How to fill out the organizational archive passport. Instructions for filling out a passport for a state museum or library (regarding documents from the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation)

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1 ARCHIVE DEPARTMENT OF THE KEMEROVSK REGION State institution of the Kemerovo region “State Archive of the Kemerovo Region” The procedure for filling out passports of archives of organizations (Memo) Compiled by: Orlova S.V. Parshukova A.S. Kemerovo 2010

2 1.Introduction The most important component of the formation of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as AF RF) is timely, high-quality accounting of the number of documents stored in the organization at the source of acquisition. 1.2.Accounting for documents in an organization is the determination and recording of their composition and quantity in established accounting units and the recording (registration) of each accounting unit belonging to a specific complex. 1.3.The archive passport is the main document for centralized accounting in the departmental archive. 1.4. Purpose of the memo: to determine the procedure for filling out the passport, revealing the features of including information about the conditions for storing documents, the number of storage units, and the organization’s staffing levels. The memo does not aim to consider the organizational features of the work of the acquisition department of the State Institution of the Kemerovo Region “State Archive of the Kemerovo Region” (hereinafter GUKO “GAKO”) in preparation for the certification of departmental archives and processing of received information. 1.5. The memo was compiled in accordance with the Federal Law “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation” from the Federal Law; “Regulations for state registration of documents of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation” (1997); Basic rules for the work of archives of organizations (2002); Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part 1), as well as taking into account the experience of the GUKO “GAKO” with organizations that are the sources of recruitment. 1.6. The leaflet is intended for employees of archives of organizations and other persons responsible for recording, storing and using documents generated in the activities of the organization

3 3 2. General provisions 2.1. According to the “Regulations for state accounting of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), approved by order of the State Archival Service of Russia dated March 11, 1997 11 “On approval of the Regulations for state accounting of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation” organizations, sources of acquisition of state, district and city archives, annually by December 30 of the reporting year, compile and submit to the appropriate archives passports of the organizations' archives as of December 1 of the reporting year, depending on the composition of documents generated in the process of the activities of these organizations. 2.2. There are three types of passport of the organization’s archive (forms - 4, 4a, 4b): 1. passport of the archive of the organization storing management documentation; 2. passport of the archive of the organization storing film, photo, and sound documentation; 3. passport of the archive of the organization storing scientific and technical documentation. 2.3. Depending on what documents are stored in the organization’s archive, one of the passports or all three types of passports is filled out. In the case of concluding a cooperation agreement with the GUKO “GAKO”, organizations and enterprises with non-state ownership draw up two separate passports: - for management documents , related to the state part of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation, created before the date of change in the form of ownership, but located in temporary storage in a non-governmental organization; first passport;

4 - for AF documents related to private property (to the non-state part of the RF AF), which are the property of the organization, created from the date of change in the form of ownership of the organization or the creation of a private legal entity, a second passport. The date of division of the documentary complex into state and non-state parts is the date of corporatization, creation of an enterprise, change of ownership. If the organization has already transferred all its documents of permanent storage and personnel related to the state form of ownership to the GUKO "GAKO", then it draws up one passport for documents related to private property and which are the property of the organization. A passport of the organization's archive is compiled every year, filled out in two copies: one copy of the passport remains with the organization until its liquidation (reorganization in the form of a merger), the second is sent to the GUKO "GAKO" Passport forms are filled out on based on information from inventories and case lists. Before including this information in the passport, you should check the correctness of the compilation of these accounting documents. The passports provide information about the volume of all permanent management documents stored in the organization and documents on personnel, concentrated both in the premises of the departmental archive and located in the structural divisions of the institution formed during the activities of the organization, as well as subordinate organizations, if documents are received for storage by the parent organization. Information on the number of undescribed cases, incl. located in structural divisions, are counted according to the nomenclatures of cases, or are given according to the actual availability based on the count. 4

