What payments are due when adopting a child: benefits and benefits for adoptive parents. What payments are due when adopting a child Adoption of children payments

A fairly large number of children in Russia are raised in foster families. The child's adoptive parents have the right to receive financial assistance from the state to raise the child.

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We will consider the process of receiving benefits for the adoption of a child, as well as the amount of this benefit, in more detail below.

General terms

The concept of adoption exists for raising children who have lost their biological parents or were left without their care in full-fledged families and is regulated by Russian legislation.

Often carried out not only on the basis of full adoption.

The legislation provides for the following forms of guardianship over orphans:

  • direct adoption;
  • registration of guardianship over a child;
  • patronage.

Quite lengthy and requires a court decision. A person can become a guardian by decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities without a trial. In addition, the verification by civil servants of candidates for the right of guardianship and trusteeship is more loyal.

However, full-fledged adoptive parents in the case of adopting a child receive much more rights.

An adopted child becomes a full-fledged member of the family, and the same mutual rights and obligations arise between him and his adoptive parents as biological ones, including the right to receive an inheritance.

Patronage gives adoptive parents minimal rights, and also implies regular monitoring of living conditions and the process of raising a child by the guardianship authorities.

When registering for patronage, the trustee is involved in the socialization of the child and representing his interests in government bodies, but the child can also be left in an orphanage.

When registering guardianship, trusteeship or patronage, an agreement is concluded between government agencies and adoptive parents.

If the child is fully adopted, then by court decision the candidates become the official parents of the child and receive an adoption certificate.

Issues of adoption, guardianship and trusteeship are dealt with by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, but direct adoption will require a court decision.

And also the types of benefits provided to adoptive parents depend on the form of adoption.

Normative base

Payment of benefits to families with adopted children is regulated by law.

The amount of the benefit, as well as the procedure for receiving it and the categories of families to which it is due, are established in the following laws:

  • RF “On state benefits for citizens with children”;
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On additional measures of state support for families with children.”

Registration procedure

Adoption benefits must be issued no later than 6 months from the date of adoption of the child. To do this, you need to submit an application and the required documents to the guardianship authorities.

Review of the application will take up to 10 days.

In most cases, the payment of benefits is approved, but if the adoptive parents receive a refusal, it can be challenged in court.


To receive benefits for the adoption of a child, you must submit the following documents to the guardianship authorities along with your application:

  • a copy of the applicant’s passport (other documents confirming identity are also possible);
  • bank account details for receiving benefits;
  • adoption certificate and court decision;
  • a certificate of residence confirming that the adopted child lives with the applicant;
  • certificate of income of the adoptive parents.

The court's decision

Payments for the adoption of a child are assigned on the basis of a court decision on adoption. This document, along with the adoption certificate, must be submitted to the guardianship authorities to assign benefits.

Child adoption benefit

Some adoptive parents and guardians are entitled to receive benefits for raising a child. The amount of this benefit may vary depending on the form of guardianship or adoption.

Also, benefits are not paid at all to certain categories of adoptive parents and guardians.

There are several types of benefits for the adoption of a child, the amount of which in 2019 may vary greatly. Let's look at each type in more detail.

It is worth noting that adoptive parents can spend the funds received only on improving the living conditions for the child, as well as on his physical, mental or spiritual development.


A one-time benefit is provided to all families who have adopted children. The amount of this benefit is 14,497 rubles.

If a family has taken custody of a child belonging to a special category, then the amount of state assistance will be 110,775 rubles.

If a family adopts two or more children born from the same parents, then the benefit is paid for each child.


Monthly payments can be received by those families who have adopted a child under one and a half years old. Before this age, it is possible for one of the parents to take paid leave to care for a child, and the amount of the benefit will be 40% of the income of the parent for whom the benefit is issued.

Also, the right to receive a monthly allowance for raising a child is given to guardians and trustees, and its amount is fixed in the contract and can range from 980 rubles to 7,700 rubles.

