How to fill out the document delivery register. Register of documents and printable form in Excel

A register is a list or list. According to another interpretation, this word means a book for recording documents, property, and other matters.

In the process of operation of any company, documents are created that reflect the essence of its activities. The number of such papers is constantly growing. The storage and destruction of such documents is subject to rules established by federal authorities.

To ensure that there is no house with papers at the enterprise, a register is needed. A large number of documents need to be structured and systematized. The register is a system that will greatly facilitate the work with papers and allow you to find them in the shortest possible time.

Archival processing and storage of documents is labor-intensive work. But every large enterprise must implement such a system. Large amounts of paper and digital information are entered into the document register.

Specialists work with any data:


Freight forwarding invoices;

Accounting and personnel documents, etc.

Work on compiling registers includes:

  1. Listing by specialists in the table of contents of each case a list of documents that are included in its composition.
  2. Entering this list into the electronic register.
  3. Setting storage periods for each or a group of them.
  4. If the file is stored in the archive, then the number of the box where it is located is indicated in the register.

When developing a new technical specification for the proposed project, it is determined which will be included in the inventory.

A register is a list of information that is recorded in a journal or on an electronic medium. Each group of documents has its own brief table of contents. Approximate compilation of registers:

Personal files for the HR department;

Company accounting documents;

Concluded agreements of the organization;

Insurance policies;

Loan agreements;

For architectural and design organizations;


A catalog of all company documents with the preparation of an inventory or register.

Drawing up registers in a company can significantly reduce the time spent searching for documents and resources. Large companies cannot do without a strict inventory and grouping of all documentation. But small firms can also implement such an accounting system.

An organization that is engaged in retail trade records goods not only at manufacturer prices, but also at sales prices. The trading company itself decides at what price the transaction will be carried out. The formation of the sale price must be documented. In retail trade, a register is compiled for each product. This makes it possible to keep records for each unit of production, at purchase price and sales price.

There is no single standard according to which goods are recorded. The trade organization independently draws up the form of the “Price Register” document, which contains complete information about the product and its details. Such paper is drawn up daily for all incoming goods. The retail price is approved by the head of the company.

Probably everyone remembers the pedantic robot Werther, the caretaker of the Institute of Time from the beloved film “Guest from the Future”. And many probably smiled when this charming movie character registered the brought artifacts and had a funny dialogue with the arriving scientists about the “reptile from the Mesozoic era”! But even in childhood, this example showed us how important accuracy and order are in registering incoming documentation. Yes, Ivan Sergeevich, like a true scientist, treated the tedious registration procedure with some disdain, calling Werther a bureaucrat. But you and I now know for sure that Ivan Sergeevich, to put it mildly, was wrong!

I think all secretaries and clerks who start work from scratch are familiar with this feeling of confusion and confusion. There is a continuous flow of various documents: what to register from this flow? what not to register? If you register, how? what documents and how to store them? who should I send it to? And similar “terrible horrors”! At first, a beginner may be overwhelmed by real panic, especially if there are neither instructions for office work, nor any well-established document flow scheme.

“Calm, just calm!” - as Carlson would say, a man “in the prime of his life.” We will help you figure out how to register: what journals to start, what to write in them, to whom to issue what, etc. I will try to give universal recommendations, following which you can not only independently build the basis of the organization’s document flow, without making any terrible mistakes, but also develop it, modify and improve it, adapting it to the needs and characteristics of a particular organization.

Let's get started

So, we need:

  1. a computer equipped with the MS Office software package (in particular, MS Excel);
  2. scanner;
  3. Printer;
  4. corporate e-mail (if it is not available, then A4 paper in slightly increased quantities for photocopies);
  5. stamp “Entrance. No._______, “____” ___________20___.” It can be purchased either ready-made or self-assembled. If there is no stamp, no problem! Write the required marks by hand.

I will probably upset some of you by saying that for properly organized document flow, you need to register almost all documents passing through the secretary (office), because in most organizations it is customary for any movement of documents to be carried out through the secretary or office.

