What photographs are needed for a hunting license? What documents are needed for a hunting license?

“Do I need a hunting license?” - this is the question that novice hunters ask. Of course we need it. After all, without a hunter’s license, you will not be able to obtain a license to use and store a smoothbore or.
According to the old version of Law No. 209 of July 24, 2009 “On hunting and on the conservation of hunting resources and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, in order to receive a hunter’s ticket, it is enough to provide a passport and your 3x4 photos to the hunting farm on the territory which you are going to hunt or fish. Every year it was necessary to re-register a hunting license. And every five years - replacement with a new one.

New Hunter Ticket

But from now on, from January 20, 2011, in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation No. 13 “On approval of the Procedure for issuing and canceling a hunting license of a single federal standard, the form of a hunting license,” every lover of shooting birds and animals must receive a hunting license Federal ticket. This ticket is issued indefinitely. Its owner can hunt throughout the Russian Federation.

Can I get a new hunting license?

If you are an adult, have no criminal record and know the hunting minimum (according to hunting legislation), then there are no obstacles to obtaining a new hunter’s license.

Where can I get a new hunting license?

The issuance of new hunting tickets is carried out by the Environmental Management Committee of your locality and multifunctional centers, where you need to apply in person or send all documents by mail. The service of obtaining a hunter's ticket is free and does not require any fees or state fees.

What documents must be provided to obtain a new hunting license?

1. Your passport
2. Copy of passport pages with photo and place of your registration
3. 2 color or black and white photos 25*35 mm.
4. Old sample hunting license (only if its validity has not expired)
5. Application (the application form and a sample for filling it out will be provided to you where you apply for the service. Or you can download the form yourself from the Internet)

How soon can I use my new hunting license?

After submitting an application to the Environmental Management Committee of your locality or multifunctional center, within 5-10 days you must be issued a new sample of a hunting license. In a few more days, your ticket will be entered into the state register and you will be notified about it by phone. That's all. Now you can absolutely legally engage in hunting and fishing.

Are you into hunting? You will be interested to know how and where to get hunting license of a unified federal standard, what documents will be required from you to issue a hunting license and on the basis of what laws this document is issued. Read the article to know more!

To confirm the official right of a hunter to hunt, there is a document called a hunting license. The general rules of the law regarding the issuance of a hunting license, as well as the categories of persons entitled to receive it, are listed in Article 21 of Federal Law No. 209 “On Hunting and the Conservation of Hunting Resources.” The required document is a hunting license.

What is needed to obtain a new hunting license?

To obtain a hunting license, a citizen must take a few simple steps:

  1. Collect 2 photographs measuring 2.5 by 3 cm and a copy of your passport.
  2. Bring them to the multifunctional center or environmental management committee at the city administration and write there an application for a hunting license of a unified federal standard. The application must indicate that you have read the hunting minimum requirements. If you wish, you can easily find the application form on the Internet to fill out in advance.
  3. There it is also necessary to sign the citizen’s consent to the processing of personal data.
  4. 5 working days after your application is received, you will receive a hunting license.

What is the hunting minimum, the requirements of which you need to know to obtain a hunting license? – These requirements contain the following information:

  • General hunting rules.
  • Safety precautions when hunting and when handling firearms.
  • Basic biology of wild animals from those that are allowed to be hunted.
  • Information about the class of mammals.
  • Characteristic features of orders of predators, rodents, lagomorphs and insectivores.
  • Characteristics of the class of birds.

A hunting license is issued by the department (committee) of environmental management and environmental control. Typically, such committees are located under the city administration. The first step to obtaining a hunting license is to write an application. If the application is accepted, it will be reviewed within 5 days. Typically, information about the hours of work with the public to receive applications is posted on the city administration website.

Recently, due to the expansion of the network of municipal and state services, Multifunctional Centers have been equipped in each city, where you will also receive an application for a hunting license of a unified federal standard.

Another modern way of submitting an application is the government services website, where, having an account and confirming your personal data, you can submit an application without leaving home. After receiving electronic copies of documents and photographs, you will be assigned a day when you need to come to the administration to receive a new hunting license

If you have submitted an application to the MFC, your application and documents will be reviewed by the Department for the Protection and Use of Wildlife and Biological Resources.

The Wildlife Protection Inspectorate may also consider your application.

A hunting license is issued free of charge after consideration of the application. The period for which the certificate is issued is not established.

There is no charge for issuing a hunter's ticket.

The documents required to obtain a uniform federal hunting license do not include a certificate of no criminal record. This certificate is requested from the Ministry of Internal Affairs without your participation.

