What documents are collected for child benefits. What documents are needed to receive child benefit?

Receiving benefits from the state after the birth of a baby is a process that all new parents should know about. The point is that this procedure involves a lot of paperwork. Therefore, more and more often, parents are interested in what documents are needed to receive child benefits and payments. Answering this question is not so difficult. True, some regions have their own rules for assigning part of payments. But general principles no one canceled either. Therefore, today we need to understand how, when and where you can apply for some child benefits that are due to all new parents. What should they pay attention to?

Before giving birth

For example, the fact that some “children’s” payments are due even before birth. They relate to actions taken during the new mother's pregnancy. About what we're talking about?

The first payment is due for an early visit to the antenatal clinic with a diagnosis of pregnancy. Today, all women have the right to receive it, regardless of whether they have official work. To do this, you will have to register no later than the 3rd month of the “interesting situation”.

What documents are needed to receive child benefits? There are a lot of them. But with proper preparation, the process will not cause any special problems. To receive payment for registration with a residential complex in the early period of the “interesting situation”, you need:

  • statement;
  • identification;
  • birth certificate of the baby (a certificate from the registry office or an extract from the maternity hospital may be suitable);
  • certificate from antenatal clinic, indicating registration with early dates;
  • SNILS;
  • details of the account to which the money should be transferred.

Usually, this payment not particularly interested in the population. Some pregnant women turn to the LCD after the 3rd month of pregnancy. Other payments for children are of greater interest.


Next option material support newly made parents occurs only among officially employed citizens. We are talking about the appointment and payment of so-called “maternity benefits”. Or maternity benefits. They are available to all women working at the time of maternity leave. Unemployed or unofficially employed people cannot count on such support.

List of documents that will be required in in this case, next:

  • woman's passport;
  • reference established sample issued by the antenatal clinic for maternity leave (issued at the 30th week of the “interesting situation”);
  • statement established form.

Nothing else is needed. Therefore, we can say with confidence that maternity payments will be completed in full without difficulty.

For the birth of a child

Now you can move on to more interesting tutorials. There are, as already mentioned, a lot of them. Every woman has the right to federal benefits for childbirth. It is due to all girls who give birth to a live baby. Issued for each newborn.

The list of documents for such a payment is as follows:

  • a certificate from the registry office or the baby’s birth certificate;
  • mother's ID card;
  • marriage certificate (if available);
  • account details for transferring funds (card or savings book, mainly from Sberbank);
  • passport of the baby's father (preferably);
  • statement;
  • documents on the child's registration.

It would be enough. But in some cases, additional paperwork may be required. As a rule, not much time is spent on additions. After all, often all child benefits are issued at the same time. And therefore, all provided papers will be taken into account for one or another financial support for young parents.


Every mother has the right to appointment federal benefits for child care. This is a certain amount of money that is paid to citizens up to 1.5 years of age. It is assigned to both working people (the amount of benefits depends on the woman’s earnings) and non-working people (minimum amount). Some regions also provide for payments until the child is 3 years old.

The documents for children's monthly benefits in this case will be as follows:

  • passports of both parents;
  • certificates of study/place of work (a woman should not work while on vacation);
  • birth certificates of the baby and marriage of the parents;
  • SNILS of the newborn and mother;
  • documents on the child’s registration (it is important that the baby is registered with the mother);
  • a certificate from the registry office (in the prescribed form, issued when issuing a birth certificate);
  • details of the account to which to transfer money.

This full package documents for child benefit assigned for the period of being on maternity leave. It is important to remember that such a payment can be issued not only to the mother, but also to any other family member who will care for the newborn. For example, my father. In this case, you will have to provide SNILS and a passport not only of the parents, but also of the citizen to whom the money will be transferred.

Until adulthood

Please note that some types state support parents are entitled until the child turns 18 years old. But this is not such a common occurrence. Accordingly, some are interested in what documents are required for child benefits under 18 years of age.

It all depends on the situation. Today you can receive several payments. Namely:

  1. Payment due for a disabled child living with a single parent. The basic amount of such support is 6,000 rubles.
  2. Benefit for single mothers. It is issued until the child comes of age, or until he is 23 years old (if we are talking about a disabled child). The size is similar to the previous material support.

