How to insure life. You can also calculate the cost of insurance on your computer.

While in the West, accident insurance is a mandatory option for every civilized person, in our country this type of insurance is still viewed with skepticism. At the same time, Russians have learned to insure their cars, apartments, dachas, and can even spend money on a voluntary health insurance policy. But the mental characteristics of our compatriots are that they do not like to think about the misfortune or tragedy that could happen to them, so they do not see the point in insuring against accidents.

So far, Russians are only slightly more interested in accident insurance in popularity than marriage contracts and wills. However, experts assure that this type of insurance will soon become one of the most popular.

Today, NS insurance contracts are mainly concluded by employers in relation to their employees.. Such an agreement can be concluded in relation to the entire team, groups of employees or individual top managers. Among the insured risks are “death” or “disability” resulting from an accident. At the request of the organization concluding the contract, the number of risks may include “temporary loss of ability to work” by the employee due to the circumstances listed above. If a misfortune occurs, then the family in this case will receive certain resources, without which it could find itself in a difficult situation. The contract is usually concluded for a year. But if required, the contract can be drawn up for several months or even days, for example, for the period of a business trip or the completion of some task. At the same time the tariff will depend on the number of insured personnel (the more employees are insured, the higher the discount), on the profession of the insured (for office employees and, for example, cash collectors or security guards, the cost of insurance will vary significantly) and on some other factors. It averages 0.35 - 2.5% of the insured amount per year. The insurance company always provides a final quote only after a comprehensive risk assessment. The size of the tariff will also be affected by the fact whether the insurance will be valid only during the period the employee performs his work duties or around the clock and everywhere - at home, on the street, during vacation. If insurance coverage is provided only at work, the tariff is reduced by an average of 20%.

Do I need an accident insurance policy?

If your employer does not provide personal insurance insurance for the team, then you should take a closer look at this type yourself. Most often, this question in the most theoretical context first arises after an insurance agent appears in your home. To understand, let's first understand what the fundamental difference between accident insurance and voluntary medical insurance policy. A standard voluntary health insurance policy compensates for the costs of paying for the services of medical institutions, but, for example, such insurance will not cover the costs of a craniotomy operation in the event of an injury. An accident insurance policy compensates not only the costs of emergency medical services, but also the income that will be lost to the insured during days of incapacity. This concerns the risk of temporary disability, but there are also more tragic situations that most often you don’t want to think about, but this does not make the importance of insuring these risks any less. Even if both spouses in a family work and earn good money, the loss of income of one of them will have a significant impact on the family budget.

In the event of a permanent disability, it may be difficult to quickly find the large amount of money that may be needed. It should also be noted that complete disability can be financially very burdensome for relatives, since such a patient needs special care, medications and often constant assistance and supervision. There are many more options for the development of events - any qualified financial consultant of an insurance company will be able to describe them. It's unpleasant to think about, but as the saying goes, you have to count on the good, but don’t forget to prepare for the bad. The insurance company can help in such a situation financially - and this is not a little.

What risks may be included in an accident insurance policy?

A standard accident insurance policy usually includes the following risks:

1) Death by accident

2) complete permanent disability,

3) partial permanent disability,

4) temporary disability.

If everything is more or less clear with the first risk, then the risk of complete permanent loss of ability to work can be interpreted in different ways. In insurance companies, the definition of this risk may vary, but most often the definition of risk coincides with disability groups 1 and 2. The risk of partial permanent disability often coincides with the 3rd disability group.

In a number of companies, these risks are divided by disability groups, but now they are trying to move away from this, since the establishment of disability groups is based on the Russian scale, so difficulties arise associated with insurance in coverage areas “all over the world.” What deserves the most attention here is risk of temporary disability, this is where the greatest differences occur between insurers, even with a similar tariff. The list of events that insurance companies cover is always strictly defined. Differences may be in what exactly is an insured event, as well as in the amount of payment. May also vary payment options for days of incapacity- for example, the number of paid days may vary, and the period may also vary - from which day of incapacity for work the insurer begins to cover lost income.

