How to increase the profits of a bedding store. How to sell bedding

Whatever you say, most people, despite the appearance of huge supermarkets, either out of habit or because it is really more profitable, prefer to shop in the market. The market has at all times fed and continues to feed many people, both buyers and sellers. A buyer with experience, as a rule, is guided by where the rows are "cheaper", where - "more expensive", at which points the assortment is more diverse.

And sellers on the market are more accommodating, more willing to give way in price. And here the notorious "human factor" comes to the fore, and it depends on the seller whether you buy the goods from him or not. Whether a person will be able to offer exactly what you need, whether he will not be too intrusive and fussy, how much he will endear you to himself - it depends on all these factors whether you come to him the next time or not.

Therefore, today we will talk with Tatyana Savelyeva, a young interesting woman with a charming smile, near whose booth there is a brisk trade. Tatyana is the owner of several outlets in the market, which does not prevent her, however, from standing behind the counter herself.

- Tatiana, please tell us about yourself.

I was born in a suburb of Dnepropetrovsk, my mother worked as an assistant cook, my father was a mechanic at a factory. As far as I can remember, we have always had a large farm, so from childhood I was accustomed to difficult rural work. There were three children in the family (I am the youngest), and each had their own responsibilities. At the age of 17, I got a job as a salesman at the Ozerka market, where I still trade.

After working for 3 years as a distributor, I decided to issue my own individual entrepreneur.

- With what money did you open your business? And why did you decide to become an entrepreneur?

I got some savings, because I worked, the trade was going well, plus my older sister, who is also a housewife and sells leather clothes, helped. Why did you decide to open your own business? Yes, because it is more profitable, although there is a fairly large risk.

The assortment of my product is bathrobes, bed linen in sets and separately, towels, blankets, bedspreads, blankets, etc. A year later, I opened two more outlets, and today I am the owner of three outlets. Profit is mostly stable, as I replenish the assortment on time and prefer seasonal products.

- I suppose that the market should be quite tough competition, because the product, despite the relative diversity, is mostly standard. Why should a purchase be made from you, if there are items of the same quality and the same value nearby?

I understand what you are trying to say. Indeed, almost all of this kind of product is purchased in Kharkov. For example, blankets with padding polyester filler are also available there. However, there are also several similar enterprises there, therefore, when choosing blankets, the amount of filler is important (and it may not be the same), and the quality of the stitching (after all, the blanket must be well quilted), and the pattern of the blanket cover fabric.

Therefore, I buy blankets from one manufacturer, they cover my children, and I am confident in the quality of my product. If, for example, take bed linen, then, in addition to the standard "one and a half" and "double" sets, I also sell "family" sets - the so-called "euro" with two duvet covers.

Believe me, there are not so many kits that I sell on the market. That is why there are regular customers who buy both blankets and bedding only from me, and if at the moment they do not want what they want, then they order, orienting me according to the color scheme, and I bring the maximum required in a week. I value my customers, I listen to their requirements, because it is they who dictate the demand for the product, and I am interested in finding what they need.

In choosing the rest of the assortment, I am also guided by both my own taste and the requirements of buyers. The thing should be both beautiful and practical. It depends on the percentage of synthetics and natural fibers - I prefer natural fabrics. The quality of painting is of great importance (the thing should not fade and "shrink").

- Do you have your own trading secrets that help you always be in profit?

There are, of course, I will not open them all, I will say that I prefer to sell items of the summer assortment in winter at a discount so that the goods do not run out of stock, although other owners, knowing that such things do not go out of fashion, postpone the goods until next summer so as not to lose for them profit.

For me, the turnover is more important, and it is more profitable for buyers. In a word, such simple rules allow me to make a profit, and support myself, children and help my parents.

Besides, I really enjoy my job. I can easily take the distributor to my point, and I myself can only deal with purchases and not stand behind the counter; nevertheless, I continue to spend three hours a day on the road to Dnepropetrovsk and back (I live in the suburbs), and I work in any weather.

All this just because I love my job. I'm really interested in communicating with people, advising, telling, choosing exactly what they need. And I enjoy my work.

- Your wishes for a person who wants to open their own business.

First of all, you need to work for some time in the area in which you want to start your own business. This is a prerequisite for a successful start. In addition, you need to calculate your material and physical capabilities. Also, when registering an emergency and further functioning, you need to know a number of other points. My older sister, who already had her own business, helped me navigate this issue, for which I am very grateful to her.

