How to fill out a workwear issuance card. Personal record card for the issuance of personal protective equipment Record sheet for the issuance of personal protective equipment

Enterprises must certainly conduct strict accounting and control over issuance workers wearing protective clothing and the required personal protective equipment (PPE).

An important responsibility of the employer is to organize this process. Employees must be provided with all necessary PPE in the prescribed volume and within the specified time frame.

Personal registration card for the issuance of personal protective equipment is a tool for recording the amount of these funds issued to a specific employee (we are talking specifically about personal protective equipment).

The role of protective equipment

Enterprises need to ensure strict control over the timing of the use of protective equipment (by day), and especially over compliance with the normative terms of wearing.

The frequency of issuance of protective equipment is established depending on production features And requirements for protecting employees from harmful influences. The concept of PPE means:

  • workwear;
  • safety shoes;
  • hats;
  • gloves or mittens;
  • earplugs;
  • respirators;
  • gas masks;
  • face shields;
  • safety belts, etc.

Purpose of a personal card for recording the issuance of personal protective equipment

Correct accounting and control is carried out by maintaining a personal card for issuing personal protective equipment, a sample of which is given in the accounting documentation. The form of the document is approved by law. Such a card is opened for each employee at:

  • his employment;
  • transfer to another workplace in the same enterprise;
  • changes in his working conditions (previously, the use of PPE was not required, but with new ones, similar means are used).

The personal card is filled out when an employee takes up a position that requires the issuance of PPE. When an employee changes a structural unit or the list of personal protective equipment, the corresponding marks must be entered on the card.

The document indicates all types of protective equipment (working clothing, safety shoes, etc.) issued to the employee. The reasons for writing off these items are also recorded (natural depreciation, force majeure, return to warehouse).

PPE issuance registration card must contain the signature of the manager structural unit and be with the storekeeper in alphabetical order, in separate cells allocated for a separate department.

In a modern enterprise, the health and safety of workers depends on the condition and timely issuance (replacement) of protective equipment.

The registration card for the issuance of personal protective equipment is reporting form, which displays complete information about the employee and the protective equipment issued to him. Using this document makes it possible to control the amount of PPE and the timing of their wearing.

It is especially important to organize correct accounting and control in hazardous and hazardous industries, where the lives of employees may depend on the serviceability of protective equipment, as well as compliance with application deadlines.

Sample card for issuing personal protective equipment demonstrates all the fields required to be filled out.

Correct form design

The following information about a specific employee is entered into the personal card:

  • Personnel Number;
  • name of the structural unit;
  • height;
  • dimensions;
  • job title:
  • date of employment;
  • date of change of position (if the department or the list of protective equipment used changes).

This standard form indicates exclusively personal protective equipment. Herself the form is approved by law, a sample of filling out a PPE card can be found on the Internet, accounting documents, or created yourself. Also recorded here:

  • terms of use of PPE (according to established standards);
  • shelf life (in percent) at the time of issue.

The accountant needs to carefully monitor deadlines (day by day). Especially for compliance with the normative terms of wearing.

Types of cards

Exist two types of cards, which differ in the presence (or absence) of a column about the cost of PPE. The company always decides which version of cards to fill out. When managers do not want to talk about the cost of protective equipment, then accounting is kept using cards without a price.

But cost is widely used in accounting and tax accounting. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a card option with a column where the price is indicated. A sample of filling out a personal PPE card can be found in the accounting documentation.

Previously personal issue card and change card(on the back) were one document. Today two different documents are being maintained. The storekeeper and the accountant responsible for accounting for protective equipment need to know this. In addition to the card, the enterprise maintains a record of the issuance and return of personal protective equipment.

To simplify document flow and accounting, it is recommended card option with value. The choice of form must be fixed by order of the enterprise. To ensure that there are no complaints about filling out during inspections, it is necessary to completely indicate industry standards.

Healthy! We advise you to read about.

The standard standards for providing workwear at an enterprise are described in the article.

What are the standards for issuing PPE by profession? See.

Greetings, dear friends! I suggest you watch a video about the Far Eastern Fashion Festival, where they showed the so-called modern workwear. The show is presented in the context of a beautiful assessment of your business. Collection of workwear - generator replacement, etc. jokes.

Watch the video

In addition, I made a note on the basic concepts PPE+ I suggest downloading examples and samples of personal cards and PPE sheets. So to speak, the practical material of this note.

Categories of protective equipment

Depending on the nature of their use, protective equipment for workers is divided into two categories:

  1. Collective protective equipment (CPM);
  2. Personal protective equipment (PPE).

What are collective protective equipment

Collective protective equipment (CPM)– these are means that are functionally or structurally associated with equipment, as well as the production process.