Right to maternity capital

Some families have the right not only to receive adoption benefits, but also maternity capital, which is allocated to all families with newborns from the state budget.

The amount of this social assistance is 453,000 rubles.

The following families have the right to receive maternity capital:

  • families who adopted a child while having children of their own;
  • families who adopted a child whose mother was deprived of the right to receive parental capital due to deprivation of parental rights;
  • families who adopted a child under 70 days of age.

If two children

Families who have adopted two or more children born from the same biological parents are entitled to an increased benefit in the amount of 14,497 rubles.

Other benefits

In addition to benefits, families who have adopted children receive the following benefits:

  • compensation for paying utility bills;
  • free receipt of dairy products for children under two years of age;
  • free prescription medications for children under 3 years of age;
  • compensation for half the cost of preschool services;
  • the right to free meals at school.

One-time benefit when transferring a child to a family


1. Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children”
2. The procedure and conditions for the appointment and payment of state benefits to citizens with children, approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2009 No. 1012n

For those who have adopted an orphan or a child without parental care:

a) a disabled child
b) a child over 7 years old
c) brothers and (or) sisters

2) 15512 rub. 65 rub.

for those who have adopted an orphan or a child without parental care

a) not disabled
b) a child under 7 years old
c) a child not adopted together with a brother (sister)

Documents for benefits:

1) application for benefits
2) passport of the adoptive parent(s)
3) birth certificate of a child
4) documents confirming that the adopted children are relatives of each other
5) documents confirming the disability of the adopted person
6) a document confirming the transfer of the child to the family (copy of the court decision on adoption)
7) name and details of the bank and account number for crediting payments

Foreigners and stateless persons represent:

1) ID card
2) residence permit
3) temporary permission. accommodation
4) labor. book or contract
5) a certificate from the Social Insurance Fund of Russia on registration with the local body of the Social Insurance Fund of Russia as an insurer
6) refugee certificate


[One-time compensation for the costs of adopting a child

1st Art. 7 of the Moscow Law of November 30, 2005 No. 61 “On additional guarantees for social support for orphans and children left without parental care in Moscow”
2. Post of the Government of Moscow dated May 15, 2007. No. 376-PP "On measures to implement the Moscow Law of November 30, 2005 No. 61 "On additional guarantees for social support for orphans and children left without care. parents in Moscow"


The payment amount is a multiple of the minimum subsistence level established on the date of adoption. The magnitude will last. the minimum is determined quarterly.

Upon adoption
a) first child – 5 lives min
b) second child – 7 lived min
c) third child and subsequent children – 10 lives min

Monthly compensation for those who adopted children in Moscow

Post of the Government of Moscow dated May 26, 2009 No. 492-PP "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for establishing and paying monthly compensation payments to persons who adopted a child in the territory of Moscow after January 1, 2009"

1) 16500 rub.- for each child under 12 years old
2) 22000 rub.- for each child from 12 to 18 years old
3) 19800 rub.. - for each child under 12 years of age if there are 3 or more children in the family
4) 25300 rub.- for each child from 12 to 18 years old if there are 3 or more children in the family
5) 27500 rub.– for each disabled child

The benefit can be received from the month of adoption upon application within 12 months. from the date of adoption (the time of entry into force of the court decision), until the month the adoptee turns 18 years old (incl.).

Documents for benefits:

1) identity card of the adoptive parent
2) passport of the wife or husband of the adoptive parent (if the child is adopted by both spouses)
3) child’s birth certificate
4) a court decision on adoption that has entered into force (a stamp of entry is required)
5) adoption certificate
6) unified housing. document or housing certificate authorities about the place of residence of the child with the adoptive parent
7) a copy of the document with the bank details and the adoptive parent’s account number
8) a document on the date of termination of the child’s state support or on the date of termination of payments for child support to the guardian
9) a certificate from the Moscow social security authority at the place of residence of the adoptive parent’s spouse about his non-receipt of monthly benefits (if the child is adopted by both spouses)
10) a certificate from the guardianship authority of another region of the Russian Federation on the termination of monthly payments in connection with the adoption of a child

Depending on the age of the child, adoptive parents have the right to the following: federal (i.e. all-Russian) payments :

(1) Maternity benefit, which is paid for the period from the date of adoption until the expiration of 70 calendar days (in the case of simultaneous adoption of two or more children - 110 calendar days) from the date of birth of the child, established by court decision.