At first, the feeling that there is a person you can count on, be it a friend or a relative, believe me, is very helpful and instills confidence. As for personal qualities, I would like to wish novice businessmen optimism, dedication and faith in their own strength.

- Tatiana, thank you for the interesting conversation. I wish you success and prosperity.

Sewing bed linen with subsequent sale is an affordable opportunity to open your own enterprise from scratch. You can organize the sewing of bed linen at home. The advantage of the idea is the minimum investment: the purchase of a sewing machine, fabrics and accessories. A good option: rent a small room, purchase a set of equipment and open a mini-workshop. The scale of production directly depends on the desire and capabilities of the owner.

Market analysis

Market monitoring is the first thing to do if you want to start a business. Only a thorough study of the market environment will help an entrepreneur collect accurate information about the ratio of supply and demand for a particular type of product, as well as the level of competition. Based on the data obtained, a businessman can determine the target audience, find a free niche, coordinate prices and a set of services offered to clients.

Our business valuation:

Initial investment - from 10,000 rubles (if you have a sewing machine at home).

Market saturation is high.

The complexity of starting a business is 1/10.

All of these parameters should be considered in detail in the business plan of the enterprise. A competent business plan for sewing bed linen will allow you to calculate the amount of start-up investments and monthly expenses, determine the profitability and profitability of the business.

Assortment formation

Sewing and selling bed linen as a business requires a careful study of the assortment.
A beginner should be aware that bedding is divided into the following categories:

  1. The single set consists of a sheet measuring 1.1 x 2 m, a duvet cover - 1.35 x 2 m, pillowcases - 0.5 x 0.7 m or 0.7 x 0.7 m, and is designed to be used by one adult.
  2. A one-and-a-half set is slightly larger than a single set: a sheet - 1.5 x 2.2 m, a duvet cover - 1.45 x 2.15 m, 2 pillowcases - 0.5 x 0.7 m or 0.7 x 0.7 m.
  3. A double set has a sheet - 1.85 x 2.2 m, a duvet cover - 1.75 x 2.15 m, 2 pillowcases - 0.5 x 0.7 m or 0.7 x 0.7 m. enjoyed by two adults.
  4. The family set includes a sheet - 2 x 2.2 m, two duvet covers - 1.5 x 2.2 m, two pillowcases 0.5 x 0.7 m or 0.7 x 0.7 m. Designed for two adults.
  5. The Euro standard is a kit designed for use by two adults. It consists of a sheet - 2.2 x 2.2 m, a duvet cover - 2 x 2.2 m, two pillowcases - 0.5 x 0.7 m or 0.7 x 0.7 m.
  6. Children's bedding is designed for a teenage bed: sheet - 1.1 x 1.9 m, duvet cover - 1.1 x 1.8 m, pillowcase - 0.5 x 0.7 m or 0.7 x 0.7 m.
  7. Sets for babies (for cots) consist of a sheet - 1.4 x 1.1 m, a duvet cover - 1.45 x 1.1 m, pillowcases - 0.4 x 0.6 m.

Assortment of production of bedding sets

If the listed parameters are changed, the exact dimensions must be indicated on the package. Keep in mind, however, that custom-sized kits will be more difficult to implement.

Bed linen of individual tailoring is cut out according to the client's measurements, taken before contacting the master. Also, the customer can provide pre-purchased fabric, threads and accessories.

It is possible to expand the range of services by offering customers tailoring of bed linen sets, not only for everyday use, but also gift sets. In the manufacture of the gift version, more expensive fabric, accessories and packaging are used, so the cost of production will be much higher than the price of conventional sets. But as ?

Organization of an enterprise at home

First, you need to decide what type of linen will be produced at the enterprise. If it is supposed to work on sewing bed linen at home, then more profit will be brought by exclusive sets made to the order of the client. And also linen of non-standard size, unique shape with original finishing. You can provide for the production of bedding sets complete with curtains, or offer a selection of elements that are in harmony with the overall interior of the bedroom.

Bed linen production technology is quite simple and requires a minimum set of equipment: a sewing machine, overlock, iron and ironing board.

A beginner needs to register his activity as an individual entrepreneur and choose a form of taxation, preferably UTII.

