How to block comments on photos in contact. How to disable comments in WordPress

There are times when users need to disable comments in WordPress. Let's figure out how to do this.

As always, there are several ways. Choose the one you need.

Disabling comments via the control panel

1. Go to the admin panel of your site, then to “Options” and “Discussion”.

2. Here we uncheck the “Allow comments on new articles” line.

Disable comments when editing pages

1. If you don’t have options for setting up discussions on the page for adding or editing a post, then click “Screen Settings”.

3. And now, when editing pages, to prohibit commenting, uncheck the “Allow comments” option.

Disabling comments on posts

If you want to disable commenting for one post, then:

1. Place the mouse cursor over the desired entry and click “Properties”.

2. The recording properties open. Find the line “Allow comments” and uncheck the box. Click “Update”.

If you need to remove comments from several posts, then do the following:

1. First, select those posts from which you want to remove comments.

2. Now select the action with records.

Select “Change”. And click “Apply”.

3. Now in the comments we change “As is” to “Ban”. Click “Update”.

Removing comments from the entire blog

  1. To remove all comments from a blog, you need to go to your hosting control panel, phpMyAdmin.
  2. Then find your site's database (on the right).
  3. In the sign that appears, look for “wp_comments”.
  4. Opposite this inscription we find the “Browse” window.
  5. We click and in it we can turn off comments, remove them or delete a specific comment.

You can also remove comments in WordPress in the template or theme of your site.

  1. Go to “Appearance”, “Editor”.
  2. We look for the file “One entry” single.php and delete “».
  3. Find the “Page Template” file and delete the same line as in the previous file.

Here are the different ways you can disable or remove comments in WordPress.

VKontakte is a social network that is popular among users from all over the world. This is why many people prefer to create thematic groups on this resource. You can dedicate your own group to any direction: from an entertainment page to promoting your personal business. Thanks to the presence of many functionalities, the owner of the group can publish news, create discussions for discussion among participants, add audio recordings, photo albums and videos.

This algorithm of actions will clearly demonstrate how you can protect your creation from unwanted negative comments or annoying spam.

Disabling comments in a VK group

Step 1. You need to go to your personal page and go to the “Groups” tab. Next, among the list of your communities, find the created group and go to its page.

Step 2. Under the group avatar, find the settings button, click on it, and then select “Community Management”.

Step 3. In the window that opens, select the “Sections” tab in the sidebar.

In the “Wall” line, you can select three types of group walls, depending on which you can regulate the comments that participants leave under posts.

An open wall gives any group member a chance to write a message on the main page, as well as add a comment to any published post. In fact, in this way a group member has no restrictions in writing messages.

A limited wall allows only community administrators and editors to post news, but any user can add comments.

The closed wall is intended only for the publication of news by community administrators; any comments on posts are disabled and group members can only view written posts and extract information from them.

Hello to all readers of the blog site. In this article we will talk about why many webmasters want to remove comments from their sites, prohibiting the visitor from expressing an opinion.

Due to the fact that my blog runs on the WordPress engine, in this post I will explain step by step how to remove comments from Wordpress sites through the site’s administrative panel.

Before we get into the practical part of this lesson, let me share some scientific information about the role of comments in the lives of netizens.

But how to do that? For such purposes, comment forms were invented on websites, where anyone can scribble a couple of lines of their insatiable mind.

The role of comments on the site

Comments- this is a specially designated place under the article where the visitor can write any text about the material he read, as well as write suggestions or wishes.

This feature is present on almost all blogs that support the scripting language. On my website you can see it below after this article.

The WordPress engine is written in this language, so commenting is present there autonomously, unless you remove it yourself.

A simple example of how this works on all platforms. Let's say you read an interesting article (read in detail about how to do this) about all the methods of fishing in winter, but since you are a first-class fisherman and know a couple of new methods not described in the article, so you would like to tell the author about them, and he will reflect them in a post that other users will read.