  1. internal documents created and moved only within your organization (office memos and reports, protocols, etc.);
  2. contracts and related documents (appendices, specifications, additional agreements, protocols of disagreements and reconciliation of disagreements, termination agreements, etc.);
  3. incoming documents arriving from outside: by mail, by fax, by e-mail, by courier, brought by employees from business trips, etc.;
  4. outgoing official letters;
  5. documents sent from your organization.

Let's take a closer look at each of the groups of documents.

Internal documents

They must be registered and systematized. Typically four registration registers are required:

  • Register of orders
  • Register of orders

Remember that orders can be issued not only by the director, but, within their competence, by other heads of departments and services, directors of areas and other responsible persons to whom this function is assigned by administrative documents (order) or constituent documents (charter of the organization). For orders, each of the services or departments must maintain a separate register (in Example 2 they are made in the form of separate nested sheets; they can be seen by looking at the lower left edge of the document) and use letter indexing (for example, orders for the logistics department may have a letter index OL (Example 3), accounting orders - letter index GB (Example 4)).

Orders for the entire company as a whole can be registered without a letter index.

  • Register of official, explanatory and memos. The general view and filling option are presented in Example 5.

Column explanations:

"P/n"- serial number.

"Date of"- document date.

"Note number"- Document Number.

“Addressed/sent to”- list of positions and full name. persons to whom this document is addressed and sent.

"GUIDE"- position and full name. the main executor of the document.

"Note"- notes and service notes.

  • Register of minutes of meetings. The general view and filling option are presented in Example 7. Registration and distribution of protocols to performers is carried out according to the above scheme.

If your organization has other types of documents that require registration, then creating a register using the above samples will not be difficult for you.

Our advice. Strive for reasonable registry unification. If you can combine certain types of documents and register them in a common register, do so one common The journal is similar to a register of official, explanatory and memos, in which slightly different types of internal documents are entered.


The general view and filling options are presented in Examples 8-10. We will not dwell on it, because... in the March issue I described in detail how to create and maintain this registry.

Incoming documents

It would be best to register them in unified register incoming correspondence. Of course, no one forbids you to create separate registers for documents received by fax, email, etc., but by doing this you will create unnecessary hassle for yourself, and possibly even troubles: for example, in response to a manager’s request “to collect all documents received from Edelweiss LLC, you will forget to look at a couple of registration logs or, by opening a large number of different registers and combining the data obtained by applying filters into a single document, you will greatly delay the completion of the order given to you.

So, the register of registration of incoming correspondence in its most general form should look like that presented in Example 11.

Explanations for the columns:

"No."- serial number (not to be confused with the registration number!).

"Registration date"- official date of registration.

Some clarification is needed here.

Attention! I will “teach you the bad things”: you have probably already read in books on office management that received correspondence must be recorded on the day it is received. In fact, “day of receipt” is a somewhat vague concept. Thus, for simple postal letters received through Russian Post, it is almost impossible to track the actual date of receipt: on the envelope there is only an impression of a postal calendar stamp with the date of receipt of the letter at your post office. You do not need to sign for receiving a simple letter in the mail. It follows that such a letter can be registered “tomorrow”, and depending on its content, it can even be “lost”.

The situation is more complicated with letters for which you sign somewhere for receipt. In this case date entered in the corresponding signature box, must correspond to the date that you put on the notification of receipt of a registered or valuable letter, the date that you put on the notification of delivery, if there was one, the date that you put next to your signature on the delivery sheet hastily delivered by the courier, etc. .d.

"Registration number"- number assigned to this package of documents and affixed using the “Input” stamp. No.” or by hand in the lower right corner of each one-page document and on the first page of a multi-page document, unless otherwise provided by the organization’s office management instructions. The number can be either numeric or alphanumeric (this is preferable, because I recommend dividing the incoming messages into the following subgroups and entering a letter index for each: F - Fax, EP - Email). Without an index, you should register paper documents received in other ways (for example, delivered by an employee of the organization and submitted for registration upon his return from a business trip; delivered by guests who visited your organization on a business visit, etc.). The letter index can be absolutely anything, depending on your immediate needs, for example, Salary - ordered letter, CPU - valuable letter, etc. But don’t get too carried away, otherwise you will get confused.