In these situations, you will have to prepare different documentation. But in general it is not much different from all the previously given lists. What documents are required for child benefits under 18 years of age?

Depending on the situation, the citizen must bring with him (preferably with copies):

  1. Passport, Child's SNILS and the parent, the baby’s birth certificate, account details for assigning benefits, documents indicating disability, registration certificates, statements indicating that the baby lives with the parent, a certificate from the guardianship authorities about not assigning benefits to the second parent.
  2. Application, certificate from “guardianship”, mother’s passport, birth certificate, SNILS of a minor and a single parent, registration documents, work record book of the person caring for the baby, certificates indicating the child’s disability. Do not forget about the account to which the assistance required by law must be transferred.

Now the list of documents for child benefits, assigned in one case or another until the child reaches adulthood, is clear. In fact, there is nothing difficult in collecting the relevant papers. But sometimes some hiccups occur. Some benefits in practice require provision additional papers from recipients.

Regional payments

In fact, figuring out what documents are needed to receive child benefits is not that difficult. Only, as already mentioned, sometimes you have to bring a lot of different documentation. As a rule, problems arise when receiving regional benefits. They are appointed in each city separately. Of course, the list of documents in one case or another will also be different.

However, you can pay attention to a number of tips and recommendations. What documents are needed to receive regional child benefits? The following papers can be highlighted with confidence:

  • statements of the established form;
  • passports (or other identification documents) of parents;
  • certificates indicating the birth of children for whom the benefit is issued;
  • certificates of registration of minors;
  • SNILS of family members;
  • certificates about the baby’s health status (for example, about disability, not required);
  • income documents (form 2-NDFL for working family members);
  • certificate from the labor exchange confirming non-receipt of unemployment benefits;
  • work record of the person to whom the payment is made;
  • documents indicating that one of the parents is studying (optional).

Of course, all this is not exhaustive list. But it is precisely these papers that are most often required in practice for regional child benefits.

Where to contact

A huge issue for some is finding an authority to which to send all the previously listed papers. It all depends on which one specifically payment is in progress speech. Also an important point is the status of the mother - whether she works or not.

As soon as all the documents for the extension of child benefits (or their initial purpose) have been collected, you will have to contact:

  1. To the employer. If the woman had a job at the time of the “interesting situation”. Relevant for maternity benefits, leave for up to 1.5 years, for registration in housing complexes, for maternity leave.
  2. To the one-stop service or to the FSS. Anyone can apply stay-at-home moms or students. Needed for any benefits.
  3. At the MFC. IN this body All types of benefits are issued. Typically, both employed and unemployed people join such bodies.
  4. In the Pension Fund. Some payments are processed here. For example, maternity capital.

Accordingly, each citizen can decide for himself where to make certain payments. Multifunctional centers are in particular demand.

Review period

How long will it take to process all the payments due in a particular case? Applications are reviewed within specific period. It is set the same for all payments.

As soon as the list of documents is ready, and the parents have already submitted an application, all that remains is to wait. How much exactly? No more than a month. Currently, the processing time for applications for benefits is 30 days. The decision may be made earlier, but you shouldn’t count on it.

Termination of payments

Some benefits may stop paying early. This is normal. It is clear what necessary documents will need to be prepared for child benefits. But the termination of payments depends on the conditions for assigning financial support. Most often in practice, benefits are taken away if:

  • Mom officially went to work/registered at the labor exchange;
  • Parents' parental rights were taken away;
  • the child has reached age limit until which the payment is due;
  • guardianship was established over the baby;
  • the minor is in full state custody. provision.

Be sure to inform the previously listed authorities about changes in your status. Otherwise everything cash that the state paid will have to be returned.

Conclusions and Conclusions

From now on it is clear what documents are needed to receive child benefits. You may notice that the list of papers is generally the same for different cases. However, some certificates are requested for some payments, but not required for others.