5 2.7. If, with each replenishment of the fund or reorganization, change in the structure of the organization, the historical information to the archival fund of the organization was not supplemented, then an explanatory note is attached to the passports, which provides information about changes in the name, subordination, organizational legal status or form of ownership organization, data on the previous transfer of documents to state storage (the name of the state archive to which the documents were transferred, as well as the types, volumes and deadlines of the transferred documents, the availability of scientific reference apparatus for them) The passport is signed by the head of the organization, the signature is certified by a seal, the surname and telephone number are indicated performer. In case of irretrievable loss of permanent and long-term storage documents, a certificate is submitted along with the passport with a detailed indication of the reasons and circumstances of their loss signed by the head of the institution, organization, enterprise. Procedure for filling out passports 3.1. Passport of the archive of the organization storing management documentation (Form 4 according to the Regulations, see Appendix 1) Filling out the address part of the passport In the address part of the passport form, located in the upper left corner, in the line “To whom it is presented”, the postal code and address of the GUKO “GAKO” are indicated. Example: State institution of the Kemerovo region “State Archive of the Kemerovo Region” Ave. Lenina, 3 a, Kemerovo, Kemerovo region,

6 In the line of the address part “Represented by”, the reporting organization indicates its legal form, its full and abbreviated name (as they are recorded in the constituent documents), address with postal code, form of ownership (as it is listed in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, indicating the classification code). The naming of organizational and legal forms of legal entities must be carried out in strict accordance with Art. 50, 66, 97, 107, 113, 120,121 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In addition to the official address of the organization, the address of the archive (specialized premises where documents are stored) of this organization is also indicated, if it is located on another territory, in another building. Examples: 1) Kuzbass branch is a structural subdivision of the West Siberian Railway, a branch of JSC Russian Railways. Legal address: Pionersky Boulevard, 1a, Kemerovo, archive st. Sarygina, 22, Kemerovo, Kemerovo region, Federal property (according to OKFS code-12) 2) State Autonomous Institution of Culture (GAUK) of the Kemerovo Region “Kemerovo State Regional Philharmonic named after B.T. Shtokolov", Sovetsky Ave., 68, Kemerovo, Kemerovo region, Property of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (according to OKFS code-13) 3) Limited Liability Company "Razrez Kiselevsky", st. Gorkog, 1, Kiselevsk, Kemerovo region. Private property of the Russian Federation (according to OKFS code-16) Filling out section 1 of the passport “General information”

7 Line 101, column 1 indicates the number of funds * stored in the organization’s archive. Basically, this is one fund of a given institution, but there may be more than 1 fund; if documents of only this organization are stored, then the number 1 is indicated. If documents of predecessor organizations, subordinate organizations are stored in the archive of the organization, then the total number of funds of organizations stored in archive. 7 Example: In 2007, the Department of Science and Professional Education of the Kemerovo Region, the Department of Education of the Kemerovo Region, the Committee for the Protection of Family and Childhood of the Kemerovo Region were liquidated, and the Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region was created. Despite the fact that the new department is considered the legal successor of the liquidated authorities, it creates its own fund. The fund of the Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region begins from the moment the first administrative document on its creation appears, then the fund is replenished with documents on its registration as a legal entity and registration with the registration authorities. Each liquidated government body formed its own independent fund, which is closed at the time the legal entity is removed from tax registration; the last document is a certificate of termination of the organization’s activities. Thus, line 101, column 1 shows 4 funds. * The organization's fund is the entire set of documents generated in the activities of the organization from the moment of its creation to liquidation, deregistration with the registration authorities. If an organization has undergone reorganizations, renaming, or changes in subordination, then its fund is considered unified. As a rule, the date of creation of the organization is recorded in the constituent documents - regulations, charter. Certificates of registration and liquidation of a legal entity, deregistration from taxation are the final documents of the entire fund of the organization

8 Line 101, column 2 indicates the area of ​​the archive storage in square meters, that is, the area of ​​a separate room allocated for the archive. If there are several rooms, the area of ​​each room is indicated on Line 101, in column 3 the document load of the archive storage (isolated room) is indicated as a percentage. If there are several rooms, the workload of each room is indicated. The workload of the existing archive storage is calculated by dividing the number of files in storage by the number of cases that the room can accommodate (design capacity) and multiplying by 100. (total number of storage units: design capacity) x 100% = workload. The design capacity indicator is calculated in two stages. 1) It is necessary to calculate the average number of storage units located on one linear meter of archival shelves. This indicator depends on the parameters of the racking equipment (shelf height, rack length). Example: A storage unit is stored in an archive, and the length of the archival shelves already occupied by documents is 150 linear meters. Number of storage units divided by the number of linear meters. 9600:150 =64 units. hr. Therefore, at 1 l.m. There are 64 storage units on the shelves. 2) To calculate the capacity indicator, the number of storage units located on 1 linear meter is multiplied by the total length of archival shelves (including free ones) Example: The total length of the shelves is 170 linear meters. 64 x 170 = 10880 units. hr. (capacity indicator) To calculate the percentage of archive storage capacity, the number of storage units is divided by the capacity indicator and multiplied by 100 8

