What documents are needed for a Russian passport? Old sample of international passport

Throughout his life, every Russian citizen receives two types of documents that can prove his identity - a national passport and a foreign passport. And if registration of the first one is a mandatory and inevitable event, then the second one will most likely be needed by those who decide to see the world. It is the exit certificate that allows you to cross the borders of various states, and therefore we will consider the question of what documents are needed for a foreign passport in 2019.

What is the difference between a regular passport and a biometric one?

In the not so distant past, anyone wishing to travel abroad had no choice which passport to request from the migration service. The form for trips abroad looked like a standard booklet and provided basic information about its owner. The blank pages of the ID were intended to be used for visa stamps.

In 2013, a Decree of the President of the Russian Federation came into force, on the basis of which citizens who wish can apply for a new generation passport.

The fundamental difference lies in the way information is stored. If in the old ID the information was recorded in the usual printed way, then in the new one it is recorded on an electronic chip and read using special technical means.

This measure became necessary in connection with the widespread worldwide practice of using forms of a similar type, as well as in order to avoid forgery and falsification. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is decide which instance of it will be requested.

The choice should be made taking into account the following features of the modern form:

  • longer validity period;
  • more pages;
  • presence and ;
  • higher and longer.

List of documents for issuing an old sample passport

The old format certificate has the same legal force as the new one. Therefore, its owners will not have any difficulties when passing border control. The procedural difference will only be that information from it will be entered into the electronic system of the target state manually, which will take a little more time.

Documents for a 5-year international passport should be prepared carefully, since the success of the entire procedure will depend on the completeness of the information provided. An identity card is issued based on an application from the person who intends to receive it. And if in the future it will be possible to put a visa stamp on it by proxy through an official representative, then you can become the owner of the exit passport itself only in person.

A package of documents for an old-style international passport must be prepared taking into account the requirements of the migration service:

  • forms and certificates must not contain errors;
  • all documents containing information in a foreign language must be supported by translation and notarization;
  • The absence of papers from the mandatory list established by the migration service is not allowed.

Documents for issuing an old-style international passport can be considered both in the usual manner and in. The basis for this may be one of the following circumstances:

  • death/serious illness of a loved one who lives in a foreign territory;
  • the need to undergo urgent medical treatment in a foreign clinic;
  • the need for a serviceman to travel abroad (with permission from the command).

The cost of registration remains unchanged.

What do people over 18 need to prepare?

To begin with, before traveling abroad, you need to find out if you have a travel ban, the proven service of our partners will help with this, which will provide you with information about the presence of debts on loans, fines, alimony, housing and communal services, etc., and will also assess the likelihood of a ban departure abroad.

If the applicant has already reached the age of majority (18 years), he can submit a request independently. In this case, the necessary documents to obtain a foreign passport include:

  1. Application form – 2 copies.
  2. (if necessary).
  3. (national passport).
  4. , if the application is not submitted for the first time.
  5. 3 photos.
  6. Certificate issued upon change of personal data (if this fact occurred).
  7. or , – for men aged 18-27 years.
  8. for persons performing military duties (except for those serving conscription).

If an urgent application is submitted, then you will need a document - a basis that will confirm the need to obtain a passport quickly (within three days).

The most typical question that applicants most often ask at the preparatory stage is whether a birth certificate is needed for a foreign passport? As can be seen from the list, there is no need to submit this document to the Main Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Preparing documents for the child

The situation is somewhat different with applications for foreign passports for children. To begin with, we will conditionally divide this group of applicants into two categories:

  • 14-18 years old;
  • under 14 years old.

A notable feature of this procedure for children is the fact that a minor citizen cannot do this on his own.

So, here is a list of what documents are needed for a passport for a child 14-18 years old:

  1. Personal passport.
  2. Foreign document, if it was issued previously.
  3. Certificate confirming the fact of change of personal data.
  4. Identity card of the citizen who represents the person.
  5. A document that can confirm the right to represent the interests of the applicant. Such documents may include a birth certificate issued to the child, or.
  6. 3 photos.
  7. Confirmation of the existence of grounds for urgent registration (if necessary).

On the form, children 14-18 years old put their signature along with their parent’s.

