What documents are needed to be placed on the waiting list to improve living conditions? Necessary documents to improve living conditions

Today, improving living conditions for a large number of people is a very important issue that will need to be addressed with the help of the housing stock. Several programs have been adopted that are aimed at solving issues related to improving living conditions for citizens in need. At the same time, not many people have information about how to correctly and quickly submit an application to improve their living conditions. For more detailed consultation, a citizen has the opportunity to contact the district administration authorities and obtain the necessary information on this issue.

Documents that will be required

In order to submit such an application, you need to complete a number of specific steps. You will need the following documents:

  1. Citizen's passport (you need to make copies of all available pages of the document that confirms the citizen's identity).
  2. Certificate of complete family composition, which must be obtained at the passport office.
  3. Make a copy of your invoice.
  4. Provide a marriage certificate.
  5. Provide a document on the birth of children.
  6. A concluded rental agreement.
  7. An application written by you to improve your existing living conditions.
  8. Certificate received from the BTI.
  9. Certificate of registration.
  10. Document type 2-NDFL, which you need to get at work.

Features of applying for a legal opportunity to improve your living conditions

According to the law existing in the country, citizens of the Russian Federation have the legal right to buy housing for living in various ways. When a person does not have the square meters he needs in the quantity required for living, he has an excellent opportunity to stand in line (registration) for the opportunity to obtain and improve his living conditions.
Then, you will need to obtain information from the administration of your area about the existing opportunity to directly participate in existing programs that are aimed at improving the living conditions of its citizens. Also, find out whether there are existing programs to subsidize the purchase of housing for citizens. The existing law determines that registration of people who need to improve their living conditions is carried out by the district housing department. Therefore, it is possible to apply at your place of residence or at your place of work.

Getting advice on how to register

In order to receive the necessary advice and assistance in this matter regarding subsidies or the possibility of registering a citizen, it is recommended to contact a qualified and experienced lawyer in the administration. When a person lives in the district and to a specialist from the city administration, when a person lives in a district settlement. At the same time, you will need to find out and check whether you belong to a specially defined group of citizens. This category of citizens can be provided with housing for living under a drawn up social rental agreement. It will also be necessary to clarify the issue of the possibility of getting on the waiting list in order to be able to get your own housing from government agencies in the future.

Quite often, administration employees who deal with this kind of work issues can hinder and slow down the completion of all necessary procedures, while sufficiently complicating the issues to obtain the opportunity for a citizen to improve their living conditions. Any family comes to the administration with its own specific situation, but the necessary list of required documents should not be very large due to possible additional requirements. When it is not possible to reach a compromise, then the citizen has the opportunity to contact the prosecutor’s office. This structure will tell you what rules and laws exist to ensure that a citizen of the Russian Federation has the opportunity to register.

The order of necessary actions

After completing all of the above steps and collecting all the documents and certificates required to resolve this issue, you will need to write an application to the local government authorities. You will need to show all the collected documents and certificates that confirm your legal right, as a citizen of the country, to have the opportunity to improve your existing living conditions.

Since the verification process takes place in several specific stages, you will need to wait some time until you receive notification of the decision that has been made on your application. As a rule, such a letter is sent by mail to the citizen’s residential address. Most often, these types of messages arrive at the citizen’s postal address, but they can also be delivered in another way.

In order for a citizen to be able to obtain registration, it is necessary to be recognized as in need of improved living conditions. Most often, this procedure takes place at the same time as a citizen’s registration. This can be clarified in the local government agencies that deal with these issues. If you have any questions or difficulties in obtaining this type of information, then you can contact a legal consultation office where qualified and experienced lawyers work. Specialists will help you collect all the required documents and give professional advice related to the issues of identifying a citizen in need of improved living conditions. With the right and qualified approach to this issue, everything can be done quite quickly in time.

Any citizen who needs improved living conditions has the legal right to be able to obtain an apartment from government agencies. The Housing Code of the Russian Federation establishes a special group of citizens who have the opportunity to stand in line for the opportunity to improve their living conditions.