What documents are needed to apply for child benefits? Parents of a newborn baby face this question. The set of papers depends not only on the type of benefit, but also on the status of its recipient (unemployed, students, Foreign citizens and etc.). From our material you will learn about the types of child benefits and the basic documents required to receive them.

Types of child benefits according to law

Before looking for the answer to the question of what documents are needed for a child benefit, let’s decide what child benefits exist.

The types of benefits that citizens with children can apply for are listed in Art. 3 of the Law “On State Benefits...” dated May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ (see in the figure):

Thus, state benefits for citizens with children can be divided into two groups:

  1. Benefits paid to women during pregnancy and during maternity leave after the birth of the child.
  2. One-time and monthly benefits after the birth of a child.

Children's aids from group 2 are usually called children's aids. About them we'll talk in our material. Documents for child benefits must be submitted to the employer at the place of work of one of the spouses or to the authority social protection(if applying for benefits unemployed citizen or university student).

Documents for obtaining child benefits separate categories citizens (for example, unemployed parents) can submit to the MFC.

What to include in the application (sample)

What documents are needed to receive child benefits is stated in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n.

Regardless of the type of benefit, the recipient must write an application. It reflects the following information:

All information specified in the application must be confirmed by signing. You must also indicate the date the application was submitted.

See below for what an application for child benefit might look like:

It is better to fill out the application at the place where you receive benefits according to the sample proposed by the employer or the social security authority. You should also attach a package of documents (certificates, extracts, copies). We will tell you further about what certificates may be needed to apply for child benefits.

We collect a set of certificates: about birth, family composition and others

The answer to the question of what certificates are needed to apply for child benefits depends on the type of benefit and who is applying for it. We will focus on the basic certificates required when applying for child benefits.

Certificate of birth of a child (form 24)

This certificate is required when registering lump sum benefit at the birth of a child (clause 28 of order No. 1012n). A certificate of birth of a child is issued by the civil registry office in form 24, approved by resolution Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of forms…” dated October 31, 1998 No. 1274.

The certificate form is presented below:

This certificate is issued in one copy for registration of child benefits and must be submitted in the original along with the application and other necessary documents.

Certificate of family composition

The registration certificate (Form 9), referred to in everyday life as a certificate of family composition, contains information about all persons registered in a specific residential premises (in an apartment or private house):

To obtain this certificate, you can contact the housing maintenance organization at your place of residence or Passport Office. There are also ways to obtain a certificate through the MFC or the State Services portal.

Certificate from the place of work about non-receipt of benefits

When applying for a monthly child care benefit, a certificate from the place of work of the child’s parent who is not applying for benefits is required, confirming the fact of non-receipt of this type of benefit (clause 54 of Order No. 1012n).

You can find detailed information about such a certificate and its sample.

If the parents of the newborn are divorced, this certificate is not needed. The benefit is assigned to the parent who lives with the child. When applying for benefits, that parent must provide a copy of the divorce certificate.

Other certificates

IN in some cases When applying for child benefits, you may need other certificates. For example:

  • a certificate confirming the fact of disability - when applying for benefits for the adoptive parents of a disabled child;
  • a certificate from the Department of Internal Affairs stating that the whereabouts of the wanted parents have not been established, a certificate confirming that the parents are in custody - when assigning benefits in connection with the transfer of a child into guardianship or in foster family;
  • other certificates.

Find out what a certificate of employment looks like and where it is submitted.

When do you need to go to social security with documents?

You must apply for child benefits to social protection authorities if your parents do not have official place work or they are full-time higher education students educational institutions. That is, in situations where applying for benefits to the employer is not possible. If one of the spouses works, he should apply for child benefits at his place of work.

The figure below shows what documents may be required for child benefits from social security:

Depending on the type of benefit received, the set of papers submitted to social security may vary. Specific list The submitted documents must be clarified with specialists of the social protection authority before starting the procedure for obtaining child benefits.

Who doesn’t make sense to collect certificates and statements to receive benefits?

Clause 4 of Order No. 1012n lists categories of citizens who, even if all necessary documents no benefit is provided. These include Russian and foreign citizens, as well as stateless persons:

  • Children whose children are fully supported by the state.

