alive among women, the main thing is to eat them regularly.

The cabbage myth

Many mothers and grandmothers told girls in childhood - “eat more cabbage, then the breasts will grow”, and many of us believed in this, leaning on cabbage soup, saltwort and cabbage salads. But for most, cabbage did not help to get chic shapes.

Scientists with a smile assure that this statement can be considered true only at a very stretch, and only for teenagers. Why? It's simple: cabbage is a source of valuable fiber and vitamins, minerals, while having a low calorie content. During the period of active growth and development of the body, a teenager needs to have a healthy intestine, regularly emptied, and also constantly replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals.

Therefore, it is useful to eat cabbage as a natural vitamin and mineral supplement, but you can also eat tomatoes, cucumbers or garlic with the same success. But cabbage cannot influence the hormonal metabolism and the genetic program of the body, which together, in fact, set the size of the breast.

The myth of phytoestrogens

Almost all women know that breasts grow thanks to estrogens, which are released by the female body during puberty. In addition, many of us have heard that some foods contain phytoestrogens, plant analogues of the female sex hormone. If these foods are consumed, some think, perhaps phytoestrogens will have an effect similar to real estrogens?

Of course, if you use a large amount of products with phytoestrogens, they will have some effect on a woman's body - weight gain and rounding of shapes, but an excess of these substances can also have side effects, including cancer, stomach ulcers, metabolic disorders and obesity.

Phytoestrogens are found in fairly high-calorie foods that are heavy for the body, which you need to eat a lot in order to achieve breast enlargement. In physiologically acceptable amounts, phytoestrogens do not have an active effect on breast growth.

What experiments are generally banned?

  • yeast

Breast Enlargement Products: Myths and Reality

So, for example, you should not experiment with the use of yeast - dry or pressed. They are credited with the property of breast enlargement, but this is nothing more than a myth, they will not cause anything but diarrhea. Also, for the same reasons, you should not eat raw yeast dough, it can lead to constipation and bloating.

  • light beer

Another "famous" method of breast augmentation is light beer. However, modern beer, even draft beer, is far from a real hoppy product, and if you can find one, you're more likely to earn a beer belly and liver problems than grow breasts. In addition, beer alcoholism develops very quickly, especially in women, and this most complex disease is practically incurable.

  • compresses and rubbing

You should definitely not resort to dubious recipes in the form of rubbing the juices of various plants into the skin of the chest, applying mustard plasters and applying an iodine net. This can lead to mastitis.

How to enlarge breasts?

If you want to tweak your forms a little, start eating right, gain some weight and load the press. If a woman gains weight, her chest, hips and stomach will evenly gain weight. But if you actively engage in sports while gaining weight, you can increase your breasts. Try to slightly pump up the muscles of the chest, due to them the size of the bust will become larger.

Breast Enlargement Products: Myths and Reality

What should you eat?

For breast health and beauty, foods such as soy, ginger, turmeric, cloves, pumpkin, tomatoes, apples and papaya are useful. Try to include these foods in your regular diet more often.

Legumes can contribute to breast growth: beans, peas, lentils. Cook soups or main courses with them, but remember - legumes are high in calories and hard on the intestines, you should not consume them daily - limit yourself to one or two days a week.

One of the traditional medicine for breast augmentation is tea from the leaves of strawberries or oregano with milk. Drink about 100 ml of this tea on an empty stomach and then have a hearty breakfast.

Nuts with honey can help breast growth. Take a jar of peeled walnuts, pour them with lemon juice and liquid honey, mix and use a tablespoon twice a day: in the morning after meals and in the evening before bedtime.

The chest is very "loving" cereals, especially oatmeal, rice, corn and wheat. Cook cereals from cereals, do not use quick breakfasts - they will not bring benefits. You can add a serving of milk or cream to the porridge.

For breast augmentation, vegetable oils are used - linseed, olive or sesame. They can be seasoned with salads or taken in a teaspoon in the morning, after breakfast. Another good breast product is fish, especially salmon. It should be eaten at least once a week.

Of course, with the help of nutrition, it is hardly possible to increase the breast by 1-2 sizes. But you can improve the tone of the skin and its elasticity of the chest with the help of a healthy diet and exercise.

