What permissions are needed to open. How to obtain a trade permit: step-by-step instructions

4-07-2016, 10:04

To obtain a license for smoothbore weapon(ROHA) required:

A copy of the hunting license, single state standard;

To obtain permission to firearms limited destruction (LLD) of gas self-defense weapons

Russian passport and copy of 1, 2 pages;

Photo 3/4 on a matte basis, 2 pcs;

Medical certificate, form 046−1 (copy of the clinic’s license);

Extract from the psychoneurological clinic at the place of permanent registration;

Extract from narcological clinic, at the place of permanent registration;

Application for a weapons permit ( established sample);

Certificate of completion of training in safe handling of weapons;

Receipt of payment state duty.

The number of weapons purchased is up to 2 units.

To obtain a hunting license, a uniform state standard, the following is required:

2 photos 3/4 on a matte basis;

Copy of passport 1.2 pages;

Statement of the established form.

For successful completion school exams safe handling with weapons, it is advisable to study on your own:

1. Law “On Weapons” - Article 17, parts 2 and 5; Articles 22 and 24.

2. Criminal Code - articles 37 - 39, 222 and 224.

4. Rules for first aid medical care with gunshot wounds.

An essential condition for obtaining a permit must be the presence of a safe or large metal box large enough to contain a locked weapon. Within 2 weeks after purchasing a weapon, you must contact the licensing and permitting service, register the weapon and obtain permission to store it, or store and carry it. This permit is issued for a period of 5 years.

If a citizen plans to change his place of residence, he must mandatory within 2 weeks, register his existing weapons at his new place of residence.

If a citizen temporarily resides in another place (for example, at a dacha or in a village), he has the right to take weapons with him, but before doing so he is obliged to notify the internal affairs authorities about this.

If there are 3 months left until the end of the license term, you should contact the appropriate service at your place of residence and provide the same documents and undergo re-registration. After this, the citizen receives a license or permit to new term actions.

If a citizen does not timely re-register a weapon, the license or permits are considered invalid, and the citizen himself is subject to administrative responsibility as a result of violation of deadlines.

At repeated violation Given these requirements, a citizen risks losing the right to own a weapon for a period of 5 years. The weapons themselves are offered to be recycled or sold through a consignment store.

Also see the federal law"About Weapons"


The conclusion from the district police officer on checking the availability of conditions for storing weapons is internal document, which employees of the LRO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must receive independently. Demanding it is illegal; you can obtain it yourself from your local police officer, but you are not required to. The Ministry of Internal Affairs system itself must receive this document, for this they receive a salary, and you pay taxes. At the same time, doing their work for them with your own money is perhaps too kind of you.

Any activity on the territory of the Russian Federation that is related to human health and well-being is, in accordance with the law, subject to mandatory procedure licensing. Therefore, the sale of pharmaceuticals and drugs is possible only after obtaining a license for the right to such trade, because some medications can be classified as particularly dangerous, requiring special control and recording, as well as the right to be dispensed strictly according to prescription.

Also, some tools require special conditions storage and transportation, because if these basic rules are not followed, then therapeutic effect may get lost, and sometimes the drug can even cause severe harm.

Activities subject to licensing

So if you implement the following types activities, then obtaining permission is mandatory:

  • retail. Includes single dispensing of goods, medicines, sales through pharmacies;
  • wholesale trade in dietary supplements, goods, medicines that are allowed to be sold through pharmacies;
  • transportation and storage of medicines;
  • their production and manufacturing;
  • These are the same types of activities used in veterinary medicine.

By type, pharmaceutical licenses are divided into two types:

  1. On wholesale trade pharmaceuticals (pharmacy warehouses).
  2. On retail trade medicines, that is, release from pharmacies, kiosks, shops.