To order a hunter's ticket via the Internet, you must have a registration record on the portal of state and municipal services.

To register, you will need an activation code, to receive which you must come to the Rostelecom office with a passport and to confirm your identity.

After entering the activation code, you will be taken to your personal account, where you select the desired service, indicate your phone number and passport details. Ordering a hunting license through the government services portal is also free, as when visiting the administration in person.

In your personal account on the government services portal, you will need to enter the following data:

  • Your last name, first name and patronymic.
  • Date and place of birth and actual residence.
  • Phone number.
  • Indicate the name of the authority to which you are sending your application.

If you did everything correctly, a specialist from the Environmental Management Committee will call the phone number you provided within the next day and you will be offered time to present your documents to receive a hunting license.

Under what circumstances can a hunting license be refused?

  • If you have entered your information incorrectly.
  • If some necessary documents have not been received from you (for example, copies of your passport or photographs).
  • If you have been deprived of the right to hunt for a certain period of time and submit documents before the expiration of this period.

Registration of a hunting license

Obviously, to obtain a hunting document, you must either personally visit the environmental management committee to submit an application, or submit an application through the MFC or the government services website.

There is another way to submit an application, but its implementation will obviously take a lot of time, because sending an application by mail is irrational.

After 2015, there was a noticeable simplification in the organization of obtaining a hunting license. Now a hunting license is issued for an indefinite period. Previously, it had to be renewed every 5 years.

The requirements for obtaining a hunting license are:

  1. The hunter must be at least 18 years old.
  2. Reliable information about the applicant.
  3. Clear knowledge of hunting minimum requirements. There is no exam required to obtain a certificate, but every hunter should know the requirements.
  4. Passport, copy of passport and 2 photographs of the specified size.

As you can see, if a hunter complies with all the above requirements, he can receive a hunting license within a week. If errors are discovered when submitting your application, you will receive a refusal within 5 working days from the date of application. You are allowed to correct deficiencies and resubmit your application.

It is possible that they will help you take photos for the ticket! Type What does a unified state-issued hunting license look like? This is a small book, similar to a student ID. It's only 4 pages long, not including the cover. The document is green. The coat of arms of the Russian Federation is depicted on the cover. Information about the hunter is entered inside the hunting ticket. Here you can see what the owner of the document looks like. As already mentioned, the paper is a certificate of legal hunting on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is important to understand that in addition to a new hunting license, a citizen will have to have:

  • hunting permit/permit;
  • weapons license;
  • a personal one-time license if hunting for certain “licensed” animals is carried out.

In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems.

You can submit an application to the following authorities:

  1. Natural Use Committee.
  2. The department that issues permits and licenses (LRO).
  3. State Services Portal.

The last option is the most convenient via the Internet and your personal account on the State Services website. The procedure is quite simple, just fill in the required fields for documents and personal data. The application must be submitted directly to the branch or by delivery.

It is necessary to indicate the applicant’s details, when and where he was born, who is issuing him, address with postal code and mobile number, and that the applicant is familiar with and agrees with the requirements regarding the hunting minimum.

How to get a hunting license


You can even get a hunting license through State Services. The last procedure will require the presence of the Internet, as well as a registered personal account. The procedure itself is not very complicated; you will only need to fill out the appropriate fields, entering document numbers, as well as personal information.


The application can be submitted in person or sent by mail. It must contain the applicant's full name, place and date of birth, name of the authorized body, email or postal address, telephone number. In addition, the application must indicate that the applicant has familiarized himself with the current hunting minimum requirements.

A number of photographs and documents will need to be attached to the application: 1. The size of the photo for a hunting license is 2.5×3.5 cm. The photo requirements for a hunting license in 2018 require two personal photographs, made in color or black and white.

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Urgent photo - URGENT PHOTO FOR ALL TYPES OF DOCUMENTS Size: 2.5 x 3.5 cm Quantity: 8 pieces Production time: 5 minutes Cost: 250 rub. Where to do it? here... Add. services: more details... We make a photo for a hunting license in 5 minutes. Photo requirements: Photo size - 2.5 x 3.5 cm.
Colored or black and white. Must be printed on matte paper. The face must be photographed strictly from the front, with facial expressions (expression) that do not distort its features, without a headdress. Cost of a photo for a hunting ticket: 250 rubles.