Insurance companies often offer boxed products when insuring against NS. That is, a standard set of risks is offered, or there are several strictly regulated options. As a rule, packaged products are offered by companies with large sales volumes for this type of insurance, and with some degree of probability one can judge that the process of servicing clients in the event of an accident is quite streamlined.

How to choose the right amount of insurance

The insurance amount is usually selected individually with the help of a financial advisor, but there are still general rules. For example, for the risk of death, the optimal amount of coverage is two to three annual incomes of the insured. As noted by the Head of the Department for Work with Individuals of OJSC IC "MRG Life" Olga Krivosheina, the amount of coverage may be equal to five annual incomes, but it is believed that it takes exactly three years for a family that has lost its breadwinner to cope with grief and find a source of income. Therefore, this particular limit of insurer liability is the most optimal.


Of course, it is necessary to mention that in different insurance companies tariffs for the same set of risks can vary greatly. Also, having decided to insure yourself, it is advisable to request a list of covered events for the risk of temporary disability in several companies and compare.

It should be noted that filling out the questionnaire that must be completed before concluding a contract should be taken as seriously as possible. Any incorrect or deliberately false information may subsequently be sufficient grounds for the insurance company to refuse payment. If the sum insured is large, be prepared for the insurer to ask for additional information about your financial situation.

And in conclusion it should be noted that You must familiarize yourself with the conditions specified in the policy before concluding an insurance contract., as well as find out the procedure and terms of insurance payments. After this, you can safely insure yourself with the company of your choice and thus getprotection from a variety of vicissitudes of fate.

The simplest possible algorithm for obtaining compulsory motor liability insurance, without the need to overpay and enter into a life insurance contract. The correct method of protection against illegal imposition of additional paid services by insurance companies. Despite the legislative requirement for insurers, which clearly defines the procedure for motor third party liability insurance, along with compulsory motor liability insurance policies they diligently impose accompanying insurance contracts: such as life insurance, property insurance, etc.

Car insurance without life insurance

For some time now, in many areas of our country it has become very labor-intensive and costly for motorists. are reluctant to issue MTPL policies without concluding additional insurance contracts.

In case of refusal, insurers find various excuses, in order to either force the policyholder to overpay for insurance, or force him to wait for his policy for several months under various pretexts. A motorist in such a situation has two ways out of the current situation. You can always pay the insurance company for an additional contract, losing an amount slightly less than or even more than the cost of the policy itself. There is also another way out, the algorithm of which is to know Russian legislation and your own rights.

A temptingly low price is a sign of a collision with scammers; it is better to avoid such companies.

What to do if you are denied a compulsory motor liability insurance policy without additional services?

The lion's share of car owners believe that it is impossible to obtain. Most insurers deliberately mislead drivers, making this thesis his motto. Out of ignorance, many people enter into many related contracts, overpaying for the policy by 2 or even 3 times the amount established by law.

It is important that the motorist knows and understands the opportunities provided to him by legislation in this matter. In 2014, the law was significantly modernized, the following amendments were made to it:

  1. Insurance company has no right to demand from the contacting car owner originals from the package of necessary documents.
  2. The insurer has no right to refuse to issue a policy to the car owner who submitted the application and provided the necessary package of documents.
  3. The MTPL policy is issued no later than every other day from the moment the funds are deposited into the insurance company's account.
  4. The company may be fined for imposing for 50 thousand rubles - a significant amount, especially for small companies.

If the insurance company is diligently trying to persuade the policyholder to use additional services, and reacts to reluctance by refusing to issue.