Primary requirements

To obtain a license in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1081 dated December 22, 2011. “On licensing of pharmaceutical activities”, Federal Law No. 323-FZ 11/21/2011. “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, Federal Law No. 99-FZ dated 05/04/2011. "About licensing individual species activity" established quite stringent conditions and requirements:

  • The applicant must have retail (warehouse) premises owned or leased (subleased).
  • If the applicant is medical organization, then you must have a license to provide medical services.
  • Mandatory for heads of organizations higher education according to medical profile. Minimum work experience required three years in medical specialty. A certificate of professional development of a specialist is required. If the manager does not have a higher education, then the work experience in a similar position must be at least five years. A certificate is also required. The same requirements apply to applicants for obtaining permission to carry out activities in veterinary medicine.
  • Employees of the enterprise must have a higher or secondary education medical education, which in turn must be confirmed by copies of diplomas. Certificates are also required.
  • The same requirements apply to individual entrepreneurs.

Required documents

To obtain permission, you need to collect a whole package of documents, namely:

  • OGRN certificate, as well as all statutory documents and documents relating to all changes, including protocols (decision on creation), statistics codes, TIN certificate. The specified documents are provided certified by a notary.
  • , notarized.
  • State fee for consideration of an application for a license.
  • Conclusion of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, notarized.
  • Copies of documents for employees, notarized.
  • Lease agreement for the premises with an acceptance certificate, certified by a notary, with a floor plan, explications, certified by the seal of the BTI authorities.
  • Conclusion of fire inspection authorities, notarized.
  • Characteristics of the licensing object, list of employees, certified by the seal of the organization.

License issuing authority

These documents are submitted to Federal service for supervision in the field of healthcare and social development . The license obtained from this organization is valid throughout the entire Russian Federation.

If you need a permit valid in the territory of Moscow, then the documents must be submitted to the Moscow Department of Health. On the territory of the Moscow region - the Ministry of Health of the Moscow region.

Deadline for reviewing documents and grounds for refusal

During 45 days from the moment the package of documents is received for consideration by the licensing authority, it is obliged to issue a license or motivated refusal in its issuance.

They may refuse in the following cases:

  • The submitted documents contain errors or distortions.
  • The objects for which a permit is obtained do not meet the mandatory requirements.

Notice of refusal is sent to the applicant at writing with mandatory indication of non-complied requirements.

Validity and cost

Since 2011 pharmaceutical license issued for an unlimited period, that is, now it is indefinite. However, if you make any changes to the information about a legal entity, you will also have to contact the licensing authority to re-issue the document.

You can learn more about re-issuing a permit from the following video:

In accordance with Tax Code In the Russian Federation, the state duty is 7,500 rubles.

Summarize. Activities aimed at storage, transportation, production medicines and drugs, as well as their sales, are under special state control, which means they require licensing. After all, first of all, such drugs are necessary for the normal life support of the health and well-being of the population as a whole.

The list of documents for obtaining a permit and requirements are quite extensive and require a special and comprehensive approach.

Therefore, in order to avoid errors, corrections, and inaccuracies, it is recommended to contact specialized organizations for the preparation of such documents and support of such transactions.

Many people are interested in how to obtain a license for a particular activity. In fact, the process is not that simple. Especially if you don’t worry about the nuances of licensing your activities in advance. Not all types of work require a license. And this fact must be taken into account. Today we have to find out everything that only concerns the receipt of the mentioned document. The procedure for completing the paperwork will be discussed using the example of licensing the activities of a security guard, as well as the example of obtaining a weapons license. These 2 processes are seriously different from each other. So what should every citizen know about licenses? What should you pay attention to? What is the procedure for obtaining a document?


More and more often, citizens are thinking about how to obtain a license. But what kind of document is this? Without understanding this nuance, one cannot fully assert that a person knows what he is doing.

A license is a kind of permission to do something. For example, to conduct any activity within Russia. Or to carry a specific weapon. An extremely important document.

The list of types of activities that require the execution of the specified document for work can be seen in Federal Law No. 99 “On Licensing” individual types activities" dated May 4, 2011. For example, if a person plans to engage in security or detective work, he must obtain permission for this. Currently, there are active discussions on licensing psychologists. But for now, such an innovation is just rumors. How to get a license? What should you know every citizen about this process? For example, it has already become clear that this or that work requires the execution of the specified paper. What's next?