Photo requirements for a hunting license

24-hour legal advice by phone GET FREE CONSULTATION WITH A LAWYER BY PHONE: MOSCOW AND MOSCOW REGION: ST. PETERSBURG AND LENIGRAD REGION: REGIONS, FEDERAL NUMBER: How to get a hunting license in 2018 - registration and validity of a new type ticket through M FC How to get a hunting license for the first time - this is the most important question for those who decide to acquire a weapon and go hunting. Many people think that becoming a hunter is easy, but this is not entirely true. For those who do not understand why a hunting license is needed, we explain that without it you may face quite severe punishment: from a fine to direct imprisonment.

Therefore, you should carefully approach the issue and find out how and where to get a hunting license of a unified federal standard in 2018.

How to get a hunting license for the first time in 2018

To issue a hunting ticket of a unified federal standard, you will need to take into account the following requirements:

  • reaching the age of majority (the recipient can only be a person over 18 years of age);
  • provide only reliable information about yourself;
  • availability of minimum hunting knowledge.

I guess that's all. You will also have to provide identification and documents indicating citizenship. But this usually does not cause any problems. About hunting knowledge Do I need to undergo specialized training when obtaining a hunter's license? After all, as we have already found out, citizens must know the basics of hunting.

In Russia there is no mandatory knowledge testing in this matter yet. All the applicant must do is sign a special document under the clause indicating familiarization with the hunting rules in a particular territory.
If previously it was necessary to take an exam in the hunting society on the specified “subject,” then at the moment it is enough to sign that “I am familiar with the requirements of the hunting minimum. The old-style hunting license is valid for 5 years and is valid throughout Russia. For a new sample, the validity period is unlimited. Minimum hunting requirements include the following: 1.
safety precautions when hunting; 2. hunting rules; 3. basic biology of wild animals; 4. safety rules for using weapons; 5. concept of the class of mammals; 6. knowledge of the characteristics of the orders of rodents, carnivores, lagomorphs and insectivores; 7. knowledge of the characteristics of the class of birds and the like. Extension and replacement of a hunting license The process of renewing and replacing a hunting license is similar to receiving it.

Photo size requirements for a hunting license of the new sample

A certain list of documents is added to the application:

  • Photos measuring 2.5 by 3.5 centimeters in color or black and white in the amount of two pieces with high definition without a covered head and in full face;
  • Passport and its photocopy;
  • Certificate from a medical institution;
  • A valid hunting license, whose validity was noted before 2011, has not yet expired. There is no need to provide an expired ticket; it will not be needed.

Within five weekdays the document will be in your hands. There is no state duty. However, the hunt can begin when your data is in the State Register.
You will learn about this either by mail or by telephone. What it looks like Anyone who receives a hunting license in 2017 for the first time needs to know what it looks like. It is 4 pages excluding the cover with endpapers.
In order to avoid such troubles, we will consider the rules for obtaining a hunting license for a novice hunter. Table of contents:

  • Who can receive
  • How to get
  • What does it look like
  • Renewal and replacement procedure
  • When and who can deprive

This is also required when moving to a new city; you must contact the territorial branch of the OOIR (Society of Hunters and Fishers) for a new registration of a hunting license.
Where and how to submit documents?

  • directly to the ecology department of the Department of Natural Resources (the representative office in your region can be found on the Internet or by calling the municipality);
  • through the State Services portal;
  • through the Multifunctional Center.

After all the documents have been accepted, you will have to wait five days (in practice, it is possible that all fourteen) and then you will be able to receive your long-awaited crusts. Or you will receive a notification of refusal. For what reason?

  • the candidate's age is less than 18 years;
  • the applicant came to the attention of law enforcement agencies (outstanding conviction, criminal prosecution);
  • medical contraindications;
  • Some document is missing or it is filled out incorrectly.

Obviously, becoming a hunter is not at all difficult.
If you do not have such a ticket and you are hunting, you can get a fine and even go to jail. In order to avoid such troubles, we will consider the rules for obtaining a hunting license for a novice hunter. Table of contents:

  • How important is a hunting license?
  • Who can receive
  • How to get
  • What does it look like
  • Renewal and replacement procedure
  • When and who can deprive

How important is a hunting license? The new type of hunting license allows you to:

  1. Buy, store and carry weapons with a smooth barrel.
  2. Confirms that the hunter has knowledge on such subjects as the rules of using weapons, hunting and staying safe on it.
  3. Having a hunting license of a unified federal standard, you can carry out hunting activities absolutely legally.

Where to apply And where can I get the mentioned paper? What features of the operation will you have to pay attention to first? Today, a hunting license of a unified federal standard is issued by committees and departments of environmental management and environmental control. This is where you can turn for help. The paper can also be issued through multifunctional centers and even through State Services. But the latter scenario is extremely rare in practice.