What should you eat to make your breasts grow? The myth of the miraculous cabbage, which enlarges the breasts by several sizes, if eaten in unlimited quantities, is familiar to many. How real is it and will an upset stomach appear after such a diet? We will look into this below.

Many female representatives are more or less dissatisfied with the size or shape of the breast and try to correct it in every possible way. Breast augmentation surgery is expensive and causes fear in some women, advertised pills do not always have an effect and can be dangerous to health, creams give the desired result only with constant use. This is where the need for information about diets and foods that help breast growth comes in.

It should be noted right away that the result can be positive only with the complex use of a diet and exercise to strengthen the pectoral muscles. But even in this case, it will not increase by two or three sizes. Proper nutrition and physical activity contribute to the improvement of elasticity, recovery after feeding or increase by up to one size.

The beauty and elasticity of the breast depends on the health of the whole organism. And for this you need a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The daily menu should contain proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and necessary trace elements in the composition of vegetables, fruits and herbs.

There are two substances that are needed for the growth of the mammary glands:

  1. Folic acid (vitamin B9). The most important function in the body is the formation of new cells and control of growth in the early stages. More often, an increased amount of it is needed during puberty and during pregnancy. Enough vitamin contains white cabbage (hence the myth about the effect on the growth of the mammary glands). It is also rich in vitamin U (methionine), which promotes cell renewal and skin rejuvenation. Cabbage is a low-calorie product, but it should be eaten in reasonable quantities. All legumes, cereals, carrots, dairy products, red fish, pork or lamb (liver) contain folic acid.
  2. The hormone estrogen. The rounded shape of the body in the female half of society is a consequence of its action. A woman's body produces estrogen on its own. The maximum amount in the blood is during puberty, and then a decrease is observed. Accordingly, at the end of this period, breast growth stops. But the concentration of the hormone can be maintained if there are products that contain phytoestrogens (substances similar in properties). Usually it is a food of plant origin: soy, parsley, fruits (peaches and oranges), flax seeds, oats and black coffee. But it is important to remember that an excess of estrogen, like its lack, has a bad effect on the body.

In addition to the above products, the following nutrients should also be in the daily diet:

  1. unsaturated fats. The mammary gland is mainly composed of adipose tissue. Thus, eating high-fat foods contributes to the formation of new fat cells and an increase in their mass. These include: flax oil, corn, nuts, avocado, sour cream, butter and lard (but only in small quantities).
  2. Foods rich in protein. These are mainly seafood and meat, as well as milk (soy and cow), yogurts. As you know, protein is the building material of the body. Sufficient consumption of it contributes to the health of the breast and other organs.
  3. Bread and cereals. It has long been known that the more natural the diet, the more elastic the chest. It is more useful to eat bran bread, and cereals from unground grains. The pharmacy sells yeast in the form of dietary supplements, which also benefit.
  4. Vegetables, fruits, berries. Elasticity of the breast is promoted by the use of fruits of red and orange color: carrots, apricots, peaches, apples, cherries, pomegranates and others. Bananas and dried apricots help remove toxins and make the skin fresher and younger.
  5. Some spices are used for breast enlargement. These include: ginger, sage, oregano, thyme, cloves.
  6. Herbs. Used in ancient times by peasants as medicines and means for breast growth. Such properties are found in fenugreek, saw palmetto, and wild yam.

Breast Growth Drinks

To maintain beauty, it is important not only to make the right diet, but also to drink plenty of fluids.

The following drinks will help improve the shape and elasticity of the breast:

  1. Juices. Better freshly prepared from vegetables, fruits and berries of red and orange color (orange, pomegranate, cherry and others).
  2. White tea. It has long been famous for its beneficial properties. Previously, it was eaten exclusively by emperors. Now it is available to every woman and helps to enrich the diet with important trace elements.
  3. Red wine. Contains antioxidants that slow down the aging process in the body. But you need to know the measure and drink up to three glasses a week.