Opening of a mini-workshop

A mini bedding workshop can produce standard products for everyday use. This will allow the release of certain batches of goods on a daily basis. The main thing is to find wholesale buyers. You can cooperate with stores, offering products for sale. Hospitals, children's camps, sanatoriums and other institutions can also become regular customers of such an enterprise.

An entrepreneur needs to register as an LLC, rent a room, select personnel, buy supplies and equipment.

We develop a business - a mini workshop for sewing bed linen

Material for making linen

It is very important to choose the right fabric for sewing bed linen, since the quality of the finished product depends on the quality of the material.

In terms of cost, linen can be divided into several categories:

  • low quality sets - from 600 rubles;
  • sets of average quality - from 800 rubles. up to 1,500 rubles;
  • low premium - from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles;
  • premium - from 5000 rubles.

Market analysis shows that the most popular are underwear of the low and medium category, which is purchased for personal use. The demand for expensive kits, which are usually bought as a gift, is much lower.

Almost all buyers prefer to purchase kits made of natural materials. Synthetics are not in demand. This aspect should be considered before choosing and buying a fabric for sewing bedding. Coarse calico is the undisputed leader by virtue of its properties. Coarse calico kits are trying to acquire 55% of buyers. Linen is in demand among 25% of the population, and 10% pay attention to satin sets. Expensive silk linen, terry sets are usually bought as a gift.

Choosing a fabric for everyday underwear

What is the best fabric for sewing bedding?

The production of bedding sets for everyday use requires the purchase of the following types of materials:

  • satin (gloss-stain, mako-satin) - a fabric made of cotton with the addition of chemical fibers, which has a smooth surface that can withstand (in good quality) up to 300 washes;
  • coarse calico is an environmentally friendly, practical, non-creasing, dense cotton material that retains its rich color for a long time and has an affordable price;
  • ranforce is a high quality coarse calico, soft and delicate, 100% cotton and having an amazing property: in winter such linen is warm, in summer it is cool;
  • polycotton consists of cotton and synthetic thread, which determines the strength and durability of the fabric, which does not shrink during washing, retains its color for a long time and does not wrinkle;
  • chintz is a durable fabric that does not require special care and has an optimal ratio of price and quality;
  • linen is a durable, tough fabric that perfectly absorbs moisture, has a high level of air permeability and heat transfer, but crumples and shrinks during washing;
  • soft, pleasant to the touch, brushed cotton material is called flannel;
  • terry cloth.

Material for sewing exclusive sets

If you need to sew custom-made bedding of high quality, or a gift set, then the master can offer the client the following fabrics:

  • silk;
  • atlas;
  • batiste.

Sometimes they order bedding sets made of jacquard, velor, tapestry. Such underwear belongs to the luxury category and is very expensive.

Financial plan

To determine the profitability of the enterprise, it is necessary to make a calculation of costs and expected profits.

Equipment prices are as follows:

  • a semi-professional sewing machine costs about 5,000 rubles;
  • overlock "Singer" - from 1,200 rubles;
  • iron - from 700 rubles;
  • ironing board - from 600 rubles.

The total cost of equipment for sewing linen at home varies within 7,500 rubles.

According to experts, a small enterprise will be able to sew about 200 sheets for 100 rubles per month. per piece, 200 duvet covers 150 rubles. per piece, and 200 pillowcases for 50 rubles. a piece. The price of the product includes the cost of sewing and consumables.

Judging by the above prices, the cost of a set of bed linen will be 350 rubles. The goods are sold at a price of 700 rubles. The profit from the sale of one set reaches 100% or 350 rubles. Having sold only 200 standard kits, the owner will be able to earn 70,000 rubles. All costs will pay off in 1 month of work.

If we add to this the tailoring of bed linen to order, not of standard quality, then the profit can increase by 1.5 - 2 times. Since at a relatively low cost price, the price of such kits is quite high.

You can reduce the cost of finished linen by purchasing consumables in bulk. Additional income will be brought by sewing baby bedding and diapers. The latter can be made from leftover fabric. Craftswomen do not throw away small pieces of fabric and unnecessary accessories, making of them:

  • caps, undershirts for babies;
  • kerchiefs;
  • handkerchiefs;
  • clothes and linen for dolls;
  • handbags and cases for phones;
  • aprons and potholders.

You can cut the leftover fabric into narrow ribbons, tie them together and crochet a rug or chair pad.