Direct issuance of a ticket in the established form will be carried out in the personal presence of the applicant. This fact must be taken into account. Production time How quickly is a hunting license produced? As a rule, the operation being studied does not take much time. It requires 5 days to review the application. This means that 5 days after applying for the paper you will be able to receive a ready-made hunter’s ticket.

Please note that the Portal allows you to submit an application for this service in electronic form.

Adult citizens who have civil capacity and do not have an outstanding or unexpunged conviction for committing an intentional crime, who have become familiar with the requirements of the hunting minimum, if they wish to hunt wild animals in specially designated places, are required to obtain a document certifying their right to hunt from the Committee on environmental management, environmental protection and environmental safety (hereinafter referred to as the Committee), - a hunting license.

A hunting license is a document of a single federal standard without limitation of the period and territory of its validity, and has a registration series and number.

Cancellation of a hunting license occurs if the hunter submits an application for its cancellation submitted to the Committee, an individual does not comply with the conditions for issuing a hunting license, or a court decision.

To check the readiness of your hunting license, you can use the online service.

Full name
(in accordance with the Administrative Regulations or other legal acts):

Issuance and cancellation of hunting tickets of a unified federal standard

Principle of service provision

Extraterritorial principle – the provision of the service does not depend on the registered address of the recipient of the service

Result of service provision

  1. Issuance of a hunting license of a unified federal standard.
  2. Refusal to issue a hunting license of a unified federal standard.
  3. Cancellation of a hunting license of a unified federal standard and notification of refusal to cancel the ticket.
  4. Notice of refusal to cancel a ticket.

Service provision period

  1. Issuance of a hunting license of a unified federal standard - 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application and documents by the Department of Environmental Supervision of Fauna of the Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Protection and Ensuring Environmental Safety.
  2. Cancellation of hunting tickets of a unified federal standard - 5 working days from the date of receipt of the necessary documents by the Department of Environmental Supervision of Fauna of the Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Protection and Ensuring Environmental Safety.


For free.


Individuals who have civil capacity in accordance with civil law, do not have an outstanding or unexpunged conviction for committing an intentional crime and have familiarized themselves with the requirements of the hunting minimum*.

* The hunting minimum is a set of minimum necessary knowledge for hunters who want to join the society of hunters and fishermen. It includes knowledge of animal biology, timing and methods of hunting, safety measures, and legislation. (The hunting minimum requirements are posted on the website of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation - www.mnr.gov.ru).


Procedure for the applicant

  1. Gets acquainted with the hunting minimum requirements.
  2. Contact the department (hereinafter referred to as the MFC).
  3. Submits the necessary documents and application:
  • according to the form - to obtain a hunting license of a unified federal standard;
  • in form - to cancel a hunting license of a unified federal standard.
  • Receives a receipt for documents acceptance.
  • If the Committee makes a decision to issue a hunting license:
    • receives a hunting license of a unified federal standard;
    • signs a receipt for receipt of a hunting license of a unified federal standard in the form;
    • signs a receipt for familiarization with the requirements of the hunting minimum in the form.
  • If the Committee makes a decision to cancel a hunting license, he receives a notification of cancellation of the hunting license in the form.
  • If the Committee makes a decision to refuse to cancel a hunting license, he receives a notification of refusal to cancel a hunting license in the form.
  • To check the readiness of your hunting license, you can use the online service.

    Grounds for refusal to provide public services:

    1. The applicant does not meet the established requirements.
    2. The applicant does not have a place of residence or place of stay in St. Petersburg (if there is no place of residence).
    3. The Committee refuses to cancel a hunting license if the application for cancellation is submitted without following its form.

    Procedure for the authorized organization

    I. Reception and registration of the application

    MFC specialist:

    1. Defines the subject of the appeal.
    2. Conducts verification of the credentials of the person submitting documents.
    3. Conducts verification of documents' compliance with established requirements.
    4. Scans submitted documents, creates an electronic file, all documents of which are linked by a single unique identification code, which makes it possible to establish that the documents belong to a specific applicant and the type of application for public services.
    5. Certifies the electronic file with his electronic signature.
    6. Sends copies of documents and a register of documents to the Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Protection and Environmental Safety:
    • in electronic form (as part of electronic case packages) within 1 working day(s) from the date of the applicant’s application to the MFC;
    • on paper (if it is necessary to provide original documents) - within 3 working days from the date of the applicant’s application to the MFC.
  • If documents do not comply with the established requirements, they are returned to the applicant to eliminate the identified deficiencies.
  • Upon completion of acceptance of documents, issues a receipt to the applicant for acceptance of documents.
    1. Accepts an application in form (in the case of issuing a hunting license) or in form (in case of cancellation of a hunting license) and documents.
    2. Checks documents for compliance.
    3. Registers the application and received documents.
    4. The application received by the Committee is transmitted on the same day to the chief, leading or specialist of the 1st category of the department, whose job responsibilities include receiving and registering applications for the issuance (cancellation) of hunting tickets (hereinafter referred to as the department specialist).