When a car owner intends to defend his position, there are several options for the development of events:

  1. The car owner agrees with the refusal, but requires the insurer to formalize it in writing, or finds other ways to prove that the company refused to issue a policy. In this situation, any methods are good: from recording what is happening on camera to a simple voice recorder. The main thing is that the victim has a material justification for his future appeal to the court. Consideration of the application in court will take several months, but the wait will be rewarded with payment of material damage, lost profits (if transport is a way of earning money) and expenses (using other people's cars) associated with the inability to use personal transport.
  2. You can also conclude an MTPL agreement, but sign in the margins of the document that the issuance of a non-life policy is refused. With this policy, you must write an application to Rospotrebnadzor, which will take action against the insurance company. The car owner will be able to terminate the contract without any fines or overpayments, and then receive compensation taking into account the losses incurred.
  3. The last option is very risky. The car owner accepts the terms and conditions of the insurer by concluding an MTPL agreement and. After a few days, the contracts are terminated, and a penalty is paid from the insurance premium. This method, from the experience of those who have used it, works. However, you should take into account the ratio of the size of the premium and the penalty - it should be beneficial for the car owner.

Conclusion of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy without life insurance

To conclude a contract without overpayments and imposition of additional services by the insurance company, you must follow the following algorithm:

  • you need to find the insurance company’s website and familiarize yourself with the basic tariff rates there;
  • in accordance with the installation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the approximate amount of the insurance premium can be calculated. The indication of the central bank, where everything is written in detail, will help with this;
  • after this, you must pay the insurance premium to the account of the selected company. This must be done in such a way that you will subsequently have proof of payment in your hands;
  • collect and make copies of the documents required by law: passport, car registration certificate, driver’s license, vehicle inspection card, copy of the premium payment receipt.
  • an application is filled out, the form of which is also provided by the Central Bank.
  • transfer of the application to the insurer.

Most insurers will be forced to accept the entire package of documents without claims or additional tricks.

Any of us who have ever insured our property or health with agents or company offices knows that this procedure takes a lot of time and effort. Vehicle owners who have to renew their compulsory motor insurance liability insurance annually are especially affected. Despite the apparent simplicity of this process and clear standards in the field of tariffs, it can take several hours to issue a policy.
In recent years, many insurance companies have offered to simplify insurance and issue a policy online. In this article we will talk about the features of this procedure, its advantages and disadvantages, and also give recommendations for insurance via the Internet.

High technologies do not stand still - now the majority of Russian residents have access to the Internet. You can access the network not only from a computer, but also from other gadgets - for example, a mobile phone. And it is not surprising that, following other systems, insurance companies also met their clients halfway by providing the opportunity to use services online.

If quite recently, using the Internet, you could only log into your personal account and view information about insurance premiums and issued policies, then in recent years, insurance companies have gone further - they have allowed clients to insure themselves online.

However, the new service did not gain due popularity– many clients are simply afraid to process important documents remotely, preferring personal communication with an insurance agent. It is worth saying that you should not be afraid of any difficulties or fraud - it is enough to complete the registration through the official website of the insurer to protect yourself from any problems.

At the same time, online insurance provides a real opportunity reduce time and effort costs, which were previously necessary to visit the insurance company and wait in line. Many types of policies do not involve the need to communicate with specialists at all - they can be issued entirely remotely. We will talk about what types of insurance can be made online and how to carry out this procedure in the continuation of the article.

For what situations is online insurance suitable?

There are a huge number of types of insurance, each of which has its own characteristics and complexities. Some types require a large number of official documents, others require a preliminary examination of the insured object, while others allow you to issue a policy without unnecessary complications.

