What documents are needed to obtain Israeli citizenship? How to obtain Israeli citizenship? Methods and procedure for obtaining

Obtaining Israeli citizenship is a complex procedure with many nuances. Before applying, you should study the conditions for obtaining citizenship and the list of required documents.

Israel has a developed economy, medicine and legal system. The pros and cons of Israeli citizenship are presented in the table.

pros Minuses
New citizens are given a tax deferment for 10 years. High tax rate. Income tax ranges from 10 to 31%. The more a citizen receives, the higher the tax.
By paying a small monthly amount of medical insurance, you can receive expensive treatment absolutely free of charge and in any situation. Low salary. The minimum cost of living is only $900, and given income taxes, it is impossible to become rich without working in business.
Regardless of job or status, everyone is treated equally even in government institutions. New citizens are forgiven many mistakes. Some stereotypes still remain. Non-religious people are treated poorly, as are representatives of other religions.
Holders of an Israeli passport can travel halfway around the world, as a visa is not required. Lack of prospects for growth and advanced training.

Despite the fact that the country has capitalism, most of the population lives poorly. It is impossible to move from one social stratum to another within one generation.

If a citizen applying for citizenship does not have enough money, he will face an ordinary job without the prospect of saving money for future generations and career growth.

Greed is also a serious minus. It appears everywhere and is considered the norm. In restaurants and cafes it is not customary to leave a large tip, and returning a few shekels through the courts is normal.

It is impossible to win a lawsuit against a native citizen of the country, since ethnic solidarity stands above the law. There are exceptions, but they prove the rule.

Another disadvantage is compulsory military service for men and women. Those who evade or hide are not liked. There are administrative and criminal penalties.

Illness, religious beliefs that do not contradict the principles of the country, two supported minor children, and disability will help you avoid service.

Who can claim citizenship under Israeli law and who cannot?

According to current legislation, a citizen applying for citizenship:

  1. Obliged to honor and comply with the laws of the country, treat its citizens and guests with respect, not violate the law and not interfere with the work of government and law enforcement agencies.
  2. Must not have anti-Semitic, nationalist, ideological, or religious prejudices that contradict the ideology of the state. If a citizen has tattoos depicting Nazi symbols or symbols of the Third Reich, he will definitely be refused.
  3. Must not participate in groups (political, religious, etc.) whose activities are directed against the citizens and culture of Israel.
  4. Must not have a business or source of income that could harm the economy and well-being of Israel.
  5. Must not have been convicted or found to have committed serious criminal or ideological crimes.
  6. Must not have any debts or outstanding loans. If a citizen entering the country has debts, then he is prone to borrowing, which is not welcome in the country.

The commission carefully considers all candidates, as they monitor the purity and “quality” of applicants.

Conditions of receipt

There are several conditions to obtain Israeli citizenship.

By birth or descent

Citizens born in Israel automatically receive citizenship. The easiest way to use this law to your advantage is to arrive a few days before the birth to be received there.

If a citizen born on the territory of another country was born from the union of two people, one of whom has Israeli citizenship, he can also apply for it.

REFERENCE! There are a lot of religious people in Israel. If a “Brit Milah” (circumcision) ceremony is performed at birth, this gives a 100% guarantee that the newborn will receive citizenship without any problems.

If a newborn citizen has distant Jewish roots, it is difficult to obtain approval, but it is possible.

Repatriation (aliyah)

This process means the return of captives or political prisoners to their homeland, and no matter how long ago they were imprisoned, if the fact of abduction or capture can be proven, citizenship will be issued automatically.

Marriage to an Israeli citizen

One of the simplest ways. Some points and requirements for applicants are either not set at all, or the degree of their severity is reduced.

If a citizen has any “contraindications” to obtaining citizenship, but has filled out an application where he accepted the country’s legislation and promised to comply with it, citizenship may well be issued. It does not matter in which country the marriage took place, citizenship is issued to everyone.

Based on the fact of kinship. What evidence is needed?

If an applicant suddenly discovers that there are native Jews in his family or those who have received citizenship and lived there for a long time, he can submit an application. To do this, he needs to provide a birth certificate, copies of all documents that will lead him to the citizens of the country.

They will also require written confirmation that the applicant is their relative. The more such documents, the better. If you season your application with a story about hard life in the country and homesickness, you have a better chance of getting it.

Obtaining citizenship for people without Jewish roots

There are also options for those who cannot obtain an Israeli passport under the basic conditions, but want to become a citizen.


Drawing up an application for citizenship, on the basis of which the commission will conduct an interview, clarify the reasons, prerequisites, motivation, and possible benefits. The application is drawn up in free form in the native language, and a copy translated into Hebrew is attached to the original documentation package.

Naturalization for children

The child must complete the application and the parents must provide written approval. The downside is that the chance of getting into the ranks of the Israeli army increases to 100%. This is logical, because in any country its population is valued higher than immigrants.

Labor and business immigration

We are talking about large business organizations, and obtaining citizenship is negotiated with each person personally. By investing in the Israeli economy for a certain amount, a citizen can become its “business partner.”

To learn more about the amounts and conditions, you need to contact the country’s embassy directly and ask about the investment amounts. Israel itself does not name prices, but does not deny financial injections.

If you convince the commission that there is a ready-made profitable business and it is planned to develop it in the country, they will definitely approve citizenship.

Is it possible to buy

Yes, you can. The purchase will involve a direct or indirect investment, opening an account, or a charitable organization. The document itself cannot be bought legally, but you can win favor with the embassy.

Obtaining citizenship without living in Israel

All people are distant relatives. If you delve into the family tree, you can find a Jew and start from obtaining citizenship by kinship or origin. Bonuses such as religion adoption and investment will only help.

Is it possible to obtain Israeli citizenship in Moscow without leaving?

To do this, you need to contact intermediary organizations that have connections and established algorithms that will help you quickly and easily obtain a passport from any country. The price fluctuates, but based on customer reviews, it's worth the time saved.

