What is the fine if overtaking is prohibited? Peculiarities of imposing punishment for overtaking and advancing under the sign “Overtaking is prohibited” and how the fine for violating this traffic rule is determined.

Good afternoon, dear reader!

This is another article in the “Road Signs” series, and we will talk about the following road signs: no overtaking, end of no overtaking zone, no overtaking for trucks, end of no overtaking zone for trucks, maximum speed limit, end of maximum speed limit zone, sound signal is prohibited.

List of previous articles in the series:

I note that this article will consider road signs, violation of the requirements of which can lead to quite severe or severe consequences. So pay close attention to it.

No overtaking sign

Sign "No overtaking"- one of the most common signs on Russian roads:

Let's consider the conditions under which the coverage area of ​​the "Maximum Speed ​​Limit" sign ends:

There are quite a lot of conditions, but remembering them is not difficult.

A special feature of the “Maximum Speed ​​Limit” sign is the fact that in some cases the speed limit must be stepped. For example, if you are driving outside the city (maximum speed 90 km/h), and there is a narrow bridge ahead, the maximum speed on which is 30 km/h, then before you see a sign with a speed of 30 km/h you should encounter intermediate signs (70, 50). The distance between signs is 100-150 meters. Those. the maximum speed difference between adjacent signs cannot exceed 20 km/h.

End of maximum speed limit zone sign

The "End of maximum speed limit zone" sign cancels the effect of sign 3.24 discussed above:

Let's consider an interesting question that arises when studying signs 3.24 and 3.25:

Let there be a 3.24 sign on the road with the number 70 km/h, and 200 meters after it there is a 3.25 sign with the number 50 km/h. At what speed can you move after the second sign?

Every driver knows that overtaking is a dangerous maneuver. It can be performed in places where there is no prohibition. Before overtaking, you should ensure the safety of other road users. If a driver violates traffic rules and is ahead of cars at intersections or under a sign where overtaking is prohibited, he must pay a fine. In some cases, he faces deprivation of his driver's license for up to 1 year.

According to traffic rules, overtaking is getting ahead of one vehicle or several vehicles. The driver drives into the oncoming lane, overtakes the vehicle and returns to his side. Previously, overtaking was considered driving into the oncoming lane and getting ahead of passing traffic, without returning to your side.

Overtaking is considered not only the detour of moving vehicles, but also of stopped cars. For example: getting ahead of a broken car or accident.

Attention! The definition of overtaking can be found in Article 12 of the Code of Administrative Offences.

How to overtake correctly

Here is an algorithm that will allow you to overtake correctly:

  1. Carefully assess the traffic situation to ensure it is safe to overtake. The oncoming lane must be free of obstacles. Pay attention to the speed of the car you are overtaking and the distance to it. Also make sure that your car does not interfere with other cars.
  2. If a car starts overtaking before you or gives a left turn signal, wait until it is completed, then begin your maneuver.
  3. After making sure that the maneuver is safe, signal to turn left and smoothly change lanes into the oncoming lane.
  4. Increase your speed and overtake the car. Then return to your row. Overtake the car with a “reserve” of distance so as not to interfere with the movement of the car.
  5. When overtaking, you should maintain a safe lateral distance. It is prohibited to approach the vehicle being overtaken, cutting it off. After you have overtaken the car and returned to your side, you cannot sharply reduce speed.
  6. The driver of an overtaken vehicle has no right to impede overtaking. He must not exceed the speed limit and create obstacles.

Attention! Overtaking cars is allowed only in those areas where the maneuver is not prohibited.

What is the administrative penalty

Responsibility for overtaking in prohibited places is regulated by Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. If a driver overtakes a vehicle, he faces punishment. Fine for a “No Overtaking” sign is 5000 rubles. Or the offender will be deprived of his driver's license for a period of 4 to 6 months. If the rule is violated again, the traffic police inspector has the right to confiscate the driver’s license for 1 year.

The “No Overtaking” sign corresponds to number 3.20. It prohibits the advance of any vehicle, with the exception of slow-moving vehicles (not exceeding 30 km/h), horse-drawn carts, etc.

This sign has a specific coverage area.