Such citizens may be:

  • People who do not rent residential premises and are not homeowners.
  • Owners of apartments that are small in size as required by regulations.
  • People living with a citizen who suffers from serious chronic illnesses.
  • People who live in unsafe and unsuitable conditions for safe living.

In each region, the process for obtaining this preferential group of citizens will be different and may differ to some extent, both in the documents provided and in the time it takes to carry out these procedures.

Priority people in need:

  1. Large families.
  2. Disabled people.
  3. Orphans.

They have their own specially established queue and order of receipt. The main conditions will be the following:

  1. Have Russian citizenship.
  2. Living for a specified period of time in a certain region.
  3. People who did not intentionally worsen their own living conditions.
  4. Citizens who currently live in unsafe or unsafe living quarters and are recognized as in need of improved living conditions.
  5. There is a whole package of required documents and certificates that can fully confirm and prove that you need improved living conditions: these are documents that prove your status as a citizen. The country has many existing programs to provide opportunities to improve living conditions for citizens.


People who need to change their living conditions should contact the appropriate department dealing with these issues. In order to make a certain decision, no more than 30 days are established (only working days are counted) from the time of provision of all required documents and certificates. In our country, a person who is recognized as in need of improved housing has an excellent opportunity to obtain the housing he needs on a completely legal basis. A citizen will need to find out and check whether you belong to a specially defined group of citizens. This category of citizens can be provided with housing under a drawn up social tenancy agreement. It is also necessary to clarify the issue of the possibility of getting on the waiting list in order to be able to get your own housing.

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There are several ways to improve your living conditions in Moscow, the list of which is quite large today. One of these methods is to obtain an apartment (housing) under a social tenancy agreement, that is, essentially free municipal housing.

You can sign up for a consultation with the lawyers of the Bar Association
"Legal protection" by phone. 691 38 72, 787 75 07.

You can get an apartment in Moscow under these conditions, in particular, by getting on the waiting list to improve your living conditions. This article will discuss the existing procedure for placing on a waiting list in Moscow, in accordance with the general social program for obtaining housing. Subsequent articles will discuss issues related to queuing and obtaining social housing in order to improve living conditions.

Procedure for placing on the waiting list for improvement of living conditions

In order to get in line to improve housing conditions, it is necessary that a number of circumstances be observed that are associated with the very need for improvement, as well as with a circumstance that, due to the relevance and sensitivity of this issue, is popularly referred to as qualification settlement, that is, living in Moscow for a certain amount of time.

Thus, there is a rule according to which registration for improvement of housing conditions is possible only after permanent residence in Moscow for a total of at least 10 years. This means nothing more than that to be placed on the waiting list, continuous residence in Moscow during this time is not necessary; the citizen’s place of residence may change during his life, it is possible to move to another city and return to permanent residence in Moscow, The only thing that remains unchanged in practice is that residence for a 10-year period must be confirmed by a registration record at the place of residence, or the so-called permanent registration (propiska).

The issue of living in Moscow for 10 years to be placed on the waiting list turned out to be very painful, and led to numerous appeals from citizens to various courts in defense of their constitutional rights, primarily the right to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence. The result of the judicial struggle of citizens for their rights was the recognition of the previously existing norm in the Moscow legislation on 10 years of residence in Moscow as inconsistent with the constitution and federal legislation. Previously, in the Moscow legislation on improving housing conditions (Resolution of the Moscow City Duma of January 31, 2001 No. 12 “On the regulation on the procedure for improving the living conditions of citizens in Moscow”) there also existed such a condition, which was canceled by the Determination of the Investigative Committee for Civil Cases of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from October 05, 2001 No. 5-GO1-117. In the new Moscow Law No. 22 “On improving the living conditions of Moscow residents” dated January 15, 2003, this period appeared again, which caused bewilderment on the part of the public and some representatives of the judiciary. At the moment, there are quite good reasons to again appeal to the court with a statement on the official recognition of the essentially unconstitutional, but denounced in a different legal form, conditions of the new law as not complying with the Constitution. Until this provision of Moscow legislation is recognized as inconsistent with the Constitution and the law, it is legally valid and actively applied by the Moscow authorities in the person of the Administrations and Prefectures in practice.