Persons who are granted the right to full state support are listed in the law “On additional guarantees on social support for orphans and children left without parental care" dated December 21, 1996 No. 159-FZ.

According to Art. 69 Family Code Russian Federation parents may be deprived of parental rights if they evade fulfillment parental responsibilities or abuse them, as well as if children are abused, suffer from chronic alcoholism or drug addiction, have committed intentional crime against a child or other family member.

Child benefits are not provided for those citizens of the Russian Federation who moved to another country for permanent place residence.


Types of child benefits are listed in Law No. 81-FZ. These include: a one-time allowance for the birth of a child, a monthly allowance for child care, an allowance for transferring a child to a foster family and others. What documents you need to contact your employer or social security agency to apply for child benefits are established in Order No. 1012n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development. The application for payment of benefits must be accompanied by a certificate from the registry office about the birth of the child, a certificate of his birth, a certificate of family composition, a certificate of non-receipt of benefits by the other spouse and other certificates, extracts and copies.

If parents are deprived of parental rights or the child is in full state provision, the benefit is not paid and documents for its registration are not submitted.

Child benefits are federal and regional, paid either as a lump sum or monthly. The amount of child benefits and the possibility of paying them also depends on the status of the recipient: employed, unemployed, and so on.

The main federal payments that the vast majority of parents can qualify for are presented in the diagram.

To receive child benefits, the parent must prepare the appropriate documents and submit them at the place of registration. In this article we will briefly look at what child benefits there are, what documents need to be prepared and where they can be obtained. detailed information for each benefit is available in a separate article via a link with the name of the corresponding benefit.

What kinds of child benefits are there: list of child benefits.

Child benefits are national ( federal), that is, financed exclusively from federal budget and paid throughout Russia, and regional(local) – when the cost of paying benefits is borne by the entity Russian Federation, paying them from the local budget. Such benefits are divided into city, regional, and regional child benefits and are paid to the social protection authorities.

Each region provides its own special benefits (payments), financed from the local budget, for socially vulnerable categories of Russian citizens: single mothers, parents of disabled children, large families, low-income families, etc.

Thus, on federal level families with children are entitled to receive certain payments, and the possibility of obtaining additional benefits and compensations is already being carried out at the regional level.

Child benefits are divided into two types, depending on the frequency of their payment:

  1. For one-time child benefits. TO lump sum payments relate:
    • a one-time benefit for women registered in medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy;
    • a one-time benefit when placing a child in a family;
    • one-time benefit to the pregnant wife of a military serviceman undergoing military service on call.
  2. For monthly child benefits. These payments include:
    • monthly allowance for the child of a military serviceman undergoing military service.
  3. Child benefits also include a monthly compensation payment in the amount of 50 rubles (excluding the regional coefficient).
  4. Child benefits also include new monthly payments introduced in 2018:
    • – allowance for the first child until he reaches 1.5 years of age
    • Putin’s payments for the second child are benefits for the second child from maternal (family) capital for families with low per capita income.

Child benefits are assigned and paid depending on the status of the applicant (employed, individual entrepreneur, student, military personnel, unemployed (housewife)). Child benefits can be paid either at the place of work (service, study), or at the place of residence by social protection authorities (place of stay, place of actual residence).

The conditions for the appointment and the procedure for paying benefits to citizens with children are established federal laws, regulatory legal acts Government of the Russian Federation and legislative acts corresponding subject of the Russian Federation (which can only specify and supplement federal legislation, but do not contradict him).

Registration of child benefits: amounts, conditions and documents

Maternity benefits, as well as benefits for women registered with medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks).

Maternity benefits and benefits for early production Only:

  • working women;
  • women dismissed due to liquidation of organizations;
  • full-time students on a paid or free basis;
  • undergoing military service under contract.

The amount of maternity benefits for working women depends on the income for the two years for which contributions to the Fund were calculated social insurance, and is set to size average earnings.

Maximum benefit for pregnancy and childbirth in 2019 is 301,095 rubles 20 kopecks.

Minimum benefit for pregnancy and childbirth in 2019 is 51,919 rubles 00 kopecks.