Note! All documents received by you must have registration numbers, but you do not need to affix them with a stamp or by hand everywhere. Typically, the list of such documents is clarified in a conversation with the head of the company and/or with the heads of the relevant services and departments. For example, the stamp “In. No." may not be affixed on the following documents:

  • primary accounting documents (waybills, invoices, certificates of work performed, etc.);
  • documents received from various judicial authorities (in this case, as an option, the inscription “Input No.” can be written in pencil or on the back of the document);
  • international CMR waybills.

Not all incoming correspondence is subject to mandatory registration. As a rule, incoming advertising and greeting materials (postcards, prospectuses, brochures, booklets), as well as documents received by e-mail, but not having signs of the original (such as originating number, date, position and name) are not included in the register of registration of incoming documents. .I.O. of the responsible person, signature, seal) and not on the organization’s letterhead.

At first, I recommend entering all incoming documents into the register, even if they are of an advertising and informational nature and do not have the features inherent in business paper, because practice shows that an inexperienced employee conducting registration cannot always correctly assess the nature and importance of the documents received (see the epigraph to the article).

Our advice. Do not throw away opened envelopes. Moreover, even if you did not put a number on the documents (from the reasons I mentioned above or other similar reasons), then it must be put on the envelope. After which the envelope is attached (with a stapler or paperclip) to the documents that came in it.

The incoming registration number must be affixed to your copy of the express operator's invoice. If at the time of delivery you see that there is only one copy of the invoice and the courier clearly intends to take it for himself, then do not be lazy and make a photocopy. We recommend that you save these invoices in a separate folder. Sooner or later this folder may be very useful to you.

"Sending organization"- name of the organization or individual of the counterparty, indicated on the postal envelope. This is a very important clarification, especially if you work with contractors who have numerous branches in different cities, because sometimes it is very important to know who the packet actually came from.

"Sender's address (actual)"- written off from the envelope.

If the document was received in several copies, indicate their number in parentheses. Don't neglect the details, they are very important! Often documents sent from abroad do not have the details we are accustomed to. In this case, find some identification information on the document and write it down, for example, “CMR dated 04/13/2015 to invoice No. 1235478 dated 04/13/2015 (4 copies).” The main thing is that later, if any question arises about the receipt of certain documents, you can clearly answer which documents arrived and when.

"Type of correspondence"- which of the many possible types of documentation was received, for example: fax, email, registered letter, registered letter with notification, letter with declared value, letter with declared value and notification, 1st class mail, express delivery DHL, Pony Express, EMS, telegram, “Ivanov P.P. brought back from a business trip,” courier service, etc.

"ID number"- postal identifier number (available for registered and valuable letters of all types, present on the envelope and postal notice) or express operator’s invoice number (present on your copy of the invoice).

"Transferred to"- positions and names of responsible persons to whom photocopies were transferred or scanned copies of received documents were forwarded for further work with them.

"Painting upon receipt"- in this column you will collect signatures for the submitted documents.

“Registration completed”- position and full name. the person who registered the incoming letter.

"Note"- column for service marks.

Our advice. As you know, all manuals and textbooks on office work declare the principle of single registration of incoming documents. In practice, I have become convinced that this is not always useful, convenient or justified. Therefore, I advise you not to strive for “one-time use”. If you first received a document by fax and registered it, and then received it through an express courier service, then register it again, following all the registration rules and filling out all the fields of the register. Subsequently, you will be able to provide the history of receipt of this document by applying a filter to the “Sender Organization” or “Content” column - how many times, by what types of items the documents were received, to whom they were sent in each specific case, etc.

After registration and affixing of a visa (resolution), the manager makes a photocopy (or scanned copy) of the incoming document in an amount corresponding to the number of responsible persons. The secretary sends scanned copies via corporate email, preferably with a read and delivery notification. In this case, there is no need to take signatures from responsible persons confirming receipt of a copy of the document, so this method is more preferable.