Documents for the international passport of a child under 14 years of age are represented by the following papers:

  • Certificate issued at birth.
  • Identity card of the legal representative.
  • Confirmation of the child’s Russian citizenship. Here we include:
    • previous passport;
    • Russian identity card of the father or mother, which contains information about the applicant;
    • the above-mentioned certificate received at birth: with a special insert or with a stamp confirming the assignment of civil status.
  • A paper that confirms the right of the person representing the child to perform this function.
  • Confirmation of the existence of circumstances for .
  • Photos – 3 pieces.

The parent who submits the petition puts his signature on the application form instead of the child. For many parents, the question remains unclear: is it better to prepare documents for an international passport for a 1-year-old child using the old model or the new one? The solution to the dilemma follows from the validity period of passports: the fact is that a paper sample is issued for 5 years, and a biometric one for 10.

Considering the baby’s young age and the speed with which he changes his appearance during this period, we can say that it will no longer be possible to recognize him in a photo in 2 years, not to mention what he will look like when he reaches his 10th birthday. If we also take into account that a biometric passport is much more expensive, and it will have to be reissued in the near future, then it is more advisable to order a paper version of the document for your child.

We request a new passport

Before you start preparing documents for a new generation international passport in 2019, you need to take into account that the procedure for obtaining it will be slightly different.

The main form that gives the right to apply to the migration department still remains the application. The requirements for filling it out are no different.

The first thing you need to do for a new international passport is to fill out the application form correctly. Please note that you only need to use capital letters of the Russian alphabet. This difference is fundamental from the form that is submitted for the old version of the passport.

Where to contact

Acceptance of documents for a new type of international passport, as well as the old format, is now carried out by three authorities.

A foreign passport is required for every citizen who is planning a trip outside the borders of the Russian Federation. Abroad, a foreign passport is an identity document. In order to obtain a foreign passport, you need to collect a package of documents and contact the branch of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation (FMS RF), located at the place of residence of the person wishing to obtain a foreign passport.

In this article you will learn what documents are needed to obtain a new or old passport, as well as for children under the age of 14 years.

Before moving on to the list of documents for a foreign passport, it should be noted that there are currently (2015) two types of foreign passports - new and old.

An old-style international passport is valid for 5 years, the fee for obtaining it in 2015 is 2000 rubles. per adult and 1000 rub. for a child under 14 years old.

A new international passport (biometric) is valid for 10 years, the fee for obtaining it is 3,500 rubles. per adult and 1500 rub. – for a child under 14 years of age.

The difference between the new international passport and the old one is that the new generation international passport has an electronic chip with fingerprints of both hands.

There is an opinion that collecting documents for a new type of international passport is very difficult. This is actually a myth. Most of the necessary papers are always at hand. You just need to know what to bring to the passport office.

For an adult

The documents required for a new type of international passport for unemployed and employed citizens are the same.

  1. Application form of the established form in 2 copies. All required fields must be completed. It indicates where the person studied or worked over the past 10 years. If there are not enough lines, you will have to fill out an additional application to cover your work and educational activities in detail.
  2. The questionnaire is printed on both sides of the sheet. It can also be completed in legible handwriting or block letters. A prerequisite is a pen with a black core.
  3. 2 photos. Size - 3.5 x 4.5 cm. Made in a photo studio. The image must be clear. It is permissible to wear a headdress if religious beliefs require it. However, the oval of the face must be open. Photos in uniform, such as military uniform, are rejected.
  4. Russian passport. You may also need a photocopy of it (only completed pages).
  5. Military ID for those who served in the Russian army.
  6. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  7. Previous passport, if you have one and its validity has not yet expired.
  8. For those drawing up a document on behalf of an organization or receiving a second one - a petition from the company sending them on a business trip.

What documents are needed for a new type of international passport for those liable for military service?

For those who are on active service, some more specific certificates are added to all the above listed papers:

  1. Permission from the command to travel outside the country. It is formalized in the military unit.
  2. For those who have served - a military ID and copies of the relevant pages.
  3. For those who have completed alternative service - a mark indicating the end of their term, a military ID and a copy of it.
  4. For those in the “unfit” or “limited fit” category, appropriate medical certificates may be required. There must be a mark on the military ID.

For young people who have not yet served in the army, a certificate is required confirming that they are not currently subject to conscription.