Registration procedure

To obtain citizenship, you must follow the instructions.

Required documents

General package of documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another country where you have citizenship.
  2. Birth certificate. Sometimes a document is required from all relatives if citizenship is obtained due to kinship.
  3. Income declaration and credit history.
  4. Certificate of family composition.
  5. Application for citizenship and applications from relatives (if any).
If a citizen stayed and lived for a long time in the territory of Chernobyl, Pripyat or a similar area where there were emissions of toxic substances, he must undergo additional testing and provide a certificate.

If he has refugee status, he must also provide a certificate and an additional application for citizenship under a special status.

Where to go with documents

If a citizen prepares everything himself, contact the Israeli Embassy in his country. Before your visit, it is recommended to check the full set of documents. It is better to conduct a preliminary conversation over the phone so as not to go twice.

If you don’t have time to complete the application yourself, you need to go to the office of the intermediary organization and hand over the documents.

How to interview with a consul

Once your application has been pre-approved, you will be asked to speak with a consul. He will ask questions that were in the questionnaire and clarify the purity of intentions. It is recommended to memorize the application if you did not draw it up yourself, otherwise problems may arise, or there will be a corresponding note in the cover letter.

Cost and terms

The decision-making period is 1 week if the entire package of documents is available. The processing time can vary from a couple of days to a month. It depends on the queue, the number of documents, and positive accompanying factors. Price from 130 to 240 shekels (depending on the season).

Possible reasons for refusal to obtain citizenship

They can refuse without giving a reason or notifying you of the refusal. However, there are several popular reasons for refusal.

Incorrect information

Lack of or inaccurate information can once and for all close the path to Israel. If a citizen undertakes in his application not to violate the laws of the country and not to mislead it, but lies at the acceptance stage, he will be rejected without the right to re-apply.

Entering into a fictitious marriage

If it turns out that the marriage was formalized for the purpose of obtaining citizenship, the request will be rejected, and if it already exists, it may be deprived of it, followed by deportation to your homeland.

Criminal background

It is difficult to hide the fact of a criminal offense, but if it works, citizenship will still be taken away. It doesn’t matter how serious it was or why the person was in prison - there is no place for immigrant criminals in Israel.

Conversion to another religion

If a religion contradicts the beliefs of Israel or violates its tenets, the citizen who accepts it is a violator of the law and is subject to deportation. Sometimes an exception can be made, but this is very rare.

Additional Information

There are several other important points that may be useful to the applicant.

Renunciation of citizenship

You can refuse in the same form as you accept, but without specifying any special reasons. A check is carried out against the citizen, during which it is determined whether he has any debts, whether he is liable for military service, and so on. If a person owes something to the country, citizenship will not be revoked until the debt is repaid.

Double citizenship

This situation is unacceptable in Israel. Citizens who have 2 passports will be tried to the fullest extent of the law. This is a serious offense for which one is sent to prison.

Loss and restoration of citizenship

If you lose your document, you need to contact the police and file a statement. They will look for your passport within 2 weeks, and if they don’t find it, they will issue a new one. If we touch on the issue of obtaining citizenship after refusal, the chance is negligible.

If citizenship was alienated for reasons beyond the control of the citizen, the chance is higher. The repeat procedure is not much different from the primary one.

It's no secret that many Russians are not satisfied with the quality of their life, this is the main reason that they are looking for different ways to move to or other countries where the standard of living is slightly higher. One of the states that attracts foreign citizens is Israel. Its economic stability, mild natural conditions, and decent standard of living attract representatives of many countries. How can a Russian citizen obtain Israeli citizenship? Are there any advantages? What methods of immigration are there? You will learn about this in our article.

Two sides of Israeli citizenship

One of the main advantages of the acquired status of “citizen of Israel” is the opportunity to live in an economically developed state, where close attention is paid to medicine. Of course, the services of qualified specialists are expensive, but not for citizens of this country. The government cares about the health of its subjects, a clear confirmation of this are specially designed health insurance systems that allow you to undergo treatment or recover after a long illness in the best medical clinics in Israel. In addition, citizens of this state receive all sorts of benefits and social packages that make life in the country much easier.

Also, this country is known for its decent standard of living. Particularly worth noting is the quality of higher and secondary education, careful care for people who have reached retirement age and high wages for highly qualified specialists.

As for relaxation, it is great. It is a rare country that can boast of being adjacent to 4 seas at the same time. In addition, having received Israeli citizenship and having lived in this status for 3 months, enormous prospects open up for Russian citizens. For example, obtaining a “lesse passe” - an international passport that will allow you to visit more than 50 countries without a visa.

Citizens who have not left the state for a year receive a so-called dragon passport, which opens doors to more than 90 countries around the world. This is certainly another advantage of Israeli citizenship. In this amazing state, according to current legislation, dual citizenship is allowed.

But there is another side to citizenship, less rosy. The state is surrounded by many, to put it mildly, restless “neighbors”, on whose territory armed conflicts periodically break out, and even on the territory of the state itself - this is not uncommon.

The “heated” atmosphere inside Israel is also due to the high population density. Approximately 300 people live on one square meter.

The geographical location is also not encouraging; it would seem that the mild climate and four seas should be the advantage of the country, but this is far from the case. The abundance of sea water has led to the state experiencing a catastrophic shortage of drinking fresh water. And the prices for the necessary products are quite high.

Options for obtaining the desired citizenship

Many people are interested in the question: “How to obtain Israeli citizenship?” There are four ways that allow a Russian to realize his cherished dream:

  • Official marriage with a citizen who has Israeli citizenship;
  • Repatriation;
  • Naturalization;
  • Business and labor immigration.

Marriage with an Israeli citizen

How can a Russian citizen obtain Israeli citizenship by marrying a citizen of this country? At the end of the nineties of the last century, amendments were made to the legislation of the above-mentioned state, according to which foreign citizens who marry Jews have the right to apply for and obtain citizenship. The sequence of actions of the foreign “spouse” is as follows:

  • Applying for a six-month work visa;
  • Obtaining a visa for temporary stay on Israeli soil;
  • Submitting an application for Israeli citizenship.