Where to go for help

Next, you need to figure out where to go for help. More and more often, citizens are beginning to ask where to get a license. Interesting question. There is no clear answer to this question. After all modern population A small selection of places to implement the task is offered.

Among the most common organizations that issue licenses are:

  • multifunctional centers(not always and not in all cities);
  • portal "Government Services";
  • private licensing firms;
  • licensing authority (for example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Emergency Situations).

Quite often the latter scenario takes place. The main problem is to understand exactly what activities and where to go. For example, Roszdravnadzor is responsible for licensing pharmaceutical activities, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations is responsible for licensing firefighting activities. These features should be clarified, for example, at the MFC. They will provide advice on where to obtain a license for a particular work. Multifunctional centers are also very often approached to implement the task.

Can they refuse?

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if a person is thinking about how to get a license, he will have to prepare in advance. Why? This is far from the easiest process. And the licensing organization has the right to refuse to issue a document.

Usually, after submitting an application of the established form with a certain package of papers, you will have to wait some time. Approximately 3-5 days of waiting for a decision following the verification of papers. Ultimately, either the citizen comes and receives a certificate, or he is refused with justification for the decision. This is a mandatory detail.

In this case, the citizen will have 30 days to correct the situation. If the errors are corrected, the license will be issued. Of course, as soon as the reason for the refusal has been exhausted, it is necessary to submit evidence to the licensing authority. Evidence is reviewed within 45 days. But this period may increase. Concerns the initial consideration of the application. Therefore, you should not think that obtaining the specified document is a quick process. We'll have to be patient. But how to get a license? What other features should every citizen know about?


For example, if a person nevertheless received a license (or an organization did so), then he will have to come to terms with the fact that his activities will be controlled. What does it mean? Owners of organizations can expect a variety of inspections from licensing authorities. About the requirements that are put forward mainly to organizations for conducting this or that activity. a little bit later. But it is worth noting that compliance with the submitted requests is carefully regulated. AND specified document may be canceled during a scheduled or unscheduled inspection.

For example, management companies that have received a license are subject to mandatory control. Each type of activity has its own special schedule of scheduled inspections. Usually it ranges from 1 to 3 years. In other words, for specified periods 1 compliance check is carried out.

Management companies that have received a license must go through this process as planned every 3 years. But there are situations in which the relevant commissions are able to arrive earlier.

About unscheduled inspections

Before thinking about obtaining a license, every person must understand that they will have to conduct their work in compliance with all established rules. After all scheduled checks- this is not the only way of control. Sometimes the relevant services are able to travel to unscheduled events.

When is this possible? Among the most common scenarios are:

  • expiration of the period allotted for eliminating certain violations;
  • when filing applications with licensing authorities for violations;
  • expiration of the license or suspension of the validity of the document;
  • independent request of an organization or citizen;
  • if there is an order from the licensing authority.

Most often there are complaints. That is why it is recommended to carefully monitor activities and work performance. Otherwise, an inspection commission may appear quite unexpectedly.

Requirements for organizations and individual entrepreneurs

Now it’s clear where you can get a license, as well as what you should prepare for in advance. After all, some believe that all problems end when the appropriate package of documents is completed.

How is a license issued? The thing is that a lot depends on the type of activity. Each job has its own requirements. What must an entrepreneur comply with if, for example, he wants to open an organization that engages in medical activities?

IN in this case The following features will have to be taken into account:

  1. Owned or leased there must be premises suitable for carrying out activities.
  2. The entrepreneur must have everything necessary installed medical equipment to provide certain services.
  3. Managers and responsible persons They must have a higher education, including a medical education. Qualification in this case corresponds to the direction of work. AND total experience V medical field- 5 years.
  4. If there are employees, employment contracts are concluded with all of them.
  5. Quality and safety control. This is the most important point, to which the entrepreneur should pay special attention. Very often, checks show interest in this particular component.

