How to fill out the commissioning certificate. An example of drawing up a certificate of completion of commissioning work

How is the commissioning program compiled and what does it include? The commissioning program is a document that clearly describes the entire list of actions that will be carried out responsible organization. On the Internet you can see discussions about whether it is worth including a commissioning methodology in the Program or whether it should be formalized as separate document. There are no clear requirements regarding this, so it all depends on the agreements of the parties. Sample for each specific situation can be easily found on the Internet. The program is drawn up and approved by a representative of the commissioning company and agreed upon by the customer; the signatures and seals of the parties are placed in the header of the document.

Certificate of completion of commissioning works

All these manipulations are usually carried out on a contractual basis by specialized organizations that have the necessary permits and staff qualified specialists. The necessary conditions for their activities on site ( industrial sanitation, occupational safety) are organized by the customer, who also pays for the commissioning work at the expense of the general estimate for putting the facility into operation. All operations must be carried out by personnel of the commissioning organization, instructed and certified for each specific case, under the supervision of a responsible representative from the customer.
There are two main stages in commissioning activities:

  • Individual tests are activities that are designed to ensure that the requirements that are specified are met. technical specifications, standards and working documentation for testing units, machines and mechanisms.

Commissioning certificate

Poland's new instructions, and they pass the commissioning work with the same certificate of technical readiness and a certificate of individual testing for operation to begin comprehensive testing. Commissioning of automation systems is done in accordance with clause 5 of SNiP 3.05.07-85 in three stages: At the first, a pre-installation check (verification) of the devices is carried out and, if it was done at the time of release and import, with the presence of all necessary documents, then nothing of the kind is required or done; At the second stage of commissioning (lower level) the following is carried out: - checking the installation of instruments and automation equipment for compliance with the requirements of the instructions of the manufacturers of instruments and automation equipment and working documentation; — detected defects in the installation of devices and automation equipment are eliminated by the installation organization; — replacement of individual defective elements: lamps. diodes, resistors, fuses, modules, etc.

The procedure for drawing up a commissioning report

  • the procedure for preparing and subsequently conducting commissioning operations with a list of all operations, their start and end times;
  • list of stationary and portable measuring instruments (pressure gauges, thermometers, etc.);
  • list of control and shut-off valves, equipment (pumps, valves, heat exchangers, filters);
  • list control points and measurement protocol for each of them;
  • a list of parameters that require clarification and adjustment (air humidity and temperature, pressure in pipes, coolant flow rates);
  • methodology for measuring heat losses by building structures (compiled special act and a certificate is issued).

After completion of all commissioning works, comprehensive testing and operational testing, a commissioning report is drawn up with the relevant appendices (a list of mechanisms and equipment on which adjustment and testing were carried out).

Commissioning acceptance certificate

Measuring the distribution of coolant between heat-consuming equipment (at control points) in accordance with the design loads of the agreed project (clause 9.3.25 of the PTE TE). Determination of the heat storage capacity of the building and the heat-protective properties of enclosing structures (clause 9.3.5 of the PTE TE) in volume and according to form of thermal technical characteristics of TSN in order to prevent harm to health due to exposure to low temperatures (GOST ISO/TO 12100-1-2001, clause 4.4). The act of separating networks by balance sheet And operational responsibility. Agreed project (conclusion on the project). Energy passport, agreed upon in the SZU of Rostechnadzor.
Examination of INDUSTRIAL TECHNICAL SAFETY (coordination with SZU Rostechnadzor).

Chapter 6.

  • adjustment tests under operating conditions, balance experiments (setting optimal modes, testing valve control in manual and automatic mode, checking automation settings, identifying deficiencies and developing proposals for eliminating them), the result is an act individual tests;
  • comprehensive testing(72 hours of continuous operation for all major equipment, 24 hours for heating networks), its beginning is considered to be the time when all systems are started at maximum load.


Some companies document all activities directly related to the preparation and testing of devices in a separate document - the Commissioning Methodology, which comes as an addition to the Program. In the Program they include more general things of an organizational nature. That is, there is an actual division of the entire complex of work into organizational, legal and technical components.