Today the most common types of insurance are:

  • Life and health insurance– has gained particular popularity in connection with the development of lending in Russia. Many banks impose a condition on insuring the borrower against accidents and illnesses that can lead to incapacity and death. In addition, such insurance is issued for travelers, athletes, etc. Ordinary people can also insure their health - to do this, they just need to come to the insurance company and take out the appropriate policy.
  • Real estate insurance(both residential and commercial) is produced from destruction, fires, flooding, etc. Insurance of real estate in connection with its transfer as collateral is very common - the need to issue an insurance policy for such property is determined by law. However, even without mortgage loans, property owners often insure their property, fearing significant damage due to circumstances beyond their control.
  • Insurance of other valuable property from material damage, theft, etc.
  • Motor insurance can be both mandatory (MTPL) and voluntary – CASCO. Strictly speaking, OSAGO is not a policy issued for the vehicle itself, it is liability insurance for the car owner. CASCO insurance protects your car from damage or theft. Due to the high cost of the CASCO policy, it is not very common in Russia; most often it is issued for “credit” cars in accordance with the requirements of banks.
  • Health insurance- compulsory (CHI) and voluntary (VHI) - gives the right, in case of illness, to use the services of medical institutions without paying for their services. VHI has a larger list of manipulations and procedures included in it, however, its cost can be quite significant.
  • Risk insurance(business, financial, etc.) is a rather difficult type of insurance to calculate, which is offered only by large, reputable companies with extensive experience in this field.
  • Endowment insurance– the insured makes contributions over a long period of time, and compensation is paid in the event of reaching a specified age or some event (including death). A special case of accumulative insurance is pension insurance.

Read also:

Refund of insurance upon early repayment of loan

There are also unusual types of insurance - for example, in the Rosgosstrakh company, insurance against tick bites is very popular. You can buy such a policy at a price of 500 rubles, and in the event of an insured event, the company will reimburse the costs of high-quality examination and treatment in the amount of 100 thousand rubles.

Not all types of insurance can be purchased online. For example, to determine the amount of premiums for insurance of real estate, property, goods, a visit from a qualified specialist is required. The latter will assess the condition of the insured object, its wear and tear, conduct a full inspection to ensure compliance with the parameters specified in the policy, and only after that will make a calculation.

However, many types of insurance do not require such complex procedures. As a rule, insurance companies offer online registration for the following policies:

  • Life and health insurance;
  • Voluntary health insurance policy;
  • Endowment insurance.

In these cases, it is possible to issue a policy completely remotely: the insured enters all the parameters into the online form, calculates the cost of the policy and pays the required amount by card or electronic money. After registration, the policy form will be sent by mail, delivered by courier, or, by agreement with the insurer, available for pickup from the company’s office.

How does the online insurance procedure work?

The procedure for obtaining an insurance policy via the Internet is in many ways similar to online lending:

  • You fill out the online form, providing as complete data as possible;
  • The cost is calculated (approximate or exact depending on the type of policy);
  • A company employee will contact you to clarify details of registration and payment;
  • You receive a completed product.

In cases where calculating the cost of an insurance policy requires additional procedures (for example, an inspection of the property by an insurance agent), online insurance essentially turns into submitting a preliminary application. As a result, you only speed up the process of filing documents, but cannot completely replace contact with the insurance company with an online application.

Advantages of online insurance

Submitting an online application for an insurance policy has many advantages over the standard form of interaction with an insurance company:

  • The policy is issued in a mode that is comfortable for you, at any time of the day, without leaving your home;
  • You save time on traveling to the insurance company and waiting in line;
  • The process of calculating insurance premiums is as transparent as possible: using an online calculator, you can adjust the amount of payments by changing the insurance parameters;
  • The collection of documents for insurance is simplified: if you are missing some papers, you simply refuse to fill out the application. In the case of a personal visit to the insurance company, you would have to waste time on a second trip.
  • Even if an online application is the initial procedure and is followed by a visit from an insurance agent, the insurance process is greatly simplified and speeded up.

Unfortunately, none of us can say that such a sad event as death definitely does not await him in the near future. Therefore, many prudent people use this type of insurance as life insurance. But how to insure life, what is it for, and whose life can be insured?

The essence of life insurance is as follows: in the event of the death of the insured, an insurance payment is paid to a certain beneficiary (for example, heirs) for the occurrence of this insured event.