If the secretary issues paper photocopies, then this must be done strictly against signature. Notes on receipt of documents must be collected in the register by first printing out the required sheet.

Original documents (with the exception of writs of execution, accounting, customs and some other types of documents) must be kept by the secretary (in the office). Performers work with copies, which the secretary sends to them by e-mail or transfers them in the form of photocopies against signature. If any employee needs the original of a document, then a copy of it, taken from the document containing the manager’s visa and registration number, is filed. In addition, on this copy the secretary must make a note about who and when the original was given, for example: “The original was transferred to the chief accountant (full name) (date).”

So, for example, if you received by registered mail the original contract on seven sheets, with three attachments, a covering letter, a letter of complaint and photographs (say, of a faulty unit), the registration of this letter in the register will look like in Example 12. On the documents in in the lower right corner you need to make a note with the following content: “In. No. 1 dated May 15, 2015, secretary, full name. (painting)” (Example 13).

Outgoing official letters

To register such letters, it is enough to create a table (Example 14).

Explanations for the columns:

"P/n"- serial number.

"Date of"- date of the letter (note: this is not the date of registration, but the date that will appear on the letter itself).

“Ref. No. letters"- outgoing number that will appear on the letter.

"Recipient organization"- name of the organization or full name. the individual to whom this letter will be addressed. As a rule, it is written by the performer on the letter itself.

"Locality"- the locality where the addressee is located.

"GUIDE"- main executor of the document (author).

"Note"- a column for various auxiliary marks.

This registry is intended for registering official outgoing letters, i.e. created on the letterhead of the enterprise with all details in accordance with the design rules adopted in this organization, and containing the signature of the head of the organization or another manager who has the right to sign such letters; sometimes they may bear the seal of the enterprise), created by employees of the organization and subsequently sent to recipients in various ways.

Important! The registration number recorded in this register is the originating number of the letter.

The number of an outgoing letter can be either simple, consisting only of numbers, which are a serial number in the register, or complex, consisting of several numbers separated by a slash or a hyphen (you can use a fraction to indicate the serial number of the month or year of the letter’s creation, etc. ) and containing letters (for example, the initials of the executive who signed this document), etc.

Our advice. Whatever method of numbering outgoing letters you choose, it needs to be fixed in the organization’s office management instructions (if you don’t already have one). If instructions are available, numbers should be assigned to letters in strict accordance with the approved algorithm.

Examples of registering letters with simple and complex numbering are given in Examples 15, 16.

Documents sent by the organization

Such documents include outgoing correspondence (not to be confused with outgoing official letters, the registration of which we discussed above). This is a huge and very important array of documents. They need to be registered Necessarily and quite detailed.

The general view and option for filling out the outgoing correspondence registration register is shown in Example 17.

Explanations for the columns:

“Item No. (package number)”- the serial number of the registration record, the package number, which I recommend writing on the envelope in the place you set once (for example, next to the destination index). Do not forget that there should not be any extraneous entries under the index, otherwise the letter may not reach the addressee. If the shipment is with a delivery receipt and/or with a list of attachments, then this number must be entered:

a) on the envelope;

b) on the notification in the field “For additional sender marks”;

c) on both copies of the list of investments below in the free field.

"Registration date"- actual date of dispatch, i.e. If you enter an item in the register today, but only go to the post office tomorrow, then you need to write tomorrow’s date. Do not try to match the package numbers with the calendar date: nothing bad will happen if package No. 100 has a dispatch date of 02/01/2015, and No. 90 has a date of 02/20/2015. At any time, if necessary, you can activate the MS Excel filter by the required calendar date and see all shipments. If this moment is of fundamental importance for your organization, then you need to add a separate column “Package number” to the table.

If this point is of fundamental importance for your organization, then you need to add a separate column “Package number” to the table.

“Where: organization; address; contact person, phone"- addressee details. A contact person and telephone number are needed for express shipments; other types of postal shipments do not require such details.