A visa giving the right to temporary residence in Israel is valid for four years. This period is quite enough for the country’s authorities to be able to verify the seriousness and sincerity of the foreign citizen’s intentions to create strong family ties with a local resident. However, in case of insincerity of intentions, or the conclusion of a fictitious marriage, the “spouse” will face deportation from the country.

It is worth noting that a “foreign” spouse can also count on obtaining Israeli citizenship if they are in a civil marriage. To do this, he must reside in the state for at least seven years. After submitting an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the spouses will have to prove that their relationship is valid; as a rule, this process takes about several months. Air tickets, bank accounts, family photos, etc. can be used as irrefutable evidence.


Is it possible for a Jew from the Russian Federation to obtain Israeli citizenship? Of course, the simplest solution in this case would be to obtain citizenship based on nationality or, in other words, repatriation.

This process is regulated by the Law on Return.

  • To obtain Israeli citizenship, the applicant must contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs and present the following documents:
  • Birth certificate, if available, and marriage certificate;
  • Certificates, diplomas of education received;
  • Passport;
  • Work book;
  • Certificate received from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs;

Documents that are irrefutable proof of relationship with an Israeli citizen.

In the case where the applicant is Jewish in the pedigree up to the third generation, the process of accepting Israeli citizenship does not take much time. After applying, he and all members of his family must undergo verification at the Israeli consulate.


There is another method that makes it possible to obtain an Israeli passport. Officially employed foreign citizens, as well as entrepreneurs, can count on its registration.

Obtaining citizenship, in this case, is a process that will take quite a long time. Initially, the applicant is issued only an annual work visa through the employer, which will have to be constantly renewed. A foreign national can submit documents to the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs for a passport only after five years of legal stay on Israeli territory. Priority applications for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are applications from specialists included in the list of professions in demand in the country.

As for investors and businessmen, they do not have the right to obtain Israeli citizenship. This is due to the relentless control of the state. Foreign businessmen can only be issued a visa. No matter how necessary an investment project developed by a foreign citizen may be for the country, it is impossible to obtain Israeli citizenship with its help.

Nationality for treatment: reality or delusion?

The majority of citizens of our country trust Israeli professionals and seek to undergo treatment in this country. Is it possible to get an Israeli passport in this case? In case of undergoing long-term treatment or rehabilitation, our compatriots can obtain a residence permit, which can be extended if necessary.

One of the key points when obtaining Israeli citizenship is passing a consular check, this concerns the method of immigration - repatriation.

The simplest and most popular option for obtaining Israeli citizenship is to submit an application to the consulate of this country. After all documents have been collected and submitted for review, the applicant will need to undergo consular verification at the Israeli Embassy, ​​which consists of two interviews. All family members immigrating to Israel, including minor children, must be present at this procedure.

The initial interview takes place with the consul. The applicant submits all the necessary documents, all aspects of the procedure for obtaining citizenship are explained to him. If the decision is positive for the applicants, then they need to visit the consulate again to obtain a repatriation visa. It is valid for six months and can be extended if necessary. The next step in obtaining it is to determine the applicant with the date of arrival in Israel.

Jews who immigrate by repatriation are supported by local authorities.

For example, air tickets for a flight to Israel can be purchased by them either independently or through a special agency, whose main activity is processing the relocation and maintenance of such citizens. Upon arrival in Israel, the repatriate will be met by representatives of the Ministry of Absorption. They will issue identification cards, basic funds, as well as a SIM card for calls within the state. This category of citizens leaves the airport territory by taxi, which the agency also pays for them.

Double citizenship

The Israeli government is loyal to its subjects and does not prohibit them from accepting the citizenship of another state.

A huge number of representatives of the republics of the former USSR have a second Israeli citizenship, as well as a special card that allows them to move around the world. As for the procedure for obtaining dual citizenship, it is no different from the previously described sequence of actions. The main thing is to understand that obtaining Israeli citizenship does not mean that you will have to renounce Russian citizenship. The Israeli authorities do not require this.

The process of obtaining Israeli citizenship is not complicated, but according to statistics, there are quite a lot of situations where the authorities refuse this status. The most common reasons for this are:

  • Availability of criminal prosecution or criminal record in the applicant’s home country;
  • Presence of problems with the provision of documents confirming relationship, their insufficiency or dubious origin;
  • Adopting a religion other than Judaism.

Spouses who entered into marriage several days or weeks before sending the application to the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs may also receive a refusal.

Loss of citizenship

A very interesting point in Israeli legislation is the loss of citizenship. According to existing law, a citizen of this country cannot have a dual religion. Therefore, in the case of an application for Israeli citizenship on the maternal side, if you renounce Judaism for any reason, you will instantly lose your status.

How can a Russian citizen obtain Israeli citizenship? To obtain a passport for an Israeli citizen, the applicant must contact the Israeli Embassy if he is in his country, or the Ministry of Internal Affairs if he is on Israeli soil. Russians with or without Jewish roots can obtain this status.

Read about which country to choose for immigration from Russia.

Jerusalem, the Western Wall, the Putin bar - all this is located in the Promised Land. An interesting place for tourists and no less attractive for those who want to build a house there, raise a son and plant a tree. Despite its warlike and generally difficult history, Israel has become an economically developed country with beautiful landscapes and a humane government attitude towards its subjects. The fact that a considerable number of people are seeking to obtain citizenship of this country is not surprising.

Benefits of Israeli Citizenship

Israel has entered into a visa-free regime with 147 countries of the world, which include Canada, Barbados, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, New Zealand, Peru, etc. It is worth considering that the number of days of legal stay in a particular country on the list varies. For example, you can safely stay without a visa for six months in Canada, but in Serbia, Costa Rica or Zambia you will be allowed for 90 days, and in Thailand - only for 30. By the way, the USA is not included in this list.