It is calculated as follows:

  • In any locality it is valid until the first intersection. If there are no intersections, go to signs numbered 5.24.1, 5.24.2 and 5.26.
  • Outside the populated area, the sign is valid until the intersection or the installed sign “End of the prohibited overtaking zone”, number 3.21.
  • In some cases, the coverage area is established on information signs and located under the sign (for example: 100 or 200 meters).

In what places is overtaking prohibited?

Traffic rules regulate areas that are prohibited for overtaking. They may be marked with a special “Overtaking is prohibited” sign.

In other cases, you cannot perform an advanced maneuver in places, according to Article 11.4 of the Traffic Rules:

  • at a pedestrian crossing, regardless of whether people are walking along it or the crossing is empty (find out which one);
  • at intersections regulated by traffic lights;
  • at uncontrolled intersections, but the road along which traffic moves should not be the main one;
  • with a solid or double marking line;
  • on railway tracks, 100 meters before and after them;
  • when driving in a tunnel, on bridges and overpasses and driving under them;
  • on dangerous turns;
  • in the case when the vehicle moving in front of you has signaled a left turn and is about to overtake or turn.

If the rules are violated, a fine of 5,000 rubles is imposed or the license is confiscated for a period of 4–6 months.
If the violation is repeated, then the rights are taken away for 1 year. After these deadlines, the violator will have to take exams again to traffic police inspectors. Obtaining a license is possible only after successful re-examination.

Punishment may also follow in cases where there is a stationary obstacle on the lane (for example: a broken car or an accident), and cars are in the prohibited overtaking zone. In these cases, you should go around the obstacle on the right. If the road is one lane, then on the side of the road. The fine for incorrectly avoiding a fixed obstacle is from 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles.

Attention! A traffic police inspector can issue a resolution; if the violation is recorded by video cameras, a “chain letter” with a fine will be sent to your home address.

How can you challenge a fine?

If the offender does not agree with the fine, he can appeal it. In court, photographs from the scene of the violation are provided, which show the quality of the markings or data from the video recorder.

You can appeal the inspector's decision in the following cases:

Overtaking in prohibited places often provokes accidents. The fine for maneuvering under a “No Overtaking” sign at intersections, tunnels, bridges and other locations in 2018 is 5,000 rubles.

By decision of the traffic police inspector, the violator may be deprived of his license for 4–6 months. In case of disagreement with the decision, the driver has the right to challenge the fine in court.

“Why deprivation of rights? I was overtaking a long truck! And therefore I could not see anything prohibiting overtaking!

“Look at the tree: it blocked this sign from me, so I didn’t see it!”

“I started overtaking, and there was a broken line on the road! The markings allowed, which means I did not violate the requirements of sign 3.20!”

Often inspectors hear just such excuses from drivers when they violate prohibition sign 3.20. What fine for violating the “Overtaking prohibited” sign in 2018 does the Code of Administrative Offenses provide?

Punishment for violating the requirements of sign 3.20

Part 4 of Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for serious punishment for drivers:

“driving in violation of the Traffic Rules on a lane intended for oncoming traffic, or on tram tracks in the opposite direction, except for the cases provided for in Part 3 of this article, entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of from four to six months."

Not all drivers know the amount of fines that are specified in the Code of Administrative Offences, and when the inspector announces the punishment to the violator, the latter begins to justify himself, as in the above real quotes from conversations between drivers and inspectors.

The government does not intend to raise the fine for overtaking under a “No Overtaking” sign in 2018; it remains at the level of previous years.

In 2016, the possibility of paying 50% of the imposed fine within a twenty-day period was introduced (clause 1.3 of Article 32.2 of the Administrative Code). However, such an opportunity will not be available to those who have already been subjected to an administrative fine under this article of the Code of Administrative Offenses over the past year.

Penalty for driving under a “No Overtaking” sign along with intermittent markings

    There is a situation on the road when the markings are intermittent, allowing overtaking, at the 3.20 sign. The driver often interprets this in favor of the opportunity to overtake, which is completely wrong:

    • In cases where the meanings of road signs, including temporary ones, and horizontal markings contradict each other or the markings are not sufficiently distinguishable, drivers must be guided by the road signs. In cases where temporary marking lines and permanent marking lines contradict each other, drivers must be guided by the temporary marking lines.