Collective protection means (CPS) include various types of fences, for example:

  • screens;
  • shields;
  • doors;
  • barriers;
  • casings;
  • visors, etc.

SPS also includes braking devices, safety-locking devices and signaling devices.

Braking devices are:

  • workers;
  • parking;
  • extreme braking.

Safety interlocking devices:

  • mechanical;
  • electrical;
  • electronic;
  • hydraulic;
  • pneumatic.

Signaling devices:

  • light;
  • sound.

What is personal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment (PPE)- these are the means that an employee uses to prevent or minimize exposure to harmful and/or dangerous production factors. Also, PPE is used to protect against various types of pollution.

Depending on the purpose, personal protective equipment (PPE) is divided into the following classes:

  • eye and face protection (goggles, masks, etc.);
  • respiratory protection equipment (petals, respirators, etc.);
  • dermatological protective products (creams, ointments, etc.);
  • fall protection equipment (belts, slings, ropes, etc.);
  • head protection (helmets, caps, etc.);
  • hearing protection (earplugs, headphones, etc.);
  • special protective clothing (insulating suits, etc.);
  • hand protection (gloves, caps, etc.);
  • foot protection (boots, boots, etc.).

Procedure and standards for issuing personal protective equipment (PPE)

Working clothes, special footwear and safety equipment are issued free of charge to workers and employees only in those professions for which the issuance is provided for by standard industry standards for the free issuance of PPE.

It is important that workers and employees actually use PPE, and do not use faulty, unrepaired or contaminated ones.

The warm work clothes and safety footwear required by the standards must be issued to workers and employees upon the onset of the cold season, and with the onset of warm weather, they must be handed over for organized storage until the next season.

Washing, disinfection, and repair of workwear and safety equipment are carried out within the time limits agreed upon with the authorized personnel of the team.

The main regulatory legal act regulating the procedure for providing workers with PPE is the Intersectoral Rules for Providing Workers with Special Clothing, Special Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 1, 2009 No. 290n.

Rules for the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)

Workers and employees are obliged:

  • treats with care the protective clothing, safety shoes and safety devices issued to them;
  • use PPE at work;
  • notify the employer or person in charge of the need for washing, repairs, and drying.

Personal PPE card (form and example of filling)

Registration of records of the issuance of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment to workers and employees and their handing over of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment is accompanied by an entry in the personal card for the issuance of PPE.

Note. On the front side, special clothing, safety shoes, etc. are indicated. which is provided for by the Standard Industry Standards for the issuance of PPE. The reverse side of the personal PPE card is filled out upon issue.

Record sheet for the issuance of personal protective equipment (form and example of completion)

To record the issuance of special clothing, safety shoes and safety equipment to employees for individual use, a special statement is used. Filled out in duplicate, for example, by the storekeeper of a structural unit. One copy is transferred to the accounting department, the second remains with the storekeeper.

Standard standards for the free issuance of personal protective equipment

When issuing PPE to employees, the employer must be guided by standard standards corresponding to its type of activity, i.e. industry-specific.

In the absence of professions and positions in the relevant standard standards, the employer issues to employees PPE provided for by the standard standards for workers of cross-cutting professions and positions in all sectors of the economy, and in the absence of professions and positions in these standard standards - by the standard standards for workers whose professions (positions) are typical for work performed.

It is not possible to list all the standard standards here at the moment, so I will give a link to the most popular standard standards, the so-called “end-to-end” - Standard standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to employees of cross-cutting professions and positions of all types of economic activities engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 9, 2014 No. 997n.

That's all.

To be continued...

Enterprise records management documents → Personal record card for the issuance of personal protective equipment. (Form MB-6)

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  • A personal record card for the issuance of PPE is necessary to record the issuance of personal protective equipment to employees of the enterprise; this is an obligatory part of organizing work to ensure occupational safety. In this article we will tell you how to properly prepare and maintain this document. A form and sample card are also available for download here.

    From this article you will learn:

    Personal registration card for the issuance of personal protective equipment – ​​form 2019

    A personal card for issuing personal protective equipment is a document confirming the employer’s compliance with its obligations. With the help of personal cards, their use is recorded and their operation is monitored.

    This is necessary both in the interests of the employer, who must, in accordance with Art. 212. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides personnel with serviceable and certified protective equipment, and in the interests of workers whose health depends on their availability and proper use. The cards indicate the quantity, types and expiration date.

    Find the sample labor protection document you need in the Occupational Safety and Health Help System. Our experts have already prepared 2506 templates!

    Personal protective equipment includes devices (and shoes) that protect against various harmful factors - toxic and chemical substances, radiation, dust, temperatures. Of course, they all have different expiration dates, certifications and conditions of use. This condition is determined by industry and interindustry standards.