9 (9600: 10880) x 100 = 88.2% (percentage of archive storage load) Filling out section 2 of the passport “Information about documents” The number of storage units in the corresponding columns of the section is indicated after counting them individually, including on the basis of accounting documents. The total number of storage units is calculated. according to the inventories, if the cases were not included in the inventory, then according to the nomenclature of the cases, or according to the actual availability based on the calculation of Lines 201,202, in column 1 the total number of described and undescribed cases stored in the archive of the organization is indicated. This does not include cases of the last three years, including the current year (i.e., the year preceding two years of the current year), since documents are received in the organization’s archive two years after their completion in office work. Line 201, along with management documentation, includes documents on personnel transferred by the decision of the EPC for permanent storage (if any). Example: in a passport drawn up as of December 1, 2010, information is shown up to 2007 inclusive. Since the reporting year is incomplete, it is therefore not taken into account. Documents for years are not shown, because... two years after the completion of office work is given for their ordering and description Line 201, column 2 indicates the starting deadline date of the earliest permanent file stored in the organization, included in column 1. Example: The Civil Registry Office of the Kemerovo Region stores documents of permanent storage, civil status acts subject to transfer to state storage after one hundred years of departmental storage. Currently, the organization stores acts for 1926. This will be the earliest date of documents stored in the organization. 9

10 Line 202, column 2 indicates the starting deadline date of the earliest personnel file stored in the organization, included in column Line 201, column 3 indicates the end date of permanent storage files stored in the archives of the organization, included in column 1 The end date should not be later than the year preceding two years of the current year (see p) Example: In the passport as of December 1, 2010, column 3 indicates the year 2007, as of December 1, 2011, 2008, etc. Line 202, column 3 indicates the end date of personnel files stored in the organization’s archives, included in column 1. The end date should not be later than the year preceding two years of the current year (see p) Lines 201,202 in columns 4, 5, 6 are filled out if the reporting organization has carried out a selection of management documentation and personnel. Column 4 indicates the total total number of cases included in the inventories approved by the EPC of the archive department of the Kemerovo region and stored in the organization. Column 5 indicates the starting date of the cases included in column 4, column 6 indicates the end date of the cases included in the column. Example: Documents for 1998 were submitted to the state archive, the following cases from 1999 are stored in the organization, which means the year 1999 is entered in the column 5. The end date is determined from the inventories upon approval. In the passport for 2010, this date should not be later than 2007 (column 6), the number of cases is also looked at in the annual sections of the inventory, focusing on the start and end date (column 4) Line 201, in column 7 - The number of cases of permanent storage is indicated, in departmental storage in excess of

11 of the departmental storage period established by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Archiving in the Russian Federation” from the Federal Law. The storage period for: - documents of federal bodies and organizations with a federal form of ownership is 15 years, - documents of state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organizations with the form of ownership of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, 10 years. - for certain types of archival documents and civil status records included in the established order in the AF of the Russian Federation for 100 years. - documents of private ownership are determined in accordance with the cooperation agreement, which specifies the owner’s responsibilities for storing documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation. During the liquidation of government agencies, documents included in the AF of the Russian Federation, documents on personnel, as well as archival documents, temporary storage periods that have not expired, in an orderly state, are deposited in the GUKO "GAKO" If an organization with a private form of ownership stores documents of the state organization of the predecessor, then documents classified as state property should be considered as documents stored beyond their expiration date. Example: If an organization of federal ownership draws up a passport as of December 1, 2010, then documents drawn up before 1995 are stored in the organization beyond the established period. If an organization that has the form of ownership of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation draws up a passport as of December 1, 2010, then documents drawn up before 2000 are stored in the organization beyond the established period. eleven