    Temporary ones always and in any traffic situations have priority over stationary ones: if a temporary prohibitory overtaking sign is installed on a yellow background, its effect has priority (Appendix 1 to the Traffic Regulations, clause 8.24). Before 2013, temporary signs and signs required portable supports or stands; this requirement is no longer required.

Therefore, regardless of the type of marking, if you overtake, which began in the area of ​​​​the prohibition sign, you will be issued a fine of 5,000 rubles, or you will be deprived of the right to drive.

Maneuvers in a no-overtaking zone

    advance - movement at a speed that exceeds the speed of passing vehicles, without entering the lane intended for oncoming traffic;

    overtaking mopeds, motorcycles without sidecars, bicycles and horse-drawn vehicles;

    When overtaking slow-moving vehicles, identification sign 9.10 (Chapter 9 of Traffic Regulations) attached to the rear will help you recognize whether the car belongs to this type of transport or not.

Overtaking maneuvers on the roads are the most dangerous and severe in their consequences, therefore signs prohibiting overtaking must be placed in conditions of limited visibility or in difficult or complex road conditions. If you violate, the minimum punishment under these conditions is a fine of five thousand rubles.

In any case, every driving situation is unique. To resolve controversial issues, it is wiser to contact specialists.

Overtaking cars is one of the most popular maneuvers on the road. During any trip, even a short one, every driver at least once drives around an obstacle, car or other vehicle.

But, unfortunately, when performing such a maneuver, many motorists ignore the rules of the road and do not pay any attention to the signs installed along the road.

For some road users, there is their own “rule” that they must comply with traffic rules only in the presence of a traffic police officer. They do not think about the fact that violation of such norms can lead to accidents and deaths.

The use of the “No Overtaking” sign is necessary in order to warn motorists about a dangerous section of the road (sharp turn, proximity to a populated area). But most drivers do not perceive such a ban as ensuring their safety and ignore it, which causes accidents on the road.

What is overtaking

After recent changes in legislation, the concept of “overtaking” has been greatly changed.

If earlier this definition sounded like the advance of one or more moving vehicles associated with leaving the lane, now such a maneuver means the definition of one or more cars. Performing such a maneuver is directly related to movement, and then returning to the previously occupied lane.

If earlier overtaking meant a maneuver in which the driver was ahead of a moving car, now this point has been removed from the rules. At the moment, not a single regulatory legal act contains a clear interpretation of this matter. Accordingly, traffic police officers can interpret even driving around a stationary vehicle as overtaking.

Rules for performing the maneuver

The main reason that any road user should be guided by during the entire trip and, in particular, when performing any maneuvers is safety.

Before overtaking, the motorist must make sure that he has the opportunity to perform such a maneuver, and that driving the car into the oncoming lane will not cause inconvenience to other road users.

In practice, this maneuver should proceed as follows:

  1. The driver must make sure that all vehicles traveling nearby have not yet begun performing a similar maneuver.
  2. If at least one car has already given a turn signal, you must wait until it is overtaken.
  3. Before starting the maneuver, you must make sure that the lane into which the driver is about to enter is clear. If a vehicle is moving towards you, the motorist can overtake the car only if, in the time before the meeting, he can overtake the vehicle in front and safely return to his lane.
  4. After the driver is convinced that the maneuver he is planning is safe, he must turn on the appropriate turn signal and smoothly change lanes.
  5. Next, increase speed and overtake the vehicle in front. You need to overtake a car with a “reserve” so as not to impede its movement and not create any inconvenience.

In accordance with traffic regulations, an overtaken vehicle cannot interfere with the motorist. For example, the driver of such a vehicle is prohibited from increasing speed and preventing a normal return to his lane.

If the distance between the cars is sufficient, you can slow down and continue driving at a speed equal to the speed of the flow

When overtaking is prohibited

The traffic rules provide an exhaustive list of situations in which a motorist cannot perform such a maneuver. These include:

Meaning of the sign and its coverage area

Most often, the “No Overtaking” sign is found between populated areas. As a rule, such a sign is installed in dangerous places that pose a danger to every road user.

In accordance with the requirements of the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Traffic Rules, overtaking is prohibited in the area covered by this sign. However, these same regulatory legal acts highlight a number of cases when such a maneuver is possible, subject to certain conditions.

