What equipment is registered with Rostekhnadzor? Registration of equipment operating under excess pressure with Rostekhnadzor

The document is drawn up taking into account the requirements of the regulatory and legislative documents listed above. Responsibility for correct composition the act of readiness is assigned to the members of the commission and, above all, the head of the operating organization.

Stage No. 3. Formation of a package of documentation necessary for equipment registration

For successful completion pipeline registration procedures with Rostekhnadzor require not only competent drafting certificate of equipment readiness for launch, but also provision of a full package of documents, the list of which is given above. In the absence of any document from the specified list it needs to be reissued. It should be noted that one of the most common reasons for refusal to register a pipeline is the provision by the applicant to Rostechnadzor of an incomplete package of documentation.

Stage No. 4. Submission of the collected documentation package to Rostechnadzor

Competent execution the previous stages practically guarantees the successful completion of the consideration of the application for registration of the pipeline and the documents attached to it.

Stage No. 5. Completion of the pipeline registration procedure with Rostekhnadzor

The result of successfully completing the equipment registration procedure is:

  • assigning an account number to the pipeline;

    entering the number in the passport;

  • issuance of a letter by Rostekhnadzor regarding registration of the declared equipment.

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs can use high-pressure equipment in their production. Registration of vessels with Rostekhnadzor in some cases is mandatory procedure. This requirement is contained in federal standards and rules. It also indicates which devices are subject to registration, and for which this procedure is not required.

Vessels subject to registration by Rostekhnadzor authorities

Owners of hazardous production facilities are required to register equipment that operates under the formation of increased pressure of gas (including liquefied gas), steam, or liquid, which can be not only water. The pressure value must exceed 0.07 MPa.

An example of an exception to these rules is pipelines that transport steam and hot water, if their diameter does not exceed 10 cm and the pressure is 1.6 MPa. Is not the only point in the list of devices not subject to registration.

Features of the procedure

Registration is carried out for the purpose of assigning an account number to the equipment and its further registration in the register. Previously special commission checks the readiness of devices for safe use. To do this, the condition of the equipment is assessed and the results are reviewed. technical examination vessels, boilers, other necessary documents are studied.

When successful verification an act is drawn up confirming the readiness of the equipment for operation, and a decision is made to include the devices in production activities. After making such a decision, the organization must provide the Rostekhnadzor department with data for registering boilers, tanks and other equipment. The company is given 10 days for this. Required documents:

  • Statement. It must contain information about the organization, location of the equipment and the site for its repair;
  • Copies of the certificate of operational readiness of devices and the order to put them into production;
  • Information about the equipment submitted for registration. In particular, information is needed about its name, technical specifications, date of examination and other data.

If you decide to dispose of the equipment due to impossibility further exploitation, it is necessary to deregister it. This also applies to cases where the device loses its danger signs. To deregister pressure equipment, it must be sent to supervisory authorities a corresponding statement and documents confirming disposal or the absence of signs of danger.

It is also worth considering that when selling or renting equipment of this type new owner is obliged to provide Rostechnadzor with information about the organization into whose possession the devices have passed. Documents confirming the transfer, such as a purchase and sale agreement, will also be required.

What objects are subject to registration with Rostechnadzor, what is the current procedure in 2018, what documents will be needed to solve the problem - questions that are often asked by individual entrepreneurs and legal entities faced with the need to carry out such procedures. According to the law, hazardous production facilities are subject to registration, which are briefly mentioned in the literature and legislative acts, as OPO. The purpose of the procedure is to reflect in the register information about public benefit organizations that are used by individual entrepreneurs or legal entities. During registration, the mentioned structures are assigned a specific hazard class.

The term “OPO” combines an organization or its workshop, department, site, storage facility, as well as other objects of a production nature. They usually include a number of technical devices, classified by administrative or technological features. Work with the use of hazardous production facilities is carried out taking into account Federal Law number 116 (Appendix No. 2).

HPF includes production facilities, Where:

  • Equipment is used that operates under elevated pressure of 0.07 MPa or more, as well as at a temperature of 115 degrees Celsius.
  • Hazardous elements are processed (stored, applied, produced, transferred or disposed of).
  • Activities are being carried out in mountain areas, as well as activities related to the enrichment of minerals, as well as work underground.
  • Melts of various metals (non-ferrous, ferrous) are produced, after which alloys based on them are produced.

HPFs are classified according to a number of criteria - by type of hazard, by accumulated risk potential, by the mechanism of damage, as well as the nature of probable emergencies. There are other options for classifying such objects, but they are used less frequently.

TO hazardous substances include flammable liquids (stored in warehouses and used in production), flammable gases, toxic, explosive, highly toxic and oxidizing substances. This category also includes elements that pose a danger to nature.