In addition to the maternity benefit, a woman can receive a payment for registering in the early stages (up to 12 weeks) of pregnancy, which from January 1 to January 31, 2019 is 628 rubles 47 kopecks, and from February 1, 2019 will be indexed. This payment is made by the employer along with maternity benefits.

Documents for obtaining benefits:

  • Certificate of incapacity for work ( sick leave) with a note in the column that the woman was registered in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks);
  • Application for changing years (if necessary);

Find out whether you are entitled to maternity benefits and payment for early registration in medical institutions.

One-time benefit for the birth of a child

One of the parents can receive a lump sum benefit upon the birth of a child. This payment always assigned to a working parent. If both parents in the family do not work (do not serve), then it is appointed by the social security authorities.

The benefit for the birth of a child before February 1, 2019 is 16,759 rubles 09 kopecks. From February 1, in accordance with the indexation coefficient of 1.043, the benefit amount is 17479.73 rubles.

In addition to federal payments installed in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation additional payments at the birth of a child. For example, in accordance with Article 14 of the Moscow City Law of January 28, 2004 N 4 “On Youth”, in order to social support young families and improvements demographic situation in the city, the Moscow Government established an additional one-time benefit for young families (Luzhkov payments).

Size of this social benefits depends on the size living wage and the order of birth of the child, so for the first child, at the beginning of 2019, it will be five times the subsistence minimum (81,300 rubles), for the second – seven times (113,840 rubles), for the third and subsequent – ​​ten times the subsistence minimum (162,600 rubles). Since the cost of living changes every quarter, check the size of the Luzhkov payment in the table according to the child’s date of birth.

Documents for payment processing:

  • Birth certificate issued by the civil registry office (form No. 24);
  • Child's birth certificate;
  • A certificate from the place of work (service) of the other parent stating that the specified benefit was not assigned or paid;

As well as other documents, depending on the status of the applicant and the second parent.

After answering the questions, find out the procedure for paying you a lump sum benefit upon the birth of a child.

Monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years

Absolutely all families have the right to a monthly benefit: both employed and unemployed. The difference lies in the amount of benefits paid: non-working people receive it in minimum size, working at 40% of average earnings for 2 years.

A monthly child care allowance is assigned and paid either at the place of work (service), or at the social protection authorities at the place of residence.

Pay monthly allowance child care is carried out or from the date of granting parental leave(from the day following the end of maternity leave) until the day the child turns one and a half years old, or from the day of birth of the child on the day the child turns 1.5 years old.

For non-working persons (housewives), individual entrepreneurs, a monthly allowance until February 1, 2019 (will be further indexed) is paid in a minimum amount:

  • for the first child – 3142 rubles 33 kopecks;
  • for the second and subsequent children - 6284 rubles 65 kopecks.

Minimum care allowance in 2019 for persons working for less than 2 years or with low wages:

  • for the first child – 4512 rubles 00 kopecks;
  • for the second and subsequent children - 6284 rubles 65 kopecks.

In areas and localities where installed regional coefficients To wages, the amount of benefits is determined using these coefficients.

Maximum size benefits for child care up to 1.5 years in 2019 depends on the mother’s earnings for two calendar years, since it is paid in the amount of 40% of average earnings, and cannot be more than 26,152 rubles 27 kopecks.

Documents for obtaining a monthly child care allowance:

  • Application for parental leave with the assignment and payment of a monthly benefit;
  • A copy of the birth certificate of the child and previously born children. In the event of the death of a previous child, a death certificate and a copy thereof shall be submitted;
  • Certificate from the other parent’s place of work stating that he does not use specified leave and does not receive benefits. If the father (mother, both parents) of the child does not work (does not serve) or is studying - a certificate from the social security authorities at the place of residence of the father or mother of the child about non-receipt of monthly benefits;
  • Application for changing years (if necessary);
  • A certificate of the amount of earnings from another employer for calculating benefits (if necessary).

As well as other documents specified in clause 54 of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n " On approval of the Procedure and conditions for appointment and payment state benefits citizens with children".

