How to call a housing inspection. Essence and format of a written appeal to the housing estate

The performance of management companies is far from ideal. Residents of houses under their management are forced to suffer from the lawlessness of their actions only because they cannot competently draw up a complaint to the appropriate government bodies, which include: prosecutor's office, police, housing inspection and others law enforcement agencies. On this page of the site we consider the issue of the correctness of filing a complaint against the management organization and provide free sample, available via direct link.

First, let's find out what a housing inspection is. The Housing Inspectorate, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of Russia of September 26, 1994 “On Housing Inspection in the Russian Federation,” is a supervisory authority in the field of housing utilities and consider citizens’ appeals and accept control measures on settlement controversial situations arising between residents and management companies. Contact housing inspection it is possible and necessary when your statements about certain violations of the management company are ignored and not implemented.

Where to write a complaint against the management company: to the prosecutor's office or the housing inspection?

It is better to write to both authorities. Practice shows that the prosecutor may have a diametrically opposite view of violations of the law than the housing inspection, which generally will not consider specific actions or inactions of the management company to be violations (at least one such case has occurred in our practice).

At the same time, it is also possible for the prosecutor to transfer your complaint to the housing inspectorate; you will receive an answer from the prosecutor’s office that “the complaint has been studied and sent where it should be for consideration on the merits.”

Sample complaint against the management company to the housing inspection

  1. There are two ways to file a complaint. draw up a document on a PC, or handwritten.
  2. It is necessary to indicate all necessary contact information. applicant's initials.
  3. It is better to write without abbreviations. so that the person receiving the complaint does not have questions.

It is not always possible to contact the housing inspectorate.

It is worth knowing what this organization does and in what cases it can really help you:

  1. The management company does not monitor the housing, its operation and safety.
  2. Standards and norms for the use of residential premises were violated.
  3. Deadlines were not met heating season or poor quality preparation was carried out.
  4. They did not comply with the requirements for housing and communal services, for example, they did not provide residents with payment receipts on time.
  5. The management company was not chosen unanimously at the general meeting of owners apartment building.
  6. Representatives of the management company did not comply with the requirements of regulatory and legislative acts.

In general, the work of the housing inspection helps protect the rights of owners of apartment buildings and preserve their housing. Specialists from this organization can check the operation of the management company, detect violations and force the company to eliminate them.

Please note. all this will be done not in words, but with confirmation, documented.

The deadline for correcting errors is set by the housing inspection and is 1 month. If the inspection decides that the violations are serious, it may bring the perpetrators to justice. administrative responsibility.

In the text of your complaint, you must indicate all the shortcomings that you noticed. It is also worth entering the time period during which the unlawful actions were carried out.

Deadline for consideration of applications to the management company and response

Established by law certain period, during which all submitted complaints and applications must be considered by the relevant authorities. Depending on the authority, this period is:

  • 10 days from the date of filing a written claim with the Criminal Code;
  • one month after contacting the housing inspectorate;
  • up to 30 days after filing a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • applications to the prosecutor's office are considered up to 15 or 30 days (depending on whether additional verification is necessary);
  • 5 days after filing a claim in court - after this, the document must either be accepted for production or returned to the originator (indicating the grounds for this).

In some cases, these deadlines may be changed - increased or decreased.

The complaint or application must be drawn up in two copies and one of them (with a receipt and date stamp) must be kept with you. In the future, this will help prove the fact of filing the document and violation of the deadlines for its consideration.

Collective or individual complaint: what to choose?

Since the consumers of the management company’s services are all residents of the apartment building, as a rule, everyone has common complaints, which pushes people to decide to file a collective complaint.

However, the legislation does not provide collective complaint great strength– any appeal, regardless of whether it was signed by one citizen or collected 150 signatures, will be considered in the same manner and will entail the same legal consequences.

IMPORTANT! When filing a collective complaint, it is imperative to list all its authors, indicating their names and registration addresses, because a complaint signed “Residents of entrance No. 1 of building No. 16 on Barmaleeva Street” will be recognized as anonymous, and government agencies by law have the right not to respond to an anonymous complaint. reply.

In case of correct submission of a collective complaint to the housing inspectorate for management company the answer will be sent to everyone who applied, which can be convenient for residents.

What can you complain about to the housing inspection?