For pensioners

What documents are needed for a new type of international passport for people who have retired? The main list given in paragraph 1 remains the same. But a couple more papers are added to it. In addition to the application form, Russian passport, photographs and payment receipt, you will need:

  1. Pensioner's ID.
  2. Work book and its copy for unemployed people. For employed people - a copy certified at the workplace.

Otherwise, you will need the same documents for a new type of international passport as for working people. The application form must include a note indicating the end date of employment.

For children under 14 years old

What documents are needed for a new type of international passport for a child under 14 years of age?

For a child from 14 to 18 years old

In this case, the list of documents remains the same, only instead of a birth certificate you will need his passport with photocopies of the completed pages.

If the child is studying at a university, vocational school or other educational institution, this must be reflected in the application form. They may also be required to present identification - a student ID (original). Therefore, it is advisable to take this little book with you. That's all regarding what documents are needed for a new type of international passport.

What else might you need to avoid problems?

When traveling abroad with a child, additional difficulties often arise. It's better to prepare for them in advance.

  • Different surnames with a child often become an obstacle to obtaining a passport. The Federal Migration Service requires proof of relationship and presentation of relevant documents. You will have to spend additional time collecting papers confirming the change of name.

  • For a child to travel outside the country with one of the parents, the written consent of the other is required. Otherwise, problems may arise at the border. If there is no other parent, then you must provide papers confirming this fact.
  • Often the migration service asks you to provide additional information about yourself: contact numbers, postal addresses, adoption documents. It is better to find out the indexes of places of registration in advance, decide on the numbers and prepare the entire package of papers confirming parental rights. Otherwise, the registration of a foreign passport may be postponed to the next time. And this means waiting again and collecting information again.

Price issue

Since the new year 2015, the amount of state duty has increased significantly. Currently, the cost of a new international passport for children under 14 years of age is 1,500 rubles. For persons over 14 years old - 3500 rubles. The fee is paid at the bank. Funds are transferred according to the details of the Federal Migration Service. You must keep the payment receipt, as you will be required to present it at the passport office. This is a kind of evidence of honesty. Without a receipt, the document will be refused, even if the fee has been paid.

How long should I wait?

The standard period for issuing a new international passport is 30 calendar (not working!) days. In other words, in a month you can go to the Federal Migration Service for a new document. It is issued only in person, upon presentation of a Russian passport.

It is worth remembering that delays of a couple of days are quite possible. They may be caused by a seasonal influx of tourists, technical failures or delays in processing requests, as the accuracy of personal data is checked.

For some citizens, obtaining a new international passport may take longer - up to 3 months. These are military personnel and persons undergoing military service who had access to classified information. You will also have to wait a long time if the documents are not submitted at your place of registration.

There are only 2 conditions under which the waiting period for issue is reduced:

  • Urgent medical assistance abroad is required. A doctor's report is required for confirmation. If an official letter from a foreign clinic is added to it, it will look very convincing.
  • Death or serious illness of a relative living in another country. You will need to provide telegraphic notification of the accident.

In what cases can extradition be refused?

There are a number of restrictions on obtaining a new type of international passport. They can refuse in several cases:

  • Access to secret developments, information, research, etc. Scientists and military personnel usually fall into this category. A ban on leaving the country is usually reported at work.
  • Persons who served in military service as a sniper and have the corresponding marks on their military ID are “not allowed to travel abroad” for 3 years.
  • False information in the application form. Yes, it is checked, and the discrepancy between the specified data and the real facts may become grounds for refusal to issue a foreign passport.
  • If a person gave a written undertaking not to leave. It doesn’t matter in what capacity and under what conditions.
  • Having a criminal record.
  • If a citizen is “suspicious” in the opinion of the authorities, he conducts agitation, propaganda and other activities that undermine the authority of the state.
  • Administrative supervision.
  • Unpaid alimony arrears. When they are repaid, then there will be no problems with visiting abroad.

If you need to go abroad for the first time, the main condition for the trip is to have a foreign passport. Naturally, to obtain it you need to collect a number of documents. Today we will tell you in more detail what documents are needed for a foreign passport and where they should be submitted.

So, all papers must be drawn up strictly in accordance with the requirements. They should be submitted to the Migration Service, and only when a complete list has been collected. Partial documentation will not be accepted, and the applicant has the right to refuse to issue a foreign passport.