Drawing up a certificate of completion of commissioning work is the final stage of installation and installation of a complex technical equipment and instruments, carrying out start-up tests. The certificate confirms that all commissioning actions were carried out in accordance with established by law order, quality and in full, and also indicates that the equipment is ready for operation. At the same time, the purpose and specifications devices and equipment do not matter: the act can equally be applied when working with fire protection, air intake, drainage systems, etc.

FILESDownload blank form certificate of completion of commissioning work.doc Download a sample of filling out a certificate of completion of commissioning work.doc The certificate is an annex to the contract and, as a rule, its form is pre-approved by the parties (but this is not mandatory).

1. General Provisions

PTE TE): Estimates technical condition safety devices to ensure reliability and safe operation: safety valve, hot water temperature regulator, coolant temperature regulator depending on the outside air temperature, pressure regulator “after itself”, “before itself” (to the extent of the manufacturer’s instructions). Thermal tests for uniform heating heating devices(clause 2.6.2 PTE TE) Identification of thermal energy losses through thermal insulation (clause 2.6.2 PTE TE) Drawing up a heat balance (clause 2.6.2 PTE TE) only for boiler houses and buildings with heat energy sources. Measuring the provision of design air temperatures in the premises (item.

9.3.25 PTE TE) in order to prevent harm to health due to exposure to high or low temperatures (GOST ISO/TO 12100-1-2001, clause 4.4).

PR program

That is why drawing up a document is equally important for both the customer of commissioning work and the performer. Approval by the commission In order to correctly draw up a certificate of completion of commissioning work, it is necessary to create special commission consisting of at least two people. It should include representatives from the customer and from the contractor who have a sufficient level of knowledge and qualifications to check the quality of work and their approval.

Presence is also acceptable third party experts, which must also be noted in the document form. The commission’s tasks include checking the equipment’s compliance with the project, technical requirements, working documentation, as well as studying papers directly related to the production of work with the equipment.
Methods of achieving the goal are also indicated (horizontal and vertical adjustment, measurements at control points).

  • Characteristics of the object. All available systems and their characteristics are described (availability heating point, heating systems, hot water supply and ventilation, coolant parameters for each of them, special pumps and batteries).
  • Preparation for testing systems. Includes checking all necessary documentation, drawings and permits, visual inspection technical readiness of systems, control and accounting devices, determination of control points, personnel training, compilation of a list of activities.
  • Measures to ensure labor protection.

Acts required for commissioning works


When putting electrical installation work into operation and presenting it to energy supervision to obtain permission to supply voltage, you must also follow the Appendix to the Order Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision dated April 7, 2008 N 212 PROCEDURE FOR ORGANIZING WORK FOR ISSUING PERMITS FOR ADMISSION TO OPERATE POWER INSTALLATIONS. Commissioning is formalized by KS-11 and KS-14, and according to the new town planning code, GASN must issue a conclusion on the compliance of the constructed facility with the project and other conditions in force regulatory documents, on the basis of which the authority that issued the construction permit (usually local administration) issues permission for commissioning.

It is sometimes easier to come to an agreement with the operation than with the customer and technical supervision, to do something petty that they ask for or give something and then they will be more loyal to check you for delivery, while in new construction the new operation team can make a brick in your face and put your foot down - so that everything works. to be continued Other articles in this series:

  • Content
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4
  • Chapter 5
  • Chapter 6
  • Chapter 7
  • Bibliography

Materials taken from the “Manual for VET Engineer on As-built Documentation”, adjustments agreed with the author. The author’s point of view may not coincide with the opinion of the site administration.

Commissioning work takes place in four stages:

1. Preparatory stage

Based project documentation contractor develops work program and commissioning project. At this stage, the customer must transfer to the contractor the approved electrical and technological parts of the project, operational documentation of the manufacturers, installation of relay protection, interlocks and automation. Representatives are appointed for the commission for acceptance of commissioning work, and the deadlines for completing the work are agreed upon with the contractor.

2. Combined commissioning and electrical installation work

The work is carried out with voltage supplied according to a temporary scheme. The start of commissioning work is determined by the readiness of construction and installation work. At the end of the second stage and before testing, the commissioning organization transfers to the customer protocols for testing electrical equipment with increased voltage.