"Sender"- FULL NAME. and the position of the employee who gave you the letter for sending.

"Departure type"- indicate the type of letter sent: simple, registered, with notification, with declared value, DHL, EMS, etc.

"Identifier number/invoice"- postal identifier number (will be stamped on the cash receipt from the post office) or express operator’s invoice number.

“Return of notification of delivery (date and full name of the person receiving)”- relevant for packages sent with notification. In this column, copy the date of receipt and the name of the person who received it from the returned notification of delivery.

“Cost (including VAT), rub.”- shipping cost.

"Note"- a column for various service and auxiliary marks.

Let's summarize

  1. The above registers are basic and should be present in any organization striving for order in office work.
  2. Depending on the specifics of document flow in your organization, the list of registers may not be exhaustive. In this case, you will be able to create the types of registration logs you need, similar to those given in this article, for example: a register of railway and air tickets, a register of registration of business trips of employees of third-party organizations, a register of accounting for the issue of office equipment to employees for use, etc.

Now, won't you be scared if you need to create a "registration-register-of-something-that-no-one-has-ever-registered before"? I'm sure not! Moreover, show ingenuity, wit and a creative approach to this seemingly very routine area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe secretary's activity.

How to create a register of internal documents, such as letters to contractors, information letters, incoming letters?


A register, in the broad sense of the word, is a list, list, inventory, i.e. This is a form of systematization and accounting of any objects. It does not depend on the type of documentation and the form of presentation of information (on paper, electronically, etc.). This term also has special definitions, for example, “Windows registry,” which means a hierarchical database of parameters and settings of Microsoft Windows operating systems.

From the point of view of general office work, a register is usually understood as a systematic list designed to facilitate the search for documents or generated cases. So, in essence, the register is both the nomenclature of cases and archival inventories. And the basic purpose of any EDMS is the ordered storage (the same register) of information about incoming and sending documents, orders, internal regulations or other documents created and processed in the organization.

The maintenance of certain types of registers is regulated by law, for example, Federal Law dated April 22, 1996 No. 39-FZ "On the Securities Market" establishes the procedure for maintaining a register of agreements by the repository (Article 15.8), and Federal Law dated July 13, 2015 No. 218-FZ " On State Registration of Real Estate" regulates the composition and rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate (Article 7).

If rules and restrictions on the maintenance of certain registers, lists, lists are not established at the state or industry level, then they are regulated by the internal regulatory documents of the organization, for example, the Instructions for Office Work.

In answering your question, you must first understand for what purpose it is necessary to compile this register and what documents we are talking about, because letters (incoming, outgoing) are not internal documents, but are reference and information documents. The following options are possible:

  1. It is necessary to generally organize the array of letters that are processed in the organization. In this case, we are talking about registration databases, which can take the form of a registration log, spreadsheets and resources, electronic document management systems (EDMS). Accordingly, the set of fields is determined independently by the person responsible for office work or the performer, depending on the need to search for this or that information. Traditional columns in accounting forms: date of the document, date of receipt of the document, registration number, title, author of the document, executor, number of sheets.
  2. If the letters are important and must be transferred to the archive, then when creating a file on them, you need to make an internal inventory. The form of the inventory is regulated by the Rules for organizing the storage, acquisition, recording and use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in government bodies, local governments and organizations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2015 No. 526. In other cases, the internal inventory is not compiled and records of documents are maintained using registration databases.
  1. Using the same model, you can draw up any register if it is necessary to transfer documents to an external organization, or to a structural unit upon request. If it is necessary to transfer documents, then a covering letter must be drawn up, which indicates the reason for the transfer and attaches a register of documents. If the volume of documents is small, this information can be included in the text of the cover letter and issued as a mark of the presence of the application. If the list is significant, it will be an attachment to this letter.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the need to compile a register of any documents, as well as the form of this register, should be determined by the organization independently, if this requirement is not regulated by any external regulations and/or laws.

As a rule, the register is compiled in tabular form, but it can also be compiled in the form of a numbered list. Accordingly, the number and content of register columns are determined depending on the purpose of this document.