List of documents for obtaining a passport

So, in order to obtain a foreign passport for an adult and working citizen of the Russian Federation, you need prepare a package of the following documents:

  1. an application to receive a document, and the form and completion must be followed in a strictly approved manner. How to do this correctly can be seen on the Internet or at the place where the documents are prepared. If information about work experience does not fit on the lines of the form, you need to request the appropriate attachment;
  2. civil passport or other identification document (for example, driver's license);
  3. two photos for an application, and the photo for pasting into the passport itself is taken directly at the document submission department;
  4. a receipt indicating that you have paid the state fee. The cost of the fee for obtaining a new passport is 2.5 thousand rubles, the old one is one thousand rubles, respectively;
  5. in case of temporary absence from work - a work book, for working citizens - an extract from the book, certified by the personnel department at the place of work;
  6. when replacing a passport - the old passport;
  7. military ID with a mark on completion of military service and a mark on suitability for service. Men of military age (from 18 to 27 years old) without a military ID must provide a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office about permission to leave the state. Please note that the Migration Service does not have the right to demand a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office if all other documents are available, they can only limit themselves to the appropriate request;
  8. for the military - written permission from the commander of the military unit at the place of service.

What about obtaining a passport? for children under 18 years old, then the list of documentation in this case will be slightly different:

  1. a statement written according to the proposed model;
  2. an identity document of one of the child’s parents or his other representatives;
  3. a receipt indicating payment of the duty. Its size is 12,00 rubles for children under 14 years old, and 2,500 rubles for children from 14 to 18 years old, respectively;
  4. birth certificate or passport of the child;
  5. document on citizenship;
  6. two photos;
  7. old civil passport to be replaced.

Document requirements

The main rule for submitting a package of documentation in order to obtain a foreign passport is their submission by hand to the Federal Migration Service a person who is applying for a passport. The only exception is the submission of documents on behalf of minor children or incapacitated citizens by their legal representatives who have the appropriate rights.

Also, documents can be submitted not in person, but remotely, if registered on the unified portal of public services. In this way, the documentation submission process can be carried out from 2010 onwards. The service is available to all citizens registered on the portal who have provided all the necessary information for registration.

If you submitted documents for a new foreign passport abroad, then on the documentation it is necessary to affix an apostille or legalize it at diplomatic or consular institutions.

Please note that immediately after submitting the documents necessary to obtain a passport to the Migration Service, you must be given a certificate indicating that the documents have been accepted from you.

This certificate is very important, it must be preserved, because on its basis it is possible to resolve a number of conflicts related, in particular, to delays in the production of a foreign passport or in other cases.

How to get a foreign passport for pensioners

If there is a need to obtain a foreign passport for a person of retirement age, will the list of necessary documents for its registration be similar? except for a military ID and permission from the commander. Also for pensioners you will need a pension certificate.

In addition, the list of papers for obtaining a foreign passport can be changed in cases where the pensioner no longer works, but he has lost his work book.

When issuing a foreign passport for a period of five years, an exception compared to other categories is the amount of the state duty, which is equal to 1 thousand rubles.

What do you need to replace your passport?

International passport must be replaced in cases, If:

  • its expiration date has expired;
  • it was lost;
  • all pages of the passport are completed;
  • you changed your last name.

The list of documents required for submission to the Migration Authority is similar to submission when receiving a foreign passport for the first time. However, in cases of lost passport, the applicant must attach a certificate of loss of the document from the police. In addition, if the passport is replaced due to a change of surname, you must provide a certificate of marriage or divorce, as a result of which the surname was changed.

What they shouldn't ask of you

All of the above documentation fixed by law, therefore, if you want to get a foreign passport, the Migration Authority does not have the right to demand more documents from you.

So, in some cases, officials ask to provide copies of documents, or a certificate from the applicant’s place of residence, at their own expense. The point is that these things are part of their job responsibilities, and you are not required to do their direct work by copying materials or confirming your place of residence.

Migration authorities, if necessary, are obliged make requests independently, and not require additional actions from the applicant when obtaining a passport.

As you can see, the list is not that complicated, and collecting documentation to obtain a foreign passport will not be difficult. And if you submit documentation through the service portal, you will completely reduce the time for obtaining a foreign passport to a minimum.

Depending on whether you are going to receive a regular or “biometric” passport, you will need different sets of documents. They are similar, but the formats of the application form, the amount of the fee and the number of photographs provided differ. In addition, children cannot be included in new-generation passports issued to parents, as was previously done with old-style passports.