The question also remains controversial that residence for 10 years in Moscow should be taken into account precisely according to permanent registration, because the law speaks only about residence and does not mention anywhere that residence must take place precisely by registration (registration). From this point of view, there are judicial prospects for establishing in court the fact of residence for a 10-year period in Moscow in accordance with special proceedings in Articles 264-268 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, given that for several years judicial practice has been considering registration at a permanent place of residence not as a basis, but as just one of the proofs of permanent residence in a certain place. That is, to confirm the fact of permanent residence, other evidence can be used, namely evidence obtained from other sources of evidence listed in paragraph 1 of Art. 55 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, including from witness testimony.

Another condition for registering those in need of housing is that the provision of total space for each family member should not exceed the norms established by law. So, for example, it is required that for each person living in a residential building who wants to register for improvement, there should be no more than 10 meters in the total area. For citizens living in communal apartments or hotel-type apartments, a different rule applies, namely, the provision of such citizens with common living space must be slightly higher for registration, that is, according to the law, it must not exceed the norm of 15 meters. At the same time, the concept of communal housing (communal apartment) is given in Article 15 of the Moscow Law “Fundamentals of Moscow Housing Policy” dated March 11, 1998 No. 6, according to which a communal apartment is considered to be an apartment consisting of one or more residential premises owned by two or more users (owners) who are not members of the same family on the basis of separate agreements, transactions or other actions provided for by law. From this point of view, a) is considered communal. municipal apartment, where there are separate personal accounts for isolated residential premises b). a former municipal apartment, with different personal accounts, where one or more rooms are privatized. The issue of classifying an apartment as a communal apartment on the right of common shared ownership, even with a certain procedure for use, is decided negatively by the courts due to the lack of separate rights to isolated residential premises in such apartments.

If different families live in an apartment that is not subject to communal occupancy due to adjacent rooms or due to the fact that the apartment is one-room, as well as for a number of other reasons (Appendix No. 1 to Law No. 22), placing on a waiting list is also possible if there is a common with an area of ​​less than 15 meters, that is, the norm established for communal apartments (Article 3 of the Law).

At the same time, there are a number of cases when placing on a waiting list to improve housing conditions is carried out regardless of the number of meters allocated to each family member, namely:

1) If citizens occupy one-room apartments or apartments consisting of adjacent non-isolated rooms and there are no family relations between them. The point here, in contrast to the case discussed above, is that there are no kinship relations between citizens, and the presence of different families in an apartment is possible even if kinship relations between citizens are preserved.

2) If citizens occupy residential premises that are duly recognized as unsuitable for permanent residence. A residential premises is considered unsuitable for permanent residence if it: a). emergency b). is in dilapidated condition c). if exposure to harmful environmental factors has been identified in the residential premises. The procedure for recognizing residential premises and houses as unsuitable for permanent residence is regulated by the Regulations on the procedure for recognizing residential premises and residential buildings as unsuitable for habitation, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2003 No. 552. and is specified at the level of Moscow legislation.

3) If they occupy residential premises in apartments (houses) with a corridor layout, as well as in houses with limited amenities that do not meet the standards of improvement, that is, in houses (apartments) that lack one of the following amenities (energy supply, running water, bathroom or shower , gas or electric stove, hot water supply or geyser, regardless of the wall material).

4) If citizens occupy residential premises in dormitories, including hotel-type dormitories, with the exception of cases where Moscow is the place of stay for citizens (they have temporary registration).

5) Regardless of the registration norm, citizens living in communal apartments are also accepted for registration if among the residents there are patients suffering from severe forms of some chronic diseases and, according to the conclusion of the health authorities, living together with them is impossible.

6) Residential premises where patients suffering from certain forms of chronic diseases live, the layout of which does not allow the allocation of isolated residential premises for the use of these citizens. Moreover, these citizens by law have the right to use isolated residential premises.