If the substances mentioned above are present at the hazardous production facility, the organization is required to create a declaration industrial safety, which is included in the rest of the OPO documentation. More detailed information which objects are subject to registration with Rostekhnadzor is given in the Federal Law under number 116. The subtleties of the classification and ownership of such structures are also indicated here.

Why is registration necessary?

It is important for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities to understand why registration of a production facility is needed. This is done to account for hazardous production facilities, as well as the operating structures of Rostechnadzor. The solution to this problem lies directly with the owner, which is stated in the Federal Law under number 116. If the authorized bodies identify dangerous object who has not passed registration, penalties are imposed on the owner.

After the commissioning of a hazardous production facility, the owner has 10 days to raise an application and register the facility. In the case of commissioning of a new structure, the date begins from the moment of transfer of permission to commission the facility.

Despite the presence suspended sentence, no fine is imposed for deviation from the registration deadlines. The exception is cases when an individual entrepreneur or legal entity does not register a dangerous structure for a long time, maliciously evading obligations. The task of identifying such objects lies with the Rostekhnadzor inspector, who can identify a violation during the next or unscheduled inspection. In addition, such employees often interact with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as the prosecutor’s office.

Even if an individual entrepreneur or legal entity does not evade registration, but is simply delayed in completing the application, it will not be possible to obtain a license from Rostechnadzor. This means that the use of OPO is prohibited by law. If the company is coming contrary to this instruction, this is already a violation of the law and entails punishment.

What documents are needed to register a hazardous production facility?

The administrative regulations for the registration of hazardous production organizations (paragraphs 18 and 21) state that in order to register dangerous production facilities The following documents are needed:

  • Statement from interested person, which is submitted to the authorized body.
  • Information that characterizes the HIF. The data must be prepared taking into account the requirements specified in the administrative regulations (appendix number 4).
  • A list of documentation compiled taking into account application number 2.
  • Papers confirming ownership rights. If there is no entry in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, you will need documents directly indicating the ownership of the HPO, land plots, buildings, as well as structures where a dangerous object is located. If there is an entry in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, the details of the documentation confirming the existence of ownership rights are sufficient (the papers themselves do not need to be transferred).
  • Project documentation, namely text part project at the OPO, as well as details latest examination the mentioned documentation.
  • Justification of the safety of the hazardous production facility, and details of the examination with a positive answer (carried out in cases specified in the Federal Law under number 116).

According to current order registration of a production facility, the above documents are transferred to Rostechnadzor, namely territorial body located at the address of the individual entrepreneur or legal entity. If the company has a separate office (branches), the paper is transferred to the location of the company's main office, because the TIN is identical. Obtaining a completed certificate confirming the registration of the hazardous production organization takes place in the same body.

The procedure for registering a hazardous production facility with Rostechnadzor - instructions

The process of registration of hazardous production facilities in Rostechnadzor occurs in the following order:

  • Identification dangerous structure. At this stage, the company is analyzed for the presence of objects that fall under the dangerous criterion. Here the requirements of Federal Law number 116 are taken into account.
  • Determination of hazard class. After carrying out the work discussed above, the hazardous production facility receives a certain hazard class. Moreover, for each individual object this parameter is determined individually.
  • Collection of information and necessary papers. This stage is the most critical, because here the applicant is forced to collect full package documentation mentioned above.
  • Filling out and registration. At this stage, the applicant provides information on the GPO. An application is also filled out here and submitted to the authorized body along with assembled package papers
  • Preparation of documentation for subsequent transfer to Rostekhnadzor.
  • Transfer of the mentioned documentation and application to the authorized body.
  • Receive a certificate confirming the fact of registration.

Validity period and reasons for refusal

According to the procedure in force in 2018, the certificate of registration of a public organization has no restrictions. It is valid for the entire period while the hazardous production facility is put into operation. This rule applies to companies whose information in Rostechnadzor corresponds to real data at a specific point in time. If the applicant has made changes to the hazardous production facility, commissioned a new structure, or made changes to the data submitted to Rostechnadzor, re-registration of the hazardous production facility will be required, as well as clarification of the information. Until the re-registration of the hazardous production facility, an employee of Rostechnadzor has the right to issue an order to eliminate malfunctions.

The administrative regulations (clause 12) of Rostechnadzor indicate that the suspension of an application for registration is not provided for. This means that the applicant is given two decisions - positive or refusal.

Refusal of registration is possible in the following circumstances:

  • Inaccuracy of the transmitted information about the applicant.
  • Inconsistency between the information in the application and the package of documentation submitted to receive the service.
  • Discrepancy between the data in the application and submitted documents and the requirements of the current regulations.

Registration period

The administrative regulations (clause 12) indicate that for registration and provision of a certificate authorized body there are 20 working days from the date of acceptance of the application and necessary documentation. But for a reason frequent checks Rostekhnadzor prosecutor's office issues an application before this deadline.

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