Documents for obtaining a new international passport for an adult (over 18 years old)

List of documents

In accordance with the instructions, to obtain a “biometric” passport the applicant must provide:

  • Application (form) () in 2 copies. The application is printed on both sides of one sheet. When printing, be sure to set the Page Scale option to "none". The format of the application form for a biometric passport is strictly defined. Do not attempt to use other forms (such as Word format) or change the format of the form. This may be a reason for refusing to accept documents.
    The questionnaire is certified at the main place of work or study (for workers/students).
  • 2 or 3 photos. Photos must be color, 35x45mm, 3 pieces: 2 photos are pasted on the application form and one on the registration card (filled out by department employees). However, on the official websites of the Federal Migration Service of Moscow and St. Petersburg, it is quite reasonable to say that photographs of any format, color and b/w, are allowed, since they will be used only for the internal archive of the department.
    In Moscow, they don’t use registration cards, so only 2 photos are needed. Some departments ask you to stick them on your application forms yourself. In others, there is an unfounded prejudice that application forms with pasted photographs cannot be scanned, and therefore they are prohibited from pasting them and forced to remove the pasted ones. In some branches, photographs are not needed at all - they will be printed in front of you.
    You will be photographed free of charge with your passport at the department by OUFMS employees in a special photo booth.
  • . Payment details can be found on the page biodocs.narod.ru/howToPay.htm. There you can also copy the receipt form itself, which is called Form No. PD-4sb (tax). You can also get it from Sberbank or use programs for printing receipts, because... The form on the website of the Moscow Federal Migration Service has a completely non-standard format. To avoid misunderstanding, Payment must be made only through Sberbank or payment terminals (“bedside tables”) installed in branches. Make sure that the cash register stamp on the receipt is blue. If the print is black, ask to put a round stamp on the receipt. Many Moscow region branches require a seal, regardless of the color of the print.
  • A photocopy of the work record certified at the place of work. For non-workers - the original work book (if any). According to the law, the employee accepting the application decides whether to require this document or not. After checking the data specified in the work book and in the application form, the employee will return you a copy (original) of the work record.
    According to the Moscow Federal Migration Service website, providing a copy of the work permit is not mandatory for those working in government agencies. According to announcements on stands in the Moscow region OUFMS, a copy of the employment document is not required in the case when the application form is certified by the official seal of the organization.
  • Male citizens under the age of 27 are required certificate from the military registration and enlistment office(formerly known as Form 32, since January 1, 2008, due to the introduction of a new law, it is officially called “Appendix No. 2 to the order (clause 23)”) or a military ID with a mark on completion of service.
  • Military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (except for those who serve by conscription) make command permission.
  • Russian passport And old passport, if it was issued earlier. Citizens who permanently reside abroad and do not have an internal Russian passport provide their own instead valid passport.
  • If you violate the instructions, the department may ask you to: photocopy of Russian passport, documents on the basis of which the surname was changed (for example, Marriage certificate), paper folder-binder And envelope, in which you will be notified that your passport is ready. In some branches near Moscow they ask you to bring a completed set of requirements/request/account card/message. The requirement for these documents is unlawful; an exhaustive list of required documents is given in the instructions. Read about how to approach such requirements.

Filling rules

It is NOT MANDATORY to fill out the form in capital letters. This requirement arose about a year ago due to a misinterpretation by employees of the Moscow Federal Migration Service of the behavior of the scanning program, which converts all scanned text to upper case. The program itself recognizes both lowercase and capital letters equally well. Now even on the official website of the Moscow Federal Migration Service, the requirement to enter only capital letters has been replaced by a recommendation to do so.

To avoid misunderstandings, it is recommended to fill out the fields “place of birth”, “place of residence”, “place of issue of passport”, positions and names of organizations exactly as they are filled in in the internal passport and work book. However, the questionnaire will be read by real people; reasonable abbreviations are not prohibited.

Front side:
Points 1 to 15 are filled in. By point:
"Didn't change my full name". If the full name has changed, indicate the old version(s), date and place of change. For example, like this: Dev. Petrova, in 1980, Moscow Moskvoretsky registry office. Or like this: Petrova until 2002, Moscow, Ivanova until 2005, Moscow. If all last name changes do not fit on the line, enter the data as long as it fits. When you bring your application to the Department of Federal Migration Service, report your problem to the receiving employee. After scanning the form, he will ask you to fill in the missing information with a pen.