Regardless of the number of meters per resident, citizens who have lived in Moscow for a total of at least 40 years, that is, who are long-livers in Moscow, can also be recognized as in need of improved housing conditions, a) if they have been living in communal apartments for the last 10 years if you have the full total work experience required to assign a labor pension b). the last 5 years in the presence of disability of the first or second group. Long-term residents of Moscow living in communal housing conditions have the right to priority housing, and even if they live in families in need of improved housing conditions, they are included in separate lists of those in need from other waiting lists.

Accounting for other living space owned by citizens with the right of independent use

When determining the size of living space per each family member, all residential premises belonging to citizens living in the apartment and members of their families with independent use rights are taken into account. The concept of the right of independent use is very broad and includes both ownership of residential premises and ownership of housing under another right (use under a social tenancy agreement, an apartment in a housing cooperative with an incompletely paid share and other legal grounds for owning housing). At the same time, the right of residence granted under a sublease agreement for residential premises, a short-term rental agreement or an agreement on moving in temporary residents is not a right of independent use. The question of who is a member of the resident family is resolved as follows: spouses and their minor children in any case are members of the same family, regardless of their place of residence. If adult children of spouses live in the apartment, then the question of whether they belong to the same family is resolved taking into account the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 2 of the Law, which states that adult family members of citizens living in the residential premises can be recognized as a separate family (separate families), if they run a separate household, have their own sources of income and have expressed their will to be registered as a separate family (families). In practice, this looks like submitting an application to the housing department of the Administration to register the relevant persons as a separate family, attaching certificates of financial independence as confirmation of a separate source of income, as well as attaching other documents confirming the fact that there are different families in the apartment. A very common practice in practice is when spouses and their adult children live in an apartment, and at the same time one of the spouses owns a living space, the presence of which does not allow the family as a whole to register for improvement of housing conditions (for each resident there are more than 10 or 15 meters of total area). One of the ways out of the situation for children who have become adults is in this case to submit an application to the housing department to be placed on a waiting list as a family or families separate from their parents (the area of ​​the parents will not be taken into account).

The procedure for registering those in need of housing improvement

Registration of citizens in need of improved housing conditions in Moscow is carried out by the housing departments of district administrations at the place of residence of citizens, and can also be carried out at their place of work. A citizen has the right to be registered in two places - at his place of work and his place of residence. The fact of permanent residence in a particular area is confirmed by a registration record at the place of residence or a court decision establishing the fact of permanent residence. To be placed on the waiting list for improving housing conditions, you must contact the housing department of the Administration with a written application, which indicates:
1. The family’s living conditions at the time of filing the application.
2. Time of residence in Moscow, as well as the presence of registration at the place of residence.
3. It should be indicated whether there are benefits for priority or priority provision of housing for individual family members.
4. If the application is submitted at the place of work, the length of service at the enterprise and position are indicated.
5. The application also makes a note that citizens who wish to register give their consent to receive information about them in order to check their living conditions.

The following documents are attached to the application for placement on the queue:
1) Passport of a citizen who wishes to register for improvement of living conditions
2) Extract from the house register and a copy of the financial personal account
at the place of residence of those wishing to get on the waiting list
3) Apartment plan from BTI
4) Certificate from Mosregistration about the presence or absence of property
for housing.
5) If necessary, certificates from institutions are attached

The application for registration is registered in the journal of incoming documents in the housing department, after which an inspection of the living conditions of citizens is carried out, based on the results of which an inspection report is drawn up and the issue of accepting them for registration is submitted for consideration to a specially created public housing commission, which makes a decision on acceptance or non-acceptance for registration, which is of a recommendatory nature. The issue of registration is finally resolved by the Resolution of the Head of the District Administration, which the citizen who filed the application must be informed about in writing within a month from the date of filing the application. Thus, consideration of a citizen’s application should take no more than one month, after which he should be given a written response. If the issue of registration for improvement is resolved positively, a special accounting file is opened, and records are also kept in the citizens’ register. A refusal to be placed on the waiting list for improving housing conditions can be appealed to the Office of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund for the District or to the court.