In addition, it is better to reduce the intake of salt, because of its ability to prevent the exit of water from the body. After all, the connective tissue expands from an excess of fluid, and the mammary gland loses its elasticity.

chest exercises

To achieve the maximum effect, you need to combine diet with exercise. There are no muscles in the mammary gland, but there are around it. Regular exercise will help tighten the chest, and it will look bigger, shape and tone will improve. You can perform special workouts at home or in the gym, swimming in the pool is also suitable for this purpose. And do not forget about the correct posture. A straight back and turned shoulders make the chest visually larger. Diets that involve fasting will not bring a positive result. After all, with a decrease in body weight, the chest becomes even smaller.

Myths about breast augmentation

Along with useful tips, there are many myths that can not only fail to produce the desired effect, but also harm health.

In addition to cabbage, it is advised to use:

  1. Beer. They say that if you drink a liter of beer a day, your breasts will grow. It is not true. Brewer's yeast has nothing to do with the increase. On the contrary, frequent drinking of beer can lead to the growth of the abdomen, not the mammary glands. And do not forget about "beer alcoholism", which in women develops faster.
  2. Sweet dough (usually raw). An increase is possible, but only together with other parts of the body and excess weight. It is unlikely that such a result is expected by women who want to look good.
  3. Legumes (beans, peas) in large quantities. These are healthy foods that contain folic acid. But you need to use them in moderation, as overeating legumes leads to indigestion and other troubles.

Of course, none of these tips will increase the size of the breast. It is much more useful to adjust the menu with products that will help keep her healthy and attractive for as long as possible.

It is not necessary for a woman to have large breasts to be beautiful. It is enough to have a small and elastic, but healthy and well-groomed. And to add charm will help proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air, positive emotions and joy from the days lived.

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In order to understand whether there is any benefit in brewer's yeast or whether this product is in no way able to affect the growth of the female breast, you need to learn how to position them correctly.

Yeast is a simple fungus, used in brewer's yeastthe same mushrooms, but only a slightly different culture.

Today, many pharmacists and doctors use yeast in the manufacture of many dietary supplements aimed at improving human health. Therefore, we can say in general that yeast is beneficial to health, since it contains a lot of natural minerals, a vitamin complex and rejuvenating amino acids. And due to this, a number of human diseases imply complex treatment with the presence of yeast in it.

Having understood what the "usefulness" of brewer's yeast is, you can understand how much they can help a woman increase her breast size. In addition, you need to at least superficially know the anatomy of the structure of the chest. The breast consists of the mammary glands, in which there are lobes and a fatty layer between them, and the pectoral muscles and Cooper's ligaments, located below and above the chest, are responsible for the youth and size of the breast. Breast size can be affected by physical exercises to strengthen the muscles, as well as certain foods that can fill a woman's body with hormones and fats.

Among the list of "usefulness" of brewer's yeast, there are several points:

  • Gastrointestinal track t. The action of brewer's yeast on the gastrointestinal tract occurs by activating the secretion and increasing the absorption of beneficial nutrients by the small intestine. In addition, the metabolism of the whole organism is activated and even intensified.
  • This product helps you lose weight, as metabolic processes are accelerated, and they allow the intestines to work in full mode. But you need to understand that brewer's yeast can awaken appetite, so there is a risk of overeating.
  • This product acts as an assistant in diseases such as diabetes mellitus., alcoholism, anemia, B-hypovitaminosis and various cardiovascular diseases.
  • Doctors recommend using brewer's yeast to people prone to tobacco addiction and those who fell under radiation exposure and chemical exposure.
  • Yeast (in particular, their bacteria) helps to overcome diseases of the dermis such as, acne rashes, eczema, even psoriasis.
  • Cosmetology is releasing more and more products with this product in its composition.

Brewer's yeast is completed in different types, concentrations and forms. Only a person with a medical education is able to understand these subtleties. Despite the large list of "usefulness" of brewer's yeast, there is also a certain list of side effects from taking them.


  1. Allergic reactions to bacteria and their metabolic products.
  2. Kidney disease.
  3. Gout.
  4. Fungus and insufficient intestinal microflora.

Usually, side effects from taking brewer's yeast are manifested by symptoms such as bloating, skin urticaria, itching and swelling of the dermis, diarrhea, and even diathesis. All these manifestations signal that it is better to do away with all kinds of dietary supplements.