Putin's payments at the birth of the first child

To support fertility, a monthly cash payment has been established for the first child until the child reaches 1.5 years of age (In common parlance - " Putin's payments"). Wherein total income family, divided by the number of family members, should not be more than one and a half subsistence level of the working population. Not all family income is taken into account when calculating this amount, and some family members are excluded from the calculation average per capita income.

The benefit is assigned for 1 year and in the future it must be issued again.

The right to receive a monthly payment in connection with the birth (adoption) of the first child arises in the event if the child was born (adopted) after January 1, 2018.

The benefit is paid in the amount living wage per child, established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the second quarter previous year(for 2019 this is the 2nd quarter of 2018). On average, the monthly payment for the first child in 2019 is (depending on the region) 10,390 rubles. Exact amount You can find benefits for your region in the article “Putin’s payments at the birth of the first child.”

You can expect a monthly payment citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation, whose income per family member (average per capita income) does not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence level of the working population established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the second quarter of the previous year. That is, this payment is targeted: the state first of all wants to support those families who really need such support.

An application for granting benefits is submitted at the place of residence in social protection, or through Multifunctional Center provision of government and municipal services (MFC).

Putin's payments for the second child (from maternity capital)

Monthly payment from maternity capital introduced in 2018 and appointed additionally to a monthly allowance for a child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years.

Benefit is paid at the expense of maternal (family) capital, if the balance of maternity capital allows making payments, and averages, depending on the region, 10,390 rubles.

Families whose income per family member will be able to count on a monthly cash payment do not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence level of the working population established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the second quarter of the previous year. Thus introduced additional opportunity use of maternity capital, namely, funds from maternity capital can be received in the form of monthly payments.

When calculating average per capita income, the following are taken into account: received in cash:

  • wages, bonuses, fees;
  • pensions, benefits, scholarships and other similar payments, sick leave, alimony;
  • payments pension savings legal successors of the deceased;
  • compensation paid government agency or public association during the performance of state or public duties;
  • monetary allowances for military personnel, employees of internal affairs bodies, the penitentiary system, customs authorities and other organs.

Not taken into account: one-time material aid, paid from the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, other sources in connection with natural disaster or others emergency circumstances, as well as in connection with a terrorist attack.

The income of each family member is taken into account before taxes in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

You can apply for a monthly payment at any time within one and a half years from the date of birth of the child in territorial body Pension Fund.

The monthly allowance is assigned from the date of birth of the child, if the application is followed no later than six months from the date of birth of the child. In other cases, monthly payments are made from the date of application for its appointment.

Monthly payments from maternity capital are assigned for a period of one year, after this period a new application is submitted.

Payment of monthly benefits allows you to improve financial condition young families and stimulates the birth rate in the country. Support for citizens from the state can be one-time or paid every month. IN the latter case the recipient of payments must document, at certain intervals, that his financial position hasn't changed.

After one year has passed from the date of registration of the right to receive child benefit, parents or adoptive parents must contact the appropriate authorities and provide required package documents. If this is not done, then payment financial assistance from the state will stop.

Necessity documentary evidence his social status with a frequency of one year arises due to the fact that some citizens deliberately conceal this fact and receive unreasonable payments of monthly benefits. This may even lead to criminal charges. A change of workplace with a subsequent increase in salary must be noted with the relevant authorities. Based on the information provided, a decision will be made regarding the continuation of payments or their termination.

Package of documents for benefit extension

In order to extend their right to receive child benefits, a guardian or parent must collect a package of documents. Such papers include:

  • Applicant's passport;
  • Child's birth certificate;
  • Certificate of registration or divorce;
  • Certificate from school for the child;
  • Documents confirming the income of all family members;
  • Copies of certificates compulsory insurance(in the presence of);
  • Bank details.

Provided that the parents are married and they are registered at more than one address, then it is also necessary to provide a certificate of the place of registration of the second parent.

Documents confirming income must contain information about the earnings of family members for the last three months. In this case, absolutely all sources of income must be noted - wages, stipends, additional benefits, cash allowances, income from business activities.

