What subsidies can large families receive? Subsidies for large families How can a large family get a subsidy for an apartment?

Accumulating enough money to buy a separate living space or build your own home is, in modern conditions, an almost unattainable task.

In addition, there are other payments:

  • compensation for utility bills - the amount and conditions depend on each specific region;
  • refund of payments for telephone calls (only for residents of the capital) – 250 rubles. every month;
  • monthly;
  • state payment for parents who decide to raise 9-10 children for Family Day and Knowledge Day (for Moscow) - 10,000 and 15,000 rubles. respectively;
  • one-time assistance for those who received the Presidential Order of Parental Glory - 100,000 rubles. (you can only apply if you have at least 7 children).

Terms of service

Giving a subsidy to a large family to build their own home assumes that the funds will be spent in the same region where they were received.

It is allowed to invest preferential funds in a construction contract, the subject of which is construction.

Only the family whose marriage took place officially can collect a package of documents and submit it to the appropriate authority. A complete list of requirements can be found in the department in charge of housing issues or in the municipal youth department. Here they can tell you about the most profitable social programs.

The priority direction is the construction of own housing. State funds are primarily allocated to those who are especially vulnerable, and other methods of obtaining housing are not available to them.

The provision of state subsidies for the construction of houses for large families is carried out in accordance with the following rules:

Absolute subsidy amount calculated using the following formula:

Subsidy = avg. market value of 1 m2 * area * percentage.

In this case, area = standard + additional footage (space that the family already owns).

For example, a family raising 3 children lives in an urban area, where the average cost of 1 sq.m. equals 35,000 rubles. There is no own housing. Standard living space: 3 * 18 = 54 m2. Estimated cost: RUB 1,890,000. That is, you can expect approximately 567,000.00 rubles from the state.

The government subsidy for building a house is calculated in a similar way. The amount can be received before construction work begins - to purchase the necessary materials, pay for hiring a construction team, etc. or after that - to compensate for the own funds spent by parents with many children.

The first case requires the following conditions: the allocated money must be spent within 6 months, and the house must be 2/3 built before this time. And in the second option, you need to store every check or receipt, because... It is these documents that will serve as confirmation of the expenses made.

The main thing is that parents with many children have not previously been participants in any program or have not built something instead of a residential building (for example, an office space).

From the moment the application is submitted and all necessary documents are submitted, the regional authorities must make a decision within 2 weeks. Papers are accepted during the first half of the year. If the family received an unreasonable refusal or errors were found in the submitted papers, then they can retake it at any time.

If the result is a positive answer, then within 10 days large family must become the holder of a certificate granting the right to a state benefit. In this case, a corresponding target account appears in the bank. This is where, if allocated, government funds will go for housing construction.

Amount of assistance

A free housing subsidy is provided if it is impossible to allocate municipal housing to a large family.

Payment amount depends on the standard established in the region, the waiting period and the average price for 1 m 2 in a particular area.

Amount paid varies from 10 to 70%. Rural residents can count on the maximum amount of assistance, while urban residents usually receive 30-40%.

Federal or local funds are provided free of charge and are not subject to taxation.

Terms of Use

Housing subsidies involve the provision of government funds to citizens free of charge.

Usually we are not talking about cash, but about a certificate for a specific amount. The received document must be taken to a specific financial institution that is involved in the implementation of the housing program, and an account must be opened there to which the accrued funds will be transferred.

The most important thing is to immediately understand and remember the following nuances:

  1. Exclusively intended purpose. The assistance received can only be used to improve the living space.
  2. Limited implementation time - six months. What happens if you do not use the certificate within this time? It will “burn out”, and to receive it again you will need to “stand” in line again.

A large family can only count on financial support from the state for the construction of a house if if the following conditions are met:

Registration is carried out by the housing commission after providing the following package of documents:

  1. Consent to the processing of personal information from each family member. If the child is under 14 years old, the consent is signed by the parent, and if he is a minor but already has a passport, then the consent is signed jointly.
  2. Copies of all pages of the passport (regardless of the presence or absence of entries) of each member who has reached the age of majority.
  3. Copies .
  4. , certified by the authorized body - the Federal Migration Service.
  5. A paper giving permission to carry out work on individual construction.
  6. A copy of the certificate of title or lease agreement allowing the use of the land for construction.
  7. Construction estimate and calculation performed by a special organization.
  8. Technical documentation.
  9. A diagram, looking at which it becomes clear how the land plot will be organized, and where the house and utility rooms will be located.