4. Place of birth is indicated (according to the information in the passport).
5. Place of residence is indicated (according to the registration stamp in the passport). If documents are submitted at the place of residence, the 2nd line indicates "Registration:" and registration address at the place of residence. Indicate a contact phone number where the department staff can contact you to inform you about the readiness of your passport or problems with documents.
6. In the "Citizenship" column, indicate "Russian Federation" "No" or "Not available"
7. Passport details are indicated exactly as in the passport itself. Indicating the department code is not required, but is encouraged in many departments.
8. One of 2 goals is indicated.
"Replacement of used".
. Form 3 clearance (to classified information) does not need to be specified. Further, in paragraph 10 it is also necessary to answer the question about contractual and contractual obligations that may prevent travel abroad.
"Convicted" or "Attracted" "No"
13. Specify "No" or "I'm dodging"
14. Information for the last 10 years is provided, including school and college education, sorted by date of admission:

  • The date of admission and dismissal is indicated in the format mm.yyyy.
  • If there were changes in position without changing the place of work, the data is entered in one line, for example, “technician, researcher at the VGTB Research Institute”; if the field size does not allow, only the last position is indicated.
  • If there have been changes in the name or address of the organization, only the latest version of the address and name is indicated.
  • Indicate the legal address of the organization (if known) or the address where you actually worked. If both addresses are unknown, they can be found through the directory “State registration and accounting of taxpayers” on the Federal Tax Service website.
  • If there were breaks in the work experience of more than 1 month, this information is reflected in the questionnaire. In this case, the place of work is indicated "Temporarily not working", and as the address - the address of residence during this period. This rule also applies to breaks between school and university.
  • If during the specified period you changed more than 10 jobs, then the first 10 places are indicated in the application, and then another application sheet is filled out and attached, in the 14th paragraph of which the information that did not fit is indicated. The remaining items on the second sheet are filled out in the same way as on the first sheet. Both sheets are subject to certification at the place of work (for workers). If there are more than 20 places of work, another sheet is added, etc.
  • For periods of military service, the unit number and the city or region where it was located are indicated.

Back side:

  • The date of dismissal from the current place of work is indicated "N/V"(present tense). If you are not currently working, please indicate your last place of work. "I do not work", in the “date of admission” field, indicate the date of dismissal from your last place of work (graduation from school, university), in the “date of dismissal” field, enter "N/V".
  • The questionnaire is certified at the place of work in the HR department: the head of the organization or HR department signs and seals in the indicated place. Non-working people do not validate the questionnaire. Students complete the application form at their place of study. If you work and study at the same time, you can certify your application form both at your place of work and at your place of study. Some departments prefer that in this case the application form be certified at the place of study. There is no need to put a stamp on the photo.

15. The details of the last previously issued passport are indicated.

  • If the receipt of a passport is primary, the field is not filled in.
  • If the previous passport is lost, its data can be viewed in the note on the issue of a foreign passport on the penultimate page of the internal passport. If the validity of the lost passport has not yet expired and its number is unknown, leave paragraph 15 blank, write in paragraph 9 "to replace what was lost", when submitting documents, with the help of the department staff, draw up a statement indicating the circumstances of the loss. If the validity period of the lost passport has expired, it is allowed to indicate in paragraph 9 "primary", paragraph 15 should be left blank.
  • If you have two valid passports, the information for one of them is indicated in the column, the information for the second is entered into the form in pen in the department after scanning.

Many offices require that the date of submission of documents be indicated in the "Date of Completion" field immediately following the words "I have been warned...".

In the rectangle on the right, the applicant must put his signature (carefully, in the center of the rectangle, without going out or touching the frame).