But how to do that? Of course, you can search the website for the author’s contact information and write him an email. It will take time for him to respond and then post them in the material. Well, what if he doesn’t read it at all?

This is where the comment form comes to the rescue. You leave a comment and it is immediately visible to users and the author.

But not everything is as good as described above. Nowadays a very large number of evil and cunning optimizers have appeared on the Internet who promote their projects through spam comments on other sites, and the whole point is that Wordpress blogs are the most susceptible to this attack.

Personally, I don’t really like it when the admin panel receives hundreds of comments a day with all sorts of advertising or unnecessary information, which, in addition, does not correspond to the topic of my articles.

Well, what if the webmaster decided to create a business card website, a one-page website or an advertising website. What should they all do? In order to turn your resource into a statistical one, you will need to remove comments from posts. But how to do this will be discussed further.

How to remove comments in WordPress

The WordPress engine has an automatically built-in function that allows you to leave comments on pages and articles.

Some people prefer to set up WordPress in such a way that visitors can leave comments only on articles, but I chose the option to remove all comments in this engine.

Let's consider two examples of how this can be done:

1) Go to the console of your WordPress site and click the “Options” - “Discussion” tab and uncheck the “Allow comments on new articles” checkbox.

But this way you will ensure that people will not be able to leave comments on new posts, but old ones will still have them, so let’s look at the second method.

2) Here we need to remove several commands in the files index.php, single.php And archive.php. To do this, go to the "Appearance" - "Editor" tab. And we remove the following lines from these files, which I underlined below:

In file index.php remove the line

In file archive.php remove the line


We can talk for a long time about whether to leave comments on a blog or not. My personal opinion on this matter is that without comments, a blog turns out to be somewhat lifeless and boring.

This is where I end the article, all that remains is to listen to your opinion on this topic. Bye!

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

Leading a group may not always involve feedback. Most often this is due to excessive spam or a lack of need for subscribers to discuss news. Naturally, comments that violate community rules can be deleted by moderators or automatically using pre-prepared keywords.

If the topic is such that it does not require (or excludes) the possibility of commenting on posts (this can be found in news or entertainment groups), then the administrator should know how to disable comments in the VKontakte group.

Screening out content under posts, be it spam or profanity, allows you to: firstly, keep the group “clean”, and secondly, not violate the rules of the social network, significantly reducing the risk of blocking by the administration. This, in turn, will lead to an increase in the number of subscribers, have a positive impact on the community rating and increase its ranking in search.

What methods of comment control are there?

For community administrators on the VKontakte social network, comments are one of the main tools for maintaining feedback with the audience, which, moreover, can serve as an excellent tool for directing and improving the development vector of published content. However, there is often a need to limit the access of discussions under posts in a group.
There are several configuration options here. The standard function allows you to enable or disable commenting on posts. When creating a group, this feature will be enabled by default. There are several filters in the comments section:

  • An obscene expression filter, with the help of which user comments containing obscene expressions and insults to other subscribers will be deleted automatically.
  • Keyword filter, which will remove comments based on pre-specified queries.

It is worth noting that all automatically deleted messages will be displayed in the “Operation History” section, where the administrator will be able to view each previously deleted comment at any time.

How to prohibit comments in a VK group

To block subscribers’ access to discussing group news on the wall, go to the “Community Management” section, then select “Comments” in the right-hand column and uncheck the “Feedback” field.

When you create an affinity group, the commenting feature is enabled by default. To limit it, you need to go to “Community Management” and select “Sections” in the settings menu. The window that appears will open parameters with which you can configure the group. In particular, you need to select the “Wall” item. There are three options:

  1. Open. Every user will be able to participate in discussions under posts and send messages to the group, regardless of whether he is subscribed or not. In this case, there is a high risk of “mess” and excessive amounts of spam. In particular, users will be able to publish links, text messages, pictures, audio and video recordings.
  2. Limited. Only people with administrator status can publish posts. In this case, comments remain open (it is recommended to use filters).
  3. Closed. Only administrators can publish posts here, and comments are not available to subscribers.