Features of the program in the capital

Budget Moscow provides significant assistance to citizens, but, nevertheless, not every large family can wait their turn.

Moscow Law No. 29, dated 2006, states that housing subsidies can contact:

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431, which describes social support measures, states that a large family has the right to a discount on utility bills (the minimum benefit is 30%). Regional authorities can increase the value of this indicator.

The relevant authority is given 30 working days from the moment all necessary documents have been submitted to make a decision on providing a housing subsidy.

Amount of financial support for building a house in Moscow it depends on how long a large family is registered (70% of the standard). This category can also receive maximum compensation if there are 3 or more children under the age of majority. We must not forget about compliance with 2 main conditions that are subject to the standard: area and average market value. Anything larger and more expensive will have to be paid for with your own funds.

In general, obtaining a government subsidy for building a house is a very troublesome and lengthy process, but quite achievable.

An example of the implementation of this state support program in the Republic of Karelia is discussed in the following video:

There are many families in Russia who are raising three or more children, and it becomes financially difficult for parents; they have to educate everyone, feed them, put them on shoes, etc. It is also necessary to ensure that children have a place to live, that they are warm and comfortable. It is to make life easier for such families that in 2016 the state introduced new subsidies and benefits for parents raising three or more children. Housing benefits for large families allow them to get an apartment with special, favorable conditions for them.

What benefits are available to families with many children?

In 2017, no new laws and regulations were adopted regulating benefits and other assistance in providing such families with housing. The most changes occurred in 2016, when new benefits and subsidies were introduced. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the provision of benefits to them to improve their living conditions.

Benefits for such families in the housing and communal services structure include:

  • Social housing. It can be issued to a family if the income for one month for each of its members does not exceed the subsistence level. And also these persons should not own real estate.
Important! In cases where living conditions are poor and do not comply with the rules established for one person (according to the area of ​​the apartment), they can also apply for housing under social rent.
  • Housing benefits for large families for the purchase of an apartment or other residential premises. Any such family that legally has this status is entitled to a subsidy for the purchase of residential premises. They are given from 30 to 50% of the cost of the selected property, and they must pay the rest themselves.
Advice! One of the conditions for participation in such a housing subsidy program is their automatic removal from the queue for a social apartment. In order to take advantage of this program, you must submit an application to the Housing Program Agency of your city.
  • Free land. A plot of land can be allocated both for the construction of a private house and for gardening. A plot of land is provided with a size of at least six acres; it can be issued only once and in the region where the persons live.
Important! With the introduction by the President of Russia of amendments to the Land Code of the Russian Federation on March 1, 2015, a free plot of land, at the request of individuals, can be replaced by an apartment.

This includes the possibility:

  • allocation of an apartment on the basis of social rent;
  • providing free social housing in the property (can be either an apartment or an individual house);
  • providing subsidies for the purchase of housing.

These are all the main opportunities for how a large family can get an apartment in Russia in 2019.

Getting social housing

How to get an apartment for a large family, what needs to be done for this? First, you need to secure the status of a large family for your family.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

How to obtain the status of a large family

This status is secured by clause 1 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 451 of 05.05.1992 “On measures of social support for large families.”

Conditions for obtaining this status:

  • Children who are taken into account when issuing a certificate must be no older than 18 years of age.

An exception may be a situation when the child is not yet 21 years old, and he is studying full-time at a higher educational institution, and also continues to live with his parents.

  • There must be three children. In some regions of Russia, a family with four children can be recognized as having many children.
Attention! You can find out how many children are needed to receive social housing specifically for your region from the district administration.
  • Children must live with their parents. At the same time, they can actually live in another place, but they are registered and must be in the same living space as their parents.

In accordance with Art. 49 of the Housing Code of Russia, low-income families with three or more children can apply for social housing from the state.