3. Individual testing of electrical equipment

The operating mode of the electrical installation is introduced and commissioning works from this moment on relate to work in existing electrical installations. At this stage, the electrical equipment is serviced by the customer, who ensures the placement of personnel, assembly and disassembly of electrical circuits, technical Supervision for electrical equipment. Upon completion of individual testing of electrical equipment, testing of process equipment begins.

After individual tests, electrical equipment is accepted for operation. The commissioning organization must provide the customer with high-voltage test reports, testing of grounding and grounding devices, and executive circuit diagrams. At the third stage, commissioning work is documented in a certificate of technical readiness of electrical equipment for comprehensive testing.

4. Comprehensive testing of electrical equipment

Commissioning work is being carried out to set up the interaction of electrical equipment systems in various modes. Equipment maintenance at this stage is carried out by the customer. Commissioning work at this stage will be completed after obtaining the electrical parameters and modes provided for by the project. The work of the organization carrying out commissioning is considered completed after the signing of the commissioning acceptance certificate.

The commissioning certificate becomes official evidence of compliance with the terms of the contract and its logical conclusion. A report is drawn up after checking the functioning of the equipment installed in accordance with the contract, its adjustment and verification of readiness for operation. Act - an integral part of contracts and basis for payment for work performed. The act indicates the number terms of reference, according to which the work was carried out.

Accepted free form act, the content of the document largely depends on the characteristics of the equipment. The commissioning work may be concluded separate agreement or these works are taken into account in the construction or supply contract as additional view works After completing the work, the contractor must fill out a commissioning certificate form indicating the completed work and the amount to be paid. The document signed by the parties becomes the basis for payment for the work performed.

Completion of commissioning work, provided for by the agreement, confirmed by the act. Both interacting parties sign the document.

How is the commissioning report drawn up? The installation of complex technical equipment ends with start-up tests.

These indicate complete and high-quality assembly, correct installation and operability of the equipment as a whole. The verification must be documented. How to properly draw up a commissioning certificate?

What you need to know

Drawing up documentation regarding confirmation of commissioning work is equally important for both the customer and the contractor. The customer is convinced of proper quality completing the task.

The contractor has a documentary basis for the payment requirement. In addition, the presence official document eliminates future claims regarding the quality and performance of the equipment.

The act of completion of commissioning work is final accounting document. It is classified as a form of primary accounting documentation.

Based on this, the customer makes payment for the work performed. Without registration of this act It is not possible to issue a final invoice for the transfer of funds to the contractor.

In addition, the customer may quite reasonably consider the work not completed. In this case, the contractor will have to prove that the work was performed in the proper volume and quality.

The commissioning certificate becomes confirmation of completion and the basis for recording operations in accounting.

Basic Concepts

Commissioning (Commissioning) is a set of activities that includes preparation for start-up and subsequent start-up of installed equipment.

At the same time, the equipment load is brought to the nominal mode, and the equipment components are also adjusted and optimized.

The certificate of completion of commissioning works confirms that the installation of the equipment is completed and it can be put into operation.

The form of the act is usually agreed upon by the parties at the stage of agreeing on cooperation and becomes an integral annex of the agreement.

An act is drawn up according to the attached form, but can be supplemented if necessary specific information, characteristics and other important nuances.

But although uniform form no act is provided, there are some General requirements, applicable to the document:

  • the name of the act must correspond to the name provided for in the agreement;
  • The details of the main agreement must be indicated;
  • the date of creation of the act and the period of execution of the work are displayed;
  • information about the parties to the agreement is specified;
  • the scope of work and its cost are indicated with a separate indication;
  • signatures of all responsible persons are affixed.

Before starting up the equipment, it is necessary to check the compliance of the parameters with the technical documentation, the project, and the operating requirements. All documentation that accompanied the work is also subject to verification.

What is the essence of the work

The completion of installation of any complex equipment requires testing for serviceability and suitability for operational use.

In general, commissioning work can be divided into four stages:

  • preparatory;
  • electrical installation combined with commissioning work;
  • individual testing of equipment;
  • comprehensive check.

At the preparation stage, a commissioning program and project are developed. This function usually assigned to the contractor. The customer is required to provide documentation regarding this issue.