Open but controlled comments in a group have many benefits: firstly, it is a great way to maintain feedback with subscribers, so you can find out what content they prefer; secondly, obscene expression filters and keyword filters allow you to automatically filter out unwanted messages. At the same time, the community administrator can regularly access the transaction history, where all deleted comments are displayed. He can view them and, if necessary, restore them so that other users can see them under the entries.

How to open comments in a VKontakte group

As noted above, by default the commenting function is in active mode. If it was previously disabled, you can enable it as follows:

  1. Open the “Community Management” section.
  2. On the right side, in the “Settings” section, select “Comments”.
  3. In the “Feedback” item, check the box and save the changes.

After this, users will be able to leave comments under each post on the community wall. Unlike comments, filters are always disabled by default. At the same time, they are one of the main tools that makes it possible to control the communication of subscribers and prevent the appearance of spam, curses, insults and other materials that could cause the group to be blocked by the administration of the social network. In addition, the available filters are an excellent assistant for the moderator - they relieve a person of the need to track every published message and take appropriate action manually.

The algorithm of actions for enabling filters is the same as the actions for enabling comments: “Community Management”, “Comments”; Next, you need to check/uncheck the boxes next to the required filters. It is worth noting that the administrator can select both filters at the same time, or use only the one of interest, according to which user messages will be filtered out in the future. When choosing a filter by keywords, you should enter queries manually (separated by commas).

How to track comments in a VKontakte group

A community administrator can track comments in several ways. First of all, on your personal page in the news section there is a “Comments” item, where all the information is displayed: comments left and replies received, as well as messages to posts on the wall and in albums. The main thing here is that this tab also allows you to track comments and posts made on behalf of the group.

If there are several administrators in a community who publish content, each will only see replies to their own published posts. In this case, solving the tracking problem is quite simple: you just need to subscribe to comments under the post of interest. To do this you need to: open the post in a new window (or click on the publication date); At the bottom of the post, near the “Like” button, select the “More” and “Subscribe to comments” sections.

The topic of today's post is commenting and how to disable comments in WordPress for an individual page or post, or how to remove comments altogether. There are also cases when you need to change or delete unnecessary comments; all this will be discussed in this article.

Let’s first talk a little about commenting on websites, what advantages they can give, if I can’t convince you that comments should be left, then let’s move on to how to disable comments in wordpress.

Why are comments needed on the site?

There are many advantages in the comments, I will list the main ones:

  • Comments improve behavioral factors; after a user leaves a comment on a page, such a visit will receive 4 or 5 points in terms of the level of behavior on the site (I’m talking about Yandex metrics, you can see it on the “Webvisor” page). The more comments users leave on a page, the higher the search engine will rank it in the results, naturally, if other site parameters are in good condition.
  • Commenting increases the volume of content, supplements it with keywords, you can take forums as an example, they live only through commenting and collect excellent traffic from search engines.

These are the two main points that you may lose if you decide to remove comments on the site. We discussed the advantages and move on to our work with comments.

How to work with comments on a WordPress site

How to remove comments from the admin panel

There are several options for working with comments through the console; consider the first option and disable comments through “Settings” / “Discussion”.

As I already said, go to the WordPress admin area, you can find out how to do this. Go to the settings/discussion menu item and uncheck the box next to “

If you already have a lot of posts on your site, then you won’t be able to remove comments from them and the ability to comment using this method. Let's go ahead and consider the following example.

How to Disable Comments in WordPress on a Single Page or Post

Sometimes you need to disable comments on a separate page or post, these could be the following pages:

  • Contacts;
  • Map of site;
  • About the author, etc.

In order to disable comments in WordPress on a separate page, we will again use the admin panel. This time, let’s turn to the menu item “Pages” (Posts) / “All Pages” (All Posts) and take advantage of the opportunity that everyone forgets about “Properties” of a post.