Similar requirements are put forward for any type of activity. Therefore, if a person is thinking about getting a license in Moscow or any other city, he will first have to:

  • get the necessary education;
  • provide premises and equipment for activities;
  • ensure the safety of employees and clients;
  • conclude agreements with subordinates.

Documents for individual entrepreneurs or organizations

Among the papers are:

  • application of the established form;
  • constituent documents, copies (certified by a notary);
  • papers that are necessary for a specific type of activity (a list of them can be found in the licensing authority);
  • a list of documents attached to the application.

The basic principle of obtaining a document is clear. Now it’s time to figure out how to get a security guard or weapons license. What remains to be done? It's actually not that difficult.

For security guards

Where can I get a security guard license? You need to contact the LRO with a certain package of papers. In addition, it should be noted that security activities are where big problems for a citizen. Why? You will have to think in advance about what category the citizen wants to receive. Security guards have several ranks. Depending on them, you will have to go through certain procedures.

How to get a security guard license? If you don’t think about the category, you can highlight next algorithm actions:

  1. Passing a medical commission. It is worth informing that it is planned to obtain a security guard license.
  2. Training at the academy. Usually lasts several months.
  3. Passing exams depending on a particular rank of security guard.
  4. Collection of documents: identity card, conclusion of the commission at the academy, health certificates, photographs.
  5. Submitting an application to the LRO with a package of papers.
  6. Receipt of a standard document if the decision is positive.

Now it’s clear where you can get a license to conduct security activities. What to do with weapons? How does a citizen have the right to legally Carry, for example, a pistol?


This issue requires a rather serious approach. If a person is thinking about how to get a weapons license, you should be guided by the following algorithm:

  1. Decide on the type of weapon you want to carry. The best place to do this is at a gun store. The employee will be able to help determine the type of license you need to obtain.
  2. To store weapons you will have to install a safe. This demand is made very often.
  3. A man must pass medical commission. It is necessary to undergo a psychiatrist.
  4. Collection of documents: identity card, medical report, certificates of the presence of a safe, documents on no criminal record, photographs, application, hunting license(If we're talking about about hunting weapons).
  5. Submitting an application to the LRO and waiting for a decision.
  6. Obtaining a licensing certificate.

In fact, there is nothing difficult or special. From now on, it is clear how to obtain a license for a weapon or for some activity. It is recommended that more accurate information on each type of work be clarified with the relevant authorities.

Since 2013 commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs received the right to provide services in the field of education on an equal basis with non-profit organizations. Educational Services. Previously we looked at the complete In this article we will tell you how to obtain a license for educational.

Who needs a license

First, let's find out when a license for educational activities is not required. In Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2013 N 966, which approved the licensing regulations educational activities, only one such possibility is indicated. A license is not needed if services are provided personally individual entrepreneur. These are the services of tutors, private teachers, studios, clubs, etc., where classes are taught by the entrepreneur himself, who has the appropriate education and work experience.

Please note individual entrepreneurs- if you hire other teaching staff, then a license for educational activities as an individual entrepreneur is required. At the same time, workers of other profiles who do not directly provide educational services, you can hire without a license.

IN previous edition The provision on licensing of educational activities allowed for another opportunity to work without a license - if, based on the results of training, a final certification was not carried out and a document on education was not issued. It is still possible to conduct trainings, seminars, lectures without a license, the completion of which does not require supporting documents, but such activities are not called educational, but cultural or leisure.

The list of services that require a license includes the following types of education: preschool, general, secondary vocational, higher, additional general education, additional vocational and education of religious personnel of religious organizations.

Obtaining a license for educational activities is a complex and lengthy process. Only reviewing documents and making a decision on issuing a license or refusing to issue it takes 60 days. Before that, we need to prepare a number of permits from other government bodies and develop our own educational programs. And yet, business in the field of education can be called profitable, so if you want to engage in this area, you need to go through the licensing procedure once.

The license is issued for an indefinite period, and if you do not re-register it, then you will no longer have to contact officials on this issue.