Israel is famous for its high level of medicine and life in general. Citizenship, in turn, gives full access to health insurance and social benefits in that country.

And Israeli pensioners are guaranteed a secure old age.

It is much easier for an Israeli citizen to find a job than for an immigrant.

And, of course, once you become a citizen, you have the right to vote in elections and run for president. Another important advantage is that you do not have to renounce your primary citizenship.

However, this only works if you are a repatriate: you yourself or one of your closest relatives was born Jewish.

By the way, a Jew is considered to be someone whose mother is Jewish. If you have paternal roots, you are no longer considered a Jew, but this does not take away your right to repatriation. In addition, throughout the world, a Jew is considered to be someone who professes Judaism. Again, this does not change the fact that repatriation is carried out only on the basis of family ties.

Disadvantages of Israeli Citizenship

It just so happens that in some countries the Israeli passport is not recognized. This means that traveling to these places will be extremely difficult or even impossible.

  • A total of 16 states do not recognize the Israeli passport:
  • Algeria,
  • Bangladesh,
  • Brunei,
  • Iran,
  • Iraq (except Iraqi Kurdistan),
  • Yemen,
  • Kuwait,
  • Lebanon,
  • Libya,
  • Malaysia,
  • Oman,
  • UAE (transit at the airport without visiting the country is possible),
  • Pakistan,
  • Saudi Arabia,
  • Syria,


Israel is in very difficult relations with Arab countries, so, sadly, such problems are quite natural.

In addition, only Jews can marry in Israel. For representatives of other faiths, as well as for those who do not profess any religion, this can be a problem.

Table: pros and cons of Israeli citizenship

Who is eligible for Israeli citizenship

Every repatriate, on the basis of the Law of Return 1950, is an Israeli citizen by virtue of repatriation, except in cases where he acquired Israeli citizenship by birth, on the basis of Art. 4 or by virtue of adoption, on the basis of Art. 4 bat.

passed by the Knesset

Israeli Citizenship Law 1952 You do not have to be Jewish to obtain Israeli citizenship.

You can acquire citizenship both through repatriation and through naturalization - permanent residence in the country and integration into Israeli society.

Israel as a state came into existence on May 14, 1948. Accordingly, according to the Citizenship Law of 1952, the following persons acquire citizenship:

  • those born in Israel before the formation of the state;
  • those who repatriated before the formation of the state;
  • those who repatriated after the formation of the state;
  • who have received a repatriation certificate (Law of Return 1950).

The Law of Return applies to relatives only up to the third generation.

There are more exceptions to this law than the main provisions. For example, if your parent was a resident of Israel and then went abroad before the founding of the state, you will no longer be able to use the right to repatriation. All other exceptions come down to voluntary refusals of repatriation or objections of parents, in cases of minor children.

Important! Refusal of Judaism deprives you of the right to repatriation.

Detailed conditions provided by law

Citizenship can be obtained in the following cases:

  • on 1 March 1952 the person was registered as a resident under the Residents Registration Ordinance 1949;
  • on the day the 1952 Law came into force the person was a resident of Israel;
  • from the date of the proclamation of the state until the day the 1952 Law came into force, the person was in Israel or in territory that was the territory of Israel after the proclamation of the state, or during this period entered Israel legally;
  • A person born before the establishment of the State of Israel is considered a citizen by virtue of residence in Israel from the date of entry into force of the Nationality Law, subject to the following conditions:
    • on July 14, 1952, the person was a resident of Israel and was registered in the Residents Register in accordance with the Residents Registration Ordinance 1949;
    • this person is not a citizen of the state specified in Art. 2 Aleph of the Prevention of Infiltration (Crime and Proceedings) Act 1954;
  • a person born after the establishment of the State of Israel is considered a citizen by virtue of residence in Israel from the date of entry into force of Amendment 4 of 1980, subject to the following conditions:
    • this person was not an Israeli citizen due to another provision of this Law;
    • on the date of adoption of Amendment 4 of 1980, the person was a resident of Israel and was registered in the Population Registration Register;
    • this person is a descendant of a person in respect of whom the conditions specified in subparagraphs 1–3 of paragraph exist.

Eretz Israel is in the most literal sense “the land of Israel,” the historical homeland of the Jews.

Video: more about the process of proving Jewish roots

How can one obtain citizenship through naturalization?

As already stated, you do not have to be Jewish to become an Israeli. If all the tangled family ties do not concern you, you still have the opportunity to become an Israeli citizen through integration into society, mastering the language and culture.

To do this, you must meet the following conditions:

  • be an adult (in Israel, this is considered a person who has reached 18 years of age or has not reached 18 years of age, but is married);
  • be in the country at the time of obtaining citizenship;
  • live in Israel for three years out of the last five until the day of petition;
  • have the legal right of permanent residence in the country;
  • speak Hebrew at a conversational level;
  • intend to live permanently in Israel;
  • renounce previous citizenship/provide a document guaranteeing renunciation.

There is an amendment to the law according to which employees of the Israeli conscript army, as well as spouses, children and parents of those killed in the performance of military duties, are exempt from all of the above conditions, except for living in Israel. They are also exempt from taking the oath.

Naturalization of children

Minors acquire citizenship at the same time that their parents become Israeli citizens through naturalization. If one of them is not Israeli and is against his child having Israeli citizenship, he has the right to declare this in writing. In this case, the child does not receive citizenship.


To obtain citizenship by marriage, it is not enough to simply marry someone who already has citizenship. You must live in Israel for at least two years and fulfill the remaining conditions for naturalization. Moreover, marriage can only be concluded outside the borders of Israel, since in the country itself there is no civil marriage as such, and religious marriages are concluded through a rabbinical court. However, from a legal point of view, your family union will be recognized in Israel and will become the basis for obtaining citizenship in an accelerated manner.

Required documents and procedure for registration

Naturally, becoming a citizen involves collecting various papers.