At deliberate actions and the management company refuses to cooperate, you should contact the government agency with all payment documents, answers from the management company or other organizations that supply resources to the population. The law allocates 30 days for consideration of citizens’ appeals, but if necessary additional checks deadlines are often extended.

Except incorrect charges. Citizens' dissatisfaction is often caused by improper provision services to provide homes with heat and hot water. This problem becomes especially great importance with the start of the heating season. IN summer period Residents complain about non-compliance timely work for roof repairs.

Most complaints relate to the housekeeping rules. The second place among them is taken by complaints about the poor quality of public services. Next view complaints to the state housing inspectorate are related to the use of premises for purposes other than their intended purpose, as well as the implementation of redevelopment without special permission.

If problems arise in apartment buildings, many citizens turn to the housing inspectorate to conduct an inspection and take action. Also residents apartment buildings, apply for redevelopment in an apartment, basement, attic, or staircases. An appeal to the housing inspectorate is made, first of all, to give an assessment by a government agency to one or another act related to living conditions. The main task of the housing inspection is to monitor the quality of housing and communal services provided to citizens, as well as compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The activities of the housing inspection are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 11, 2013 N 493 “On State Housing Supervision” (together with the “Regulations on State Housing Supervision”).

What does a housing inspection do?

  • Housing inspection, monitors the implementation of housing and communal services
  • The Housing Inspectorate monitors redevelopments, deadlines for completing work, and controls the reconstruction of premises
  • Monitors compliance with previously issued instructions
  • The Housing Inspectorate accepts for consideration complaints and appeals received from citizens and legal entities

How can I write a letter (appeal, complaint) to the housing inspection?

In order for the state housing inspection to take measures and consider the appeal of a citizen or citizens, the first step is to draw up such an appeal. There are no clear requirements provided for by law for writing a complaint, application, appeal, letter to the state housing inspectorate. The main law for a citizen or legal entity to apply to the state housing inspection is the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering citizens’ appeals Russian Federation" In accordance with this law, the period for consideration of citizens' appeals is 30 calendar days. The response to the application (application, complaint, letter), which was written to the State Housing Inspectorate, after consideration, must be sent to the applicant at the address indicated in the application. If the appeal is made in in electronic format, on the website of the State Housing Inspectorate, the response is also made electronically, to the applicant’s email and the response is sent to in writing, By specified address which the applicant indicated when applying.

How is a letter (complaint, application, appeal) written to the State Housing Inspectorate?

If an appeal to the State Housing Inspectorate is made in writing, then there are no clear regulations on how to write it, but it is better to reflect the following in the appeal:

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  • To which authority is the appeal submitted?
  • From whom is the appeal submitted?
  • Title of appeal (application, complaint, letter)
  • The descriptive part of the appeal itself (what the applicant is complaining about or what proposal or appeal there is in a specific description)
  • Regulatory acts referred to by the applicant
  • Applicant's signature
  • Decoding of the applicant's signature

An appeal to the State Housing Inspectorate can be submitted in person, through the inspection office with a note indicating acceptance of the appeal, or it can also be sent by registered mail with notice. If the applicant applies electronically, then it is necessary to fill out all the fields and forms that are required to be filled out when applying electronically to the housing inspection.

What does the State Housing Inspectorate do after receiving an application?

After the State Housing Inspectorate receives the application, it conducts an inspection of the received application and, if a violation is detected, issues an order to eliminate these violations. If we're talking about about redevelopment, then the housing inspection conducts redevelopment studies and makes conclusions.

Important! The State Housing Inspectorate is a government body that is important to contact correctly and competently. If the applicant does not provide justifications and rules of law, then his application may not be considered in vain and no measures will be taken. By all housing issues You can call 8-800-777-32-63. Free legal consultation, is carried out by telephone throughout Russia.

Every owner of an apartment building can contact the state housing inspectorate if the management company violates his rights. Often, complaints to the prosecutor's office and other supervisory government bodies are sent specifically to the housing inspectorate. Therefore, it is recommended to first send claims to the State Housing Property Inspectorate and only then, if the problem is not resolved, go to court or the prosecutor’s office.

Before going to the housing inspectorate, you should file a complaint directly with the management company. Perhaps the problem can be solved on the spot. Since the relationship between the owner of the apartment and the management company lies on the plane, then in parallel with the complaint to the housing inspection, it makes sense to write an application to Rospotrebnadzor.