The requirement for a no-overtaking sign applies to all types of vehicles. The rules separately define the procedure for determining the distance of the dangerous area. In particular, the coverage area of ​​this sign is determined by the length of the section in which:

  1. There is a risk of collision with oncoming cars or cars moving in the same direction.
  2. It is not possible to see vehicles moving in the oncoming lane.

The following signs indicate that the coverage area of ​​the sign prohibiting this maneuver has ended:

  1. The vehicle travels the distance indicated on a special plate installed along with the sign.
  2. There is a special sign prohibiting overtaking.
  3. The presence of the next intersection of the city or other populated area. In accordance with the rules of the road, the presence of an intersection of a main and a secondary road in a suburban area is grounds for terminating the ban.
  4. There is a sign indicating that all restrictions have been lifted.
  5. The end of a settlement, at the entrance to which there was a prohibitory sign.

It is worth remembering that this sign is valid only until any of the above conditions are met. There are several controversial situations in which a motorist must be guided by this particular rule.

For example, if the “Overtaking is prohibited” road sign indicates that it is valid for the next 500 meters, but almost immediately after it the road is crossed by a city intersection, the restriction is lifted. This means that overtaking is possible immediately after such a road intersection; it is not necessary to drive 500 meters.

The second common situation is that if there are no intersections with other roads in populated areas, a sign indicating the time limit is not installed, the driver must continue driving without performing this maneuver until the end of the populated area.

Fine for a “No Overtaking” sign

If a motorist ignores the requirements of the “Overtaking is prohibited” sign, traffic police officers have the right not only to issue him a fine, but also to deprive him of his driver’s license. Punishment for such a violation is provided for in Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

The exact type and amount of liability directly depends on the circumstances under which the driver committed the offense. For example, for driving onto tram tracks in the opposite direction while overtaking under a prohibiting sign, a motorist receives a fine of 5,000 rubles.

In addition, violation of these requirements of the traffic rules may threaten the driver with deprivation of his rights for a period of 4 to 6 months. For repeated violation of this rule, the motorist will lose his driver's license for 1 year.

In this regard, many motorists have a question: is it possible to replace deprivation of rights with a fine? The decision on the punishment is made by the traffic inspector who stopped the car for violating the rules. If he decides that in this situation it is possible to limit himself to a fine, he will issue only that.

If the traffic police officer decides that in such a situation it is necessary to deprive the driver of his license, the case will be heard in court. In this case, the motorist has the opportunity to rule and change the punishment.

According to traffic rules, if overtaking under a prohibiting sign was recorded by cameras, the driver cannot be deprived of his license. By mail he will receive a letter about a fine of 5,000 rubles, which will have to be paid within the time limits established by law.

However, if the violation was detected not by stationary cameras, but by portable ones (for example, the fact of overtaking was filmed by a traffic police officer), the motorist may be deprived of his driver’s license. When trying to appeal the received decision in court, the video recording can be used as additional evidence.

When is the fine for overtaking not applied?

In 2015, changes were made to the traffic rules, as a result of which a motorist has the opportunity to overtake a vehicle under a prohibiting sign.

Performing such a maneuver is possible only in relation to certain types of transport and subject to certain conditions:

  1. Performing overtaking. This should be indicated by a special sticker on the body of the machine.
  2. It is allowed to overtake horse-drawn or horse-drawn vehicles.
  3. The rules allow the maneuver to be performed in relation to motor vehicles that have two wheels.

Rules for overtaking two-wheeled vehicles

The traffic rules define the procedure for overtaking bicycles, mopeds and motorcycles. However, not all motorists know about their existence, so in practice this procedure is used quite rarely.

Meanwhile, proper overtaking of such two-wheeled vehicles ensures safety on the road and, in the event of an emergency, can help save the lives of the driver and other road users.

A two-wheeler is less stable than a regular car. Therefore, if you want to overtake him, it is worth remembering that the trajectory of such a driver may change somewhat due to the swaying of the vehicle.

In addition, motorcyclists and cyclists prefer to stick to the right side of the road while driving - it is much safer. However, it is precisely these areas that have a large number of irregularities, when going around which the driver can drive into the middle or left side of the road.