    An enterprise cannot determine the quantity of PPE issued at its own discretion; it must comply with the standards established by law. You can only increase their quantity or reduce their shelf life if this does not worsen the working conditions of workers.

    Personal PPE issuance card – form

    The personal card refers to reporting documents and is filled out in a strict form. It contains information about the employee and data on the protective equipment issued. The current form of the document in 2019 was approved.

    The cards are the same for all professions; only the personal protective equipment itself and the data on it will differ. In order for them to have legal force, they must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules, and each delivery and delivery must be strictly recorded in the prescribed form. The cards are double sided and each side has a different purpose.

    The front side contains information about the employee:

    • Position, full name, structural unit, personnel number. It is best to indicate the position according to the all-Russian classifier of positions of workers and employees OK 016-94.
    • Gender, height and dimensions (). Most often they are recorded from the employee’s words, but sometimes it is necessary to make measurements.

    Also on this side there is a list of PPE required for a specific employee in accordance with the standards and a reference to the standard. The front side of the card is certified by the signature of the head (organization, structural unit), in some cases - the chief accountant.

    The reverse side is intended to record the movement of PPE between the employee and the person responsible for storage.

    It is necessary to indicate:

    • accurate name,
    • degree of wear (required when issuing and returning!).

    If personal protective equipment is returned unfit for use, a report must be drawn up about this. The reverse side of the card is certified upon issuance and return by the signature of the employee and the responsible person.

    Do not miss!

    The employer issues on-duty PPE only for the duration of the work. However, duty PPE cannot be issued if the employee combines professions or constantly performs combined jobs. The magazine's experts have prepared a cheat sheet for you:

    How to correctly fill out a personal issue card

    The Labor Code clearly states (in and) that the employer is obliged to inform employees about what protective equipment they are entitled to, monitor their condition and availability. A personal card allows both parties to effectively control this.

    The cost of personal protective equipment is entered into the personal card only at the initiative of the employer. In addition to personal personalized cards, an enterprise may have a “duty” card for.

    Who should lead

    Contrary to popular belief, maintaining a file cabinet is not the responsibility of a labor protection specialist. It confirms . The cards are filled out by persons financially responsible for PPE.

    Paper cards are usually kept by an employee whose job responsibilities include issuing protective equipment, or by a storekeeper. They must be sorted alphabetically for ease of use and stored in special cells, separate for each department.

    Each card is created in a single copy and can be maintained both in paper and electronic form, this is permitted (13 paragraphs of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 1, 2009 No. 290n). The form of the electronic card is also regulated; it cannot be kept in free form.

    The question often arises whether it is possible if the card index is kept digitally. Currently the law does not allow this. In this case, the necessary signatures are placed on those accounting documents that are related to these personal protective equipment, and the numbers and dates of the accounting documents are entered on the cards themselves. This helps to comply with the rule of mandatory personal signature of the employee on receipt.

    Storage period for a personal PPE issuance record card

    According to the order of the Ministry of Culture dated August 25, 2010 No. 558 (clause 639), the employer is obliged to store standard archival documents related to the management of the organization for 12 months.

    The organization of the production process is inextricably linked with the procedure for ensuring occupational safety. One of the measures taken by the employer in this area is the provision of personal protective equipment. His responsibilities include maintaining the employee’s personal card, which allows him to keep strict records of personal equipment and exercise control over their use.

    Basic moments

    Upon employment, primary accounting documentation is drawn up so that the employee receives the guarantees provided for by labor law. As for the employer, timely and correct documentation allows one to avoid administrative liability. The norm applies to all cases related to the creation of normal working conditions.

    What it is

    The wording “personal PPE card” means one of the types of primary accounting document. It certifies that the employer complies with his functional duties. It contains information about the issuance by the employer of special work clothing that allows protecting the employee from the effects of production factors.

    These include in accordance with GOST 12.4.011-89:

    Indicators Description
    Isolating agents
    Protective clothing such as overalls, jacket, sheepskin coat, robe, apron, mittens
    Special shoes the number that includes boots, boots, over the knee boots, galoshes
    Respiratory protection devices respirators, gas masks, pneumatic masks
    Eye protection devices glasses
    Face safety devices
    Drop protection accessories cables, belts, knee pads
    Dermatological and reparative substances guaranteeing skin protection
    Comprehensive protection means

    In addition to the above document, the employer keeps personal protective equipment logs, which must contain the name of the special clothing received by the enterprise, its name and quantity. The journal contains information about its release from the warehouse where the legal entity’s material assets are stored.

    Personal protective equipment must be certified and in good condition. As a rule, they are issued after signing an employment contract after completing induction training.

    As a rule, the employee receives them at the enterprise’s material assets warehouse. If it is not provided, it is issued by the management of the structural unit.