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Where to apply for status registration

To do this you need:

  • contact the local authority in your region of residence;
  • write an application requesting recognition of a family with many children;
  • provide evidence of the required number of children (their birth certificates).

It is also necessary to confirm the fact that the family is low-income and cannot buy an apartment for itself.

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To do this, you will need to contact the local administration with papers confirming that you have an income of no more than the minimum subsistence level established in the given region for each family member. In this case, she is recognized as poor.

List of documents for queuing

  • Before going to the municipal authority of your region, you need to prepare a certain package of documents. These include:
  • a certificate confirming the status of a large family;
  • paper confirming that the family has acquired low-income status;
  • applicant's passport;
  • birth certificates of all children who live with the applicant;
  • a document for the living space that is owned;
certificate of family composition (taken from the passport office).

Attention! In addition to the above list of documents, the person will need to write a statement that his family needs improved housing conditions.

Due to the fact that each case is individual, the authorities of the service to which the application is submitted may require additional documents.

They can request some of them themselves from other services, but others can be asked to be brought by the applicant himself. To avoid delaying the registration process, it is better to find out in advance from the municipality exactly what list of papers you need to bring. Getting housing

All documentation is submitted to the local municipality authority. Within a month from the date of their submission, employees make their decision on consent or refusal to be placed in the queue for housing. If the application receives a positive response, the family is automatically placed on a waiting list for housing.

In 2019, social housing for large families will be issued in the form of certificates from the state.

Attention! The funds transferred to the account must be spent only on improving living conditions. Spending money on other needs is prohibited.

To improve the quality of life for families raising three or more children, the state is ready to provide subsidies for the purchase of housing. Some families who do not want to stand in line for a social apartment simply apply for a subsidy for its purchase.

This means that about 30 or 50% of housing costs will be paid by the state, and the rest will be paid by the family.

It doesn’t matter what funds she uses, they may include:

  • maternal capital;
  • accumulated funds;
  • loan processing, etc.

At the same time, many banks cooperate with developers and can provide loans on favorable terms so that they can improve their housing condition. This program is called preferential mortgage.

Attention! Parents with three or more children may be provided with benefits at both the federal and regional levels.

In some regions of the Russian Federation, the government provides such families with fairly extensive conditions to make it easier for them to obtain housing. To know exactly how to get an apartment for a family with many children in the region where you live, you should seek help from the regulations of the area where you live.

For example, since the end of 2017, new benefits have been introduced in Moscow for large families, as well as for persons raising disabled children. Those registered as needing housing with many children (with 3 or more children), as well as those raising disabled children, will have 30% of the cost of housing purchased from the city written off.

These subsidies and benefits provided by the state are designed to help improve the living conditions of large families throughout Russia. You must immediately get on the waiting list for housing and do not hesitate to ask for financial assistance from the state.

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June 27, 2017, 11:38 June 20, 2019 12:49

Today, the lack of housing space for large families is the most pressing problem in Russia. Indeed, with the constant increase in real estate prices, purchasing your own home is very problematic even for a family without a child, and with three or more children it is almost impossible to make such a large-scale purchase. To solve this problem, government agencies provide housing subsidies to large families for housing.

Basically, subsidies for large families are expressed in preferential lending, that is, for the purchase of residential premises in the amount of up to 40% of its cost. The advantages of preferential mortgage lending terms are that such a family can:

  • involve relatives as guarantors;
  • use maternity capital to pay off the loan;
  • reduce the loan interest rate;
  • take out a mortgage on real estate without making a down payment;
  • defer the first loan payment for a certain time;
  • increase the loan term to 30 years;
  • do not pay various types of commissions.

Housing subsidies for families with many children for housing in the form of a social mortgage provide the following interest rates:

  • 10% per annum for 10-year lending;
  • 11.7% per annum for lending for up to 30 years;
  • deduction of 18% from the remaining loan amount in the event of the birth of another child.

Conditions for receiving housing subsidies for families with many children

All large families have the right to receive a certificate for the purchase of housing, subject to certain conditions. The concept of “large family” means raising three or more minor children in a family.

According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05.05.1992 No. 431 “On measures for social support of large families,” families have this right only if they are low-income and at the same time need to increase their living space. Low-income families are those whose average income per family member is less than the subsistence level in a given region.