Breast growth from yeast is a myth

The most obvious myth among all the false stereotypes is that with the help of brewer's yeast, you can provoke breast growth and increase it in size.

Undoubtedly, this product boasts many positive effects on the human body, but they in no way relate to breast size. This myth originates from the time when the following sequence was recorded: men who regularly drink beer drinks acquire effeminate breasts after a while, which noticeably increases in volume. In fact, plant hormones - phytoestrogens - have such an unpleasant effect on the male body, and yeast bacteria do not play a role here at all.

In addition, regular intake of dietary supplements with brewer's yeast provokes an increased appetite, which usually leads to overeating. Due to this, the woman, respectively, is gaining excess weight, which also affects the condition of the breast. About 20% of the weight gained is due to the size of the breast, which becomes fuller. But it is unlikely that breast augmentation in this way will bring satisfaction to a woman.

You also need to understand that the current light beer, which contains yeast, is completely different from a real hop product. But, one way or another, even the highest quality beer leads to addiction, increases the volume of the abdomen and provokes liver diseases.

According to statistics, beer alcoholism in women appears much faster than in men and is considered almost incurable. Therefore, the myth that brewer's yeast helps to increase breasts has been shattered.

True Breast Augmentation Techniques

As practice shows, the most effective and time-tested methods of natural breast augmentation are the following methods:

  • rich in protein foods, plant hormones, unsaturated fats and antioxidants. All these components are able to fill the mammary glands with tone, collagen and nutrients.
  • . A set of exercises will help strengthen the pectoral muscle, as well as the strength of the back and shoulder girdle. Strong muscles and ligaments lift the mammary glands up, do not allow them to sag with age and fill the thin skin of the mammary glands with tone and elasticity.
  • Contrast shower and massage. Both techniques in combination help to fill the mammary glands with oxygen, warm up the skin and accelerate blood flow, tone up and have a general strengthening effect on the bust.

The diet should be simple, but filled with the above components. In addition, you need to monitor the drinking regime, which involves about 2 liters of water per day.

It is enough to carry out exercises to strengthen and increase the chest three times a week, as muscles grow during rest, and not during training. Therefore, it is very important to give the body a rest.

Statistics show that more than 60% of the total number of women around the world are not satisfied with the size of their breasts. These women believe that small breasts are not attractive to the surrounding men, and are clearly convinced that if their bust were a couple of sizes larger, then their personal life would be much more successful.

Undoubtedly, small breasts have a lot of advantages. For example, it is comfortable to sleep on your stomach, you can save on buying a bra, nothing interferes with playing sports, in addition, some doctors are sure that the smaller the breast size, the lower the risk of developing cancer.

However, despite all the advantages of small breasts, large breasts have always been a matter of female pride, a symbol of beauty and motherhood. And most importantly, a large female breast is an object of desire for any man who, although they initially look at their legs, then focus their eyes on the chest and “hang” there for a long time.

Social surveys of men from different parts of the world gave the following results: Latin Americans are leaders in addictions to large sizes of female breasts - they prefer breasts of the 5th - 6th size, but European men consider the 3rd and 4th breasts to be the ideal size, which in Europe is considered an indicator of excellent women's health.

Men's craving for large breasts is also due to sexual attraction and the desire to please a woman. The calculation is simple - the larger the chest, the more erogenous zones can be affected.

However, ancient folk wisdom is also applicable to the female breast - the main thing is not quantity, but quality. Breast size doesn't mean anything. If the chest is not elastic, then it not only does not attract attention, but also brings a lot of inconvenience. The fact that the chest should correspond to the figure is also important. Agree that a woman of a miniature fragile physique with a sixth breast size will look somewhat ridiculous. And for a woman of large physique, small breasts will make the figure pear-shaped.

If the owners of beautiful and magnificent breasts rarely complain about their treasure, then the owners of small breasts in the majority tend to increase their breasts at least by size in all conceivable and inconceivable ways. In this article, we will try to consider all the natural methods available in the modern arsenal aimed at fulfilling the desires of every woman with small breasts.