Also on preparatory stage a commission is formed. Its tasks include accepting the equipment after completion of the commissioning work and setting a deadline for the completion of the work.

Stage two is carried out subject to the supply of electricity according to a temporary connection scheme. It should be noted that the start of the commissioning process is not possible before the end.

At the end this stage The contractor provides the customer with a protocol of the results of testing the functioning of the installed equipment when applying increased voltage.

During the third stage, the equipment is run-in individually.

It is typical that by this time the equipment has already been put into operation. Equipment maintenance is carried out by personnel appointed by the direct customer.

Ends individual check acceptance into operation. At this stage, documents are drawn up on technical readiness for a comprehensive performance test.

Carrying out last stage involves setting up all systems regarding their proper interaction. Testing is carried out in different modes operation.

Maintenance of equipment and in this case provided by the customer. The check ends when the design parameters are achieved.

The completion of all stages of commissioning work is confirmed by drawing up a report. The document officially confirms the compliance of the work performed with the terms of the contract.

The contractor draws up an act, indicating detailed list work performed and their cost. The customer is responsible for compliance with safety conditions when testing equipment.

The legislative framework

The legislation does not provide unified form commissioning certificate. But since this document records the fact of completion of work and payment is made on its basis, the act is included in the primary accounting documentation.

Therefore, the design requirements must be met. primary documents. In particular this concerns mandatory details.

A list of these is given in. The absence of mandatory details does not allow the act to be recognized as a valid document.

Sample commissioning report

Absence uniform sample The PNR act allows you to create the form of the document taking into account specific circumstances. The parties, at their discretion, may include the necessary clauses in the document.

But at the same time, the main basis of the document remains unchanged. Approximate diagram the act looks like this:

  • Title of the document;
  • date of its preparation;
  • period of work execution (beginning and completion);
  • parties to the contract;
  • details of the main agreement;
  • types of work performed and their volume;
  • amount of payment for the entire scope of work;
  • signatures authorized representatives with transcript.

Attached to the act are documents documenting the completion of all stages of commissioning work. If necessary, they can be drawn up intermediate acts acceptance of individual .

All intermediate documents also become an appendix to the main act. In relation to the agreement, the act of commissioning and commissioning becomes the final document indicating the fulfillment of the terms of the agreement concluded by the parties.

Purpose of the document

The commissioning certificate is an official document. Its execution indicates the contractor’s compliance with the agreed conditions and the logical end of the contractual relationship.

The document is drawn up no earlier than the contractor has installed the equipment, debugged it and checked its performance. Confirmation of the correct functioning of the equipment becomes the basis for drawing up the report.

For the parties to the contract, the act becomes the basis further actions– the contractor can demand payment, the customer pays a pre-agreed amount.

The receipt and transfer of funds in the accounting records of the parties is also reflected on the basis of the PNR act. The purpose of the commissioning act may vary slightly.

So an act can be drawn up for carrying out commissioning works. In this case, the document displays which steps must be carried out by the contractor. Provided full list upcoming events.

Both the customer and the contractor can draw up the document. Signing the document means that all the listed work has been completed in full.

An act of completion of commissioning work may also be generated. The document is drawn up by the contractor based on the results of work already completed. The content of the documents is generally almost the same.

In any case, the final stage is the signing of the document by the customer. Conducting commissioning works may be provided for as part of the general agreement or subject to a separate agreement.

The act of conducting commissioning usually becomes an annex general agreement. The completion certificate often becomes an integral part of the commissioning agreement.

To conduct

The commissioning act describes in detail exactly what work must be performed. For example, the act of commissioning a heating system reflects a check of the tightness, operability and functionality of the system.

The actions of all stages are displayed in strict sequence. The performer cannot go to next stage work until the previous one is completed.

In general, the complex of commissioning works for the contractor is as follows:

Development by contractor Work program and project of the commissioning project
Receipt from the customer Approved technical and operational documentation manufacturers
Coordination of deadlines Execution of work
Installation of equipment
Conducting preliminary tests of equipment performance With voltage supply according to a time scheme
Electrical testing Using increased voltage


  1. Preparation of test reports.
  2. Testing the operating mode of the equipment.
  3. Putting equipment into operation.
  4. Transfer of test reports to the customer.
  5. Registration of commissioning work with an act of technical readiness for complex testing.
  6. Performing commissioning work using various modes.
  7. Setting the parameters provided for by the project.
  8. Signing the commissioning act.