Regarding repatriates

Prodigal sons and daughters returning to their historical homeland must have with them all of the following:

  • color photographs of all family members in 3x4 format for paperwork (meaning those family members who intend to live in Israel);
  • all passports that are available, including a foreign passport;
  • your birth certificate;
  • birth certificates of mother and/or father, grandmother and/or grandfather, depending on what papers you have;
  • marriage certificates;
  • certificates and diplomas of education from all institutions where you studied;
  • a certificate of good conduct, translated into Hebrew and certified by a notary;
  • employment history.

In addition to documents, you will need to provide contact information about your next of kin in Israel: telephone numbers, addresses, etc.

Your actions:

  • collect the originals of all the above documents and take them to the Israeli consulate or Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • make an appointment with the consul, all family members must be present;
  • go to an interview where they will check your documents and make sure of your good intentions.

For those who are abroad:

  • If everything goes well, you will receive a repatriation visa the very next day. It is valid for six months, but if necessary, it can be extended;
  • upon arrival in Israel, you will be met and given a package of documents: a repatriation certificate, an Israeli Teudat-Zehut identity card, a referral to the hospital cash desk. The documents are accompanied by a SIM card with a replenished balance and an amount of 1 thousand shekels for accommodation.

During the first year, medical care will be free for you, but after a year, treatment becomes paid.

Acceptance of citizenship by naturalization

If you meet all the conditions for naturalization, then all you need to do is provide evidence of renunciation of your first citizenship (or intent to renounce) and then take the oath. Contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs with an application for citizenship and wait for a response. If your application is approved, you will receive an Israeli citizen ID.

Obtaining an Israeli passport

There are two types of passports in Israel: Teudat-Maavar and Darkon. Both documents are proof of your belonging to Israel.


Such a passport is issued to all repatriates for the first time. It is an intermediate document before receiving a full passport. Teudat-Ma'avar is valid for a limited period of time and does not confirm your citizenship status and, accordingly, does not give you full rights.

After your documents are approved, within three months you will be issued a Teudat-Maavar in one of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For the document you will pay 180 shekels from September to February, or 240 from March to October. Teudat Ma'avar for minors costs 180 shekels.

With such a passport, you can open your own business, buy and sell assets, and purchase real estate in Israel. In this case, your status will be equal to that of a citizen. If problems arise abroad, you can contact the Israeli Consulate for assistance.

However, with such a passport, visa-free entry is possible only to 50 countries out of 147.

Teudat-Maavar is issued to the following persons:

  • repatriates living in Israel for less than a year;
  • citizens of two countries at the same time;
  • convicted persons;
  • Israeli citizens who have lost three passports;
  • people who are naturalized but do not want to live in Israel;
  • Israeli citizens who have lost their passport abroad;
  • citizens of Israel who arrived home by order of the government.


To obtain Darkon, you must go through a certain bureaucratic procedure and complete a number of other documents:

  1. Teudat Zehut is an identity card that is issued upon arrival.
  2. Teudat-Ole - contact the Ministry of Absorption for this document. With its help, you will receive a social basket: funds for living, for studying for the first 6 months, assistance with housing for one year.
  3. After three months, send a request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to receive Teudat-Mavar.
  4. After a year of living in Israel without traveling to other countries, the repatriate is awarded the long-awaited Darkon.

Darkon can be ordered both at the Ministry of Internal Affairs office and via the Internet. The price of Darkon depends on the time of year in which you order it: in the summer season 250 shekels, in the winter season 190 shekels. The passport can be picked up only 10 days after payment.

For minors, Darkon is issued for 5 years, but if the person has reached the age of 18 before the passport expires, it will have to be changed. You will need to contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs again.

Darkon is issued only to those who are interested in living in Israel for work, business, family, etc. In general, someone who has good reasons to live in Israel and have a connection with the country. This is where the condition of permanent residence comes from.

However, there are special cases when Darkon can be given to a person who is abroad:

  • the business the applicant conducts abroad makes a significant contribution to the Israeli economy;
  • the applicant is engaged in the arts or sciences while representing Israel on his own behalf;
  • the citizen is an active member of the Jewish community;
  • the person represents the Israeli government abroad;
  • the person is abroad for medical or humanitarian reasons.

However, in such cases, Darkon is issued for only a year. The registration process in the first three cases is tedious; you need to sign a bunch of ministerial papers and obtain permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If a year passes and you still need Darkon, you will have to arrange everything again. In addition, recommendations from relevant ministers will be required.

Can citizenship be denied?

Anything can serve as a reason for refusal: from incorrectly executed documents to questionable behavior of the candidate during the interview.

Repatriates are rejected mainly for the following reasons:

  • adoption of a repatriate by a representative of other faiths/atheist;
  • conversion to another religion;
  • marriage to a representative of another religion after the death of a Jewish spouse;
  • criminal past.

The latter case is not a clear factor. A person has a chance to obtain Jewish citizenship if he does not hide the fact of his criminal record. The process will be complicated, you will have to consult a lawyer for advice.

They refuse first of all if the documents do not pass the check. In such cases, evidence can be any documents, photographs or records that prove your Jewish identity. Sometimes it comes down to DNA tests.

But also, if it is obvious to the consul, or even seems, that you have no intention of staying in Israel, you just want to use an Israeli passport, you will be refused. And no reliable and perfectly preserved documents and photographs will help here, even if you are a purebred Jew.

In any case, if you were refused unfairly, or something went wrong, consult a lawyer.

Video: what to do in case of refusal

Deprivation of citizenship

According to the law, there are three factors that lead to deprivation of citizenship:

  • obtaining second citizenship of enemy countries;
  • treason to the state;
  • detection of document falsification when obtaining Israeli citizenship.

In addition, entry into one of the enemy countries is considered as a voluntary renunciation of citizenship.

According to the law, if your citizenship is taken away, you are automatically deprived of your civil rights. However, this does not relieve one from responsibilities.

Reviews from Russians who became Israeli citizens

Excerpt from an article about life in Israel from a former Muscovite. The full text can be found at the link.

