How to find out the personal code and planet of the patron of your destiny? Destiny numbers: zodiac and numerology.

Numbers and planets

Is it possible to read fate by numbers, unravel the past or future? Do the date of birth and the sequence of the letters of the name have any significance? Now you can check it. "All things can be represented as numbers." With such a simple formula, the Greek scientist and philosopher Pythagoras (580-497 BC) defined the essence of his numerous studies in the places where the Egyptian sages lived. In the statements of mythology researchers, it is clear that numbers are used as a code system to convey spiritual truths. Every number hides a secret; only numbers can encrypt the wisdom of everything in the world.

Number is the spiritual framework of all visible and invisible phenomena. Astrology is also based on this foundation. It evaluates the fateful rhythms of life in a space-time coordinate system. So in it we encounter numbers of harmony and disharmony, with numbers that cause tension and relaxation. They determine periodicity, act as fate-formers, and represent character traits.

This includes every tone or sound, a very specific higher spiritual octave that unconsciously affects a person. Letters or sound symbols, like numbers, contain a “secret code”. If you think about it, you will definitely remember an example when a name change as a result of marriage or for some other reason led to a change in fate and life circumstances.

It follows that the name and its bearer are connected and influence each other.

Using the table below you can calculate the numerical value of your name. Each letter in it corresponds to a certain number. Each name, through addition, can be reduced to one number, which is considered to be an expression of the essence of a person.













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For example, let's take the name (the full name is taken): Lyudmila Savelyeva = 2 + 7 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 21; 3 + 1 + 6 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 6 + 1 = 30 = 21+30 = 51

The cross sum of the number 51 = 5 + 1 = 6. The numerical value of the name Lyudmila Savelyeva is 6 - six.

We operate with only nine numbers. (Zero is not used in our calculus). Zero means that this numerical cycle has ended and the next one has begun, and of a higher level.

Any arbitrarily chosen date can also be reduced to its root number obtained by the cross sum. This simple calculation in concentrated form, just like in astrological analysis, makes it possible to know yourself. With the help of such calculations, you can compare characters, determine which people are in harmony with each other and which are in conflict. Each number corresponds to a specific planet, a wide range of different forms of symbolic influence of which is represented by the magic of numbers.

Number 1: SUN

The source of all numbers is the beginning of all living things. Any number includes the number 1, but the number itself is indivisible; the unity of the universe rests on it. Sun people are leaders by nature, incredibly strong personalities who never go unnoticed in the shadows. These are passionate, impulsive, business-like people. If you are under the influence of this number, then do not isolate yourself in your own feelings, do not limit yourself only to your own perception, otherwise you will come into conflict with the world around you. You always achieve outstanding success. You are characterized by generosity, pride, the desire to create something new, physical and spiritual strength, authority, the desire for power, initiative, a sense of responsibility, unconditional justice, and practicality. You develop harmonious relationships with people from the first, second, fourth, seventh groups.

Number 2: MOON

People of the Moon are characterized by emotionality and openness. They easily adapt to others and circumstances, and are often artistically gifted. They achieve their goals by avoiding obstacles and intuitively taking advantage of opportunities. They experience mood swings, and unconsciously they look for a stronger person who would reliably support them. They are very homely, family-oriented, loyal, sensitive, and never take risks. Their rhythm of life may change. They are introverts, so although they are friendly, they are often closed in their complex inner world with a rich imagination. These people are characterized by the following character traits: a sense of responsibility, a desire for independence; when implementing their plans, they always act diplomatically and carefully, and do not allow others to force them to do what they do not like. They have a good relationship with the first type.

Number 3: JUPITER

Jupiter people are mostly optimistic; they have a positive attitude towards others and themselves; As a rule, they have a deep knowledge of their nature; They shower others with love and expect respect in return. They do not waste time on trifles, avoid difficult situations and conflicts, and often act like a magnet, strangely attracting happiness and harmony. A positive attitude helps them achieve their goal. People under this number are full of a sense of responsibility, strive for self-improvement, are influenced by idealism, are indecisive, and seek recognition. By acting openly, they strive to benefit themselves. They travel willingly and selflessly stand up for those in need of help. They have a pronounced inclination towards art. They go well with the third, sixth and ninth types.

Number 4: URANUS

These are very wayward, stubborn people who never live by generally accepted rules and go their own way. They strive for social reforms, and try to reject the past. These are humane, internally independent people with an unconventional lifestyle; they strive to make as many friends as possible, show interest in spiritual life, and love and admire nature. Although Uranus people are independent, they are not closed or lonely, they are company-oriented: even after the divorce, they continue to maintain friendly relations with their ex-partner. People of this type are mobile, very conscientious in their work, nervous, they have excellent memory and good organizational skills. They get along well with people of the first, second and seventh types.