In addition, regulations and legal acts of other constituent entities of Russia have the right to establish other additional requirements for receiving a housing subsidy.

Large families recognized as low-income and in need of improved housing conditions need to get in line to receive a housing subsidy. When it’s their turn, parents with many children will be given a certificate or certificate of subsidy.

The certificate can be used not only to purchase an apartment on the primary or secondary market, but also to finance the construction of a house.

Payment amounts

In Moscow, the size of the subsidy depends on how many years the family has been registered with local social welfare authorities. Large families with three or more children under eighteen years of age have the right to receive a housing subsidy equal to one hundred percent of the standard cost. If the purchased housing costs more than the standard cost, the family will have to pay the difference itself. In this case, the standard cost is calculated as follows: the area of ​​the premises, determined by the social norm, is multiplied by the price of one square meter of housing.

Documents for receiving subsidies for large families

To receive a housing subsidy for families with many children, you must prepare a package of documents:

  • statement;
  • parents' passports;
  • certificate on the number of family members;
  • confirmation that the family is low-income;
  • work book;
  • certificate of income of the borrower and co-borrower;
  • documentation on the acquired real estate;
  • children's birth certificates.

The Unified Housing Subsidy Fund will advise on the issue of obtaining a certificate for large families, and will also help implement a subsidy for the purchase of real estate. We will be able to select the most suitable residential property for large families in Moscow who need improved living conditions and have received a housing subsidy. Large families are provided with full legal and technical support for transaction support, including on lending issues.

Large families are one of the categories that have the right to count on government support from the regions in receiving housing subsidies. To do this, you need to be patient and follow the necessary steps step by step.

How can Muscovites with many children receive a subsidy for the purchase of housing?

For many years now, the country has had a comprehensive program of assistance to fathers and mothers of many children, according to which support is provided not only at the state level, but also at the regional level. The most serious problem is housing. Authorities have developed programs to reduce the burden on parents.

What subsidies are there for large families in Moscow?

This year, assistance is provided to pay for housing and communal services, as well as to purchase housing: a finished apartment or house, as well as to compensate for construction work and materials. Funds are not issued in cash, but are transferred to a bank account.

Laws that govern these issues include:

  • decrees and laws adopted in the region.

Housing benefits for large families

The allocation of subsidies for the purchase of housing depends on the availability of property or a mortgage or the absence thereof. They can count on receiving financial assistance only if Muscovites really need it.

Money can be allocated not only for finished housing, but also for the construction of a house. In this case, the area standards for each family member must be taken into account. The size of the subsidy depends on their number and can be as follows:

The amount of monetary compensation cannot be greater than the cost of the purchased materials, as well as the work of the builders.

To pay for electricity and utilities

Standards are set at the regional level. They depend on the number of citizens living there and other indicators. Thus, a ratio of 22 percent is established as the final threshold of income from the family budget, which is spent on paying for utilities. Regions can set their own indicators (but not worsening the situation compared to those established at the state level). For example, in Moscow it is 10 percent. If this figure is higher, then the utility bill is subject to compensation.

Subsidies for home improvement: where to apply

It is best to start the process by contacting local authorities to clarify information. The fact is that additional documents may be required in addition to those that are usually provided in such cases. It may also be that officials will suggest some other features specific to a particular region.

Does everyone get housing subsidies?

To qualify for a subsidy, you must meet a number of criteria. So, the following can count on this help:

  • young families;
  • if there are 3 or more children;
  • citizens living in conditions requiring housing improvement.

Thus, large families by law fall under the criteria of citizens who are given a housing subsidy.

Who is entitled to subsidies for the purchase of an apartment?

Citizens of the country living in Russia can apply for a housing subsidy. Foreigners and stateless persons will not receive cash assistance. In addition, citizens should not receive government support for any other programs related to housing improvement. The applicant must also reside in the region on a permanent basis.

Required documents for families

The main documents required to receive a housing subsidy include the following.

  1. Statement.
  2. Identification.
  3. Documents about the birth of children.
  4. A document confirming marriage.
  5. A certificate stating that there is no debt to pay for utilities.
  6. Document confirming no criminal record.
  7. Extract from the brownie.
  8. Certificate of income.