Having already opened a retail outlet or just opening it, it is necessary to take into account the level of competition in the market. Considering retail trade, we can already say that it is almost impossible to find a “place in the sun” in a low-competitive niche, for one banal reason they simply do not exist. As a consequence, any trader should and simply must work, taking into account three main factors:

  • - always calculate and "look after" the work of competitors, that is, be on the wave.
  • - continuously work on the assortment, developing such an assortment that most satisfied the buyer;
  • - look for options and ways to maximize the "personalization" of your own store and provide the maximum set of additional services required by the buyer.

The last two points make it possible to form a “brand” of the store among consumers and further ensure a constant flow of customers.

If the question with the assortment and nomenclature seems to be clear, then how to provide an additional set of services. It turns out everything is quite simple, of course, if you think about it and show a little creativity. Leading and calculating, we walked the beaten track and now let's look at three very specific steps that make it possible not only, but also to create a "brand" of the store.

Step one, expanding the choice for buyers.

Most of the clients of the bedding store come to buy a finished product, the fact is obvious. But what if your customer is offered not only to buy ready-made bedding sets, but also to order tailoring of the set? In this case, the buyer will be able to choose not only the colors, but also stipulate a number of additional "chips", for example, linen with the inscription "for the beloved" well, or something else. In addition to such original ideas as inscriptions, it will be quite interesting for buyers of bed linen to order non-standard sizes. Non-standard sizes of bedding have recently become a real headache for many households. As we all know, today a fairly large number of beds are ordered on an individual basis, as a result, the latter have quite different sizes, the result was a slight "mismatch" between the bed linen and the beds themselves. Plus it is worth remembering about one more nuance, most of the ready-made bedding sets come to us from China or Turkey, and there they like to "cheat" a little and there are errors in each declared size. In the best cases, for example, the width and length are taken "in a dirty way", that is, taking into account the fabric used for the edging, then the set is only 0.5-1 cm less than the declared one, at worst it is simply 3-5 cm less.

You offer your customers the manufacture of a set of underwear of the right size and, of course, colors. Such a service will cost the store itself relatively inexpensive, namely:

Additional costs for individual tailoring of bed linen

Name Amount) Price (rubles) Total (rubles)
Sewing machine
Cloth cutting table
Fabric (20 types of 5 meters)
Total ***** *****

It is worth noting that at the initial stage we buy 20 different colors of fabrics of different types, 5 meters each, in which case the average purchase price will be at least 300 rubles per meter. Such prices will not give an opportunity to earn a lot, at best the profitability of each set will be 5-10%, because in addition to the fabric itself, you need to take into account the cost of the seamstress's wages. It is really possible to make money when buying fabric in bulk, which will actually reduce the purchase price of fabric by 2 times, but in such cases it is necessary to buy at least one roll.

Such an expansion of the assortment will also require additional space, in the trading floor it is necessary to place a separate shelf of fabrics and plus 5-6 squares for the seamstress herself. Regarding the placement of the seamstress, you can go in two options: either work at home (then you do not need to use the area in the store, although there will be household ones, but there will be no control over the work process), or allocate space in the back rooms, the only important condition is the availability of good lighting.

The emergence of such a service will increase gross revenue by 15-20%.

Step two, blankets and pillows restoration services.

Having your own bedding store, you should think about related services for the restoration of pillows and blankets, I will not paint all the pros and cons, there is a whole cycle of articles on this business idea with, and. In a nutshell, I will say only a few facts, you will need:

  • - a room measuring 5-6 squares, separate from the trading floor and its own ventilation system;
  • - an additional amount of 40,000 rubles will need to be invested;

Actually, that's all, but for the very process of rebuilding (that is, restoration) it is quite possible to train one or several sellers. This combination will allow attracting both new buyers at the expense of restoration clients, and will give a stable profit from the restoration itself due to the attraction of the bed store clients to the pillow cleaning process.

Due to this innovation, gross revenue will grow by 10-15%.

Step three, additional goods.

In a standard bedding store, you can find many different additional products and it already seems that it will be difficult to surprise the buyer, especially since each new product requires space and high initial investment costs, although of course the trading place is a priority from my point of view. True, there is one type of product that will be practically impossible to find from your competitors, and what do you think it is?

The answer is painfully banal, the usual feather and fluff. Almost all stores sell ready-made products in which there is already a certain mixture and a certain amount of it. And who prevents you from starting to sell just feather and down by weight, especially since at the second stage you have already started your own workshop for the restoration of pillows and it will not be difficult for you to make a pillow of the required size from pure feather, down or a mixture. Moreover, in addition to pillows, you can also make first-class duvets, at the same time offering the client any amount of filler at his request.