Actions that led to deterioration of living conditions

Placement on the waiting list may be delayed for 5 years if there has been a deterioration in living conditions by citizens wishing to improve their living conditions. Actions related to the deterioration of living conditions include:
1) Changing the procedure for using residential premises, which includes, in particular, the section of the personal account in a municipal apartment.
2) Exchange of residential premises for smaller residential premises.
3) Failure to fulfill a residential lease agreement, resulting in eviction in court. Thus, for failure to pay rent for 6 months, a citizen can be evicted by court to a less comfortable living space according to hostel standards.
4) A change in family composition as a result of the move-in of other persons, the dissolution of a marriage, that is, essentially the registration of additional residents in the apartment.
5) Determination of shares, allocation of shares or change of shares by the owners of residential premises.
6) Alienation (that is, transfer under any transaction by the owners of residential premises) of residential premises belonging to them or shares in the ownership of residential premises.

The following actions are not considered to be actions that led to the need to improve living conditions:
1) Actions to move into the place of residence of spouses, children, parents, other citizens united by signs of kinship or property, if they a). did not have independent right to use residential premises at their previous place of residence; b). had an independent right of use at their previous place of residence, but were not provided with the provision standard (that is, they were not provided with the necessary 18 meters of total area); V). occupied, with the right of independent use, a residential premises recognized as unsuitable for permanent residence, that is, recognized as unsafe, in a dilapidated condition, or if the harmful effects of environmental factors were identified in it.; G). if their residential premises were transferred by them to the ownership of the city of Moscow, or were seized by state authorities. authorities for state and municipal needs.
2) Actions related to the termination of a life annuity agreement or lifelong maintenance with a dependent on the initiative of the annuity recipient.
3) Actions related to the refusal of the donee to accept the gift and the donor’s refusal to fulfill the gift agreement.
4) In the event that the court has declared the transaction with the residential premises invalid.

The article discussed the main aspects of the queuing procedure.

In subsequent articles we will talk about the procedure for maintaining queues for improving housing conditions and the procedure for obtaining municipal apartments in the order of such improvement.

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Every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to housing guaranteed by Article 40 of our constitution. Today, free housing, as before, is provided to those citizens (in order of priority) who most urgently need it. True, getting an apartment under this scheme is not easy. What documents should be collected to get housing for free, and how to do it?

Who applies for a free apartment, and who can get free housing out of turn in Russia

Currently, you can count on free housing from the state (according to Federal Law No. 29 dated June 14, 2006) under the following conditions:

  1. The family is recognized as poor (low income).
  2. The size of the family’s housing area is below the accounting norm for each family member. It is worth noting that this standard is set separately by region. For example, in Moscow – 10 sq/m per 1 family member, and in Vladivostok – 13 sq/m. Note: in the process of determining the area of ​​a family’s housing, the area of ​​the real estate that each person owns is also taken into account.
  3. The dilapidated condition of the housing where the family lives. Or the house cannot be repaired and is declared unfit for habitation by a special commission. The decision on whether a house is “unsafe” is made by executive authorities.
  4. Living in a shared area with the family (communal apartment) for a chronically ill person with a severe form of the disease. The list of such diseases is in Decree No. 378 dated 16/06/06. For example, tuberculosis or gangrene, etc.
  5. Lack of amenities in the house. For example, electricity or heating, hot water and/or plumbing, baths, stoves, etc.
  6. Family members do not own any real estate if they have the right to reside in the Russian Federation.

On a note:

Only those citizens who are recognized as low-income and in dire need of improved housing conditions can get on the waiting list. The status of the apartment (state-owned/owned) does not matter - financial insolvency matters most. It is also worth noting that families who registered before the adoption of the new housing code (before 2005) will not have to prove their financial insolvency. But for those who get in line today, this fact will have to be confirmed by a solid package of documents.

Free housing out of turn – who is eligible?

  1. Persons whose housing, according to the established procedure, was officially declared unfit for habitation, as well as unsuitable for repair/reconstruction.
  2. All children are orphans.
  3. All children who were left without parental care.
  4. All persons with a history of severe chronic illnesses that can harm the health of others.