When submitting documents, you will need to fill out an application of the established form, which indicates personal data, address and income.

Reasons for refusal

Submission is carried out in person or through an authorized person (then, among other things, a power of attorney must be issued for him), as well as on the State Services portal. Officials review documents within ten days.

If it is discovered that a document is missing, the review will be extended to 30 days. During this time, the applicant must submit the missing papers.

Otherwise, housing subsidies will be refused. If the applicant is legally entitled to receive a subsidy, and there are no reasons for refusal, a positive decision is made. When the turn comes, the corresponding amount is transferred to the bank account.

What to look for

Some of the documents have a limited validity period. If documents are submitted when the certificate is no longer valid, they will either not be accepted or will be asked to submit it later. In any case, you will have to run around and prepare the document again. This can be avoided if you are more careful in collecting documents.

Muscovites with many children can count on both compensation for housing and communal services and receiving a housing subsidy. While obtaining compensation for communal services is usually not difficult, obtaining a subsidy to improve living conditions will not be easy. But if you set a goal, you may be able to save money on purchasing your own home.

Useful video

The issue of buying a home is most acute for social categories of the population, such as low-income and large families, single mothers, and parents raising disabled children. To help vulnerable citizens, government programs have been created, thanks to which purchasing their own housing will become a real prospect for many families.

In this article we will talk about how a large family can get an apartment from the state. What programs can parents with 3 or more children participate in, what is necessary to obtain a preferential mortgage, how to obtain a plot of land for the construction of a residential building - the answers are below.

Which family is considered to have many children?

In order to participate in federal programs and be eligible to receive housing subsidies, a family must officially have the status of a large family. To do this, a number of conditions must be met, namely:

  • the number of children must be at least three. In some Russian regions this figure has been increased to 4 and even 5 (for example, Ingushetia, the Republic of Mari El);
  • When calculating, it should be taken into account that the age of children should be no more than 18 years. If you are raising 3 children, one of whom has reached adulthood, then in this case you cannot be recognized as having many children. Exceptions are allowed for full-time students (the permissible age of a child to obtain social status is up to 23 years);
  • parents can receive official status as having many children if they are raising children together. If the spouses are divorced, then the parent with whom the children live is considered to have many children. In the case where, after a divorce, two children live with their mother and one with their father, neither spouse is considered a parent with many children;
  • a family is not considered to have many children if the parents are deprived of parental rights (limited in them), the spouses have placed their children under guardianship, and the children are fully supported by the state (for example, they are studying in a boarding school).

If you have met all the conditions, then to document your social status you need to contact the Social Security authority at your place of residence. The list of documents required to provide depends on the requirements in each specific region.

As a rule, Social Security requires birth certificates of children, marriage (divorce) of spouses, adoption documents (if any), as well as a completed application (request). As a result, you receive a certificate that entitles you to a number of benefits, including the opportunity to obtain a preferential mortgage and participate in social housing programs.

Housing program

The Federal Target Program (FTP) “Housing” is a global government project aimed at helping Russians get their own housing. The program is not aimed at supporting the poor, its task is to help citizens with a stable income. The terms of the project provide that you can receive a subsidy in the form of partial compensation for the price of the apartment, while it is assumed that you are able to pay the rest of the cost yourself (due to your high monthly income or your own savings). The amount of the subsidy for an apartment varies depending on the region of residence and in some cases can reach up to 70% (for example, in St. Petersburg). On average, the subsidy rate is 30% of the cost of the apartment and for a large family cannot exceed 1,000,000 rubles.

Who can participate

Participants in the project can be not only those with many children, but also young parents (the age of each spouse is up to 35 years), persons with an academic degree (one or both spouses are a candidate or doctor of sciences under the age of 40), as well as internally displaced persons, workers Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc. It is important to understand that parents with three or more children have priority for participation in the program compared to other categories of citizens. The chances of receiving a subsidy increase if your family simultaneously combines several categories: for example, you have a PhD degree, your spouse is an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and you are raising three children.