Form 14 on completion of work

The completion of commissioning work can be documented in an act, the form of which was jointly developed by the parties. But in some cases a unified form may be used.

So in construction industry installation of equipment and its acceptance are often documented in an approved standard intersectoral form KS-14.

Its full name is “Act of acceptance of a completed construction facility by the acceptance committee.”

Before signing the act, aerodynamic tests and performance checks of the entire ventilation system are performed.

The act of putting ventilation into operation is drawn up as during installation new system, and during reconstruction or replacement.

By fire alarm

Commissioning technical means signaling is carried out by a commission appointed by order of the head of the customer organization.

At the same time, the commission includes representatives of the installation and commissioning organization, security department, and state fire supervision authorities.

If necessary, other specialists are also involved. Duration and sequence of work working commission determined by the customer, guided by and.

Upon acceptance fire alarm The installation and commissioning organization presents to the commission the performing and technical documentation, technical passports, certificates and other documents.

Certificates of completion of work, preliminary tests, etc. are also presented.

The working commission checks the compliance of the test object with all requirements and parameters, checks the engineering and technical condition of the object, and performs performance tests.

If there are no complaints, a commissioning report for the ventilation system is drawn up and signed.

After the certificate of completion of commissioning work is signed, the completion of work in the proper volume and proper quality is recognized.

The equipment is ready for use. The Contractor acquires the right to issue an invoice to the customer for payment.

Completion of installation of any technical unit ends with commissioning work. A sample act can be downloaded for free from the link.

The completion of installation of any technical equipment ends with commissioning work. The completion procedure is inseparably linked to production, delivery, installation and all related stages. The most important feature completion is the compliance of the commissioning work performed with diagrams, drawings, and instructions. The commission for commissioning works draws up a report. This document serves the most important source information and control of the launch. A sample act can be downloaded for free from the link.

The presence of this paper is extremely mandatory for the participants in the transaction. Possible legal disputes regarding the subject will be much easier to resolve if this document drawn up and signed. The moment of transfer of the burden of maintenance, responsibility for property, calculations are recorded transfer sheet, and have legally important. Bilateral signing of the sheet is the basis for making payment under the main agreement. At the end of the equipment check, you may have any comments or suggestions.

Mandatory clauses of the act of completion of commissioning work

  • Title, date, place of conclusion of the transaction;
  • Participant details;
  • Designation of the data of the main written act;
  • List of actions carried out;
  • Cost, terms;
  • Recording individual moments;
  • Individual opinions of commission members;
  • Signatures, transcript.
The participants' endorsement of the paper confirming the completion of commissioning works indicates full execution obligations under the main contract. It is very important for the contractor to have such a sheet for each contract in order to eliminate as much as possible litigation in relation to yourself. It is possible that the moment of filling out the papers and the end of commissioning work do not coincide. Compliance with the deadlines specified in the agreement and the period of time provided for the transfer and acceptance of services is extremely necessary in civil legal relations. Failure to comply with the rules creates activity for legal practitioners.

Acceptance of ventilation is carried out after complete completion of installation work. The list of requirements for ventilation systems to be put into operation is quite large. Therefore, in practice, in the process of filling out the ventilation acceptance certificate, attention is paid only to basic characteristics. However, responsible attitude towards start-up tests guarantees uninterrupted operation equipment in the future.

Ventilation acceptance

Acceptance and commissioning of ventilation systems is carried out in two stages:

  • testing each ventilation unit separately;
  • registration of the certificate of commissioning of the ventilation system.

The work is carried out collectively, the ventilation system acceptance certificate is signed by a commission consisting of representatives of the contractor and installer.

If ventilation is commissioned manufacturing enterprise or workshop, the commission should include: the head of the workshop, chief mechanical engineer or energy and safety specialist. If the project is very large, a specialist from the SES and a technical inspector are also invited.

All installation work are carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01-85 and the project. The act of commissioning the ventilation system is necessary not only for new facilities, but also in the case of reconstruction or replacement of equipment.