Let's consider how to write a complaint about the activities of the management company and achieve restoration of violated rights.

What problems are addressed to the inspectorate?

Competencies of the State Housing Inspectorate and other state and public supervisory authorities in the field of maintenance of common property and use housing stock set out in Article 20 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The same article also describes the rules for conducting inspections of the activities of management companies.

Main responsibilities of state housing supervision:

  • supervision of timely and high-quality execution works in the public utilities sector;
  • monitoring compliance with deadlines for heating supply to apartments;
  • control correct management management company documentation and timely provision reports on current activities;
  • supervision of strict compliance with all clauses of the contract for the provision of utility services;
  • control over compliance with the law during general meetings of owners of apartment buildings.

Apartment owners have the right to file a complaint with the Housing Housing Inspectorate on a wide range of issues:

  • The management company unreasonably inflates tariffs for the use of utilities and resources;
  • utility resources are supplied poorly or intermittently;
  • The Criminal Code does not monitor technical condition equipment and communications of an apartment building (does not comply with inspection deadlines);
  • house repairs and cleaning are not carried out local area and entrances;
  • Does not provide housing and communal services general meetings owners or hides its activities, does not provide or publish reports on the website.

Filing a complaint to the housing inspectorate

If it was not possible to solve the problem in the field of utilities directly with the management company, then you will have to file a complaint against the housing and communal services in local branch housing inspections. How to write it correctly? You can download a sample application to the housing inspectorate using the link at the end of the article.

You can make a complaint yourself; it must contain the following points:

  • The header of the statement. In the upper right corner is written the full name of the organization to which the application is sent, as well as the position and full name authorized person. Below is the applicant's full name, home address and other contact information;
  • Title of the statement. For example, “Complaint about an unreasonable increase utility tariffs management company";
  • Main text of the complaint. Detailed description the problem that arose and the circumstances that led to it. Transfer previous actions to resolve the situation (writing a complaint to the Criminal Code, its response to the complaint, or indicating the period during which the complaint is ignored);
  • The pleading part. After the word “Please”, the measures that the applicant requests to be taken against the management company are indicated. Such measures may include the imposition of an administrative fine or other administrative liability, as well as the imposition of obligations on the Criminal Code to resolve the problem that has arisen. Next, indicate the address to which the applicant requests to send the response;
  • Applications. After the word “Attachments,” all documents (or copies thereof) that are attached to the complaint and serve as evidence are indicated misconduct from the management company;
  • Date of compilation and signature. Indicated at the very end of the document after the appendices. If the complaint is of a collective nature, then it is necessary to affix the signatures of all residents of the apartment building.

What documents should be attached to the complaint?

In order for the housing inspection to immediately proceed with the complaint, it is highly desirable to attach to it a number of evidence of violations on the part of the Criminal Code. These documents are listed in the "Appendices" section.

What documents could these be?

  • A copy of the claim (personal or collective) sent to the Criminal Code;
  • Written response management organization for a claim;
  • Applications sent to other government bodies (prosecutor's office, court, Rospotrebnadzor);
  • Documentary evidence of violations identified in the activities of the management company (certificate on the condition of the housing stock from independent expert, various acts and agreements for the provision of utility services, an act on the bay of an apartment, etc.);
  • An extract from the house register and a copy of the document confirming ownership of the apartment (if required for the consideration of the case).

Methods for submitting a complaint

There are three ways to submit a complaint to the State Property Committee, each of which requires compliance with certain rules:

  1. Personal appeal. A complaint should be sent to the State Housing Inspectorate only after contacting the management company. If this is not done, then GZHI employees will be required to independently submit the application to the Criminal Code within a week after receiving it. The complaint is submitted in two copies, one of which is transferred to the inspection office, and the other remains with the applicant. An employee of the State Housing Property Office will stamp the incoming correspondence on the applicant’s copy, personal signature and the date of acceptance of the application;
  2. Sending a complaint by mail. In this case, you should send a registered letter with a list of the contents and a return receipt. Otherwise, it will not be possible to prove the very fact of sending the letter and the date of its receipt by the housing inspection. The date of acceptance of the document will be the date of transmission of the letter to the inspection staff. In this case, it is enough to submit only one copy of the complaint to the State Housing Property Department, and proof of its transmission will be a postal receipt of receipt;
  3. Filing a complaint via the Internet. To submit an application electronically, you should use the website regional office GZhI, which must have a function feedback. However, after sending electronic complaint In the Housing Housing Inspectorate, it may be necessary to personally visit the housing inspectorate to provide a number of additional evidence of violations. The applicant will be notified of this in the manner specified in the text of the complaint.