Number 5: MERCURY

People of this type have a highly lively and resourceful mind. They show initiative in everything, quickly find the rational grain in any matter, and often strive to try their hand at rare professions. Stupid routine is alien to them. Everything is in full swing in their hands, they are impetuous in everything, they think quickly, draw conclusions, and work. The ability to express thoughts is of particular importance to them. They are overwhelmed by a thirst for knowledge, critical, resourceful, but quickly become discouraged by failures. This is an ambivalent personality. These people are loved and popular, not very economical, insatiably curious about all manifestations of life, charming, and never lose their individuality. They find a common language with their own kind, but essentially get along well with all other types of people.

Number 6: VENUS

People of this type radiate sensuality, they are all loved without exception. Their charm helps them avoid all the pitfalls in life. Since everything comes easily to them, they must be especially careful when handling money, otherwise they risk suffering big losses. But strangely, they always have enough funds. They are often married to a wealthy partner. They love everything beautiful and have a cheerful disposition. Often these are very attractive people. Sometimes they are arrogant and pay too much attention to appearance. They keep up with the times, are enterprising, sociable, and have a knack for the arts. They work successfully in areas where they have to communicate a lot with people and have a sense of justice. If they have any goal in front of them, then they are hardworking, but basically they prefer to devote themselves wholeheartedly to the joys of life. They combine especially well with the third, sixth, and ninth types, but in essence they are very accommodating and peaceful.

Number 7: NEPTUNE

Since this planet is interconnected with the Moon, Neptune people harmonize well with people of the second type. They are usually philosophical or religious and have a compliant character. Often they have an unstable financial situation, because money melts in their hands like snow. They have great ideas, but rarely follow through. They are prone to gambling. These are subtle, highly sensitive natures, merciful and sensitive to the mood of others. They have difficulty making decisions, are usually physically weak with a fragile constitution, and do not tolerate quarrels and conflicts. Most often they are employed in social services, are often musical, and sympathize with all those who suffer with all their hearts.

Number 8: SATURN

Saturn people are receptive, often do not find understanding from others and suffer from loneliness. Their outward coldness and aloofness hide a thirst for spiritual warmth, but they do not know how to show it. They do not like anything superficial; they love order and material security. Everything comes to them with difficulty; they achieve everything on their own. Their way of life is characterized by constancy and often, especially closer to old age, material wealth. People of this type are characterized by stubbornness and a sober view of things. They highly respect rules and laws. These are pragmatists, prudent in everything, cautious, punctual and methodical, very hardworking and persistent in achieving their goals and ideas. They rarely find themselves in a subordinate position. In life, people of this type are more focused on material well-being; they must certainly be confident in the future; however, they are prone to melancholy. They remain absolutely faithful and you can always rely on them. They find a common language best with people of the second type and sympathize with people of the seventh type.

Number 9: MARS

The people of Mars are ready to conquer everything on their own. They do not accept objections, but only resist them even more. They have courage and strong will and, thanks to these qualities, achieve great success. But impulsiveness negatively affects their activities. They often do not weigh their strengths and do not distribute them rationally. In love and partnership, they often have problems - excessive pride affects them. Possessing good organizational skills, they categorically cannot stand a subordinate position. If they purposefully applied their strengths and abilities, they could achieve tremendous success. So, they are distinguished by initiative and enterprise, energy and self-confidence. These leaders by nature rely on themselves, do not allow themselves to be surpassed, are sometimes a little merciless and unceremonious, and have great willpower. Find mutual understanding with people of the third, sixth and ninth types.

In numerology, the numbers most often considered are from one to nine. It is believed that each number is energetically associated with a specific planet. But why do different sources indicate different planets?

Of course, this is largely due to the traditions of astrological and numerological schools. But be that as it may, each number resonates with several planets at once. Knowledgeable practical numerologists can create a numerical success chord for a person, taking into account his date of birth, name and wishes.

Each number resonates with several planets

In numerology, there are two ways to determine a person’s vibrational number by date of birth. The first method is to add all the digits of the day, month and year of birth to a single digit. For example, you were born on May 11, 1987. Add the numbers: 1+1+5+1+9+8+7=32. 3+2=5. The occult vibrational number is five. Second way. We add only the date of birth without taking into account the month and year. In this example we calculate: 1+1=2. A person is considered lucky if his numbers coincide. Calculate your numbers and see what planets they are associated with below to discover character tendencies and energetic background. If the planets are “friends” with each other or neutral, then the character of such a person will be even. Otherwise, the person will be torn apart by contradictions and internal conflicts.