Numerous surveys have shown that men are not enthusiastic about breasts that have been surgically enlarged. Moreover, silicone implants require special care and do not look natural. Most European men give their choice to natural female beauty and much less often to models with silicone implants. 85% of men surveyed at the age of sexual activity say that silicone breasts in particular and plastic surgery in general - this does not make a woman attractive and is "simply disgusting."

Before proceeding to describe the methods of breast augmentation, you should first remember the school anatomy course and deal with the internal structure of the female breast.

The breast, or scientifically speaking, the mammary gland, consists of connective, glandular and fatty tissues. Breast tissues are permeated with milk ducts, glands, blood vessels and sensitive nerve endings. The mammary glands are attached to the pectoralis major muscle with the help of a special connective tissue.

Soft tissue shape support is performed by suspensory Cooper's ligaments. These ligaments originate in the relative depth of the body and are connected to the subcutaneous areas of the upper breast. Cooper's ligaments are soft enough not to restrict the natural movement of the breasts in their function. However, it is this property that eventually leads to the weakening of Cooper's ligaments, and as a result, to sagging of the mammary gland.

15-20 lobes, which turn their top to the nipple, form the body of the mammary gland itself. Between themselves, the lobes are separated by layers of connective tissue, which is also present between the anterior surface of the gland and the deep layers of the skin, as well as above the aponeurosis of the pectoral muscle. Thus, the connective tissue forms special strands in the form of a mesh, which are attached to the collarbone. And at the bottom, gradually splitting along the entire length, the connective tissue strands form a capsule, which includes the mammary gland. The shape of the mammary gland depends on how strong and elastic the capsule is.

All women during the monthly menstrual cycle can feel changes in their own mammary glands. Depending on the time and phase of the cycle, the mammary glands somewhat change their structure. So, with each cycle, a few days before ovulation, there is a slight increase in the amount of epithelium of the ducts and lobules. Outwardly, this process may look like a slight increase in the volume and density of the mammary glands, mainly due to the blood filling of the organ and edema. Sometimes this process can be accompanied by a feeling of tightness, expansion and increased sensitivity of the breast. In preparation for the lactation period, the mammary glands also increase due to the growth of glandular tissue. If conception does not occur, then the newly formed structures atrophy within a few months. Throughout the life of a woman, this process does not stop.

The extent to which the size and weight of the mammary gland changes depending on the change in body weight is affected by which of the two tissues, adipose tissue or glandular tissues, prevail over each other in the mammary gland. If the gland tissue prevails in the breast, then the weight of the breast does not strongly depend on the total body weight. In general, we can say that each new kilogram of weight adds approximately 20 grams to the chest, and a set of 8-10 extra kilos can lead to an increase in breast size by one size.

In addition, hormones influence the size of the mammary glands, and they explain the change in breast size during menstruation, or breast enlargement in women who are constantly active in sex.

Thus, the final size and shape of the breast is affected by the size of the mammary gland itself, adipose tissue, the size and development of the pectoral muscles, the development and saturation of the circulatory system, and the level of hormones in the woman's blood.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on such a factor as the degree of development of the pectoral muscles. It should be noted that even enhanced training is not able to significantly increase the size of the chest, but they can affect the shape and fit of the chest. Underdeveloped pectoral muscles can cause sagging and loss of elasticity due to the weakening of the Cooper ligaments.

The elasticity of the breast primarily depends on the mammary gland, which in its structure has a fairly dense structure, in comparison with fatty tissues. An increase in body weight entails the accumulation of fatty tissues, including in the chest, which in turn reduces its elasticity.

Also, the amount of a special female hormone contained in the body of a woman - estrogen - has a great influence on breast size. Its deficiency can lead to breast reduction, and vice versa, an excess can lead to some increase in the mammary glands.
Ways to influence the breast Creams for breast enlargement

One of the ways to increase breasts is the use of special creams, of which the modern perfume industry produces in large quantities. The main component of breast enlargement cream, regardless of the company and country of manufacture, is the hormone estrogen. In most creams, manufacturers try to use plant-based hormones phytoestrogens, which are famous for their similarity in structure with female sex hormones and can provoke the growth of female breast tissue. The use of female hormonal gland enlargement creams in no way causes an increase in the woman's weight, and the effect of the application can last for several months.