The most popular type of insurance is regular, which was mentioned above. In this case, the insured event is death, and the money is paid to the beneficiaries (the policyholder will obviously no longer need it). In this case, you can insure your own life (and then the policyholder is the same as the insured person), or you can insure someone else’s life (in this case, the policyholder is not the same as the insured). In both cases, it is necessary to determine the beneficiary - this is the person who will receive the amount of insurance compensation in the event of the insured death.

Another type of life insurance is “survival insurance”. For some time (until the insured reaches a certain age), a person pays insurance premiums to the insurance company. In this case, there are two insured events: the death of the insured person and his survival to a certain age. In the first case, the payment is made either to the insured person or to the beneficiary specified by him. In the second case, of course, the payment is made only to the beneficiary.

With life insurance, the amount of payment greatly depends on the age of the insured. If this is a young and healthy person, then he will receive less than an elderly person.

In addition, life insurance can be divided into types depending on whether the insurance benefit is paid in a lump sum.

The first case is when a lump sum is paid upon the occurrence of an insured event. In this case, the policyholder must pay insurance premiums over a certain period of time or pay the entire insurance premium at a time.

In the second case, the insurer pays the insured person a certain income (pension, annuity). In this case, payments are made for a certain number of years or for life from the insurance premium, which can be paid at a time or in installments.

Which insurance company should you choose?

This is an important question, because you trust the insurance company with the most valuable thing - your life and the life of your loved ones, as well as their fate (most likely, they will receive payments).

You need to choose a large, stable company with a good name and a good credit history. The conditions of such companies may seem less favorable than the conditions of small insurers. Don’t worry - but with insurance from a large company, the terms of the contract will be more likely to be fulfilled than not. Life insurance is a long business process; the insurance company must constantly reserve funds to pay out under such contracts. Obviously, only large insurers can fully do this.

Drawing up an insurance contract

You have chosen an insurance company, and you need to conclude a contract. In Russia, life insurance is not very common, so our citizens usually pay attention to things they shouldn’t. They usually concentrate on what the size of the payment will be, on the amount of the insurance premium... While what is much more important is how the insured events are spelled out in the contract. If insurance claims are very limited, then even a small insurance premium will not be attractive.

An important issue is how much it costs to insure life. No one can say for sure. But here are the factors that influence the size of the insurance premium:

  • gender and age of the insured;
  • the health status of the insured at the time of signing the contract;
  • insurance period;
  • desired amount of insurance payment.
  • procedure for payment of contributions.

As a rule, before concluding a contract, the policyholder fills out a detailed questionnaire, including questions about lifestyle. Moreover, it is quite possible that the policyholder will be sent to a medical commission. And only after this the question of at what rate to insure a person is decided.

Don't try to outwit the insurance company by hiding the presence of a life-threatening disease. You will only make things worse for those who receive (or rather, will never receive) an insurance payment.

Insurance companies are not new to the market and are well aware of possible fraud on the part of clients. In this case, they include a clause in the insurance contract, on the basis of which the insurance company will not pay anything if it is discovered that the client knowingly gave it false information when signing the contract. Such information also relates to the client’s health status. Reporting false information also means keeping silent about essential points. Therefore, if it turns out that before concluding the contract, the client had a disease that he knew about and did not notify the insurance company, then the insurance policy is simply canceled.

It will be interesting to note some other cases in which the insured amount is not paid. This is causing harm to one's own health, which leads to death: suicide. We advise you to pay attention to the list of these cases.


The videos provide useful information about life insurance.

Registration of an MTPL policy on your own via the Internet is not yet very popular among drivers. It seems to us that it is safer to come to the insurance company in person and conclude an agreement in person, having clarified all the existing questions regarding insurance services.

On the other hand, those who insure their car with the same organization year after year are not averse to renewing compulsory motor liability insurance via the Internet - no new questions arise, the algorithm of actions has long become a habit, but they do not always know how to do it correctly. An additional bonus can be saving time and even money - some insurers offer a discount if you contact them online. Read this article on how to properly insure your car online.