Number 1. People born under the dates 1, 10, 19, 28 are under the influence of the Sun and Pluto. Such a person has a penchant for leadership, is self-confident, has powerful energy and creative potential.

Number 2. Those born under the number 2, 11, 20 or 29 have a close connection with the Moon. It gives strong intuition, the ability to predict the future, and the ability to adapt to any situation. A person with number 2 has increased sensitivity and is capable of serious and deep feelings.

Vibrations of numbers and planets shape character

Number 3. Those with a birth date of 3, 12, 21, 30 receive the protection of Jupiter, Mars and Mercury simultaneously.

Of course, depending on the astrological aspects on different days, these planets have different effects - stronger or weaker. People of number 3 are sociable, have a cheerful disposition, and a friendly character. They are often lucky in lotteries, in exams, and luck accompanies them in family relationships and in matters related to negotiations, communication, and trade. Threes are optimistic people. Number 4.

Those with a birthday number of 4, which are people born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st, are influenced by Uranus, Mercury and Venus. Such people have an excellent ability to understand the thoughts and desires of others. Four gives efficiency, seriousness, responsibility and vigilance. If a person has a birth number of 5, and these are those people who were born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd, then they are protected by Mercury, the Moon and Mars. The number five, resonating with these planets, gives a person a restless character, pushes him to search for the unknown, the birth of new ideas, and experiments.

Such people are constantly in search, strive for success, and are bright personalities. Number 6.

The number 6, which is obtained when a person is born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th, is associated with Jupiter and Venus. Such people become respectable, organized; material status, weight in society and financial success are very important to them. To realize their ambitions and far-reaching plans, such people often stop at nothing.

Vibrations of numbers can be used for your own purposes Number 7.

Those with a birth number of 7, those born on the 7th, 16th or 25th, are ruled by the planets Neptune and Saturn. The energy of these planets endows people with mystery, secretiveness of character, interest in mysticism, magic, occult sciences, and esotericism. And although these people have remarkable energy and are able to influence others, they act with great caution. Number 8.

People who have a vibrational birth number of 8 are those who were born on the 8th, 17th or 26th. They are under the influence of Saturn and Uranus, which endow their wards with the ability to overcome any difficulties and not give in to obstacles on the way to their cherished goal. The number 8 makes a person’s character firm and purposeful. Number 9.

Nines, and these are people born on the 9th, 18th or 27th, have a close connection with Mars and Neptune. These planets endow their “subordinates” with extraordinary abilities. But such people have a contradictory character; they often find themselves misunderstood by others and love solitude.

Numbers and planets

From intermediate significant, or vibrating, numbers, the number of the current event is added up, which means the current situation - the sum of all influences, indicated by a number from one to nine. Some astrologers use the numbers 10, 11, 12 and 22 as corresponding to the higher planets.

Astrologers claim that each number has an analogy with a planet. Each planet has its own characteristics of influence. Therefore, in numerology, influence numbers are calculated using different methods, and interpretation is carried out using the planets corresponding to these numbers. The most important numbers are the numbers of the name and date of birth. They determine the basic qualities of a person that are inherent in him from birth. The birthday number is the most important number in a person's life. It cannot be changed, and it has the greatest influence on a person’s destiny and life. The remaining numbers - first name, full name, last name and patronymic, in combination with the birth number, give a result that allows you to make a forecast regarding certain influences.

Each letter of the alphabet has a corresponding number. The numbers of the letters of the name are summed up until a number is greater than 0 and less than 9. Each such digital result corresponds to a planet and certain qualities and properties.

Naturally, people with the same birth number are not the same. Birth number is an initial characteristic that reflects innate inclinations and character traits. It influences other qualities and events in life, but does not determine everything. And then, there is also a first name, patronymic, and last name.

Each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a number. The table of correspondence between numbers and letters of the Russian alphabet is given below.

1 = AND TO

2 = Z YU

3 = WITH U Kommersant

4 = G SCH Y

5 = A P R


7 = E D H N T E

8 = M Sh b

9 = AND C

0 = B Y I

In practice, numerological calculations do this.

The numbers in numbers add up to each other. This is how the number of birth is determined. For example, 03/17/1978 = 1+7+0+3+1+9+7+8 = 36 = 3+6 = 9.

