What documents are needed for the children's commission. What documents must be submitted to the kindergarten to be placed on the waiting list? List of documents for enrollment in kindergarten

Attending kindergarten is one of the main stages in the life of every child. But, in order for your baby to go to kindergarten on time and without problems, you need to submit a package mandatory documents. What is included in it, what papers you will need, we will figure it out in the article.

Kindergarten is the first place where a child breaks away from his mother and begins to independently interact with society and other children. This is one of the most important stages in a child’s life, during which his character and behavior are determined.

In order for the child to be accepted into kindergarten, you need to provide a package of documents there. What's included in the list mandatory papers, we'll look at it in the article.

Almost everyone, when their child turns 1.5 to 3 years old, thinks about sending their child to kindergarten. And then it arises large number questions and disputes within the family: which kindergarten is better, which one is closer, which one has more recent renovations, and whether it is worth going to it at all.

Except right decision taken The child also needs to meet the following requirements:

  • The child must reach the required age
  • The baby must be absolutely healthy and feel good
  • Parents provide complete package documents required for admission to kindergarten
  • There must be a place for the child

To do this, you need to register online as soon as possible, or visit the service in person.

After this, you should appear at the office, where a personal file will be opened for the child, indicating complete information about him.

About the documents for admission to kindergarten on video:

Documents required for admission to kindergarten

List in different regions may vary significantly, but the main documents are as follows:

  1. Written statement, written by the child’s parents, or persons who replace him.
  2. Passport or other document that confirms the identity of one of the parents.
  3. Original birth certificate and its copy
  4. A medical certificate confirming that the child is completely healthy. It must bear the seal of the main doctors, and a conclusion from the local pediatrician.
  5. Vaccination card. If you did not give your child all the vaccinations, or did not do them at all, this cannot be a reason for refusing admission to kindergarten. Whether to vaccinate or not is a personal matter for everyone.
  6. about the epidemiological environment. Be careful, the certificate is valid for only 3 days, so you need to get it from your pediatrician immediately before your first trip to kindergarten.
  7. If the preschool institution has a swimming pool, then a separate certificate is required to visit it. It must be reapplied once every six months.
  8. Policy health insurance for the child, and a copy of it.

If your child is entitled to any benefits, then take with you a document that confirms this status.

After all the documents have been collected, you need to visit the head of the kindergarten, who will offer you to enter into a bilateral agreement. Read it carefully and only then sign. Say everything right away controversial issues. One sample is given to you, and the second remains in the kindergarten.

In what cases may a child not be accepted into kindergarten?

But, there are a number of situations when you may be denied admission to kindergarten:

  1. Make sure that the baby goes to kindergarten at the right age you need to start immediately after his birth. To do this, register in electronic queue, select one or more kindergartens.
  2. If the child is sick. Even if you have a medical examination with a pediatrician’s report, but the child clearly has a cold or other illness, then he will not be allowed into the group with other children.
  3. If the child, shortly before admission, suffered from serious infectious diseases (measles, rubella, chickenpox), and has not yet passed the incubation period. Keep your baby at home until he is fully recovered and regains his strength.
  4. If the child has epilepsy with serious seizures. There are specialized kindergartens for such children, where, if their condition worsens, doctors will be able to provide first aid.
  5. If the child goes to a specialized kindergarten.

In case of some deviations in the development of the baby, or in case of serious chronic diseases, he should be sent not to a regular kindergarten, but to a specialized one. In such kindergartens, special care for children is aimed at correcting and maximizing their condition.

In order for a child to be accepted into such a kindergarten, the following must be added to the main set of documents:

  • Conclusion of medical and sanitary examination
  • For those who have a positive Mantoux test, a certificate from a tuberculosis dispensary is required
  • Referral issued district administration education for this particular child
  • An audiologist's conclusion for children who have serious problems with a speech
  • Children with visual impairments require a certificate from an ophthalmologist

If you submit everything on time necessary papers, then there should be no problems with entering kindergarten.

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List of documents for registration in kindergarten

Finally, you have been informed that your child has been given a long-awaited place in kindergarten. Now it is important to take the last step on time - to register a new child at the child care institution.

To register, you need to go to an appointment with the manager with a package of documents. Below we provide two lists of documents.

A package of documents for the child’s personal file:

· Application for enrollment of a child in kindergarten

· Copy Child's SNILS- 1 copy

· Copy medical policy child - 1 copy

· Copy of registration certificate (form No. 8) - 1 copy

· Agreement between the parent ( legal representative) and kindergarten - 2 copies, issued in kindergarten.