In 2016, the maximum benefit amount is 248,164 rubles(in 140 days), and the minimum size is 28,555 rubles(vv. 6-8 , art. 11 and clause 3.1 of Art. 14 ).

(2) A one-time benefit when transferring a child to a family, regardless of the child’s age - for 2017 in the amount 16,350 rubles for each child(basic - 8,000 rubles).

When adoption a disabled child, a child over seven years of age, as well as children who are brothers and (or) sisters, the amount of this benefit is 124,929 rubles for each such child - Art. 12.1-12.2Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ "On state benefits for citizens with children" . This increased payment applies to all adoptions for which court decisions entered into force after January 1, 2013.

Attention! According to the author of the site, a one-time benefit in the amount of 118,529 rubles Not is paid if in relation to the adopted child it has already been received (albeit in a smaller amount) during the period when the child was in same family under guardianship - for example, if the child was adopted by his guardians or adoptive parents, who received a smaller one-time benefit when the child was initially accepted into the family. However,The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in Letter No. VK-911/07 of May 8, 2014 expresses the opposite opinion . The author believes that this approach is unlikely to find support in practice, incl. and in the courts.

Firstly, such an interpretation contradicts the type of benefit - “one-time”, i.e. received once by a specific person for the adoption of a specific child into the family. Secondly, the said Letter was not published and therefore is not a normative legal act (i.e., mandatory for an indefinite circle of persons, and not just for employees of the system of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation). Finally, according toclause 33 of the Procedure and conditions for the appointment and payment of state benefits to citizens with children, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n , the specified benefit is assigned and paid by a body authorized in accordance with the legislation of the subject of the Russian Federation. In many constituent entities of the Russian Federation, these are bodies of the social protection or social security system, which are not included in the system of educational authorities and are not bound by intradepartmental clarifications of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Also, in the same Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 8, 2014 No. VK-911/07 It is explained that if the child was adopted in the period preceding the current year, and the persons who took the child into care acquired the right to a lump sum benefit in the same year, the benefit should be calculated in accordance with the payments made at the beginning of the year in which the adoption was established. Thus, the amount of a one-time benefit is calculated based on the date of transfer of a child left without parental care to a family, based on a court decision that has entered into legal force. This recommendation appears to be reasonable.

(3) Monthly benefit for the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years - in the amount of 40% of average earnings for the last 2 years preceding the month of parental leave, but no more 21,554 rubles.

Minimum the benefit amount for 2016 (for non-working parents) is 2,908 rubles(basic - 1,500 rubles) for caring for the first child and 5,817 rubles(basic - 3,000 rubles) for caring for the second and each subsequent child. Monthly child care allowance is paid for all the period during which the person caring for the child had the right to payment of the specified benefit (Articles 13-16Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ "On state benefits for citizens with children" ) .

note that the benefits listed in paragraphs. (1) , (2) And (3) , are prescribed if the application followed no later than 6 months, respectively:

    from the date of termination of maternity leave,

    from the date of entry into legal force of the court decision on adoption, or from the day the guardianship and trusteeship authority makes a decision to establish guardianship (trusteeship), or from the date of conclusion of the agreement on the transfer of the child to a foster family,

    from the day the child reaches the age of one and a half years.

For more details see Art. 17.2Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ "On state benefits for citizens with children", art. 12 Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity" .

(4) Women who adopted a second, third child or subsequent children in the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2018 inclusive, as well as men who were born during the same period the only ones adoptive parents of the second, third child or subsequent children (if they have not previously exercised the right to additional measures of state support) have the right to receive maternal (family) capital ("MK") in the basic amount of 250,000 rubles (for 2016 it is 453,026 rubles).