12 Lines 201, 202, column 8 - indicates the total number of permanent storage and personnel files generated within one year in the records management of the reporting organization, institution, enterprise. Information on the number of cases generated per year is taken from the final record and column 3 “Number of storage units” of the organization’s file nomenclature Filling out section 3 of the passport “Personnel” The line indicates the presence of a full-time archivist, or a specialist hired as a clerk responsible for maintaining the organization’s archive , and not the number of full-time employees of the organization as a whole. If the organization does not have full-time archive workers, but there is a person responsible for storing, processing, organizing documents completed in the organization’s office work, then “no” is put in this column. Filling out the section “Conditions for storing documents” Indicators characterizing the premises in which they are stored are emphasized. archival documents. If the organization does not have a specialized archival repository, then the relevant information should reflect the characteristics of the places where documents are actually stored (working rooms, corridors, basements, etc.) Passport of the organization storing film, photo and sound documents (Form 4 “a” according to the Regulations, see Appendix 2). The passport of the organization storing film, photo, and sound documents is filled out similarly to the sections of the passport for management documentation, with the difference that information on these types of documents is given for the current year. For example: in a passport for a year, the end date in the lines of column 3 will be 2010.

13 When filling out this passport form, you should remember that the period of temporary storage of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation before their receipt by the State Accreditation Agency: cinema and photographic documents is 5 years; video and background documents 3 years Passport of the organization storing scientific and technical documentation (Form 4 “b” according to the Regulations, see Appendix 3) Filling out section 1 of the passport “Scientific and technical documentation. General information" Lines in column 1 indicate data on the full volume of scientific and technical documentation (NTD) stored in the organization and the years of its creation. The procedure for filling out column 1 depends on the accounting (registration) system for scientific and technical documentation adopted by the organization. With a flow (gross) registration system, when each graphic or text document is accounted for in the inventory book (magazine) under a separate serial number, in column 1, line by line, total information is given on the number of sheets of drawings or volumes of text documents (reports on topics, information reports, regulations, explanatory notes, technical descriptions) registered under an independent serial number indicating the accepted accounting unit (drawing sheet, volume). Examples of filling out column 1: 565 sheets or 78 volumes, or 448 sheets + 30 volumes. Incorrect options: 250 books or 250 text, or 250, 250 graphics, etc.

14 With an object-by-object (project-by-project, complete-by-set) system of registration of design, construction and technological documentation, in column 1 the total number of projects (design developments, technological processes) or sets of drawings that make up individual parts (sections) of the project (design development units, technological process elements) is indicated in rows , brand of part), registered in the inventory book under an independent serial number indicating the accepted accounting unit. 14 Examples of filling out column 1: 600 projects (developments) or 600 kits. If the organization has a mixed system of accounting for scientific and technical documentation, column 1 shows the total information for all existing accounting systems line by line. projects. Example of filling out column 1: 7200 sheets of sets Line 105, in column 1 - is filled out only if the organization has special types of scientific and technical documentation: patent, meteorological, geological Filling out section 2 “Scientific and technical documentation classified as part of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation” Filled out in that case , if the reporting organization has carried out a selection of documents to be transferred for permanent state storage, but at the time of submission of the passport these documents continue to be stored in the organization.

15 Lines, column 1 shows the number of design, technological, design developments carried out by the reporting organization and approved by the expert verification commission. If there are no approved lists, the mark “absent” is made, and a dash is placed in the lines in column 1. The explanatory note to the passport should indicate the number of volumes or sheets that are supposed to be transferred to the State Institution of the Kemerovo Region “State Archive of the Kemerovo Region” for permanent storage (select documents from the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation in the total volume of scientific and technical documentation). 15 For example: according to the documents of the State Enterprise KO "Design Institute of Housing and Civil Construction" Kemerovogorproekt", files on buildings and structures of historical, architectural or cultural significance are indicated. When assigning documents to the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation, one should be guided by the “Basic rules for working with scientific and technical documentation in organizations and enterprises” M., 2003, “List of scientific and technical documentation subject to acceptance into the state archives of Russia”, M., 1998 , List of standard archival documents generated in the scientific, technical and production activities of organizations, indicating storage periods,” M., 2007 Completing section 3 “Documents on computer storage media. Databases (DB)" Filled out if the organization has documents on computer media, drawn up in accordance with GOST "Documents on magnetic data media. Order of execution and access”, as well as functioning databases.

