What documents are needed to obtain a military ID: difficulties, regulations and sequence of actions. What documents are needed to obtain a military ID: difficulties, regulations and sequence of actions To the military registration and enlistment office after 27 years

are needed to obtain a military ID, that is, a document that is issued to citizens of the Russian Federation after they are recruited for service or upon transfer to the reserve, release for good reasons, depends on several circumstances.

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List of documents to receive

For example, the number of the lost document, the date of its issue, etc. According to article twenty-one, paragraph two, even deliberately bringing a military ID into an unkempt state, resulting in damage or destruction of state property, to which this document in question relates, a fine may be imposed.

The amount of the fine is indicated in the same legal act. It ranges from one hundred to five hundred rubles. The final amount payable depends on the specific circumstances in which it occurred, as well as other additional factors.

All of them are taken into account and the final amount payable is displayed. What documents are needed to obtain a military ID card due to illness is determined by law, that is, regulations and orders that regulate the amount for violations that can be detected.

About the military ID after 27 years, you can watch the video:

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The lack of life experience among young men whose age is approaching conscription does not allow them to sensibly assess the situation regarding military service and military service in general. For this reason, at present, the tendency to evade military service still persists, although subsequently most of the evaders regret their action.

The point is not that a sense of civic duty is awakening. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for some restrictions for those citizens who have certain problems with having a military ID.

Why does a civilian need a military ID?

Perhaps everyone knows that a military ID is the most important document for a serviceman, but not everyone understands that without it it will not be possible to conduct full-fledged activities in civilian life. If you can put up with the requirement to have a ticket when applying for a job in law enforcement agencies, then its presence in the package of documents for a private employer turns out to be a real surprise.

Meanwhile, this has a completely reasonable justification. The company hires an employee, invests in his education and training, and absolutely does not want to solve the employee’s problems with the military registration and enlistment office, and the military officer is a guarantee that the citizen is in reserve.

If we consider some services, for example, or permits to carry weapons, then the specified document also serves as a stumbling block. At what stage should it be presented? When undergoing a medical examination, and for those who decided to “refuse” from the army by feigning, the fate is no sweeter. The issuance of rights will also be denied. The list of examples indicating the need to issue a military ID is supplemented by some banking services, because this document also serves as an identification document.

When is it envisaged to receive VB?

Sooner or later, a military ID becomes the secret dream of any teenager. No matter what rumors there are about possible payoffs, the document can only be drawn up legally. True, there are several possible situations in this regard:

  • Immediately after arriving at a military unit for service, the registration certificate is changed to a military ID.
  • After receiving a diploma from a university where there was a military department, the graduate is considered to be in the reserve.
  • Upon enrollment in a military institution, the cadet is issued a military ID.
  • If during the conscription campaign it was decided that the young man, based on certain criteria, could be exempted from military service, then the above document is issued immediately after his conclusion.

Find out: A certificate instead of a military ID as a method of dealing with draft evaders

Expiration of conscription age

We have specifically identified the category of citizens who receive a military ID after crossing the threshold of conscription age into a separate group. First, let’s figure out who is going to undergo this procedure. It is known that the number 27 was taken for a reason. This is the age limit for conscription. From the above, it can be noted that all persons who will receive a military ID after 27 years of age have not served in military service.

The described scenario is possible if a citizen takes advantage of a legal deferment for work, study or family reasons. By extending the deferment, after the end of the conscription period you must immediately pick up your military ID, especially since the procedure for obtaining it is quite simple. The military registration and enlistment office will not put obstacles in place if you have not served in the army, and there are very good reasons for this.

Draft dodgers are those citizens who try to avoid service in various ways not provided for by law. They also want to get a ticket after the conscription period has passed, because now they can come out of the shadows. Even if, according to the conclusion of the medical commission, they are completely healthy, they are not threatened with military service.

Document execution algorithm

If a citizen has not served in the army, then after 27 years he is obliged to register with the military, wondering how to get a military ID? There is no need for a law-abiding conscript to avoid meeting with military registration and enlistment office employees. On the contrary, failure to appear may result in certain problems.

The algorithm for obtaining a document boils down to writing an application and collecting a package of documents. You can always find out what documents are needed from the secretariat of the commissariat. Having taken the list, you should accurately prepare all the required copies and originals.