Saving time and money

The real opportunity to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance via the Internet appeared not so long ago. So, at first the policy could only be extended in this way (from 07/01/2015), and only later (from 10/01/2015) motorists began to issue it “from scratch”.

It is no secret that many insurers have recently been imposing additional services in the form of life or real estate insurance. We all know that forcing people to purchase additional services is far from the law, but you can’t drive without compulsory motor insurance either. That’s why motorists buy the entire package of services, paying exorbitant prices for it and thereby increasing the profits of insurance organizations. When issuing an electronic policy, this is excluded: the client selects only the type of insurance that he really needs.

In addition, drivers living in remote areas can no longer waste time traveling to large cities to sign insurance contracts. Also, insurers who do not want to provide services under compulsory motor liability insurance and justify the refusal by the lack of forms will not be able to do this on the Internet: electronic forms are always available. Legal entities are allowed to issue policies via the World Wide Web from 07/01/2016.

How to choose an insurer to obtain an MTPL policy online

If you have been concluding contracts with the same insurer for many years, there is probably no point in changing it. But what if your company has not yet established a process for drawing up contracts electronically? Experts still believe that it is better to wait for progress to spread to other insurers and for now to issue a regular paper OSAGO form, because too often, due to the imperfections of the insurance system in Russia, problems arise related to the non-use of CBM.

Currently, you can insure a car via the Internet and obtain an electronic MTPL policy from about twenty companies:

  • MSC Moscow Insurance Company (;
  • Paritet-SK (;
  • Rosgosstrakh (;
  • Energogarant (;
  • Consent (;
  • VSK Military Insurance Company (;
  • Alfa insurance (;
  • Reso-guarantee ( and some others.

From January 1, 2017, all insurance companies are required to provide citizens with the opportunity to obtain an MTPL policy online.

When choosing an organization, you should read customer reviews, as well as the information provided on the company’s official website, and pay attention to:

  • size of the authorized capital (the larger the better);
  • period of work (longer than eight years is preferred);
  • rating among insurance companies - such information can be found on the Internet, as well as on the RSA website.

To select an insurance company in your region and compare prices, it is convenient to use integrator sites.

Insurance registration procedure

The procedure for applying for compulsory motor liability insurance is quite simple. Having chosen the company whose services you intend to use, you need to go to its website, after which:

  • register by providing your personal data (including passport series and number), as well as telephone number and residential address;
  • Log in to your personal account using your login and unique code (password), which will be received as an SMS message or email. The password can also be obtained from the company office. In addition, if you use the government services portal, then the same password and login can be used to log into the personal account of any insurance organization;
  • in your personal account you need to fill out an application for renewal or issuance of a new policy. It must contain the same information as when receiving the policy “the old fashioned way”, and an electronic signature is used. If you do not have such a signature, you can enter the password given to you - you can also use it to verify your data;
  • If everything is done correctly and you have passed the check in the Automated Information System (AIS), then a message from the insurer will appear in your personal account, in which you will see the calculation of the contract price and the payment method. The cost of the service can be paid with bank cards from almost all Russian banks; in large insurance companies you can use funds from electronic wallets of popular payment systems;
  • After payment, the electronic MTPL policy will appear in your personal account and will be additionally sent to your mailbox. We recommend that you print out the policy and have it with you while driving - not all regions have an ideal unified database where you can check the availability of insurance by state number. In such large companies as Rossgostrakh, after purchasing insurance on the Internet, a paper policy is delivered to the client’s home free of charge. Along with the document, information about contacts, an algorithm on the procedure for action in the event of an insured event, etc. are sent to the car owner by mail. They can also be printed for use.

According to paragraphs 4 and 7.2 of Article 15 of the law on compulsory motor liability insurance, a printed electronic policy completely replaces the original paper policy on Gosznak letterhead.