It is for these reasons that a motorist wishing to overtake must ensure that the motorcyclist or cyclist allows him to pass before performing the maneuver. It is also worth remembering that you need to leave a small distance - this will avoid accidents in an unforeseen situation.

If the track is wet and slippery, the cyclist cannot rule out falling. To avoid provoking this, do not press too hard against him. In addition, in the event of an accident, this will allow the car to stop in time and not run over a person.

Before changing lanes, the driver must turn on the turn signals and look in the rearview mirror and make sure that other road users understand his maneuver. To avoid a collision with a two-wheeler, you need to brake slowly.

Temporary sign "No overtaking"

Quite often, motorists are faced with a situation where, in a place where it was previously allowed to overtake cars, this right is limited by a temporary “Overtaking is prohibited” sign. As a rule, the installation of such a sign accompanies various repair work.

The yellow background of the sign indicates that it is temporary and installed only for the period of road repair work. If permanent and temporary signs conflict with each other, motorists must follow the requirements of the temporary signs.

In some cases, in addition to temporary signs, temporary markings are also installed. In accordance with the norms of Russian legislation, these designations take precedence over stationary ones, and the driver must be guided only by them.

The driver behind the wheel makes many different maneuvers. He overtakes cars driving at insufficient speed, changes lanes from one lane to another, and turns in the right places. All this is not difficult if you are careful and follow traffic rules. Otherwise, negative consequences, accidents, and so on may occur.


In traffic regulations, the concept of overtaking has undergone changes. Now it clearly indicates the action of the motorist - overtaking other cars, entering the oncoming lane and returning to his own lane.

Therefore, when motorists drive around a car just standing on the road, this is also now considered overtaking. The concept has become narrower - now it means driving into oncoming traffic, naturally, only in permitted places.


Responsibility for violation of traffic rules is established by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, in particular by article. Unlawful overtaking is regulated by Part 4 of Art. 12.15. According to it, the punishment ranges from a fine (5,000 rubles) to confiscation of a driver’s license for 6 months.

Overtaking rules

The “no overtaking” fine is imposed for a reason. The fact is that overtaking illegally can lead to an accident and more serious consequences. Therefore, the main rule that drivers must follow when overtaking other cars is that they should do this safely for themselves and others.

First, before overtaking, you need to make sure that the maneuver will not cause inconvenience to other road users. You cannot start overtaking if the vehicle behind or in front of you has already started this maneuver. Therefore, if you see that surrounding cars are giving an overtaking sign (turn on the left turn signal), wait until they complete the maneuver and only then start yours.

Secondly, look carefully at the oncoming lane. There should be no oncoming vehicles on it or they should be at a distance that is safe for you (sufficient to overtake and return to your lane).

If you are convinced of safety, turn on the left turn signal, change lanes into the oncoming lane, overtake the desired car and return to your lane, having previously indicated this with a sign.

Attention! Overtake a car in such a way as not to interfere with its movement.

Remember that the car you are overtaking should not interfere with you. For example, once you have started a maneuver, it should not increase speed.

In what cases should you not overtake?

All cases in which overtaking is prohibited are described in the current traffic regulations.

You cannot overtake:

  • at intersections;
  • in the area of ​​a sign prohibiting overtaking;
  • at pedestrian crossings;
  • on sharp and dangerous turns;
  • at railway crossings and before/after them at a distance of 100 meters;
  • on bridges, in tunnels, on overpasses and so on.

Attention! Drivers often commit an offense by overtaking on the right. Remember - this is strictly prohibited. You can only overtake other cars on the left. If you make a maneuver to the right, do not be surprised if a traffic police officer stops you and issues you a fine. In 2019 it is 1,500 rubles.

Punishment for overtaking

If you overtake under a sign prohibiting it, prepare to be punished. It is impossible to say exactly how much the fine is. Maximum – 5000 rubles. The exact amount you will be charged depends on the traffic police officer. It is he who will decide what size of the fine is sufficient, taking into account the subtleties of the offense and their interpretation.

The amount is actively influenced by part of Article 12.15 of the Administrative Code. So, if the car drove around an obstacle and violated the law, then this is part 3 of Art. 12.15. In this case, the minimum fine will be 1,000 rubles, and the maximum will be only 1,500 rubles.