Also, you and your spouse must be recognized as solvent to purchase an apartment (cover the balance of the payment minus the subsidy). Solvency is determined in each region separately and depends on the cost of housing and the amount of income received (salary, scholarship, alimony, etc.) and minus expenses (utilities, payment for renting an apartment, loan payments). If your monthly income is low, but you have a deposit that allows you to pay part of the cost of housing, then you can also become a participant in the program. Documents confirming the availability of the necessary funds (certificate of income, bank account statement, etc.) are provided to the curator of the Federal Target Program in the local administration for verification, and he also makes a decision on solvency and the right to participate in the project.

An important criterion for participation is the need to improve living conditions for one of the reasons:

  • living in unsuitable conditions (dilapidated house, lack of utilities, etc.);
  • lack of any housing ownership (you live with your spouse and children in a rented apartment);
  • the area of ​​the housing in which you live is below the established standards (you live in a one-room apartment with your husband and three children).

Among large families, the latter situation is quite common. In this case, in order to document the need to improve living conditions, you will need a certificate of family composition and an extract with data on the living space of the apartment. These documents must be submitted to the local government authority to make an appropriate decision and issue a supporting document.

Where to contact

Having collected all the documents (confirmation of the status of a large family, a certificate stating that you need to improve your living conditions, documents on solvency, other papers in accordance with the requirements in the region) and having completed the application, you need to contact the local government. The participation procedure is as follows:

  1. You hand over the package of documents to the program curator at the local administration. After 10 working days, a decision will be made on whether you will be accepted into the program or not. You will be notified of the decision after another 5 days (or 15 days after submitting your application).
  2. Until September 1 of this year, the administration approves the list of families who will receive subsidies next year. Your chances of receiving payment next year increase if you were registered as needing improved housing conditions before 03/01/2005.
  3. If you have been approved as a payee, you will be notified in writing by mail. After receiving the notification, you need to contact the administration to obtain a Social Payment Certificate.

Having become the owner of the Certificate, you can use it exclusively for the purchase of housing (within the framework of this program - purchasing an apartment on the primary market or registering an equity participation in a new building). To do this, the Certificate is transferred to the bank (before the expiration of 7 months from the date of receipt) along with the purchase and sale agreement. The bank, having received funds from the budget, transfers the amount to the account of the apartment seller. You pay the rest of the funds yourself.

Preferential mortgage

Special attention should be paid to the program that allows large families to obtain preferential mortgages. As part of the “Housing for Russian Family” program, parents of three or more children can count on the following preferential conditions when drawing up a loan agreement:

  1. The standard mortgage rate (about 13%) is quite high and often unaffordable for parents raising several minor children. When participating in the program, you can get a mortgage at a reduced rate, the amount of which depends on the conditions in a particular bank (average rates: 11-12% for secondary housing, 8-9% for the purchase of a new apartment, 6-7% when registering a share in property in a new building).
  2. Part of the loan is repaid by the state. The amount of the subsidy depends on the region of residence. For example, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, parents raising 4 or more children are compensated for 75% of the amount of interest payments. In Novosibirsk, assistance in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles. received by low-income large families.
  3. You can use maternity capital both to make initial and current payments, and to pay off interest.
  4. A long lending period is the most attractive mortgage condition. Banks enter into contracts with parents of three or more children for an average of 30 years.
  5. The amount of the down payment is set below the standard and can be 10% of the cost of housing.

You can check the exact terms of mortgage lending for participants in the Federal Targeted Program “Housing for Russian Family” at a specific bank.

Required documents

The conditions for preferential lending depend on the rules and procedures adopted by a particular credit institution. But, as a rule, all banks put forward the following requirements:

  • confirmed status of a large family (availability of a certificate);
  • the need to improve living conditions;
  • registration of spouses and children in the region where participation in the program is registered.

The standard package of documents required to be submitted to a credit institution looks like this:

  • parents' passports;
  • children's birth certificates;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • a document confirming the need to improve living conditions;
  • certificate of income of the borrower (co-borrower);
  • contract of sale of an apartment.

In most cases, a preferential mortgage can be obtained by parents who are officially married, so it is additionally worth preparing a copy of the certificate.

Can a large family get a loan for an apartment if the age of each spouse is no more than 35 years?