Maintaining a register of documents electronically in Excel will allow you to systematize them, provide quick access to them and eliminate the need to store each document separately. At any time, a document from the register can be output to a printed form created on an Excel sheet. The link to download the example file is below.

Maintaining a register of documents

It is convenient to fill out the document register in Excel if you do not intend to use merged cells.

Next, we will look at a registry with employee data, which can be used to store this data and print various documents. In practice, this was a register of Employment contracts, from which the following were printed: Employment contract, Appendix to the employment contract, Agreement on financial liability, Order for employment, Amendments to the employment contract, Agreement on termination of the employment contract.

In the example, the register is significantly reduced; only the Liability Agreement is left from the printed forms to show the very principle of maintaining the register and filling out the printed form with data.

Example of a document register in Excel Smart Table

Creating a Printable Form

To fill out a printable form using formulas, it must be created in Excel. If you cannot find the desired file in Excel, its text can be transferred from a file in another program to the worksheet, taking into account the maximum number of characters that fits in the cell, otherwise the text will be cut off.

In our example, we use a printed form of the Liability Agreement, the text of which is copied onto an Excel worksheet from a Word document:

If the printable form on the Excel worksheet is ready, all that remains is to move (or copy) it to the workbook with the register. If the register has not yet been created, you can simply add a new sheet to the book with the printed form and name it “Register...”.

Filling out the printed form

To fill out the printed form with data from the registry, we will use the built-in Excel function - “VLOOKUP”. The search reference in the table will be the number of the entry in the register in order, so we will indicate the cell with the contract number in the “VLOOKUP” formulas of the printed form as “Searched_value”.

In the function wizard, arguments for the formula are entered in cell “L4”, which after entering will take the following form: =VLOOKUP("Print DMO"!G1;"Register DMO"!A2:J102;2;FALSE)

This formula is copied to all other cells with variable values, and only “Column_Number” is replaced in it.

Now, when you write the number of the required register line in cell “G1”, the printed form of the Liability Agreement will be filled in with the data of the corresponding employee.

You can download the register in Excel and automatically fill out the printed form of the Liability Agreement with the data of the selected employee.

Documents are an integral part of any enterprise or organization, regardless of whether it is public or private. All documents, agreements and contracts are filled out, sorted, accepted, sent, etc.

Compilation of the register

A large number of unsorted documents significantly complicates the work of every employee of the company, and that is why it is necessary to create a register of documents that will help simplify the work of not only clerks, but also other employees. In addition, the registry allows you to make cooperation with other organizations more comfortable.

The procedure for compiling a register of documents

When compiling a register of documents, a certain order must be followed. First of all, it is necessary to collect all documents of one category, sort administrative documentation: resolutions, orders, instructions. Afterwards, the documents are sorted by authorship: orders of department heads, orders of the head of the organization, and more. Next, you need to create folders for storing sorted documents, sign them in chronological order, make an inventory of the folders and assign an inventory number to them. The next step involves creating a table with the appropriate fields based on the documents. For example, a register of documents that confirm production expenses contains the following information: document number, its name, content, amount, and a note on the return of the document.

Things to consider

It is necessary to take into account that the register of the archive of shareholders of CJSC, OJSC and others must include the necessary data to identify all persons registered in the register, record their rights to shares, information on receipt of income from shares, as well as notifications about various events.

Competently and correctly compiled register

For greater comfort in work and convenient search for documents and various information, all entries in the register must be kept in chronological order. Only if the register of documents is compiled correctly and correctly, the work of each employee will be significantly simplified and a minimum of time will be spent searching for the necessary papers, data and any other information. However, compiling a register of document archives is a rather painstaking process, for which there is not always enough time and experience in such work.

Services from professionals

Our company provides such a service as a register of documents, contracts, compilation and maintenance of the register in the future. Extensive experience in archival work in this area allows us to provide high-quality services, which will make the work of your company’s employees even more efficient. In addition, for greater convenience, we compile an electronic register of documents, which allows you to save all the necessary data for a long time and without any risks.

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