Well, we have considered another option for interacting with comments. We won’t stop there and move on.

How to remove comments on all pages or posts on a site

To be honest, until I started understanding this topic, I didn’t know how to disable comments in WordPress on all pages at once. It’s not that I couldn’t do it, I know how to remove them using php and template files, but it turns out that this is also possible from the admin panel.

I made a short video on how to disable comments on one page and on all of them at once:

You need to go to Posts/All Posts again from the admin panel in the upper right corner there is a “Screen Settings” tab, click on it and select the number of posts or pages that are on your site. This figure can be found by going to the console tab, where the statistics of all published posts and pages are located. Next, click apply.

The next step is to select all the posts; this is done by clicking on “Title”, putting a tick in the box and selecting all the posts. Next, in the action field, select “Change” and click the “Apply” button.

After this, we will see mass editing of all entries, where on the right side we need to find the “Comments” line and select the “Deny” value, after which we click the “Update” button.

I can congratulate you, you just banned comments on all pages or posts, depending on where you made the settings.

Have you started celebrating? In vain, this gave rise to two more problems: old comments are most likely still displayed and a message like “Comments are prohibited” or “Commenting is closed” or “Discussion is closed” or something like that appeared. Don't worry, we will handle this task.

How to remove the “commenting is closed” sign

Everything here is not as clear as in the previous examples. You will have to choose one of the options, or create your own based on the ones I proposed.

Before carrying out any manipulations with files, make a backup copy of the site and download an untouched version of the template.

Why I focus on backups is because I understand what is written in the code, and I know what to touch and what not. And I know how to quickly return everything to its previous form, don’t you? If you are not confident in yourself, then make copies or, better yet, experiment on your local computer.

So, disabling comments is very simple; you need to delete the following line in the template files single.php for posts and page.php for pages:


It may not be like that, it may be a user function, and here I’m unlikely to help you, it’s not realistic to predict what name the developer of your theme will come up with, and trying to explain how to break someone else’s theme is quite difficult.

Based on the fact that you did not find the specified code in the post and page files, go to plan “B” and delete the comments.php file from the theme files, if when updating the site page you did not get any errors and the site is working fine, then everything is fine, in Otherwise, contact a programmer; disabling comments will not cost much. I don't recommend deleting any files without minimal knowledge of php, but it's up to you.

Case two. You don't need or want to dig into the code, but you want to disable the annoying "Comments are disabled" message. To do this, you also need to refer to the template files, alas, but without this you can’t get anywhere. The advantage is that you will be looking for exactly what interests you. For this operation, you need to find the code you need in all the theme files, in all the files I already described earlier, and delete this text so that only empty quotes remain. This is not entirely correct from the point of view of code structure, but it will solve your problem.

For example, if you had this:

if (! comments_open() && get_comments_number()) : ?>

It should look like this:

if (! comments_open() && get_comments_number()) : ?>

This will remove the inscription here that appears after commenting is prohibited.

That's all, if something is wrong, ask a question in the comments, I will try to help.

How to Delete and Edit WordPress Comments

If you need to edit, change or delete comments on a WordPress site, then you should go to the long-worn admin panel in the “Comments” menu item.

How to Delete or Edit a WordPress Comment

In order to change or delete a comment, you need to find the one you need and click on the link:

After this, perform manipulations on the message. By the way, when editing comments in the admin panel, the ability to use hot keys is enabled, you can read about this.

How to Remove All Comments from a WordPress Site

Remember we displayed all the entries on one page, I wrote about this above. In the same way, we display and select all comments, select “Delete”. After you click “Apply” your site will lose all comments, I note that for this I did not resort to the database, everything is done using the capabilities of WordPress.

I hope that I was able to answer all possible questions, although knowing the template developers and various situations is not all. Feel free to ask me your problems in the comments, I will be happy to try to solve them.

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