Yes. If you are considered a young family, then you have priority chances of receiving a loan compared to other parents with many children. If you plan to use maternity capital for a down payment, then you will also need a copy of the certificate (with the obligatory provision of the original) and an extract from the pension fund on the state of the family account. To obtain more accurate and complete information about the conditions of preferential mortgages in your region, we advise you to contact the credit institution directly.

Land plots for construction

Building your own home is another opportunity to improve your own living conditions. Since 01/01/15, a state program has been operating at the regional level, allowing families with many children to receive a plot of land for development. You can get from 6 to 15 acres of land, depending on your region of residence.

In most regions, sites are allocated within the city. In some cities, for example in Moscow, the terms of the program do not provide for the allocation of land in the city, so you can only get a plot in the region. Some regions have the right to compensation for the cost of a land plot with monetary compensation. For example, in St. Petersburg, due to the lack of free plots in the land fund, the authorities can issue cash certificates to citizens.

  • have a certificate of a large family;
  • be a legally married spouse;
  • do not own any other land plots;
  • have official registration in the region of residence (minimum 5 years).

The package of required documents also looks standard:

  • ID cards of parents and children (passports, birth certificates);
  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificate of a large family;
  • an extract from the house register confirming registration;
  • adoption documents (if available).

Due to the fact that the program is regional in nature, the requirements and list of documents in different regions of the Russian Federation may differ from each other.

The general participation procedure looks like this: the local administration accepts the necessary papers from you and makes a decision on approval or refusal to participate in the Federal Target Program (within up to 30 days, in some regions – 3 days). Notice of the decision is sent to you by mail. The administration has the right to refuse to register you as an applicant for a plot if:

  • You have been deprived of parental rights, about which there is a corresponding decree;
  • not all family members are citizens of the Russian Federation (spouse, children have changed citizenship);
  • The information you provide about yourself (wife/husband, children) is not true;
  • the child (or all children) are on state support.

If the decision is made in your favor, then you receive a number in the queue. Lists for the issuance of plots are agreed upon annually; persons to whom it is planned to be issued land in the coming year are informed in writing.

You can use the right to receive land only once. If for some reason the plot does not satisfy you (size, location), you have the right to refuse it. But you should understand that to obtain new land you will have to go through the entire procedure again - submit documents and stand in line for registration. However, there is no guarantee that the new plot will be provided taking into account all your requirements. Therefore, we advise you not to rush into refusal; besides, the state gives the right to sell the plot.

Promising programs

As you can see, at the moment there are a number of programs in the Russian Federation designed to help parents with many children get their own housing. But despite this, many families have to wait years for their turn on the list of participants. In order to solve this problem, a bill was introduced to the Duma on the creation of a federal housing fund for large families, which is planned to be formed through contributions from developers. According to the authors of the bill, when constructing a residential building, developers must transfer at least 3% of the total area of ​​the property to the federal fund. Apartments from the formed fund will be issued to those parents who had a third (or subsequent child) after 01/01/16.

As of now, the bill is under consideration and no decision has been made on its approval.

Question answer

Question: The Fedortsovs have 4 children, and therefore they received a plot of land in the city of Tver from the state. Can the Fedortsovs use the land to build a country house?

Answer: Yes, the law stipulates that the land can be used not only for the construction of a residential building. You can also build a country house on the site, as well as use the land for livestock farming and gardening.

Question: The Ignatov couple have three children: two daughters (8 and 10 years old) and a son (17 years old). In 2016, the Ignatovs received a notification that they were approved on the list of recipients for payment under the Housing program. The letter states that the subsidy will be paid in 2017. On 04/05/2017, the Ignatovs’ son turns 18 years old. Do the Ignatovs retain the right to a subsidy?

Answer: Since the list for payment was approved in 2016 (the Ignatovs had the status of having many children), the right to payment remains. In addition, if a son, having reached adulthood, undergoes full-time education, then the Ignatovs are considered to have many children until the son turns 23 years old.

Question: The Nikitins have 4 children, three of whom are adopted. What additional documents, in addition to standard ones, may be required to participate in housing programs?

Answer: Nikitin needs to prepare a copy of the adoption certificate for each of the children. The Nikitins must also contact the guardianship authorities for a certificate stating that the adoption decision is valid and has not been cancelled.

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