16 Completing Section 4 “Management Documentation” Provides information about executed documents with a permanent storage period. It is filled out in the same way as the passport of the archive of organizations that store management documentation (see paragraphs) Filling out section 5 “Personnel” Information on the number of full-time employees of the archives of scientific and technical (line 501) and management (line 502) documentation is indicated. It is filled out similarly to the passport of the archive of organizations storing management documentation (see p) Filling out the section “Conditions for storing documents” It is necessary to emphasize those indicators that characterize the room in which the documents of the reporting organization are stored, the equipment of this storage and the temperature and humidity conditions maintained in it. Filled out similarly to the passport of the archive of organizations storing management documentation (see p)

17 List of sources used in compiling the memo: Federal Law “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation” from Federal Law 2. Regulations for state registration of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation / approved by order of Rosarkhiv 11 of 3. Basic rules for the work of archives of organizations / approved by decision of the Board Rosarkhiv from the city 4. Methodological recommendations “On the methodology for carrying out certification of departmental archives of organizations-sources of formation” / Udmurt Republic, 2005 5. Recommendations for compiling “Information on the state of storage of documents in organizations-sources of acquisition of state, district, city archives for December 1, 2006" / Rosarkhiv, 2006 6. On the results of certification of departmental archives and the main errors when filling out Appendix 6 of the Regulations for state registration of documents of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation / Office of Archives of the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory. Information and methodological bulletin 22. from the message “Certification of departmental archives and departmental storage of documents in the Kaluga region” / Kaluga region, 2000. 8. message “Certification of municipal archives and their sources of acquisition” / chief specialist of the archival department of the Kemerovo region G.I. Kalmykova. AGREED Protocol of the EMC GUKO “State Archive of the Kemerovo Region” From AGREED Protocol of the EPC of the Archive Department of the Kemerovo Region From

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Instructions for filling out the organizational archive passport,

storing management documentation
1. Introduction

1.1. This leaflet has been developed in order to improve the state accounting of documents from the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents stored in the archives of organizations that are sources of acquisition of the state and municipal archives of the Republic of Karelia.

1.2. The memo was developed in accordance with the provisions of the federal law “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation” No. 125 - FZ dated October 22, 2004, “Regulations for state accounting of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the regulations), approved by order of the Federal Archival Service of Russia No. 11 dated March 11 1997, with the “Rules for organizing storage, acquisition, accounting and use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in state and municipal archives, museums and libraries, organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation No. 19 dated January 18, 2007.

1.2. The memo determines the procedure for filling out the archive passport of an organization storing management documentation (Appendix No. 4 to the regulations).

1.3. The leaflet is intended for employees of archives of organizations and other persons responsible for recording, storing and using documents generated in the activities of an organization, as well as for employees of state and municipal archives who carry out organizational and methodological management of the activities of archives of organizations.
2. General provisions

2.1. Organizations - sources of acquisition of state and municipal archives compile and submit to the relevant state and municipal archives passports of the organizations' archives as of December 1...

2.2. The archive passport is filled out in 2 copies. The first copies of the passport are sent to the appropriate state or municipal archive. Second copies of the passport are stored in the organization until its liquidation (reorganization).

2.3. Organizations include in the passport accounting information on documents with a permanent shelf life and on personnel stored in the archive of the organization, including those formed in their activities, the activities of predecessor organizations, as well as subordinate organizations, if the documents for storage are received in the archive of the parent organization .

2.4. Non-governmental organizations storing documents of state and non-state forms of ownership, that is, documents created before and after privatization or corporatization, constitute two separate passports.
3. The procedure for filling out and registering the organization’s archive passport form

3.1. In the address part of the passport form, located in the upper left corner, in the line “To whom it is presented”, the postal code and address of the state or municipal archive are indicated, which is registered with the reporting organization.

3.2. In the “Represented by” line of the address part, the reporting organization indicates its full and abbreviated name, address with postal code, organizational and legal form and form of ownership. In addition to the official address of the organization, the address of the archive of this organization is also indicated if it is located on another territory (in another building).

3.3. In section 1. “General information” on line 101,

column 1- indicates the number of funds stored in the archive

column 2- area of ​​the archive storage in square meters

column 3- archive storage load as a percentage.

The load level of the archive storage is calculated by dividing the number of cases stored in the archive by the capacity indicator and multiplying by 100.

To determine the capacity indicator, you should calculate the average number of storage units located on one linear meter of archival shelves. This indicator depends on the parameters of the racking equipment (height, number, length of rack shelves, etc.).

Example: 7500 units of records are stored in the archive storage.

The length of the archival shelves occupied by documents is 100 linear meters. The number of storage units is divided by the number of linear meters

7500:100 = 75 HP.

Therefore, on 1 linear meter of shelves there are 75 storage units.

To calculate the capacity indicator, the number of storage units located on 1 linear meter is multiplied by the total length of archival shelves (including free ones)

Example:The total length of the shelves is 120 linear meters.