Documents required to obtain a new type of international passport ("biometric passport") for a child (from 14 to 18 years old)

List of documents

  • 1-2 photos. According to the instructions, photographs must be color, 35x45 mm, 2 pieces: one for the application form and one for the registration card (filled out by department employees). However, on the official websites of the Federal Migration Service of Moscow and St. Petersburg, it is quite reasonable to say that photographs of any format, color and b/w, are allowed, since they will be used only for the internal archive of the department.
    In Moscow, they don’t use registration cards, so only 1 photo is needed. In some departments they ask you to stick it on the application form yourself. In others, there is an unfounded prejudice that application forms with pasted photographs cannot be scanned, and therefore they are prohibited from pasting them and forced to remove the pasted ones. In some branches, photographs are not needed at all; they will be printed in front of you.
    The teenager’s passport itself will be photographed free of charge at the department by OUFMS employees in a special photo booth.
  • Paid receipt for the amount of 2500 rubles biodocs.narod.ru/howToPay.htm. You can also copy the receipt form there, it’s called Form No. PD-4sb (tax) Payment should be made only through Sberbank or payment terminals (“bedside tables”) installed in branches! Make sure the cash register stamp on the receipt is blue. If the print is black, ask to put a round stamp on the receipt. Many Moscow region branches require a seal, regardless of the color of the print.
  • When submitting documents you must have with you Russian child passport and/or his old passport, if it was issued earlier (for children who permanently reside abroad and do not have an internal Russian passport, a valid international passport is used instead of an internal passport).
  • Original and photocopy birth certificates(no citizenship insert or stamp required).
  • Parent's internal passport. Citizens who permanently reside abroad and do not have an internal Russian passport must provide their valid international passport instead. If the parent is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, his national passport or other identification document is provided. It is also very advisable to have photocopies of all Russian passports (only completed pages).

Filling rules

The application must be filled out entirely in Russian, without abbreviations if possible.

The questionnaire is not certified anywhere.

Front side:
Points 1 to 12 are filled in with information about the child. The points:
1. If the last name has not changed, indicate "I didn't change my full name".
2. Indicate the date, month (in words) and year of birth.
3. Gender is indicated in full, for example "male".
4. Place of birth is indicated (as in the passport).
5. Place of residence is indicated (according to registration in the passport). If documents are submitted at the place of residence, the 2nd line indicates “Registration:” and the registration address at the place of residence.
6. In the "Citizenship" column, indicate "Russian Federation". In the column “If you simultaneously have citizenship of another state,” indicate "No" or "Not available", or the name of the relevant state.
7. The details of the child’s passport are indicated exactly as in the passport itself.

9. One of the items is indicated. If you have an old valid passport, indicate "Replacement of used".
10-13. "No" or the relevant information is indicated. Regardless of the answers you give, the information is checked against the databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB and FSSP.
10. If at any time (regardless of how long ago) during the period of work, study, service, you were granted access to information of special importance or top secret information classified as a state secret, form 1 or 2, be sure to indicate the organization time and form of admission, as well as the date of termination of admission. For example: F. No. 2 From 2000 to 2004 Military unit 43605. Clearance according to Form 3 (secret information) does not need to be indicated. Further, in paragraph 10 it is also necessary to answer the question about contractual and contractual obligations that may prevent travel abroad.
11. It is necessary to answer whether you are currently serving in the ranks of the Russian Army (or alternative service) by conscription. The rest, including those of military age, indicate in this paragraph "No". An applicant of conscription age (from 18 to 27 years), in addition to the standard set of documents, must submit a military ID with a mark of service or a registration certificate and a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office in the form "Appendix No. 2 to clause 32". In some regions, citizens who are partially fit for service do not require this certificate; a military ID with the appropriate entry is sufficient. If you are already 27 years old, you do not need to bring a certificate or military ID.
12. If you are currently convicted and serving a sentence, or have been brought in as an accused, are under investigation and have given a written undertaking not to leave the place, you must indicate this fact by answering "Convicted" or "Attracted". It is almost 100% likely to cause a refusal to issue you a passport (the refusal can be challenged in court). Otherwise it is indicated "No". In addition, if you have been convicted in the past, you may be asked to present a court order dropping the charges against you or a certificate of expungement of your criminal record when your passport is issued.
13. Specify "No" or "I'm dodging". The presence of information about you in the database of the bailiff service, unpaid administrative fines (for example, for violating traffic rules) will serve as a reason for refusing to issue a foreign passport until the debt is eliminated. The presence of rent arrears, late payments on bank loans, including those transferred to collectors, cannot be the reason for refusal until the court decision to collect debts from you comes into force and this decision is transferred to the FSSP.
In the rectangle on the left, the child puts his signature (carefully, in the center of the rectangle, without leaving or touching the frame).