Astrological characteristics of numbers:

Number 1. Corresponds to the Sun

One is the number of leadership and power. Depending on other characteristics, this may be leadership among people; with bad additions, such a person can become a tyrant and easily go over their heads to achieve a goal. But he can also be a spiritual leader. There is a possible option for an independent loner who is able to achieve a lot without falling into dependence and without needing help. Such people are educated 15 erudite, but sometimes they are simply firm in their views and have an innate compass that directs them in the right direction - to power, which is their main goal.

But one is the beginning. Such people should learn. However, they are often the ones who do not listen to other people’s advice, and inattention to detail and excessive confidence in their abilities can let them down.

The “unit” person loves clarity and order, but only that which he establishes himself. Due to the fact that he leads a fairly active life, he values ​​the home very much and often turns it into a fortress. He doesn’t like it when people meddle in his business and family, although in the company he is considered a cheerful and witty interlocutor, a circle immediately forms around him.

Any profession can be, but a management position is preferable. Such people make good independent experts.

People of “one” should not choose areas of activity in which there are no opportunities for career growth or too many restrictions.

Number 2.Corresponds to the Moon

Two fully possesses all the qualities of this soft, contemplative planet. The eternal duality of this sign can bring both benefit and harm. If duality is expressed in internal contradictions, it is very difficult for such people. These are restless, ever-doubting natures who cannot make a choice at the decisive moment, give in to obstacles, and are subject to fears and depression.

But if duality turns into harmony, these are completely different people. When their life does not require quick reactions, they are contemplative, inspired, wise.

They are practically devoid of ambition, appreciate beauty and are talented in the arts.

They love all living things. People of the Moon make good gardeners, veterinarians, and trainers. If a person correctly understands his Karma, he will not swim against the current, but will learn to use it and will be able to achieve worthwhile success in such “surfing”. In any case, these are artistic, gentle and non-aggressive people.

Number 3. Planet - Jupiter

Talented speakers and leaders who can clearly express thoughts and ideas in any form, and in the interpretation of these people, any thought looks attractive. Famous actors, teachers, traders, cheerful and optimistic, confident in appearance, but emotionally very vulnerable. Under bad conditions, they can become intriguers, clever swindlers and can mislead a huge number of people.

Under good influences, these are regal, generous people, sometimes even too generous. They are confident that the world belongs to them, and success sometimes comes to them on its own, without any effort.

Brave and risky people who are not afraid to embark on various large-scale enterprises, but are diplomatic enough to avoid mistakes. They intuitively sense danger and really don’t like to show their weaknesses.

In general, three is a lucky number, so “threes” are often just lucky. The main thing is that they do not rely entirely on luck, but try to make their own efforts and do not forget about caution.

Of course, depending on the astrological aspects on different days, these planets have different effects - stronger or weaker. People of number 3 are sociable, have a cheerful disposition, and a friendly character. They are often lucky in lotteries, in exams, and luck accompanies them in family relationships and in matters related to negotiations, communication, and trade. Threes are optimistic people.Planet - Uranus

Death and rebirth, the transition of quantity into quality - this is what the number four means. This is the number of endless efficiency and diligence. These people grasp everything on the fly, they have a lot of ideas. They don’t listen to anyone and get into trouble, but this doesn’t stop them, although sometimes it hurts them. Such people are characterized by sensitivity and emotional “vision”. What they do not understand with their minds, they try to comprehend with their senses.

Uranian people see what others cannot understand. Because of this, they are constantly in conflict with someone, trying to prove that they are right. But if you stop searching for truth and don’t lecture anyone, but go your own way, then if you have enough perseverance and faith in your own strength, you can be considered a seer. Fours should realize that others will not understand their motives. If they cannot come to terms with this and demand the impossible from people, they will face a difficult path alone or with those closest to them - those who blindly believe them. It is very difficult for others to understand Uranus people.

Four is not a very good number. Everything comes through difficulties. Often these people, based on generally known information, make unexpected conclusions that become discoveries. The desire for success and position in society is completely alien to them. They classify all people according to their intelligence and creative potential, they hate and despise careerists and fools, which often greatly hinders them in life.

Often Uranus people have a special purpose, being chosen to bring a new idea or invention into the world. They always relate to global changes in people’s consciousness and are not at all surprised by this.

Number 5. Planet - Mercury

Five is the number of change and independence from fate. The movement itself and communication skills. Splashes with ideas and plans like a fountain.