  1. To do this, we offer down and feathers per kilogram - the buyer buys the necessary amount and makes either a mixture (for pillows) or pure down for a blanket.
  2. We offer teak types and sell the teak itself.
  3. The buyer pays for the clean manufacturing services.

The costs for such additions will be small and consist solely of the cost of the purchased down and feathers, it is advisable to purchase different types one by one - two bags (approximate weight 20 kg).

Such an innovation will laugh at a few shelves and do not require any more add-ons.

The store's revenue can grow up to 20% due to individual orders and the sale of all related products, including bedding sets.

Due to the above three steps, your bedding store will increase its gross revenue by at least 50%, subject to parity, this will also increase your profit, the calculations of the business plan of such a store are here.

It is interesting that the payback of each of the additional areas for the bed business is an order of magnitude higher than the payback of the trade itself.

We will assess the bedding trade itself here and in the same article we will consider how much it is worth thinking about such a business.

Interesting on this topic

Bed linen is in constant demand among buyers. Implementing it is a great idea for a small business. But before you open a bedding store, you need to carefully understand the market situation and analyze all the nuances.

Business design and organization

To be engaged in the sale of bed linen, it is necessary, first of all, to register a business and obtain permission from the SES and the fire service, confirming that the premises chosen for the store meet all the requirements.

The success of the business depends on the choice of the place for the outlet. If capital allows, it is better to open a store in the city center. A good solution would be to rent a small pavilion on the territory of a manufactured goods market or in a large shopping center. The main thing is that this place has a lot of traffic. It is necessary to analyze all possible options, even consider trading in open areas and via the Internet.

The store doesn't have to be small. Bed linen is a voluminous product, and in order to present it beautifully, you need enough space. The retail space must be at least 100 sq. m. Do not forget about utility and storage facilities. When calculating the costs, you need to take into account the re-equipment of the premises, its maintenance. An important item of expenses will be the payment for the work of the store employees.

To begin with, it is enough to have two sales consultants who will be responsible for displaying the goods and selling. These should be experienced specialists who understand the peculiarities of fabrics and models and can give the buyer qualified advice. The owner will have to take over the organization of delivery and purchase of goods. If the business develops normally, then over time it will be possible to invite a specialist to this position.

Choosing this occupation, it is important to draw up a business plan for a bedding store in order to determine how much income can be obtained, what costs to reduce at the initial stage, and what to pay more attention to. It is necessary to study the sales market and the purchasing power of the residents of the area in which the store is planned to open. This will affect future pricing policy and product range. A business plan is a guide to action, especially at the very beginning of a business organization.

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Advertising will help start a business

You need to carefully consider the design of the store. The name should be easy to remember and better if it evokes associations with sleep. The room should be light and cozy, because it is planned to sell not ordinary things in it, but those that create coziness and comfort in the house. Interior design is of great importance. The product must be presented in such a way that it is easy for the buyer to navigate. To demonstrate the models of linen, you can equip a mini-room.

Before opening, advertise in the local newspaper and distribute advertising flyers in the area where the store is located. The opening can be vivid and memorable. To attract customers, develop a system of discounts, discount cards, bonuses. Be sure to create your own page on the Internet, where you can present the goods and prices.

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Selection of assortment of goods

Before forming an assortment, it is necessary to conduct marketing research in order to find out the list of the most demanded goods. The assortment should be large, the product should be presented in different colors and designs, suitable for adults and children. A product of various textures, sewn from different fabrics: cotton, linen, silk, satin and others should be presented. The assortment must be chosen so that it is possible to choose bed linen for any interior and even for the season. For example, silk bedding is best suited for summer because it absorbs moisture well and creates a pleasant feeling of coolness. For winter, terry sets are more suitable, which also absorb moisture well and retain heat. The assortment should include sets for romantic evenings. Such products are always in demand.

The store owner should not form an assortment of goods, relying only on his personal desires, or give preference to one direction, for example, exclusive bedding of famous brands. It is necessary to take into account the financial capabilities of future buyers. The assortment must meet the demand of all categories of buyers. The offer of products in different price categories will expand the circle of buyers. In addition to bed linen, the sale of various bedroom accessories, blankets, towels, bathrobes, pillows, pajamas, nightgowns and even soft toys can be organized. This will allow you to quickly set up your business. The main condition is that all goods must be of high quality. This is what the buyer always wants. According to analysts' estimates, in order for a small store to be profitable, the sale should be at least 4 sets per day.