In addition to these methods, you can also use the telephone hotline regional housing inspection. You can find the phone number on the territorial GZHI website. This method is very convenient if you need to consult a specialist about a violation legal rights and interests guaranteed by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and other federal or regional laws.

Deadlines for consideration of citizens' appeals

The maximum period for registering a complaint is 3 working days. For the consideration of the complaint and acceptance necessary measures Exactly 30 days are allotted for solving the problem. The period of 30 days is counted from the moment the complaint is accepted (if you contact the inspectorate in person, the acceptance period is indicated on the copy of the complaint that remains with the applicant).

The written response to the complaint must indicate the measures taken by the housing inspectorate in relation to the Criminal Code. Otherwise, a refusal to take any measures should be granted due to the fact that there is insufficient or no evidence of a violation on the part of the Criminal Code. If the response of the Housing Property Inspectorate does not satisfy the owner of the apartment, then he has the right to file an application with the prosecutor’s office or with a claim in the district court.

Grounds for refusal to consider a complaint

In some cases, the housing inspection has every right refuse to consider the application. The most common mistakes when writing a complaint or when submitting it to the State Property Committee:

  • The applicant's personal information is not provided ( anonymous complaint) or its return address;
  • the complaint requests the disclosure of personal data of other people;
  • the text is handwritten in illegible handwriting;
  • the text of the complaint contains swear words and other profanity, as well as threats and insults;
  • a complaint had already been filed on the merits of the issue, to which a final response was given.

Drawing up collective complaints

Collective complaints about the activities of management companies are often more in an effective way protection of violated rights. State authorities consider such complaints more readily and thoroughly. Text collective claim differs little from a regular complaint, but it must describe the violation of the rights of everyone at once interested parties, which can significantly increase the volume of the document.

At the end of the collective complaint, personal information is indicated and the signatures of all persons whose rights were violated are affixed. Only persons officially registered in the house have the right to sign a collective complaint. To increase the likelihood successful resolution problems before writing a collective or personal complaint It is best to consult an experienced lawyer. Almost every person will be able to make a complaint competently and take everything into account legal subtleties and nuances.

From January 1, 2017, appeals to the housing inspectorate with complaints against public utilities can only be sent through the portal Or - during personal visit to the housing inspection. According to statements received by e-mail, as well as in other ways that do not allow the applicant to be officially identified, housing inspections will not conduct inspections.

Previously, government agencies housing supervision were inundated with electronic requests from the websites of RosZhKH and Angry Citizen, etc. In parallel, the same appeals were automatically sent to the prosecutor’s office, Rospotrebnadzor and other authorities. In addition, citizens had the opportunity to send an application by email or a feedback form on the website of the regional housing inspection itself. This practice will no longer be possible.

In accordance with new edition Part 3 Art. 10 Federal Law dated December 26, 2008 No. 294-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when implementing state control(supervision) and municipal control» appeals and statements sent by the applicant in the form electronic documents, can serve as a basis for conducting unscheduled inspection only provided that they were sent by the applicant using information and communication technologies that provide for mandatory authorization of the applicant in unified system identification and authentication (USIA).

Thus, now appeals and statements sent by the applicant in the form of electronic documents can serve as the basis for an unscheduled inspection only if they were sent by the applicant from an official Internet resource where personal identification is possible. For example, through the State information system Housing and Communal Services (GIS Housing and Communal Services), Internet address -

Appeals received by the inspectorate by e-mail, as well as from Internet sites without undergoing authorization in the ESIA, will be considered without organizing an inspection based on the stated arguments. In this case, the citizen will be given the necessary explanations.

Housing inspectorates in many regions of the Russian Federation have already issued an explanation regarding the new procedure for considering citizens' appeals. Here is one of them, from the housing inspectorate Murmansk region.

“[Before] it was possible to write a complaint from anyone and against anyone. This was also used as a method for management companies to fight among themselves,” commented Alena Kuznetsova, head of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Murmansk Region. - "Now electronic appeal register, they give a response. But we are not obliged to check it. To do this, you need to either send an appeal to us by letter, or appear in person at the State Housing Institution reception, or send it through the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal, confirming your identity through the State Services portal.”