We traveled with doubts: we didn’t know Israel very well, we don’t have relatives or close friends here. We didn’t really imagine how it would all be, but, of course, we were invigorated. As a result, we like it here more and more. Everything that scared us turned out to be much simpler in practice. The entire bureaucracy seems logical, thoughtful and not at all scary (after Russia!).

Anna Berkutova


December 11, 2012 was our first visit to the embassy. The first stage is collecting documents. The Israeli embassy website has a list of documents that must be brought to the interview with the consul. We collected everything we needed from the list, called the embassy and made an appointment. All that was left to do was wait. And now the long-awaited day has come. We arrived at the embassy at 9 am. There were a lot of people. We were searched and sent to the right building. There was one window, reception in which took place on a first-come, first-served basis. We also got to this window, and there a nice girl gave us a form that both my husband and I had to fill out. The questionnaire is a different story. We filled it out for more than an hour. You had to indicate your full name, date of birth, nationality, address and telephone number not only for yourself, but also for your mother, father, siblings and brothers, all immediate relatives who remain in the country, all relatives who live in Israel + the date of their repatriation to Israel. You also had to indicate all your educational institutions, all your work activities since 1985 + military service. All dates of visit to Israel and details of who was the inviter. If you were married, then this person’s data is also needed. Somehow we filled out this form and after several corrections they accepted it (I will add that the employee was very patient and explained everything clearly to everyone, and if necessary, she repeated it), they took all the necessary documents, namely: all our passports, certificates birth certificate, marriage certificate, diploma certificates, we also needed work books, but ours are with employers, they didn’t take anything from my parents, because none of them are Jews and do not live in Israel, on my husband’s side They only needed documents on the paternal side, that is, the father’s birth certificate, a marriage (divorce) certificate, and all the grandfather’s documents (including an Israeli ID card), as the closest relative in Israel, and were sent to wait. We waited for about 20 minutes and they called us. But it was too early to rejoice, they simply called us to take a photo, and then sent us to wait again. After another 20-30 minutes we were invited to the consul. “Hurray” we thought. The consul found out that we did not have enough documents - the birth certificates of Dani’s siblings, the original birth certificate of the father (we had a copy), the birth certificate of the father’s siblings (this is not written about on the embassy website)! And with that we were sent on our way. They said that my father’s relatives did not have to send us their documents, but simply showed them at the embassy of the city of residence, specifying that it was for us. But we need to bring the birth certificates of Danya’s sisters and the original certificate of the father in person. We continue to collect documents. I hope everything will be successful the second time. Our story of repatriation to Israel! On January 28, our second visit to the embassy took place. We managed to obtain birth certificates for our sisters and father. With the birth certificate of my father’s brother, things turned out to be more complicated. We found his phone number, called and described the current situation to him. My uncle understood our situation and promised to go to the embassy in his city. When he came there and, having explained the situation, said that he wanted to show his certificate to the consul, they answered him: “What are you talking about, anyway? This has never happened before in practice and we don’t know anything.” My uncle called us in bewilderment and conveyed a message from the embassy. After thinking about it, we decided to make an appointment anyway and come with what we had. Just like the first time, we arrived at the embassy in the morning. We stood in line at the coveted window. We notified the nice girl about our arrival with new documents and sat down to wait for us to be called. After sitting for 4 hours (I'm not exaggerating), we were invited. This time we ended up with a different consul. He checked all the documents in front of us and asked a couple of questions about our father and grandfather. I didn’t ask a word about my uncle’s birth certificate. And with the words “Wait for the visa,” he wished us good luck. The question arises: why did the first consul require a certificate from his uncle, which turned out to be unnecessary? This question will remain unanswered. We went out to the waiting room and within 10 minutes the long-awaited visa valid for six months was pasted into our passports. By the way, we received the stamp “For living abroad” in our passport in advance. Without him, I would have had to visit the embassy again. Cheers cheers! Then we were told to contact the Jewish Agency for details, which we did. We were given an appointment for February 4th. We sit and wait again.