75 x 120 = 9000 linear meters (capacity indicator)

To calculate the occupancy percentage, the number of storage units is divided by the capacity indicator and multiplied by 100

7500: 9000 x 100 = 83.3%

The archive storage utilization rate is 83.3%

Example 2

The archive stores 25,560 items, the length of the archival shelves occupied by documents is 300 linear meters, the total length of the shelves is 400 linear meters.

25560: 300 = 85 HP.

85 x 400 = 34000 HP. (capacity indicator)

25560: 34000 x 100 = 75.2%

3.4. Section 2 “Information about documents”

Lines 201, 202

Box 1- information is provided on documents with a permanent storage period and on personnel. The number of storage units in the corresponding columns of the section is indicated after counting them individually, including on the basis of accounting documents.

Column 2 - the date of the earliest document of permanent storage and personnel stored in the organization is indicated (in the appropriate lines).

Column 3- the end date of documents stored in the archive is indicated.

Columns 4, 5, 6- are filled out if the reporting organization has carried out a selection of management documentation for permanent storage and personnel, and inventories have been drawn up on them, which are approved and agreed upon with the EPC of the archival institution.

Column 4- indicates the number of storage units included in the inventory.

Columns 5 and 6- the start and end dates of the documents included in the inventory are indicated.

Column 7- when filling out column 7 of line 201, it should be taken into account that the maximum storage period for documents with a permanent storage period established by current legislation is:

  • for documents classified as federal property - 15 years
For example, if an organization draws up a passport as of December 1, 2009, then the documents drawn upuntil 1994,stored in the organization beyond the established period.

  • for documents classified as property of the Republic of Karelia - 10 years

  • for documents classified as municipal property - 5 years
(documents are stored beyond the deadline 2004)

  • for certain types of archival documents included in the established order in the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation:
a) civil status records - 100 years

b) documents on personnel, records of notarial acts, household books and documents relating to the privatization of the housing stock - 75 years old.

The terms of temporary storage of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation in non-governmental organizations are determined in an agreement between the archive and the owner or holder of these documents.

If a non-governmental organization stores documents of a predecessor state organization, then the documents classified as state property should be considered as documents stored beyond their expiration date.

3.5. Section "Personnel"- information about the number of archive employees of the organization is indicated according to the staffing table.

3.6. In the section “Document storage conditions” It is necessary to emphasize the indicators characterizing the room in which archival documents are stored: storage equipment, standard storage regimes maintained in it. If the organization does not have a specialized archive storage facility, then the relevant information should reflect the characteristics of the places where documents are actually stored (workrooms, corridors, basements, etc.)

3.7. To clarify information about the availability of local regulations of the organization on the organization of departmental archives and office work, fill out the application

No. 1 to the passport.

3.8. If an organization stores more than one fund, a “Report on the composition and volume of funds as of December 1, 200” is attached to the passport. G." (Appendix No. 2).

3.9. The passport is signed by the head of the organization, the signature is certified by a seal. Below the signature of the head of the organization, the position and surname of the person responsible for the archive and his telephone number are indicated.

3.10. An explanatory note is attached to the passport, which provides information about changes in the name, subordination, organizational and legal status or form of ownership of the organization, indicates the reasons for changes in indicators that occurred during the reporting period, data on previous transfers of documents to state or municipal storage (name of the archive, types, volumes and deadlines of transferred documents and the year of transfer), information is provided on the availability of scientific reference apparatus for documents. The explanatory note is signed by the relevant official.


acquisition department G.N. Fedorov

Instructions for filling

organization archive passports

The archive passport of the organization storing management documentation (hereinafter referred to as “Passport...”) is a document of centralized state accounting and is established by the Regulations for state accounting of documents of the Archival Fund.

1. General Provisions.

  1. “Passport...” is compiled by each organization - the source of acquisition
    state archive annually in two copies, reflects information on the organization of storage and information on documents of permanent storage and on personnel as of 01.12 reporting year.

  2. One copy of the “Passport...” is submitted to the archive, the second is stored in the organization.
2. Composition of passport indicators

2.1. Section 1. General information.

Column 1 - “Number of funds”

All funds are indicated if the funding of documents stored in the organization’s archives is carried out separately. In addition to the main fund formed as a result of the activities of this organization, the archive may contain funds of predecessor organizations and liquidated organizations. Each fund, regardless of whether it consists of one or more types of documents (management or personnel documents), is counted in the passport only once.