    Who does it apply to?

    The employer is responsible for providing PPE to employees. His functional responsibilities include maintaining documents related to filling out, storing and issuing.

    In accordance with the instructions of Article 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, he must provide workers with uniforms free of charge if:

    1. They perform labor duties in an enterprise with harmful and health-hazardous conditions.
    2. Work that generates pollution is expected to be performed.
    3. The work is performed in conditions that negatively affect the human body.

    If the employer has not created the appropriate conditions and has not provided the employee with the funds due to him, then he is released from financial liability. This rule is enshrined in Article 239 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    To be filled in by

    In accordance with the regulations of legal acts, a certain part of the personal card is filled out by the head of the structural unit. And the other part is filled out by the warehouse manager. He enters into the document information that the employee has received the required IZ funds and submits it to the enterprise’s accounting department.

    Features of the form

    The legislator introduced standards for the issuance of personal protective equipment for all sectors of production activity, which the employer must comply with. Legal acts contain a list of funds required for a specific production and the timing of their issuance. The employer has the right to establish its own standards, which should not contradict those established at the federal level.

    Prerequisites and requirements

    Any employer, when hiring someone, undertakes to create the necessary working conditions for him. He, in turn, assumes the obligation to perform functional and labor duties in a timely and quality manner. Their agreement is secured by an employment contract, which can be terminated if one of the parties fails to fulfill its terms.

    It certifies the emergence, modification and termination of the labor relationship arising between the employer and the employee. If they require the work to be performed in an appropriate uniform, then it must be issued to the employee without any reservations.

    In addition, the uniform must be changed promptly by the employer within the time limits established by the regulations. They are determined by specific conditions and production technology. For example, an electrician is issued PPE for one year, and a steel worker is issued every six months.

    If the employee refuses to receive it, the refusal must be documented. In addition, he is not allowed to perform work duties.

    Document structure

    The form for the personal PPE registration card is unified by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 139. In accordance with its instructions, the form to be filled out is placed on both sides of the document.

    They must be filled out. An employer can develop his own personal record card for issuing PPE.

    The person hired gets acquainted with the contents of the personal card, after which he puts his signature. It is signed by the responsible employee of the personnel department, the head of the structural unit where the employee will work, and the material responsible of the accounting department.

    Filling example

    On the front side of the personal PPE card the following is indicated:

    • employee personal data;
    • Personnel Number;
    • profession;
    • employment date;
    • the basis for issuing PPE, its name;
    • the required set of things according to the worker’s profession - overalls and shoes, their sizes;

    The reverse side records the date when the IZ funds were issued, the period of their use and the date of return. If they are required not constantly, but periodically, then in the column intended for entering personal data, a note is made - “on duty”.

    Video: filling rules

    Important design details

    The form for recording the issuance of personal protective equipment was introduced by the instructions of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 290n. The employer is not allowed to use the old sample MB-6 personal card form. Its use is regarded as a gross violation of accounting document flow and entails the imposition of penalties.

    The employer must issue an order to approve the personal PPE card form. It must be filled out in full accordance with the standards of legal acts regulating the issue.

    If he does not comply with the procedure for maintaining records of primary accounting documentation, he will be brought to administrative liability for failure to provide workers with personal protective equipment.

    In accordance with Part 4 of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a fine is imposed on:

    The fact that the employer has issued PPE to employees is confirmed by an entry made in the personal card.
    Each enterprise carries out an inventory of material resources and property entrusted to the team to perform production tasks. It is conducted by a special commission, which includes a material accountant and officials responsible for the employer’s property.

    Based on the results of the procedure, a written report is drawn up on the measures taken by the commission and on the execution of the instructions assigned to it. It can be drawn up in the form of an act of shortage of property, a defective statement of product damage, an establishment of a defect, or another type of official paper. It describes the movement of material resources and their remains.

    The report is signed:

    1. The management of the structural unit where the inventory was carried out.
    2. Representative of the working class.
    3. Members of the commission.

    The legislative framework

    Issues regarding the provision of personal protective equipment are regulated by a number of legislative and by-laws.

    These include:

    Indicators Description
    Labor Code of the Russian Federation Articles 209, 212, 221
    Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation “On the forms of documents used in financial and economic activities.” The act was issued on March 28, 2008 under number 139
    Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation “On approval of intersectoral rules for providing workers with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment.” The act was issued on June 1, 2009 under number 290n
    Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation the act was put into execution on December 30, 2001 under number 195-FZ

    In conclusion, it should be noted that the interested person can download the personal registration card form for issuing the SIZ form for free in Word on the Internet. It is posted on many sites devoted to employment problems, including issues of registration of primary accounting documentation. A personal card for the issuance of PPE must be issued by all employers without exception.

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