Back side:
Fill in the information for the legal representative (parent, guardian).

Answers to technical questions that arise when filling out the questionnaire can be read on the page biodocs.narod.ru/AdobeBugs.htm.

Documents required to obtain a new type of international passport ("biometric passport") for a child under 14 years of age

List of documents

  • Application (questionnaire) for a child() in one copy. The application is printed on both sides of one sheet. When printing, be sure to set the Page Scale option to "none".
  • 1-2 photos child. According to the instructions, photographs must be color, 35x45 mm, 2 pieces: one for the application form and one for the registration card (filled out by department employees). However, on the official websites of the Federal Migration Service of Moscow and St. Petersburg, it is quite reasonable to say that photographs of any format, color and b/w, are allowed, since they will be used only for the internal archive of the department.
    In Moscow, they don’t use registration cards, so only 1 photo is needed. Some departments ask you to stick it on your application form yourself. In others, there is an unfounded prejudice that application forms with pasted photographs cannot be scanned, and therefore they are prohibited from pasting them and forced to remove the pasted ones. Some branches don't need photographs at all - they will print them out for you.
    The child’s passport itself will be photographed free of charge at the department by OUFMS employees in a special photo booth.
  • Paid receipt for the amount of 1200 rubles. Specify the parent (guardian) as the payer. Payment details can be found on the page biodocs.narod.ru/howToPay.htm. There you can also copy the receipt form (it’s called Form No. PD-4sb (tax). You can also get it from Sberbank or use programs for printing receipts, because... The form on the website of the Moscow Federal Migration Service has a completely non-standard format. To avoid further misunderstandings, Payment must be made only through Sberbank.
    You must make sure that the cash register stamp on the receipt is blue. If the print is black, ask to put a round stamp on the receipt. Many Moscow region branches require a seal, regardless of the color of the print.
  • When submitting documents, have with you birth certificate, his photocopy of parents' passports, and child's old passport, if it was issued earlier. If the parent is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, his national passport or other identification document is provided. Citizens of the Russian Federation who permanently reside abroad and do not have an internal Russian passport, provide their valid international passport instead. It is highly advisable to also have photocopies of all documents of Russian passports (only completed pages).
  • Documents confirming the child’s Russian citizenship. As a rule, this is birth certificate, which records the Russian citizenship of one or both parents. It is illegal to require a citizenship stamp on such a birth certificate. Deputy Director of the FMS Tyurkin asked to report to the hotline about all such cases of violation of the law by department employees. There are different cases in which it is necessary to obtain a citizenship stamp as a certificate. If citizenship is confirmed by an insert, you must have it with you.
  • For guardians, trustees, etc. have the original with you guardianship certificate.

Rules for filling out an application

The application must be filled out entirely in Russian, without abbreviations if possible.

The questionnaire is not certified anywhere.

It is NOT MANDATORY to fill out the form in capital letters. This requirement arose about a year ago due to a misinterpretation by employees of the Moscow Federal Migration Service of the behavior of the scanning program, which converts all scanned text to upper case. The program itself recognizes both lowercase and capital letters equally well. Now even on the official website of the Moscow Federal Migration Service, the requirement to enter only capital letters has been replaced by a recommendation to do so. In other regions, such a requirement has not been heard of.

Front side:
Points 1 to 12 are filled in. By point:
1. If the last name has not changed, indicate "I didn't change my full name".
2. Indicate the date, month (in words) and year of birth.
3. Gender is indicated in full, for example "male".
4. Place of birth is indicated.
5. Place of residence is indicated (according to registration in the passport). If documents are submitted at the place of residence, the 2nd line indicates "Registration:" and registration address at the place of residence.
6. Russian Federation.
7. Details are indicated birth certificates child.
8. One of two goals is indicated.
9. One of the items is indicated. If you have an old valid passport, indicate "Replacement of used".
10-11. Indicated "No", or related information. In some branches located outside the two Russian capitals, they require that instead of “no” you write “I was not”, “I do not have”, “I do not evade”. Such a demand is unlawful. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, both options are possible. Regardless of the answers you give, the information is checked against the databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB and FSSP.
There is no signature in the rectangle on the left.

Back side:
Fill in the information for the legal representative.

The questionnaire is printed on both sides of one sheet!

Answers to technical questions that arise when filling out the questionnaire can be read on the page

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