· Child’s medical record (form F-026U) and card preventive vaccinations(form F-063U)

· Certificate of contacts (confirming that the child is healthy and has not had contact with infectious patients. Issued immediately before the child’s first day of attending preschool)

· Documents confirming benefits for kindergarten fees

To provide partial compensation for kindergarten fees (provided to all children without exception):

· Copy of the child's birth certificate - 1 copy

· A copy of the passport of the parent in whose name the compensation is issued - 1 copy

· Application for transfer of compensation part parental fees

· A copy of the first page of the savings book of the parent in whose name the compensation or details are issued plastic card indicating the personal account - 1 copy

· A copy of the birth certificate of the first child (if there are two or more children) - 1 copy

· Medical card for kindergarten (History of child development, form No. 026/u)

Why the document is needed: to admit a child to kindergarten. The card notes the child's medical history, health status and medical observation history while he is visiting the kindergarten.

Where to get the document: In a children's clinic or medical center where the child is observed.

Doctors who need to be examined: pediatrician, neurologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, orthopedic surgeon, after three years - speech therapist.

Analyzes and studies: ECG, general analysis blood, general urine test, culture of intestinal flora, test for worm eggs, test for enterobiasis. Read more about medical certificates to kindergarten

· Card of preventive vaccinations (form No. 063/у)

Why the document is needed: The card records information about the child’s vaccinations. You will need it when the child will go to kindergarten.

Where to get the document: The card is created when the newborn first comes to the children's clinic, and is filled out as vaccinations progress. It is kept in the children's clinic and, if necessary, is handed out or an extract is made from it.

· Certificate in form 095/у

Why the document is needed: Confirms that the child is healthy and can be in children's team after illness/after summer, had no contact with infectious diseases.

Where to get the document: From a pediatrician in the district clinic or medical center where the child is being observed.

· Certificate for the pool (form No. 1)

Why the document is needed: Confirms that the child is healthy, he does not have infectious diseases, he can engage in recreational swimming. Issued for six months, after which a new certificate must be provided to the garden.

Where to get the document: In the children's clinic or medical center where the child is being observed. Most likely, you will need to be tested for worm eggs and a scraping for enterobiasis.

· Refusal of vaccinations

Why the document is needed: A refusal must be issued if you do not plan to vaccinate your child according to medical indications(or based on personal convictions), you are going to be vaccinated according to an individual schedule or do only part of the vaccinations included in the vaccination schedule. Refusal of vaccinations is yours legal right You are not required to explain or justify the reasons for your refusal.

Where to get the document: write an application in two copies addressed to the manager district clinic, in which the child is observed. You must keep one signed copy.

As a rule, the clinic has a form for registration of refusal of vaccinations. But if you were not given it, you can write a statement in the following form:

I, Full Name, declare that I refuse all preventive vaccinations (vaccinations against the following diseases: scroll) for my son/daughter, full name of the child.


Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens dated July 22, 1993 No. 5487-1, Article 31 (Consent to medical intervention) and 32 (Refusal of medical intervention);

Federal Law of September 17, 1998 N 157-FZ “On immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases”, Article 5 (Rights and responsibilities of citizens in the implementation of immunoprophylaxis)

Date, signature

Previously, everything was much simpler - kindergartens were located in almost every yard. They cost mere pennies and provided wide range services up to overnight stays and the possibility of maintaining a child for five days. Today, the issue of kindergarten has become a headache for millions of young mothers.

What to do if you want to put your child on a waiting list for kindergarten through the MFC? In this guide we will look step by step at what is needed for this.

Step 1. Make an appointment at the MFC

In order to queue for kindergarten through multifunctional center, you need to contact any branch of the MFC on a first-come, first-served basis or by pre-registration. The second option is more convenient, as it allows you to reserve a date and time for your visit.

Not all MFCs register kindergartens, so check in advance whether this service is available.

The telephone number for inquiries and pre-registration at the center suitable for you can be found on the official website of mfc.rf.

Online registration via the Internet is also available in the “Registration in queue” section.

Step 2. Write an application

According to the rules, in order to be placed on the waiting list for kindergarten, an application must be written on a form standard sample. You can download it on the Internet (for example, on the MFC website) and fill it out yourself at home. If there are difficulties with filling out, we recommend that you write an application directly to the MFC on the day of application, they will be required to issue you blank form and advise.