We all sooner or later encounter situations when some kind of malfunction occurs in our home or urgently requires repair (replacement) of some parts. Unfortunately, the relevant services do not always respond to problems of this kind in a timely manner. Sometimes we have to resolve such situations ourselves with our neighbors and at our expense. But who said this correct solution? If the problem has already become critical, then you and your neighbors urgently need to contact emergency service And .

If there is no reaction, then a complaint against the Criminal Code to the housing inspectorate will help you. It is worth writing a statement a certain pattern from all residents of the house in GZHI to the management company that services your house.

GZHI often resolves a number of issues such as:

  • state control over the implementation of legislative acts regarding technical use houses;
  • inspection for the use of housing stock;
  • ensuring the rights of citizens;
  • high-quality consideration of all complaints.

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How to write a complaint correctly - sample

Such complaints must be made in writing, because very often one call is not enough to draw attention to the problem. Like most documents, this one must be made in two copies, one of which you keep for yourself. It is also very important that your complaint be registered; the date and name of the person who registered it must be indicated. And, of course, everything you write should be without single mistake

so that your statement doesn’t backfire on you later.

  1. How to write a complaint to the housing inspectorate against the management company:<ваши ФИО и адрес>”;
  2. In the text of the application to the housing inspection, you must introduce yourself, indicate the name of your management company and describe the problem;
  3. At the end, state your requirements and indicate applications, if any;
  4. We put a date and signature.

Below you can download samples of complaints against the Criminal Code for private cases:

A complaint against an HOA to the Housing Inspectorate is filed in a similar way. Although, as a rule, homeowners' associations are complained about much less often than management companies, since they value their reputation.

We complain to Rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office

If, after a lapse of time, you have not received any intelligible answer to your complaint and are faced with complete inaction, then you and your neighbors should contact all other organizations. Such as Rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office.

Fortunately, there is also housing authority, which can also solve a number of your questions. After all main function Housing inspection is a quality control of the services provided to citizens by housing and communal services.

Sample complaint to the prosecutor's office

The powers of the inspection are quite extensive: monitoring the implementation of housing and communal services, monitoring the timing of repairs and preventative work in your homes, taking action based on residents' complaints. Find this service you can in any big city, if your numerous complaints about the inaction of the Criminal Code remain unsolved.

You will need to write an application with your neighbors in the same way as you wrote it before to other services, but only now you will need confirmation that you applied to the State Housing Institution, Management Company, Homeowners Association earlier and did not receive any response or decision on your request. Also, this complaint, like the previous ones, must be drawn up in two copies, one of which will remain in your hands, and the other must be registered, but if you are denied registration, you can send it by registered mail. You and your neighbors can find a sample application on the Internet on the relevant websites of organizations. And don't forget to provide your details so that you can receive a response to your letter.

What next for the management company?

First, the housing department will conduct an inspection and order to eliminate the violation, but if this is not completed on time, then the organizations (MC, HOA) may be brought to administrative liability under Article 7.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which entails administrative penalty for officials (4000-5000 rubles), and for legal entities - 40 thousand-50 thousand rubles.

You must be notified within three days of filing that the claim has been filed. If you addressed it to a person whose authority does not include resolving this issue, then it will be redirected to the required address, which you will also be notified within seven working days. If you find out that your complaint has fallen into the hands of someone official, for which you wrote this document, then you are obliged to report this to the prosecutor’s office, since this is prohibited by law.

There is also a certain period for consideration of your application, this is 30 days. Although there are cases when the period is slightly increased, the applicant is notified.

You should also receive a response to your request in writing or electronically (depending on how you submitted your request).

The main thing is that everyone understands that filing lawsuits and claims based on the decision communal issues and their complete inaction is quite normal. After all, every citizen of the country pays prohibitively large sums for the maintenance of their home and wants these costs to be recouped. In addition, the condition of our houses in most cases leaves much to be desired, and the desire to fix it is quite understandable similar situation. You should not abandon the case halfway, even if some authority (MC, HOA) refused you. All actions that you perform are absolutely legal and your rights are described in detail in the Code and Constitution of the country. If such a problem happens to you, resolve this issue with your neighbors in inspections using claims and other things, do not be left alone with this problem.

Dear readers!

If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, please contact the online consultant form on the right → Or call us by phone (24/7).

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