There are creams that cause increased blood circulation in the breasts. However, the effect of such creams is short-lived and the breasts will lose their shape within a few days after the end of the use of the cream.

The most optimal result is given by combined creams, which include both phytohormones and drugs that cause blood flow to the mammary glands and improve the condition of the skin. You should pay attention only to those types of breast enlargement creams that contain the largest amount of natural ingredients, because. from them the least side effects will be observed.

After conducting tests, experts found that in the process of using creams for a week, there is an increase in the breast up to 0.5 cm in diameter, and after three weeks of continuous use up to 1 cm.

The modern market of cosmetics offers a cream for breast enlargement based on steroidal phytoestrogens. This type of estrogen acts on the human body in a similar way to the effects of human estrogen. However, to achieve the desired result, the concentration of steroidal phytoestrogens must be thousands of times greater than the concentration of estrogen that is produced by the human body. Therefore, you should not be greatly deceived and hope for an instant result if you saw an oil saturated with phytoestrogens in the list of cream components.

Vitaminized creams for breast enlargement are ineffective, the only thing they can do is give elasticity to your skin and, in principle, nothing more useful.
Breast Enlargement Pills

Tablets, like creams, are also saturated with hormonal preparations to achieve the effect of breast enlargement. According to scientists, dietary supplements that only mimic estrogen are not capable of provoking breast enlargement, but they can create health problems.

After conducting clinical tests, it was found that the breasts increase in a group of patients who took contraceptives, antidepressants and the hormone estrogen in its pure form. It was also found that in order to achieve the desired effect and increase the size of the breast, the woman's body must produce prolactin, which stimulates estrogen receptors in the breast lobules and controls the process of cell division and death.

Please note that most of the medications that are publicly available to every woman in any pharmacy are ineffective. By purchasing such drugs, you are not only throwing quite large sums down the drain, but also putting your health at risk. Remember that when taking any hormonal drugs - smoking is contraindicated.
Vacuum breast massage

If you are an opponent of any pharmaceutical preparations, then there is the possibility of mechanical breast enlargement. Currently, there are a lot of devices of various designs, but with a similar principle of operation, which are designed to help female grief and help increase breasts. In most cases, such devices consist of a pump and a breast cup. The principle of operation is simple: the breast is put into a cup and air is pumped out with a pump, creating a vacuum, which causes blood flow to the mammary gland. Blood, as you know, carries oxygen and other nutrients, as a result of which the breast enlarges. You control the effect yourself, so it’s quite difficult to harm yourself.

The results will not be long in coming. However, to consolidate the effect, you need to use the massager daily for several weeks.

An increase in the amount of breast tissue contributes to increased production of female sex hormones due to increased stimulation of the peripapillary zone. This method of breast augmentation will help a woman to shine at a party or conquer a man.

Such a device can be purchased for about $ 50, but you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to use it for at least 15 minutes daily for an extended period.

The disadvantages of this method include the risk of sagging of the mammary glands after stopping the use of the device.
New Ways to Enlarge Your Breasts

Demand, as you know, creates supply. Therefore, scientists around the world are racking their brains over the invention of alternative methods of breast augmentation. For example, Japanese scientists suggested using a woman's adipose tissue instead of silicone implants. A number of successful clinical trials of this new technique have been carried out, and in 40 patients who agreed to surgery according to the new technique, no serious complications were noticed.

Fat tissue, which is used by scientists at the University of Tokyo, is taken from the patient's abdomen or thighs and formed into breasts. After transplantation, adipose tissue is enriched with stem cells, which form new tissues and blood vessels. Suspension of stem cells and adipose tissue is injected directly into the mammary gland without any surgical intervention.

The tissue transplanted in this way looks very natural, unlike silicone implants. As a result, enlarged breasts look very beautiful and natural.
Folk remedies for breast enlargement

Some women, in an effort to enlarge their breasts, turn to the pantry of folk wisdom, where you can find a lot of recipes of various complexity. We will try to consider the most popular and publicly available recipes.
Breast augmentation with cabbage

There is a popular belief that if you eat a large amount of cabbage, then the breast will grow over time. There is an opinion, but it is very difficult to find examples of successful experiments. In practice, there is no reliable evidence that the cabbage diet actually increases the female breast. But the problems from the cabbage diet can be very real.