    II. Submitting an interdepartmental request about the presence/absence of an outstanding or unexpunged conviction for committing an intentional crime

    1. Prepares a draft interdepartmental request, including in the form of an electronic document.
    2. If necessary, submits a draft interdepartmental request for signature to a person authorized to sign interdepartmental requests, including using an electronic signature.
    3. Sends an interdepartmental request to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to obtain information about the presence/absence of an outstanding or unexpunged conviction for committing an intentional crime.
    4. Receives a response to an interdepartmental request.
    5. Analyzes information received as part of interdepartmental cooperation.

    III. Making a decision to issue (cancel) a hunting license or refuse to issue (cancel) a hunting license of a single federal standard

    1. Reviews the application and the documents attached to it to ensure compliance with the application form and the availability of all documents (in the case of consideration of an application for the issuance of a hunting license or for the cancellation of a hunting license).
    2. Makes decisions on the issuance (cancellation) of a hunting license of a single federal standard or the refusal to issue (cancellation) a hunting license.
    3. Enters information about the hunter into the state hunting register.

    IV. Registration of a hunting license of a unified federal standard

    Chief, leading or specialist of the 1st category of the department:

    1. On page 1 of the hunting ticket:
    • pastes the Applicant’s photo into the “Place for photo” field;
    • fills in the following fields with black (blue) ink: “surname of the owner of the hunting license”, “name of the owner of the hunting license”, “patronymic of the owner of the hunting license”, “date of birth of the owner of the hunting license”.
  • On page 2 of the hunting ticket:
    • fills in the following fields with black (blue) ink: “date of issue of the hunting license” (day, month, year), “last name and initials of the authorized official”;
    • puts his signature in the “signature” field;
    • puts the seal of the Committee for hunting tickets in the “Place of seal” field.

    V. Issuance of hunting tickets of a unified federal standard

    Chief, leading or specialist of the 1st category of the department:

    1. Invites the applicant to an appointment with the Committee to receive a hunting license of a unified federal standard in the form after 5 working days from the date of submission of the application for the issuance of a hunting license.
    2. Issues the applicant a hunting license of a unified federal standard.

    VI. Cancellation of hunting tickets of a unified federal standard

    Chief, leading or specialist of the 1st category of the department:

    1. Prepares an act of cancellation of a hunting license in the form.
    2. Prepares a notification to the applicant about the cancellation of a hunting license in the form.
    3. Submits the act and notice of ticket cancellation for signature to the person responsible for signing the act.
    4. Sends notice of ticket cancellation to the applicant.
    5. If the application does not comply with regulatory requirements, prepares a notification to the applicant about the refusal to cancel the hunting license in the form.
    6. Submits a notice of refusal to cancel a ticket for signature to the responsible person.
    7. Sends a notice of refusal to cancel the ticket to the applicant.

    MFC specialist:

    • On the day of receipt of documents from the Committee, informs the applicant about the decision made by telephone (with a record of the date and time of the telephone call), as well as about the possibility of receiving documents at the MFC.


    Documents submitted by the applicant

    I. Required documents:

    A) In the case of issuing a hunting license of a unified federal standard

    1. Application for issuance of a hunting license of a unified federal standard in the form.
    2. If available: hunting license or membership hunting card issued before July 1, 2011 and which has not expired.
    3. Two personal photographs in black and white or color, size 30x40 mm, with a clear image of the face, strictly frontal, without headdress.
    4. A copy of the passport or temporary identity card issued by the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service.

    B) In case of cancellation of a hunting license of a unified federal standard

    1. Application for cancellation of a hunting license of a unified federal standard in the form.
    2. Identification document of the applicant.
    3. Hunting license of a single federal image, subject to cancellation (if any).

    II. Documents submitted on the applicant’s own initiative:

    • Certificate from the territorial unit of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region confirming that the applicant has no outstanding or unexpunged conviction for committing an intentional crime.

    To receive a government service, the applicant must have permanent registration at the place of residence in St. Petersburg or temporary registration at the place of residence in St. Petersburg in the absence of permanent registration in another constituent entity of the Russian Federation. If registered in another constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the applicant must contact the IOGV at the place of his permanent registration.