Please note that in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 13 The MC applies to legal relations arising in connection with the birth (adoption) of a child (children) in the period from January 1, 2007 until December 31, 2018. This means that for children adopted after January 1, 2019, MK is not accrued. At the same time, the disposal of funds of already accrued MK is not limited by time.

MK funds in full or in parts can be allocated to:

  • to improve living conditions,
  • education for the child(ren),
  • formation of the funded part of the labor pension of a woman who has adopted a child,
  • from January 1, 2016 - for the purchase of goods and services intended for social adaptation and integration into society of disabled children.

An application for disposal of MK funds can be submitted no earlier than three years from the date of adoption (if we are talking about adoptive parents) or the birth of the child (if the application is submitted by guardians or adoptive parents), except in cases where parents plan to use MK funds to repay the principal debt and pay interest on loans or borrowings for the purchase (construction) of residential premises, including mortgage loans. For more information about who is entitled to this payment and how it can be managed, read Art. Art. 7-12Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ "On additional measures of state support for families with children" .

(5) Adoptive parents Not receive child support payments and/or remuneration for their work.

Adoptive parents (guardians) of one child or two or three children or more have the full right to all the payments that the children’s real parents receive. In addition, there are special categories of payments for such families. These include a one-time benefit for the adoption of children, as well as a number of additional benefits, which we will definitely discuss below.

All social benefits for families with an adopted child can be divided into two categories: general and special purpose.

For pregnancy and childbirth

The benefit is provided to working women who... The period for requesting benefits should not exceed 70 days from the date of birth of the child, if two children are adopted, then no more than 110 days from birth. This rule also applies to working male adoptive parents. The amount and timing of payments are determined by current legislation.

One-time payments

This benefit is specified and regulated by the relevant Federal Law. In addition, the payment of this benefit is affected by the fact regarding. The law also clearly defines the amount of the one-time benefit, which is 14,497 rubles - this is for 2015(every year, judging by statistics, the figure is growing due to indexation).

However, this figure may be completely different in cases where the child is under 18 years of age, is over seven years old, or siblings were adopted at the same time. The amount of the benefit will be 110,775 rubles, and for each of the adopted children. For example, you adopted a three-year-old brother and sister, the payment upon adoption will be 221,550 rubles (even if they are not disabled and under seven years old).

It is worth noting that this rule has only been relevant since 2013; it did not exist before.

Parents who have adopted children must understand that they will not receive such a payment automatically. They themselves must try to receive benefits. To do this, you need to prepare the necessary documents, which include:

  • an application and a copy of the court’s approval to establish the fact of adoption (such a decision should already be in force);
  • if a disabled child is accepted into the family, then a certificate of his disability is needed;
  • if brothers or sisters were adopted into the family, then documents confirming this circumstance will be required.

These documents must reach the local administration no later than 6 months from the date on which the court decision on the fact of adoption enters into force. If there was a good reason that the documents were submitted later than the agreed deadline, then you can still try to get benefits, but this will require going to court.

If the court decision on adoption contains information about the age of the children and whether the adopted child is disabled, then no additional supporting documents are required to request benefits. A copy of the court decision and a statement from the parents will be sufficient.

If all the norms are met and the documents are submitted correctly, then within ten days after their submission, the money will be transferred to the account of the parents of the adopted child.

If for some reason your application for benefits was denied, then you need to go to court. Taking care of children in Russia is a task of paramount importance, and most likely, the decision will be in your favor.

Monthly allowance: how much do they pay?

Every month, a family that has adopted a child or several children will receive a mandatory benefit - the same as what parents of their own children receive. It is paid for the period of caring for the child - until he reaches the age of 1.5 years. Its size is determined based on 40% of average earnings for the last year (12 months) that preceded the onset of such leave.

The minimum allowance today is 2,576 rubles, the base rate is 1,500 rubles - this is when caring for the first child. If parents are caring for a second child or a third, fourth, etc., then the minimum benefit rate is 5,153 rubles with a base of 3,000 rubles. Indexation in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation is taken into account.