Step 3. Submit documents

To enroll a child in the queue, one of the parents will need to bring the following list of documents to the MFC:

  • Child's birth certificate;
  • Mom’s (or dad’s) passport, depending on who is applying;
  • Application (optional, can be filled out on site at the MFC);
  • If the child is a beneficiary, then documents confirming this status.

Some MFCs may request a “Form 9” certificate; check in advance whether it is needed.

Next, on the day you choose to submit your application, come to the MFC, receive an electronic queue coupon (either on your own at the terminal or through the administrator at the counter) and wait to be invited to the window. Your window number will be announced and displayed on the big screen.

In case of an application without an appointment (on a first-come, first-served basis), the applicant receives a coupon and is sent to a specialist after the completion of the reception of citizens who came by appointment.

After waiting your turn, go to the window to submit your application and prepared documents. All necessary photocopies will be made on site. Typically, the procedure for applying for a place in a kindergarten lasts no more than 20 minutes.

Within ten days after submitting the documents, a notification is received that the child has been accepted into kindergarten as a future student. From now on, he is on a waiting list for kindergarten. In this case it is assigned personal number, by which you can monitor the movement of the queue.

How to track the queue?

  1. Via the Internet on government websites, for example: mfts.rf (MFC website), gosuslugi.ru (public services portal) or on the local website of an educational institution;
  2. By phone of an educational institution or MFC;
  3. Come to the MFC in person.

Why can a child be denied admission to kindergarten?

Enrolling a child in kindergarten, at first glance, is very simple. However, this may be difficult. Many people are denied admission to kindergarten. What are the reasons? It’s worth starting with the fact that these reasons are mostly illegal.
The only truly legal reason why a child may not be accepted into a group is the absence free seats. It often happens that the groups are already full, and exceeding the number of children in them, as specified in the kindergarten documents, leads to administrative responsibility. But in this case, you must be advised of other gardens or leave a place for next year.

Let's discuss other common reasons.

1) Do they have the right to refuse admission to a kindergarten due to lack of registration?

No. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article No. 43, paragraph No. 2), education is available to everyone, regardless of place of residence and registration, which, in fact, is not always proof that you live in the territory indicated in the document.

However, you need to remember that first of all children who have registration are accepted (as well as children large families, single mothers, military personnel, disabled children) and those without - to the latter. After all, there may not be enough places.

2) Does an unvaccinated child not have the right to attend kindergarten?

Has. However, doctors often do not agree to sign the medical record. In this case, feel free to ask to see a certain article of the law that could prevent the doctor from signing the document. As for admission to the institution, the ban on admitting children who have not been vaccinated was lifted in Moscow back in 2000, and later in other cities.

If you nevertheless prove that you are right and get a place in the group, remember that during the quarantine period the child will most likely be denied entry of this institution, but no more than 21 days.

3) Can a child not be accepted due to health conditions?

Yes, they can. But in this case you must contact specialized institution provided by the municipality for such special children.

4) Children who do not meet the age criteria are not accepted?

Yes. Children under two months and over seven years old are denied admission to kindergarten, this is absolutely legal and logical, nothing can be done.

There is a certain algorithm that can be followed in case illegal refusal in admitting a child to kindergarten or school.

First, you should contact the institution with a request to explain the reason for the refusal. written form. The next step is to file a complaint with the relevant educational institutions. government bodies. If nothing works out, contact the court or prosecutor's office.

After receiving a place in a preschool institution, a rather stressful time begins for all parents: it is necessary to collect documents for kindergarten. When registering a child for kindergarten, parents want to know the rules for the functioning of a preschool educational institution, which are enshrined in a number of documents at the federal and regional level.

From general documents, which are accepted federal authorities can be distinguished:

  • Government Decree Russian Federation dated September 12, 2008 N 666 Moscow About approval Model provision about preschool educational institution;
  • Regulations on state control(supervision) in the field of education, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 11, 2011 N 164;
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 1994 N 212/19-12 On sending a package of sample documents implementing the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution in the Russian Federation.

Regulation of issues with preschool educational institutions is within the competence of municipalities, and general federal standard no on this matter. Therefore, to the question, what documents for kindergarten needed, the answer is clear for everyone preschool institutions impossible.

List of what Documents for kindergarten you need to bring, you can find out about this either by calling the manager or by coming to the reception in person. Reception times can be found on the preschool website.

Documents for kindergarten are divided into two categories:

  1. documents for kindergarten, which are necessary directly for enrolling a child in a preschool educational institution,
  2. documents for kindergarten to process compensation payments for maintaining a child in a preschool educational institution.