Full list of documents for the queue for a free apartment

If you have grounds for obtaining the status of a “waiting list” and claiming the right to free housing, prepare package of documents for the housing commission:

  1. Application (based on sample). It must be signed by each member of your family over 18 years of age who wishes to receive the status of “in need”, and certified by the move-in/registration department (at your place of residence).
  2. Russian Federation passport of the applicant and all family members + photocopies of the necessary pages (marital status and children, photo with place of residence, information about previously issued passports). In this case, family members are the husband (wife) and their children under 18 years of age, or persons who live with them and have other signs of kinship, or those persons who live with the applicant, including those brought into the area as family members By the tribunal's decision.
  3. All documents (+ copies) defining/confirming family composition, family relationships, etc. That is, birth/marriage or divorce certificates, all relevant court decisions or guardianship decisions, etc.
  4. Form 7 and 9 (both are valid for 1 month only).
  5. An extract from the personal account about the number of residents (valid for 1 month).
  6. An extract from the Unified State Register with information about the presence/absence of housing owned by the applicant and family members (the certificate is provided separately for each, valid for 1 month).
  7. Documents that are the basis for registration of the applicant and family members on their premises: a gift agreement or transfer of ownership, a warrant or a social tenancy agreement, etc.
  8. Information about income - for the last 12 months, for each family member: documents on scholarships and benefits, a certificate of pension amount, all certificates from work, etc. In the absence of work: original + copy of the work book (certify in advance in the personnel department) ; statement (did not work anywhere, had no income, lived dependent on so-and-so), certified by a notary; a certificate from the employment center (that there was a fact of receipt/non-receipt of unemployment benefits).
  9. A package of documents/certificates with information about the value of all property owned (taxable property) by the applicant and other family members. That is, a certificate from the PIB, a document from the Committee on Land Resources and Land Management (about the standard price of a plot), a document with an assessment of vehicles owned (taken from an appropriately licensed organization). Of course, each certificate must be “fresh” (as of the year of application).
  10. A package of documents with information confirming the right to benefits for the provision of residential premises (originals + copies). That is, all disability documents, certificates, etc.
  11. TIN + SNILS (also originals + copies) – for each (if available).
  12. Certificates about the technical/condition of living quarters (conclusions, acts, etc.) - for those persons who live in premises unfit for habitation.
  13. Documents about those residential premises suitable for permanent residence that are located outside the city in which the application is being submitted (required for each family member, if such housing exists).
  14. Documents about housing security and the fact of living in one of the cities of the Russian Federation on a legal basis for 10 years (certificate of registration).
  15. A package of documents/certificates regarding the right to receive housing out of turn (if such right exists). The following documents may be needed: an act of the interdepartmental commission stating that the housing is unsuitable for living (under Article 57, paragraph 2, paragraph 1 of the Housing Code), certificates from a medical institution (under Article 57, paragraph 2, paragraph 3 of the Housing Code) , a document from the guardianship authorities (under Article 57, paragraph 2, paragraph 2 of the Housing Code).
  16. A package of documents confirming the recognition of a citizen (citizens) as low-income. The decision on such recognition is issued by the Social Security Administration. In addition to it, the following will be useful: 2-personal income tax, certificates of scholarship/pension, child benefits, etc. That is, all documents and certificates that confirm income for the last 2 years.
  17. If the documents are submitted by the applicant's authorized representative: an envelope with a paper binder; power of attorney (issued in the prescribed manner), passport.

Read also: Federal Target Program Housing 2011-2015

Where to go and how to get on the waiting list for social housing - instructions

The first step to “waiting list” status for free housing is the official recognition of a low-income family. Such a decision is made if the income of each adult family member is below the subsistence level. The presence of taxable real estate and cars is also taken into account. After recognizing the family as low-income and assigning state/social/benefits, you can begin that difficult (alas) path, which, under a successful set of circumstances, will culminate in receiving free housing. Where to start and what to remember?

How to get in line - instructions.