  • Matte photos measuring 3 cm by 4 cm.
  • Passport (hand in photocopies, present the original).
  • Driver's license, if available.
  • Education documents.
  • Certificate of family composition.
  • Medical report.

Find out: What is VUS in a military ID and how is it deciphered?

There is a lot of controversy regarding this last point. Some people believe that even those who have not served in the military do not need a medical examination after they turn twenty-seven. There is no need to prove your case in court here. If the military registration and enlistment office considered it necessary to request a medical card, then there is a reason for this. After all, a citizen is no longer threatened with conscription.

The state added a fly in the ointment for draft dodgers by issuing a law according to which they cannot obtain a military ID, but will only get by with a certificate. Naturally, in terms of its functions it is equivalent to a full-fledged document, but how will the employer feel about this?

Draft dodgers are considered to be persons who did not serve in the military without legal grounds. They could not appear when summoned, constantly changing their place of residence and not registering. In this case, it is impossible to appeal the decision of the commissariat. It is worth thinking about the fact that devoting a year of your life to the army is more profitable than constantly being refused a job with a certificate.

A military ID is one of the most important documents for a man. Without it, it is impossible to perform a number of legal actions. In some cases, this document is required when applying for a job. Therefore, the relevant question is how to obtain a military ID.


The Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Service and Military Duty” (Article 22) stipulates compulsory service for young men aged 18-27 years. The only exceptions are persons who have contraindications due to health or other circumstances. Draft evasion is a criminal offense.
Consequently, obtaining a military ID will be easy for the following persons:

  • those who have served their required term in the army;
  • having a diagnosis incompatible with military service, confirmed by a military medical commission (fitness categories “B” and “D”);
  • who are cadets of military educational institutions;
  • having legal grounds for obtaining a deferment up to 27 years of age - for studies, family reasons.

Until 2014, the problem of how to get a military ID after 27, if you did not serve, was less relevant. With amendments to the legislative act, a man recognized as a draft dodger can only count on a special certificate. This decision should make conscripts think twice before “running” from the army. After all, the absence of a military man imposes some restrictions in civilian life.

Why do you need a military ID?

Quite often, a military ID becomes a full-fledged replacement for an internal passport, and in some cases you simply cannot do without it. First of all, it is required for any official change of residence. Among other certificates, you must provide a military ID. This document is also asked for men of military age when applying for a foreign passport; if a young man does not yet have a military ID (for example, a full-time student), he can receive a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office stating that there are no objections to his going abroad .
The absence of a military man can make it difficult to find a job or the desired position. Without obtaining a military ID before or after the 27th it is impossible to:

  • get a job at a prestigious state corporation;
  • run for state or city Duma;
  • find employment in municipal and public service;
  • serve in the police and organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the FSB;
  • be a collector, a security guard (except for rare exceptions).

There are often cases when managers of large companies pay great attention to the fact of serving in the armed forces. Of course, the lack of a military ID cannot become an official reason for refusal to hire. A different explanation will be given or it will simply be stated that the candidate is not suitable. So, due to the lack of a military ID, you can miss a good job.

How to get a military ID: procedure

If a young man has no problems with the law and has grounds for obtaining a military ID, then picking him up will not be difficult. It is enough to go to the relevant executive body and submit an application. The latter is written on a standard form. A prerequisite for accepting a document is legible handwriting and the absence of erasures. If necessary, you must use a new form.
The completed document is handed over to the military registration and enlistment office employee. The acceptance procedure takes no more than 10 minutes. After this, the employee announces the list of required documents:

  • original and copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • photographs of the required size;
  • registration certificate - it is confiscated by a military registration and enlistment office employee when issuing a military ID. However, the absence (loss) of an assigned person cannot become an obstacle to obtaining a military officer.

Additionally, documents confirming education, a driver's license (if available) and others may be required.
On the specified date (no later than 10 days), the young person is given a completed document. At this point, the question of how to obtain a military ID will be closed. The situation becomes more complicated if there is no legal basis for obtaining the document.