The benefit of such a plan is paid for the entire period every month on certain dates of the month.

Maternity leave

This benefit is also provided to adoptive parents and is determined by law. Like parents of natural children, parents of adopted children are required to make maternity payments during the entire period of caring for the child - 1.5 years.

For one child the payment is equal to in the amount of 2,576 rubles and 5,153 for each subsequent- such amounts if the adoptive parent does not work anywhere. If he has an official place of work, then the payment amount is 40% of his average earnings.

Maternal capital

Families who have accepted children into their family can fully count on maternity capital. All families who became adoptive parents of a second child from January 1, 2007 can apply to receive maternity capital payments. For 2015, the amount of payment for the second child is 453,026 rubles (in 2016, the expected figure is - 470,000 rubles).

The receipt procedure looks exactly the same as for parents who gave birth to children:

  • submitting an application to your territorial Pension Fund office at your place of residence or registration;
  • The following documents are attached to the application: your passport, adoption certificate, parent’s birth certificate and marriage certificate, pension SNILS for the applicant and children.

The applicant’s application will be considered for no more than one month; after consideration within five days, the Pension Fund is obliged to respond to the request - positive or negative. If the answer is yes, then a certificate of maternity capital can be obtained from the same branch of the Pension Fund.

Payments in the regions and other nuances

Each region and region has its own rules that determine the nature of additional payments to establish and confirm the fact of adoption. For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region, the regional capital for such families is 100,000 rubles. In addition, every adopted child in Moscow has the right to:

  • cash benefit equal to 30,000 rubles - one time. It can be transferred to the account of the adoptive parents or to the personal account of the child - this decision is individual in each individual case;
  • The monthly benefit is 10,000 rubles. This benefit is paid only to those adoptive parents who cope well with their responsibilities in raising children and provide annual information about their living conditions.

Financial assistance for adoption

The adoption of children is of a very serious nature: the state is doing its best to help ensure that as many children as possible are raised in real families, and not in orphanages. That is why a lot of attention is paid to the financial side of the issue: financial support will be higher if you adopt two or more children.

In any case, the state will always be on your side in caring for your children and will provide you with the necessary financial assistance required by law.

In the Russian Federation there is a norm for women who adopted the second, third and more children, as well as the norm that applies to male adoptive parents who raise children alone. They also have the right to receive maternity capital. Let us remind you that since the year the amount of payments has been 453,026 rubles.

Having decided to accept a child into your family, you must understand that all payments and benefits that the children’s real parents receive also apply to you, and you have all the legal rights to receive them. In addition, additional payments are provided for each individual region of the Russian Federation, which each adoptive parent needs to learn about. The amount of various payments depends on the number of children, their age and health status.

In conditions of an acute shortage of budget funds due to the difficult economic situation in the country, the Government of the Russian Federation was forced at the end of 2015 to make a number of decisions aimed at cost reduction federal budget for social expenditure items:

  • do not perform traditional indexing child benefits from January 1, 2016 and other social payments to families with children, and limited to their pre-indexation from February 1 to the amount of inflation for the previous year;
  • completely eliminate indexation for at least one year maternity capital in 2016, taking its size at the level of 2015;
  • apply targeting criteria and principles of need in the regions of the Russian Federation, which will reduce the number of recipients regional payments per child.

In fact, these changes mean the beginning of a new social reform in relation to families with children who receive various measures of material support from the state.

Indexation of child benefits

First of all, families with children are concerned about the issue of increasing the amount of child benefits - i.e. Will they increase due to indexation?

  • Indexation of child benefits to the amount of projected inflation (i.e. "at a faster pace") annually from January 1 was first introduced back in 2008. However, one of the measures taken by the Government in 2015 to reduce the country’s budget deficit was the suspension in 2016 of the current procedure for indexing social benefits.
  • Instead, from February 1, 2016, child benefits will be indexed according to actual (last year’s) inflation (i.e. "catching up") regarding the amount of child benefits that were established from January 1, 2015.