As a rule, to register a child you must submit:


  • a copy of the child’s birth certificate (2 pcs.),
  • application for enrollment of a child in kindergarten,
  • agreement between the founder and the parent. One copy of the contract must remain in your hands! ,
  • a copy of a document confirming the benefit for paying for kindergarten, if you have one.


  • a medical card, which you obtain in advance at a local clinic,
  • vaccination card, which should also be given to you at the clinic,
  • a copy of the medical policy.

If you refuse vaccinations, you will also be required to medical opinion, for what reason the withdrawal was issued.

By existing rules All copies can only be accepted upon presentation of the originals, but sometimes these rules may be deviated from.

The child is enrolled in kindergarten only after signing the contract.


Payment of compensation does not have to be issued to the same parent who entered into an agreement with the kindergarten. For registration compensation payment you need to submit to the manager:

  • a copy of the document with the personal account number and bank details (passbook or plastic card - 2 pieces,
  • a copy of the passport (of the holder of this passbook or plastic card) with pages: “photo”, “registration”, “children”;
  • copies of birth certificates of children under 18 years of age - 2 pieces;
  • an application to receive compensation for each child attending this kindergarten. fill in in the prescribed form applications for compensation for each child attending our kindergarten.


Registering your child for kindergarten or school is not difficult. To do this, you need to enroll your child in kindergarten (with the OSIP authorities), upon reaching 2.5-3 summer age, upon assignment, receive a “ticket” and then complete the necessary medical documents.

To register a child in educational institution must be submitted to the district service information support(OSIP):


Child's birth certificate;

Certificate of registration of the child;

Passport of one of the parents;

Document on the benefit, if any.

Documents can be submitted directly to OSIP or using single portal public services in electronic form.

After receiving a referral from OSIP, parents need to complete and submit documents to the kindergarten or school:

1. Passport of one of the parents (original).

2. Child’s birth certificate (original + copy).

3. Written application for admission of a child to an educational institution.

4. Medical card in form 026u, issued in accordance with Order No. 1346n.

5. Vaccination card (issued to all children, including those who have not been vaccinated).

6. Medical insurance policy (copy).

7. Document for receiving benefits (if any).

8. Copy of the first page of the savings book (for receiving monetary compensation from 20 to 75%).

Registration medical card 026у.

A child’s medical record is an A4 book, 22 pages of which contain a complete medical “biography” of a child in preschool and school age.

In the child's medical record, the pediatrician indicates information about all vaccinations performed (in addition to the vaccination card). If the child has not received all vaccinations, then a refusal to vaccinate is attached to medical record 026u, which is issued in the pediatrician’s office.

Remember that refusing vaccinations is not a reason for refusing to admit your child to an educational institution.

The card also indicates the data of tests, additional examinations and opinions of specialist doctors.

In 2012, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation made changes and added to the list of specialists and examinations required to issue a child’s medical card.

In accordance with the new order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, to issue a 026u card you must:

1. Get a medical examination from specialists:



Pediatric surgeon;

Pediatric dentist;



Child psychiatrist;

Obstetrician-gynecologist (for girls);

Pediatric urologist-andrologist (for boys);

Traumatologist-orthopedist (for children entering school).

Consultations with a psychologist and speech therapist are not required. These specialists are only seen at the request of a kindergarten or school. But, almost all schools require a psychologist’s opinion on the child’s readiness to study at school, the so-called “school maturity”. If a psychologist believes that your child is not ready to study in the first grade (a developed child and a child ready for school are not the same thing), it is better to listen to the opinion of a specialist and leave the child for another year. preschool education. But if, despite the psychologist’s conclusion, you insist on admitting your child to school, then, of course, they will not refuse you and enroll your child in first grade.

2. Get tested:

There is a worm on the eggs;

Scraping for enterobiasis;

A swab from the throat and nose (if a child over 3 years of age has not been vaccinated against diphtheria);

Blood test for glucose levels.

3. Conduct additional examination for children entering school:

Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity, heart, thyroid and reproductive organs.

When registering a child for kindergarten in a group early development or short-stay group, card 026у is issued according to periodic data medical examination and the child does not undergo medical examination. You will only need to take blood, urine, and stool tests again and determine your blood sugar level. If the baby is not vaccinated in accordance with the rules, the pediatrician has the right to refer additional consultations to related specialists (for example, a phthisiatrician or an infectious disease specialist) or prescribe additional tests.

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