If there is no source of permanent income, this fact should also be documented. To do this, it is enough to provide a work book. If the parent or guardian does not have such a document, then he should provide a certificate of non-receipt of unemployment benefits and take a paper that confirms the lack of registration of the recipient of payments as a private entrepreneur.

To extend benefits extra size V local authorities social protection, you should additionally provide some more papers complete with the package of documents that was presented above. Guardians or parents of a disabled child must provide a medical and social examination report. If the child’s father is a military serviceman, then a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office and military unit about conscription and passing urgent registration should be brought to the appropriate authorities. military service respectively.

Provided that one of the parents evades paying child support, then additionally at least one of the following documents must be provided:

  • Message from service bailiffs. Such a document must confirm the fact that last month the location of the debtor was not established.
  • Certificate from the passport and visa service. Provided only if the debtor has crossed state border and left for permanent residence to another country. Additionally, a certificate from the Ministry of Justice regarding non-compliance may also be required. court decision regarding the collection of alimony.
  • Certificate of serving the sentence (in appropriate situations). May be required if the debtor is serving a sentence or is under arrest. Such papers will confirm that the second parent does not have permanent income, and therefore are unable to fulfill their obligations to pay alimony.

In order to minimize the number of trips to the relevant authorities in order to extend child benefits, it is recommended that you approach the resolution of the issues raised very carefully. Simple, but very useful tips will help speed up this process.

Tip #1. Carefully study the list of required documentation

Before each visit to the relevant authorities, it is recommended to carefully study the list of required documents. This will minimize the number of trips to organizations.

Tip #2. Always carry your passport and passbook with you

These documents must be carried by the parent or guardian at the time of each visit to the social security authorities. Instead of a savings book, information about a personal account can be used. If certain difficulties arise, employees may also require additional supporting documentation.

Tip #3. Prepare a work book or a certificate from the Employment Center (for citizens who have not worked for less than six months)

Both parents and guardians must provide such documents. If one of the parents is a student and receives a scholarship, then he must provide a certificate of the amount government payments. Individual entrepreneurs prepare a company registration certificate, a declaration or certificate of income and a work book.

Tip #4. Provide income certificates for the last three months

Information about the salary and other sources of income of the benefit recipient should be as current as possible, so a certificate of the amount of payments for the last three months should be provided. Such documents include a work book - for citizens who have lost their jobs due to layoffs, a salary certificate - for working citizens, a diploma or certificate - for citizens who are not yet engaged in work.

Tip #5. For every trip to local branch social security prepare minimum package documents

The main documents that will be required to be presented at each visit to the social protection department include a certificate of family composition, as well as documents confirming the income of each family member; a certificate of family composition can be obtained at the place of residence. Residents of the private sector must additionally provide house book. Provided that children are placed educational institution, then you may also need a document from the school.

To avoid possible delays When making monthly payments, it is necessary to collect a package of documents in advance and prepare an appeal to the appropriate authorities. This will avoid further problems.

Understanding the variety of child benefits, the most important thing is not to get confused in the conditions and procedure for receiving them. For some payments the same documents may be needed, but the recipients may be different. For others, the basis for calculation will be the same. In this article we will figure out where and how to apply for child benefits.

Monthly benefit for low-income families

The benefit is provided to families with children under 16 years of age, in which the income per person is below the subsistence level

Who should: families with children under 16 years of age, in which average income per each member below the established minimum subsistence level.

How much pay: The amount of this child benefit depends on the region in which the family lives. Usually the amount is 300-350 rubles. In some regions of the Russian Federation it is 800 rubles.

If the mother is raising the child alone, then she is paid double the amount.

How to apply: You must submit the following documents to the social security office at the child’s place of registration:

    Identity cards of all family members (passports of parents and child, if he is over 14 years old, birth certificate).

    A certificate from the housing office or an extract from the house register stating that the minor actually lives at this address.

    Documents on family income (for workers - in form 2-NDFL, for the unemployed - a certificate from the labor exchange or a copy work book).

    This child benefit can be extended until the age of 18. As a rule, it can be issued if the child is still in school.