How to get a military ID after 27 years if you have not served

If a man is 27 years old, he can no longer be drafted into the army. But obtaining a military ID is difficult. First of all, the military registration and enlistment office will have to explain the reason for missing the draft. Moreover, simple “didn’t know”, “couldn’t” are not taken into account. The reasons must be important and well-reasoned.
If the explanations do not satisfy the representative of the military registration and enlistment office, then the man will be punished. Most often, he is given a fine of 500 rubles. It is worse if a criminal case is opened against the conscript under Article 328 “Evasion of military and alternative civil service.” In this case, criminal penalties ranging from a fine to actual imprisonment for up to 2 years are possible.
Sometimes military registration and enlistment office employees do not want to accept an application for a military ID. In this case, you can use postal services - send documents by registered mail with notification of receipt. It is also worth contacting the military prosecutor's office, since the military registration and enlistment office does not have the right to refuse to accept an application.
After paying the fine, you must submit a standard package of documents to the military registration and enlistment office. For the certificate you will also need to undergo a medical examination. The man is given a hospital certificate. He must undergo examination by doctors according to the list and:

  • take general urine and blood tests;
  • do an ECG;
  • get fluorography results.

Submitted documents are processed at the military registration and enlistment office within 10 working days. After this, in most cases, instead of a military ID, a special certificate is issued.

How to get a military ID instead of a certificate

According to current legislation, you can appeal any decision of the military registration and enlistment office. However, as practice shows, if a conscript “ran” from the army and did not respond to the demands of the executive body, then they rarely meet him. A mitigating circumstance may be the presence of prerequisites for obtaining a deferment. For example, if a conscript studied at a university or has a serious illness, but did not formalize the deferment properly.
Conscripts who, for unknown reasons, have fallen out of the purview of the executive body can also compete for the right to receive a military ID after 27 years. According to the current law, the young man is obliged to appear at the military registration and enlistment office regardless of whether he received a summons or not. Even if the conscript was not given a summons to sign, then at the military registration and enlistment office he will be considered a draft dodger and can only count on issuing a certificate instead of a military ID. The only difference between failure to appear on a summons and without it is that if a conscript fails to appear on a signed summons, he will face criminal liability under Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
However, a situation is possible when the conscript did not receive a summons (and the military registration and enlistment office believes that he deliberately avoided receiving them), and a search case has been opened against him, which he may not even suspect, in which case, after 27 years, instead of a military ID, he may also face criminal liability and receiving a “dodger’s certificate” if he does not prove that he did not receive a summons and did not appear at the military registration and enlistment office for valid reasons.
How to get a military ID: advice from professionals
To obtain a military ID without serving in the army, it is worth using knowledgeable professionals. It is best to do this in the year you turn 17, i.e. in the year of registration for primary military registration, when the future conscript undergoes a medical examination for the first time, and he is given a preliminary fitness category. In this case, it is much easier to prove a non-conscription diagnosis, if there is one, because:

  • There is a reserve of time before the age of 18 to undergo the necessary examinations and collect a medical history;
  • It is easier, faster and cheaper to be observed and examined in any children's health care institutions than in adults;
  • In the case of a proven diagnosis, it is possible to receive a military ID for the next conscription after turning 18 years old, which gives some freedom in choosing a future path in life (for example, enrolling in a university for distance learning and going to work officially, without regard to the military registration and enlistment office);

But even if a conscript turns to specialists for help after turning 18, he can be helped. A good period for this is studying at a technical school/college/school or as a full-time student at a university, because... the entire duration of the deferment can be used to prepare for a future call.
In general, the general rule is this: the later a conscript seeks help, the more difficult it is to obtain a military ID without military service.
Specialists in their field will review the available documents. Based on the information received, they will advise the best course of action.
Professional lawyers and military medical experts will help:

  • correctly prepare documents for submission to the military registration and enlistment office;
  • undergo a medical examination and receive a conclusion with a diagnosis corresponding to the “Schedule of Diseases”;
  • file claims if necessary to challenge the decision of the military registration and enlistment office;
  • undergo a hearing in court.

Why you should contact us

“Conscript Protection Service” is a team of qualified specialists with extensive knowledge and extensive experience in military structures. Our company has been operating since 2011. During this period, assistance was provided to a large number of conscripts. Contact us, we guarantee efficiency and professionalism.

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