Column 2- “Archive storage area” (sq. m)

The area is indicated separate premises in sq. m. In case of its absence, a dash is placed.

Column 3 - “Archive storage load (%).

The column is filled in if there is an archive storage. Before identifying its workload, it is necessary to determine the capacity. The capacity of archive storage is determined by the following formula:

(1000 storage units multiplied by the archival storage area and divided by 2.5 sq. m)

Once the capacity has been identified, the workload is determined as follows:

(Number of storage units in storage multiplied by 100% and divided by capacity)
Section 2. Information about documents
Column 1 “Total” line 201

It indicates the number of units. hr. documents of permanent storage, prepared for transfer to storage in the archive, included and not included in the inventory.

Line 201a – household books, line 201b – notarial affairs.

Column 1 “Total” with T rocky 202

It indicates the number of units. hr. documents on personnel stored in the archives of the organization, included and not included in the inventory.

G Rapha 2 “Start (last) date” of line 201 “Permanent storage” and lines 202 “According to personnel”

These columns indicate the earliest years of those documents that are stored in the archives of the organization.

Column 3 “End (last) date” of line 201 “Permanent storage” and line 202 “For personnel”

These columns indicate the latest years of those documents that are stored in the organization’s archives and included in the inventory.

Column 4 lines 201

This column indicates all permanent storage documents stored in the organization’s archives in units. archives, as prepared for transfer for permanent storage to the archive, included in the inventory and approved by the EPMK of the Culture Committee.

When described on time (2 years after the completion of cases in office work), their number corresponds to the sum of the final entries in the case inventories:

  • permanent storage, documents for which are temporarily stored in the archive

  • permanent storage, documents on which are transferred to state storage in the archive, but as of 01.12 have not yet been transferred.
Column 4 lines 202

It shows documents on personnel stored in the organization’s archives, included in the inventory and approved by the archives department.

When described on time (2 years after the completion of cases in office work), their number corresponds to the sum of the final entries in the inventories of personnel cases.

Column 5 “Start (last) date” of line 201 “Permanent storage” and line 202 “For personnel”

These columns indicate the earliest years for which documents of these types are stored in the organization’s archives and included in the inventory.

Column b “End (last) date” of line 201 “Permanent storage” and line 202 “For personnel”

The indicated columns indicate the latest years for which documents of these types are included in the inventory.

Column 7 “Stored beyond the established period” (for line 201 “Permanent storage”).

This column indicates the number of units. archives stored in the organization’s archive after the expiration of the deadline for the temporary storage of archival documents in it.

Column 8 “Formed in the year of affairs”

The column indicates average the number of files with a permanent storage period and for personnel (separately), which is formed in the records management of organizations over the past 5 years.

Line 301 “Number of full-time employees.”

The column indicates an employee of the organization if he occupies the position of head of the organization's archive according to the staff list.

to the Passport of the archive of the Municipal Institution “Administration of the Kozlovsky Rural Settlement” of the Konakovo district of the Tver region,
storing management documentation, as of December 1, 2015.

Based on the archive passport, the Yuryevsky Village Council of the Konakovsky District of the Kalinin Region was formed in 1929 and abolished on December 31, 1970. Documents on personnel up to and including 1970 were transferred for storage to the newly formed Gavrilkovsky Village Council of the Konakovo district of the Kalinin region.

Based on the decision of the executive committee of the Kalinin Regional Council of Working People's Deputies dated December 31, 1970 No. 571 “On changing the territorial boundaries of individual village councils,” the administrative center of the Teshilovsky Village Council was moved to the village of Gavrilkovo and renamed the Gavrilkovsky Village Council of the Konakovsky District of the Kalinin Region.

Based on the decision of the executive committee of the Kalinin Regional Council of People's Deputies dated November 13, 1979 No. 260, due to the fact that certain settlements have actually merged with villages, the village of Fofanovo of the Gavrilkovsky Village Council is included within the urban-type settlement of Novozavidovsky.

The Executive Committee of the Sintsovsky Village Council of Workers' Deputies of the Turginovsky District of the Kalinin Region was formed in 1950 and belonged to the Kalininsky District. Based on the second session of the Sintsovsky Village Council on July 13, 1977, the Sintsovsky Village Council began to belong to the Konakovsky district.