Before signing the acceptance certificate for the ventilation system, aerodynamic tests and checking its performance are carried out.

All components are checked for damage or defects before testing begins. A program is being drawn up according to which the work will be carried out.

Defined by:

  • compliance of equipment characteristics with project requirements;
  • whether SNiPs and specifications were taken into account during installation;
  • compliance of equipment indicators with those declared by the manufacturer;
  • presence of leaks in air ducts;
  • uniform heating of heating elements;
  • compliance of the air flow system as stated in the project.

Approved for aerodynamic testing ventilation unit must be provided with the following documents:

  • a project consisting of drawings with changes made(if any), as well as an explanatory note;
  • protocol for approving the project with the SES and fire department;
  • user instructions with mandatory clarification of the operating modes and technical readiness of the ventilation system;
  • acts for hidden work (ventilation ducts in ceilings, under floors, etc.).

The commission examines the correctness of documentation and compliance of equipment during an external inspection.

Successfully completed aerodynamic tests are the basis for signing an acceptance certificate for the supply and exhaust ventilation system. An important point is the choice of measurement points, which is carried out taking into account the cross-sectional diameters of the ventilation ducts and the distance from the turns and fans.

Devices required for acceptance of the supply and exhaust ventilation system and signing of the certificate:

  • combined pressure receiver;
  • full pressure receiver;
  • differential pressure gauges;
  • anemometers;
  • barometers;
  • mercury thermometers;
  • psychometers.

The accuracy of all instruments is regulated by the test instructions. All measurement results are processed mathematically. the main objective calculations - this is the determination of pressure losses along the network. The certificate of commissioning of the ventilation system is accompanied by a test report and a passport for the equipment.

If small flaws are detected, the commission makes recommendations on how to eliminate them and sets deadlines. Sometimes the certificate of technical readiness of the ventilation system gives permission for temporary operation for certain period, for which it is necessary to debug the work.

In some cases, the tests are carried out poorly; the acceptance certificate for the supply and exhaust ventilation system is signed if there are defects. After some time, the customer will have to contact independent laboratories to carry out repeated tests, pay for them and, at his own expense, redo the ventilation system. Therefore, the signing of the acceptance certificate should be taken responsibly.

Commissioning of ventilation equipment

Commissioning– this is a comprehensive testing of ventilation systems, determining the correspondence of the design values ​​to the actual ones. After it is completed, a commissioning report for ventilation and a technical registration certificate for project costs are filled out. In addition, a separate passport of the established form is issued for each ventilation installation.

The commissioning report for ventilation is drawn up upon completion of all construction and finishing works, installation and debugging of electrical supply, as well as individual testing of ventilation equipment with filling out the relevant reports. Before commissioning work on ventilation, aerodynamic tests for tightness are carried out, a commissioning report is drawn up hidden work in the ventilation system in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85, Appendix 6. The equipment is run-in at idle speed.

Running in ventilation at idle

Idle or run-in tests reveal errors in the operation of the equipment. Based on the results obtained from running in the ventilation system, a report is filled out, and the mechanisms are debugged. Tested at idle ventilation systems containing valves, actuators, dampers. The duration of the tests and their conditions are indicated in the passport and specifications in the factory instructions. Break-in requirements are specified in the manufacturer's instructions.

Upon completion, a running-in report for the ventilation system is drawn up.

Acceptance of natural ventilation

During the acceptance of natural ventilation systems and the signing of the act, the commission inspects all structures that carry out air exchange:

  • ventilation ducts;
  • unblown lanterns;
  • wind shields;
  • deflectors;
  • vents and opening windows, opening and closing capabilities.

The area of ​​the vents, their height above the floor level, and the presence of special platforms for opening are checked. The possibility of submitting fresh air in winter.

Tests followed by the signing of an acceptance certificate for natural ventilation are carried out upon completion of construction of the building.

The following indicators are determined:

  • distribution of air masses across different sections of ventilation ducts;
  • the speed of air movement through the air ducts.

Based on the research results, a certificate of commissioning of the ventilation system is drawn up. About the work of natural ventilation in residential buildings narrates the video.

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