  1. We specify the complete (for your region and in your case) list of certificates/documents and application form.
  2. We submit documents along with the application to the local government authorities at the place of residence.
  3. We are waiting for the special commission to make a decision (the documents are reviewed for about 1 month). If you receive the “waiting list” status or, conversely, if you are refused, you will be sent a written response (within 3 days). Possible reasons for refusal are an excess of the total family income in comparison with the norms corresponding to the status of “poor”, deliberate deterioration of living conditions (unauthorized persons registered in your apartment, exchange of a large area for a smaller one, etc.).

If there are no grounds for receiving housing out of turn, then you will be given the status of a waiting list, and already in the regular queue you will wait for the keys to free housing.

Why they may deregister or move the queue back - reasons:

  1. Submitting an application for deregistration.
  2. Loss of the grounds that gave the right to free housing.
  3. Change of place of residence followed by residence in another municipality.
  4. Receiving funds from the state for the purchase/construction of housing or a plot for building a house.
  5. Identifying false information in documents.
  6. Changes in family composition or living conditions.
  7. Loss of grounds for social rent.
  8. Intentional deterioration of living conditions.
  9. 3 refusals of the proposed housing.

On a note:

The property/living conditions of those on the waiting list are checked by the authorities:

To be placed on the waiting list (that is, recognized as needing improved housing conditions), a citizen must be registered in the city of Moscow for a total of at least 10 years and live in a residential building with a size less than the established standard area per person. The registration norm is set at 10 square meters of total area for individual apartments and 15 square meters of total area for communal apartments and hotel-type apartments. It must be borne in mind that when considering the possibility of receiving a subsidy, the entire living space that each family member has who is applying for the right to receive a subsidy is taken into account. The residential area (no matter in Moscow or in another city) in which he is registered (registered) and which is his property is taken into account. There are a number of additional grounds for recognizing citizens as needing to improve their living conditions, which are regulated by Moscow City Law No. 22 dated January 15, 2003 (as amended on December 17, 2003) “On improving the living conditions of Moscow residents.”

In order to receive a subsidy, you need to write a corresponding application to the housing department of the administrative district in which the registration file has been opened to place you on the waiting list.

The subsidy can be used by citizens at their request:

To purchase ready-made housing of their choice;
to finance the purchase of an apartment in a new building, provided that the house is at least 70% ready.
for the purchase of alienated residential premises (room) in a communal apartment in addition to the occupied premises (room) in this apartment.
The subsidy is provided only in cashless form, i.e. You cannot get it in cash at the box office.

The subsidy can be used by citizens for 6 months, i.e. You must find suitable housing and complete the purchase using the subsidy within six months. If the deadline is missed, you are put at the beginning of the queue, and the procedure for receiving it begins again.

Subsidy amount.

The size of the subsidy is determined as a percentage of the standard cost of providing residential premises, defined as the product of the average market value of one square meter of total living space in standard series houses in mass development areas and the total area of ​​living space provided to a family of a given size within the social norm.

The average market value of one square meter of the total area of ​​the residential premises provided is approved by a special commission of the Moscow Government. Recently it has been about 24,200 rubles.

Today, the housing standards are as follows: for one person – 33 sq. m, for a family of two people – 42 sq. m, for a family of three or more – 18 sq. m for each family member.

The amount of the subsidy is determined according to several parameters:

A housing subsidy is issued to all family members who are in line to improve their living conditions. The actual number of families in the family to which the subsidy is provided is taken into account, taking into account the fact that:

Spouses and their minor children, regardless of their registration, are members of the same family;
Citizens living in the same premises, united by signs of kinship or property, but having their own sources of income, a separate budget and leading a separate household, are considered different families.
minor children are not allocated to a “separate” family.

At your request, it can be provided in addition to the living space that you have (apartments or rooms in a communal apartment) or in exchange for it. Practice shows that it is more profitable to take a subsidy in addition, since in the second case your home is usually valued below its market value.

The amount of the subsidy depends on the year of registration of citizens in need of improved housing conditions, and whether citizens have the right to priority provision of housing (see tables).

Note. If citizens have purchased residential premises, the cost of which is less than the amount of the subsidy provided for its purchase, then the remaining funds are transferred to the budget of the city of Moscow.

Details www rizolit ru

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