    Review of documents takes 10 working days. Transfer of money starts from next month. In some cases, the start of payments may be delayed by a month.

    Child care payments

    Who should: mothers, fathers or other relatives who have taken appropriate leave. The main condition is that the recipient must really care for the baby. This child benefit is paid up to 1.5 years.

    How much pay: for employed citizens is 40% of the average salary.

    For other categories (those fired due to the liquidation of the organization; full-time students; unemployed relatives raising a child whose parents were deprived of parental rights) there are fixed rates. Minimum value– 2,718 rubles for the first child and 5,436 rubles for the second and subsequent children. The maximum allowed by law is 19,855 rubles.

    This benefit is paid to mothers or other family members who actually care for the child

    How to apply: at any time on vacation, but before the child reaches the age of two years, you need to collect necessary papers. For working citizens:

      Free application writing to receive payment.

      Application for maternity leave.

      The documents are sent to the employer, who will transfer the money to you on paydays.

    For unemployed persons, the set of papers is slightly different:

      Application for child benefit.

      Birth certificates of children.

      A work book containing a record of dismissal from the enterprise due to its liquidation during the vacation period.

      Copy of order dated former employer on provision of care leave.

      Salary information.

      A certificate from the employment fund stating that unemployment benefits are not paid.

    In this case, you are already sent to the social security authorities at your place of residence.

    In certain regions of the Russian Federation, it has been in effect since 2015. new order registration of this type of child benefit. In accordance with it, even working parents or guardians must submit documents to the Social Insurance Fund.

    The payment applies until the child turns 3 years old. You can apply for it according to the same principle, but after the baby reaches 1.5 years old, you will pay 50 rubles per month. As a rule, employed mothers are not satisfied with this, and they go to work.

    Who should: one of the parents at the birth of the baby.

    How much pay: this is paid at once in the form of a fixed amount, which is indexed every year. In 2015, the benefit is 14,497 rubles.

    In some cases, it is more convenient to apply for child benefits for your husband. As a rule, this happens if the mother does not work or is employed in another city.

    To apply for child benefits, you need to provide the necessary documents to the social protection authorities within six months after giving birth.

    How to apply: Within six months after giving birth, you need to submit the necessary documents to social security or work:

      Application for benefits.

      Child's birth certificate.

      A certificate confirming that the second spouse does not receive benefits.

      If the spouses are divorced, a certificate of divorce.

      An extract from the work record book certified by the employer (if issued through social security).

    At work, money is paid within ten days. Through social protection authorities - until the end of next month.

    When twins or triplets are born, the benefit is assigned separately for each child.

    Maternity benefit

    Who should: only to a mother or a woman who has adopted a newborn child and has taken leave under the BIR. They must either be employed, or serve in the army under a contract, or study at full-time department University, or be fired during vacation due to the liquidation of the organization.

    How much pay: for working people – full secondary daily earnings, multiplied by the number of days spent on vacation under the BIR. For those fired – 543 rubles, multiplied by the number vacation days(amount is current for 2015). For female students - in the amount of a monthly stipend multiplied by the number of months on vacation.

    How to apply: A minimum package of documents is required:

      Application in free form.

      Sick leave as a basis for going on leave under the BIR.

      Certificate of income for the last 2 years (for working mothers).

    Don’t miss the deadline for submitting documents - you must submit documents for BIR benefits either during the vacation itself or within 6 months after its end.

    If the benefit is provided by the employer, then the money will be paid on the next payday; if it is USZN, then by the end of the next month.

    The payment is due to the mother of the child who took maternity leave

    Early benefits

    Who should: exclusively for expectant mothers who registered for pregnancy at a clinic or antenatal clinic within 12 weeks after conception.

    How much pay: and very small - 543 rubles (for 2015).

    How to apply: bring a certificate from that to the social security authorities or to work medical institution, which registered you. Payment - within 10 days or until the end of the next month (depending on where you receive it - at work or at the Social Insurance Fund).

    Today in our country, families with children can count on state support measures in the form of various cash payments. Registration of each type of benefit has its own nuances, after familiarizing yourself with which, you will not have any difficulties in receiving it.

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