The meaning and karmic role is the transfer of information and knowledge. Excellent diplomats and writers. Everything connected with a word and a letter is their part. Very smart and erudite, they grasp everything on the fly.

They are emotionally vulnerable, but their feelings are more of curiosity than passion.

Rather proud than sarcastic, as some may think. They consider it unworthy to feel sorry for a person, but most likely they will silently come to the rescue and then silently leave. This makes them rise in their own eyes. Most often they play a role, and woe to anyone who wants to play friend or foe with them.

Mercury people are just playing, and anyone who doesn't realize this can ruin their life. But at the same time they are noble and generous.

The A's lack perseverance and determination. They can achieve success by working as a team so that they are not tempted to quit when they lose interest.

They are constantly busy with something, mainly getting money, but not for the sake of hoarding, but in order to realize their plans. Most often, however, the money itself goes into their hands. Excellent accountants, but also crooks and hoaxers. They can confuse a person in three pines.

Money, mathematics and information are the elements of these people. Talented businessmen, financiers and engineers, diplomats, journalists and psychologists.

Number 6. Planet - Venus

The people of Venus fully correspond to the name of this planet. They understand what love and responsibility are. Their element is working with people. These are people who definitely inspire trust. They are neat and tactful, but they do not make very good bosses.

Venus people do not bother themselves too much with work and do it only when they are confident that the result will exceed the amount of work performed. They love to cook and appreciate good food.

They get along well in a team and are excellent performers, but they are not suitable as leaders due to a lack of initiative. Personnel workers, the social sphere, the deputy of any boss - this is their place.

In their personal life they are very devoted to their family and can make their chosen one happy.

Number 7. Planet - Neptune

Simply extraordinary people. Discoverers, inventors, famous predictors and mediums. Neptune people often seem capricious and difficult to understand to others. They begin to criticize their parents early.

They are irresistibly drawn to space, both mentally and literally. Seven is a magical number that reflects a mystery, as well as the desire to solve it. These people are in control of the secrets of the universe. They are somewhat thoughtful and seem absent-minded. But they always have complex scientific calculations in their heads. These are hard-working scientists who explore world problems and make discoveries even where no one expected them. Scientific insight, the magical submission of secrets and treasures to such people create an aura of mystery around them. The need for knowledge for such people is completely disinterested, out of curiosity.

The karma of these people is scientific and research activities, in which luck always accompanies them. If these are representatives of creative professions, then they will not only try to penetrate the secrets of craftsmanship, but also influence the souls of people.

Often such people become travelers and discoverers. But if they do not receive proper education or do not find a field for activity or discovery, all their extraordinary qualities can turn into a dark side. Then they begin to engage in occult practices, they can get stuck in a sect or get a mental disorder.

Number 8. Planet - Saturn.

The most accurate characteristic is law and experience, expediency and justice. Saturn people always have a clearly defined purpose in life, and they rarely manage to change their purpose. Fate is always strict with such people and does not forgive mistakes. But at the same time, the best areas of activity are judicial practice, diplomacy and teaching. Representatives of this sign are outwardly cold, but the feelings that rage within them can be compared to a volcano. If their anger spills out, it will destroy everything in its path.

They spend a lot of energy trying to curb their passions, and most often they succeed. Saturn people are born wise, surprising their parents with their balance and willpower even in childhood. Their spiritual potential is extremely high. They often make self-sacrifice. Life experience and balance are what sets them apart from others. True, they are often not very flexible and, rather, stubborn, unable to compromise, and because of this they have problems. But others respect them for their integrity and honesty. Saturn people should never break the law, even in small ways. Any such attempt will be severely punished. To succeed, such a person needs to respect the law and be fair, and in accordance with this, choose a specialty.

The presence of several “eights” in a horoscope or date of birth speaks of being chosen and having a special purpose. Such a person may turn out to be a conductor of new spiritual values, or a martyr, or a hero. Astrologers say that children born in 88 are special, they are destined for an extraordinary role, this influence is significantly enhanced if there are also eights in the date of birth.

Number 9. The planet Mars

Warriors of the spirit or bloody criminals - these are the “nine” people in their purest form. This is a complete number, and in Mars people all qualities are taken to the extreme. If a person is smart, he will go to the stake for his idea, but rather, with fire and sword he will force everyone to believe in it. If he is kind, he will embrace the whole world and will never understand someone who does not need his kindness.

This is the number of a warrior and a person who goes ahead and does not look back, because he has already decided everything and does not doubt that he is right. If such a person is smart and has managed to curb his emotions and is captivated by the idea of ​​making the world happy, he will conquer it.