A serious offense is punishable by deprivation of rights for a period of 4 months to six months. These are the most negative consequences that can be expected. It’s difficult to get your license back: you’ll have to take the (theory) exams again. This means updating knowledge. According to statistics, 50% of drivers cannot pass the exam the first time. If the driver “failed” at the exams the first time, the next attempt will take place only in a week.

Attention! If, within 12 months from the date of the first violation, the driver repeats it again (commits illegal overtaking), he will face a severe punishment - deprivation of his driver’s license for a year.

It is possible to reduce the fine for overtaking is prohibited

Good news for drivers - the fine for traffic violations can be reduced. According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, you can return 50% of the fine if you pay it within 20 days from the date of discharge. That is, initially you will need to pay only half of the fine, and not the entire amount.

However, this incentive system does not apply to all types of fines.

In 2019, you will have to pay the full fine in the following cases:

  • driving while intoxicated;
  • driving an unregistered vehicle;
  • repeatedly exceeding the speed limit;
  • if the driver is the culprit of the accident;
  • repeated driving under a red light at a traffic light;
  • driving into oncoming traffic under a prohibiting sign.

As you can see, in 2019, for overtaking under a sign prohibiting this, you will have to pay a full fine. There is no way to reduce it.

It is important to know! If the driver believes that he was fined illegally, that the traffic police officer violated traffic rules or exceeded his authority, he must appeal the decision. But he can do this only within 10 days from the date the resolution is issued. It is advisable to appeal the fine with the assistance of a lawyer.


Many drivers do not know how to quickly pay a fine. Therefore, they go to the bank, where they stand in line for a long time in order to pay off the debt. In fact, this can be done much faster - via the Internet. There is a special service through which drivers can pay fines. You will find it.

It is also easy to pay fines, and also, in principle, to find out about their availability by registering on the government services website.

Those who are familiar with electronic money can make a payment on one of the electronic services. For example, WebMoney, Yandex money or Qiwi. The Mail.ru service also allows you to make payments.

Attention! The fine must be paid no later than 60 days from the date of the decision.

If you don't pay the fine on time

If the driver does not pay the fine on time, the case will be transferred to the FSSP. The amount of the fine will be automatically doubled and the bailiffs will deal with it.

They have the right:

  • deduct the amount of the fine from the salary of the driver who violated the law;
  • seize part of the property of the perpetrator of the violation;
  • prohibit the driver from traveling abroad;
  • impose forced labor on the offender.

Each driver can check the availability of fines on the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate or on the State Services website. In both cases, you will need to fill out a special form. It indicates the driver's license number and vehicle registration number. Thus, you can find out all the information about the vehicle, and not just data on fines.

Receiving a discount

Since the maximum fine is 5,000 rubles, drivers who violate overtaking rules cannot always afford to pay it. It is precisely because of insufficient finances that many car owners evade paying the fine. Therefore, the authorities decided to use a discount system that allows drivers to save on fines.

By contacting the traffic police, drivers can write a statement asking to pay the fine in installments or in installments. Along with the application, you will need to submit documents proving that you are currently in a financially difficult situation and cannot immediately pay the full amount of the fine. If the traffic police agrees to meet the driver who violated the traffic rules, it will be possible to calmly pay the fine in installments.

Overtaking without penalty

Some vehicles, a list that is clearly stated in the traffic rules, can be overtaken even if there is a sign on the road prohibiting overtaking.

  • slugs;
  • two-wheeled motorcycles;
  • horse-drawn carts.

In this case, overtaking must be safe and done in good visibility. The main thing is not to create dangerous situations on the road.

Where does the sign apply?

The “no overtaking” sign begins to operate immediately after it, and ends its effect after the first intersection, the corresponding sign that lifts the restriction, after the end of the populated area.

Attention! Sometimes after the sign there is a table that regulates its operation. For example, it may indicate the distance during which the sign is valid (500, 700 meters, and so on).

Attention! Priority is always with the sign. For example, if a sign and markings on the road contradict each other, you must act as the sign says.

Important! Try not to overtake in poor visibility conditions, such as at night, in snow or rain.

If you are given a fine for illegal overtaking, try to pay it as quickly as possible. This will help avoid possible problems - increasing the fine and communicating with bailiffs. Ideally, always follow traffic rules and be careful not to provoke the creation of dangerous situations on the road.

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