Only teenage girls, whose body is just developing, can use the cabbage diet so that there is some result and a minimum of side effects. Because the beneficial substances that cabbage contains do not increase the chest, but the volume of the body as a whole. The girl is getting fat, naturally her breasts also increase in size.
Breast augmentation by eating raw dough

Another way to increase breast size is to eat raw dough. The effectiveness of this technique raises serious doubts in any educated person. And for any sane person it will be understood that eating a large amount of raw dough will most likely provoke an upset of the gastrointestinal tract, rather than increase the bust.

If it were so easy to increase the bust, then the need for plastic surgery as such would have disappeared a long time ago. Experts noted that raw dough in its composition does not contain absolutely any substances that would even remotely cause an increase in the size of the mammary glands.
Breast augmentation with mustard plasters or iodine

This method also has the right to exist and the principle of operation can also be easily explained. Iodine and mustard plasters cause blood flow to the site of application, in this case to the chest, which really helps to increase the size of the breast for a short time. But this method is fraught with a real threat of burns to the skin of the chest, with a certain zeal. In addition to the treatment of burns, a woman must subsequently regularly visit oncologists to avoid the occurrence of tumors.
Breast augmentation with hop cones

Hop cone tinctures do contain phytoestrogens that promote breast growth. However, in order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to take a very large amount of this tincture, which is guaranteed to cause a failure of the human reproductive function. Using this herbal preparation, it is necessary to calculate the individual dose, which is quite difficult to do. But for those who want to try this folk method, it can be advised to steam one tablespoon of hop cones with a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos for eight hours. It is necessary to take such an infusion three times a day before meals, half a glass at a time.
Breast augmentation with beer

Hops are used in the production of beer, and this is not a secret. Therefore, beer, even non-alcoholic varieties, can have a beneficial effect on the female breast, although to a lesser extent than a decoction of hop cones. Especially popular among women is the Bulgarian beer "Boza", which includes fermented wheat flour and brewer's yeast.

Beer contains healthier minerals that get into beer from malt, water and other components. In the required quantities, beer contains potassium and sodium, magnesium and phosphorus, elements of sulfur and chlorine, as well as a complex of useful vitamins that are contained in malt.

Stimulation of the stomach, the production of gastric juices and bile - all this causes the use of beer. In addition, hop bitterness, although it reduces the effect of alcohol, but not to the necessary extent. This fact should be remembered by everyone who wants to increase their breasts. In order not to harm your body, it is best to drink dark non-alcoholic beer for breast enlargement.

However, the assortment of non-alcoholic beer in our country leaves much to be desired, and in this case, you can use any dark beer, which must first be heated to 50 degrees and kept at this temperature for at least two hours. The concentration of alcohol in such beer will be minimal and it can be consumed up to several liters per day.
Breast augmentation through exercise

Breast enlargement can also be done through special physical exercises.

As you know, the female breast has an emphasis on the pectoralis major and minor muscles. And, as a result, there is a direct relationship between the shape of the chest and the physical condition of these muscles. The better they are developed, the more likely it is to return the breasts to their previous shape.

To achieve the desired breast size, many women turn to physical training. If you regularly perform exercises for the chest complex, you can give the breast elasticity and improve its shape. The problem is that having a naturally underdeveloped musculature, it is difficult for a woman to increase her breasts through exercise. This is provided that the woman does not use steroid drugs. Although, on the other hand, toning the muscles of the thoracic region helps to lift and firm the chest, which visually increases its volume.

You need to train your chest 2-3 times a week. It all depends on their complexity and intensity. If the workouts are complex and richer in physical exercises, then twice a week is enough. It is very important to keep track of your body weight.

A very important point of training is to maintain a constant body weight, with the help of intensive training, you can reduce body weight and this will negatively affect the volume of the chest. Therefore, with the intensity of training, the quantity and quality of nutrition should increase.

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