License requirements

The licensing regulations are set in 2018 the following requirements to applicants:

  • own or rented building (premises) corresponding to the declared educational programs;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for this premises;
  • logistical support of educational activities in accordance with the requirements of federal standards;
  • compliance with the conditions for protecting the health of students;
  • own developed educational programs;
  • printed and electronic educational and informational resources under these programs;
  • staff or hired under a civil contract teaching staff having professional education and work experience.

For a complete list of requirements, depending on the type of education, see the text of the Resolution.

IN regulations regulating the licensing of educational activities, the issue of the organizational and legal form of the licensee is not clearly addressed. The Law on Education No. 273-FZ gives next concept educational organization: « non-profit organization carrying out educational activities as the main type of activity on the basis of a license.” The concept of “organization providing training” means entity, which conducts this activity as an additional one.

  • educational organizations;
  • organizations providing training;
  • individual entrepreneurs carrying out educational activities.

A license to conduct educational activities can be obtained regardless of legal form and commercial orientation of the licensee. At the same time, an LLC can obtain a license for educational activities if this line of business is additional and not the main one.

Documents for obtaining a license

The license applicant must document that he has created all the necessary conditions to provide services in the field of education. To do this, collect the following package of documents:

  • application for a license;
  • a document confirming the right to use the premises (a copy of the certificate of ownership, lease or sublease agreement);
  • a copy of the LLC charter or a copy of the individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • copy of the sheet Unified State Register of Legal Entities or USRIP;
  • a copy of the tax registration certificate of an LLC or individual entrepreneur;
  • copies of the conclusions of the SES and State Fire Supervision on the compliance of the premises with the necessary requirements;
  • certificate on the conditions for the functioning of the electronic information and educational environment;
  • information about printed and electronic resources;
  • certificate of teaching staff;
  • certificate of approval of educational programs;
  • certificate on the conditions for obtaining education by students with disabilities;
  • certificate of logistics;
  • confirmation of payment of state duty in the amount of 7,500 rubles;
  • list of documents.

Certificate forms are available on the Ministry of Education website.

Procedure for obtaining a license

Licensing of educational activities is carried out by Rosobrnadzor and regional executive bodies. You must contact Rosobrandzor if you plan to open:

  • higher education institution;
  • organizations of federal significance;
  • a Russian organization located outside the Russian Federation;
  • foreign organization in Russia.

You can make an appointment at Rosobrandzor online on the official website.

In other cases, contact your regional government bodies who have the right to issue licenses. Contacts of these institutions are published on the Rosobrandzor website; to find them, select your region on the interactive map.

Receipt procedure educational license consists of the following steps:

  1. Study SNiP and SanPin for your field of study.
  2. Prepare the room and equip it according to requirements and standards.
  3. Obtain a conclusion from the SES and fire inspection for the premises.
  4. Develop and approve educational programs.
  5. Make sure your organization's educators have Required documents about education, qualifications, work experience.
  6. Buy furniture, equipment, appliances, educational literature, methodological manuals for conducting classes.
  7. Pay the state fee for issuing a license.
  8. Submit documents to the licensing authority.

Documents are accepted according to the inventory; if deficiencies are found in them, they are returned to the applicant for revision (for up to 30 days). After this, the stage of checking the accuracy of the submitted information begins, not only documentary, but also with an on-site visit. Within 60 days from the date of registration of the application, officials issue permission or refusal to obtain a license.

Refusal must be motivated and is possible on two grounds: unreliable information or lack of conditions for the learning process. The state fee in case of refusal is not refunded.

What happens if you work without a license?

For the provision of educational services without a license, administrative, tax and criminal liability. The fines can reach 500 thousand rubles, and the term of imprisonment can be up to five years. Of course it is severe punishment used extremely rarely, when work without a license caused major damage or a large amount of income was received.

In addition, the provision of services without a license reduces the competitiveness of an educational organization:

  • there are no benefits when participating in an auction for the right to lease municipal real estate;
  • a document confirming receipt of education or advanced training is not recognized;
  • students studying in an unlicensed organization cannot receive tax deduction on training costs;
  • serious advertising sources do not accept advertisements from such organizations.

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