Three years in Israel. We have been living in Israel for three years now. Three years is, whatever one may say, enough time to understand local life, improve everyday life, get used to the local mentality, and so on. One way or another, the third year of our life in Israel turned out to be routine (in the neutral sense of the word), since everything, in principle, became on a certain track. I will not deviate from the format that I used in posts a year and two years ago. Language. There is, of course, a complete swamp here. The fact is that at my new job, where, as I expected, there would be more Hebrew practice, there was almost none at all. Thus, I have no particular success in learning the language. On the other hand, I am somehow becoming more and more convinced that an initial level of language proficiency is quite sufficient in my case. Of course, there are situations (I haven’t found myself in many of them, but in general I’ve heard a lot) when Hebrew is very, very desirable. But the effort and time that I have to spend on bringing Hebrew to such a level somehow does not seem rational, especially considering that without practice any learning will be only partially effective. On the other hand, even if I practice, what will it give me? A better job? Not really. More money? Is not a fact. Access to any services? Well, I don’t really need anything like that, but for the same medicine, the totality of my knowledge in Russian, English and Hebrew is enough. On the other hand, at the bank (transfers, check books, etc.) I speak Hebrew quite well. You can translate a large, long document using Google Translate (you take a photo, it translates) or ask someone. I also went to see a doctor before (now I have a Russian-speaking doctor), and somehow we found a common language. Even when I came to the hardware store to buy a pipe for the sink (everything there was not very trivial), I explained myself, although of course with difficulty. In everyday situations, even without English, it is possible to find understanding. It's worse with telephone conversations - there are very often misunderstandings on my part. My wife’s Hebrew also doesn’t have any significant changes. Job. As I wrote a year ago, I found a job in a large company. I can’t say that I’m one hundred percent happy with what I have to do, but I don’t plan to change jobs yet. There are a lot of organizational advantages in this job, and therefore it would be stupid to change it for a pig in a poke. Moreover, objectively speaking, working in my current position I am learning quite a lot of new things. Everything is the same with my wife. Money. Everything seems to be fine here. Enough for everything you need, for small excesses and even something left over. However, there is not as much left as we would like and, for example, the prospect of collecting half a million for a down payment on an apartment seems rather vague to me. Well, that is. if we decided to save on everything, then of course in a reasonable number of years at the current level of income we would have saved up for the down payment, but I am increasingly convinced that there is little point in buying an apartment here given the current realities. Well, that is. How. If we wanted to buy a three-room apartment far from civilization in a house that was built under Ben-Gurion, we probably would have bought it. But for some reason we don’t want to. In any case, we don’t feel a particular need for our own apartment. If they offered me to pay the same amount (or 10–20 percent more) as I pay for rent and make a 10% down payment - yes, I would probably think about buying apartments. To shell out 125 thousand dollars in exchange for the fact that in 25 years I will own, at best, a 25-year-old apartment... Oh, there’s something I don’t like about this idea. Apartment. We extended the rental agreement, but the owners, however, increased the price by 5% (225 shekels). Honestly, if they insist on a raise next year, we’ll move. The apartment, of course, is not bad, but, as it turned out, it is by no means problem-free (and the house is quite new, this was one of the factors when choosing an apartment). Over the past year, we were flooded, we had (and perhaps still have) a leak from the air conditioner (and here it is installed throughout the entire apartment and it is not easy to get to the pipes - this is not our problem, but in the end it concerns us too) - i.e. There is no such thing that you live here and there are no problems in terms of maintaining the apartment. State of mind. In three years, I have absolutely gotten used to the fact that we moved to Israel and, in principle, my mood can be influenced by certain situations, but not by the fact of living in a new country. Having somewhat understood local life, I had a number of disappointments of a socio-political nature - I, with my worldview, that in Russia I was in the minority, here (albeit on a smaller number of issues). On the other hand, here at least I can choose who to vote for and this is not even a choice of the lesser of two evils. It's sad that close friends and relatives are far away. Of course, relatives come to visit and there is Skype, but still, personal communication is somewhat lacking. Is there nostalgia? A little bit 🙂 Yes, I would like to see how it is and what it is, to see everyone, but if I choose between a trip to Russia or a tourist trip somewhere else, I will choose the second. In any case, if we ignore any super-emergency situations, there can be no talk of returning to Russia - in my understanding, Israel is an order of magnitude more developed, convenient for living and safe country than the Russian Federation. There are some shortcomings (I’ll probably write a separate post about them someday), but overall everything is much better.


Video: repatriation and living in Israel

Israeli citizenship is not only available to Jews. However, having lived so much time among Jewish culture, sooner or later anyone will be imbued with the spirit of Judaism. If you don’t suffer from xenophobia and don’t see anything wrong with sociocultural adaptation, why not? After all, who wouldn’t want to join the society of one of the most developed countries?

Today, many Russians are not satisfied with the quality of life in their homeland, so they are looking for all sorts of ways to move for permanent residence and obtain citizenship in other, more prosperous countries. Israel attracts immigrants from around the world with its economic stability, standard of living and comfortable climatic conditions. Israeli to Russian citizen? What advantages does it have?

Pros and cons of citizenship and life in Israel

First of all, citizenship status gives its holder the right to live in Israel continuously throughout the year. It also allows you to visit many countries without a visa, such as Western European countries.

Among the advantages of living in this country are:

  • economic stability;
  • high quality of medical care;
  • developed social security system;
  • warm climate.

Among the shortcomings are noted:

  • instability of the political situation;
  • limited supply of fresh water;
  • high population density;
  • inflated food costs.

Ways to obtain Israeli citizenship

How can a Russian obtain Israeli citizenship? There are 3 ways:

  • with a citizen of this country;
  • repatriation;
  • naturalization.

Now let's look at each of them in detail.

Marriage to an Israeli citizen

A citizen of the Russian Federation can obtain Israeli citizenship by marrying a citizen of this state. In 1999, the Israeli government amended the law, according to which foreigners who marry Jews are entitled to citizenship. In this case, the scheme for obtaining it looks like this:

  1. The applicant applies for a six-month work visa.
  2. A visa is issued for temporary residence in the country.
  3. Applying for Israeli citizenship.

A temporary residence visa is a residence permit. It is valid for 4 years. During this period, the Israeli authorities are convinced of the seriousness of foreigners’ intentions to start a family with citizens of this country. If it is discovered that the marriage is fictitious, the foreigner may be deported from the country.

It is important to note that Israeli citizenship can also be obtained by those spouses of citizens of this country who are in a civil marriage with them. You can obtain citizenship after 7 years of stay in Israel. However, after submitting an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the spouses must prove the validity of the relationship, which takes several months. Air tickets, bank accounts, joint photographs, etc. are suitable as supporting documents.


How can a Jew from Russia obtain Israeli citizenship? The most rational option in this case is repatriation - registration of citizenship based on nationality. This procedure is regulated by the Law on Return.

To obtain citizenship, the applicant applies to the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs and presents:

  • passport;
  • birth and marriage certificate;
  • certificates and diplomas of education;
  • work book;
  • certificate from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • documents on family ties with Israeli citizens.

If the applicant is a Jew up to the 3rd generation in the family tree, the process of obtaining citizenship occurs as quickly as possible.

After submitting documents, the applicant undergoes consular checks along with all members of his family.

In the case where the applicant is Jewish in the pedigree up to the third generation, the process of accepting Israeli citizenship does not take much time. After applying, he and all members of his family must undergo verification at the Israeli consulate.

How can a Russian who is not a Jew obtain Israeli citizenship? This can be done through naturalization - the process of obtaining citizenship of the country by a foreigner of non-Jewish origin. Registration is carried out in stages. You can obtain citizenship status if you have resided continuously in Israel for the last 5 years.

The main conditions for obtaining citizenship are:

  • availability of a valid residence permit;
  • the age of majority of the applicant;
  • lack of citizenship of another state.