At the same time, his burden is heavy because he does not want to cause harm, but his way of life and goals usually force him to sacrifice something or someone. He grieves because he is not usually angry, but he simply does not know how to act differently.

Typically, a "nine" person is fanatically dedicated to his work. He is aggressive, but incapable of betrayal.

A Mars person should not choose a quiet life, because it will destroy him and plunge him into depression. He must want a lot and be able to sacrifice for the sake of it. Ups and downs are what he needs.

To be a tyrant or a hero, a martyr or a spiritual leader is a worthy destiny for “nines”.

Number 10.Planet - Pluto

This number, if obtained during calculations, must be considered separately. Pluto rules destructive transformations. Those who are under his influence have a tendency to reform. But it seems to them that everything in the world is wrong, and before they can remake everything in their own way, they need to destroy, break and scatter everything that was before. Pluto imparts mysticism, often from its dark side.

But if a person is sufficiently developed, he can become a healer, a medium or a great reformer. If angels had birthdays, then Lucifer was definitely born under the influence of Pluto.

Number 11.Proserpine A

This number can be considered as an interpretation of the number 2. However, if it is 11 in the calculation, then this gives more opportunities for development, but also greater fragmentation, inconsistency and duality. Similar to the influence of number 2, but with greater potential. People who have this number in numerological vibrating numbers are slightly similar to both the number 2 and the number 10. But, unlike the people of Pluto, the people of Proserpine are capable of creating something from the ruins of their destruction. True, what exactly is the big question. One way or another, the number of Willows in the numerological horoscope speaks of a person’s great potential.

The main thing is that before he creates something, do not let him destroy everything that came before.

Number 22.This number corresponds to Vulcan

According to legend, people who have Vulcan in their horoscope will bring true and harmonious order to the world. Astrologers believe that such people have entered the scene of history since 2003, so check if you are one of them!

Names can be classified in different ways. You can divide them into male and female (this is familiar to us:), Russian and non-Russian (this is also easy to deal with:), beautiful and not so beautiful (taste and color, as you know...). From an esoteric point of view, names can also be divided into certain types or groups. And today we will talk to you about what exist groups of names from an astrological point of view.

Names and planets

Let's start with the basics of astrology: there are exactly ten astrological planets. These include: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Each planet is an archetype that has certain characteristics and properties. Thus, the Moon in astrology is a female planet, responsible for the most subtle and sensitive place in a person - his soul. Therefore, people with manifested lunar characteristics are usually very sincere, vulnerable and caring. In addition, the Moon has a number of other spheres for which it is responsible - this is the home, and the family, and the ability to give birth to offspring, this is the Motherland, and traditions, and the place where a person lives. It can be assumed, with various reservations, that for a person with a pronounced influence of the Moon, these areas of life will one way or another be important and relevant. He may have to resolve issues in these areas throughout his life. But what does the name have to do with it?

It's simple. If a person is named, for example, by the name of the Moon, then this enhances his lunar characteristics. If a person has the name of the Sun, this affects the manifestation of solar patterns in his character and life. And so on… Each name has a certain vibration that corresponds to a particular planet. If this planet is well located in the child (not affected by “pests”, in the sign of its abode or exaltation, etc.), then the name will bring well-being and harmony to the child both in terms of character and in terms of the circumstances of fate. If the planet of the name in the baby’s personal horoscope is somewhat problematic (for example, it is responsible for illness or injury, is in the sign of fall or exile, etc.), then the chosen name can be considered not the most successful option. It is precisely this principle that is implemented in general terms in our Astrological (Planetary) among those recommended on a particular day are well located planets, among those not recommended are those that have problematic potential on that particular day.

But let's return to the topic of the article. So, the main points:

Any name has energy.

Any planet has energy.

If the energies of the name and the planet coincide (and this can be calculated), then the name activates the action of the planet in the person’s horoscope.

The effect of a name (and, accordingly, a planet) can be inharmonious or favorable, so choosing the right name for a child is important.

Below are lists of names by planets. Later we plan to write articles on each group of names, but for now you can satisfy your curiosity and find out which planet “patronizes” the chosen name.

Female names of the Sun: Anastasia, Antonina, Anfisa, Victoria, Eva, Ekaterina, Zaira, Carolina, Margarita, Miroslava, Rimma, Rosa, Julia, Yaroslava.

Male names of the Sun: Arsen, Vadim, Vladislav, Vyacheslav, Georgy, Daniil, Mikhail, Tikhon, Julius.