In pursuance of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1617 of October 9, 1993 “On the reform of representative bodies of power and local self-government bodies in the Russian Federation”, Resolution of the Head of Administration of Konakovo and Konakovo District No. 557 of October 14, 1993, the functions of village councils are assigned to rural district administration.

The Executive Committee of the Gavrilkovsky and Sintsovo rural councils of workers' deputies of the Konakovsky district of the Kalinin region began to be called the Administration of the Gavrilkovsky and Sintsovo rural districts, respectively.

In connection with the transfer of powers to urban and rural settlements from 01/01/2006 in accordance with the federal law of 10/06/2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation”, the law of the Tver region of 02/28/2005 No. 31 -30 “On the establishment of the boundaries of municipalities that are part of the territory of the municipal formation of the Tver region “Konakovsky district”, the territory of the Gavrilkovsky rural administration has been partially changed: the village of Lazurnaya, the village of Tashilovo, the village of Mirny and the village of Seliverstovo belong to the urban settlement “Novozavidovsky "; The villages of Bushmino, the village of Gavrilkovo, the village of Dorino, the village of Ivanovskoye, the village of Kleschevo, the village of Paveltsevo, the village of Yuryevo will belong to the Kozlovsky rural settlement.

The administrations of the Gavrilkovsky and Sintsovsky rural districts were reorganized into the Municipal Institution “Administration of the Kozlovsky Rural Settlement”. On its territory are the following settlements: the village of Tekstilshchiki and the villages of Berezhki, Bushmino, Gavrilkovo, Grishkino, Dmitrovo, Dorino, Dolgaya Pozhnya, Zaozerye, Zelentsino, Ivanovskoye, Kleshchevo, Koidinovo, Kuryanovo, Paveltsevo, Sintsovo, Uzkol, Yuryevo.

In connection with the above, changes have occurred in the passport of the archive of the Municipal Institution “Administration of the Kozlovsky Rural Settlement” of the Konakovsky District of the Tver Region for 2015:

Section 1 Line 101 Column 1

As of January 1, 2014, there was 1 fund listed in the archive’s passport. In 2015, the number of funds was clarified: Yuryevsky Village Council, Gavrilkovsky Village Council, Sintsovsky Village Council and the administration of the Kozlovsky rural settlement.

In total, as of January 1, 2015, the archive’s passport listed 4 funds.

Section 2 Line 201 Column 1

As of 01/01/2014 the archive passport listed 31 documents of permanent storage of the administration of the Kozlovsky rural settlement. In connection with the clarification of the number of funds, documents of permanent storage of the Yuryevsky Village Council, Gavrilkovsky Village Council and Sintsovsky Village Council were added to the archive passport as of 01/01/2015. This column also includes household books from 1980 to 2011. In total, as of January 1, 2015, the archive passport in Column 1 included 453 cases.

Section 2 Line 201 Column 2

As of 01/01/2014 The archive passport indicates the end date of 2009. In the archive passport as of 01/01/2015, documents from the Yuryevsky Village Council, Gavrilkovsky Village Council and Sintsovo Village Council with earlier dates of documents were added. Total as of 01/01/2015 in the archive passport in Line 202, Column 2, the last date is 1938.

Section 2 Line 201 Column 4

As of 01/01/2014 The archive passport contains 31 documents of permanent storage. In the archive passport as of 01/01/2015, documents approved by the EPC of the archive department of the Tver region for 2012 and household books for 1980-2011 were added. In total, as of January 1, 2015, the archive passport in Column 4 included 153 cases.

Section 2 Line 201 Column 5

The archive passport for 01/01/2015 indicates the end date of 1980, since it includes household books for 1980-2011.

Section 2 Line 202 Column 1

As of 01/01/2014 the archive passport listed 197 documents on personnel. Personal files of working and dismissed employees in the amount of 22 files were added to the archive passport as of 01/01/2015. In total, as of January 1, 2015, the archive passport in Line 202, Column 1 included 219 cases.

Section 2 Line 202 Column 2

There are no changes as of 01/01/2015. Total as of 01/01/2015 in the archive passport in column 2 the last date is 1940.

Section 2 Line 202 Column 4

As of January 1, 2015, the archive passport included 197 documents on personnel. In the archive passport as of 01/01/2015, documents approved by the EPC of the archive department of the Tver region for 2012 were added. In total, as of January 1, 2015, the archive passport in column 4 included 199 cases.

Chief specialist of the Administration of Kozlovsky rural settlement

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