Simplified design option

Recently, large insurers, realizing that it is difficult for a citizen to independently issue an electronic policy, send out an SMS on the website several days before the expiration of the contract. The message looks something like this:

Dear Ivan Ivanovich! Your MTPL policy series YAYA number 0101010101 ends on 12/01/2019. You can renew it online: we have prepared an electronic MTPL policy for you. To confirm your data and pay directly on the website, follow the link www.RGS./ru/eOSAGO, then follow the instructions. Your pin code is 010101.

If you received such an SMS (in the example, the Rossgosstrakh link is used), then the procedure for obtaining insurance on the Internet is significantly simplified for you. Your actions are:

  1. Follow the link provided, you will be asked to indicate your phone number and PIN code from SMS - this is how the system will find the document prepared for you.
  2. You will be offered a personal account password, which will be sent by email. Change this temporary password and use the new one to log into your account on the insurance company’s website.
  3. In your personal account, you will be asked to review the prepared policy with the data already entered. You need to get the previous one and check the details of the car, the main and additional drivers, the validity period, etc. If everything matches, check the box to indicate agreement.
  4. After this, you will be prompted to go to the payment page, where you go through the procedure of a regular online purchase.
  5. After payment, you will receive a policy and all related documents that need to be printed by email.

Let us remind you once again that only large insurers operate in this mode. By using this simplified procedure for electronically drawing up an MTPL policy, you will save as much money and time as possible, and also avoid technical problems and possible errors in the text that you could have made if you filled it out yourself.

If something went wrong

The most common failures in issuing an electronic MTPL policy may be:

Lack of confirmation of driver data in the unified AIS system

Without this, the user will not be able to fill out the application and receive the service. It is difficult to say why such a problem exists and how to fix it - perhaps your data was not entered on time or a failure occurred in the insurer’s program;


Considering that there is no need to submit any documents to the office, the insurer’s employees check all the data provided by the driver against the database. So, when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance on the Internet, they will definitely check the availability of information about technical inspection, about accidents involving the client’s car, its length of service, as well as all data about the vehicle (year of manufacture, date of issue of documents, driver’s license, etc.). In some cases (it must be admitted that there are fewer of them lately), the check stops at some stage - for example, information about passing a mandatory technical inspection has not been received, without which no one will issue a policy. For a conscientious car owner, it becomes incomprehensible why a timely technical inspection is not displayed in the program and, thus, becomes an obstacle to obtaining electronic compulsory motor liability insurance. The reason for this circumstance may be the erroneous entry of data during a technical inspection or a malfunction in the system;

Technical errors

When filling out, you need to be extremely careful, since all errors that were made in the application will become the basis for refusal to issue a policy, both on paper and electronic. The AIS system will show that the car owner with the data specified in the application does not exist, so it will not be possible to draw up an agreement. You need to notify the insurance company about such confusion and insist on entering information about your experience, previous insurance contracts and driver's license series/number;

Not by proxy

Today, only the owner of the car can issue a policy online; it is not yet possible to do this by power of attorney. There are also problems with registering a new car - while it is not registered with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, there is no data about it in the AIS database - therefore, transport can only be insured by visiting the office in person;


When it became possible to use online services, many intermediaries appeared on the Internet offering services for filling out the form. We do not recommend turning to them for help - after all, you will need to pay for the services on your behalf, and no one will give you a guarantee of the absence of fraudulent intentions in this case. Attackers can easily obtain unique information about a bank card. In addition, there is a risk of subsequent use of your personal data for dubious purposes;

Regional problems

According to the current rules, it is impossible to order an electronic policy from a company that does not have a representative office in the region where the car owner lives. The availability of the service in a particular organization will be displayed when filling out the form;

Problems on insurers' websites

Users still encounter technical problems on insurers’ websites: from very long verification of entered data in the PCA to a complete stop of the site. At the same time, the possibilities for providing services are improving, so you should not give up the opportunity to keep up with the times and prepare documents remotely.

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