Persons with knowledge of Hebrew, as well as financially independent people and property owners have a greater chance of obtaining citizen status. The decision is made by representatives of the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs in each case individually.

Labor and business immigration

How to obtain Israeli citizenship in other ways? Officially employed foreigners and businessmen can obtain an Israeli passport.

Obtaining citizenship through employment is a rather long process. First, the foreigner is issued a one-year work visa through the employer, after which it must be renewed regularly. After 5 years of legal stay on a visa, a foreigner can apply for citizenship to the country’s Ministry of Internal Affairs. Priority when considering applications is given to specialists in in-demand professions.

Businessmen and investors do not have the opportunity to obtain citizenship. The fact is that this area is under strict state control, and foreign businessmen can only be issued a visa. No matter how unique the business project is, it will not be possible to obtain citizenship with its help.

Is it possible to obtain Israeli citizenship for medical treatment?

It is no secret that many of our compatriots go to Israel for treatment. But is it possible to obtain Israeli citizenship in this case? It turns out that Russians can receive a course of treatment and rehabilitation, which can subsequently be extended.

The majority of citizens of our country trust Israeli professionals and seek to undergo treatment in this country. Is it possible to get an Israeli passport in this case? In case of undergoing long-term treatment or rehabilitation, our compatriots can obtain a residence permit, which can be extended if necessary.

We have already looked at how to obtain Israeli citizenship. Now let's take a closer look at the consular check procedure that is carried out during repatriation.

The most common and easiest way to obtain Israeli citizenship is to submit an application to the consulate of this state. After preparing all the necessary documentation, applicants undergo verification at the Israeli Embassy, ​​which consists of two interviews. All members of the family moving to Israel, including children, must be present during the procedure.

At the first interview, applicants meet with the consul, provide all prepared documents for review and learn all the intricacies of the procedure for obtaining citizenship. If a positive decision is made regarding the applicants, they must visit the embassy a second time to obtain a repatriation visa. It is valid for no more than six months, but can be extended. After completing this document, you can choose the day of arrival in Israel.

It is important to note that repatriated citizens are supported by the Israeli authorities. Air tickets can be purchased either independently or through the Sokhnut agency, which deals with the maintenance and relocation of repatriates. Upon arrival in Israel, new citizens will be met by employees of the Ministry of Absorption, who will issue an identification card, cash, and a SIM card for negotiations within the country. Repatriates leave the airport by taxi, which is also paid for from the state budget.

Double citizenship

The Israeli government does not prohibit its citizens from having citizenship of another country. A large number of citizens of the republics of the former Soviet Union have long had a second Israeli citizenship and a “teudat maavar” card, which can be used when traveling around the world. How to get (Russia-Israel)? The procedure is no different from the algorithm described above. But you should remember that you don’t have to give up. The Israeli authorities will not insist on this.

Can citizenship be denied?

So, we have already examined in detail how to obtain Israeli citizenship. But do situations arise when the immigration authorities of a country refuse to grant citizenship to a foreign citizen?

It turns out that cases of refusal are relatively common. There may be several reasons for this. Here are the most common ones:

  1. Problems arose in establishing the applicant's nationality. For example, the applicant did not submit all the documents confirming his relationship with Jews, or the consul had doubts about their reliability.
  2. Having an expunged or unexpunged criminal record or criminal prosecution in your home country.
  3. The consul established the fact that the applicant had converted to a religion other than Judaism.

Spouses of Israeli citizens who married them shortly before applying to the country's Ministry of Internal Affairs may also be denied.

How can a Russian obtain Israeli citizenship? To obtain an Israeli passport, you need to contact the Israeli Embassy in Russia or the local Ministry of Internal Affairs during your stay in the country. Both Russians with and without Jewish origin can obtain citizenship.

Many Russians are wondering how to get an Israeli passport, because there are 3 types of them, how to figure out which one is needed for which situations. To understand all the nuances of the Israeli bureaucracy, read the information below.

Internal documents

Before you think about how to get an Israeli passport, you should take care of obtaining citizenship. It can be issued to both Jews (repatriation) and non-Jews (marriage, naturalization, adoption of Judaism).

In fact, the procedure for obtaining a passport in this country is extremely simple:

  • You are a repatriate. Immediately after passing the interview at the consulate, a visa is placed in your passport, valid for six months, during which you must choose a date to fly to Israel. According to local laws, you, as a Jew who has returned to your historical homeland, become its citizen immediately, stepping onto Israeli soil from the plane. Now there is nothing easier than getting an Israeli passport, which can be done right at the airport. You will be issued a civil document valid within the country. There are 2 versions of them: temporary (given for 3 months) and biometric (issued to replace the temporary one by the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs).
  • Naturalization. Lasts 3 years, after which you receive a passport on a general basis.
    What does this passport provide? You become a full-fledged citizen of the country with all the rights and responsibilities that are provided by law. The difference is that, as a “new” Israeli, you have numerous benefits that help you quickly adapt to your new living conditions.
  • Lesse passe. Previously, Israel issued a travel document called Lesse Passe. This is a foreign passport that allowed a person to see the world (at least part of it) without a visa. Thanks to this passport, the borders of 50 countries were opened for you, which is not bad at all for a novice Israeli. It is no longer issued in Israel, but can be issued in Russia.

Currently, the Israeli authorities have abandoned the use of this type of passport. What do they give in return?

Obtaining Darkon without living in Israel

Previously, in order to obtain a darkon (permanent passport), it was necessary to settle in Israel for at least a year. This document is issued for a period of 5 and 10 years, then subject to renewal.
What has changed today? From June 2017, by decision of the Israeli government, darkon will be issued even to newly arrived Israeli citizens. That is, there is no longer a need to permanently reside in the country throughout the year, i.e. Now you can get darkon without an address. After 3 months, you will receive a passport that opens the borders of 161 countries.

If you have Jewish roots and are interested in how to get an Israeli passport in Moscow, call the Russian-Israeli consultation center "RICC". We will help you prepare all the necessary documents and obtain an Israeli passport.

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