    Documents issued to the applicant

    Organizations involved in providing the service

    Organizations accepting documents

    Organizations making decisions on service provision

    Organizations issuing final documents

    Other organizations involved in the provision of the service

    Appeal procedure

    Applicants have the right to pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal against decisions and actions (inaction) taken (carried out) by the Committee, officials of the Committee, state civil servants of the Committee in the course of providing public services. The pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal procedure does not exclude the possibility of appealing decisions and actions (inactions) taken (carried out) during the provision of public services in court. The pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal procedure is not mandatory for the applicant.

    The applicant may file a complaint, including in the following cases:

    • violation of the deadline for registering the applicant’s request for the provision of a public service;
    • violation of the deadline for the provision of public services;
    • requesting from the applicant documents not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg for the provision of public services;
    • refusal to accept documents, the provision of which is provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg for the provision of public services, from the applicant;
    • refusal to provide a public service, if the grounds for refusal are not provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them, regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg;
    • requesting from the applicant, when providing a public service, a fee not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg;
    • refusal of the Committee, an official of the Committee, a state civil servant of the Committee to correct typographical errors and errors in documents issued as a result of the provision of public services, or violation of the established deadline for such corrections.

    If the complaint is submitted through a representative of the applicant, a document confirming the authority to take actions on behalf of the applicant is also submitted. The following may be submitted as a document confirming the authority to carry out actions on behalf of the applicant:

    • power of attorney issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (for individuals);
    • a power of attorney issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, signed by the head of the applicant or a person authorized by this head (for legal entities);
    • a copy of the decision on appointment or election or order on the appointment of an individual to a position, according to which such an individual has the right to act on behalf of the applicant without a power of attorney.

    The complaint may be submitted by the applicant:

    1. When the applicant is personally received in writing on paper by the Committee, at the place where the public service is provided (in the place where the applicant submitted a request for a public service, the violation of the procedure for the provision of which is being appealed, or in the place where the applicant received the result of the specified public service). The time for receiving complaints must coincide with the time for providing public services. A written complaint may also be sent by mail. If a complaint is filed in person, the applicant presents a document proving his identity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    2. In electronic form to the Committee, using the Internet (including via e-mail), the official website of the Committee (http://gov.spb.ru/gov/otrasl/ecology/, http://www.infoeco.ru/ ), . When filing a complaint in electronic form, the documents specified in clause 5.1 of the administrative regulations can be presented in the form of electronic documents signed with an electronic signature, the type of which is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and no identification document of the applicant is required.
    3. The complaint can be filed by the applicant through the division of the St. Petersburg state government institution “Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services” (hereinafter referred to as the MFC). When a complaint is received, the MFC unit ensures its transmission to the Committee in the manner and within the time frame established by the agreement on interaction between the MFC unit and the Committee, but no later than the next working day from the date of receipt of the complaint.

    A complaint about a violation of the procedure for providing public services by an MFC unit is considered by the Committee. In this case, the period for consideration of the complaint is calculated from the date of registration of the complaint with the Committee.

    Complaints against decisions and actions (inaction) of the Committee, its officials, and state civil servants are considered by the Committee.

    Complaints about decisions made by the head of the Committee are submitted to the Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg, who directly coordinates and controls the activities of the Committee in accordance with the order of the Governor of St. Petersburg dated November 12, 2014 No. 14-rg “On the distribution of responsibilities between the vice-governors of St. Petersburg” , or to the Government of St. Petersburg.

    If the complaint is filed by the applicant to a body whose competence does not include making a decision on the complaint, within three working days from the date of its registration, the said body forwards the complaint to the body authorized to consider it and informs the applicant in writing about the redirection of the complaint.

    In this case, the period for consideration of the complaint is calculated from the date of registration of the complaint with the body authorized to consider it.

    A complaint filed by an applicant to the MFC unit about the organization of the provision of public services by the MFC unit, with the exception of complaints about violation of the procedure for providing public services, is considered by the MFC unit in accordance with current legislation.

    The complaint must contain:

    • the name of the Committee, an official of the Committee or a state civil servant of the Committee, whose decisions and actions (inaction) are being appealed;
    • surname, first name, patronymic (last - if available), information about the place of residence of the applicant - an individual or name, information about the location of the applicant - a legal entity, as well as contact telephone number (numbers), email address (addresses) (if available ) and postal address to which the response should be sent to the applicant;
    • information about the appealed decisions and actions (inaction) of the Committee, an official of the Committee or a state civil servant of the Committee;
    • arguments on the basis of which the applicant does not agree with the decision and action (inaction) of the Committee, an official of the Committee or a state civil servant of the Committee. The applicant may submit documents (if any) confirming the applicant’s arguments, or copies thereof.