Female names of the Moon: Agata, Zara, Zoya, Inga, Linda, Louise, Lyudmila, Taisiya, Tamara, Christina, Yuliana.

Male names of the Moon: Victor, Vitaly, Gleb, Grigory, David, Maxim, Nestor, Nikolay, Sergey, Stefan, Timofey, Yuri.

List of names of Mercury

Mercury female names: Amalia, Anita, Daria, Diana, Zlata, Kaleria, Larisa, Leah, Marianna, Naina, Snezhana, Sofia, Stella.

Mercury male names: Arthur, Denis, Leonid, Leonty, Nazariy, Stanislav, Stepan, Taras, Yan.

List of Venus names

Female names of Venus: Alexandra, Alina, Angelina, Anna, Bella, Valentina, Vasilissa, Viola, Dana, Zhanna, Zina, Karina, Laura, Leila, Leonora, Lydia, Faina.

Venus male names: Arkady, Boris, Veniamin, Vlad, Igor, Ilya, Konstantin, Matvey, Matthew, Nazar, Rostislav, Svyatoslav, Timur, Trofim.

List of names of Mars

Female names of Mars: Albina, Arina, Bozhana, Vera, Vladislava, Evgenia, Elena, Lada, Lilia, Lola, Nika, Sofia, Emilia.

Male names of Mars: Anton, Borislav, Evgeniy, Oleg, Rodion, Eric.

List of names of Jupiter

Female names for Jupiter: Agnes, Alla, Aneta, Clara, Marina, Natalia, Rada, Eleanor.

Male names of Jupiter: Andrey, Artyom, Vasily, Danila, Egor, Miroslav, Mikhey, Nikita, Renat, Roman, Rustam, Semyon, Yaroslav.

List of Saturn names

Female names for Saturn: Angela, Valeria, Wanda, Darina, Kira, Christina, Marta, Polina, Tatyana, Yana.

Male names of Saturn: Bronislav, Valery, Vladimir, Christian, Oles, Fedor, Julian.

List of names of Uranus

Female names of Uranus: Alena, Alisa, Veronica, Vitalina, Vlada, Dina, Inna, Nadezhda, Nina, Olga, Regina, Tina, Ulyana.

Male names for Uranus: Alexey, Albert, Bogdan, Vsevolod, Gennady, Dmitry, Kirill, Oscar, Ruslan.

List of Neptune names*

Neptune female names: Vesta, Galina, Elizaveta, Zinaida, Irina, Camelia, Constance, Ksenia, Lyubov, Maria, Raisa, Svetlana, Erica, Emma.

Neptune male names: Alexander, Arseny, Bazhen, Valentin, Gabriel, Ivan, Irakli, Lev, Mark.

List of Pluto names*

Pluto female names: Varvara, Evangelina, Constance, Svetlana, Tatiana.

Pluto male names: Alexander, Anatoly, Andrian, Valentin, Khariton, Edward.

*Neptune and Pluto, as the two highest planets, located “above” and “behind” all the others, in some meanings have very thin, blurry edges along which they intersect. Due to this, several names are under simultaneous influenced by both the planet Neptune and the planet Pluto.

Please note that the name refers to the specified planet in exactly this form - letter by letter. If at least one letter in its spelling changes, this can significantly affect the energy component of the name and give it the characteristics of a completely different planet. For example, the name Tat b Yana is a Saturnian name, and Tat And ana (only one letter changes!) is already the name of Pluto. Be careful!

Planet in Sanskrit means "graha", which means “invader”, that is, one of the many astral forces that have the ability to take possession of you and establish their power over your entire being.

Function of the planet- akin to the zodiac sign in which she is located. These are the responsibilities and work of the planet. Quality of the planet- akin to the one in which it is located. This is already a character, behavior, property.

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Planets in the horoscope are divided into:

Analysis of planets in signs

For identifying human psychology, enough date, month, year, time of birth of a person (not necessarily exact). This is quite enough to understand human psychology. This produces 120 characteristics that answer the questions of human psychosynthesis. These are planets - 10 (ten planets), zodiac signs - 12 (twelve), and many aspects.

Sign– this is always the planet’s habitat. The planets pass around the Earth and look one by one into the signs of the Zodiac (as if through windows). These windows are of different colors (palette, shades) - different quality, different energy (inherent in the nature of the elements).