To avoid a downturn in trade, you need to closely monitor all fashion changes and consumer demand and update the assortment in a timely manner.

In an unfavorable financial environment, many find a way out in self-employment. One of the interesting ideas of your own business is sewing and selling bed linen. We present to your attention a brief overview of some aspects of this case in order to assess your capabilities and the rationality of doing this business.

Pros and cons of this type of earnings

Without a long preface, let us present the positive aspects of this case.

  1. Business - bed linen for sale - requires little or no initial investment. From the equipment at hand, you must have an ordinary sewing machine. From materials - threads, fabric, accessories. As for the premises, you can work at home as well.
  2. It doesn't take much time to sew bed linen. Also, a minimal knowledge of cutting and sewing techniques is enough.
  3. The work will bring not only material benefits, but also moral satisfaction due to the wide field for creativity and self-expression in the process of selecting fabrics, textures and colors. More skillful craftswomen can experiment with models and bed linen decoration.

The main disadvantage is still the business side of the issue: registration and running an individual business, calculation and cost reduction, search for suppliers of high-quality fabrics. The question immediately arises as to whom and how to sell bedding. All these "little things" need to be worked out in advance, perhaps with the help of specialists.

Standard product range

There are the following categories of bedding sets.

  1. Single set. It is designed for 1 adult, has in its set 1 sheet measuring 110 x 200 cm, 1 duvet cover - 135 x 200 cm and 1 pillowcase - 50 x 70 cm or 70 x 70 cm.
  2. One and a half set. It consists of 1 sheet 150 x 220 cm, 1 duvet cover 145 x 215 cm and 2 pillowcases 50 x 70 cm or 70 x 70 cm.
  3. The double suite is designed for 2 adults. Here we have 1 bed sheet measuring 185 x 220 cm, 1 duvet cover 175 x 215 cm, 2 pillowcases 50 x 70 cm or 70 x 70 cm.
  4. Family suite for 2 adults sleeping on the same bed under different blankets. We have 1 sheet 200 x 220 cm, 2 duvet covers 150 x 220 cm, 2 pillowcases 50 x 70 cm or 70 x 70 cm.
  5. Euro-standard set. This includes 1 sheet 220 x 220 cm, 1 duvet cover 200 x 220 cm and 2 pillowcases 50 x 70 cm or 70 x 70 cm.
  6. Baby bedding (convenient to use for a teenager's bed). The set includes 1 bed sheet measuring 110 x 190 cm, 1 duvet cover - 110 x 180 cm and 1 pillowcase - 50 x 70 or 70 x 70 cm.
  7. Sets for babies in a crib (1 sheet 140 x 110, 1 duvet cover - 145 x 110, 1 pillowcase - 40 x 60).

The parameters of the kits for different sources may deviate from the data above. Bed linen manufacturers must indicate their dimensions on the packaging. This will make it easier for the buyer to make the right choice.

Product variants

Kits can be standard. It is also realistic to carry out tailoring of bed linen to order according to the measurements given by the client.

Sets can be casual or gift. They differ in fabric and packaging. The cost of the gift option is much more expensive than the production version of the product. Therefore, before its production, it is advisable to first take care of the possibility of marketing this product.

The choice of fabrics for sewing everyday bedding

The quality of the finished product largely depends on what fabric is chosen for sewing bed linen.

For the everyday kit, working materials are selected:

  • Satin is a cotton fabric to which chemical fibers can be added. It has a smooth, dense surface, is durable (products can withstand up to 300 washes). There are varieties of this fabric: gloss satin and mako satin.
  • Calico is a dense cotton fabric. Very practical and environmentally friendly material. Does not lose the brightness of colors for a long time, does not wrinkle. At the same time, the fabric is relatively cheap.
  • Ranfors - high quality coarse calico, 100% natural fabric (cotton). The material is soft, delicate, yet incredibly durable and practical. It has an amazing ability to adapt to the ambient temperature: it is warm on such underwear in winter and cool in summer.
  • Polycotton. The fabric is composed of cotton and synthetic thread, which makes it strong and durable. When washed, it practically does not shrink, does not fade or wrinkle. Hygiene and durability have made this fabric very popular among housewives.
  • Chintz is a good durable fabric that does not require special care. Thanks to this, it greatly facilitates the housework of housewives. It is optimal in terms of price-quality ratio.
  • Linen is a natural and environmentally friendly fabric. It absorbs moisture very well with high air permeability and heat dissipation at the same time. Solid, wear-resistant fabric, has some rigidity. Starch well. When washed, it shrinks, wrinkles.
  • Flannel is a warm and soft cotton fabric, usually lightly brushed. The material is very pleasant to the touch, warms well. Suitable for children's bedding sets intended for use in the autumn-winter period.
  • Terry cloth - cotton jersey. Differs in softness and pleasant structure. As a rule, it is used only for sewing high-quality terry sheets. The products are strong and easy to clean, since they do not require ironing after washing.

Sewing more expensive headsets

You can make an elegant festive set for sale (gift, wedding, anniversary). In this case, any fabric described below is suitable for sewing bedding.

  1. Silk is one of the most expensive natural materials. Very beautiful, lightweight and durable, it is ideal for sewing luxury bedding. In addition to the aesthetic side, silk is an environmentally friendly material, hygienic. Caring for such bed linen requires accuracy and some skill.
  2. Satin is a cotton lightweight beautiful fabric. The front side is smooth, shiny, cool to the touch. From the inside - matte, slightly rough. The material practically does not fade, it can be used for a long time. Ideal for sewing luxury bedding.
  3. Batiste is the lightest, transparent, flowing fabric. Bed linen turns out to be airy, fabulously beautiful. Not intended for everyday use. It has medium strength. The set can withstand up to 70 machine washes without sacrificing its appearance.

Alternatively, for sewing luxury bedding, you can use velor, jacquard, tapestry.

Considering the high cost of luxury fabrics, it is better to first make exclusive tailoring of bed linen to order. You need to provide the potential buyer with quality assurance.

How to sell bedding?

The most important thing for business success is finding distribution channels. Even the most beautiful and high-quality kits will not make a profit if they lie dead in the warehouse. Therefore, a profitable and stable sale of bed linen is very important.

Potential points of sale can be:

  • shops, wedding salons;
  • hospitals, sanatoriums, various social institutions (prisons, orphanages, kindergartens, boarding schools);
  • children's camps and holiday homes;
  • hotels and hostels.

You can also make business cards, brochures and distribute them to friends, employees and in general anyone who wishes. The simplest thing is to place an ad on the Internet, in a newspaper, in transport, in any public place (shop, clinic, library), or simply post it on the street.

Cost reduction

There are some ways to reduce the cost of making bed linen.

  1. Buy fabrics not from retail stores, but from wholesalers.
  2. If there is a need to rent a production facility, then you should look for options not within the city, but in the nearest settlements. Rent outside the city is several times lower.
  3. Set salaries for employees as a percentage of a well-executed order. Thus, losses from damage to material and from downtime are minimized.
  4. With small volumes of production, arrange sales immediately to the end customer without the intermediary services of the store.


Create your own brand. The name of the product should be capacious, memorable, not too long, with positive associations. It can be neatly stitched into the corner of a sheet or duvet cover. It is imperative to place the brand on the front of the package and in advertising brochures.

When promoting your products on the market, tell us that this trademark is high-quality domestic underwear made from natural, environmentally friendly fabrics. There is no need to focus the attention of the buyer on the fact that you have been making bed linen from yesterday by yourself. After all, what difference does it make who, where and when makes it? The main thing is that the kits are to the liking of the consumer, so that your conscience for the quality of the products is clear.

If your idea of ​​a small production grows into a serious business, the brand will become recognizable. Then you can safely say that on the market for more than 10 years you have been delighting customers with serious products of the highest quality!

A few more ideas for making home money without start-up capital

Waste fabric from the manufacture of bed linen can be put into business and sewing can be organized:

  • baby diapers;
  • products for babies - bonnets, undershirts, sliders;
  • doll bedding for children's toy stores;
  • clothes for baby dolls;
  • canvas handbags;
  • aprons and kitchen towels.

Instead of an afterword

There are a huge number of bed linen manufacturers whose quality is trusted without unnecessary words and beliefs. For example, Fomtextile, Epitex, First, Camille and many others. If you study information about this type of company and take it into service, then your business can only be envied.

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