    The applicant has the right to receive information and documents necessary to substantiate and consider the complaint.

    A complaint received by the Committee must be registered no later than the next working day from the date of its receipt. The complaint is subject to consideration by an official authorized to consider complaints within fifteen working days from the date of its registration, unless a shorter period for consideration of the complaint is established by the Committee. In the event of an appeal against the refusal of the Committee, an official of the Committee to accept documents from the applicant or to correct typos and errors, or in the event of an appeal against a violation of the established deadline for such corrections, the complaint is considered within five working days from the date of its registration.

    Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, the Committee makes one of the following decisions:

    • satisfies the complaint, including in the form of canceling the decision, correcting typos and errors made by the Committee in the documents issued as a result of the provision of public services, returning to the applicant funds the collection of which is not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg, and also in other forms;
    • refuses to satisfy the complaint.

    If the complaint is satisfied, the Committee takes comprehensive measures to eliminate the identified violations, including issuing the result of the public service to the applicant, no later than five working days from the date of the decision, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    No later than the day following the day the decision is made, a reasoned response on the results of consideration of the complaint is sent to the applicant in writing and, at the applicant’s request, in electronic form.

    The response based on the results of consideration of the complaint shall indicate:

    • name of the Committee, position, surname, name, patronymic (if any) of its official who made the decision on the complaint;
    • number, date, place of the decision, including information about the official whose decision or action (inaction) is being appealed;
    • last name, first name, patronymic (if any) or name of the applicant;
    • the grounds for making a decision on the complaint;
    • the decision taken on the complaint;
    • if the complaint is found to be justified, the deadline for eliminating the identified violations, including the deadline for providing the result of the public service;
    • information on the procedure for appealing a decision made on a complaint.

    The response based on the results of consideration of the complaint is signed by the Committee official authorized to consider the complaint.

    At the request of the applicant, a response based on the results of consideration of the complaint may be submitted no later than the day following the day the decision was made, in the form of an electronic document signed with the electronic signature of the official and (or) the Committee authorized to consider the complaint, the type of which is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    If, during or as a result of consideration of a complaint, signs of an administrative offense provided for in Article 5.63 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, or signs of a crime are established, the official authorized to consider complaints immediately forwards the available materials to the prosecutor's office.

    The Committee refuses to satisfy the complaint in the following cases:

    • the presence of a court or arbitration court decision that has entered into legal force on a complaint about the same subject and on the same grounds;
    • filing a complaint by a person whose powers have not been confirmed in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
    • the presence of a decision on a complaint made earlier in accordance with the requirements of administrative regulations in relation to the same applicant and on the same subject of the complaint.

    The Committee has the right to leave a complaint unanswered in the following cases:

    • the presence in the complaint of obscene or offensive language, threats to the life, health and property of the official, as well as members of his family;
    • inability to read any part of the text of the complaint, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) and (or) postal address of the applicant indicated in the complaint.
    • If the complaint is left unanswered on the grounds specified in paragraph two of this paragraph, the Committee informs the citizen who sent the complaint about the inadmissibility of abuse of rights.

    If the complaint is left unanswered on the grounds specified in paragraph three of this paragraph, the Committee, within seven days from the date of registration of the complaint, notifies the citizen who sent the complaint, if his name and postal address can be read.

    Procedure for appealing a decision on a complaint

    The decision made based on the results of consideration of the complaint can be appealed to the Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg, who directly coordinates and controls the activities of the Committee: 191060, St. Petersburg, Smolny, t. (812) 576‑73‑77, fax 576‑62‑63 , to the Government of St. Petersburg, as well as to the court, in the manner and within the time limits provided for by current legislation.

    Informing applicants about the procedure for filing and considering complaints against decisions and actions (inaction) of the Committee, its officials, and state civil servants is carried out by posting information on the Portal.




    How to get a hunting license in 2019 - registration and validity of a new type of ticket through the MFC

    How to get a hunting license for the first time is the most important question for those who decide to acquire a weapon and go hunting. Many people think that becoming a hunter is easy, but this is not entirely true. For those who do not understand why a hunting license is needed, we explain that without it you may face quite severe punishment: from a fine to direct imprisonment. Therefore, you should carefully approach the issue and find out how and where to get a hunting license of a unified federal standard in 2019.