In astrology, all planets are always moving forward, or stopping (stationary), or going backward (retrograde planets) except the Sun and Moon - but the Zodiac always stands still. The planet is the center of the human psyche and his motivations. The entire environment of the sign will be activated by the planet passing through it. Planets in a sign determines the decisive role of the sign, changes its characteristics - brings changes to the sign. If the planet were completely colored by the quality of the sign, but did not influence it itself, this would lead to the depersonalization of the planet itself. It should also be taken into account that the moral and spiritual qualities of an individual are largely independent of the position and aspects of the planets.

Rules: basic laws of synthesis.

1. Similar qualities of the planet are enhanced by similar qualities of the sign.

2. If the properties of a sign are opposite to the qualities of the planets, they are modified or neutralized (mutual destruction is possible).

The environment of the sign will be activated by the planet, i.e. the qualities of the sign will change. In signs of fall and damage, the luminaries are weakened and therefore, along with positive properties, they will also exhibit negative traits. A comprehensive sign is that strong planets show strength, and weak planets show negativity.

So, the position of a planet in a sign endows it with certain qualities, figuratively speaking, colors its action.

In harmonious aspectation and signs of control and exaltation, the predominantly positive properties of the luminary from a psychological point of view are manifested in the subject’s character. But even with damaging aspects, not only negative traits can appear, but also positive ones.

Moreover, the negative characteristics depend to a large extent on which luminary is damaging a given planet: good, neutral or evil. The negative characteristics of a damaged luminary can be associated either with the excess of its functions, the excessiveness of its manifestation, or with the lack of its energy. In particular, aggressive manifestations, as a rule, are associated with an excess of energy and function of the luminary, and such qualities as idleness, weakness and laziness are associated with a lack of its energy and function.

Harmonious aspects represent the golden mean:there is no excess, no shortage, everything in moderation, exactly as much as needed.

Nature of the planets:

  • Givers of energy - Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus;
  • Energy takers - Moon, Venus, Saturn, Neptune;
  • Neutral energy - Mercury.

Planetary energy:

  • Good - Jupiter, Sun, Venus;
  • Evil ones - Saturn, Mars, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus;
  • Neutral - Mercury, Moon.

Dummy points

  • North Node, South Node
  • Fortune, cross of fate, vertex

Quality aspects:

Table of planets by rulership and detriment, exaltation and debilitation

Position of planets in signs

  • SUN in ARIES
  • URANUS in Aries (1927-1935)
  • NEPTUNE in ARIES (1861-1874)
  • PLUTO in ARIES (1822-1851)
  • URANUS in TAURUS (1935-1942)
  • NEPTUNE in TAURUS (1874-1887)
  • PLUTO in TAURUS (1851-1883)
  • URANUS in GEMINI (1942-1948)
  • NEPTUNE in GEMINI (1887-1902)
  • PLUTO in GEMINI (1883-1912)
  • SUN in PAKE
  • MOON in PAKE
  • MARS in PAKE
  • URAN at PAKE (1949-1955)
  • NEPTUNE in PAKE (1902-1915)
  • PLUTO in PAKE (1912-1939)
  • SUN in LEO
  • MOON in LEO
  • VENUS in LEO
  • MARS in LEO
  • URANUS in LEO (1955-1962)
  • NEPTUNE in LEO (1915-1928)
  • PLUTO in LEO (1939-1957)
  • SUN in VIRGO
  • URANUS in VIRGO (1962-1968)
  • NEPTUNE in VIRGO (1928-1942)
  • PLUTO in VIRGO (1955-1971)
  • SUN in LIBRA
  • URANUS in LIBRA (1968-1975)
  • NEPTUNE in LIBRA (1942-1957)
  • PLUTO in LIBRA (1971-1984)
  • URANUS in SCORPIO (1975-1981)
  • NEPTUNE in SCORPIO (1957-1971)
  • PLUTO in SCORPIO (1983-1995)
  • URANUS in SAGITTARIUS (1898-1904,-1988)
  • NEPTUNE in SAGITTARIUS (1970-1984)
  • PLUTO in SAGITTARIUS (1748-1762,-2008)
  • URANUS in CAPRICORN (1904-1912,-1995)
  • NEPTUNE in CAPRICORN (1820-1834,-1998)
  • PLUTO in CAPRICORN (1762-1777,-2023)
  • URANUS in AQUARIUS (1912-1919,1995-2003)
  • NEPTUNE in AQUARIUS (1834-1848,-2011)
  • PLUTO in AQUARIUS (1777-1797,-2043)
  • URANUS in PISCES (1919-1928,2003-2011)
  • NEPTUNE in PISCES (1847-1861,-2025)
  • PLUTO in PISCES (1797-1822)
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