Amount of child benefits in 2016

In 2015, child benefits were indexed to an underestimated inflation rate - by 5,5% and then the indexation coefficient was 1.055. But actual inflation for the year amounted to 12,9% , i.e. the indexation coefficient should have been 1.129.

In accordance with this, from February 1, an additional indexation of benefits by 7% will be carried out:

1.129 / 1.055 = 1.070, or 7.0%.

Taking this coefficient into account, you can create a table of child benefits in 2016.

Table of child benefits in 2016

Title of the manualAmount of payments, rub.
from January 1, 2016from February 1, 2016
One-time payments
Benefits for women when registering in the early stages of pregnancy543,67 581,73
Maternity benefit for pregnancy and childbirth100% of average earnings for the previous 2 years, at the minimum wage or at a minimum fixed amount:
543,67 581,73
Maternity benefits for conscript wives22958,78 24565,89
One-time benefit for the birth of a child14497,80 15512,65
Child benefits for adoption, guardianship and foster care14497.80 or 110775*15512.65 or 118529.25*
* An increased payment is made when adopting a disabled child, a child over 7 years old, or several children who are brothers or sisters (for each)
Maternal capital453026 453026 (does not increase)
Monthly payments
Child care allowance40% of the average monthly earnings for the previous 2 years per child or the minimum amount:
  • 2718.34 - for the first;
  • 5436.67 - on the second and subsequent
  • 2908.62 - for the first;
  • 5817.24 - on the second and subsequent
Childcare benefits for conscripts9839,48 10528,24
Payment to families with many children for the third and subsequent children under 3 years of ageIn the amount of the established regional subsistence minimum for a child
Survivor's benefit for a child of a military personnel1978,97 2117,50

Amount of maternity payments in 2016

During pregnancy and after childbirth, the state supports parents with material payments in the form of monthly and one-time child benefits.

This type of support is provided:

  • employed women if you have insurance experience - in the form of compulsory social insurance in proportion to average earnings;
  • idle- in the minimum established amount in the form of state social security (through Social Security).

When going on maternity leave, women in Russia can count on receiving the following payments:

  1. Maternity benefit (M&B)- calculated depending on the number of days of absence from work indicated on the sick leave:
    • for 140 days - minimum RUB 28,555.40;
    • for 156 days - minimum RUB 31,818.87;
    • for 194 days - minimum RUB 39,569.62
  2. Additional allowance for maternity benefits when registering for pregnancy in a antenatal clinic up to 12 obstetric weeks - it is set in a fixed amount ( RUB 581.73 from February 1).
  3. One-time benefit for the birth of a child, which is also set in a fixed amount ( RUB 15,512.65 from February 1).
  4. Child care allowance up to 1.5 years old, paid monthly and calculated as a percentage of the mother’s average salary before going on maternity leave, but not less than:
    • 2908.62 - for the first child;
    • 5817.24 - for the second and subsequent ones.

Below is more detailed information about maternity payments for BiR and for child care up to 1.5 years.

Maternity benefit

During pregnancy, a working woman is required to take maternity leave, for which benefits are paid. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides several options for its duration(depending on the severity of labor and the number of children born):

  • at birth 1 child:
    • for uncomplicated childbirth - 140 days of leave (70 days before and 70 after childbirth);
    • in case of complicated childbirth - with postpartum leave extended to 86 days (156 days in total);
  • at birth 2, 3 or more children- 194 days of vacation (84 days before and after childbirth, 110 days).

These days will be paid to working women in the amount of 100% of average earnings for the last 2 full years (by multiplying the average daily earnings by the corresponding number of days).


  • Minimum size benefits cannot be lower than the minimum wage(the minimum wage, which in 2016 is 6204 rubles) per 1 month (see above).
  • Maximum size payments in 2016 will not exceed:
    • for 140 days - 248,164.38 rubles;
    • for 156 days - 276,526.03 rubles;
    • for 194 days - 343884.93 rubles.