    The importance of a hunting license

    The decision to issue a new type of hunting license will give you new rights and responsibilities:

    2. a hunting license confirms that the hunter has the appropriate knowledge of using hunting weapons, knows the rules of hunting and knows safety precautions;

    3. Having decided to get a hunting license at the MFC, you will be able to hunt without breaking the law. You will be able to buy hunting weapons, use them, obtain licenses to shoot birds and animals;

    4. a hunting license, as well as a permit to carry and store hunting weapons at home, makes it possible to avoid problems when transporting smooth-bore self-defense weapons;

    5. Buying a state-issued hunting license is also important if in the future you decide to purchase a smooth-bore firearm for self-defense. In this case, you will not have to take an exam to confirm your knowledge of safe handling of weapons;

    6. Having a hunting license will also be useful if, after 5 years, you decide to purchase a weapon with a rifled barrel. In accordance with the Law, only owners of hunting smooth-bore weapons with the required experience of 5 years can count on purchasing a rifled barrel.

    How to get a hunting license

    It is important to know exactly what documents are needed to obtain a hunting license. This will allow you to go through the main stages without any problems. First you need to fill out an application; to do this, it is recommended to study a sample application for issuing a new hunting license.

    It will be necessary to go with him to the authorized body of the relevant executive power. This could be the licensing and permitting department, the environmental management committee or the MFC. You can even get a hunting license through State Services. The last procedure will require the presence of the Internet, as well as a registered personal account. The procedure itself is not very complicated; you will only need to fill out the appropriate fields, entering document numbers, as well as personal information.

    The application can be submitted in person or sent by mail. It must contain the applicant's full name, place and date of birth, name of the authorized body, email or postal address, telephone number. In addition, the application must indicate that the applicant has familiarized himself with the current hunting minimum requirements.

    A number of photographs and documents will need to be attached to the application:

    1. The size of the photo for a hunting license is 2.5x3.5 cm. The requirements for a photo for a hunting license in 2019 require two personal photographs taken in color or black and white. The image of the face must be clear, without a headdress and strictly from the front;

    2. passport, as well as a copy of the passport;

    3. medical certificate;

    4. membership hunting card or hunting license, which was issued before July 2011, and also has an unexpired date. There is no need to present expired hunting licenses.

    After 5 working days after submitting the documents, you should be issued a hunting license. There is no state duty required for this ticket; it is issued free of charge. However, it will be possible to go hunting after the details of the hunting license are entered in the state register. You will be notified of this fact by telephone, regular mail or email.

    What does a new hunter's ticket look like?

    Please note that when going hunting, you must take your hunting license with you. In addition, you should have with you:

    1. permit (permit) for hunting animals; 2. license to carry weapons;

    3. personalized one-time license in case of hunting licensed species of animals.

    Who can get a new hunting license

    New hunting tickets can be obtained by all categories of citizens of the Russian Federation:

    1. who have reached the age of majority;

    2. have no criminal record related to intentional crimes;

    If previously it was necessary to take an exam in the hunting society on the specified “subject,” then at the moment it is enough to sign that “I am familiar with the requirements of the hunting minimum. The old-style hunting license is valid for 5 years and is valid throughout Russia. For a new sample, the validity period is unlimited. Minimum hunting requirements include the following:

    1. safety precautions when hunting;

    2. hunting rules;

    3. basic biology of wild animals;

    4. safety rules for using weapons;

    5. concept of the class of mammals;

    6. knowledge of the characteristics of the orders of rodents, carnivores, lagomorphs and insectivores;

    7. knowledge of the characteristics of the class of birds and the like.

    Extension and replacement of a hunting license

    The process of renewing and replacing a hunting license is similar to receiving it. A replacement may be required if your passport is changed or your ticket is lost, or if the document becomes unusable. In such cases, you will need to contact the Multifunctional Center, which has a one-stop service, or the Natural Resources Management Committee. Any citizen who has not previously been charged with administrative offenses and has no criminal record can renew an old-style hunting license.

    The need to re-register a ticket may be necessary if you change your address, that is, move to live in a different place. In this case, it becomes necessary to go to the local branch of the OOIR to re-register the ticket. If a ticket is lost or stolen, you will need to write a statement and then contact the OOIR. You will need to submit a new entire package of documents. After 5 days you should be issued a new document.

    Possibility of ticket withdrawal

    The organization that issued it has the authority to cancel a ticket. The process takes 5 days, and after 30, during which your data will be deleted from the registry. After being removed from the register, the ticket can be returned after a month, but the mark of withdrawal will remain.

    Ticket confiscation may occur for the following reasons:

    1. relevant court decision;

    2. when the owner of this document submits an application for cancellation;

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