Child care allowance

After the birth of a child, the mother has the right to receive a monthly child care benefit for up to 1.5 years.

This payment is provided not only employed mothers, but also non-working women, as well as the child’s father or other relatives who are actually caring for him.

The amount of this payment is set as follows:

  • for working women- from the employer or from the Social Insurance Fund (SIF):
    • is calculated by multiplying 40% of the average earnings for the 2 previous years by 30.4 (i.e., by the average number of days per month for 12 months) and multiplied by a factor of 0.4.
  • for non-working mothers- through the Social Security authorities (Sobes):
    • in the minimum amount, which from February 1, 2016, taking into account indexation, is 2908.62 rubles. for the first child or 5,817.24 rubles. on the second and subsequent ones.

After the child reaches the age of 1.5 years, there is no additional assistance for families with children, except for a monthly compensation in the amount 50 rubles from the employer, not provided.

Amount of maternity capital in 2016

In accordance with the laws signed by V.V. Putin in December 2015, the maternity capital program will be extended until December 31, 2018, however, its size in 2016 will not be indexed and will remain at the level 453 thousand 026 rubles.

It is noted that the decision not to carry out maternity capital indexation in 2016 is just one-time pass, which is caused by a lack of funds in the federal budget. It will be restored starting in 2017 and will be indexed every subsequent year in the usual manner:

  • in 2017- approximately 6% to 480 thousand rubles;
  • in 2018- by another 5%, which will be 505 thousand rubles.

Changes in 2016 and latest news

In fact, since 2016, Russia has been implementing a new social reform, which was adopted due to the existing state budget deficit. Shortly before this, during working meetings of the Government, Dmitry Medvedev gave instructions when forming the federal budget for 2016 proceed from such requirements:

  • reduce costs state budget for 2016-2018;
  • take into account the need carrying out indexation basic social payments;
  • provision of benefits and benefits based on principle of targeting And need criteria.

In this regard, as mentioned above:

  • the amount of maternal (family) capital as of 2016 will remain at the level of 2015, and will be indexed only from 2017.
  • from February 1, 2016, a new procedure for indexing child benefits and other social payments is being established - now they will increase annually according to actual inflation for the past year, that is "catching up", but not "advanced", like almost a whole decade before.
  • when determining the amount of maternity benefits for the mother, income for the previous two years - 2014 and 2015 - must be taken into account, which will be taken into account in increasing the maximum possible amount of benefits for working women.


In 2016, a large number of changes occurred related to the current state of the Russian economy, and the Government of the Russian Federation is taking all kinds of decisions to stabilize it.

Some decisions have a negative impact on the condition of families with children, and even more so on the condition of large families: benefits and other social payments for the child are not properly indexed; in 2016, the amount of maternity capital will remain at the same level (453,026 rubles), and payments will be more difficult to obtain, since the circle of people who were previously entitled to them will be narrowed due to the introduction of a need criterion.

Let’s hope that all government reforms will help us return to the previous economic level, and families in need will once again become more socially protected.

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We all know the exciting story about Robinson Crusoe. But few people thought about its name, and here we are not talking about a prototype...

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In step-by-step instructions, we will look at how in 1C Accounting 8.3 accounting for finished products and costs for them is carried out. Before...

Usually, working with bank statements is configured automatically through the client-bank system, but there is the possibility of integrating client-bank and 1C...
When the duty of a tax agent is terminated in connection with the submission of information to the tax authorities about the impossibility of withholding personal income tax,...
Name: Irina Saltykova Age: 53 years old Place of birth: Novomoskovsk, Russia Height: 159 cm Weight: 51 kg Activities:...
Dysphoria is a disorder of emotional regulation, manifested by episodes of angry and melancholy mood, accompanied by...
You have entered into a relationship with a Taurus man, you feel strong sympathy for him, but it is too early to talk about love. Many women in...
Stones for the zodiac sign Libra (September 24 - October 23) The zodiac sign Libra represents justice, the kingdom of Themis (second wife...